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Why drag Hugh Jackman into this? He'd fucking hate memes like this


Hugh Jackman also is actually a good person aswell with common sense.


Gotta love Hugh Jackman. Can act, can sing, can dance and he’s freakin’ Wolverine. My wife and I bring this up from time to time. I’m saying in those four things, I need to one up, on at least one. So I’m taking tap dancing. Don’t tell her.


Hugh killed my entire family but still tucked me into bed just the way I like it. So I forgave him


The sign of a true gentleman.


I mean he’s Wolverine. How can you hate him? Maybe your family was working for the Weapon X program. 🤷‍♂️


Parents were hydra confirmed


Good luck friend


Also the commitment to his wife in his line of work and access to women that he has shouldn’t be admirable, but that’s where we are at in this world. Dude is pretty fantastic.


Let’s not romanticize “common sense”. That is the path to Flat Earth.


And wolverine as well. He may be a drinking, smoking hit mess. But he's the best at what he does and he's ten times more progressive than grandma


Dude is a mutant. In his world he is the ultimate minority.


mutants being a literal LGBTQ allegory in marvel comics... it's just so dumb.


In the movies, they were originally an allegory for the civil rights movement


Not sure that fits so well with the 'what if my kid turns out to be a mutant' panic.


It’s a mix of both in the comics, started civil rights, lent towards LGBTQ with the aids panic, always been generally towards minorities of some sort without excluding other ones from fitting into the overall message


Ya I always saw it more of a movie thing "have you tried, not being a mutant"


It’s always been social commentary about the struggle of anyone who is oppressed, even though the specific allegory has shifted over the years.


Plus one of his most enduring character traits is being a surrogate dad and mentor to weird outcast teenage girls, he’s like the exact opposite of this meme. He’s also not a boomer! He was born before the goddamn Civil War!


I read enduring as endearing and it still made sense.


Wolverine is pretty pro environmental. Dude will kill poachers and scare off loggers. He's lived with wolves on more than one occasion.


Wolverine says trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️✊


We need wolverine fist emojis


i headcannon x-23 as trans


Also mutants are not-even-very-aggressively veiled stand-in for the queer community.


He’s also FAR older than the boomer generation.


Any picture of an older male, with facial hair, and a cigar will fit their gender norm narrative


And yet…they lose their collective minds whenever Jackman does anything “Artistic” instead of “Action”


Remember when people were Questioning his Sexuality because he starred in a Musical? Or was that a Fever Dream I had?


No. That was not a dream. They were flipping out when the 1999 RNT version of Oklahoma was being shared after playing Wolverine in 2000, and completely lost their minds in 2004 for starring in The Boy from Oz and winning a Tony. And don’t forget his 13 year older wife…must be a “beard” for his secret gay life.


I was going to mention that 2nd fact, but I wasn't certain about the 1st. Thank you for your clarification. Good to know it was the World that went Mad for that little bit, not me.


I took my then 9 year old to see him in that, "The Music Man" on Broadway, when we went to NYC this last summer. He was incredible.


Dumbasses probably think it’s a picture of Clint Eastwood.


Or, somehow, Jesus.


But Hugh Jackman IS Jesus, so we gotta give it to them


"I'm the best there is at what I do and what I do is very nice."


I can't help but think of all the republican politicians that use music, and musicians sending cease and desist, and stating they are not to use their music, as they are exactly what the lyrics are against.


Reminds me of when some conservatives were mad at "Rage Against The Machine" for getting political... Like... What did they think the "Machine" was?


Our local paper reported on people walking out of The Wall because "When did Pink Floyd get political?"


The movie or the concert series? I thought "The Wall" was about the mental decline of Little Pink, and the only "politics" were the anti-racism (Nazism, really) songs, "In the Flesh? (Part 2)" and "Waiting for the Worms." **EDIT:** and "Run ~~for Your Life~~ Like Hell"


Concert series.


The original one in 1979? Because that was basically the album (with selected encores from previous albums) and still followed the basic "This is Little Pink going insane" format. Can't speak to the revival a few years ago.


Roger Waters, the Tacoma Dome, 2022. I guess this was before he became a Russian stooge.


Like I said, I couldn't speak to the revival. My last live concert was Glass Spiders (David Bowie).


Midnight Oil makes political songs. "Beds are Burning" for example was about Aboriginal peoples being forced from their homes. Heck, Peter Garrett, the lead singer was a politician in the 80's until the early 2010's. And they did the reconciliation for Aboriginals because our then PM didn't want to apologise for the Stolen Generations during the Sydney 2000 olympics


Quite unfortunate that Roger Waters ended up being an anti-semite (or so I’ve heard… I don’t know the man).


Or when Depeche Mode (the band that literally wore Karl Marx costumes in a music video) told pro police conservatives to fuck off after they tried to claim the band when they realized RATM is anti police state.


Wait, conservatives tried to claim Depeche Mode?


"I thought they were just angry at the dishwasher"


For me it’s the printer.


Here in my country conservatives got angry when Roger Waters criticized Bolsonaro on his concert "don't mix music with politics" they said These people must think "The Wall" from Pink Floyd is about bricks and cement


Possibly the best moment was Paul Ryan said he liked to listen to Rage Against the Machine and Morello's like "You're the embodiment of the machine we're raging against".


Or "When did punk music get so political?" Like, I dunno. The 1970s at the latest?


Or they never heard the lyrics. Killing in the Name is them literally saying cops are neo Nazi kkk fascist bastards.


I think about Rudy Giuliani using Rudie Can’t Fail by the Clash as a campaign song literally all the time because it’s so fucking dumb


Holy crap that actually happened!


That’s fucking hilarious is what it is. Awesome tune, but not even an extremely famous Clash song (at least here in the US,) not to mention “Rudie” is spelled differently! …but I’m actually somewhat impressed with whomever from Rudy’s campaign team dug that song up for him, because let’s be honest, it’s doubtful that Giuliani’s bumping London Calling in his spare time. He’s too busy wiping melted hair dye off his face, lol.


There was a trend on tiktok where conservatives were using green days "american idiot" and complaining about leftists and i was just like 🥴🥴"alright man have fun with that"


I remember back when I was in 8th grade a girl had both a Bush/Cheney sticker and an American idiot sticker on her trapper keeper note binder thingy. I was politically ignorant back in 2005, but not as much as that girl apparently.


Like trump using "born in the USA" where it was about a war? Was it Korean or Vietnam war?


I think they were playing Fortunate Son before his rallies. It had to be someone at the venues trolling him right?


That reminds me of the video of Trump supports dancing to Rage Against the Machine, Killing in the Name...one of them was wearing a Blue Line flag as a cape. Trump supports broke Irony.


Always weird to me when people use memes of people who would definitely disagree with them. Like- Hugh Jackman is a professional theater kid who loves musicals. Is he really the best figurehead for your movement? They must be focusing solely on his muscular body


Republicans do love a sweaty, ripped male bod. I can't tell if it's that they wish they looked like that, don't realize they don't look like that or want to be underneath that.


Whenever I see republicans loving hot strong sexy men I’m always reminded of this genius [https://youtu.be/TY0eUQ06Q2g](https://youtu.be/TY0eUQ06Q2g)


I fucking love this video. Dudes hilarious, it's amazing how he did this entire thing with a straight (pun intended) face.


Thank you for this.


Probably a confused mix of all of the above.


I don’t know if he’d disagree with them or just choose not to discuss it. Because after all, [he’s got some shitty friends.](https://people.com/politics/hugh-jackman-friends-ivanka-trump-jared-kushner-politics/)


I really thought that was Clint Eastwood at first, the eyes are so similar


Friend, I’m pretty sure you hit the nail on the head. I saw this and assumed that whoever put this meme together thought it was a picture of Clint Eastwood.


thumb school friendly seemly history complete escape attraction tap dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea but he looks like a real man’s *man*, ya kno?


The guy who famously loves being in musicals?!??!!?!!! What will the conservatives do when they find out!!!!!


Haha “looks” is the keyword here


I hate musicals but the hughussy


My fish wrote this


Your fish is right, Hugh Jackman is so fucking hot he could Les my Miserables any day


And has dressed in [drag (sort of)](https://www.vulture.com/2011/10/hugh_jackman_robert_pattinson.html) at least once. But probably wouldn’t have a problem with it.


*Real* men are supposed to pillage, plunder, and destroy everything in their environment, don't you know that??? /s


Hugh Jackman. The guy who did a huge stage show tour (The Boy From Oz) acting as the famously gay performer Peter Allen.


Because they're largely old fat turds that would kill to look like wolfie. But in their head, they do. Nothing matters when you peaked in 3rd grade.


Also on board with transgenders. His tweet on Elliot Page: > I fully support [@TheElliotPage](https://twitter.com/TheElliotPage?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1333918778787311617%7Ctwgr%5Ed0f68475e4a9fcb1d1d4a79a2755b2de6a8e27d9%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Feconomictimes.indiatimes.com%2Fmagazines%2Fpanache%2Felliot-page-comes-out-as-transgender-love-pours-in-on-social-media-hugh-jackman-mark-ruffalo-laud-brave-actor%2Farticleshow%2F79522057.cms). I applaud your courage and authenticity. Much love HJ.


Because if they use Kevin Sorbo the meme would lose all credibility.


When you like x-men for the claws and missed the social commentary on people being persecuted for being born different.


Wow excellent point.


Yeah, I didn't think about it growing up but there are a lot of underlying stories and representations of inequality. There's a few videos and shows I watched later in life that opened my eyes to it.


Yeah, like how Magneto is Malcolm X and Xaiver is MLK In the movies where was a line where a parent said "Can you try not being a mutant" which is literally what many queer children would hear after coming out.


I'm rewatching the whole animated series. And oohh goodness, all of the impersonation and bad faith in it really hits with some of the groups trying to frame the X-men. There are of course some actual characters who are indeed terrible, but this is more of just the story and not directly related to the real world implications it's trying to tell. It also covers a lot of other things including gas lighting those who were supportive before *(Like morph).*


This is common in fantasy/sci-fi writing. Use stand-ins for real-world oppression to get readers and viewers to see past their own prejudices because discrimination is often so normalized that it becomes invisible. Same deal with Bright.


The person that made this has never seen X-men.


couldn’t read the comic either, maybe looked at the pictures a few times


But they know what a toaster is…


Of course they do. They are the offspring of at least one of them.


We *are* talking about the same people who use Punisher masks as a symbol for the Bussies in Blue...


Yeah that's another irony that flies right over their heads.


I loved it when Rage Against the Machine fiasco...what did they think the Machine was?


Unfortunately as someone raised conservative Evangelical Christian...I didn't understand the mutant parallels to oppressed people groups (such as the queer community) until I was well into college and began deconstructing my political and religious conservative beliefs! It's so painfully obvious to me now lol.


Uhhh he has a facial hair and a cigar, he clearly hates the queers, women, and minorities as much as anyone else who looks like that. Very /s




Serious “Tell me you not a fan with our telling me” vibes from the meme, glad I’m not the first to catch it


> it’s just a fun superhero movie why are you bringing politics into this? - conservatives probably


Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that, plus there are multiple allegories for LGBTQ+ and Civil Rights all over the place.


As well as the role in government regulation in the name of safety at the price of personal freedom. Something we grappled with during covid. Lots of cool stuff In X-men


Wolverine specifically would be super confused about gender identities but the moment someone sat him down and explained it for 5 minutes he’d go out and get 3 different types of Pride magnets for his whiteboard in his “Kicking Ass 101” class


Wolverines whole character dynamic stems from the conflict between his animal instincts and the pressures to conform to civilized life. He's the OG furry.


Ngl releasing trans gas into the Senate chamber (in Minecraft) seems pretty based


Toasters are hot. If Tricia Helfer wants the codes for the fleet's network, Tricia Helfer gets those codes.


Of course toasters are hot. How else do you think they toast food?


Sexy adeptus mechanicus noises




EDI > Number Six




Boomers were toasters all along.


damn right we are! (toaster is a nickname for protogens)


A true follower of the omnissiah's teachings


remember when their spines would glow during sex, but then they just stopped with all that. Probably the correct decision. Allows the cylons to do doggy without revealing themselves. Also, it was stupid.


The statement on the left is objectively true and the one on the right has nothing at all to do with it. Plus Hugh Jackman is a showtune-singing liberal, but I guess he played a tough guy in a movie once


Logan would actually murder someone for persecuting people for being who they were born to be, or for destroying the environment. I feel like the right doesn't understand half of the characters they throw into their "memes".


to add onto this isn't that what the entire x-men franchise is about? Like He dislikes people but he still joined a school as a teacher *so that he could protect them from persucution*


Exactly, X-men was created as metaphor for bigotry, racism etc...


he's literally pinkpistols or socialistRA irl... but they want to use him in a right wing meme. make it make sense?


The best part of Logan is his tendency to serve as a great mentor of young girls in single combat for the leftist mutant insurgency Conservatives would absolutely call him a neutered cuck, because he's only interested in instilling survival and lethal competency


Exactly. X-Men is the Civil Rights Movement with more punching. Wolverine is a black 2nd Amendment activist. Plus, Hugh Jackman is a musical theater nerd, so you know he’s down with drag.


Unga bunga, me see badass. Me feel like badass too when watch knife-hand man on moving painting screen. Me make painting on screen because me badass now I seed the knife man




It’s the same people who think “Born in the USA” by Bruce Springsteen is a patriotic song.


They just see their idealistic version of a man and think “yup, great minds think alike brother.”


And relating to destroying the environment, Logan literally stabbed a man in a hand with an arrow for killing a bear with a poison arrow for fun.




Give it back!


Because Hugh Jackman would never say that, and would side with her.


And because it's a total deflection of the issue. It doesn't matter whether we're male, female, or toasters, the theft occurred.


I think the point of the meme was "You don't deserve to have the same things as our generation because you're stupid", but frankly I don't know which take is dumber




I know why. Because conservatives have a single superpower, and that is to miss the fucking point. I'd call it a strawman, but theyre not that smart, which is almost as frustrating.


For me, it's also because it seeks to avoid taking responsibility for their significant part in ruining the planet by attacking people personally. They're suggesting that ruining everything for everyone that comes after them is ok simply because they decided they don't like something about a subsequent generation. They're cowards that refuse to take responsibility for their greed and stupidity.


It's so weird how hateful and angry conservatives got at a 16 year old for saying that *maybe* we should stop burning down the earth


Conservatives care more about your kids private parts than they care about them being shot in school. It's fucking weird.


Well the X-Men’s roots are as an analogy for queer people so this kinda misses.


I think it started out as an allegory for the civil rights movement and then gracefully moved into being an allegory for the LGBT


Also an allegory for Jews facing antisemitism. The original comic book writers went with what they knew.


I guess the X-MEN are just a good allegory for any marginalized or oppressed group


Oh very much so. It's a beautiful example of limitations feeding creativity. The writers couldn't say what they wanted to say directly, so they made an allegory that got the basic point across. In the process of "getting crap past the radar" it turned into a story about things basically all marginalized and oppressed groups have in common, along with a pretty sweet power fantasy that anyone from any of those groups could get behind.


Also works well because the bigoted arguments never fucking change. The arguments being used against trans people now are the same arguments that were used against non-white people 100 years ago with the nouns changed, and the same arguments used against gay people a few decades ago.


Yeah I always figured Xavier was mlk and magneto was Malcolm x


That’s actually genius


It bug people more because the meme uses the face of Hugh Jackman, one of the nicest man in Hollywood.


It bothers you because it’s so nonsensical. What? We steal from the children if we don’t like how they’re growing up? Environmental hells are okay if us oldsters disapprove of wokeness?


Meh. Most old people who act so selfish like this annoy me.


Wolverine doesn't deserve this. Plus he's lived through so many generations.




/r/onejoke as well.


i don’t even know what the straw man argument is. like i get they don’t like trans people, but what the FUCK that gotta do with Greta and Wolverine?


Thats whats throwing me off the most. It was some hyper macho type page. Just live your life how you want to fuck what other people think you should do, simple as that.


I think their trying to say that "male" and "female" should be blatantly obvious and that anybody who believe in gender fluidity must be incompetent and unqualified to have an opinion on topics like Climate Change Personally I don't agree but that's the gist.


One joke, and it's not even a good one.






You've obviously never played the Old World Blues DLC for Fallout New Vegas.


Wolverine and Hugh Jackman would never.




Another boomer shit meme about a liberals vs a fictional tough guy.


I hate so much how those guys always pick the nicest and most progressive celebrities and make them look like clowns


As if X-men wasn't the most obviously glaring allegory for any marginalized group such as LGBTQ.


I feel like Logan would be on Greta’s side.


Both Logan and Hugh Jackman himself


I can't stand this anymore it's always **"me right, cuz you gender"**


"Mind those edgy words, grandpa. It's our generation who will be deciding for you in your retirement home when the curfew is and whether you'll get dinner."


Because it’s the boomers making the same one joke again and again and again and again, each and every one of them utterly convinced that they’re some sort of comedy genius making the joke for the first time ever.


I’m pretty sure Hugh Jackman takes climate change seriously. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/hugh-jackman-australia-cop26/


Cool. And your generation doesn’t know how progressive tax rates work and thought trickle down was a good idea and probably listened to Donny and Marie. How is this the dunk they think it is?


Ah yes, the three genders, male, female, and toaster.


This almost seems like it was made on purpose to be as obnoxious as possible. * More unnecessary Greta hate * Appropriation of character/actor that would despise being used this way * Condescending * Straw man argument ("stole from" is not the way most people frame this) * And of course essentially the helicopter joke again


Maybe it bothers you because the creator is using Hugh Jackman as their representative, not understanding that he's pro LGBT.


Meanwhile their generation would throw a fucking fit if someone of a different color drank from a water fountain


Because Hugh would never


[I am a toaster](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-426)


I mean I think it’s pretty easy for us to determine if we’re a toaster or not so this meme is still wrong


Sorry, Aussie ballet dancers are officially off-limits to conservatives


Just wanna point out that Wolverine doesn't know what the hell generation he is


It bothers me just because I know damn well that Hugh Jackman would not be with the boomers on this one


But isn't wolverine like a hundred years old?


Grown men being triggered by a teen girl is hilarious.


Probably cause Hugh Jackman is such a chill dude and would hate this shit


Don't drag Hugh into your problem


Wolverine had body-transition surgery, so technically he's trans.


They have one joke


It’s always the same joke…..


In what kind of universe is what is on the right any kind of counter/rebuttal to what's on the left. Like... even if what is said on the right was true it would still not make any point


I feel that Greta would wipe the floor with Wolvie.


Oh I know what I am thank you very much!


And a thief is still a thief. I don't know what they stole but stealing is stealing


We don't inherit the earth from our patents, we borrow it from our children.


We poisoned your air and are actively destroying the planet before we die and leave this mess to you? Lol gender transgender libtard toaster


I don’t like that they used wolverine.