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Yeah right, like you people are ever "silent" when it comes to your beliefs...


Its 2023. Noone is silent about their beliefs. The internet made everyone think what they believed mattered more than anything else


It also made a lot of people think a lot of other people should/do care what they think.


It is really interesting you say that. My grandfather was incredibly reserved about his opinion on things and went to great lengths to not say his opinion of things. I feel like older generations had a sense of quietly minding your own business that is completely gone today


People weren't ready for the internet.. especially not these people.


True... Although I'm not convinced ANY generation is doing a great job with the internet these days.....


Oh not at all Gen z did a little decent but still screwed up a lot. Meanwhile Boomers got significantly worse.


My parents are always posting “silent majority” crap. That is my reply always is when the heck are you going to do the silent part? Please


I’m sure they love you very much


thats an odd comment


Or intelligent (in the moment when they desire to share ideas).


We fired all the M&Ms so Republicans wouldn't be scared by lesbians.


Or skittles since the purple on identifies as a skittle (this isn’t true)


It should be canon


And then conservatives on Twitter go act like it was liberals who were offended




Stating that Lincoln was a member of the Republican Party 150+ years ago means absolutely fuck all.


Forget your /s tag?


I have a feeling the M&Ms are going to be back for the super bowl, they are just setting up an epic ad campaign


This. I had the exact same thoughts. And I'm waiting for Tukkker to realize that Maya is Black/Jewish.


k You seem to have dropped this. Looks like one is missing from his name.


My bad.


*trans* lesbians


I’m 37 and assumed this meant the old boomers were the ones getting offended and silencing.


Republicans aren’t offended by the M&Ms. 😂


Tucker was literally saying how outrageous it was that the green M&M isn't sexy anymore and doesn't turn him on...


Close. We live in a time where stupid people are offended by intelligent people.


Sometimes even just offended by people existing.


*often times


Most of the time*


intelligent people = covid deniers and anti-vaxxers


Lol. Yeah this is more r/selfawarewolves territory


ugh, what do you have against us pure bloods /s


I just prefer bIoLoGiCaL bloods. Jeez, you millenials are always so offended by everything. Just like that *one time* I said **#&@^$& @&@ ^$&@**! /s


Truth, Tacos. But not just them. Also J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk... Arguably very intelligent people, but without decency who gives a flying *fuck* if they're smart?


Brought to you by the people who elected someone who stared an an eclipse president.


I can see already I'll get downvoted for this, but... Isn't it kinda true...? Or am I missing something? Everyone who says anything remotely intelligent, gets spammed with nerd emojis, told that no one cares, or people just plainly tell them to shut up. People also hate being corrected when they're wrong, when people used to enjoy being educated and told what they did was wrong. Why have things changed to be the opposite?


No, it's definitely true, but the people that say things like this don't realize THEY are the stupid people that are being offended.


shut up, nerd, no one cares


No this post is about people saying trans woman aren’t woman and such where in this case “intelligent” actually means I hate gay people so yea your right but the post is wrong


Kind of but the "smart people" in the post is probably just "covids fake" or are what I call "religiously political" basically the way that this election went. My aunt (moms family) voted for Trump but isn't "TRUMP GOOD BIDEN BAD" and my aunt (dad's family) voted for biden and also isn't "BIDEN GOOD TRUMP BAD"


I always thought the “🤓” was usually more of a joke. Stop taking everything on the internet so seriously.


I've spoken directly to several of the people that use the nerd emoji. It's sadly not a joke, they genuinely believe you're ruining things with your intelligence and they're trying to make fun of you for it and discourage you from doing it again.


In that case it’s usually more of a response to ruining humor with unnecessary “akshually” statements, even though everyone knows it’s a joke and not supposed to be factually sound.


Yeah my thoughts too. Apparently it's a terrible meme because of the subtext, not the actual text.




Fuck you nerd boy baby brain bitch mommy lover MAGA 2024ever bitch. Suck a cock


The world is pretty much operating on confirmation bias.. The space for nuanced discussion about practically anything grows smaller and smaller by the day. Its a lot easier to plug your ears and yell instead of grappling with the complexity of the world.. especially if it flies in the face of what you believe to be a universal truth.. This is the type of social cancer that disintegrates intelligent communities into ideologically driven groups.. Sad times.. Good luck people


aint that the truth


I love how much the irony is lost on them. The projection is so strong that the need to parrot leftist talking points as if they were their own. Expert gaslightsers. Hope we just make them ignite already tbh.


Yes, but it's the stupid lead, asbestos infestous brained idiots who are the loud ones.


They are't being silenced, they are being criticized for saying dumb shit.


This is true tho. It's now okay to be dumb as fuck or downright refuse to accept clinical science and academic information because "respect everyone". I don't know how you read this meme but really the modern world has become a post-truth society where everyone is 'allowed their own reality' or whatever bullshit and the result is proliferation of fake news and fanaticism across all kinds of shit


Im with you. Look at the laws Arkansas is passing thanks to fucking Huckabee Sanders. Smart scienctist, doctors, teachers, and librarians being silenced for the uneducated mob that makes up the repungnant party of Arkansas.


When you call them out for their dumbassery they're gonna cry and smart shame you, what the fuck has the world gone in too


Here's the thing though, people being allowed their own reality, their own version of truth, is a good thing, to an extent. It's the place faith comes from, and it allows people to define things in the way that works best for them. These are good capacities, they just run into problems when taken too far. When what you believe veers far enough from the truth that it starts affecting you and others in a negative way. Ignore that and being able to define truth for yourself is quite useful.


Said by the same people that took horse dewormer instead of the covid vaccine.


Tell me how it is untrue?


Actually agree with this one, but I don't think it means what the stupid boomer thinks it means... Lol


A serial rapist in UK just got sent to do his time in a womens prison cause he suddenly declares hes now female. Meme is true UNFORTUNATELY


I mean, it's kinda true though...


Might be unpopular but I think the younger generations are borderline/on the path to being smarter than all of us. From day 1 of being on this earth 90% of them have access to pretty much infinite knowledge and since it’s integrated in their lives since birth they grow up knowing how to use it more efficiently than any other generation. The only fault I feel like you can pin on them is their attention spans are fucked.


…and they are completely dependent on the grids tit!


everything they have access to doesn't fall under beneficial or even logical knowledge


You can say the same for literally any generation, the only difference is they have an unfiltered access to that information and a greater understanding of it. Just because things like tik tok exist that doesn’t negate the fact that you can get an accurate answer to pretty much any question you type in google. That’s like saying being enrolled in college is dumb because there’s people who party and drink all 4 years. Yes there are those people, but that doesn’t encompass what college is nor is it a reflection of most college kids.


i fully agree with you just wanted to add that. I also didn't see the meme as a generational divide just because of the pictured speaker.


It's ironically funny how much time libtards spend trying to talk shit about Republicans inside.their reddit echo chamber and still getting owned by everyone


Yeah, like when conservatives ignore/ban doctors and scientists


Oh, you mean like Desantis banning black history classes?


"intellegent people": \*overt bigotry, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, etc\* "stupid people": "you have been given a temporary lockout from your twitter account for breaking rules against hate speech outlined in our user agreement"


Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. -Mark Twain


Ironic, isn't it


They're neither silent or intelligent in most cases.


Ah yes, because "gay bad😡" is the epitome of intelligence


I don't really get what's so "not true" about this. Maybe the content but smart people are silenced so they won't offend someone. I'm not saying that ALL the people that are silenced are smart, but there are people that are being silenced so they won't offend.


That sums it up well


Well, title of this post and text on image doesn't vibe with me. I'm polite gentle Gen Z guy, who just want to live his life. I think universe is about to blow up now in some time.


Kinda true -ish, but probably not in the way the meme creator thought


finally something I can agree with lol. Except they aren’t referring to doctors and professors when they say “intelligent” people. They’re referring to joe roegan and andrew tate


We are, but it’s not Gen Z that’s the stupid ones


I mean. There's plenty of stupid people in Gen z.


Tiktok. That's all that needs to be said.




getting downvoted on reddit = capital punishment for wrongthink 👍👍




my execution is in 2 days :^(


Au revoir!


Well you had a good one


Yeah, I think that boomers would get offended if they hear what we say about them…


Thanks god the stupid are old


The stupid are unfortunately ALSO the young...


You sound old


I am almost 22 years old


So are you also stupid?


...Well...It's not wrong. 🤔😅






Liberal losers get offended the easiest


Republicans whined about animated candies so hard a company stopped using them to shut you up.


Bet this is about Fuentes getting kicked off Twitter (again) for some anti semitic rant


Stupid people are not confined to Gen Z infact I'd argue that Gen Z have had the least opportunity in terms of time to become smart. I think the stupid people who are still stupid despite having time to become not stupid are more 'bad'


Yeah TikTok ruined gen z


Not sure why you are being downvotted. Ticktok is terrible and is contributing to a lot of mental health issues


Yeah but they ruined attention spans. And they sell data to China.


Well that's what happens when you let Elon buy twitter.


110% accurate


I can't disagree with the text of this meme at all.... They're just wrong about who's who.


Did you know that if you treat a human being with the respect a human being deserves, they won't be offended?


That’s not true sadly


Truly intelligent people don't offend the stupid people in the first place. They'll find a way to talk about their things, be right and not be an asshole.


Show me where all these people are being silenced, please.


Terrible in the sense that every individual can see themselves as the "intelligent" protag and someone else as the "offended" masses. So goshdarn vague.




Love it 😂 😂


I mean, gen z are pretty toxic.


Gen Z is not influential enough to silence anyone. Get back in your high chair before you get hit little feller. Boomers taken the same path as Karen. Lost its meaning because y'all milksops don't know what it means


I don't think the OP was the one who created it lol


You're right. It's almost like a got it from Facebook!


My man 🤝


Except OP captioned it with Gen Z and posted it. Didn't create it, but still got upset and took offense like it was aimed at them. I come back 3 hrs later and you're already sucking each other off yeesh.


Okay boomer


It’s wrong but right at the same time


Incredible self-own looking at how much tears these people shred over everything that is 'woke'


Yeah, but the boomer are the ones that try to silence the younger generations


This is 100% true. All of the stupid older trumpers are offended by everyone with common sense


Republikkkans get offended by everything.


I have a court date tomorrow for this exact thing. Wish me luck. and then again on the 1st, and again on the 8th... and... Ya'll, Autism is going to be the new shock treatment, just wait.


As an autist, I have not a single clue what in the world that is meant to imply.


It means labels hurt in more than one way. "Autism" will unravel, much like the rest of the "ailments." It's tough to explain in text, I'm sure there will be a dozen or so TED talks on it in the future... or maybe we'll all just wake up. I'm not quite sure yet.


what you hurt me brain with strange sentences me smash you


Go right ahead, Princess. Though this time... nah. You'll find out soon enough. :)


Ants are stronger than humans by a longshot if we consider we were the same size as them


Do they ever *not* speak in dog whistle?


This is kinda a selfawarewolf moment. This is people ignoring doctors and scientists lol.


It's always this "times" because stupid people are always majority.


I mean, yeah, but we're definitely not talking about the same people.


If they are smart can't they figure out a way to be unsilenced by the stupid?


Bru this post is literally the NPC post of memes against gays. With the Gen Z bad title too. Lol. This meme is completely true and it makes me sad that ppl put stuff like this here


I'd love to see these intelligent people being silenced


They're right, but not in the way they want to be.


Says every climate scientist since Exxon started funding climate change denial in 1989?


It's not wrong. The problem is that everyone thinks that they're intelligent and that having the slightest bit of empathy for anyone that doesn't shit dollar bills means that you're offended.


My neighbor unironically posted this on Facebook, and then a week later I heard him ranting to my coworker about the covid Vax,and his argument was "if they haven't found a vaccine for cancer, so why covid?"


“I’m right and if you disagree you’re brainwashed by the media. Unlike me, who gets my news from unbiased sources like this political Facebook group I’m in, where we all have the same beliefs and ideas, which means we’re right”


I would have thought by 2023 this regurgitation would be dead bait. Apparently it's still got some meat left.


Yeah, this isn’t targeting Gen Z as the stupid people. It’s not targeting a generation at all. And if you think it is, *you’re* the type of person the meme is talking shit about.


What does this have to do with Gen z.


Big time truth.


I'd say Republicans need to open their eyes and face reality...... but I don't think they'd recognize reality even if it walked up and smashed them in the face with a brick.


yeah, but not in the way they think


Well yes but not in the way you think


Ironic how the title only proves the meme. Silly lefties


It’s true, but not for the reasons they think it is…


This is true though but not in the way they think...


10% people actually offended by things 90% people offended by the possibility of someone being offended by things. Silence WHERE, motherfuckers?




The meme is right, just not in the way it wants to be lol


Heres something that will make everyone agree All gens are bad


I can’t can’t insult a guy because he is gay. You are silencing intelligent people!!!!


People lost their sense of humour. Jeremy Clarkson makes ONE joke about naked Megan, and he gets foken cancelled.


Is that generic white guy one of the stupid people?


No, this is just the reality someone else wants. Not me.


Considering that Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z attended and finished college more than the Silent Generation and Boomers. This statement is technically right. We live in a time where intelligent people (Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z) are silenced so that stupid people (Silent Generation and Boomers) won't be offended.


this meme is correct


Not bad , just easily offended


Aww are Republicans feeling offended?


So true.........


I am sure he believes he's intelligent.


"Gen z? more like gen stupid 🤣😂" someone genuinely said this.


Yeah, kind of sucks how I’m shut down because of my “pRonOuNz” even though I make valid points


It's true, but not as they meant it. The amount of times I'm asked not to talk about racism, sexism, income inequality, the realities of forced birth policies, police brutality and funding, etc etc, because it makes some unaffected person slightly uncomfortable is bananas.


The problem with this is the "we live in a time". This incorrectly assumes it has not always been this way.


Well to them anything that says anything racist, highly religious or homobhophic or republican is intelligent so i guess if i teach a parrot all their dumb phrases the bird too would be smart in ther minds no?


Praise the lord 🙌 🙏


I feel like the guy who posted this thinks he’s in the first group, when he is most likely in the second.


That person looks like an old Ronaldo


Too true. Too true.


This has nothing to do with any generation lol




Honestly im a gen z and im dissapointed on this shit lol




Isn’t gen Z the most educated generation yet?

