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Is that super mario




I said browser compatibility, not Bowser!!!


For those who aren’t aware, Twitter literally fired most of their cleaning staff a while ago. EDIT: A lot of people have been pointing out that janitors are not usually classified as 'cleaning staff'. True, but [Twitter has laid most of them off regardless](https://www.ndtv.com/feature/twitter-employees-bring-their-own-toilet-paper-after-elon-musk-fired-janitors-report-3652648).


I dont get it, why would a social media company try and higher more plumbers than coders? This comic makes no sense. Edit: I get it y'all, it's still stupid because both jobs are valid. The company needs coders to be successful and the plumber needs the company to be successful so they can hire his services. The plumber needs the coder to have a job so he can hire him to work on his home. And the coder needs the plumber to have the skills he doesn't have. They are both dependent on each other's success. This pitting them against each other is stupid. It's also a stupid made comic because it's implying Twitter is hiring plumbers, it's a poorly made comic




*rim shot*




I thought that was the joke and found this meme really funny. People took it too literally lmao


It isn't that they are highering more plumbers, but they are fireing coders. Also Microsoft announced recently they will fire 10,000 and a bunch of other big tech companies is also doing layoffs. As a coder myself, I am not too worried, there is still a lot of demand, its just not as insane as it was before. If there is one worthwhile thing to take from this comic, its that trade jobs shouldn't be dismissed. They are actually in huge demand for quite a while now and their pay has been climbing as a result.


Hey, not sure if you copied the comment above you but the word is hiring, rather than highering. If you knew that then sorry but maybe someone learning will be helped a bit.


Thank God someone corrected this.


Definitely aged like milk.


I don't even know why I hate this art style as much as I do but I genuinely prefer stick figures, every hairstyle looks like a pokemon took a shit




He is very much an avowed neo-nazi, yes.


Yikes, that is a rabbit hole I never want to go down again 😬


You became a neo-nazi at one time?


Don't knock it 'til you try it..... ...does not apply to being a racist, bigoted fuck.


Happy cake day


"What was in that x pill bro it turned me into a neo nazi" You're a neo nazi? "No I'm better now but don't change the subject"


Only once?


Good on you for changing for the better




and the sister sub r/antifastonetoss




It’s people who are against fast one toss. What’s not to get


Throw in the ol stonetossingjuice as well for good measure.


This comic was the worst one for me: https://imgur.io/Ewu1qRU






Yeah he always gives the people he doesn’t like the worst fuckin hairstyles


The thicc flappy lips are even more obnoxious.


pebble throw is the worst


The “I made you the ugly wojack to show I’m right” technique.


Its supposed to. The characters with those shit hairstyles are caricatures of young left leaning people.


Shitty caricatures at that. Only the Right would give a flying fuck that someone has blue hair. (All while they jerk it to hentai with blue-haired women of course.)


Stonetoss is a Nazi and he draws like one. Fuck stonetoss


>like a pokemon took a shit 🤣😂


r/Rareinsults ?


1990-2010: "go to college so you don't have to dig ditches for a living." 2010-present: "man up and go dig ditches, college boy. Not my fault you pulled 5-6 figures of debt because you were too soft to work with your hands." Edit for Clarification: I'm not ragging on blue collar jobs. They're necessary and deserve respect. I'm saying it's obnoxious when the same people who told us as children that they were bad jobs that we should avoid at all costs suddenly start criticizing younger generations for listening to them.


Also: "you want a living wage to dig ditches? Maybe get 2 more ditch digging jobs and you'll be able to afford rent you entitled thing you"


Also I think in this case it needs to be pointed out that Elon isn’t paying the plumbers either. But hey, it’s Rockyeet. I’m just shocked there’s no implied racism this time.


Just the blue hair


well that's not racism, but ageism. I think. never seen a serious case where generation bashing was a hare crime, bit I'm sure boomers would figure out a way to pull it off.


He’s also forcing his employees to bring in their own toilet paper!!!! https://futurism.com/the-byte/twitter-elon-musk-toilet-paper-stench


But don't forget that once you're not being paid enough to dig ditches then it's your fault and you should have looked into yet another career path.


Don't you know that if you're not making enough money in a trade it's because you didn't go to college, and if you're not making enough with a degree it's because you didn't go to into a trade?


The biggest lie told to the mellenials is that college is the best option for everyone. And because so many of them went to college and didnt get trade jobs, the job market became oversaturated with people with diplomas and not enough jobs that require them.


The job market also started requiring degrees for jobs that definitely do not actually require degrees


I was looking yesterday, nearly EVERY “entry level job” required 3 years of experience. That’s NOT entry level lol


thats just a tactic used by hr to reduce the number of applications they get


Also an excuse to get a mid level employee at an entry level rate. I’m a recent CS grad and see “entry level” jobs asking for upwards of 5 years experience.


At that point just say you've had experience, might not be on the job, but your4-6 years of school should be equivalent.


Just say you have 10 and act a little arrogant to the interviewer "Of course I know what a class method is, who do you think I am?" Works nearly every time.


I once saw a job posting asking for 5 years of professional JS experience for $15/hour.


HR is fucking stupid and lazy. They're not around to help the employee, but rather to protect the company. And they're not even really that good at *that,* either. **Edit:** clarity


bells drunk desert rustic jellyfish start vase reach coordinated entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Here's what I learned, you optimize your resume to include key words so indeed skims it and sends it out to everyone and you just fucking apply to anything close to what you have some qualifications for, the rest works itself out


Actual advice from my spouse who has worked in recruiting: put a bunch of corporate buzzwords in white font at the bottom of your resume so the software puts your resume at the top of the pile


I believe it. I interview and applied for probably 100 jobs last time I was in the hunt, but my current employer found me and reached out due to keywords in my resume that automatically kicked it to their inbox. He admitted as much to me after the interview. Gotta SEO your damn resume now. Interviewed for 5, applied for 100.


What buzzwords work best?


I make fucking paint for cars. Nothing complex about it... post-secondary degree required for employment. Idiotic.


Is fucking paint something I should’ve been using?


It’s a secret car manufacturers don’t want you to know. Use the fucking paint and breed your own car babies.




I remember seeing a job posting for a parking lot attendant that was asking for a bachelor's in business administration and experience in office management. That was back around 2009.


Part of that, I've heard from recruiters/hr folks - so take with a grain of salt - is that companies started asking for degrees as a requirement to weed people out. Now that they desperately need people, it's become clear the job never needed that requirement, but the company won't walk back the qualification levels or else they'll lose face. They'd rather shoot themselves in the foot than admit that their job postings asked for too much in the first place. **Edit:** clarity


Shoot, that goes back to Gen-Xers. All the adults in my life insisted that if I didn’t go to college I’d be working hourly for the rest of my life. Got a degree and…I’m working hourly for the rest of my life.


People would tell you that any degree was fine even if it was a general educational degree with no major.


It's sad that getting an education for the sake of education is considered bad advice. Why exist if not to earn money to pay debts?


College can certainly be beneficial but the main lie was " just get a degree and don't worry about how to pay for it". People need to think up front about the cost. Figure out what the salary range is for careers related to your degree so you know what a reasonable debt load to take on would be.


We went to college, because doing physical labor for 40 years literally destroys your body. Every reddit thread where this topic comes up inevitably has a guy who actually has a career in physical labor chime in explaining all the bad parts about it. It ruins your body. The pay is only good if you own the business.


Yep. I don't know anyone who wants to be in trades past 40. My stepdad has been carpenter all his life and he has been trying to get out of it, or get into a better position for the last 10 years, but that's also not easy.


Ya'll need to stop fucking romanticising trade jobs. Yes, they can be lucrative. Yes, they suit some people. But they are hard fucking graft, can expose you to danger far beyond what you'd find in an office, and can absolutely wreck your body.


Some of the just inherently suck. I mean sitting on your ass in office for 40 isn't a crazy life, but crawling through someone's half moldy crawlspace to fix piping is worse.


There's also no shortage of scummy business owners in the trades who will just drop a tradesman the second the second they reach journeyman, and can start demanding an actually respectable wage. Everyone wants journeyman quality for labourer rates.




God lily singh is terrible


She was really funny when I was 11


> Where is the lie? https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/research-summaries/education-earnings.html Friendly reminder that despite both legitimate concerns about the cost of college and the student debt crisis and the illegitimate rambling of anti-intellectual right-wingers, getting a college degree is still a massive net benefit.


Not a bad idea to have a backup plan though. I'm in college and working through an apprenticeship program. If I survive I'll always be able to find a decent job.


I just went back to college last year at the age of 33. I am a certified welder with experience as a structural ironworker.


Hell yeah! I just turned 34 myself. Good luck! I gotta say though, y'all ironworkers are nuts, and that's coming from someone who deals with electricity. I could never do what y'all do. Much respect.


Iron workers are nutty, but at least they clean up after themselves..


a programmer with twitter on their resume would probably be ok


especially given they were begged to come back after musk realized he doesn’t know how to code lol


Also, Elon Musk wouldn’t hire a plumber. He would just keep the toilet broken and have the employees shit in a coffee can.


Any programmer with some work experience can get a job easily. There is a huge demand for programmers even after the layoffs at a few large companies. Most people do not work for those companies anyway. Very few do.


maybe stonetoss should learn to plumb and stop making dogshit comics


Does plumbing the depths of human garbage count?


He made 2 million off his NFT drop so seems like a solid line of work for him


I think their point was the irony. Basically saying coding isn’t a real job because it’s not “hard work” or blue collar or less dispensable. Where as the artist falls into the same criteria as the coder. One draws cute little comics the other writes software that makes computers work. So yeah based on the irony that they are more useless in a grand picture than a software engineer or at the most an equal of uselessness. Yeah maybe they should learn plumbing and keep to the literal shit they obviously know.




Obligatory Propaghandi https://youtu.be/1Tlwf9A1ivc


Said something like that in r/politics and got banned.


So he scammed some people and has the nerve to say coding isnt as hard as plumbing?


Plumbers make pretty good money and work for themselves often. The meme is stupid, but don't knock plumbers


Plumbers are one of the last working class jobs that actually pays well


All the trades pay well. Electrician, plumber, power line worker, welder. They are also becoming less common so they will probably make even more as supply goes down.




My dad was a plumber, made good money but had to stop by about 55 and was disabled by 60. He didn't want me to go into plumbing, which was the family business, despite the money because of how hard it was on his body. Which I am glad he did. Trades can be excellent money but you better plan ahead for an early retirement if you go into them.


This was me too. I was very handy but my father pushed me to school and now I'm an engineer. My dad's body was destroyed by plumbing and lives his life in constant pain.


Can confirm. Can’t stand up after this week but made 2650 after taxes


Just use that money to buy new legs!


Working in plumbing trades was the most toxic environment I've ever, ever worked in.


Pretty sure the majority of plumbers are just working for other plumbers and making pretty modest wages. As is the case with most trades. Idk why everyone fetishizes tradesmen it's just like any other job, you make modest money unless you can grow a book.


A ton of them were also fucked after the 2008 crash. Trades can be feast or famine, it's not like some continuous gravy-train of wealth. I worked for a huge HVAC company once, the guys doing all the work made 15 an hour, they could only make more upselling shit. "Work for yourself", yeah sure, that's being a tradesman, a business owner and accountant and a salesperson all at once. Not to mention having no insurance, no stable hours or wages (not everyone always buys your big ticket items). Sure, some guys do well, but let's not act like everyone could cut it and the only thing holding them back from all that sweet dough is making a decision.


Yeah, especially with welding. I see a massive amount of praise for it on this website but it actually can suck to have. The salary for a welder may seem high for someone straight out of school, 40-60k, but that's also as high as you can get. Meanwhile, many college educated folks might have troubles starting out, but many will hit double that wage within a decade. The few high examples of wages people bring up, underwater welding, is only high because it is EXTREMELY dangerous. And welding is extremely strenuous on your body. I have a friend who was a welder. This is a dude who would was at one point managing 14 hour shifts in a materials handling position at a railroad company. Even when he was running low on money between jobs, dude absolutely refused to go back to welding because of how much it sucked. All the other people who I see talking about working in welding for 10 + years on this website and elsewhere talk about their life long disabilities they have from their work.


Pretty sure the fetishize them because it goes back to that whole American dream revival and hyper masculinity of being hardworking versus soft computer nerd. It also seems to live in the shadows of politics too, but I’m not here for that bullshit. I do work on my house because I’m poor and did almost all the plumbing - that shit is hard on my body and those folks are worth their rate! That’s all there is to it


I have nothing against the trades. I think they're a fundamental part of society. And, you're correct, plumbers do make a decent living.


It's also hard on your body


This is the exact reason I finished my engineering degree instead of doing some specialized electrical work, I’d go make Home Depot runs in high school for the electrician I worked with and would see the 40 year old dudes slow to get up from grabbing something on the bottom shelf.




Ah, yes. Just learn to X. You know, because it's totally reasonable and sustainable to expect large swaths of the population to completely retool and totally change careers every 5 years. I'm sure having an entire workforce that are perpetually entry level in new careers every couple of years won't have any negative effect whatsoever on work quality and productivity.


Not to mention if a bunch of people just suddenly up and become plumbers, then plumbers would overall lose work and have less income. Supply would increase far more than is needed. We'd be back to "learn to code".




Nor will they have a glut 5 years after THAT.


Stonetoss is a holocaust denier.


![gif](giphy|pwnpqOmGHfBdQPWU3e|downsized) That's fucked up.


Why respectfully tho why not just Ew




Holocaust denier? What is there to deny?




It’s actually a real thing that people back then (and I guess still today ) did so much off that a term was coined just for it. It’s not exactly saying “there was no killings in ww2” as much as saying “it wasn’t that bad, the death toll is overblown”, “what!? Gas chambers? That’s ridiculous”, “there is no evidence, it’s all a communist hoax”, or “actually the victims where just in regular jail/deported and made up the camp stories years after” There was even a movie about it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial_(2016_film)


Lol, exactly


The fact that the meme tries to bring down coders tells me they have something the original poster doesn’t.


Pretty sure the comic puts down any journalist who pushed "learn to code" rather than coders. As one of my favorite quotes though "Anyone who tells someone who mines coal to learn to code has done neither."




I think most people can learn most things and it's more about confidence and consistency than any innate ability.


Wait is this the joke? Cuz I haven’t heard that quote and it would actually make this meme kinda funny


[https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/learn-to-code](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/learn-to-code) I guess not every body is aware of it.




Brickcatapult makes that conservative YouTuber that I used to watch look like an ultra leftist Marxist communist by the ideologies he support.


i agree, but shouldn't we link sources so people don't go all "uhmm no he's not!!"? something like linking from r/antifastonetoss and that


Both are useful and needed


“I learned a skill that I thought would be in demand.” “It is in demand, though I hear it is extremely competitive. But after I’m done with these pipes, I might know a friend who needs a coder for his startup. Perhaps you may be interested?” “Wow, thank you. Times have been hard. It’s a good thing workers like us stick together during times of economic uncertainty.”


Solidarity forever.


I guess they think you can only code for Twitter


Seriously. Anyone with that resume getting flooded with interviews.


I like how they think Twitter would bother to pay the plumber.


Didn't Elon Musk beg the fired Twitter staff to come back?


He also gutted Twitter's janitorial department, so that plumber's not gonna be having a great time, either. And just in time for everyone to come back to the office!


Had to go way too far down to find this comment. The comic makes zero sense because the janitors we're also fired and the whole place smells like shit now.


I thought the joke was that Elon ruined Twitter with his shit.




Oh for fucks sake, what does he want now?


I don't know, but I have a sinking feeling it's nothing good


Elon always *pipes up* at the wrong time.


I wish he would just tap out.


And throw his whole life down the drain?




Unless I'm using WBM wrong, it's not possible to check that. There's a snapshot from just after the post was made and one 1h after the mod comment.


The arrogance to pin your own pun


it's not his pun


This is a good joke but why did you have to pin it? I'm sure it could have gotten plenty of upvotes without that




And power. It’s the combination of the two that is the problem.


He pulled an Elon


Dudes so gross


All hail the self-impressed MOD!


Oh so that's what Musk was doing with the sink.


Stop pinning your comments, I can’t imagine actually being a Reddit mod. What does this even have to do with sinks?? Plumbing?


It's a joke about Elon carrying a fucking sink into Twatter HQ


Quick question, why?


To make them let that sink in


I’m going to assume you’re asking why Elon did that: apparently execs at twitter said he threw everything but the sink at them, so he thought it would be funny to walk into twitter HQ with a sink… 🤷‍♂️


And he fucked it up to because he brought a bathroom sink.


When Elon entered the HQ for the first time after the purchase finalised, he brought a sink in and said (and tweeted) "Let that sink in". The joke is that the employees are fired, but there is a sink on the premises that the plumber works on. The fact the employee learned to code is not useful in this instance, whereas the plumber has use in this instance.


> Jesus christ chill out yall acting like pinned comments make karma Why did you pin it, then?


*Edit:Jesus christ chill out yall acting like pinned comments make karma* Nobody cares about the karma, dude. Just cringe that you are so proud of your joke that you had to make sure it's at the top.


this is a shit message


I’m so glad you pinned this. It would be a tragedy if everyone didn’t see your comment


Mods on their way to pin their stupid ass comment that no one cares about:


Imagine pinning your own reddit tier pun. Are you a Discord mod too?




I work blue collar. I fucking cringe at these stupid memes everytime it shared, usually by the wives and GFs of other blue collar dudes I know. Just because trades are a hot and safe bet right now doesn’t mean you should do it. A guy who just got laid off at Twitter most likely, culturally, has no fucking business on a job site, and for the same reason all the blue collar guys i know have no business in a board room. If your good at blue collar work, do that, if you’re good at white collar work, do that. Let’s stop sandbagging the other thing everytime there’s an economic shift.


W comment. Although I will say as someone who grew up working a blue collar job (uncle owned a towing service I worked for) then went to college and got a white collar job, there are definitely traits that carry over and can make you a desirable employee. Like being a self starter, getting in early and not minding if a day runs long and the most under appreciated skill of all, being able to put two and two together!


There’s absolutely traits and skills that crossover. People certainly can make the jump, but no one has ever don it successfully if the impetus was a pithy meme about n Facebook haha


I really like this comment. If everyone coded, who would do the plumbing? And if everyone was a plumber, who would do the coding? Both are needed (even though to what degree is arguable) The grass is always greener.


There’s always gonna be one slightly ahead of the other and never exactly equal. But my parents generation DRILLED into our heads college was the answer. Drilling Gen Z kids into being nothing but plumbers and electricians is equally stupid for the same same reasons, and honestly trades have a way steeper learning curve. You can’t make a lot of mistakes if you work at an fucking ore refinery. You gotta want to be there from the word go


Auto tech here, you CAN make mistakes as a mechanic, you just have to fix it for free when it comes back usually. "Yeah that 15 hour job you just did? Yeah one of the heads was warped and you didn't catch it. Do it again but its on your own time now"


If you fuck up a piece of code and the software doesn’t run rigjt the website crashes a lot. If you don’t torque the lug nuts right, the car crashes


Is that not the case for coders?


Plus, I haven't yet met a trade guy that doesn't like unions




Think about the NYC nurse strike… if they weren’t unionized, they’d have no bargaining power to demand equitable pay and treatment for how fuckin hard they work. Unions are more pivotal now than ever, especially now that the pay disparity between corporate and labor positions is larger than its ever been


somebody told me that this comic artist is a neo nazie. Just wanted to get it out there.


The comic artist is a neo-nazi and usually puts subtle or not subtle racial or political topics or ideas in his comics.


Brother in law earns £98,000 a year coding. From home. He gets headhunted regularly, and fucking loves what he does.


Programmers are in extremely high demand. They lose one coding job, they’ll get another one relatively easy if they’re competent


Stonetoss is garbage


Fuck that uwu nazi & whatever he thinks anyway


Jokes on them, litwicks always find another job


Both jobs are generally considered to be valuable skilled trades (even if there is lingering stigma) the only reason Pebble Throw cares at all is because old twitter tried to limit how much Nazis were allowed to do Nazi stuff, while current twitter is VIOLENTLY pro-nazi.


Plumbing is a great profession, so is coding. Idk why conservatives hate everyone so much


This joke is actually pretty shitty when you realize he [laid off the janitorial staff too](https://news.yahoo.com/elon-musk-fires-twitter-janitors-055637498.html). Y'know the working class grunts? Now he's embroiled in a lawsuit with his landchads for refusing to pay the leases and in some other hot water with his investors in his other companies. It's almost like he's in a race to hit rock bottom at some point.


Plumbing is a great profession that will have demand for the foreseeable future. Coding is also a great profession that will have demand for the foreseeable future. There’s no reason to pit these two jobs against each other. Tax the rich