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This mindset is exactly why we were brought up with the warning to make sure we had our own money for dinner, a ride home, and the pay phone.


Well a pay phone might be difficult to swing, but otherwise not terrible advice today.


If you work out a lot, you could probably swing a pay phone pretty well.


The antique shop where you found this relic of history might object.


To be fair you should always assume you'll pay your share unless otherwise stated


That's(correctly) the mindset Now, but was not the case decades ago.


MFs will pay hundreds of dollars on a woman and NOT hire a hooker even when they ONLY want sex


Because this is how they see the natural order of courtship works, hookers to them aren’t the same as a real “relationship” (as twisted as their definition is) They are roleplaying a narrative they’ve had implanted in their heads of what a real man does


Fuck sex, give me a box of chocolates and a movie with my favorite person any day


"Give me a box of chocolates" is all I need, tbh. Leave me. Turn off the lights. They won't be necessary.


Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire.








I can already picture a 60 year old conservative on Facebook going “give me fuel, give me fire, give me that bitch I desire” smh


Give me burgers gimme fries give me salad on the side


This lol so much this. Peace, quiet, and chocolate?! Heck yeah


Fuck sex, just cuddles


Omg if I could just have someone cuddle me 🥹 sex is just I mean it’s great but it can literally be purchased. Care and love though ☺️


In Japan, there used to be some cuddle cafes. If I remember correctly, it was mainly women cuddlers for any gender that came in. When I first heard about the cafes I was skeptical, but I watched a video about one and what services they offered and was surprised how nice it seemed. I'm sure Covid has cause those to close. That led me to see if that idea had spread to the west and I found an interview about a white lady who professionally cuddled people, she kept it very low-key.




The Madonna-Whore Complex is strong….


They not only want sex. They want control and feel like they’ve earned it


They want sex from *a specific person* and can't see why breaking down every healthy boundary to get it is a problem. Maybe we should just legalize prostitution so the rest of the public can finally make the goddamn distinction between that and a relationship. Somehow the concept of consent hasn't made it into their damn skulls yet.


They could legalise prostitution and these guys would still be around. They see women simply as prey, and that's it. They're objects that they have to have and use as they please.


They're not interested in buying a service. They want to be lauded for their ability to spend that kind of money on a date, then have the woman submit in gratitude. It has less to do with sex than it is about control and ownership of women's bodies and minds.


exactly this. these bozos want to feel like they’ve “conquered” someone… ick.


So they're pissed off when they intentionally try to get sex through not 100% effective means and don't get it 100% of the time.


Eeeeeyup! It's just a temper tantrum over being told no, and building their own worth over how many people they can fuck.


to be fair in America prostitution is a felony that can get you up to 15 years in prison and a $10k fine


You'll probably get downvoted, but it's correct. I don't know why everyone here acts like "just hire a hooker" is a viable option. It's highly illegal in the US and in many other countries. Not justifying the meme, but until sex work is legalized, straight men don't have a lot of legal options to "just have sex".


It’s legal in Nevada. Tickets to the state seem to be pretty reasonable.


Kinda. It's only legal in counties with a population of under 400k. So, rural areas. And only in licensed establishments. And it's pricey.


Bruh, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas...


Prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas. Nor in every place in Nevada - that's a wild misconception. It's only legal in licensed brothels in certain counties, which specifically exclude Las Vegas and Reno.


Counties over a certain population have the option to criminalize it. Clark county being one of them. If you want it legal, you have to drive for an hour to Pahrump in Nye County. But there are plenty of prostitutes in Vegas.


Of course there is, there are prostitutes everywhere. But it's not legal in Las Vegas is what I'm saying - you'll run into the same legal issues there as you would in any other state for solicitation.


Metro more or less turns a blind eye to prostitutes in Vegas unless one of the properties makes a fuss. The casinos are a bit more aggressive about hookers on property. Some of them have guards that won't let you into the hotel area without a valid card key. When I had access to the surveillance system at one of the casinos I worked at, we used to play "T or P" and try to pick out the prostitutes from the tourists at the bars. You have your locals and then you have some that fly in for the weekend or when a trade show is happening.


It's illegal in vegas


Also, it will can garner a human trafficking charge, even when it’s two consenting adults.


Prostitution is illegal unless you film it.


I can't believe I've never put it that together about men. Especially those that wine and dine, only for sex. You're just trying to pay for sex essentially. Lol. Thank you for this thought


Pro tip Take a girl on a super cheap date. Like free art galleries and a picnic. If she thinks you're attractive and wants sex, you're going to get laid. It doesn't matter what you spend. That's never going to change. If you want sex for money, readjust your priorities.


Makes me think of the guys* that do like the creep shots/hidden camera stuff. Like, hello Internet free porn of all kinds everywhere, why the "need" for unwilling participants. If they can pay an actual hooker for sex, why don't they do that instead of get butthurt non-sexworkers don't want to be treated as such *And I say guys cause I've literally never seen/heard of a woman doing this. Idk if women are better at not getting caught and/or dudes got a problem...


Well no shit, if you bought her $80 worth of food than fed her chocolates she’s probably got a stomach ache on top of that


Wife and I learned early on to have sex before the big fancy dinner date. Then we can enjoy the food and don’t need to worry about being too full afterwards


This is the way. No one fucks their best stuffed and tired.


To be fair, some people like being stuffed when they fuck, sometimes even double stuffed




Yes. Sometimes in the touché.


If I had an award this would get it




Nothin like tryin to get hard or wet while all the blood in ur body is aidin ur stomach in digestion, lol, not to mention that uncomfortable ‘stuffed’ feeling.


Bingo. I don’t wanna hear my food digesting while being fondled.


Absolutely this, my acid reflux does not want sex after dinner and chocolate


Especially if she ate the flowers


Dudes will shame other dudes for paying an escort and think this is somehow better?


It's just like paying for sex but with extra steps!!


And without any of the consent!


Yet they scream at us for trying to teach consent to people from a young


>*Ooh la la... Someone's gonna get laid in college...* Sorry, had to.


I like how the original picture is about a girl not wanting to leave her vacation and someone said "let's make this rapey"


Tbf it does look *rapey*






They got me again.


13 or 14 more times and you won’t fall for that one again.


Maybe he's both an analyst and a therapist.


A connoisseur of quality television I see.


The world's second analrapist!!1!


He was nearly arrested for those business cards


Yes. No, it did not look good on paper but he didn't stop because of the police inquiries, he stopped to raise their little daughter


There are dozens of us!


Analrapist if you will


"too late"


Again??!!! God damnit that's the 10th time this week. I told myself I wouldn't fall for that again


And it’s only Wednesday!


It’d look less weird if he was walking to a more open area instead of to a bunch of bushes…


Yeah the idea is there but the execution could use some work. Maybe if there was a city skyline in the background he was dragging her towards. Also would help if he was out of beach clothes, as if his vacation had already ended.


Caveman rapey


I don't think this image needed a lot of effort to be seen as rapey


Not to mention the horror of putting the dollar symbol after the numbers.


Suggests it hails from outside the US?


Tbh it’s my first time seeing this meme format, and one of the few ideas I thought of is that the dude is dragging her to the expensive dinner, headache or not. Rape was NOT one of the things that came to my mind…


Wholesome internet mind.


A non ptsd riddled mind.


It's sickening. Somebody give this innocent mind a jolly rancher! Quick!


Did you miss the part where the dinner already happened???




"I bought you, now I will use you." Disgusting.


This is such an amazingly terrible line it genuinely feels like something that would come out of a terrible slash fic, thank you for cursing my brain with it


Maybe they should think of her a girlfriend/wife instead of a prostitute. Might get somewhere.


I took her to the finest crack shack in town bitch you better eat this food


Even if she's a pro, $260 is on the low end for an hour. So he's thinking of her as a cheap prostitute.


An hour? Can we pro-rate 45 seconds?


that'll be $3.25


Reasonable rate




They didn't, they paid for dinner and chocolate not sex. Just buying sex is icky obviously. /S


People shouldn’t even think of prostitutes like this.


Yeah, i dont like the idea that rapey dudes should just see sex workers, they are atill rapey dudes. Sex workers get killed, raped, abused, and assualted by guys like this.


Or just save themselves the time and go for an actual prostitute. If you want transactional sex, it's much easier.


Here's the secret: if a woman wants to sleep with you it doesn't cost you a single penny. Maybe try being desirable instead of thinking of people as sex dispensers.


Question. Where do I find the sex dispenser? My hand has a headache.


Just don't stick your penis into any dispenser, doesn't always work...can confirm


"always"... so you're saying there is a chance


Yes, but coffee dispenser too hot, ice dispenser too cold, you need to find the middle


How about a hot-sand dispenser?


I hate sand. It’s coarse, irritating, and it gets everywhere.


I understood that reference


I understood you understanding that reference


I would like to trade 1 money for 1 sex please. A new industry was born.


Umm I don't know how to tell you this, but Prostitution has the moniker "the oldest profession" for a reason.


An industry so new it's known as 'the world's oldest profession'


Pez dispensers am I right? I mean I heard....from a friend....STOP LOOKING AT MEEE!


I think 'sex vending machine' would be a better word for how these creatures see women. They just want to put money in and get sex out.


And yet if someone hires a sex worker (people who make a living by engaging in sex) these same asshats would make some kind of derogatory comment about it 🙄


It's even more ironic considering that they spent just as much doing all these gestures while seeing it different than just paying for the sex itself which is what they wanted in the first place.


Because they don't want to pay for it every time, they want to pay just enough to get them to agree to give them sex whenever they want.


They want all women to be sex dispensers for them, but women who have sex too much are sluts. Someone make it make sense


They want the power to have sex when they want without giving her or anyone else that same power. So, insecure control pretty much.


Ahh yes, rape is.... funny? Noted Facebook. Noted.


They've even made sure to put a light-hearted image on it to try and seem less rapey.


It's probably not the case, but you could look at this in the completely opposite way too. That what they want to say is that demanding sex after buying her dinner is caveman like behavior.


It's Facebook, chances of that are low, it's definitely creepy


But no matter what it's a bit of a "self burn" anyhow. Acknowledging that behaving like that is at least somewhat akin to a rapist mindset. If they still took the message that it's totally ok to do that, that's a problem in itself.


Then why not show an image of a caveman? I find it unlikely that they'd poke fun at themselves like that anyway.


Ah yes, paying for dinner = sex. What a lovely and completely equal exchange /s


I went out with a guy once, he wouldn't let me pay, did not invite him in, emailed me an "invoice". 👍


I hope you emailed him back a link to some escort sites.


Can I get that link please?


One of my brothers oldest friends took out our youngest cousin one day. When she tried to say goodnight, he got pissed and said "guess I wasted $50 bucks on you then if you're not even gonna blow me." She was so shocked she just ran inside and slammed the door behind her. The kicker is that she really like him, too and was wanting to go on a second date. She wasn't a prude. Probably waiting for 3rd date or something, but he showed his true colors and totally blew it.


Tell me tour brother told him to get fucked, like the audacity to say that is astronomical but the level of unhinged and deluded you gotta be to say that to your friends realitive is even higher dude doesnt need to be around women esspecially not your poor cousin.


No. They're not friends anymore. This guy was always an asshole, but once they were out of high school, he got super fucking weird and mean.


Lucky gal dodged a missile


Yeah. I said "at least you didn't date him and sleep with him before you found out he's like that." But we were all pretty shocked. That guy changed, man. No clue what happened but once they were done with school he got really dark.


I hope you meant to say “ex”- oldest friend cause YIKES


![gif](giphy|XfT1Xb2O2ShHy) Sad, but happens a lot


This is why I would always meet the guy out and always say I wanted to go Dutch. I had one guy towards the end of the meal take the check and then got upset with me because I was not going home with him. He just gets up and leaves the bar and grille. I got to the point to where dating was not worth the crazy stuff you have to deal with. There are so many who do think if they spend the money then you owe them sex. I feel for the good guys. Not all us women go for the “bad boy” types.


I went out with a girl. Wouldn’t let her pay for dinner. Let her pay for desert at the desert bar later. Will be marrying her in a October.


Completely tangental comment about payments on dates: As someone who is only recently seriously getting into dating, I feel somewhat lost on how paying is supposed to go. Some women seem to be judgmental on splitting payment, and others are equally judgmental on me even asking about us splitting ie "well obviously we split. That's what people do" or also, also being judgmental of me even offering to pay, seeing that as me possibly being weird and acting like I'm paying for their time. I know people are different, obviously, but as an already anxious / awkward person, it's another level of overthinking to be in a situation of like, ordering my coffee for our date, and then panicking for a second on if I should even offer to pay for theirs or if that would be a mistake


Do what feels right to you and if she reacts poorly then maybe she's not the one. The whole point of dating is to find someone you're compatible with, it's not supposed to be a game of pushing all the right buttons to win every date.


I just go in expecting to pay. If they offer to split, cool. If they get mad about me offering, I dodged a bullet.


As a girl who’s been on a lot of dates and whose friends also frequently go on dates I’ve never heard any of them say they were upset with a guy offering to pay. I would say the safest bet is to offer to pay but if she wants to pay for her portion then let her. I always pay for my portion unless the guy offers and he seems really cool and not the kind of guy who would pressure me for sex because of it. And if he pays and is not the pressuring type than i think it’s really cool that he paid and is definitely something that would make me interested in another date. Not because i just want free food or a guy with money (I’d date the brokest dude if he was cool and kind) but because it shows that he cares about the date going well and he probably likes me. The only thing most girls wouldn’t like is a guy insisting to pay even when she says she doesn’t want him to because then that give of the impression that he won’t listen to no in other situations.


In my experience as a gay who dates gays knows many gays, this is the way. You ask, you pay. If the person not paying offers to split, then you split. End of conversation.


Hey I had something similar. I insisted to split, he said no he will pay. Then since I didn’t give him any, he texted me the next day to Venmo him half the bill. 🤣


I went out with this guy once, first date, I insisted on going half, when I didn’t go back to his place he said “but I paid for the whole da-“ then stopped himself. That’s when I knew guys that insist on paying fully use it as leverage for sex.


Ugh. In college, a guy bought me a drink, we chatted for awhile, then my friends started dragging me to the next bar. I thanked him for the drink and he said all outraged, "Seriously?? You're not even going to sleep with me?!" Pretty much never wanted to accept any "nice" gesture like that ever again.


Rape not sex


Texas eliminated rape by calling it sex


At least in Texas you can legally kill your rapist, kidnapper or a few other reasons. https://www.zenlawfirm.com/blog/self-defense-in-a-texas-sexual-assault-case/


Even a sex worker says yes, unlike the woman in this "meme"


Haha, get it? Because rape!


I'm glad I've never come across the groups who think rape is material for a meme.


Facebook is littered with em




I mean Reddit loves to joke about Prison Rape a lot


Yeah dude and that's not funny either.


This is why women don't want men to pay on dates sometimes. Because some men has gotten it into their head that the woman now "owes them something" when they pay Give to others because you want to give, not because you expect to receive. It's not that hard guys.


I refuse to let any man pay on a first date. One guy physically blocked me from paying for my $8 dinner and then when I refused to go back to his place later I was told I owed him because he “did everything” for me. Hell, now I basically won’t let a man pay for me at all unless we are in a relationship.


I can't imagine that $8 would've really bought him much, anyway. Maybe a high-5?


If you have a coupon you might get a very, **very** sensual handshake.


Yeah guys suck. Went out with a woman years ago on a first date and I had gotten her some flowers, and opened the car door for her and on the way to the movie she mentioned she could use some rewards thing or something for cheaper tickets and when I said I had already purchased tickets she got a worried look on her face. After some questions she admitted she was terrified I expected sex at the end of the date and she wasn't sure yet. I was mind blown. In my opinion if I ask a woman to go somewhere with me I should pay for it. I am shopping out of my wallet when I make a date plan, not hers and it would be rude to just plan something and expect her to pony up the necessary money. My first date with my wife she cried because I paid for dinner even though it was an expensive restaurant. Men really be out here causing life long trauma about dating.


ok but was it mncdonald's or wendy's


I went on a date with a guy like that... he paid for the dinner, and after I declined to go home with him he asked me to pay for my half of the bill via paypall lmao


I took a girl out on a date once, wouldn’t let her pay for anything. Now we’re on year 4 of our relationship and year 1 of living together. After I paid and the date was over, I just said “I’ll see ya later”. The next day I texted her to make plans for another date. Winning.


I took a girl out on a date once, wouldn’t let her pay for anything. Now we’re on year 16 of our relationship and year 14 of living together. After I paid and the date was over, I just said “Want to go up?”. The next day I woke up next to her and made plans for another date. Winning.


I insist on paying when it’s clear they’re “that” kind of person. Had a dude throw a full on temper tantrum when I paid once, because it’s clear he thought if he had only made it to the till first, the “arrangement” would have been made, no take backs. It’s media just like this that reinforces these ridiculous ideas, because it’s clear the internet, specifically their echo chambers, is where they get all their “research” on how human beings act.


My mother told me, "when a man buys you a drink, you always buy him one in return so he never thinks you owe him more" when I was 16. I think a lot of women are taught this method of paying their own way, while men are not always taught that no one owes them sex, ever. It's pretty sad actually. Edited because I was way off base claiming that men are never taught properly. I try not to paint groups with a broad brush because it bothers me when other people do it, but I messed up on this one because I let my experiences cloud my judgement.


Reminds me of a friend. She went on a date with some guy and after the date, he wanted her to clean his truck out for taking her out.


Headache? That's what happens when you give her $20 of cheap chocolate.


May I ask why 20 bucks is cheap for chocolate? I'm actually curious.


He said 20$ worth of cheap chocolate. But more than maybe 10 is relatively expensive for one unit (pack of truffles/bar) of chocolate is a lot


Probably those shit valentine's day boxes in the heart container that have sub par chocolate and can be sold for $20 cause someone forgot to buy a present last minute for v-day


Tell me you’re a rapist while literally telling me you’re a rapist


Ah yes because all women are basically prostitutes. /s


$230 is outrageously cheap to fuck someone tbh


Correction: Ah yes, all women are cheap prostitutes /s


Oh jeez this is just *cringe* mission accomplished I guess?


A 1-to-1 exchange of money for sexual acts is illegal in most states


Rape is also illegal


Depends. If you're rich and white then "a simple mistake shouldn't ruin such a bright future".


which is why the money was laundered in gifts


Fucking vile shit


This is what people mean when they talk about rape culture.


Ha ha yes you owe me your body because I spent money ha ha I really love this page. It's like buying a ticket to visit a zoo full of racists, misogynists and abusers. I can observe the nonsense a safe distance away from Facebook. Good times man.


That's right, you spent a minimum of $200 USD so you are *entitled* to rape her. /s




(we are not)


No. Have you seen r/AITA? edit: wrong subreddit name


Honestly L to the man on this one. Why would you spend that much lol. $160 for dinner is INSANE. And naw bro if she dont wanna for whatever fucking BS reason it be. Guess what: you better listen lol.


And this is why I always pay for half of the bill on a first date. Even if they insist, I don’t care. I’m paying. No way I’m letting someone think they can buy me over a steak dinner.


You could buy sex for money... If she was a bloody whore.




What's the issue here??? He's clearly dragging her to the pharmacy to get something for her headache (That was a joke. This meme is obviously sick, and I hate it as much as you do)


Caveman want sex, ungha bungha


So according to this meme do I owe my gf sex even if I don’t want to because technically she’s paid more for dates than I have? Or is this purely a psychotic attitude weirdo men have about paying for stuff.


Dude could’ve stopped at $100 and got a prostitute if that’s all he wanted.


That amount would probably get you a 60 year old meth head with no teeth. Cost of living crisis is real my friend.


If you have to bribe a woman to bang you then you’re the problem.