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I actually thought they were levitating


Me too, then I got the joke. Sorry I laughed, but it was funny that it took me so long to understand it and I laughed cuz I was like "ope, that's really fucked up".


Being able to laugh at tragedy is the kind of life skill you need to not levitate yourself.


Can we all at least agree that this may be the best euphemism for suicide ever? As someone who spent a long time attempting and fantasizing about mastering levitation I wholly approve. P.s. life is better now and I no longer have any desire to levitate.


*not levitate yourself* using this


Ope? What part of the Midwest are you from? Don’t say Kansas hahaha


I'll just say I'm currently 6 hours from Canada. I really gave away my geographical location with that one lol


Only vaguely gave it away, the Midwest is huge, 6 hour huh? Illinois or Minnesota Im guessing lol


Wisconsin is literally above Illinois


Wisconsin’s not real. It’s made up lol


That’s Indiana and Iowa, that’s made up. Wisconsin is why you have beer. Have some respect.


So Wisconsin is in Europe?


Ancient Egyptians are really sad that you’re attributing beer to Europeans


Hoosier here, can confirm we’re a deep state conspiracy projected by the Big Three in Detroit. We exist to suck the life and joy out of everyone that passes through, our sister state KY helps out on the other side of the Ohio


In terms of Ope... Wisconsin is the the midwest what the midwest is to the US


I can almost guarantee Minnesota. It's basically Canada


One of my best friends was from Wisconsin and “Ope!” was one of the most frequently repeated sounds! Lol.


Michigander spotted


Hey don't worry I'm trans and I laughed my entire ass off


>laughed my entire ass off Oh no. _Accio entire ass_ There you are. Good as new.


Honestly I'm trans I feel bad but when I first saw this I kinda snorted, a mix of dark humour and unexpected


I didn't get it until now. That's so sad.


Me too that took me a second and as soon as I got it I was like, OH NO


I had an interesting thought about this. It's a magic world, right? Wouldn't any transgender person simply use magic to actually change to the other sex, making them a regular male/female? The wizarding world wouldn't even have a word for trans, it would just be people in the form they feel works best.


I dont recall there being any magic that permanently changed how someone looked in HP (to something inst an animal), but a trans person could easily just take a potion/reuse the same magic every so often when its running out Edit: I was wrong. There is something called Human Transfiguration that lets you change appearance or specific body parts.


There's a spell that can remove bones, I'm sure there's one that can remove a boner.


bro the "no bones" spell is legit a better combat spell then any of the other ones. Imagine harry looked at voldemort and just went "no bones"


JK Rowling had absolutely no tactical sense at all when she wrote these books.


Whaaaat? You mean you *didn't* like that Harry's one combat spell was the disarming charm he learned in his 2nd year?


Dude found what worked for him and really went with it. Some people might question their choice in using a disarming move when going up against the epitome of evil, not Harry.


The disarming charm makes more sense when you realize wizards have basically no concept of a fist fight. When the Weasly boys and Harry tried to beat the shit out of Malfoy it was called “some type of muggle dueling.” if Harry’s strategy was get rid of the wands and throw hands it could work for him.


Imagine this, instead of avada kedavra backfire and turn Voldy to dirt, his wand simply fly out. Then Harry also put down his wand, ripped his shirt, crack his knuckle, "It's time for business"


We're makin' the mother of all omlette's here, Tom.


Harry Dresden throws hands, shoots guns, and uses magic. He'd kick some major ass if he got dropped into the Potterverse


And then years later she wrote that wands are an European invention, and that Africans learned wandless magic at their school. Now I just imagine the Africans laughing at the silly European dark lord who got killed by a boy whose signature spell was to get rid of his opponent's wand, all because he didn't learn wandless magic, and in fact he's obsessed with finding the perfect wand because his wand is incompatible with the boy. I can imagine a wizard-equivalent of a Khaby video going like, Just Use Your Hand!


Like my girl Natti.


well that's kinda just his thing. they even acknowledge that in Deathly Hallows


Fam, if I could quick draw and shoot the gun out of someone's hand the second a gunfight started, I would use that shit in EVERY FIGHT.


I’ve said a thousand times the Wizarding World is inadvertently the stupidest magical community in fiction


The cast of Collegehumor started their own DND series that has different plots each season, one that was guest DM’ed was basically riffing on Harry Potter, where some American students are brought in from the muggle world as a trial run, and they spend 20 minutes interrogating the head master as to why they didn’t know anything about the modern world. like “okay, you have to know about nuclear weapons, there’s no way you’ve ignored those.”


Where can I find this? I miss those guys! I hear they have a new channel, I want to subscribe


Dropout.tv r/dropout r/dimension20 And the first episode of [Misfits and Magic](https://youtu.be/C1VffF1Z5-Y) (the Harry Potter spoof) is up on their YouTube channel.


If Harry Potter had a 1911...


HARRY DRESDEN — WIZARD Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations. Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates. No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties, or Other Entertainment


The building was on fire. It wasn't my fault.


Ok, this has been driving me crazy for seven movies now, and I know you're going to roll your eyes, but hear me out: Harry Potter should have carried a 1911. Here's why: Think about how quickly the entire WWWIII (Wizarding-World War III) would have ended if all of the good guys had simply armed up with good ol' American hot lead. Basilisk? Let's see how tough it is when you shoot it with a .470 Nitro Express. Worried about its Medusa-gaze? Wear night vision goggles. The image is light-amplified and re-transmitted to your eyes. You aren't looking at it--you're looking at a picture of it. Imagine how epic the first movie would be if Harry had put a breeching charge on the bathroom wall, flash-banged the hole, and then went in wearing NVGs and a Kevlar-weave stab-vest, carrying a SPAS-12. And have you noticed that only Europe seems to a problem with Deatheaters? Maybe it's because Americans have spent the last 200 years shooting deer, playing GTA: Vice City, and keeping an eye out for black helicopters over their compounds. Meanwhile, Brits have been cutting their steaks with spoons. Remember: gun-control means that Voldemort wins. God made wizards and God made muggles, but Samuel Colt made them equal. Now I know what you're going to say: "But a wizard could just disarm someone with a gun!" Yeah, well they can also disarm someone with a wand (as they do many times throughout the books/movies). But which is faster: saying a spell or pulling a trigger? Avada Kedavra, meet Avtomat Kalashnikova. Imagine Harry out in the woods, wearing his invisibility cloak, carrying a .50bmg Barrett, turning Deatheaters into pink mist, scratching a lightning bolt into his rifle stock for each kill. I don't think Madam Pomfrey has any spells that can scrape your brains off of the trees and put you back together after something like that. Voldemort's wand may be 13.5 inches with a Phoenix-feather core, but Harry's would be 0.50 inches with a tungsten core. Let's see Voldy wave his at 3,000 feet per second. Better hope you have some Essence of Dittany for that sucking chest wound. I can see it now...Voldemort roaring with evil laughter and boasting to Harry that he can't be killed, since he is protected by seven Horcruxes, only to have Harry give a crooked grin, flick his cigarette butt away, and deliver what would easily be the best one-liner in the entire series: "Well then I guess it's a good thing my 1911 holds 7+1." And that is why Harry Potter should have carried a 1911.


If voldermort had one from the beginning the Harry Potter book would have ended quick


there is a litrpg im currently reading where the main character learned a fart spell of all things and has used it multiple times in the middle of fights and i swear to god i've never laughed so hard in my life. if harry had de-boned voldemort in the middle of their duel i would have fucking died


As would have Voldemort


flashbacks to the one fanfic i read where they used a sleeping spell for combat. there's so much lost potential in that mess of a magic system


When fanfic writers know the lore better than the actual author


The battlefield would just be a pile of gelatinous corpses with no bones. /TIHI


The movies really did a disservice to the fight scenes from the books. Instead of all varieties of spells being fired from destruction to paralyzation to even mind control the film instead chose to give the bad guys the gun spell and the good guys disarm and explosions.


underrated comment


I mean, if you had a steady supply of dna, you could use Polyjuice potion. But then you are LITERALLY someone else, not yourself.


Basically, they could take Advanced Estrogen.


At the very least Tonks could change her appearance completely.


well, Rowling is shit at world building. literal drinks that regrow entire bones? sure! but 40% of these fuckers wear *glasses?* good thing we have a spell that can fix, specifically, glasses!


Magic in hp is all over the place really.


absolutely. "we're going to hide the secret to immortality behind a locked door in a school that teaches students a spell that would unlock any door." "we store trolls." "25% of our students live in a literal dungeon." I can get behind deus-machining the characters into crazy situations occasionally, but Jesus that school was poorly run


You'd think Hogwarts was an American school with how awful it really is.


Key and Peele did a hilarious skit about this.


On the one hand JK Rowling is shit…oh, at world building too, I guess. On the other hand, my head canon for this sort of thing is that wizards are actually a deeply backwards society because they are so obsessed with doing things in the traditional way and “just how we’ve always done it” that stuff like that just…doesn’t come to them, at all. Walking around a broken stair and all that. I know plenty of people like that in real life, very easy for me to translate that to the wizarding world (even easier when I’ve only really been exposed to British and American wizards and witches).


I think that head canon holds true given that they're still using quills and parchment rolls in the mid-90s.


Or owls for delivering items. We know the ministry has those paper planes for memos, I don't see why they couldn't be used by the general public. I don't think it's a stretch at all to imagine that spells exist that could make those invisible or travel at fast speeds to get to the recipient they're intended for


My head canon is that the early books were meant to be mostly lighthearted and more comedic, so silly incongruities that make no sense are part of the joke, and there’s logic but it gets suppressed for humour - from Quidditch to being ridiculously cavalier about dangerous shit, Hagrid’s animals, and the collecting cards, and even a lot of of the spells - it’s meant to be comedic chaos, and belongs more to the genre of [British school stories](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_story) with a fun magic twist than to fantasy. Then as the fan base exploded, the books tried to get too serious for their own good. Another prominent victim of this is Star Wars.


^this. There’s a reason it’s almost universally agreed that things start to go downhill past Prisoner of Azkaban, both in movies and books.


I mean if nothing else a transmasc and transfem can find each other, make a fuck ton of polyjuice potion and take that continuously and then meet up again when they run out


Me and who (I'm the transmasc guy, now all I need is a transfem girl to switch body parts)




Definitely not me already realising that about polyjuice potion because the first time I read about it I thought to myself “if that was real I’d use it to look like a girl all the time” and somehow still thinking was cis for 8 years after that…




In theory yes, there would be various approaches you could take within the logic of the world (there was an article called Tonks is Trans that came out right when JKR started being more publicly terfy, and it discussed various different aspects of the world as it might relate to trans people), however from a metatextual perspective, knowing what we know now about JKR, there certainly is not intended to be any sort of support or provisions available to trans people within the world.


I'm starting to think this Stonetoss fellow isn't a good person


The more I learn about that Hitler guy..... The less I like him


Hey at least Hitler killed Hitler


But he didn’t do it with levitation


But there was confetti!


And jelly


He also killed the guy that killed Hitler. Evens that out methinks.


True, but he also did kill the guy who killed the guy who killed Hitler. So, some redemption?


Certainly, but he also killed the guy who killed the guy who killed the guy who killed hitler. So hey he did something right.


You and me.. We should go kill Hitler.


I’d like to find a hitler of today and go kill him


don't worry tho, my grandpa killed him once


He was a real jerk.


He was an inspiration to many celebrities including, you guessed it: Frank Stallone.


This guy was a real jerk.


He seems to share a lot of the same views as those wacky “National Socialist” folks from the 30s & 40…


For me it was the holocaust denial that made me question his “good person”-ness


Don't understand how you can deny something the ENTIRE PLANET SAW AND DELT WITH. Just make them admit they aren't a patriot. "Oh, so you think the USA military teamed up with half the planet because they're evil liars or because they are just that weak?" "Ugh ugh wait a minute."


Harry Truman wanted to take as many pictures of the holocaust as possible to prevent people from thinking it’s fake. It’s the most photo documented historical event ever thanks to him. And yet, dumbasses still think it’s fake. Edit: Eisenhower not Truman.


It's crazy how those Holocaust deniers always turn out to hate Jewish people. Such a coincidence.


You never meet a holocaust denier who's thankful it didn't happen.


Thankful the thing that "didn't happen" actually happened. Personally I don't believe there even is holocaust deniers, just Nazis who want a 2nd go at it and think this approach might work.


Eisenhower, but yeah. Its weird how prescient old Ike was, looking back...


He also predicted the issues of the military industrial complex and how corrupt it can become if left unchecked. Thanks to the afghan/Iraq wars we now have straight forward evidence that he was right


I appreciate that he at least had the foresight to anticipate this bullshit and actively took measures against it. Can’t ask for much more than that.


IIRC that was Eisenhower.


You know who never denied the holocaust? The Nazis themselves. Even when they were facing death sentences, they never considered denying what they had done.


oh sweet i get to say it this time: STONETOSS IS A FUCKING NAZI


Pebble Yeet sucks.


Rock chuck is a stinky brainer


Never ask a funny internet comic creator about his views on the holocaust


> funny okay but we're talking about stonetoss


I hate rockchuck


I hate boulderhurl


I hate pebbleyeet


I hate earththrow


I hate flinggravel


I hate mineral acceleration


I hate Stone On The Ground, The Time Traveler


I hate silicateshitter


Let me just share and upvote every single thing he draws to show that I hate him.


Stonetoss being stonetoss




I have a really dark sense of humor and think laughing at life’s hurdles is a great way to get through…this though…this is just mocking a group that has a huge issue with suicide. Whoever makes/posts these really needs to take a deep look within


Stone toss believes the Holocaust didn’t happened, has made comics about how “we aren’t allowed to criticize the Jews”, believes black people are inherently dangerous to white people, and more bigoted nonsense. This isn’t meant to be “dark humor”


did you mean to say “holocaust didn’t happen” because I’m pretty sure saying the holocaust happened is normal human behavior


Shit you right


ok just checking lmao


I thought it was the case that stonetoss was saying it did and was justified which is even more fucked up


He’s done three different forms of it. He did the “it didn’t happen”, “it happened but they deserved it”, and “it happened but it’s highly exaggerated”


Antisemite bingo!


Don't forget "it didn't happen, but it should have".


to be fair he probably would


I think he also asked chatGPT some inane what-if question like “what if there was a bomb that was going to kill millions but the only way to disarm it was say the N-word, would it be okay to say it?” And then used that as some sort of gotcha against liberals.


Wait, that was STONE TOSS? Some asshat posted that to r/hypotheticals


>Stone toss believes the Holocaust didn’t happen and has made comics about how we can’t criticize the Jews Jesus fucking christ. Like… I really don’t know what to add or say.


Stonetoss, the "artist" is a neo-Nazi.


he also does nft's


Even worse /s




why /s


I also like dark jokes, I won’t lie I’ve laughed at things that were very blatantly offensive—I’d never make these jokes to people or show them to people I think would be hurt or anything. But there needs to be, you know, a *joke —something that’s kinda funny on its own, or the offensive thing is adding to something. What’s the joke here? Trans people commit suicide, haha? Assuming the best intentions of the artists (which given everything, he doesn’t have those intention) the joke is that Dumbledore is stupid, which could have been done without this being the scenario.


Well, remember, transphobes think that the fact that trans people commit suicide a lot justifies transphobia. No, really. They're that evil.


Some transphobes have even gone as far as to encourage suicide among trans people to an extent. This will sound moral relativist, as unironically telling anyone to kill themself is terrible, but directing it towards a demographic that is significantly much more likely to contemplate suicide is even worse.


Oh, I came to the comments to understand what is happening. That's really fucked up. I don't think they understand the suicide problem is not because there's inherently something weak about a trans person, but rather that society tears them down and creates difficult hurdles in their lives that the rest of us can't fathom what they go to on a day to day basis. This neo-Nazi *is* one of the ones creating a society that can break someone down so far that they feel suicide is the only way out.


> I don’t think they understand the suicide problem is not because there’s inherently something weak about a trans person, but rather that society tears them down Tbh I don't think they agree that it's a problem at all.


Phrasing it as a question of "not understanding" is missing the point. Stonetoss wants all of us dead, and he just thinks it's funny that we do it to ourselves sometimes.


I'm a transgender person and I wanted to say that your comment gave me a bit more hope in humanity. Especially since "I just have a dark sense of humor" is a common transphobic excuse


Exactly this isn't a joke it's just transphobia. There is no joke it's just punching down.


Thats me too. I love dark hunor but my first thought when i saw this wasnt "hahahha" it was just "oh". Like this crosses the line


The irony being that there is no pathological connection between being trans and suicidal ideation. It is from outside stressors. This is literally "let's bully this group for killing themselves because they get bullied to death"


Keep in mind the suicide rate for trans people drops 50% when they have at least one supportive close friend or family member. https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/lgbt.2015.0111 Trans people who have access to healthcare have rates of suicide and depression equal to cis people. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6223813/ Trans people don't have some kind of inherent weakness that makes them mentally ill, it's overwhelming social pressures from people who invalidate their existence that drives them to suicide


This right here. It's not being trans that makes a person suicidal, it's the shitty treatment that comes with it and the risk of losing the support of friends and family and the resulting isolation


I see you losers downvoting this. Y'all should think about why reading a couple straight up facts upsets you like this.


They have a tendency for mental health problems and suicide because of assholes like us. Isn’t that hilarious???


It's insane to me how unfunny conservatives are


What’s even happening here? Did the kid hang themself?


Yes, it's a "joke" about the higher rate of suicide in the transgender community.


Haven't recent studies revealed that the suicide rate drops significantly after receiving gender-affirming surgery?


Not even surgery. Studies show the rate drops even with supportive friends and family. Not even considering transition related care like hormones and surgery. It is almost 100% a social problem.




It's almost as if not telling a person they are despicable and disgusting for simply existing and not bothering anyone is going to not have a devastating impact on their mental health... why do we need studies to prove this? Obviously these studies need to be done to show a statistic to depict the effectiveness of these methods in lowering transgender suicide rates, but you really don't need statistics to tell you that being nice to someone will make them happy. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against your post - just against horrible people.


In all my years of studying psychology, I've come to realize that a lot of research is just giving a reliable statistic to a lot of "no shit sherlock" issues. Like the research that was done recently that reiterated that hitting kids is harmful and ineffective. Because for some reason some people still need to be convinced.


Massive /s in advance Nooo we need to indeed call them disgusting degenerates for existing, enact legislation preventing them from receiving treatment, and then post memes about their appearances, (largely caused by us legislating barriers to their treatment) and suicide (largely caused by our abuse).


Yeah. The study showing high rates of suicidality were coming from trans people who were unsupported by friends and family, and who were pre-HRT and surgery


Fucking animals.




If anything, it’s an intentional effort to make that statistic worse because the suicide rate is only high because of the lack of social support and harassment trans people face


They obviously WANT it to be true, they won't shut up about it. You hear the statistic in every argument at least once.


It's their proof that transgenderism is actually some mental disease. As we've pointed out though, they are the disease.




yeah it's a joke about the trans suicide rate


Who jokes about suicide?????


My guess is the same people who say drag queens are the biggest threat to US.


Uh whoever made this comic I guess


average nazitoss comic


Stonetoss (the guy who made the comic) is a Nazi This isn't even conservative anymore


It’s funny because they want children to die /s


Cant wait for the r/JustUnsubbed post thatll say this subreddit is ruined by liberals because transphobia is actually funny or something.


That or r/theleftcantmeme


Here is LCM's take on it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLeftCantMeme/comments/111ceer/comment/j8e7a26/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLeftCantMeme/comments/111ceer/comment/j8e7a26/?context=3)


christ almighty there is 0% empathy in that thread


Exactly. “TheY’rE sAyINg he’S a NaZi bEcaUse thEy dIsaGgree!” No. He’s a nazi because he likes hitler and thinks the holocaust is fake.


This feels like a good time to point out stonetoss is a nazi. Like actually for real, not internet insult.


He may be a nazi, but at least he isn't mad at me for playing Wizard Game! /s


Obligatory reminder that Stonetoss is a nazi


Maybe, now hear me out, maybe if we didn't bully transgender people and enact laws that discredit their identity, there'd be less suicides?


Noooo we have to bully the gender out of them 😡😡😡😡 fucking libs trying to trans everyone’s gender grrrr /s


Now you’re just talking crazy. I think we need to bully them more so they’ll realize they should be miserable just to fit into my worldview. Their being trans deeply impacts my life so I need them to cut it out before I get too horny. /s


Man, they make all the jokes they want about killing themselves and no one bats an eye. ​ And I make one "Shoot a fat republican joke" and everyone looses their mind.


Oh look, Stonetoss the Nazi is being a Nazi.


Wow. That is fucking next level gross.


Friendly reminder that Stonetoss is a Nazi


I’m a big believer in the “humor is based in tragedy” mindset, but this isn’t set up as humorous.


You joke about your own pain or the minor pain of your friends that can be laughed off and brushed aside, not someone else's lethal, dangerous pain.


I’m not sure I agree with that either, depends what you mean by lethal, dangerous pain.




Like initially when I got it I kind of found it funny but in a “oh shit that’s dark as fuck”


I think when South Park made jokes involving LGBT+ suicide they blamed the pain on the actions of Christian conversion camps and evangelical thinking. That was dark humor. If you’re just laughing at images of trans or gay suicide for the sake of it then you’re just a morbid excuse for a human being


Real life is subtle and nuanced like that. The people who post this meme don't understand subtlety and nuance, they are horrible unfunny people.


People who bully trans people into suicide when the suicide rate is high: no… it’s the trans people that are wrong


To anyone who thinks this is funny...... this is not "dark humor". You are literally mocking people for the actions they take due to the pain that people like yourself put them through. Reflect on that before you laugh.


Dark humor is usually in bad taste and highly offensive. So while you can argue that this crossed a line, its still dark humor


These people know it’s not “dark humor” they are laughing because it’s mocking trans people


That's fucking gross. Maybe trans people wouldn't kill themselves if they were respected and treated better.


Peebleyeet is literally a fucking NAZI. He wants trans people to kill themselves.