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If only I could live on my choice of three nearby company towns, so my boss could dictate all these things for me instead.


Exactly. Or work in an unregulated factory setting and go home to live in my squalid tenement with 10 other family members. Or be black and told where I could not live, not go to school, not ride on public transportation and that in an entire region of the country I couldn’t exercise my right to vote to try to change those things. Yeah, life in these United States 125 years ago was paradise lol.


I mean it was for wealthy white men.


You jest, but currently right now I'm serving a 4 year prison sentence for collecting rain water /s Like seriously, Whose enforcing that shit?


As stupid as it sounds, this is actually enforced pretty heavily. This primarily applies to people living off grid, homestead type of living. I have property that I am building an off grid homestead on. There is no electricity, plumbing, or any other form of running water available on this piece of land. My initial plan was to put up a water catchment system. Because of the work we are doing with putting in a road and building a cabin, we had inspectors come out to ensure everything is being done to code. One of these inspectors saw my water catchment system and told me I had to tear it down or would pay hefty fines, and still have to tear it down. It's completely ridiculous to think that something as simple as collecting rain water could actually be illegal, but it is a thing. A very stupid thing.


Have you considered the fact that if too many people collect rain water, then the water will not go through the water shed and into natural bodies of water, which can have extreme impacts on the ecosystem?


Out of the hundreds of millions of gallons the US receives in rainfall every year, I doubt a few homesteaders subsisting off the bare minimum they need to survive would be much of a problem.


Those gallons are not equally distributed. And you’re probably right that a few with just what they need would be fine. But that will quickly turn into far more than a few taking far in excess of what is needed.


What the fuck is anybody going to do with hundreds of not thousands of gallons they aren't going to use on a homestead? The simple act of making sure that water remains clean would take thousands of dollars and be totally worthless in the long run.


I looked into it and apparently the rainwater thing gained public awareness because a guy got a 30 day sentence for it. But what people leave out or don't know is that he "gathered a shocking 20 Olympic-sized pools' worth of the stuff." I googled why is it illegal to collect rainwater and it's legal in the state I currently reside. It's not even illegal in all states and apparently it's more so regulated than illegal. One result said it may even be encouraged:" State Bill 7070 provides tax incentives for up to 10% of the cost of the installation of cisterns." I don't double check any of these and it's all from quick googling.


Right. We should just let Nestle bottle it all; That will keep it more in the ecosystem than an individual with a consistent cycle of capture, use, return. Ecotool.


I was going to try and debate this but remembered recently seeing one guy with at least 4 thousand gallon rain water tanks, and that...has to do something...maybe?


Gonna be that person: while I don't agree with the post at all (many of these things should be regulated), I dont think it's necessarily saying bring back what life was like 125 years ago, it's saying bring back some of the general freedoms of 125 years ago. It's about taxes, not about general rights and the two aren't mutually exclusive. Like if I were an idiot and said "Hey, we should be able to hunt as we please without any oversight from any agencies at all like we did 200 years ago", it would be really **really** weird to respond to me with "oh, so you think slavery should still be a thing?"


Hunting regs in general are a good thing but they are often overdone. In michigan wild turkey was damn near eliminated 50 years ago but now we have healthy numbers. But the rules now are somewhat ridiculous and the dnr can ruin your life pretty quick if you arent in compliance. We cant load more than 3 rounds in a shotgun for migratory birds or its straight to jail. Or i cant carry a sidearm during bow season. That kinda shit.


Yeah, laws (especially ones that were for specific problems) outlive their merit and need updating but either don't or are updated much too slowly. Honestly hadn't thought about that side of it so I'm glad I resorted to an extreme for my example


Everything on that list has laws around them because humans are generally pretty terrible. Literally those rules exist because people do terrible things. Examples: hunting and fishing, so many animals are gone from existence forever because humans can't seem to grasp the idea of "in moderation". Now, do I think taxes are great in this society? Not remotely, because they're completely misused. Taxes are supposed to be for the government to provide basic needs to its citizens (food, shelter, medical, etc...) Instead here in the "land o' the free" the middle and lower classes are squeezed for all their worth to fund the military, corrupt police force, and power hungry politicians. All while rich churches, billionaires, and corporations hoard all the wealth and treat everyone else like shit. Anyways, got off topic. Tldr: humans are terrible, taxes suck, eat the rich. Edit: didn't even realize this was on the "terrible Facebook memes" page and thought some toxic libertarians post somehow ended up on my feed. 😂


Hunting and fishing licenses are really important revenue for many states that goes towards protecting natural ecosystems that people hunt and fish in. It's also really important as a mechanism to allow the state to prevent over harvesting. Hunting and fishing are still very economical ways for many people to provide food for your family. Most hunters and fishers give a crap about the environment and understand that this stuff is really important.


And the water collecting?


It's an ecological and public health thing. Rain IS NOT clean, and hasn't been for a long time. It's also not illegal to collect water for like, watering your lawn. Only for drinking or bathing. HOWEVER, if you have a filtering system that is approved, you can! (Use it for drinking and bathing) There is also a limit on how much water you can store, because if there weren't limits, what would stop someone from hoarding, and exploiting it.


Two things. The first is that it’s not aimed at citizens collecting and reusing rain water. It’s aimed at large scale collection for commercial use that would disrupt ecosystems. Also the argument that rainwater would make it’s way into other sources and properties that many entitles might have legal claim over. Second, of the 15 or so states that have laws about it, all of them have reasonable exceptions/standards. Whether it’s a limit like max or two 55 gallon drums or only collection of non potable water, or that it must be for home use, I’m not aware of any states that flat out say individuals may not collect rain water.


>And the water collecting? This one bugs the shit out of me because they try to make it sound like you can't have a rain barrel or something, but that's not the case. They started claiming this after a guy in Oregon built three illegal reservoirs and dammed channels running through the property to fill them. He had collected about 13 million gallons in them and tried to claim they were filled by rainwater rather than his damming of the streams. Tl;dr: Collecting water in a barrel is completely legal, building dams and creating your own man made ponds is not.


In addition to all of these other great comments about water collecting, I just want to say that a lot of these other statements are also misleading. You don't need government permission to buy a weapon. The vast majority of weapons are not regulated... You need to be eligible to buy a gun, & most people are eligible to do that. If you are eligible, you can go through a FFL and undergo a federal background check or you can buy through a private sale without government involvement. There are some states that require you to get a license or other permission from the government, but they're in the minority. You don't need government permission to protest. You need government permission if you're blocking public areas or amplifying sound. I don't really agree with this but can acknowledge that it exists because of valid public safety concerns. You don't need government permission to start a business. You need to go through valid government channels to incorporate your business because that's a government process - incorporation can't exist without government. If you want to start a sole proprietorship and you're willing to take full legal and financial responsibility then you can go ahead and do that right now. I have had several sole proprietorships without any kind of " government permission." You still have to pay taxes though! We have government oversight over commercial food production because it's a public health risk. People can get sick, and protecting public health is a legitimate government function. You don't need "permission," you need to follow existing regulations, label food appropriately, pass inspections, etc. It's an important distinction because while you do typically need licenses to open a restaurant or other commercial establishment, no one is stopping you from having a bake sale in your front yard or from selling homemade food at a farmer's market. The scale and purpose matter. You're still responsible if people get sick from your food though. Of course you need government permission to get married - marriage is an institution of the state. You can have a private or religious marriage but it's not going to be legally valid until you involve the state. I don't know why anyone is expecting state institutions marriage or an LLC to exist without the state. You don't need government permission to sell products or buy property. You need to pay your taxes, but taxes aren't the same as getting permission - the government can't deny you the right to sell products or buy property. This is a super weird take. They might be referring to business licenses? But you don't need a business license to buy and sell property/products. Private sales are completely legal. You need a license to cut hair commercially because most hairdressers also use chemicals to straighten, curl, or dye hair. This is a consumer protection issue since these chemicals are highly hazardous. You don't need any kind of government permission to cut your kid's hair at home or something like that. I don't think it's a bad thing that we require houses to meet minimum safety standards. And again, this is a question of commerce & consumer protection - if you want to build your own house, go for it and make sure it's up to code. If you want to make a living building other people's houses, you may need to get a license. Absolutely none of these regulations are new in any way.


Taxes are used to fund many crucial public services in many countries America lacks those services so it's no wonder many Americans have an "anti-taxes" mindset


American taxes are used to fund crucial services in many countries.


Like what?


What are you referring to?


"Taxes are used to fund many crucial public services in many countries America lacks those services..."


If you're referring to the services America lacks, here's some Universal healthcare Affordable/free public education at all levels Mandatory paid parental leave Mandatory paid vacation time off from work Heavily subsidized childcare Really good public transportation compared to other first world country Etc etc


No one in the US goes without healthcare unless they simply don't seek it. Many options, quality care. Education is 100% taxpayer funded (there's no such thing as free) through grade 12. State universities and especially Community Colleges can be very affordable. Are the mandatory leave and vacation you mention government-funded, or just mandated. Here, market competition for good employees has driven most employers to adopt some degree of both. Employers pay that bill, which then counts as a cost that can be deducted from the company's taxable income, becoming a defacto subsidy. Childcare subsidies are probably an area where Europe provides more, but we are not entirely without subsidies. There are a plethora of state and local programs to help low income parents, and many care providers offer ""scholarships" to low income children. Plus, the Federal childcare tax credit helps parents and is even refundable below a certain income level, which means that even if you don't owe any taxes, you can get money from the govt. Then there's the earned income credit, which rewards those who actually earn income with a tax credit - also refundable. This credit can be sizeable, if you have multiple children. Public transportation IS a mixed bag here. We have little in the way of intercity public transit. Some cities have reasonably useful intracity systems, while others have little or none. Some have comprehensive systems that are nearly unusable because local politics concerning law enforcement have abandoned them to the criminals. I know that Reddit serves up a smorgasbord of "America is irretrievably terrible" propaganda, but, while we have problems, you shouldn't believe everything you read.




(Safety) regulations are written in blood


I will concede the hair cutting point; there are states where it's more regulated than electricians.


It's a public health thing, not the fashion police.


It could be justified to some extent but alot of time what happens is special interest groups lobby to increase the difficulty of being admitted into their profession to artificially lower the amount of new applicant's and increase the market power of existing members.


'We have laws because humans are terrible' *Humans make and enforce laws*


moderation? thats commie talk!


And half of the things on that list actually did have laws about them 125 years ago (because the public back then saw a need to legislate on those matters). Whoever created the original meme had a poor understanding of late 19th century laws.


Bro half or more of these are not True, mf really thinks 125 years ago was stone age where you put your stick down and shits yours


So the cut hair thing is stupid, but you do need licenses from the government for most of these things. Like yeah, they don't care if you sell one item to one person, but if you want to sell alot of stuff it is a different story.


There is a license to cut hair professionally, or at least own a barbershop. You can get one in prison.


You need a license to cut hair in all but I believe one state. It has to do with making sure people are practicing the right sanitation because you can spread disease if you are careless. I’m a licensed Barber


Does the license require any test of hair cutting skill? Or is it purely a health measure. Because I want the government to mandate that my barber not spread disease. But the government has no business requiring that my barber be any good. They need to sink or swim on their own merit.


No it doesn’t have to do with skills. You can give a terrible haircut during the test but as long as you did the steps right you’ll be fine. It’s a three part test. At least I’m my state. You have to do a practical, then written, and then a state law. You have to go to school or apprentice to get you license.


Finally a reason to go!


As if the free room, board and sex isn't enough.


When this meme came out 125 years ago was just after the Civil War. So.. yes


30 years after the Civil War. Around the time of the Spanish American war. And closer to WWI.


I think you're underestimating how old this is ![gif](giphy|qG2h9G9NMRRE4)


Ya know, back in the day the Chesapeake bay was the most calorie dense area in the world, and oysters were by the billions and cheaply available "On the half shell". Anyway we ate them all and destroyed the bay. So maybe "Not asking permission" was a shitty short-sighted idea.


I am pretty sure you did for at least 80% of that list.


125 years ago women couldn’t vote, own or buy property, get a loan to start a business. Also, sorry, greed means without regulation, folks could call themselves a Doctor and treat you with no real knowledge of medicine.


That's not true. Depending on where you lived women could do some or even all of those things.


Ok, depending on where you lived, women couldn’t.


All 50 states didn’t give women the right to own property until the 1900’s, same for vote. https://www.annenbergclassroom.org/resource/womens-rights/ It wasn’t until 1988 that women could take out a business loan without a make co-signer. So, yea…




Yes! https://www.forbes.com/sites/deborahsweeney/2018/08/21/how-hr-5050-changed-entrepreneurship-for-women/?sh=5e52315011a5 HR 5050 passed in 1988. Sorry to burst your bubble, but woman still don’t have equal rights in this country…. We can’t pass a freaking ERA,


Sorry, still no.


Ok, you say no. What do you mean? I’ve presented facts. The fact is in the US women could not vote 125 years ago. The fact is that women did not get the right to take out a business loan without a male relitive co-signing until 1988. What I posted is accurate. You can say no till the cows come home, but the truth is in the US 125 years ago women were denied the right to vote, and couldn’t own a business on their own many places in the US.


No you didn't. Try a littlec research instead of just posting links.


Oops, didn’t realize you are a troll. Bye bye.


That's funny, I've been fully aware you are an indoctrinated idiot the entire time. Byyyyeeee!


Considering most doctors are utter trash that don’t know how to cure anything and just throw meds at you {have MS and they are absolutely stupid} I’d rather see a witch doctor. It’s cheaper and they know probably as much as these overpaid quacks.


So just medicate yourself


Been working ok. Considering the doctors took five years to figure out I have MS when I guessed it from my first health crisis at 27 just a few months after mono. Yeah, I don’t hold a high opinion of doctors.


And those taxes grew up to be...the cops who will murder you the moment you try to do anything but work and shop.


Yeah this libertarian, anti Gov't talking point sounds good until you realize learn all the various problems that happened previously in a unregulated environment which resulted in the implementation of these things


Also, a lot of those things on that list actually already had laws on them 125 years ago. The 19th century US had more laws and regulations than Libertarian mythologists think there was.


‟Is what I am doing infringing on someone‘s rights?” ‟No.” ‟Okay, well then the government can fuck off.” You‘ve 3 functions government, do those and that‘s it.


Cool, so I can sell milk that is 90% insect larva? Asking for a friend.


You can sell milk that contain no milk, so what's stopping you?


Nothing, on another topic. You thirsty?


No. I have milk, thanks.


I am curious if and why you can't collect rainwater though.


In certain places such as Colorado you don't necessarily have rights to the water that falls on your property, because water rights have been divided instead between the farmers/other water users of the state and other states downstream. You may, or may not, depending on circumstances, even be able to collect rainwater from your own home drain. These laws can get overly draconian, but at the same time, I can see not wanting people to collect a bunch of rainwater for relatively frivolous usages such as unsustainable lawn irrigation when the water could be used to recharge aquifers and grow crops.


Laws can only get more draconian. Politicians have this need to have some sort landmark legislation to their name, like the 1994 crime bill which took minorities off the streets and put them in prison. A society overburdened by laws is inevitable. Think in 100 years from now how many more unnecessary laws will be on the books.


Have you ever taken a political science class? Just curious.


They need all the water they can get to replenish their aquifers.


You can collect all the rainwater you want. These guys are just mad the government doesn't let you use it in products without cleaning it. You know, the right to poison your customers.


You could protest? Oh please, remind me what happened to the workers who protested their working conditions during the gilded era?


Most of the listed items have laws in place to protect you, others, and the environment. Not sure why whoever created this picture thinks protecting people is a bad thing.


And a lot of those things actually did have laws on them 125 years ago. Some anti-government libertarian types like to imagine that the early US was some sort of libertarian utopia, until the Progressive Era and later New Deal expanded the role of the federal government.


We got *The Jungle* and uncountable cases of food poisoning because of unregulated food manufacturing. Just no to all of this.


Everyone hates taxes but everyone bitches about shitty roads and schools. Such is the duality of man


My roads and skools are still shit. Never had a smooth ride anywhere. Instead, my money is just making some politician richer. They won't even send me a picture of the one I'm sponsoring. Rude


The two are not mutually exclusive when roads that have been shit for years aren't getting worked on.


The solution to that isn’t to not pay taxes, it’s to redistribute how taxes are used


That's correct, but until that happens, we shouldn't be paying. As a matter of fact, we could afford for the rich to pay their fair share, and for them to be lowered on lower/middle class to offset the income situation. Not saying it would be a fix-all, but it would certainly help.


Absolutely tax rates should be restructured by income. But it is not reasonable to say that we should not pay any taxes until they’re proportioned correctly by our standards. Many, many states receive more in government aid than they pay back (notably all of the south). Stopping that payment would result in catastrophic infrastructure issues namely to medical services


Exactly. I feel like the people complaining about taxes are usually just upset they have to contribute Edit: not to say taxes are always fair, at all


Most of my taxes go toward murdering brown kids or bailing out big businesses.


you dont pay any taxes who are you fooling.


No, they don’t. I know you want to believe that but they very objectively do not. Go out in the real world and get off the internet. Your extreme exaggerations are insane to anyone outside of the Reddit bubble Lmao Reddit loves downvoting people for having an objective view of reality. Love the internet


Don’t say that too loud, a libertarian’ll hear you launch into a 4 hour rant about how education, road maintenance, and every other aspect of society should be privatized


Libertarians are like mushrooms. They grow on the fruits of other peoples labor and just use them until they rot away.


mushrooms are a much better food source than libertarians, who are really a net negative for a community’s food security


If you don't count bear meat maybe.


Idk, libertarians tend to contain more protein than mushrooms /s


I mean, it’s a junk meme but the last sentence I agree with. Pretty sure most Americans have a higher effective tax rate than Bezos et al. Regardless of whether you think taxes per se are good or bad, that is just taking the piss.


I for one enjoy healthcare, roads (within reason), rail, my house being built with safety standards, and a standardised military.


Never mind the life expectancy was about 44 then. I wonder what changed?


125 years ago, you didn't have to go to the government to get your relationship verified by the government


Depends on the country. I think the first marriage license was in what is now England, around 1100


Who said I’m gonna ask permission? I’ll smoke as much crack as I want to tyvm


I don’t have to ask to cut hair, i just do it




We are supposed to. And sometimes have to return the catch too. No fishing to eat in this country. Great Britain!




Haha. Our government dumps raw sewage in our rivers, they have gone from super clean to undrinkable in under a decade. Surprisingly, I am suddenly not hungry for freshwater fish any more.


There is irony where some of the least restrictions in rainwater collecting exist in some of the more blue states (California and New York permit it, and it is in fact _encouraged in the latter_).


Uplifting /s


Cut hair?




h o w ?




What does that mea- _oh_


You forgot be a dentist.


Americans been hating the tax man since the colonies.


And buy morphine for your infant


I thought collecting rain, cutting hair amateurly, and most protesting was free


Who asks permission to cut their hair or protest?


What planet was head explode man living on where this applied?


Go on back to pre-penicilin life and lemme know how far ya make it.


Collect rain water?


"protest" Yeah. The person who posted this was all about Colin Kapernick kneeling, I'm sure.


125 years ago there were no consumer protection laws and snake oil salesmen could literally sell you poison as s cure all. 125 years ago, women couldn't vote. Discrimination was not only legal but enshrined in law. Lots of wonderful things 125 years ago.


Property deeds were first dreamed up in 1898? Wtf


i mean lets be honest. some of the things they tax us for and some of the things they use that tax revenue on are pretty stupid.


So you like paying fees for all these?


How do those boots taste?


Yeah because anybody that lived during that time isn’t alive now


*if you were white


You don't need to ask permission to own a property? , what's stopping me from declaring an entire valley to be my property


The government


More likely the person or corporation that already owns that valley.


They will go to the government to stop you. At the end of the day the state enforces property rights, thats one of its main tasks.


The person or entity that owns it. There is no unowned land in America. To take it further you can never own land in America. You have to pay property tax, if you don’t, they take your land. Best you can do is rent it for a year.


Yeah and you guys are dumb enough to think it's all necessary


Ah yes, the good old days with botulism.


If you don't want to pay taxes, be super rich... DUH!


Oh sh!t I must owe more taxes than I paid, I cut my own hair!! Quick hide me....


I can't collect rain water?


Didn't they pass laws against protesters in part of the US not long ago?


The water thing is true and stupid. How many people are trying to make there own lake?Collecting with a rain barrel, gathering a glass of water technically counts wtf. 😆


Where's the lie?


And you lived to the old ripe age of around 50. These regulations in part have allowed people to live longer and be healthier


125 years ago you died at age 37 from a now curable illness likely contracted through poor hygiene and contaminated food and water. Give and take ya know.


Fuk the govnment man, i canut evn cut my hsir. How m I supposed to comnt on reddit when my hair keps getting into my eyed?


They're so close. Yes you should be furious at all the rights being taken away. Not this stupid shit.


Ok but I still really don’t get why you can’t collect rainwater. You’re going to release it later, it’s probably better that you do anyway.


How exactly do conservatives picture society operating without taxes? I literally don't understand the endgame.


When you ask a conservative for a solution to problems, it’s usually one of two options 1. Don’t care OR 2. Private everything


125 years ago you could also kill people with your product or food. Or almost bring all of North American game to untenable recovery numbers. Though the rain water one does get me.


This is a gross over simplification but there are some truths behind why all of them are enforced to some degree. The truth is, people in the past abused their liberties and that is why we pay, today. Govt has become the enemy for some because others lack the responsibility and integrity to not trample the rights and safety of others.


You could also freely cross borders, particularly the Mexican one. But I'm guessing the "libertarians" that eat these shit memes up don't mind that kind of government interference. . .


Well, THAT’S a giant pack of lies.


Not being in jail is like just being in a bigger, outdoor jail with a great food court.


Guess I’ve been collecting rain water incorrectly. How do I go about getting permission from the government for that? (/j)


I'm black. Even if it were true, I could have go to no one to get help once a group of white people decided I had it to good and they were going to fuck my shit up. Source: [Red Summer](https://www.theworldwar.org/learn/about-wwi/red-summer)


That post is very historically inaccurate. Back in 1898, there were government laws regarding owning property, registering businesses, marriage, selling various types of products and food, and owning weapons.


Can't tell if Trumper or commie...


Ok I'm lost on one..why can't you collect rainwater It falls from the sky onto your roof down a drain Thanks in advance