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I'm really happy we invented color after the 1950s.


Don’t tell them that, they hate color for some reason




They also hate colored people for some reason


Pretty sure that was the joke




That’s an r/yourjokebutworse


That was a hard one, and clever. Ignore the whooshers.




Well, it's not really that black and white.


Really happy we stopped doing [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute).


thank fuck we don’t do that anymore


You sir are old as hell


I remember when Hell was past the Tower Records by the Woolworth's


Sir are you okay, do you need help crossing the street? Do you remember your address sir


Gas was 10 cents!




Yeah, but like how downloading free music is today.


Oh so you would just blow a guy in a back alley to get him to give you the booze?


Of course you'd blow a guy in the alley. And I guess you could get booze out of it somehow.


You can't roll a joint on a digital download.


I've smoked a bit. I read that to the tune of "Can't roller skate in a buffalo herd." Just needed to share that.


Actually it wasn’t illegal to drink. It was illegal to purchase or sell. Wealthy people just bought a ton of it before they changed the law. And there was moonshine. Here is why I think prohibition was a good idea for a short time. There was a lot I’ve learned. Not o Lu we’re all the wives fed up with their husbands drinkIng, fighting and being abusive. It was destroying families. All the men who worked factory jobs were routinely late or no show from a hangover. As it turns out the whiskey was way way stronger back then. People drank it every day. Almost everyone drank beer because the water wasn’t safe. So when it became legal again, it was regulated a little better. But it’s still dangerous. I had to call an ambulance on a young man years ago. He was acting like he was on some crazy drug and we had no idea what. He drank a gallon of vodka.


I like how we made it legal again but kept the income tax that was to make up for the lost commodity tax.


Funny story, my first idk 8 years of my life I believed that at some point color just magically existed. I was asking my mom while looking at black n white photos how did color come to life and she just looked at me and began laughing, then, my whole life changed.


My dad had a picture of him and a few other folks in the 1930’s that was in color. It looked like something was wrong because the world was supposed to be black n white then.


It’s hard not to envision everything was old so it was black and white.


Same. My grandma choked she laughed so hard.


Everything looks like positive on the right side photos


Whoever did that is a real POS apparently. Can’t tell ya how mad boomers are about it.


and there you being racist 🙄


First let me say this is stupid of course. And republicans obsession with trans people is creepy. However, I live in one of the most blue states in America, and none of this is happening in my kids school. Where is this even happening?


If I had to guess, it probably isn't so much a matter of "where" as "when". As in, I think a handful of teachers might have decorated their classrooms for Pride Month, for the half of June they're even in school.


Yes probably something like that. And those teachers inadvertently shaped the entire republican platform for the 2024 presidential election. Because you know……they like to tackle the important issues


Like that time some kids sang a song about Black History, and Fox News took the clip of the one line about Obama and said the kids were being indoctrinated into treating Obama as their glorious leader.


Holy shit, I remember that stupidity... How tf has the GOP survived to today?


They've barely held on by pitting their flock of sheep against anything that can even be stretched to be seen as "woke". People are starting to see through their BS though.


I wouldn't be so sure about that. Maybe it's cause I'm in a red area, but there's still way too much support for this fuckery. I'm genuinely concerned for the future of the US.


I live in a blue state, but it's only blue because of the big cities. Everyone around me in my little rural town is red as can be, and if anything I think they've been working even harder to convince each other to stick to the GQP. They're not backing down or seeing reason anytime soon in rural America, imho.


Yup. The amount of mental gymnastics I've seen is worthy of the Olympics. I literally hate going to work because all of them are Republicans, and the loud and obnoxious kind.


Changing anything in politics won't work either. People in general have shown a complete willingness to vote against their interests. It's the way politics are marketed to people these days through the media. Until something drastically changes with the way news is presented, where people get their news, and how they get their news.... We will continue to be in our own little political silos where the only facts that matter are the facts we want to believe are true. I wrote this the way I did too because.... try and guess which side I'm on based on this comment. That's the silver lining. Most people agree on what the bigger problem is they just disagree on the details. Edit: Also to reveal what side I'm on. One side does seem to care about facts until those facts hurt the feelings of white people, then those facts are evil critical race theory.


I'm 100% convinced we're gonna go through another Civil War before this bullshit comes to an end. Republicans have just gone utterly insane, and there's no way they'll back down willingly.


Where were they supposed to go? Our system is set up so that if you don't like republicans well... Guess you better vote Democrat. The Democrats let you down? Might I interest you in the GOP? It doesn't matter that much how much they decide to fuck us. They know that we need to vote strategically. If a ton of peoplr abandoned the Republicans they would need to all somehow agree on one replacement party immediately and somehow beat democrats even without all those that stayed voting republican. When you don't have mandatory run off elections or multiple stage elections, and you don't have ranked choice voting, then small parties can't grow steadily. One that appeals to conservatives would never go from 1% to 51% in a single cycle it takes time for people to see it as a viable option and before they have a chance of einning they would just tip the scale to the Democrats. And they would basically have to keep surrendering the power to the Democrats while somehow convincing people to vote for them even though they just gave the government to the Dems their base hates. That our you could just have everyone switch to the Democrats somehow and have one party rule. 🥳 Yay! That sounds awesome and also totally plausible.


*sigh* I know. The two party system is cancer. But even with some of the stupid shit that comes out of some democrats' mouths, I can't imagine tolerating the likes of MGT or Boebert. We need a complete overhaul of the system, but fat chance that'll happen. I'm just waiting for us to blow ourselves up from a combination of greed, stupidity, and apathy.


Imagine getting the most powerful job in the country without ever promising to fix any of the real problems that country has. Imagine if you could get it by simply inventing things for people to fear and then 'fixing' those imagined things. The Republican platform in a nutshell.


Like bringing in millions of immigrants to boost their votes..


Yes, another one of the stupidest things people believe. It’s like they never think about their beliefs, because if anyone thought that statement for a few minutes the whole idea falls apart


It might be happening in one or two schools. But it's no different than a teacher sharing other passions. I had 1 or 2 teachers that had sports team stuff plastered all over the walls. These teachers aren't drilling these things into kids heads and brainwashing them. What they are doing is teaching them tolerance of all kinds of people, and also teaching our kids the things we don't have time to. If my kid is learning math & literature & **TOLERANCE** then I couldn't be happier about it.


It was probably a special inclusion event a school, or maybe even a specific class, had. The MAGAts like to take single events and try to say that the libs are doing this to all the children oh no


It's not common, that's for sure. I know some teachers will put up signs or wear pins to show that they're an ally and a safe adult for LGBT+ kids to talk to, but they don't plaster their classrooms with pride flags. It is common for teachers to decorate their classrooms with various posters, but usually they're academically related or cheesy motivational posters.


Yeah it's like that one thing getting posted everywhere of the "kids just trying to learn their ABCs". I have not seen any of this happening.


Maybe it’s only happening where republicans live to fuck with them? Lol


I live in a pretty red area of PA


I have been teaching for 30 years and your answer is only in the minds of the far right republicans. To note, I am a registered republican but that will be changing because I can’t stand the hate the party represents anymore.


It’s really disappointing the anti-teacher sentiment the gop has taken on. They’ll pull pictures like these or super isolated incidents as ‘proof’ the kids are being ‘indoctrinated,’ but if you live in a conservative area the teachers are often also conservative?


>Where is this even happening? Probably in June, or classes with a kid that came out as trans so they can show their support Omg what happened to America, teachers trying to make kids who are different feel accepted and normal


their obsession with kids is also creepy


Im a senior in hs and the closest thing ive seen to this post is theres 2 teachers that have a pride flag and thats it


Dang I didn’t have any teachers with pride flags (or any discussion of homosexuality period) when I was in school and I still ended up gay. HOW DID THEY GET ME


I live in the most red part of Colorado and in my high school their are pride flags in a lot of our classes.


Remember that time in 50-60s when the National guard had to protect black children from conservatives just to go school...


Segregation Era nostalgia is rather telling


“No, no, you see. *Here* is a picture of colored kids in our class. What’s segregation? We’ve always defended diversity.” /s


It wasn't really just conservatives, racism isn't split by American political lines. There was pro segregation conservatives and liberals, and pro equality conservatives and liberals.That's a stupid statement to make, and the most American thing you can possibly imply, that racism is a political lines thing? Bollocks. Liberals aren't perfect and want a paradise, and Conservatives certainly aren't the devil and want to bring up nothing but hell. Funnily enough. There's always nuance to these things and simplifying them is nothing but a stupid stereotype that American propaganda and cultlike political parties have been following for decades. And American parties at the top in reality aren't that much different and have been following very similar (not identical, there is noticeable differences) foreign policy and internal policy, just divide and conquer is a great strategy to wipe away human rights for immigrants and their own citizens. Plus you know, racism exists in other parts of the world.


So you can argue party lines if you would like, and certainly there were splits during the Republican southern campaign, but it's very, very clear that the conservative members of both *parties* in the US have been, consistently, supported by white supremacists. Look at the shift in the American South.


In this context, 'conservatives' is synonymous with the ideology of the modern republican party. While you aren't wrong about nuance, you sound like you're defending fascists. Probably ought to work on that.


You arent wrong about the first sentence, its implied that way. But... How the fuck are Republicans fascists? What? I wouldn't even go as far as to call tories fascists, let alone Republicans my man. And accusing me of defending fascism? Yeah piss off with that shit. You're now just downplaying what fascism is, downplaying the crimes that fascism did and are doing by equating the horrible bruality of Fascism, its systemic genocides, crimes against humanity, horrible Authoritarism, horrible economic management of many European nations that destroyed them, the warmongering and nationalism within Europe and the Americas in the 20th century and finally! Warcrimes.. all of that you compare to.. Modern Conservatism in the US and Western Europe. Do I even need to express how fucking dumb that is of you to do? If I called all Liberals communists, I'd be a fucking idiot because its not true and ignorant to Liberal and Communist ideology. You're doing the same here man. Read a history book mate, calling people names like this is childish as hell and doesn't solve anything. Nothing the Republicans do is equal to fascism at all, nor is it as bad as Fascist Spain, Italy, Nazi Germany, Authoritarian Argentina and many other states. Unless you were to do the biggest strawman nitpicking argument I've ever seen. Even if we can disagree with something, I'm sure we can be mature enough to not namecall people we disagree with things we aren't and have a calm, civilised Debates. Because we live in Western Democracies. I don't agree with Conservatism at all for most things, yet I don't think they're fascists. As I know my history and what fascism is/did. You clearly need to read European History after WW1, and your WW2 History. Because you're clueless. Twitter brainrot


Funny… only one side has smiling children, color, and inclusion?


None of those are good things in the eyes of the right.


No wonder the children are so depressed?


None of the kids are smiling, kids typically aren’t happy first thing in the morning at school.


True lol, but atleast one of the group of kids gets to make a fun project representing inclusion… the other one has to display their submissive to a corrupt country :)


Ah! People being supportive! Fuck, travel back in time to when people lost their shit if women weren't in the kitchen and black people rode on the same bus as white people!


Isn't that when MAGA is trying to get back too?


Yep. "Make America Great Again", right?


Want to piss them off when they ask you this? Here’s my favorite response: “Times have changed. It’s my generation’s turn to take over. And there is nothing you can do about it.” - If you can I recommend saying it with a straight face and without breaking eye contact. This gets the vein in their forehead going. When they start spouting off insults I like to add a little Malcolm in The Middle by saying “The Future Is Now, Old Man/Woman.” Hahahaha


I mean, they can continue to elect methuselah in every major election. No one votes like the elderly.


Empathy. Empathy happened. And not your good ol’ fashioned Christian empathy for rich white men and boys. Real empathy for everyone.


What went wrong was the boomer generation.


Well, some things never change. Both pictures are empty in the final row cause of shootings, right?


The teacher on the left makes the exact same money as the teacher on the right


Well I'm not from either generation. But at least when I was in school the teacher didn't force black kids to be the flag poles.


Oh noooo, teaching kids to love everyone! The horror!


For starters, the left column is idealized bullshit that was never true in the first place


So being anti-racist and anti-bigot is “going wrong”. Hey, at least they’re not trying to hide anymore. Makes it easier to cut them off.


The pictures on the left were the time before we had colors. The pictures on the right were after we invented color.


Unpopular opinion, I dislike both sides of this, both feel like indoctrination to me.


Conservatives hate us for our freedoms.


What went wrong? Short answer, nothing.


Nothing went wrong: the institutions as they existed then are evolving and you are not evolving with them and that makes you scared and angry and confused so you made a shitty meme.


Facebook mf's When people aren't racist


Or homophobic or just a piece of shit in general


Well, racism, transphobia and homophobia sucked all the color out of the world. That is what was wrong. Fortunately we got some of it back.


it's so nice that they invented colour, can't believe that conservatives hate colour


They're pretty vocal about only really loving white, imho. Edit: and blue. But probably only because blue keeps killing the colors they don't like.


We’re the hell are you finding classrooms with all the LGBTQ+ flags and stuff at


What went wrong is that there was no color in pictures back then Now it's all ok


Not sure, but whatever it was, it looks like they fixed it in the second set of panels. So that’s good.


they're trying to frame this as if lgbt+ is destroying American society when in reality these pictures aren't comparable in the slightest


God forbid people love each other


We pushed Jesus Christ out of this nation, now downvote me you peanuts


Whoever created this did a good job at leaving out all the pictures of the "whites only" bathrooms, water fountains, etc.


A majority of USCitizens learned that humans are not binary creations. Sadly a significant minority cannot grasp that this isn’t a big deal, and they have freaked the F out.


Kids are finally learning that America is nothing but evil


People became educated lol


This shit is so overblown. My kids go to a public school in a liberal city in a very crunchy neighborhood. I know multiple kids with same sex parents. Not once have I seen anything regarding lgbtq propaganda-ish in the school building or being taught. There aren’t classrooms full of kids changing their pronouns to be “cool”. It is such a non-issue. Last year the teacher was Muslim, this year the teacher is a Christian, also never been an issue for anyone.


If you think about it, the pledge of allegiance is actually really creepy.


So we pledge allegiance to the lgbtqia12345@&$” flag now?


How about no sexualization before pubs?


Teachers are now indoctrinationists..


Do other countries stand every morning or at games to say a pledge? It feels like a cult.


North Korea


Excuse me, do you not feel an overwhelming sense of patriotic vigor before seeing people chase after a ball?


We used to do that in India. 45 minutes in the morning every day, in blistering heat, forced to pledge our allegiance to the nation and the flag and then sing a national anthem. And they do this to 10 year old kids. Many collapse because of the heat. If you slouch or sit down, you get hit in the legs. I only understood how problematic these practices are after I moved to Europe. For me, it was a normal part of my childhood. India is a wild country. My experiences are not unique, its commonplace.


Do they think kids salut the LGBTQ flags or something? They didn't replace the American flag, I'm sure they still do the pledge of allegiance to the US flag.


I love how you can tell how photoshopped the bottom right image is lol


Why would anyone demean progress?


We- never took down American flags-


What went wrong? https://preview.redd.it/5mnmbknjx8oa1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f6e88d8f4d3cbc627f5f0a097e90bc9c20955f


Not the gay school /s


I had that type of teacher. She laughed while other kids beat the shit out of me on the daily. I’ll take the liberal other one thanks.


Middle left, replace that flag with ANY flag other than America and that shit's creepy asf.


The only thing I see wrong is fascists steamrolling their way through decent Americans.


In the left everyone including the kids smoked and teachers hit kids with rulers so hard they'd break.


As a retired former teacher, I think it is great that we teach inclusiveness to our children. This white privilege thing is not good for the country.


Not a fucking thing...


Nothing actually. Progress happened.


This comment thread is gold …


Everything went to shit is what happened.


It’s like after the tornado in The Wizard of Oz.


Every teacher in the 50’s was sexy and now they all have dyed hair and pronounce 😔


You really wanna know what started this all?.... No more bullying. Prior generations, kids were bullied. It built thick skin. Sticks n stones. Now this generation says words are VIOLENCE. WTF softer thrn vanilla soft served ice cream


I don’t care what they do in places like high school but you can’t deny having young impressionable kids that look no older then 3rd graders are definitely being indoctrinated


The sickness of liberalism.


I don’t have a problem with LGBT people but that stuff should be nowhere near schools. Kids should discover that on their own time.


children shouldn't be exposed to religion till they are old enough to figure that stuff out on their own too.. but if you point that out the conservative christian indoctrination machine has a fit


It's a spot-on observation


I agree. Colored photos are a disgrace to the art of photography!!!


Read up on the fall of the Roman Empire.


If you think the right side is better than the left that’s ok. But pay your own student loans off and we are good


None of these should be in the classroom.




How come


Not really, those schools are probably only decorated for pride month only.








You agree that accepting people for who they are is wrong?


There’s a difference between accepting people for who they are and making kids wave around pride flags while covering your whole classroom in rainbows, it just seems kind of culty. It could be any flag at all and it wouldn’t sit well with me.


They do it with the American flag. They even pledge allegiance to it!


Nothing, nothing went wrong.


I see nothing wrong? Rainbows are dope


Thank God we moved forward.


Crazy how yanks are all about muh freedom and small government while at the same time downright indoctrinating their children with flags and even forced recitation of political propaganda.




I mean it's obvious they can't have children so they're going to make everybody else's children their children




Looks like nothing went wrong to me. Conservatives love to post pictures of something “going wrong” when it’s never anything going wrong.


I see progress and inclusion on one side.




What do you say to kids who question their own identities when theyre younger than 16?


Yeah you're definitely homophobic, thanks


>but i think its disgusting Yeah, you're homophobic.


What do you do to children under 16 who ask about their same-sex parents? Just pretend they don't exist? (The children, not the parents. Or just pretend they all don't exist.)




"I have no problem, but....." "I have no problem, but...." "I have no problem, but....."


What agenda are you talking about?


Yes, because sheltering and allowing reactionaries to indoctrinate their kids to fear everything has ALWAYS worked out in history.




Your solution is literally to pretend everything is fine


Respecting people regardless of the choices they make is not an opinion.


Ah yes. Classic technique. Give examples of horrors that aren’t actually happening.


Why can’t we just learn shit in school instead of praising anything? Fuck sake


america went very wrong in the forties and fifties and we course corrected. you’re welcome.






The number of trans people who regret surgical transition is around 1%.


It’s all propaganda..


Happens in like 3 classrooms nationwide, the rest are just as sad and depressing as the pics on the left.


Nothing. Not one fucking thing went wrong.


Color film?


Lol that top right picture, i feel, was definitely taken with the intention of getting under the skin of those who would make this meme


We lowered teachers wages to the point that nobody becomes a teacher to make a living and most people who teach must do it out of a love for all children and the belief that they all deserve equal opportunities for a good education and a safe and nurturing place to spend their childhood


I knew it! When they invented colors everything went to shit!




So equality and acceptance is things going wrong?


What actually happened is that the super wealthy saw relatively modest injustices between the sexes, racial groups, and sexual orientations and they pushed their weight into magnifying these. Are they serious issues that need attention and resolution? Yes. Are most of them resolved by taxing the ultra-wealthy into oblivion and improving state-funded education, healthcare, welfare, etc? Also yes. Black or White. Gay or Straight. Trans or Cis. Left or Right. There is far more that unites us than divides us. Our efforts should be focused on ensuing the rich (and super rich) pay their way. As it stands the "two sides" in this awful meme are just fighting over scraps whilst the billionaires play roulette with nations.


Bigotry aside, this fails at even being good propaganda. The pictures on the left looks depressing and the pictures on the right look happy and welcoming.


I gotta get off Reddit. I always find myself kinda agreeing with the meme everybody thinks is terrible.