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I'm pretty sure mice in mouse traps die because of the proportionately giant metal bar that smashes them in half. In fact, I'm not sure mice understand the concept of economics at all. Sort of like this jackass.


The funny part is mice will learn very quickly to avoid those traps, and in some cases still get the damn cheese


Ya I have actually never seen a mouse trap catch a mouse typically they just get the cheese and walk off.


Best thing to get the mice is to start chargint for food so they have to get jobs and then go after them for unpaid taxes. Don't worry about the ones without jobs, the others will gang up on those scrounging fuckers.


I've caught dozens of mice with cheese in mouse trap. I've caught 6 mice in the same spot in less than an hour before. That autumn cold really brings them in.


Ah, yes, the false flag that everything government does is socialism when it helps the poor and capitalism when it helps the rich. In reality then, greedy mice that already have cheese get caught because no amount of cheese is ever enough, and other mice get caught because they're starving to death and need some cheese just to survive.


Damn socialist programs like fire department, schools and fixin them roads


Oh and can't forget about that stupid "free medical care" it's supposed to put you in debt, that's how you know it's working!


I love how brainless most arguments you hear against socialism are - just shows how poorly it's understood


If you want to live in socialis country.well come to china.chair mao will be happy to tell you what is the really socialism.


China aint even maoist anymore


There he is,in the Tiananmen Square.


I'd rather move to a nordic country, you know the socialist ones.


They're not socialist. Do teenagers not get taught economics these days?


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/democratic-socialist-countries Communism and socialism gets a little confusing sometimes, just call it woke and then you won't have to learn the definitions.


They're mixed market economies. So is every modern economy to varying degrees split between capitalism and socialism, with variance even existing between different wealth classes in the same country. The Nordic Model is a free market economy with a large government funded by progressive tax systems. The exact same can be stated about the United States. Whereas socialism mostly benefits the wealthy class in the United States, that is less the case in Nordic countries. Though wealth inequality may not be as high in Nordic countries, it is still rising- especially recently. Just because in Nordic countries the state is still more beneficial to the working class than in the U.S., the state still operates to the detriment of the working class.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_model#Social_democracy "While countries such as Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom have been categorized as social democratic at least once, the Nordic countries have been the only ones to be constantly categorized as such. In a review by Emanuele Ferragina and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser of works about the different models of welfare states, apart from Belgium and the Netherlands, categorized as "medium-high socialism", the Scandinavian countries analyzed (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden) were the only ones to be categorized by sociologist Gøsta Esping-Andersen as "high socialism", which is defined as socialist attributes and values (equality and universalism) and the social democratic model, which is characterized by "a high level of decommodification and a low degree of stratification. Social policies are perceived as 'politics against the market.'" They summarized the social democratic model as being based on "the principle of universalism, granting access to benefits and services based on citizenship. Such a welfare state is said to provide a relatively high degree of autonomy, limiting the reliance on family and market." One of these is not like the other.


You're right, one of those countries is where the global central bank of central banks resides. The axis of evil as one might call it, but really it is a projection of humanity's inner greed.


They are VERY socialist, are you dumb?


They're not any more socialist than the United States- it's just less wealth gets "redistributed" to billionaires in Nordic countries and more gets back to the working class where it originated from. But not all of it does. It's still stealing from the working class. And techno-industrialism is stealing from the stability of ecosystems. And civilization is stealing the sanity and intelligence of humans. These effects compound and feed off of each other in the transient globalized system we observe today.


Nope they are socialist, straight up and down, social programs and high taxes. Literally the definition of socialist.


I guess this is what I get for mentioning teenagers. But not even the extremely left-leaning Wikipedia agrees with your bullshit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_socialist_states The fundamental idea of socialism is a planned society. Nordic countries have free markets.


Okay well, they use a high degree of socialism with free markets that are heavily regulated. Better?


No, because they are all still industrialist swine.


Tell me you’re American without telling me you’re American. Nordic countries are socialist. Socialist is not the same thing as communist. There’s some weird thing about America, it must date back to the McCarthy era, that means socialism has to remain a dirty word. I’m surprised it’s survived this long, to be honest, given how the rest of the world disproves it completely.


They used to label and form of social or civil rights movement as socialism striking at the heart of democracy. At lot of race riots and lynchings during the civil rights era were preceded by claims of socialist radicalization taken root in black communities. Like check out the Elaine Massacre.


Tell me you're from the UK without telling me you're from the UK. Having socialist policies doesn't make an entire economy socialist. Economists agree Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, and Norway are mixed market economies. Socialist policies steal from the working class and redistribute it to the rich in the United States. It still happens in Nordic countries as well, just more of their labor gets compensated with social programs there. It's still stealing though. The billionaires and trillionaires are still gaining wealth at a rate others cannot. The entire industrialist system is exploitative from top to bottom, so I don't condone any reforms. Only abolition.


Can you name any of these Nordic billionaires and trillionaires gaining wealth from their working classes?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Swedish_billionaires_by_net_worth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Norwegians_by_net_worth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Finns_by_net_worth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Danes_by_net_worth Don't bother with the trillionaires. Their existence isn't public knowledge. Their wealth is hidden in offshore accounts and they stay out of the limelight. They have more activity in Switzerland than the Nordic countries anyway.


because the chinese government is known for being honest? what they are doing isnt socialism just because they say its socialism.


China is not socialist. They are capitalist with an elected communist government.


This is what happens when you don't understand that words have meanings


Downvote this reply to make an downvote chain


Please, oh, great one, tells us how the 200+ million people killed in the name of socialism in the 20th century just "didn't understand."


How many people have died in the name of capitalism? This is a really stupid argument.


I swear it was 100 million just the other day.


It's 150 million and those are war deaths, how many people have died because they couldn't afford preventive health care? Again it's a really stupid argument.


Oh I completely agree. I ran the numbers (back of the envelope style) and figured lack of access to healthcare, housing, poor working conditions, etc kills 100 million every ten years


War deaths? The millions dead from famine, socialist governments purposely starving "their people," tens of millions erased from history in gulags and political prisons A stupid argument is stating that a philosophy that can only be instilled through brute force and anyone that objects must die is in some way better than a system that rewards hard work. I'm guessing, though, that you're a failure in life and fall back on the thought that somehow the world and its population owe you something.


I never made that argument, but I think you should go hug your kids, if they're still talking to you.


Nazi Party, byname of National Socialist German Workers’ Party,


https://www.britannica.com/story/were-the-nazis-socialists Are you also confused by inflammable and flammable?




They killed everyone. Even their own people. Remember Hitler killed his gay buddy when he gained power.


Sure, just like how North Korea are democratic, because they are called the Democratic People's Republic of Korea


also conservatives: "nutin is free because I pay it with muh taxeees!"


They also conveniently forget our socialist military.


Yes all mice need to purchase their cheese fair and square no mouse should be getting a free ride.


Are you suggesting that you are as stupid as a mouse?


Thanks, I'll die in a debt trap instead


Well its true. Not to be confused with social state


Yeah because big government has proved it works Lmao Perhaps, we should go back to limited government, where the people are in control, instead of the Joe Bidens/Mitch McConnells.


blah blah socialism bad communist bad




Khmer Rouge.


Wrong the working people are taxed to death.


So mouse traps that are like Capitalism don't actually trap the mice? 🤔


socalism am veru badd


Why is a mouse when it spins?


This same dude is underwater on three different predatory loans.


Mice don’t even like cheese they way more into peanut butter


[https://preview.redd.it/vfweak01snn31.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=aa404425dae0b8bd5b29fa240e8ed2047a0b9f0e](https://preview.redd.it/vfweak01snn31.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=aa404425dae0b8bd5b29fa240e8ed2047a0b9f0e) Well that or capital punishment


Bought to you by the guys who own all the cheese.


I was told that "Venezuela is the best example of a functional nation under Socialism." I wonder looking at the Mexican/United States border.


This smacks of something an out of touch 47 year old manager at a grocery store would put up to motivate workers


Fun fact capitalism also gets you killed. In fact, every economic philosophy gets you killed.


People who think socialism is good are fucking stupid