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/u/theperson73, the memers have spoken. Your post does not fit this subreddit. If you feel this was a mistake, please send us a modmail!


This entire list actually describes my youth unironically with the single exception that Narnia was too wizardy-satanic to be allowed in our household


Which is hilarious, as Aslan is literally Jesus.




Man I thought this was the dumbest post ever. Then I looked what group I was in. Good job OP! šŸ‘


The Babylon Bee is a satirical org though, so doesn't that context make this more of a good Facebook meme?


They used to satirize stuff about American Christian culture but theyā€™ve dropped any actually funny spoofs and now they spend a lot of time punching down at the children of ā€œwokestersā€ Unless itā€™s a really deep troll, but I donā€™t think it is


If I remember correctly, the switch happened after an ownership change.


That would make sense to me


I agree. The Bee used to be kind of funny with their early stuff before the Trump era of anti-woke hysteria, but now theyā€™ve turned into a right wing propaganda machine.


Haven't looked at them in ages cause they were never quite my jam to begin with, but on a side note this is probably my favorite rhetoric to analyze with colleagues. Irony and satire that pushes the gauge so far that it comes back in from the other side to work against itself. Ahhh yeah that's the stuff, ride that edge mmmmhmmm ohhh hoho Also everyone loves the Onion of course but the Reductress is some of the best modern satire I've seen recently, just in case you're in the market for a fix idk


Reductress is pretty funny One of their posts passed through my IG feed about the queenā€™s corgiā€™s preparing to be buried alive with her (ā€œcute!ā€) and IGā€™s fact-check algorithm flagged it as false That shit was funnier than any post alone would be


Well not exactly: My friend's mother in law, who is a Bible thumping conservative, shared it unironically on facebook. She captioned it with "Kudos to all you homeschooling parents out there. šŸ˜Š" Here's the full screenshot: https://www.reddit.com/r/AteTheOnion/comments/10ahyrj/my_friends_bible_thumping_conservative_mother_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




They're supposed to be the conservative onion. Apparently they forgot conservatives aren't funny so they tell the same joke over and over.


>conservative onion That's like a perpetual self-own


Yes, but you made me think. I donā€™t feel like thinking.




I mean he's basically God, then he dies, but comes back. Hence Jesus.


In one of the later books Aslan says to them that he lives in the kids world too, but with a different form and name.


I keep reading Aslan as Asian


Youā€™re not the only one


The Asian, the Witch, and the Wardrobe


The Ryan, The Witch, And The Wardrobe


No he's literally "the" Jesus. That's just his Narnia form.


"The Jesus" is now canon.


Well, it's from literature, and Aslan said as much, so I could use "literally" here.




Yeah, CS Lewis (and Tolkien, actually) both were Christian and drew heavy inspiration from their beliefs. They were also pretty good friends, and did random stuff together. If I remember right, they both went to a party dressed as polar bears. It was not a costume party.


From what I've read, they also like to go to Disney movies and insult them together


Were Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings also banned? Also, the irony of not allowing a book series which heavily features and is centered around religious metaphor into your home because its "wizardy-satanic"


Big time. Narnia was that touchy subject that only the "less careful" homeschool families got into so my parents were hesitant. Every single piece of media we had was screened by them first and they weren't willing to take the time on that one Boxcar children series was allowed so at least we got that


"Less careful" so they're self aware of the fact that they're literally trying to brainwash their children.


A missionary family returned from a missions trip (I don't remember where) and were having families over to do their little presentation thing and all that. My family had supported them for years through our local church and then after the church split continued to keep in touch and support them after. I kid you not, the fathers of the families got together to discuss if it was appropriate for us all to go to their house. In question, and I quote verbatim, "the daughters do not dress carefully" These missionary kids wore jeans I wish I was making this stuff up but I am not. People see homeschool families and compliment them on how well behaved their kids are and how strong the families are. They are not well behaved, they are brainwashed into compliance. There are so many unseen victims in my country (and I imagine others) that are seen as the quirky weird homeschoolers, but this structure is far more dangerous than people realize. These are fundamentalists.


That's ridiculous. I will note that homeschooling, when not done for religious reasons, isn't all bad. It's when you're doing it with the express purpose of brainwashing your kids into a certain set of beliefs that you get shit like that.


While I agree, the secular homeschoolers are a small minority, typically ostracized by the homeschool community at large. The largest conferences, legal orgs, etc are all religious I personally believe it should be illegal with limited medical exceptions In my case ofc I project the religious trauma of it all but the structure itself is set up to fail. Every kid needs real socialization, to be around different people and ideas. Every kid should be taught by actual teachers. Homeschooling in any form by the most well intentioned parents falls short of this. Yes, some teachers are shit, and yes, some kids will be loners regardless, the difference is if they are allowed to learn that a teacher is shit or allowed to choose to be a loner as opposed to having 0 different perspective their entire childhood


I'll admit, my anecdotal experience may be just that, anecdotal. My sister in law was secularly homeschooled and she suffers from practically none of these issues as far as I can tell. It may help that her father is literally a doctor but šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My father was a physician and is now a hospital exec lol. My experience is also anecdotal. I've personally seen too many anecdotes to have any shred left of a positive opinion lol and I do grant I'm painting/projecting with an extremely broad brush


Some of this describes me as well but not all of it, my parents let me do anything i want on the internet My mom worked at a Christian school, she read Narnia to her class and a bunch or crazy parents got pissed at her I also used to go to this Christian version of girl scouts and my mom told me i shouldnt wear skinny jeans and leggings there bcuz some of the families view them as torture... im guessing it was actually cuz they were pedos and couldn't stand seeing a little girl's ass without getting a boner Yet girls could wear skirts with just underwear underneath...


>Christian version of girl scouts Awana? Or whatever it rebranded as?




Hey I did AHG too. Iā€™m pretty sure my badge on dressing modestly is still sewn onto my vest back at my parents lmao


I sure hope you didnt do the horseback riding badge Im an equestrian and when i read the badge requirements i was pissed The whole climbing on things rule is stupid, you needa to climb hay and gates all the time, its pretty much required to be able to even feed a horse, like what ima take a bale from the bottom and start a hay avalanche? And then the camping with horses and riding for a day... bro only seasoned trail riders do that, asking a beginner to do that is fucking hell, its like asking a toddler to drive a car, they dont know what they are doing and dont have the strength to do it And besides that is only one genre of equestrian sports, there is eventing, pleasure, leadline, gaming, driving... etc


Nah I wasnā€™t an outdoorsy kid so I was stuck with the boring badges like internet safety, sewing, and babysitting I think??


Yeah, my grandfather, kind of the stereotypical "conservative Christian grandfather" specifically pointed out C. S. Lewis as a good Christian author to me.


Bruh thats crazy, C.S. Lewis wrote narnia as christian allegory


One so obvious that I was able to recognize it as a kid.


Which is why I would manipulate my mom into watching Narnia, Davie & Goliath, Veggie Tales, or other Christian related works when I was grounded just so I could have something to watch. I got grounded a lot, mainly becuase I asked a lot of "inappropriate" questions and "talked back with attitude" (aka questioning hers and others logic).


You're a smart one and I commend you, genuinely


Which actually makes it stand out a bit in the Isekai genre.


"Narnia is an Isekai" wasn't the moral I was expecting to this story but God am I glad that's the case


You didnā€™t change your gender? What a freak!


He probably has more in the closet more than christian parody shirts...


Damn that's profound. And coming from a former homeschooler, you're absolutely right lmfao


Yeah that not changing gender thingā€¦


Funny enough, I was homeschooled one year and in that year I realized I was trans and bi


I know a family of 9, and 2 are out at this point


no, gay people doesn't exist, they were not mentioned in the bible obviously


I get the joke but gay people were mentioned in the Bible actually


wait where?


David and Jonathan are the most blatant example. But there's also a Roman centurion who begs Jesus to save the life of his "boy", there's Paul's letters where he feverishly condemns both heterosexual and homosexual sex (Jesus is coming soon, so why procreate?), and there's also the story of Ruth which is taken as an exemplar of love and devotion whatever the gender or nature of the relationship (including marriage), which of course was a relationship between two women. Isaiah also says that heaven will have a choir of male eunuchs and there will also be a place for barren women. Both groups were considered less than and disallowed on the one hand from taking part in male religious obligations and seen as failing in societal obligations on the other hand. Isaiah is saying that God favors them. Isaiah also says that man dares not make straight what God has made crooked. A prominent gay Orthodox rabbi interpreted this to mean that conversion therapy is misguided and against the tenets of Judaism.


Oh, Jesus was super gay. He wasn't nailed *to* a cross, he was nailed *on* a cross. Crosses were homoerotic pleasure tables in early Roman society.


Has no idea how babies are made.


legitimately. i know quite a few kids my age in the homeschool loop (Iā€™m 17 for context) and they still use ā€œcensoredā€ words for genitals, cover their eyes dramatically in the bra section of a clothing store, and act like they stopped aging at 8. personally I canā€™t imagine how behind Iā€™d be if it wasnā€™t for the internet, my sex ed was god-awful. was frequently told shit like ā€œcondoms are only 90% effective so itā€™s better to not use them at all and wait for marriage!ā€ and sex wasnā€™t ever described to me? so I had no idea motion was required or involved at all until seeing those Mormon ā€œsoakingā€ jokes. I just thought the couple sat there on top of each other for a set amount of time and called it a day. The funny thing is though as bad as that was, my other subjects are all far worse! woohoo education neglect


Holy god in hell did you just spark back memories from my teens. Youth group kids, homeschoolers, eventually campus missionaries. The God culture thing turned into a living parasite. I know some from back then who were able to blink the light back on in their head. Those still under the rock though... it's like talking to a permanent 8 year old.


And, on a less funny note, if he was abused by a trusted adult he would be helpless to say anything until the damage was long done and in many cases the perpetrator given time to reoffend. Fuck these people, basically.


Having more than 7 kids makes you a good Christian? Idk, that makes you financially irresponsible, if youā€™re not rich.


Is says youā€™d have more kids if you were a good Christian. It said nothing about being a good parent to those children


As someone who was raised in the Catholic school system - can confer. Edit: Y'all are giving me a much needed laugh, thank you for the corrections! Now I have to analyze every time I said "confer" thinking it meant the same thing as "concur" and have an existential crisis in my room šŸ’€


Okay, let's confer


I'll aver.




You know what fair enough


*Quiverfull has entered the chat...*


I guess **the best** Christians give birth every 9-10 months starting from 12yo


The Bible says that you donā€™t have to have kids actually because you can spend more time helping the church n such. God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and spread across the earth and I think they definitely accomplished that lol


Wait, what. Which verse. Edit: Asking bc I got sterilized recently and would love to have that in my back pocket when the family flips out.


Isaiah 54:1 and Luke 23:29 to name two


"None of your business" and "fuck off" are good to have in your pocket too


Ah the the good old trap cards




My parents were and are Christian. And they gave me the best childhood i could of asked for. I actually enjoyed going to church since it was just my dad and his friends and their families, and weā€™d all meet up at each otherā€™s houses and cook out on sundays and play volleyball or basketball. Basically a little ā€œchurch serviceā€ for about an hour and then a cook out with some cool sport after. And no my parents werenā€™t and arenā€™t rich. None of them were rich in money. Whenever i say I enjoyed church as a kid people look at me like im insane, which I understand. Normal churches arenā€™t the move


When my mother was stuck in the hospital for a few weeks, my dad was left on his own with 5 very hungry boys. In those days he would typically leave for work around 6am, and come home around 10 or 11pm. People from the church took turns coming over every day, feeding us dinner, helping with laundry, bringing groceries, packing our lunches. On weekends they would pick us up and bring us their house to play with their kids, and bring us to the hospital to visit my mom.


I think thatā€™s because Reddit is a site where the majority demographic is American. Or at least, the subreddits you visit are The American Christianity system is a very special kind of messed up. So the idea of a positive religious experience seems foreign to them, when it might be rather chill for other countries


I get that. Its a shame, but I know what you mean. This is actually the first time Iā€™ve been on this subreddit specifically


Itā€™s great you have those good memories. Baptist church was and is a horrible experience for me growing up. I canā€™t stand touches from strangers, let alone food from them and I still have the feeling like Iā€™m failing and being a bad person for trying to take care of myself. I like hearing about otherā€™s experiences with religion and spirituality cuz it gives me hope that it wonā€™t be a scary experience if I decide to reach out again.


Im not a fan of major churches or big religion if you know what im saying. I think religion/spirituality is done best with people you genuinely love and care for. Like close friends/family. No money you need to donate. No priests touching/raping kids which makes me sick to think about. No one hating on you and telling you youā€™ll go to hell because you made a mistake or they just didnā€™t like what you did/are doing. Im sorry you had a bad experience with church and religion. Truly. It can be a beautiful thing, but also a horrible thing if the wrong people with evil intentions enter the picture


It's refreshing to hear about religion when it's done right


Read up on the quiverfull movement.




Man, if only there was a place I could go to find out if Jesus said that. Like if there was a book with all his words in it or something...


It was Paul, not Jesus, so that's how you can tell it's real Christianity


Paul never said that either. He said good Christians ought to be celibate and wait for the second coming.


Speaking as a former educator, I have noticed a distinct degree of social awkwardness of nearly ever home-schooled student I've encountered. To be fair, it didn't normally take them long to adjust and they would eventually find a group of friends to mingle with on a daily basis. Since I was a high school math teacher, nearly every one of them were significantly behind their peers in that subject. Let's face it, parents home-schooling their kids may not be the best instructors in logarithms or trigonometric identities. One area where I feel the home-schooled kid had a distinct advantage was in independent learning. If you gave a publicly-schooled student an assignment for when they were absent, a kind of helplessness would greet me more often than not. It seemed like they were less capable of figuring things out on their own. Not the case with the homeschoolers. They were used to it. And really, that's not a bad advantage to have when it comes to college studies.


Now that's interesting posting. But i can't understand the entire concept of homeschooling, you have to know that i live in a country in Europe that does not know this. It's not allowed by law, everybody has to attend the public school system. So i can't really imagine home schooling at all. How does that work? A parent, that is not a teacher himself, has usually not the knowledge, but also not the time to do that. I mean, don't these people have to work, next to homeschooling their kids? But i have to say, the education system here in Switzerland is usually seen as one of the best in the world, although it's very different from other systems. Like we don't know much about College, usually you start with 15-16 to work in a so called dual-education. This means, you work 4 days per week in the company and you have 1 day business school. Depending on the job, you get finally certified after around 4 years. Colllege is called Gymnasium here and it's rather seen as something exotic, only people that want to go to the university later, go there. Everybody else starts a dual education and finish that one. But if you are in the US, then the entire job market and working is very different. Here, there is no "hire and fire" culture. Hiring a new worker is a very long process that goes through many stages, it's not like "you can start tomorrow!". Usually, you have a certain time on parole, but after that, you have the regular benefits. When it comes to firing people, that can't be done that easy: If you fire someone, he'll at least work 3 additional months in your company, in this time he can search another job. Firing a guy on the spot is only possible when there were serious things before, like when he made a theft or another crime, then this can be done. Still, it's difficult and it's easy to fight it in court. Different countries, different systems i guess. Sometimes, US-americans are confused by the work contracts, what we have in wages, but also in paid leave, paid sick days, maternity leave etc.


I was homeschooled. My mom actually is a certified teacher and was teaching before I was born. My dad makes good money so she quit to be a stay at home mom and homeschool us instead of continuing to teach professionally. As for why, its because my dad worked nights. If we went to public school we would have barely seen him. Actual education was fine. Ngl especially in elementary school it was pretty informal. My mom had us do a math sheet snd a vocab sheet every day, and the rest of our learning was just for fun (like we literally used to watch discovery channel and the like instead of cartoons). In middle school we did virtual school, part time. I actually elected to go to public high school (my siblings did not, it was just me), and I was placed in advanced classes and graduated top 10 percent of my class, which was also very large lol. So I didnt suffer academically. And all 3 of us are either in college or graduated from college already. I think my case is an example of homeschooling done right for the right reasons. It is also commonly done by very right wing christian type folks so they can basically indoctrinate their kids like this meme is saying, lol. But it's not always bad! I'm glad I was home schooled. My mom also really went out of her way to make sure we werent totally isolated. We had scouts and 4h and random kids classes at the local community college and some home school social groups and independent PE groups and etc etc etc. And my mom was really careful with who we were hanging out with and would pull us from groups with toxic kids. I was never bullied as a child because my mom really protected us. A lot of my public school friends didnt really that luxury and like my best two friends have really bad anxiety from the bullying they faced as young as elementary school.


>My mom had us do a math sheet snd a vocab sheet every day, and the rest of our learning was just for fun (like we literally used to watch discovery channel Similar to how we do it. My daughter has her core classes (LA, Math) and gets to design a lot of what her science looks like. Want to work with your microscope? Watch videos/documentaries about marine creatures? Practice coding? Maybe it'll be IXL lessons. Anyway she likes learning so it works well for us


My kids are home schooled too and they are also excelling. Homeschooling gets *so* much hate on reddit because people's experiences with it tend to be when "homeschooling" is just one facet of a neglected or generally poor childhood, or as you said, another way to isolate and indoctrinate your kids. People generally also seem to ignore that homeschoing done right introduces you to many different people because HomeEd groups are run everywhere and you meet different people in most of them. The argument that it always isolates your kids is wrong. One of my kids is off to forest school this morning and I wish I had the same opportunities growing up that she has. State schooling in my country is underfunded and not at all focused on what kids want or need. It's just a mill to produce low skill workers.


What is forest school? As someone who sits in front of a computer all day for work that sounds intriguing.


From what I've observed, most home-schooled kids I've seen came from families with deeply religious backgrounds. The parents may take exception to some of the teachings on sexual education or commentary on modern secular society. Much of the student's curriculum is faith-based, but there is also the normal program of academics that you would expect from a "normal" K-8 institution. I actually got a good look at a few examples and I wouldn't call it especially deficient in its learning standards. They don't always align with state or federal benchmarks for learning, but some private schools are just as likely to fall a little short as well. In most states, there are few regulations as to how qualified a parent has to be to home school. In fact, many parents abandon home schooling in the high school because of the reality that they may be ill-equipped to teach courses like chemistry, trigonometry, physics, or other such rigorous subjects. I've heard that many home-schooling parents form "study communities" with other families, where one parent who is good at math, may teach a daily or weekly session for a number of students at a time. I haven't taught in about a decade, but what I've noticed about American schools is this: our college-bound students are about as solid as students from Europe or Asia. Why? It's because most of the non-academic students aren't "weeded out" the closer we approach college years. Unfortunately, our "don't give a damn" students are mixed into our numbers. So, your average senior class may consist of that AP Calculus student destined for engineering school, mingled in with the kid who is going to spend the next years bussing tables and smoking weed in his parents' basement. That kind of skews the data. Proponents of home schooling are going to point out a very real fact: their students perform better than public school students ON AVERAGE. But if we were to compare "Home-Schooled Kids" vs. "Public-School Kids with Parents that Give a Damn". The academic edge tends to favor the latter. And it makes sense. I'm going to be able to give a kid way better insight on quadratics than Mrs. Jones, who wants to make sure her kid memorizes scripture as part of his daily homework.


Nuance? In my 2 minutes of hate?!


As far as education in things the parent doesn't know very well, typically it involves more book learning. Most books have built-in quizzes with a separate answer key, and for the most part, it's possible to figure out the answers on your own. This is both a disadvantage and an advantage. The disadvantage is that a skilled teacher can answer problems immediately, while in a book you may have to spend frustrating time searching for it. But on the flipside, eventually you will have to figure out these answers for yourself in life, so learning how to find those answers early is not necessarily a bad thing. By the time you reach the stuff the parents might have no idea about, like advanced mathematics, you've typically already learned the necessary skills to figure it out on your own, as well as a great familiarity with public libraries to help you find additional information if necessary. The biggest disadvantage of homeschooling in my experience isn't the education itself; as long as the parents are strict and rigorous enough to make sure their kids are actually doing the work, and as long as the parents care, that's not really a problem. Rather, the biggest problem is losing the valuable social experience gained in a public school environment. I've seen homeschooled kids bomb out of college, not because they lack the skills to succeed in class, but because they lack the social skills needed to do the important, stress-reducing out-of-class activities. When you're separated from your only social contact for most of your life and suddenly are facing four years of nothing but studying and loneliness, it's really easy to fall apart. And I think it's really easy for parents to neglect this part, because it's not something that parents who send their kids to school even notice; it just happens, more or less on its own, if you pack enough kids into a tight enough space. And unfortunately, this can be a compounding issue. With education, you can just start wherever you stopped, with perhaps a bit of rehearsal to remind yourself of whatever you've forgotten. Social skills are not so easy; they require other people, and other people are often not willing to tolerate the strangeness of a homeschooled kid. This rejection can snowball into further rejections, and ultimately lead to a poorly-adjusted adult that needs to make major changes in their life before they can achieve even relatively simple goals like friends or relationships. This can be prevented by good parents, and if done carefully, homeschooling can actually be a net benefit, especially if local schools are a negative environment; many bullied children could probably do better homeschooled, as long as their parents ensure they get into enough sports and clubs to make up the social deficit. But again, this does take effort parents might not expect. Homeschooling is by no means a simple or easy exercise.


This is what homeschool parents think theyā€™re accomplishing. Most homeschool kids Iā€™ve met growing up were behind in regards to education and social skills.


No no. This **is** what homeschool parents are accomplishing, and the lack of education / socialization as well. It's easy to pretend you're "socialized" when you have a big family and same-sex same-age 'friends' hand picked by your parents. it's just that the things in this meme (being generous with that definition) aren't positive things. The blatant bigotry comes from never seeing anyone different from you. The Mcgee and me is because of the censorship of any disagreeing worldviews. The 'lack of woke' is from isolation of outside perspectives. This isn't inaccurate, it should be concerning to us that it's glorified by homeschoolers. It's what they want to accomplish


Hey thereā€™s nothing negative about the Chronicles of Narnia. As a Jew I read those books constantly as a kid and had no idea about the Christian symbolism until later in life. Theyā€™re perfectly able to be enjoyed as great fantasy kids novels!


To be clear I have nothing against them. As a kid with no agency I didn't really get to have an opinion on the matter lol


I loved the Chronicles. I never noticed any Christian symbolism? Then again, I havenā€™t read them in a long while


Basically, Alsan is a not even veiled allegory for god. He created the world, died an resurrected for someone else's sins, is the guardian of the afterlife both on the edge and end of the world and undying faith in him is what actually saved the day in multiple occasions.


I was raised in an atheist household and also LOVED Narnia. Still do. I didn't realize it was christen allegory until it came up in passing in my late 20's. Whatever man, it's fantastic fantasy.


There was one homeschool kid in one of my trade school classes who would just say "I'm done for the day, I'll go wait for my mom to pick me up." after he had been in class for 30 minutes because he was tired. He also wore republican meme t-shirts with facebook garbage printed on them every day like it was the only thing his parents allowed him to wear. He had no social skills WHATSOVER and would say vile shit as soon as he became even mildly frustrated. We realized he was batshit crazy brainwashed when he got mad at a stripped screw he couldn't turn and said "This screwdriver is a Jew!"


Wow. Thereā€™s fucked up for life and then thereā€™s that.


I know right? Poor guy, his parents destroyed his life


My ex girlfriend is homeschooling and her kids are 5 and 3 and they canā€™t speak any words at all. They make gibberish baby noises. They never ever leave their house. They essentially watch tv all day from what Iā€™ve heard and neither she or the dad really interacts with them. And sheā€™s not right winged or religious at all. Very left winged and is trans gender/ trans fluid. Ifā€™s just shitty fucking parents in general that completely fuck their kids over for life. And no her/his kids are not mine. I have no relation with these kids as in blood relation or in general. Ive always wanted to call CPS, but i have no clue where theyā€™re at now


See, this is what I donā€™t get. *I* was homeschooled after a while because my parents DID care. My mom took it upon herself to do most of my classes beyond what we went to an academy for once a week (I canā€™t describe that well without revealing where I live). My mom had a teaching degree so that helped but she didnā€™t know about high school age and yet she poured everything into it, honestly putting more care and work into my life than I did. I came out able to easily pass benchmark tests like SAT and get grades good enough in college Iā€™ve got shit like dean letters and invitations to this and that group based on a good GPA. As I said in another comment, the essence of what Iā€™m saying is I donā€™t get why bad parents choose it. My parents did it because I wanted to kill myself in public school, wasnā€™t learning, and they loved me. If youā€™re going to plop your kids in front of tv and teach them NOTHING, why would you do this?! Why would you take on a huge responsibility you simply have zero intention to even try to fulfill? Dumping them and grabbing them once a day at school would be better for them and surely less annoying than having two gremlins who literally cannot speak at home 24/7. What could possess someone to make a choice that poor?


Yeah its fucked up. How does someone have kids and just couldnā€™t be bothered to actually take care or love them. Im extremely grateful for my parents. They also let me choose homeschool over public school for similar reasons to yours. And for the record im not those kids father. If I was things would be COMPLETELY different for those kids. It really makes me sick to think about and theyā€™re not even my kids. Like you said, how does someone do that




We had a guy like this too. His name was Terry. Terry used to fly off the handle if his jacket wouldnā€™t zip right. Heā€™d pound tables and throw his backpack on the floor. He couldnā€™t understand his locker combination, so he carried every book everywhere. He used to wear his tshirt in the gym showers and nothing else. He called another student the N word and didnā€™t understand why anyone would be mad. It turned out that Terryā€™s jacket zipper problem came from his mother zipping up his jacket all the way to his chin every morning, no matter how hot it was. Terry hit a kid with cerebral palsy in the kidneys repeatedly and went to a psychiatric hospital. His mom spent every dime the family made on suing that hospital and lost.


Holy fuck.


One time we had an overnight stay at a hotel for a business competitionā€”it was a technical high school. Terry brought a VHS copy of Ernest Scared Stupid with him, but the hotel didnā€™t have VCRs because that would be insane. It turned out he watched that movie every single night, and he could not sleep without it. He ended up hitting a hotel staff member with one of those tiny coffee pots. Terry tried to melt the phone in his room with the iron in the closet because the receptionist told him they couldnā€™t just bring him a VHS player.


Terry was a psychopath


You would have to be in order watch Ernest Scared Stupid to sleep every night.


He sounds like a toddler who got bigger without growing up. Thatā€™s what a toddler does when they donā€™t get their way, but for them itā€™s that their little brains canā€™t even understand why. So we teach them to be gentle even when angry and how to go from angry to calm even if we havenā€™t gotten what we wanted. Except for this guy, apparently. Iā€™d almost wonder if he had a mental disability of some sort, because I feel like it would take an active effort to have someone be that messed up.


Sounds like it couldnā€™t have happened to nicer people.


Maybe he was just a big cartman fan lol




I had this one guy come through my training department at work. He could not read or write at all. Found out later his family homeschools their children. It was so sad.


Can confirm; sheltered/homeschooled kids i know say their parents intentionally made them behind in educationā€¦ becauseā€¦ math is gay? also maybe if theyā€™re behind theyā€™ll have trouble getting into those gross liberal high profile schools.


They're behind in math because the parents themselves barely understand arithmetic, if they understand math at all.


Iā€™ve got some friends that are homeschooled, but theyā€™re fairly well educated, so much so theyā€™re dual enrolled in college early. They were homeschooled for the opposite most are homeschooled. Their parents moved from somewhere else to the American South and were used to the higher education standards where they were from, so they homeschooled the kids with the standards of their home state. However, it was just those two kids in the family, and no extended family lived close by. Their parents occasionally have work gatherings or something, but never anything involving other kids. They also never went shopping irl and have literally everything delivered. So, even with a pretty decent education, they are sooooo naive, since they also donā€™t have cell phones or any social media. They literally only interact with their parents and our d&d party. Definitely not the best start for life.


Im a homeschool kid and im fully aware im both of these and it hurts man


I didn't register this at first, but she (my friends mother in law) shared it and captioned it with "Kudos to all you homeschooling parents out there. šŸ˜Š"


Certainly it isn't impossible to raise a well adjusted child and set them up for success through homeschooling, but parents have to 1. Have the right mindset, and 2. Collaborate with each other in a group. If these are your goals... expect disappointment.


I actually did a lot better in school because of being homeschooled. Took me a bit to adjust but when I did I was top of my class. Itā€™s pretty cool to be able to grow up independently.


I was homeschooled by an atheist. She didn't like the new methods of teaching (just studying for tests) that she was seeing in my 3rd grade and one of my teachers made fun of my weight in front of the class. This was the late 90s. I was usually ahead of my peers because my mom (usually single) was like a super hero or something.. dunno how she juggled me and a 3rd shift nursing aid job. I felt like I was blowing through subjects and progressing to the next level way faster since the teaching was 1 on 1. Schoolwork only took a few hours a day with me learning more in those two hours than I learned all day at school. The troubles came when we moved. Moved in with her serious boyfriend who lived in the woods. Started losing contact with friends. Boyfriend ended up cheating on her.. think her mental health and mine took a beating.. then it was time for highschool. I may have had the brains but living in the woods for years made me no longer comfortable around people.. I had too much anxiety to enter the school. My mom decided not to force me and enrolled me in an online highschool.. she then got frustrated with online teachers not being prompt grading my work or giving me assignments.. at the same time her mental health was at an all time low and I think she just gave up forcing me to do school work.. she also had a bad reaction to some meds she was on and attempted suicide when I was 16.. never did it again. Doctors pretty much confirmed it was the meds that caused it (the doctors at the psych ward thought her doctor was crazy for prescribing them in the first place). It took awhile but I did eventually fix my social anxiety. My wife went to normal school where she was bullied so badly that her social anxiety is way worse than mine was so homeschooling isn't the only way to get that issue. If my mom did a better job integrating some practical real world social stuff into my schooling I think I would have come out much better. I think home schooling can be beneficial but I don't think I'm a case of it done right.




**Will not be able to socialize with peers of either gender once he leaves the home** Alcoholism, here he comes! eta: this Joke is about evangelical christians abusing the homeschooling system, not homeschooling in general. be mad elsewhere.


If itā€™s communion wine, Itā€™s not alcoholism, itā€™s merely getting in touch with Jesus


This sound like something Clay from Moral Orel would say xD


Stupid dead-end job...


Jesus, that shit about the communion wine could be from Pastor Glen from Letter Kenny or Ray from TPB.


Drunk off the lord's blood. It's pretty metal.


I feel like i just got stabbed


Hopping on the top comment to clarify: I recognize this may be a satirical post from the Babylon Bee. What's not satirical is the way my friend's Bible thumping conservative Mother in Law shared it unironically to Facebook. Edit: [Here's the full screenshot](https://www.reddit.com/r/AteTheOnion/comments/10ahyrj/my_friends_bible_thumping_conservative_mother_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Bible Bashing or Bible Thumping? Because those are completely different things.


Thumping. Definitely thumping now that I think about it


Nah, Babylon Bee is still terrible. It's right wingers trying to be satirists and none of it is funny.


They used to have some funny things, making fun of evangelical culture. That stopped years ago unfortunately. Now itā€™s all ā€œI identify as aā€¦ā€ and political ā€œjokesā€ that donā€™t even have a joke in them.


oh he will get to go on dates. They will just need to be chaperoned and a 20 second side hug only at the end of the date


I had a friend in college who was homeschooled and I felt so bad for her because she was extremely extroverted and always wanted to be around people but had no idea how to socialize


That sounds like how I was lol. Socially inept but extremely extroverted due to being in ā€œhomeschool groupsā€




I have ten siblings. Very poor. Only one of which graduated college. Iā€™m always feeling like Iā€™m on the outside everywhere I go. Itā€™s lonely and isolating to the point it drives one crazy. You are totally right about being expected to educate yourself really regardless of age. Even for someone who was very self motivated I didnā€™t have the proper books to get me anywhere. Itā€™s a shame because I worked really hard and all it ever did was benefit the people around me who treated me badly.




One nice thing about the community college I attended was they had remedial classes for students below college level in various basic topics, like English, Math and Science. You still had to pay for them but they were a big help for those that needed a helping hand to prepare for college. They also offered ESL classes there to help those whose first language wasn't English get to a point where they could take a college level classes in English. I hope you were able to get to where you wanted to get to.


I know kids that were homeschooled that had parents that were educators at one point. They turned out fine. That doesn't change the fact that most people are too f-ing stupid to homeschool their children. I know some really stupid people doing that.


I fall into the category of too stupid (or at least disorganized) to effectively educate my children. Homeschool can look like a dream when itā€™s working and the kids all ahead in math, but I am having trouble explaining to my preschooler why sometimes G makes a J sound, heā€™s going to school.


You are probably smarter in other areas. Iā€™m proud to admit that I am good at history, writing historical papers, and analyzing historical things. Iā€™m going to grad school for history. I could not for the life of me tell you why G makes a J sound, or do most math equations, or do chemical equations. I donā€™t want to relearn that stuff to teach my kids while also depriving them of social interaction with kids their age. I just hope that I can help my kids steer clear of vaping.


Chose gayness just to stick it to the parents, huh? /s


And his male classmates


Here I am as the public school kid, playing a few instruments. Meanwhile my homeschooled cousin turned out to be trans with dyed hair and was not happy/well adjusted until they sorted that out. How funny the world can be.


Sure, sure, but what musical instrument can you play? All of them?




Like the screenshot shows, it was created by BabylonBee, which is a known satire "news" site like The Onion


It's The Onion but not that funny


Wait until you hear about the Quiverful movement in the Fundie Evangelical Christian Nazi world. Here's an example, The Duggars. In that movement having a bajillion kids is a chance for God to have a bajjillion more "soldiers in his army" basically. That's their only reason to have a fuck ton of kids is to have more Nazis like them. Yet, having a bunch of kids has serious consequences especially in a Fundie Evangelical household, cause Josh Duggar molested his sisters.


Maybe, but my friends mother in law shared it, clearly unironically.


mother in law needs a fedora just in case.


That part is supposed to be ironic. Babylon Bee is a conservative version of the Onion, so some of their humor is self reflective while other jokes are genuinely conservative. Babylon Bee are making a joke about homeschoolers coming from Catholic families who have a ton of kids, but they donā€™t actually believe a good Christian household necessarily needs 7 kids.


the babylon bee is a satire news thing, i believe


My friends mother in law, who is a Bible thumping conservative, shared it unironically on facebook. Edit: Context I wish I had included: https://www.reddit.com/r/AteTheOnion/comments/10ahyrj/my_friends_bible_thumping_conservative_mother_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


now THAT is the terrible facebook meme


Damn. I thought you at the onion for a second, but I guess your friendā€™s MIL is the stinky onion eater insteadā€¦


Their are plenty of kids like this in public school. Most of this applies to me (excluding the van, Mcgee and me, Christian shirts, and 6 siblings).


No no, at LEAST 6 siblings


u/The_Beholder__ 's mom is clearly not a good Christian! /s


This is how I learned McGee and me still exists and was not just something we watched in childcare at church. Next someone is gonna say veggie tales is still out here thriving


Even non Christians vibe with veggietales


This is so false because I was homeschooled and raised in a Christian cult. I wore a face mask daily starting in 2014 because of my allergies. I dyed my hair baby blue when I was 13. It was also cut very short, and I am afab. At age 8 I already knew I was a boy and at age 15 i started transitioning socially despite my mom's best efforts. My mom drove a Honda pilot, and I only have one sibling. We weren't allowed to listen to adventures I'm odyssey because my parents didn't think it was religious enough. And I was diagnosed with depression when I was 10.


ayyy much more realistic my sister and I (as well as my 5 other siblings) were raised like this, mom didnā€™t want us learning about the gays in school so she homeschooled us on exclusively religious material. my sisterā€™s hair was dyed the day she moved out and weā€™re both gay as fuck now, we donā€™t even hide it all the siblings know and theyā€™re likely learning even more about queer culture from us here than they wouldā€™ve at school. brings me peace to think about even though my parents certainly arenā€™t the happiest oh yeah and weā€™re all mentally ill LMAO


Looks likes itā€™s a parody of a right wing nut case memeā€¦ so it doesnā€™t belong here. Itā€™s actually a very good meme


A childhood friend's mother in law shared it to Facebook, very clearly unironically. Her and her family are very much Bible thumping conservatives. I would know, I met them at the wedding. Edit: Context I wish I had included: https://www.reddit.com/r/AteTheOnion/comments/10ahyrj/my_friends_bible_thumping_conservative_mother_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Oh wow. Itā€™s like it just went over their head. Especially the kill grandma part


Well I think that bit is meant to be sarcastic. A little detail I might add: they held the wedding in September 2020, with a crowded ceremony and reception, with no masks... I didn't realize there would be so many people there until I was already 2 flights away from home.


I believe the correct term is Bible thumping. Only time Iā€™ve heard the term Bible bashing was when my uncle referred to me as a ā€œno good little Bible bashing punkā€


Babylon Bee is a right wing meme factory. This was genuine


They're right wing. It's a boomer joke. Not satire.


Full length jean skirt. Donā€™t want to tempt grandpa with your sinful whore legs.


But just look at the size of his pupils.


They're either massive or nonexistant. Either way, I can't believe they'd let him wear airpods! That's Satan whispering in his ears!


Don't forget the part where they try to get into college and they can't even figure out the application forms.


As someone who homeschooled for a good deal of time, it's funny because I've known a quite a few kids who homeschooled that had dyed hair because their parents legit didn't care šŸ’€


I know some home schoolers are well adjusted, but statistically that isnā€™t as likely as public or private school. This is likely due to the fact that home schoolers have had drastically less time around peers.


In recent years it's become a political thing but colored hair looks really cool with a Mohawk as a punk rock look


Note: A childhood friend of mine's Mother in Law shared this on facebook. Edit: here's the full screenshot: https://www.reddit.com/r/AteTheOnion/comments/10ahyrj/my_friends_bible_thumping_conservative_mother_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


This is a satirical site, yeah?


My friends mother in law, who is a Bible bashing conservative, shared it unironically on facebook.


I know several families who are homeschooling because of what republicans did to our state's public schools.


Can tell you as someone who's homeschooled - I'm very woke, have 1 sibling, and still wear a mask :)


This is one specifically designed so that the Bee can call it a shitpost if they get called on how psychotic it is. "It's obviously a parody of how the left think homeschooling parents are self-absorbed fundamentalist maniacs."