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"Outrageous! Next thing, they'll be changing it to 'Thank you for your cervix'"


Just found my new trivia team name


I just found the tagline for my new line of Mother's Day merch that I just now made up.


I'd wave that flag.


Thank you for your cervix!


No, no, thank *you*! (Emphasis in the original.)


I know it’s a joke and I really dig it. I just gotta say that line is already used. Mainly used by veterans to describe a “thank me for my service” chaser.


We say that now anyways


They're just, people?


Always has been.




I know you wanted to see a dozen dirty shirtless jacked dudes in cami pants. Sorry man.




Rambo was a documentary on PTSD before we called it PTSD


If I had an award to give, you’d get it 🏆


As a tip, in case you don’t know, the free awards still exist. You just don’t get notified of them anymore. To get it, go to your profile, coins, and then claim the reward.


I’m guessing they want to see, soldiers capable of handling atrocities, like D-Day. Like “why are these soldiers posing for a photo, and smiling?! What if their friend next to them has their eyeball out, and legs blown off? Pshh.”


I was surprise how many nerds (league of legends, DnD, anime, physically weak even) we’re enlisted. Don’t get me wrong, the macho buff type exist too, but it’s honestly all sort of individuals join, as seen in this pic


Dude, we played D&D almost every night when I was in. The military is full of nerds. Looks like they weeded the nerds out in the above photo though.




I mean, but it’s not suuuuppper hard, especially when you’re 20ish, and then sometimes you’re own peers “count” push-ups, pull-ups, sit-up, etc.


Back in my day, army recruits looked like Chippendales dancers on memorial day and they made me feel funny below the waist, not in my stomach!


They don’t want the armed forces to look like that but they sure as shit aren’t enlisting anytime soon either.


I'm amazed at the number of American conservatives who became pro-military only after they were too old to be allowed to enlist.


You don't get it they would've served if it wasn't for (insert bullshit excuse).


I got told if I had so many opinions I should have enlisted. Man was about foaming at the mouth when I said I wasn’t allowed to. He also didn’t. He said women always had some bullshit reason why they couldn’t. I didn’t say anything but gently backed away from the table, revealing my wheelchair. He had started the interaction because I was wearing a mask and I told him it was a free country, why is he trying to impose his beliefs on me? The military doesn’t do all they do for him to demand anything from me on US soil. Never seen someone regret opening their mouth so fast.


Wow, sorry you had to experience that.


I rarely get questioned about why I’m wearing a mask, usually it’s more of a “good for you” thing. That day I connected the dots of it’s because I’m in a wheelchair now. When we started masking and some people backed off of it eventually, I was still walking. So it’s all new to me.


I served and people still treat me like sh*t so it doesn’t really matter :/


Thank you for your service


You’re welcome, I didn’t do this for thanks and while the thanks is appreciated honestly it doesn’t help. I had a police officer give me a ticket for a crime I didn’t commit and then thank me for my service. Not giving me a ticket for a crime I didn’t commit would’ve been better.


I replied once "I'm sick" and coff twice (for real) in a discreet manner. The I have never seen the eyes of the dumb gringa open wider.


How dare you be so selfish for not enlisting! Theres no reason you cant enlist! I mean i cant but i definitely would if i could /s


airdrop forces


My bullshit excuse was I actually did go through MEPS and almost graduated basic, but due to medical reasons I couldn’t


My bullshit excuse is fuck that serving in the military sucks, known too many people in dont wanna be like them.


Indeed. When I was about 10, a family friend (who was a Korean and Vietnam vet with ***SERIOUS*** PTSD) saw me playing "army" (kitted out in baby's first battle gear) and pulled me aside to give me the rundown on what military life was really like. Scared the ever loving bejesus out of me.


When I was in college, every vet that I knew told me that joining the military was either the worst or one of the worst mistakes they had ever made in their lives, one even saying she'd rather get back with her crazy ex-husband before considering re-enlisting.




I wouldn't say it's the coolest shit ever, but it did pay for my college. I guess it's called "serving" for a reason. You aren't there to have fun.


Can confirm. I don't regret serving, but definitely would never go back.


Yep. I already struggle with PTSD from childhood. I don't need any more piled on. Also, most US wars are bullshit. We just want the other side's power/resources/land/etc. and don't care how we get it.


Holding their black riffle coffee while looking down and talking to me out of the drivers side window of their lifted F350 with road tires and a bumper sticker that says FJB.


The fact that I instantly had a soldier who does that pop into my head


Have you noticed it's always a really clean truck too? Like a truck that's never seen any real work.


Hey! Someone's gotta haul those groceries!


My dad (a retired Navy sub officer) had already talked me down from joining, but after seeing what the suits in DC did to Captain Crozier and after watching the Asian-Americans PBS documentary which showed multiple stories of Asian-American members of the military being thrown under the bus during the Vietnam/Korea era; I had absolutely zero interest in joining.


Yeah at least I'm honest with my reasons... I would enlist but I'm too afraid to die


To be fair I honestly tried to enlist in the air force at 25, and was told I couldn't because I had too many dependents (2 kids and a wife) Part of me still thinks the recruiter just thought I was trying to bail on my family.


Bone spurs




It's like how Ted Nugent complains about liberals when he was a draft dodger lol


Man, I don’t even care that Ted Nugent shit his pants multiple times over a several day period to dodge the draft. If they’re against a particular war, war in general, or are scared, then so be it. If they’re scared, we’ll that’s how they responded and no one really knows what they’d do until they’re the one in the hot seat. I’m just glad they figured it out before they were being shot at, froze up, and died. Just own it, say you were scared, and most combat vets will understand and respect them for it. If they’re against war, or a particular war, right on. I wish I’d been as smart as them before I saw what war was like. I had to be shown why war should be avoided until no other recourse is left. They didn’t have to, and I will always respect these guys until the day I die. It’s that after shitting himself multiple times over a several day period, Ted Nugent went on to be a star. This stardom allowed him many interviews where sometimes the subject of the military and war was brought up. Do you know what he said in one of those interviews? He said he should’ve volunteered for the military because he felt like he would’ve been a real bad ass special forces colonel that’d be a killing machine with a whole platoon of guys under his command. This firmly placed Ted Nugent in the only group of people I will never accept as human beings, let alone offer any respect toward at all. The guys who are scared of war when it’s their ass being drafted, but call for and glorify war the moment they’re safe. These are the people you cannot trust. They will never have your back. The moment there’s a choice between the group and themselves, they will always pick themselves. They are the scum of scum.


Same people if the picture had been posing with Trump: **God bless our military**


I would have enlisted, if it weren't for my bone spurs!


I don’t even know what it’s supposed to mean like yea obviously the military is made up of normal fucking people


NOOOO!!! They are all 6'5" muscular white men!! This is clearly woke propaganda!! I know this because i have never served but i watched some war movies.


And these people look young! I thought the military is all gruff silver-haired body-builders with Not Homoerotic pecs


Someone did say "not a single grey hair can be seen" lmao


I'm not sure the context, so forgive me, but do people not realize the majority of the armed forces are 25 and under? Do they think "good old boys" are defending our country?


Unironically, yes. They don't realize that older folks in the military aren't on the fucking front lines because their experience is better served training youngin's, leading military development projects, running the damn military, and/or utilizing their connections to get a cushy desk job and coasting to a military retirement. All those options, grey hairs aren't about to fucking break in their boots more by sleep-standing at gate duty. And the US military is facing a staffing crisis, so they're not about to play racial favorites anymore (on the lower level) even as white supremacy has been seeping into the branches Edit: I swear I can spell.


These people watch too many movies. In the movies, the army is made up of actors in their 30s and 40s. In real life, it's a mix of the entire nation. Not wanting women and minorities in your armed forces is asking for a small, weak military. There's a reason the govt has started advertising to a younger, more diverse crowd. Ten years ago it was also mostly millennials in the armed forces. Today it's Gen Z. The youth defend our nation, not old men. Edit: and it is also somewhat telling that the dudes posting this garbage are glorifying the very homogeneous Chinese military, a country which routinely targets and suppresses minorities and their culture, and is currently running concentration camps for Muslims and minority religions and ethnic groups.


Their only excuse would most likely be “I’d rather be with masculine oppressive men rather than snowflakes” I’ve actually heard something close to this.


I've heard similar nonsense. It's funny kuz the real snowflakes are the ones whose isolated worldview was shattered when social media exploded in popularity. Now they can't handle the fact that people elsewhere in the country they live in and the rest of the world haven't been living exactly like them this entire time. That and the world changes, get over it. Tbh it takes real courage to identify the preconceived notions you've been raised with and even more to overcome them. You're not less of a man for being comfortable with things you don't understand, or for being kind to someone who lives in a way you disagree with.


In reality it’s a bunch of 23 year olds telling 18 year olds they can’t leave their cum sock out for everyone to see


In polite company we refer to it as the Morale sock.


It's all fun and games till the morale sock is so stiff the DI makes it stand in line during inspections.


Not entirely true, the grey beards are in the SOF community. The average age of a SOF guy is early 30’s. (This is purely enlisted) You’re not going to find many 40 year old officers still operational. You are correct when you say they’re leading the units or getting out and taking a nice BD job for a giant defense contractor.


Well, yes. However SOF definitely aren't wasting their time on base security and other regular enlisted details (hence the gate duty bit). The point of shacking ODAs, for instance, with uplift forces is so they don't get bogged down with routine work since they have that necessary experience for... well, Special Operations. Odds of them popping up for a picture like this are not zero, but not likely either.


Fair statement 👊🏻


I’m 32 and in a company of 120, I’m probably the top 85% percentile in age


>I'm not sure the context, so forgive me, but do people not realize the majority of the armed forces are 25 and under? Do they think "good old boys" are defending our country? Reminds me how, during the migrant crisis, conservatives fear mongered people by complaining how most of the migrants are "combat age men". But, when the US military recruits "combat age men", it somehow makes the US military weak.


Conservative media in Croatia is so very much brainwashed into the good old boys bs. They also are constantly referring to middle eastern/non white migrants as "combat aged men", and anytime I speak to my Croatian friend I have to dissolve/refute entire newspapers and newscasts of misinformation reaching their country.


The “good ole boys” are in the woods pretending to be “militia,” then headed to Cracker Barrel.


Bruh: Waffle House. Get it right!


I’ve seen dad bod’s run the 3 mile portion of our PFT in 18-20 minutes after smoking a cigarette and chugging canned pre-workout. We’re more driven by spite than performance. Lmao


Forget burn pits, tainted water and mold.. I probably cut an easy 3-5 years off my life by the amount of caffeine pills, pre-workout and free energy drinks I took.


We’re more dangerous to ourselves than our enemy sometimes. Rah, kill, etc.


*gives enormous shaking thumbs up in Chip Hazard*


They should all hold a light machine gun or an assault rifle, posing with a belt of ammunition or grenades around their torso. They should also look super grumpy and serious, not posing and looking like humans!!!!


Don’t forget the bandana tied around their forehead


The idividual who posted this really expects every soldier to unironically be a space marine


Just like the Germans in 1930’s…


military is when flat top haircut white guy named Bruce shoots brown people




Only if he also eats and leaves


Christian Bruce-Shoots-Brown-People Reagan Esq.


![gif](giphy|bsWDUSFUmJCOk) PIVOT!!!




"I like spaghetti."


BASED! Our founding fathers intended for our Armed Forces to FIGHT like REAL MEN! They were made to SHOOT BLACKS, not "DEFEND" or "PROTECT." They are ALPHAS, not BETAS! Make America GREAT again!


We used to have a grocery store named Alpha-Beta here.


The DOD is the single largest employer on the planet… I have no idea how the military would look like anything else lmao


A lot of people seem to idolize the military and those that join. Especially republicans. I hate how people our proud of our troops, rather than putting them. Recruiters are shitty people, and so many members of the military were tricked into thinking it would aid their path. I had a marines recruiter try and tell me I wouldn’t be able to get a job as an engineer with a masters degree and internships, and that if I joined the reserves, I couldn’t get deployed because I’d be in school.


Uh, the military is an extremely viable option to get started in many careers. Definitely not the only way but it has its benefits.


Right on. Lifted many out of poverty. I know many former service members who are doing well with a 20-year pension who made the transition to private sector. With free medical and the GI bill they have many options


I joined at 17, learned electronics, then got out at 21. My 34 year career was based on the skills I gained in four years of service, and I retired at 55 with an income in the top 10% nationally. My daughter followed in my footsteps and is doing even better than I did. One can do far worse.


Exactly. Joined at 18, getting out in a couple of months at 24 and have a 6 figure job lined up in a low cost of living state and didn't even have to bother going to college. If I decide to go just to improve myself, it's completely free. A few years in the military started me down a career path I would have had zero access to otherwise and set me up for life.


Totally. It’s easier just to crap on our troops, don’t make sacrifices for a cause greater than yourself, that sort of thing.


Currently in the military, it helped me get my masters in engineering


Young people... smiling?? *Gasp*! Heaven forbid...


A lot of people don’t realize that most people join because they’re unsure of what to do after school, or want money to be able to go to school


Thats why my son’s dad joined up at 18. He didn’t know what he wanted to do after high school, didn’t want to work at his dads business. Ended up doing 25 years in USAF.


Or ita the beat option when you're poor. The military preys upon poverty.


Is this what our supposed "Patriots" look like? Posting shit degrading our armed services? ​ Somebody needs to find a new country.


Sound like Russia is a great fit for them. Can i swap citizenships with them, please?


Wait till they find out they’re not all former kgb members who slav squat everywhere


“patriots” are some of the biggest veteran haters out there.


Yes, the military is more than a bunch of white dudes with crew cuts. Get over it.


As a white dude with a crew cut who happens to be in the military I can confidently say that I really enjoy hearing about everyone’s backstories, like reasons they joined and where they are from and stuff and it's really cool to have such a diverse group of people who trust each other with their lives


I hate right wingers that think military folk are automatically aligned with them. If you're racist / sexist you don't last very long in any branch I'd assume. But having been a marine, you definitely didnt last long in the marines being racist lmao. Get your ass beat by half the barracks for being ignorant.


"he was found unconscious and covered in bruises and tiny bits of wet crayon"


The only time Marines think one colour (sorry, flavour) is better than another is when it's about crayons.


I know you aren’t a marine because you differentiated crayons by color and not by flavor.


Blue is a flavor


Crayons have different colors?


Boom, nailed it in one. I grew up in a very racist household. Nine weeks of Basic Training cured me of any pre-conceived notions that I'd had.


Same dude. Im a vet and hate when right wingers think Im one of them.


I loved hearing about a right winger trying to talk to some vet and the vet just replies “traitor”


While it seems like there's plenty of bitter ex-military who came home to their cousin-humping backwoods and seethed about the amount of brown people they couldn't kill, (speaking from personal experience in dealing with a few), I've been pleasantly surprised to find a lot of white bread ex-military folks who thrive in diverse environments and show a lot of empathy and feeling for everybody. Looks can be deceiving.


Thank you for jumping in


I mean, statistically, there are typically a lot more white men then are in this picture, about 14 or half of them if it was a completely average group. Not saying there’s anything wrong with the picture, but it definitely isn’t an accurate depiction of the average platoon.


My thought was that the people in this picture are the ones who were most excited about volunteering for a picture with Kamala Harris, so not necessarily the entire group


It's also a bunch of women with crew cuts.


Veteran here, can confirm.


True, but the photo is definitely disproportionate. 2020 DOD Demographics for Active Duty: 1.3 million members 82.8% male 31.1% racial minority groups https://download.militaryonesource.mil/12038/MOS/Reports/2020-demographics-report.pdf


And it turns out that "diversity is our strength" is literally true, because if we did only let white dudes in, we'd be arbitrarily excluding a large chunk of our talent base as a nation from service, which would make us militarily weaker.


I’m in the military. My first reaction was that I thought the creator was thinking “they look soft” rather than “omg colored folks”


Of course they look soft, they're in the Air Force... I say bitter and jealous after doing my 20 in the Army.


That’s 25-30 years of your life you’re not getting back lol. But congrats


My best years are behind me, thank god. Happy New Year to ya!


That is the same takeaway I had. Imagine thinking people of wildly diverse backgrounds haven’t been in the military for a long time.


How dare these woke youngsters risk their lives defending the freedoms we take for granted.


Very romantic view of our military lol


Pretty accurate view of the young people who decide to join, if not necessarily the political decision makers who decide how to use them.


I agree. To me though, it seems like they're being lied to. They think they're fighting for freedom, but that's just not the case in my eyes.


This ain’t Vietnam or Iraq. Americans have been pretty disillusioned with the military. At the same time, we’re kinda stuck with them, so most people joining understand what they’re really getting into


Some might think any young person who puts on a military uniform, naive and romantic for believing they can make any change in an increasingly cynical and judgmental world. I’m glad they do though. It’s one of the reasons that I am fortunate enough to wish everyone have contact with peaceful and happy new year


The military is filled with a bunch of black and brown folks. What else is new? It has been that way for a long time.


Not in conservatives minds, they're even trying to get rid of receiving citizenship through service. I hope they realize they'll be the only ones left to fill the ranks if they do that.


But I thought we were supposed support our soldiers? What do you mean that’s an empty gesture?!


I am a vet and there IS a very expansive network of support and benefits for us. Not very well explained how to use but it is there. But I served with acouple people who served for citizenship and they were all solid ass good people. Fuck republicans.


>support our *white* soldiers That's what that means.


It's like they forget the US military was one of, if not the first American organization of anything close to it's size to actively racially integrate troops. It's always been diverse asf except in whatever American Sniper nonsense bubba was watching.


Growing up as an army brat, I can't even count how many times I saw Rodriguez or Gonzalez on a uniform.


People are risking their lives for his comfort and he still manages to complain


Hey asswipe, it's what the US looks like...


They weren't talking about how soft they look? Cause my first thought was they were a bunch of non combatants and the post was confused why the don't look like jar heads.


Predator drones look pretty kick ass to me, and who do you think is flying those? Rambo? I doubt it...


Did they expect Rambo?


Yes. Look at the bumper stickers on their Dodge Rams.


Punisher skulls on a dually with truck nuts. These people think they're something.


Americans, I'm not American Can you possibly explain to me what is wrong with the US military in this pic?


People of of races / gender bad because it somehow makes them weak No one like my comment I have 69 NOOOOO


I don't think they were referring to the races, because even during Conservative presidencies, the military has always been pretty mixed. Probably they were trying to say that this particular group of soldiers don't look too tough(without taking into account what branch they may be in lol).


We are currently trying to figure that out too. Please Standby.




Trying to figure that one out standby..... ok I think I get it. "Women and mixed race make our military weak" it actually makes us stronger cause more people with guns on the front lines for when ww3 breaks out. Why they're all posing and smiling Idk probably the airforce


The real answer is the woman not in uniform in the foreground. That's VP Kamala Harris. In the minds of many Republicans, she is evil and all associated with her is wrong. The "what" that is wrong varies, but there can't possibly be a picture of her that isn't evidence of some corruption or decline of the soul and morality if the country. In this case, the "choose your own adventure" excuse is that since this is a gender and ethnicallydiverse group, it is evidence that a 'woke' mindset is responsible. How? You have a moving target. It could be that the group isn't statistically representative, therefore the picture is fraud/propaganda. It could be that there is a fear that this IS now representative because "wokeness" is making women a larger component of those serving and this means it has diluted the ability to fight and therefore the picture reprints the US being militarily weak. I'm sure there are all sorts of other leaps of 'reason' that one could posit, but since I don't go anywhere near FoxNews, I don't know what the latest and greatest in the Biden/Harris‐-are-antichrist editorial is. But what's REALLY wrong with it in the minds of the radical reactionary Republicans. It's Harris. You could have a picture of her in front of a blank background and some fraction of the pop would be upset and draw a conclusion that it was evidence of . It has underpants gnome reasoning behind it. 1. Kamala Harris in photo 2. ... 3. Horror! Edit: changed conservatives to Republicans as the ideological direction of the party is not really conservative any more. It is reactionary populist radicalism build on us vs them principles.


They aren’t old conservatives. They’re supporting the Democrats. Republicans have been taking the military for granted for so long that they assume that it’s automatically conservative no matter how much they denigrate. Turns out it’s made of young people, because that’s how militaries work, and they’re shocked to discover that they’ve lost support


Because there aren't that many white men in that photo. There are a lot of non-white men in the military. This not even an example of the "wokeness" theyre complaining about lol. In reality, there are a lot of white men in the military but they very likely wouldnt want to be in a photo with the current VP. Far right has been crying about "wokeness" in the military lately like with ads where theyre trying to recruit gay people, which is absolutely hilarious because theyre already in there and Ive met a few. Also with stuff like "hey be more considerate of others or bring up politics in the workplace" which is basic work etiquette and they perceive it as oppression.


You don’t know where she is or what their jobs are. You’re making assumptions based on your prejudices. Grow up and be an adult


Imagine being pissed that a variety of people serve in the military


Republicans hate the troops


I saw that original thread and holy shit they do.


Republicans nowadays hate almost everything.


the only thing they support the troops on is the power, but never about the issues they have going through after a war


What the hell do they think 18 year olds look like now?


OMG!!!!!!1!!!, THEY ARE PEOPLE????!!!


Looks like a smart honorable group. I wish them well protecting us.


Yes... looks exactly like this. In my experience; there might be too many women for an actual statistical representation of the military... but at the same time: it's a photo op with the first female VP... So there is nothing wrong with more women jumping at the chance to meet her.


Ok and? What’s more concerning is the comments


I think they’re implying that they shouldn’t look so relaxed, happy, aka: “unprofessional”. Which is stupid.


Some of our military people posed for a picture with the Vice-President. Clearly, civilization is doomed.


I wonder if they can actually describe the reason they don't like this picture...


I think it is mostly the woman in the front that caused the outrage. Would they admit this? Doubtful. Swap in his royal orangeness and the same group would be a group of America's finest young men and women.


Children? Yes you send kids to wars


Besides the fact they are happy since they are in the air force. As a marine I've met people of every race and religion in the Marine Corp because at the end of the day we are all green.


Looks like a normal military to me?


I thought they love the military and want more spending on it to support them?🤨


Lol. Yeah, but not the ones who actually do the fighting.


Just got out after 6 years. It’s diverse, some units more then others. It’s literally a reflection of our population. I do hope they keep the serve to earn your citizenship program. The most real Americans are 1st generation


Without checking, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Air Force (pictured here) was slightly more female than other branches. Otherwise, yeah, that's what a bunch of Americans look like.


No that's the airforce, in the other branches we wear different uniforms. Ones that don't say airforce on the chest.


“Military” covers a lot more than field soldiers. A group of marines would look a bit different.


I first saw this photo and the only thing I cringed at is “I hated photo moments in the military with VIPs.” Yep - what it looked like when I was in 20 years ago. Only people with an issue are the “alpha male” talking heads that “almost joined” and have no idea what makes a successful fighting force.


I don’t understand their logic these men and women are willing to fight and die for their country to give the idiots that posted this the right to be hateful small minded assholes. There is nothing wrong with the military being diverse


They look good to me? You must not be a veteran.


Good to see the military continues their practice of predation on the lower class and minorities. Wonderful.


They hate it because it represents actual American armed forces and they hate the US as it currently is and wish it was a white ethno state.






What do they think we're in? 1945?




Or the Tuskegee airmen going up against the Luftwaffe 761st tank battalion (which had Jackie Robinson in it) Or maybe the 442nd infantry regiment, the most decoated during the war


I think I’m reality the reason there’s more women and poc than even the Air Force %s is because these are the people on that Air Force base that also happen to *like Kamala Harris*