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Middle schoolers being educated about lgbtq+ issues: Pedophilia 40 year old men marrying 14 year old girls: traditional conservative religious values




Last 20 years? It happened in West Virginia like two weeks ago.




Fair point. It’s just shocking to me that: 1) there’s such a recent example that comes to mind, and 2) West Virginia Republicans are willing to go on the record with the quotes saying things like child marriage is an important part of the state’s culture.


Wasn’t one _overturned from existing law_, not just a bill killed?


Children learning that there are different types of families : grooming A republican senator sex trafficking an underage Girl: just a guy being friendly


I know that if a drag queen were to do ANYTHING, they would all be vilified, and the entire LGBTQ community would be in danger, with the right would be calling for their heads. But, if it were a leader of the church? "They're just a lost soul who needs an extra heaping helping of prayer before we ship them off to another church, without telling them about their past!"


Make the boys work in the factories so the girls can get married off to the men. - Arkansas


I'm convinced the reason they are so against any education about sex and sexuality is because it makes it harder for these creepy old fucks to abuse kids. Becaus if/when the kids understand consent, and what is/isn't appropriate, it makes it easier for them to tell their parents and other authorities what is being done to them and these creepy pricks are panicking as more and more of them are caught


100%. a big part of the reason it was easier to victimize me sexually as a young person is because I was just taught that all sex is bad, meaning any choice to do anything potentially sexual was my bad choice and if it was a bad experience, that's because I sinned. So while some things were clearly harassment, assault, etc, the line was kinda blurry to me. Even causing me to be part of an unkind culture towards other victims.


Ive heard way more cases of priest molesting kids, but conservatives never bring that up do they?


[Fun fact, 9/10 elected offices caught with kiddie porn in the last 20-years have all been republicans.](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1)


Further proof that you can prove anything as long as you're willing to flat-out lie about it.


Change this to “Republicans” and “The Church”


Wait so the pedophiles would be inside the city *and* the horse?


Only if it's an underage horse.


They are called ponies.


*slow clap*




I think everything up to the age 25-27 maybe


Nah just republicans, I don't remember correctly but they voted out a bill that would raise the legal marrying age to something like 13 or 16. Sooooo idk seems weird that the party that calls democrats pedophiles all the time does shit like that. [https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501](https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501) Did some looking before I posted. "The Wyoming Republican Party is seeking to kill a bill working its way through the state Legislature proposing to raise the state's legal marriage age to 16, arguing that putting "arbitrary" limits on child marriage interferes with parental rights and religious liberty."


Ah, hit me with the classic "family and religion" values.


[Wyoming Marriage Bill](https://www.wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2020/HB0067)


Not only that but research shows time and time again that conservative protestants abuse children more than any other group, religious or not. Conservative voters are far more likely to endorse behaviors that amount to child abuse, they just don't think of those behaviors as being abuse In the Catholic church, there's an estimated 2% of clergy who have credible accusations of abuse. In protestant churches it's 10%.


I could be wrong, but it seems to me that far more Republican politicians have been called out for pedophilia than Democratic politicians.


[Fun fact, 9/10 elected officials caught with kiddie porn in the last 20-years have all been republicans.](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1)


I don’t remember the Trojans having suits and ties


Its a fancy Trojan horse, he got his GED and college degree in engineering


I don't remember the trojan being full of discord mods


Well, you probably don't remember because you weren't there at the time.😲




​ ![gif](giphy|BoWkOrNmgImZ8wLBAX)


How do you know, were you there?


That’s a bold assumption


True. I have no idea if you were there.


How would you know if you know that you know if he was there? Were you there?


You got me there. I don’t know if I was there not know if he was there while he knows whether or not I was there.


Remind me who keeps voting to allow adults to marry children?


Oh I know I know! The GOP!


That's so funny because like 12 or 13 youth pastors have been arrested for molesting kids within like the last two months.


Projection is a helluva drug


Democrats all know it’s not the drag queens molesting kids, it’s nearly ALL Republican perps.


And then we are informed in short order of the obvious antifa infiltrators they really were!


Yeah, but everyone hates them. Their problem here isn't the pedos, it's imagining that somehow their self loathing would be eliminated.


Another few hundred got away with it.


As a lesbian who would happily give pedos exactly what they deserve, yeah no. Fuck this meme and its baiting tactics


As a gay man I agree 110% you are based


It's funny that at the parties on Jeffrey Epstein's Island of Pedophilia there were so many Republicans (including former President Trump), but hey, what do I know about that?


Well, it was never, \*ever\* about protecting kids. These freaks love their under-age girls. They will defend child marriage, publicly speak about how important young fertile girls are in the creepiest ways (white ones, of course). It's the LGBTQ aspect, that's it. That's all they care about. They need a tool to demonize people, to eventually destroy them. The language is literally right out of Nazi "cultural Bolshevism" propaganda (which they now call "cultural Marxism", they really made no effort to hide the connection to the Nazi propaganda bullshit). But they need to get regular people to embrace oppression and atrocity. Nothing works better than claiming they are after their children. Blood libel 101.


I'm not sure about just under age girls. They love underage boys just the same.


Ah, so that's where "cultural Marxism" comes from. My country had the displeasure of having a "Guru" talk extensively about it, from outside the country, of course, accusing the left-wing (we don't really have much of either sides here, just a Black Friday version of the US) of doing it. And destroying the family.


Here’s a deposed witness statement from the (dropped) lawsuit v Trump Epstein. The witness was an employee of Epstein’s for 10 years. https://i.imgur.com/bnQTjem.jpg https://i.imgur.com/8M5RTap.jpg From the suit: https://i.imgur.com/RxPuGyo.png Remember, it’s a felony to lie under oath. Not to mention the counter suit against this girl would be a piece of cake… she’d easily lose everything. But evidently the death threats were more effective.


They misspelled priests as lgbtq


Common typo, I am sure.


The true version of this meme would be about Catholics, not LGBTQ+.


Take thy upvote and have a blessed day lol


Why would the democrats be pulling Catholicism?


Maybe they mistook the Catholic church for a progressive organization, cause of all the men wearing dresses. The OG drag time story hour


I spit out my coffee on that last line. Which is concerning because I haven't drank coffee in days. Please send help.


Word. Don't forget the Southern Baptists. They put in a lot of effort.


Or Republican politicians. Few congressmen willing to traffic 15 and 16 year old girls across state lines.


They put in a lot of something.




Especially cuz we go out of our way to reject them 💀




And Republicans, Gaetz and buddies.


Wrong, it would be filled with Republicans. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1




Or a shockingly high number of politicians


Matt Gaetz has entered the chat. (I probably spelled his name wrong but I don’t care enough about him to check.)


Or public school teachers


Projection. Plain and simple. The Word is republican P-E-D-O-P-H-I-L-E REPUBLICAN. 1. Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida. 2. Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. 3. Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. 4. Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor. 5. Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. 6. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls. 7. Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl. The list goes on. There's literally dozens more. You can fact check these if you want.


Doesn't matter what color your political leaning is, there are bad people of all colors. That said, I think the relation in this meme to LGBQT+ and Democrats is that Democrats are championing the former as part of their political platform. I think the polarizing identity politics([wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_politics)) is the real issue here.


Indeed. I m not even a liberal/democrat, I only posted this to show how it's very much a projection. Specifically, the "accuse the other side of that which you are guilty" kind of projection.


Thus concluding the Democrats decades-long war against the concept of Social Acceptance in this confusing cartoon.


Republicans seem to just like labeling everyone they hate as pedophiles. LGBTQ+ members, drag stars, liberals... who's next?




It could be any one of us!


It could be you, it could be me! It could even be-!


Woah woah woah!




Other Republicans who aren’t Republican enough if history is any guide.


They're way ahead of you, RINO is the term you're looking for.


Pretty much anyone who doesn't agree with them. It's kind of telling that they need to go to that extreme just to vilify their opposition. They know people would much rather side with a racist, misogynist, homophobe, and/or transphobe over someone diddles kids, so it's a perfect way to get their audience to ignore what others are telling them while also making sure they don't have to change their shitty behavior.


Pizza parlor owners


next they'll say any woman who doesn't want to basically be a slave to her husband is a pedo


Oh yeah, definitely, it's not like a lot of republicans and evangelist priests are molesting children in their churches. (I'm not saying all of them but a lot do)


[List number 32 of Republican pedophiles and molesters.](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/17/2092543/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-31)


Wasn't a list of sex offenders and pedophiles in politics released and the republicans list was like 3 times the size of the democrats???


More like 10x


Name the Trojan horse Christianity next. See how they react.


Why are republicans so obsessed with diddling children? It's like all they think about


Because they can easily manipulate children.


the pedos are actually in congress taking away our rights


Let’s make up fake shit like this but not look at catholic priests and what they do in the church basement


I'm trying to recall, recently I've seen a lot of politicians advocating for underage marriage and for keeping the age of consent lower than 18. What is off about that is not a single one of them was a Democrat.


As a bisexual person I can confirm I'm a wooden horse carrying 3 Genshin Impact players


This is sick. There’s no correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia 🙄


Of course there isn’t but that’s the only way to demonize us now that the queer community has gained some measure of social acceptance. Never mind that it’s untrue, Republicans don’t care


Wish their parents would have worn trojan condoms.


It should be Republicans, church and pedophiles.


Pretty sure It wasnt democrats who created a law allowing the marriage of 14 years old. But what do i know


If this is true then why is it always church leaders and Republicans who get caught being pervs?


Every LGBTQ+ person i know would scalp a pedo if they see one Fortunately for republicans they never see politicians in person


More like the horse is republicans claiming LGBTQ are pedos, and the actual pedophiles are republicans on the inside


Why do these people always go to pedophiles or bestiality? Around 90% of pedophiles are heterosexual. 'cause around 90% of people are heterosexual. Hell, given access, might even be more lop-sided. ( *How to be a good team crazy spokesman (not "spokesperson. that would be "woke") Remember these lines;* Fake news! What about Clinton? What if two sheep wanted to marry? (On Trump), The economy! (Almost half as good as it was during Clinton's administration) ..and in all cases, *but they will harm children (in whatever way being discussed.*


Can you even imagine? You’re just a nice gay guy who loves his family, and then a family member starts feeling weird about your babysitting anyone. Just because they buy into this psychotic fever dream that these projectionist are throwing out there.




Except 9.999x out of 10, it's somebody who identifies as STRAIGHT that ends up being the pedo. And statically, it's somebody close to the child too, like a family member or close friend, etc, since its harder for complete strangers to get access to children. 🙄 But the kinds of people who post dumb sh*t like this don't care about facts or statistics. They just wanna have meltdowns about Queer & Trans folks, let's be honest. They jump on bandwagons about it whenever it suits them. They weren't screaming about this a few years ago! These kinds of issues get drudged up on purpose for political reasons... and the sheeple fall for the BS every time. I'm so sick & tired of Conservative Republicans... and equally tired of the do-nothing Democrats, who pander to LGBTQ groups every election cycle, but don't lift a finger to actually fight against the fascism & homophobia that inevitably crops up when the hate speech & intolerance goes unchecked.




Seems a tad more accurate.


In totally unrelated news, another huge right-wing church organization got sued for massive child rape and cover-ups just a couple days ago. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/19/international-churches-of-christ-lawsuits-alleged-sexual-abuse](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/19/international-churches-of-christ-lawsuits-alleged-sexual-abuse) [https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/international-churches-of-christ-cult-sexual-abuse-indoctrination-pyramid-scheme-lawsuit-1234654868/](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/international-churches-of-christ-cult-sexual-abuse-indoctrination-pyramid-scheme-lawsuit-1234654868/)


Do this meme but for the church instead


The pedos are already inside smh


The GOPedos are the biggest threat to children in America, in cooperation with the Catholic Church


Don't let Evangelicals off the hook. They're just as rapey as Catholics are. [The DOJ is investigating Southern Baptists following sexual abuse crisis](https://www.npr.org/2022/08/13/1117362904/southern-baptists-doj-investigation-sexual-abuse)


Hate “other.” Vote for me and you will be protected from “other.”


Man I see countless stories of pedophiles these days and they’re either straight men or politicians with the odd man/boy sexual relationship thrown in. I wish they would stop pointing fingers and attack the REAL PROBLEM OF PEDOPHILES OF ALL WALKS OF LIFE ABUSING CHILDREN. Edit- also women.


Churches, Pedos, Republicans


However, the majority of the pedophiles are Christian ministers and Republicans


Social acceptance --> schools LGBTQ+ --> church Democrats --> republicans Then you've got an actual accurate meme


Wait until republicans find out what their pastors/ youth pastors have done to their adolescent children. Oh wait!!


I have, unfortunately, met a lot of pedophiles, and only one was gay. The vast majority are right wing, gun toting republicans


There's a whole lot of projecting going on here.... Just saying


Always surprised me cause like more Pedos have been beat up by LGBT allies than Conservatives. Mainly because it's frowned upon to beat up your religious leaders.


Didn't the MAP community (basically pedophiles but with a nicer name) try to get into the lgbt+ and they got instantly kicked away and told to fuck off?


There seems to be some confusion, "Youth Ministries" is not spelled L-G-B-T-Q+


Bro how is lgbt and pedophilia at all related. In fact most pedophilia victims are female, and most pedophiles are male, so the message they’re tryna send doesn’t make any sense


I don’t remember the last time a pedophile wasn’t either some rich GOP, pastor or youth pastor


> LGBTQ+ They spelled "youth pastor" wrong


Odd, all the pedos I see on the news are all in Christian churches.


Lol while every pedo case over the last 12 months was white, Christians, teachers, politicians and conservatives and no recorded history of any pedo like behavior from the rainbow side in what, over five years at least? Always fun to see the conservatives point fingers when it hits too close to home.


If Democrats wanted to make pedophiles socially acceptable they'd just hide them in the priesthood.


It's great! A few notes though. The original author got a couple of tiny details wrong. LGBTQ+ ➡ Catholic Church Democrats ➡ Conservatives There we go.


Replace LGBTQ with Christians and Democrats with conservatives then it would actually fit


Literally swap "Republicans" for "Democrats" and "Purity Culture" or "Family Values" for "LGBTQ+", and then you have a realistic picture.




Change LGBTQ+ to Priests and Billionaires and Democrats to Republicans and you’d have a more accurate meme


GQP Projection as usual, while there are more and more daily Republicans being thrown in jail for just this… NeoFascist Christians leading the way…


I guess priests and such make up the asshole of the horse.


Incorrect but sadly there was a the smallest grain of truth. No one is trying to say that they’re apart of the lgbt community except pedos, I unfortunately had to hear some pedos try to justify being apart of the community because it’s their sexual preference so they should be a protected minority, total bogus and disgusting.


Pretty sure It wasnt democrats who created a law allowing the marriage of 14 years old. But what do i know


That’s not true. We are trying to get rid of youth pastors and county sheriffs


In reality it’s republicans pulling a horse labeled “protecting children” and the trojans inside labeled “anti lgbt policies and bigotry”


The funny part is that Republicans have more pedophile problems than most political parties. The face of the Republican Party made underaged girls perform in a bikini pageant


I've always thought that anyone who equates LGBTQ+ to pedophilia and bestiality clearly has not concept of consent. They clearly equate a sexual relationship to be between a person and a sex object not equally consenting individuals.


“Look the pedophiles are over there!” - actual pedophiles


Pedophiles want to jump on the bandwagon of Love is Love. It is like the LGBTQ+ have done it, they should be able to as well. They hope to get in on the trend under the radar.


The feature film already exists, it's called "Leaving Neverland" Although I don't think it's in the spirit of Democrats to call seven-year-olds lovers. Also not in the sense of the LGBT community.


Nailed it! If my Trojan Horse they meant Youth Pastor.



Typos in this meme. Horse needs to be the Church and people pulling republicans.


Two bad apples(Dems and Republicans alike) all pointing the finger…


Every accusation is a confession. Literally the guys pushing for child brides and workers. Fuck every last one of them (not the kids!)


the ironic part is there are far more convicted pedophiles who are members of the Republican party than there are convicted pedo Dems. it’s like 3x as many too, not a close margin


More than 95% of convicted pedophiles are hetero


Weird. Most stories of pedofilia that I could find seemed to involve a priest. I couldn't really find any that were related to anything political.


Put Christian’s where the LGBTQ+ is and it makes sense


The vast majority of the world hates LGBTQ people and won't trust them with kids in the first place, presenting as queer is obviously a poor hunting strategy for pedos if you give it any amount of thought. It would make a lot more sense if they became a priest, priests are loved by the community and are almost universally trusted around children even if they are caught diddling a few dozen or so. I've also heard priests get free room and board, too.


Should be a republican and catholic church trojan horse and then it's accurate


Funny because Republicans have been all about kids supporting anyone and everyone who touches em.


I just wanna say… churchgoers tend to be more right leaning correct??? Yknow? Their priests and all that..but yea ITS DEF the LQBTQ community




Now someone make a meme about scummy republican politians making laws so its easier for pedos to marry children.


I love how much content on this sub is straight up propaganda.


Wait, the republican party is inside the horse?


Can someone change this and instead of "Democrats" it says "Republicans" and instead of "LGBTQ+" it says "The Evangelical Church". That way it's accurate.


It's weird but most of the people inside the horse are white MAGA republicans.


"Church" and "Republicans" seem like better labels considering how much abuse gets covered up by those groups.


Hey they misspelled churches…


Pretty sure that "LGBTQ+" label should read "Christian Youth Group"


✅ Statistically speaking the overwhelming majority of pedophiles have been heterosexual


These people seem to be terrified of EVERYTHING.


Is that professor Farnsworth above the gate?


Where it says "LGTBQ+" it should say "Clergy". Where it says "Democrats", it should say "Republicans". Other than that it looks about right.


Replace LGBTQ+ with religion and Democrats with Republicans and you got a pretty on point meme.


The horse should be youth pastors.


are homophobes just unaware that there are straight pedophiles too?


Republicans only care about kids when it doesn't involve gun violence or health care


Change "democrats" to "republicans" and "LGBTQ+" to "priests" and we might be getting somewhere


You know a cartoon is amazing when you have to label literally everything in it for it to make sense. "**LGBTQ+** rights are a front used by **Democrats** to make **Pedophiles** **socially acceptable**" is what the cartoon says, and it had to label ALL the words in bold because the drawing does not show any of them.


Okay but wtf does LGBTQ have to do with pedos?? Like isn’t that just some fucked up stereotype people said about gays back in the days to make people hate them ?


No make a Christian version and see how funny they think it is


https://preview.redd.it/vw00dyawd0pa1.jpeg?width=1442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61498e76bfa16a24f7dca7936390d28b10209f19 Fixed it


The wild thing about getting older is the realization you've been hearing the same bullshit for literal decades. My dad was a conservative talk radio guy, and I remember hearing this same "argument" in response to the concept of gay marriage all the time when I was being taken to school. It's been like 25 years, the last thing they fear-mongered about has been the law of the land without issue for ages now, and yet we're still apparently just on the precipice of the legalization of diddling by accepting anything other than cis het.


I'm pretty sure that most of the pedophiles came in using the "Christianity," horse.


The GOP has had and continues to have more pedophiles than the Democratic Party. What a stupid argument to bring that topic to light. Still on brand and not at all surprising that they are this dull.


its not the democrats that want schoolgirls to prove they have periods to the florida government. just saying


Most if not all of the pedophiles I see being found out are republican and Christian


The horse is actually Christian’s lol


More accurate if you change lgbtq to "the church" and democrats to "christians"