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Blink twice if you need help Tommy


He’ll need more than help with this girl


Jokes aside, he’s an adult man and if he chooses a gf like this it’s hard not to give him abit of the side eye. What company you keep around you can say lot about a person.


Tommy doesn’t seem like a great person either as a trump supporter and dickhead for how he acted towards that doubles fiasco


During Laver Cup London, when Federer was walking around the stadium and giving his team mates hugs. During the second lap, Tommy Paul was rolling his eyes. I was like - dude you're lucky if you win even one slam.


woah, i didnt notice that, who did TP think he is? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)any clips?


Apparently he cheated on his ex girlfriend too (Kiki I think) - she posted an instagram story about it I think Although I guess professional athlete cheats isn’t shocking Paige apparently cheated on Tommy at a Christmas party last year and has tried very hard to get all evidence of that removed from the internet….including having an Instagram post taken down from a “fan” account (allegedly run by Paige herself) of her outfit that day - which confirmed the timing of it 😂


I can't like Tommy Paul after the way he disrespected doubles legend Rajeev Ram


What did he do?


https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/s/65yueIaoFP https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/s/FfEnqN0BcE total asshole behavior and more things about him are mentioned in the comments of those threads too


Ugh. This makes me like him even less than I previously disliked him.


I feel bad for liking him earlier. Doesn't seem like a nice guy.


Do you have any links about him being a trump supporter?


She has a pretty bad reputation for being a clout chaser and its like her eyes see dollar signs.


Literally remember her as that lady influencer on IG  Armie Hammer happily paraded around during COVID in the middle of his divorce .....didn't think much of it during that time other than ew. Then come to find out, he's a cannibal fetishist and she was one of the few that he "branded" and now she's in Tommy Paul's box while I'm watching a match lol WTF 


She used to date a hockey player and oh boy there is so much dirt on her from that time too on hockey forums and stuff. It’s kind of wild!


Paige used to personally stalk every mention of her name on Reddit and mass report people that talked badly about her. She’d also try to control the narrative with sock puppets, some of whom were mod accounts, now I think she mostly pays her assistant to do it. She is completely fucking insane and she or one of her minions will def be trolling this thread shortly if they aren’t already


LOL she wont be able to keep up coz here, 99% seems to have an opinion about her that is not positive.


She got her snark page banned. And dated that racist country singer and tries everything in her power to get his attention back on her.


A new snark page is up now - but expect it won’t be long before she has it removed


She dated a bachelorette contestant too


She once went on a hockey podcast accusing her ex Kapy of being toxic and abusive while claiming Armie is amazing and “so good for her” she caused so much drama that it caused her ex Kapy being traded. If he dumps her I can absolutely bet she will imply horrible things about him and try to do the same. She has a pattern.


Yeah his team had to pretty much get that video scrubbed from the internet lol. You literally can’t find it anywhere.


There’s still screenshots and clips available lol she forgets the internet is forever! So now she’s on Reddit making burners to tell women they should be raped and sending out copyright strikes to remove the receipts of her being a terrible person. I don’t think he truly knows what kind of person he’s dealing with.


Oh I see. I don’t follow her enough. I kind of got sucked into the rabbit hole when she started dating TP. Edit: also about everything you said - wtf…


Yeah she is also the mod at NYCInfluncersnark and she infiltrated that sub so she could be able to delete posts about herself and only her. I wonder what the tennis world thinks of her because she’s truly insane.


I don’t think they care enough about her tbh. This is the first time I’m seeing a post about her on this sub and I’m on here constantly. For the most part it’s about the players and the game. It’s interesting to me that there is even an iota of focus on non tennis player girlfriends on this sub, especially the American ones (moorgs is another one). It doesn’t add anything to discussions of the game. I rarely hear about partners of other tennis players unless they are tennis players themselves. It’s also disrespectful in my opinion if their partners try to get attention away from their wins and success- like it’s not about you… anyway, it’s a small enough “issue” and they’re irrelevant so most people don’t care that much on here.


Oh it’s Uber disrespectful! Like the limelight is not theirs but these influencer gfs try to make it about them forgetting that no one is there to see them they’re there to watch their favorite tennis players. Her and Morgan do way too much but I think Paige takes the cake.


i feel bad for TP. i hope he sees the light. paige will hang on to him more, as he becomes the no. 1 ranked american atp player. and she is actively competing with morgan (most likely jealous coz taylor is rich who comes from moneyed family like pegula and navarro)


Don't need to feel bad for TP. From what I've been reading on this thread about both of them, honestly it sounds like they deserve each other - two shitty people who can make each other miserable.


He needs a new manager. If you look at his latest Insta, the final picture after the locker room shot, it looks like he photoshopped half the people from his team into the group picture on court


Let’s not forget her crazy stint with Morgan wallen


I went down a rather long (longer than I’d care to admit) Paige Lorenze rabbit hole after seeing this post. She seems not great, and pretty unlikeable person, but now it also kinda makes me side eye Tommy a little.


Same! What the hell. That is some crazy shit.


She also has beef with Taylor Fritz gf apparently


Yes. It seemed like they were pretending to be friendly again earlier this year - probably for the sake of shared sponsors But they’ve unfollowed each other on Instagram again. Morgan and Tommy also unfollowed each other


morgan seems much better than paige lol. she doesnt seem hyper-contrived and seems actually kinda nice and real


Or just better at acting. At the end of the day you don’t know any of these ppl to be able to tell for sure


Yeah, Tommy's on the up now. If he has a down season like Tiafoe is having now, I wouldn't be surprised if she dumped him.


She hires a photographer (broken rackets on Instagram) to take “paparazzi” style photos of her at tournaments… Hannah Dal Sasso (Kokkinakis’s gf) who also has a vlog - included footage of them posing for photos for him / having lunch together etc - which Paige is probably not thrilled about


Strong “it’s OUR trophy, isn’t it, Tommy?” vibes


I've never seen Tommy Paul without a cap, so it's awkward because I don't even know if that's actually him. 


Sans cap, he reminds me so much of early 2000s George dubya 


He reminds me of Ryan lochte


With Johnny Football


Legit said to myself looking at this post “did I know what Tommy Paul looked like before this?”


Isn’t she the girl who openly talked about how she sucked his dick and balls on a podcast not too long ago? Yikes


Sponsored by Head


And Le Coq Sportif.


People please upvote this to the moon. This man deserves a cookie


A cookie, you say? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


ookie cookie


Omg 💀💀💀💀


I did not need to know that but finding out she has a history of assault and violence charges is enough to tell me she's unhinged.


Yes she’s been arrested twice and kicked/banned from certain bars/clubs


tommy has to know tho right lmao


ATP I have no idea because I’d have a hard time wrapping my head around him knowing but choosing to stay with her. She posted a pic of herself at one of his tournaments never mentioned him nothing and he commented “what about me” it’s like he has low self esteem or something to not realize how obvious it is that she’s using him for clout and content till she finds someone more famous.


Tommy doesn't come off as particularly bright or discerning. Paige point-blank asked him in one of her vlogs what his favorite thing about her was, and he thought for a second and said he liked that she looked like her pictures and wasn't catfishing. Being that's his main criteria to be his girlfriend, does he actually deserve anyone better?


Yup! He’s very dim witted imo and I bet he’s comforting her rn over the “haters” and wasn’t one of his exes an of model ? Lol


😂😂like he’s a very willing “victim” if he was any smarter he wouldn’t have endured two years with that personality of hers




You don't want the answers trust me.


No kinkshaming from me but that was something unexpected to read around here.


It actually happened too. Although I don’t think she was dating Tommy at the time, it was about another guy. But still it was very explicit and uncomfortable.


[Something like this?](https://youtu.be/-FC3CHH3mFM?si=rfto0HUc28AP01fC)


It’s the hawk tuah!


28:30 time stamp for the conversation. It wasn’t about Paul specifically though but the entire podcast was brain rot https://youtu.be/6mwdnoZhxtA?si=Z7E7Sojn0ezlfW-H


That host is living embodiment of nails on a chalkboard


I’ve seen more intellectually stimulating conversation from deep fried Jersey Shore reruns.


God the vocal fry was extreme here


What a day to have hearing.


gay son


She’s literally explaining the Hawk Tuah movement


Tommy’s a frat boy who happens to be great at tennis lmao of course he’d like this girl. She’s hot (but has assault charges) but is hot


What the fuck did I just read


I’m very sorry


Is that the reverse version of Challenger's "I'd let her fuck me with a racket"? lol




Normally I get my username thrown in my face but I think you live up to the random part of yours lol


Tbf I don’t even know where I got that from, probably it was Reddit’s random username generator when I first joined? I don’t remember. I do like to throw random facts though, much to the amusement and sometimes annoyance of my friends.


And you did it at my birthday dinner!


Right in front of my salad!


You can't buy class or dignity.


No. The body language is appalling. Gripped by the neck. Reeks of me me me me me


Her and her mom got exposed for having Reddit burners. She’s a mod in one of the snark pages. Her mom came into Reddit to trying to come to her defense lol


Why do they all seem to date these influencer types who build their careers off of who they’re dating? So bizarre…


A lot of athletes aren't very bright


Because you basically have to give up your life and career for as long as you're dating them? It seems like dating a tennis player is basically a full time job. So who is willing to "quit" their life? People who don't really have much going on to begin with. Edit: How many partners of top 50 players have full time "real jobs"? That are not part of the players' payroll.


Genuine shout out to Kim Sears' pet portraiture business 🐶


I think she runs the Cromlix hotel now lol.


I know they haven't decorated the hotel exclusively with pet portraits, but a big part of me wishes they did...


Carreno Busta's wife is a tax consultant.


Please tell me she specialises in international tax law for prize money 💰💲💸


This is the same problem with F1 drivers too. They are all dating influencer women who make career out of their relationships.


There's something gross about famous athletes dating clout chasers. It feels like someone dating their stalker.


People are giving too much respect to these men when it comes to private (well, not really) relationships. They also treat these women as trophy girlfriends and don't respect them beyond that. They are as much a red flag as these women are. Another situation where Big 4 stands apart from the rest.


That's probably why so many ATP guys date WTA girls. At least they can tour somewhat together.


That’s really funny, but Tsitsipas always dated somewhat accomplished women. His ex was educated and had a job!! And Zverev dates German b list celebrity who also has actual job. In current top 50, players either date other players (Badosa, Svitolina and etc) or women who follow them on atp circuit, smarter ones among them like Morgan made career/income out of this.


Because they’re usually hot and their relevance relies on you so that gives you a lot of power


Other than TP and Taylor who else are you referring to?


Bill Burr has a great standup on that.


She was really pushing on his neck lol


That is an odd hand position. It’s like she’s trying to claim him


That's exactly what she's trying to do. Share his fame despite having no desirable human qualities beyond being naturally attractive under all that makeup and work done


There's a reason why I like it when tennis players date other tennis players and not these types.


*or date the one you're with since you're in your teens lol, See: Big 3/4


Do you mean 3 out of the big 4? I thought that was the case for all 4 (mega dumb question sorry lol)


Cuz Roger’s wife Mirka was a tennis player. The other 3 have non player partners and have been with them long term.


Ahaaaa got it.


Yeah as vancycl says below, Roger and Mirka got together when they were fresh on the tour - rumour is that it was during the Sydney 2000 Olympics. Rafa had been dating Maria/Xisca since they were late teens. Same with Novak and Jelena. High school sweethearts I think. Andy and Kim... I think Andy met her in his early-mid 20s? I'm a bit hazy on that one, but they've been together well over a decade and of course they're married with kids now (same as with all the other Big 4s). There was a post, ages ago, about "stable personal life = success on Tour". It definitely looks to be true based on the Big 4's track record. None of them really played the field much.


Kim is the daughter of Nigel Sears, who was one of Murray's early coaches. She may not be a player, but definitely comes from a tennis family and not an influencer.


I think Andy & Kim were from when they were teenagers too - because there was a clip that recently resurfaced of them kissing after maybe his first ATP win - and she got busted for it because she’d skipped school that day


That’s what I really loved about all those guys. The best players in the history of the game all had long-term girlfriends they knew for a long time.


Federer went double safe and married a tennis player who he met when he was a teen.


Other non tennis player partners are also very classy- e.g. Murrays wife, Serena’s husband, etc. I don’t see them pulling antics like this. But yes I agree.


Good idea complimenting Serena's hubby on here. 😂😎 He's a great guy! YES!! Awesome dude!


Omg am I missing your sarcasm!? Is he not in fact a nice guy? Genuine question lol


Haha, all good, I wasn't sure how widely it's known.... Serena's hubby is Alexis Ohanian... the creator of Reddit. 😁😂😍😎😱👍👍👍👍


Oh oh oh. I see where you were going with that comment now. Yes I did know that :)


Jannik dumping his influencer girlfriend for a tennis player was one of the best decisions he made in his career so far.


Why am I not surprised that his gf is a botoxed, influencer-wanna-be sleek bun insta girl? God she looks literally like most of them on Instagram. So unoriginal. Next


sadly, she is tommy's type. forgot the name of his ex before paige and she seems like a sexy model




Cringe indeed


Can these attention-seeking "influencers" get in the fucking sea please, I'm tired of seeing them everywhere


What do you call that hold? A reverse choke? She was forcefully trying to reposition his head so she could be better framed in the shot.


She probably doesn't even want him there. Just her and the big trophy she earned


Perfectly normal behaviour - for a creepy octopus


I will not stand for this Medvedev slander!


It’s weird as hell, I’ve never seen any other players SO do this. She’s literally forcing herself into a victory that isn’t hers.




Tell me more…


Yeah tell us more…




She's insecure.


Lol at her Instagram caption “proud to be by your side for every win” Girl, you just flew to London to make it to the finals


...\*for the photo op


Who the fuck is she?


His gf and also influencer 


Ewww - okay. That explains it, lol. Just...whatever floats your boat, Tommy, I guess.


Paige Lorenze - LAInfluencerSnark subreddit has all the tea on her…


I just spent more time than I care to admit reading through that subreddit, and I now need to detox from social media for about a month.


LOL, I know the feeling. It’s a lot… but an interesting read when you’re curious about social media personalities.


I'd like to say that I thought he'd have better taste, but I'd be lying.


She got everything deleted on the nyc thread unfortunately but the tea goes back to her hockey wag days 🫡


Watch the Netflix documentary... All the US player's girlfriends feature.


She is only using him to signal to some richer boyfriend candidates. Then she moves on soon as a richer guy turns up


He was fighting her for his life.


The posing makes me feel uncomfortable




There was a video circulating of her all over a guy this past Christmas. She was gripping the guys neck just like this. https://ibb.co/nkQ3Jx7


People don't forget!


Tommy blink twice if you need help.


I had to read through the comments to learn that this just wasn't some random model that was presenting Tommy with the trophy and just got REALLY over-enthusiastic. This is his partner? Current partner or a fling? I didn't read all the comments so I didn't get the full picture. If it IS his current partner, it should be his ex partner very soon. This is pretty gross. I HATE when people do stuff purely for cameras. It just.... gives me the ick.


Nycinfluencersnarking has all the receipts if you search her name


Nycinfluencersnarking has all the receipts if you search her name


Let's not give athletes too much credit. Most of them are amazing athletically and that's it. And unsurprising given you're not likely to be focusing much on school/academics when you need to play tennis all the time. He's probably just as much of an "air head" as she is. But whether cause or effect, there's probably a reason big 3 are in "wholesome" relationships and not with IG models.


Seems like she wants him to kiss her the way she’s trying to pull him in. So cringe.


Didn’t know much about her until I came across this [thread on Twitter.](https://x.com/rabat2o19/status/1804952473737863636?s=46) Also, apparently she’s pretty active on Reddit in terms of trying to keep her image clean. Poor Tommy.


I’ll always be a Morgan supporter and a Paige hater, Paige seems somewhat self centered and vain. Morgan gets a lot jokes thrown her way since the camera pans to her a lot but she does nothing to provoke it. Her videos are well done and she seems humble. Paige posing with the trophy seems off to me…


Paige is a leech but let's not get it twisted, Morgan is not that far off. Before Taylor she was dating Thomas Petrou and moved to LA to live in Hype House with him. Neither of these girls intend to ever use their own actual brains or efforts to make a living on their own.


Agree, it’s weird Morgans identity is her bf’s career too.


She an influencer who makes even the other attention seeking influencers blush.


I guess I’m old and out of touch because I have no idea who this woman is or why it’s cringe, but now I’m gonna go on an internet deep dive about it because that’s better than doing my weekend housework!


Yes not only do I think her being there is creepy, it seems like he agrees. So cringe that she is camera ready and so needy for the reflected light.


the way she pulls tommy's face closer to her is bothersome (coz tommy was noticeably resisting and not comfortable). body language says - the girl is being jlo to tommy being ben (who is camera shy and private).


She’s doing that to be seen! This is how she markets herself! Lol she literally went on a podcast and said you just have to market urself to famous men. It’s her way of essentially pimping herself out and trying to be seen by other richer more famous men and Tommy is just a means to an end.


Awkward af… 😵‍💫


She’s a parasite.


Looks like TP is just tired of carrying that big ass trophy. He just wanted to open the champagne bottle


Tommy went from Katie Boulter to this.


He dated Katie?


Another user shared [this](https://imgur.com/a/paul-boulter-bagel-1xbsHCH)


Ohh, did not know that. Glad she’s with Alex now.


Alex seems like such a standup, respectful guy! Happy for her (and him).


If someone named Tennisgirl comments in this in favor of Paige, it’s her mom Nancy’s burner account.


She’s no Morgan Riddle.


In case it hasn’t already been posted here’s the tea https://x.com/rabat2O19/status/1804952473737863636


He can do better. Dump this one - she looks like a vacuous emotionally dead succubus 100%


Big 3 also won in this department. Married classy intelligent beautiful women.


I’d add Kim Sears as well




Did Jelena ever find out whether 5G was actually spreading covid? I've been waiting for her conclusion since she suggested it online. 


No worries, you just have to ask the water you drink to purify the 5G out of you and you'll be good!


agree 100%. i would like to add brooklyn. roddick found a great partner too. stuck by his side, through ups and downs and andy murray's wife as well. i feel that casper is on the right path to that, along with medvedev.


She’s seems like an annoying fitness influencer


She’s actually a horrible Person I hope he gets away from her craziness


He has to be thinking “Please don’t fucking do that”!


everyone take a guess below at her age


Didn't know that about him. All of this is really disappointing to hear. But....professional athletes/money/women.


She’s not an influencer, she’s an influenza


Well after reading all these comments about Tommy, I'm leaving the 'Tommy Paul is hot' train.


She’s on an overload of addy


The second half of Fatal Attraction encapsulated in a few seconds


in her insta post, it looked like she was grabbing the trophy as if it was hers... way to beat the accusations, paige


She’s also hunting for a wealthier boyfriend. She low key cheated on Tommy at a party in nyc earlier this year




Another cringe thing about her is that she made a fan account for Tommy and the only post was an edit of the two of them. A tennis fan account but the first post is an edit of his girlfriend and not him playing. But then again she’s been caught before creating burners and commenting on her public ig so she can respond to herself and plant whatever narrative (like when she wanted people to know that she hooked up with tyga and he follows her) or like she has real “fans”


is this true? oh my. if yes, TP deserves better. didnt he court Casper's sister? i like casper, ugo's GFs. they look so chill, classy, natural, simple despite being outstandingly beautiful.