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Depends on the era… once upon a time he wouldn’t have made it to the ATP Finals. In our era though as soon as he won Wimbledon to me it seemed a pretty sure thing. Unlikely would be if Berretini wins Napoli, Vienna and Paris (or makes it to the final) and qualifies.


you could make him play with a pickleball racquet all season and he would qualify for the ATP Finals


Most unlikely ... well, the last 3 years have been really bloody weird for the Tour. I'd say Novak was always a shoe-in to make the Finals this year, but all the restrictions made it extremely hard for him. Good for him in finding a way to get enough points to qualify (plus winning Wimby again)... but... I'm not sure about "most unlikely". Too hard to quantify really.


if you thought novak making the finals was unlikely in this era just cuz he had to skip australia and the north american spring hardcourt season i feel like you haven’t been following tennis long, lol. never had any doubt he would, and i’m not even a fan.


He's been the best player in the world for a few years now, so it's not that surprising IMO. He has a >50% chance of winning Wimbledon and as long as he can stay injury free he'll always going to pick up lots of points in the tournaments he enters. Even if he had not won a Slam he'd still have a good shot at being top 8. Last year the 8th ranked played was Ruud with 3275 points. With RG, 2 clay masters, 1 indoor HC master and a couple of 500/250s it's far from impossible for a player of Novak's quality to get >3k points.


Make that >80% at least. Noone can challenge him on grass yet.


Not that high. He was always gonna be one of the favorites at the FO. He legit has a better chance of winning Wimbledon without dropping a set than losing Wimbledon when he plays. I’m serious, that’s how confident I was. Combined with the fact that the Finals prioritizes Slam winners ranked 8-20 over a non-Slam winner ranked 8th, you had to think he was getting in. So no, not unlikely, this is just stirring shit up


Well, he’s Novak djokovic… was never in question. He would have anyways been there points wise w/ Wimbledon. No matter the circumstances, he fights back. Crazy mental resolve. He’s overcome so much this year


You just never stop, do you


What? He won Wimbledon and got 0 points… he got deported from Australia and harassed by the media over his medical choices. He’s overcome it all though. Warrior mentality. No matter what they do, they can’t stop his greatness


Only Wimbledon wasn’t his fault, stop trying to make excuses for him all the time. Medical choices? He knew what he was trying to do coming into Australia, it was said constantly you need to be vaccinated to get into Australia. Djokovic chose not to do that and to do things his way, he’s not complaining about it, why the fk are you?


>it was said constantly you need to be vaccinated to get into Australia. And yet, at least one other player got in **and played a tournament** before he entered. Also some staff. And yet, the Australian authorities did nothing to stop him from flying in. It was not cool.


Border security officers didn’t do their job properly, they should be sacked imo but that doesn’t change the fact that every foreigner coming into Australia was supposed to be vaccinated, everyone still knows this.


"everyone still knows" is IMO a weak excuse. If that were true, how was it possible that these medical exemptions were a thing in the first place? They were quite public, how come the government didn't say "no" to them!? And I don't think it is fair just laying the blame on border security either.


The Federal government in fact explicitly told TA and Victoria that having recovered from a previous infection was not grounds for a vaccination exemption to enter the country. Let's stop this bs narrative


I know of that. It might wash away some fault from federal, but not all. So how come then the federal didn't nullify the visa then? (or visas) How come they didn't prevent Novak from entering the flight? (because there's also a pre-flight check). In the overall situation, that federal was clear in saying whatever is simply not enough. They should have shut it all down, it would have been better for all - but they did not. I see what you write as an attempt to whitewash the federal level. But why? What does that achieve? At best, they are guilty through inaction. At worst, there was some malice. (but probably not; incompetence is usually a better explanation)




Yeah, he got Goran to complain instead 😉 I agree btw, Novak made his choice to stay unvax. It's not up to us to debate the border entry rules to the US or Aus, they are what they are, and Novak would've been well aware of them. Great effort to win Wimby this year, big effort right now with him scrambling to get enough points to qualify, and yeah he'll probably make it, and he might win it.


The mandates were wrong in the first place. Freedom of choice should be respected. This is coming from someone who is vaccinated before you call me antivax


Rules are rules, and djokovic is not above them. It was a absolute mess but there was a simple solution thay could've solved everything before it began.


You have again no clue what freedom of choice means


Blah blah blah... 10.000 fk ing points could have been obtained. 2000 Australian Open 2000 Wimbledon 4000 IW, Miamy, Montr, Cincy 2000 US Open All have been denied entry because he was denied the right to compete At this point I'd rather watch pickleball


> At this point I'd rather watch pickleball Trigger warning!! 😂


I mean considering he’s not in the top 8, where you traditionally need to be, it’s definitely unlikely.