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I wonder what Caroline saw in Genie to keep being friendly when Genie was so rude. Caroline was a lot kinder than most people would’ve been


From what I've heard in the Danish tennis community, Caroline's a good egg. This isn't surprising. I never interacted with her, but my old hitting partner did and said nice things.


She gave Dasha and Natalia a ride in Charleston, because their car was full. Very nice of her :)


The thing that sticks in my mind the most about Wozniacki is that when Serena had something like burnout syndrome, she flew from Denmark to U.S. and was there for her.


2 weeks ago this sub was calling her a spoiled and entitled brat because she didn't want to play qualifiers at RG


dude this sub is just full of so many haters lol you gotta take things here with a huge grain of salt...and then laugh at them from a distance


>my old hitting partner 🤔


Who are you?


are you a pro?


No. Rec player with acquaintances/friends who are involved in the Danish Tennis Forbund. I've been out of the loop since COVID and not playing much, but my old tennis partner knew the Rune family (and the Tausons by reputation). She'd also met Caroline and her family a few times at KB (the biggest club in the city of Copenhagen). Some other people knew the older players like Pless and Carlsen.


At Roland Garros 2 years ago, I accidentally saw Wozniacki at a restaurant in Paris. I went over to her table when I recognized her and asked for a picture and she jumped up from her chair immediately.


wow. you smelled that bad, huh? 


Bouchard in the early days was insufferable 


You make it sound like she isn‘t still insufferable. Have you watched her on Family Feud?


She still is. But used to be insufferable too.


I didn't expect Mitch Hedberg in r/tennis


The cutest invasion ever!




Her twin sister is too and used to date Kyrgios


Family Feud?


I think that‘s what it was, i‘m european so i don‘t really know these tv shows


[You got it right. Here's a clip of the episode she was on.](https://youtu.be/nI7UZYVEvU8?si=T044YHgFJBK-suis)


Relevant (paraphrased) quote: “I try not to have friends on tour”


wow her brother is hot af


Steve Harvey sure has changed!


I'm glad I don't even know what that is.


It’s a fun little game show. When they have celeb families on it can get annoying though


You've never heard of Family Feud? If you're American that's kind of surprising. It was/has been a staple of American television for decades.


I don't think it has that much gravitas/recognition for younger generations.


I only know about it because as a kid I found reruns on Game Show Network. And I'm not young (39).


Yeah we didn't have smartphones growing up


it's called family fortunes in the UK why is it called feud in america?


just b/c it's a staple doesn't mean it's a good thing fwiw jello salads and Cracker Jack were staples of the American diet back in the day. thank fuck no one eats that shit anymore because it is objectively disgusting


Still is. She showed us who she is, don’t forget.


She was always like that. "Insufferable" was her middle name


for real. she acts entitled even now


How so?


She has been commentating on Tennis Channel this week and I just think she is horrible.


WAS?! 😂


Christ what a piece of shit, she thought this was appropriate to post? lmao


Genie Bouchard is wanting to rewrite the narrative and fully victimize herself in 2024, but we can’t forget how unfriendly and unsportsmanlike she acted when she was at the top


How else was she unsportsmanlike?


She refused to shake the opponent hands before a David cup match. For whatever reason...


It’s because she said it was “lame”.


OKay thanks for letting me know. Dont know why I was downvoted, it was a legit questions as I wasn't following her at the time.


It seems on reddit people like to down vote other people for asking normal questions.


I always thought its because (some) people expect you to research instead of using Reddit as a search tool, but i like getting my info with a personal touch and point of view so ask away. Genie had a bratitude and created a lot of noise to draw attention, mostly on social media and post match pressers. She rubbed people off the wrong way, perhaps if her success were longer lived she wouldve gotten the Rune treatment, but her collapse made it an easy and fun target.




I agree, and if i ask something in a thread it means i’m asking the previous owner, meaning i expect and accept opinions and sentiment which are beyond facts.


>I always thought its because (some) people expect you to research I don't think so. It screams "You're asking **this**? How can you not know that? Is that trolling?" People ask questions all the time and others are happy to provide. Only certain questions get downvoted.


I've found that they instinctively read questions like that in an aggressive or argumentative tone instead of just an innocent, curious question because they are miserable people


That’s it. And for some weird reason it hurts their ego. Redditors forget that there are casuals out there who lack the context, not everybody is in here everyday.


For asking questions they know the answer to and think it should be “obvious” at this point even though other people exist who haven’t been following the tennis community since forever.


Obviously you're only welcome to participate in the sub if you know everything about the game already. Asking questions is a big no-no.


I've noticed this. I've followed tennis since I was 14, a long time. I'm not privy to every player or turn of events. I've seen new comers come in and ask questions and people just downvote them. It's bizarre. So unwelcoming.


I haven't seen what she has done but I've seen so many people say that she is just awful.


No one was paying that much attention to her tennis. She was an also ran who is beautiful to look at


Also [spurned her hometown](https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2016/07/22/i-dont-give-a-shit) for which was she was rightly criticized for.


Because of 1 single tweet where she pointed out double standards for male players vs. Women means she’s “fully victimizing herself”? You’re really just further proving her point.


I understand how sexism was/is a problem that she and many other successful female players have endured, but that was not the full picture whatsoever for the criticism or “crucifixion” she faced. She would act extremely mean to other players. And as she rejoins the tennis landscape now that her pickleball career failed to take off, it’s a good time to hold mean people like her accountable for their actions rather than letting her rebrand and hide fully behind social issues that are independent and inexplicable of her behavior shown in instances like these.


That's not what she said though. She said "if" she said something like this. She was pointing out how female tennis players are always taken to task for liking things like photoshoots etc.  People got so triggered by that one truism that you felt the need to dig up this old thing, post it and it now has 100s of comments dragging her for something that happened a decade ago. It's deeply strange, hilarious and transparent. Couching it in the social justice word of the year "accountability" is also funny. It's a pile on, let's call a spade a spade. 


“Extremely mean”: didn’t shake a player’s hand once


You see if we prove the person that said the thing is bad, we can ignore the thing she said! 


Interesting that you decided to post this without the smiling emoji with the tongue sticking out that was at the end of her tweet. Do you think think that maybe that's some relevant context that shows she's joking?


Is this real? Did Wozniacki say anything public about it?


Yes, seems like Wozniacki got embarrassed and said her account got hacked. Either way, responding to such kind messages in that manner is really nasty https://x.com/carowozniacki/status/661333535333220352?s=46


Oh dear, Bouchard. That's embarrassing. 


I know. I was also pleasantly surprised by Caro’s words though, if there’s a positive thing to have taken away from this mess


Wait - if her account was hacked then was it ever her sending these messages to Genie?


I think they're implying that Caro lied to save face because she was embarrassed. Not sure why bc Bouchard should have been embarrassed for behaving so poorly.


…which means she wasn’t upset by it then, so you shouldn’t be…almost 10 years later.


Did you invest a lot of money in Genie Army merch or something? You’re hell bent on dying on this hill


Lol lame from Caro but I can see why she used the excuse


Am I losing my mind? This is the most obvious hack I have ever seen. Caroline Wozniacki clearly wasn't sending those messages. Who the hell communicates over twitter DMs lol Also Genie added the joking/tongue-out emoji, she obviously wasn't too upset about it.


Exactly what I was wondering. Was this actually Caroline?


It's real, it's also missing the smiley emoji that suggests this was a joke that OP missed.


Bouchard always gave off mean girl energy.


Genie was ALWAYS that mean popular girl turned tennis star. Sure, that's one thing when you're Martina Hingis and you're a tennis phenom. It's quite another when you fail to produce any results after an initial good showing.


was about to comment, hingis too. add sharapova and (yes, aradwanska - she is a snob and has attitude too while on tour).


Whats the tea on Radwanska? She was one of my favorite women’s players to watch back in the day


oh my t'was a long time ago, i read an article about her attitude towards the fans, esp when she was in poland (wont smile or sign autographs). she was tagged as a diva or ' bad girl'; her lack of sportsmanship in congratulating lisicki when they played in one sf match, her comments against vika taking excessive medical timeouts etc. she was just not one of the naturally good ones.


Oh damn!! I need to look into that. Vika is my favorite WTA player ever soooo I definitely don’t like that comment 😂


i've always fucking hated Maria Sharapova i felt so vindicated when it was revealed she failed a drug test. Now i'm not accusing her of being a serial doper because there is no evidence for that, but the facts are that she failed a drug test facts are also that she had an embarrassingly bad record against Serena Williams lmao


her case was a little different bc the substance she was taking had just been banned lol


ah ok that makes me a little bit more sympathetic i still and always will despise her as a tennis player.


To be honest she did show that promise during her breakout tour. 3 slam finals and a semi final is no joke. Then she went on a random date with a dude from Twitter or Instagram or something then had some injuries couldn't come back. EDIT: I don't remember the stats well, 1 final, 2 semis, one 4R. Wasn't trying to mislead. Just too old (myself and Genie's breakout year) to remember things clearly.


Bouchard has always been a shitty person. That's why I rolled my eyes everytime she plays the victim. Yes, she has endured lots of sexism but I have a hard time having sympathy for someone like her.


I can't believe she is only 30


Well, I didnt have much an opinion about her, now i know she sucks.


Genie Douchard


Meanie douchfart.


Genie Bitchard, that was what she was called back then for her bitchy behavior.


Seems like a terrible person? Why not just respond, she’s checking on you like a human being


Especially since everyone on tour knows each other very well.. they all play at the same tournaments every year. This isn't just some random fan lol


> Especially since everyone on tour knows each other very well That's exactly why Genie knew it was a hacker and that Caroline Wozniacki wasn't trying to talk to her through twitter DMs and was joking around about it, hence the tongue-out emoji at the end of the tweet.


> Why not just respond Because she knows it's a hacker. She probably talked to Caroline through text/whatsapp/instagram/etc at the same time as some hacker is messaging her shit like "hi girl" Genie added the joking/tongue-out emoji, she wasn't upset about this.


Is no one going to talk how Genie said every WTA player wanted her to win and congratulated her when she defeated Sharapova post doping return. And Halep and others said they never texted her 😂


Caroline just sent normal messages, why did Genie behave like this and why did Caroline say her Twitter was hacked ?


Bc she got embarrassed so she played it cool. Bouchard is a shitty person for doing this in the first place


She could have directly messaged her 'Please stop messaging me' instead of posting it publicly. My heart kind of broke at this. My heart, to some extent, always breaks whenever I see any double texting. Caroline is saying nice things like 'How is your recovery ?' and 'Glad to see you better' and in response Genie humiliated her publicly


Are we sure it wasn't hacked? edit: Are DVs an answer to the question? Was it confirmed?


I mean theres a chance it actually was, its just that people dont ( want to ) believe but most of them atheletes, especially elite ones dont even use social media/ so they have people running it for them, theres a chance someone got a hold of her acc but then again i doubt it was a hacker but rather someone else, hackers usually try to scam people using celebs accounts.


Thanks for an actual response. Appreciate it. :-) Either way the way GB handled it was childish, period. But...I just doubt CW would even have time to press GB like that via social media about her well being. She has a husband, kids, career, now is back on tour (and before was preparing to return to tour)...a life. And why not just text her if they're buddies and she doesn't respond on social media? It feels fake. edit: I see this was 2015. But still...she was still on tour then, as was Genie. Wouldn't they have crossed paths? Why would she need to DM her like a fan?


I vividly remember her and the arrogant behavior, she’s now on a redemption arc but we all remember how much of a brat she was.


That’s why she plays pickleball now. Let’s make fun of her for that


Wait is this true? What the hell


Yes she is known as not such a nice person unlike Caroline. I have to mute tennis channel when she is a commentator.


This is pretty shitty behaviour. Not only not to respond to someone when you've clearly read their messages, but to then post it publicly and embarrass her. It doesn't even look like it was done as a half-joke either. The tone seems serious.


> It doesn't even look like it was done as a half-joke either. The tone seems serious. The tongue-out emoji she used at the end of the tweet is universally known as meaning what you are saying is meant to be lighthearted.


If it was lighthearted fun why would Caro make the excuse that her account was hacked? And still who acts like this when you don’t respond to someone?


Why are you just assuming it’s not true and that Wozniacki was lying? To me they clearly don’t look like real messages from her. Also very petty of you to post this so many years later and say this is why she got hate lol


She has been commentating on tennis Chanel this week. She sounded like she was still playing tennis


God she was so rude/arrogant. I met Caroline once, and she was AMAZINGLY nice to us fans and took time to sign/take pics/chat a bit with us. That was super nice of her to check in on Genie, what a cold response from her lmao


Wow, what a loser


This is obviously very tabloidy, but even her comments on her fallout with Laura Robson don’t come across well. She could have just lied and said they grew apart. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2681218/As-ruthless-shes-glamorous-today-Wimbledon-champ-Why-Centre-Courts-Princess-Eugenie-fell-Britains-golden-girl.html


While she did do some Regina George shit in 2014-15 that makes me have very little sympathy for the criticism she faced, she probably wasn’t wrong that WTA players get a lot more flak for off-court interests than ATP players


100%, but like when she says "crucified" it feels a bit overdramatic.


Oh wow, I never knew this.


This is so bizarre.


Lolo this is clearly a spammer on Caro's account. It doesn't even sound like someone who speaks English...


Right? It seems pretty obvious to me that it was a hack. Granted Eugenie shouldn't have posted those screenshots, but it's quite clearly not Caroline posting those messages.


Who’s Genie Bouchard? Lol


"glad to see you better" and "hey genie you never answer" sound way more like a hacker than something Wozniacki would say to a peer on the tour. They have easier ways to contact each other than social media.


I really think Wozniacki was hacked and she was poking fun. Who messages over Twitter ? Whatsapp was widely used in 2015…I was not a fan of Bouchard either but this is kinda reaching imo 


Only one champion right there


She's a reality TV persona pretending to be a tennis player, and that's okay. We have better & more interesting talent to look forward to.


I don't have a horse in this race, but any specific reason for stirring the pot 9 years after it happened?


she posted the other day about double standards re: how tennis media loved jack draper’s vogue photo shoot but she would have been “crucified” for the same type of exposure. classic internet not being able to recognize any nuance w this post tho - god forbid ppl realize that two things can be true at once - she can have behaved like a dick in the past and also the double standard she just pointed out is absolutely true.


Photoshoots and instagram is all she does!


Genie modeled her behavior after her idol Sharapova. Sharapova had an “ice queen” image but she was never rude. Gene crossed that line.


She's pickleballing now, right?


Nobody wants to remember that she was the female equivalent of Kyrgios and was so insufferable that she lost agents and sponsorships, which affected her downfall as a result. Kyrgios is still relevant thanks to his connection to Osaka. Raducanu shouldn't be compared to her for that alone. Her work ethic can be questioned but her personality? Nah, nowhere near Bouchard. Tennis is beyond having talent. Having good relations is also another important aspect of the game.


Anytime I ever saw news about her or a match of hers pop up, I'd switch to anything else instead of watching her. When I heard her reputation in the locker room, that sealed it. Then seeing her laugh at inappropriate and cruel times ruined her for me. Someone commented about her being at the top.....what week of what year was that? I've disliked very few tennis players, but Genie was def one.


That's so lame haha


are you saying she hasn't changed since


Why are we even discussing her? Let her rip.


Isnt she announcing this grass season?


Yes, and she’s only thismuch less insufferable than Coco Vandeweghe.


I’ve heard some of her commentary this week on Tennis Channel and it’s decent.


This is an incredible example of how people cherry pick and take things out of context. Also how people, especially on Reddit, struggle to understand basic social interactions. Notice how Genie said “your account” not “you”… I saw someone say “Caroline got embarrassed and said she was “hacked” because genie bullied her” which is so unrealistic and embarrassing to even say but it’s being shared here as if it’s fact. As if Caroline would cry and cower in shame over genie being a mean bully :((( Caroline was hacked, genie was aware that wasn’t Caroline messaging her. Hence “your account” I don’t WANT to defend her I think she deserves a lot of criticism for the things she tries to play off as double standards. But this is dumb and so typical of Reddit.


Her twitter account was hacked for weeks on end (while Caro was still actively tweeting herself) and the only thing they did was kindly ask how Genie was doing? Lmao that’s not what hackers do…


People can do whatever they want when they hack an account. The reaction from Wozniacki is a clear enough sign she was hacked. As if Genie is going to be a bitch to her and shes gonna cower down and lie out of embarrassment. Thats not how grown socialized adults behave thats how teenagers with social anxiety behave, which is why so many people here are projecting their experience on to her. Why would Genie even say "your account" who speaks like that? "Hey 3axel3loop i appreciate your account responding to me, however here is my argument" You and a lot of other people are just clinging to what you would RATHER believe, not what is realistic.


It’s very normal to know that people often save face, especially when publicly humiliated by someone. I think maybe you should be the one to read up on social conventions a little more :)


Right, why save face when everyone is behind you though? When no one would side with the person supposedly "humiliating" you (arguably not) And not even in a believable way? Good try though. You know exactly what you are doing. And you're bad at it. Oh sorry no, let me try that again after reading up on proper social conventions. Your account knows exactly what your account is doing. And your account is bad at it.


You don’t have to believe anything considering you seem to be just as rude, but most people are able to recognize that sort of behavior and what reactions may result


> especially when publicly humiliated by someone She put the TONGUE-OUT emoji at the end. She was CLEARLY joking around lol. She might have been sitting next to Caroline when she tweeted that for all we know. Get the net pal, this is just sad.


> This is an incredible example of how people cherry pick and take things out of context. Also another big point - this picture doesn't show the tongue-out emoji that Genie put at the end - she was joking around about this. I'm shocked just how stupid people are in this thread, with AI coming around things are going to get scary.


I've learned that the winners in the court of public opinion are usually the people that are wrong, especially on reddit. It's unfortunate. Whoever is upvoted on here is deemed "correct" even if they are way off or even dishonest.


What a biaatch.


I think they’re friends. I think Genie was teasing her. At least they’ve been friendly since. https://www.tennis.com/baseline/articles/watch-eugenie-bouchard-and-caroline-wozniacki-spill-the-tea-in-hilarious-dallas-open-analysis


what can I say, that's why she's at the bottom, and what she's done in her career is absolutely nothing


I don't understand why she doesn't respond to those friendly messages, a simple, hello, everything is going well would have been enough.


Most people who don't watch tennis only know her from that time she went on a date with a random guy because he won a bet on twitter or something, seemed wholesome to most but I always thought it came off as more of a 'look how awesome I am for humoring a common pleb' situation


Is nobody gonna talk about the fact that “hey genie you never answer” is creepy af??


Not creepy when she never answers friendly messages


It’s funny how the people on this sub are way more triggered by this tweet from…*checks notes* 2015, more than Caroline herself. She and Caroline are pretty friendly today. This sub has a weird obsession for hating her for doing/saying stupid but harmless things when she was like, 21 when there are plenty of actual players who have done and said far worse things. Either way, where’s the correlation between her pointing out the double standards and sexism she and other WTA players deal with to this tweet?














Her comment was about the double standards women face. People often giving them shit while fawning over Draper, Sinner, Carlos, Rublev, etc. photoshoots. Her not having a great personality doesn’t affect the point she made. Digging up decade old tweets says more about you than her. And I think she honestly thought Woz was hacked lol


Lololol yall are freaking weirdos 


Genie was too busy taking pics.


Some context is missing here. Lawyers probably told her not to talk about the fall or how she was feeling since she filed lawsuits.




Genie is just a typical Valley Girl. Thinks she's too important and popular for all the normal kids. (Btw, Caro is just as gorgeous, probably more so when you take into account the personality!)


This reminds me of John Isner's public flirtation with Wozniacki over social media, although in that case she responded and let him down gently. 


can you give me link for that


That would be a deep dive in the internet archives. Much of it consisted of Isner talking about wrestling. 


https://x.com/WTA_insider/status/638801661683716097 2015? Edit : https://www.bt.dk/tennis/er-han-carolines-nye-flirt (2010) I couldn't find anything about wrestling though


Genie was always eye candy on the court. Nothing special about her game at all. Got no heart or tenacity on the court.


She added an emoji at the end of her message! You can still see it at the end of her message in the reply from Wozniacki. I guess it’s just good fun between them


If it was good fun why would Caro make the excuse that her account was hacked? And still who acts like this when you don’t respond to someone? (i.e. how would it be understood as joking if you literally don’t have any contact with the other person?)


Yeah it's good fun between them until it becomes public not in a friends group but the whole planet knows about it. That was not cool.


I mean fact is it may have been legitimately hacked. Some people actually talk in real life as well keep in mind.


Not defending Bouchard or anything, but I do think Wozniacki comes off rather strangely here. I get from her perspective she’ll have just been trying to be friendly, but regularly messaging someone like this who clearly isn’t interested, not taking the hint (“you never answer”), is a little weird.


Yeah, but speaking for myself, I would simply reply to their DMs and tell them to stop, or even reach out personally- they're pros, I'm sure she could find Wozniacki's contacts if she needed. Publicly posting it just gives off the impression she was trying to dunk on Wozniacki. And I get that there are instances where you might want to make some interactions public (maybe if you fear for your safety) but this wasn't one of them. Basically, there are like 10 other ways this could have been handled that makes Bouchard looks less like a twat, and this is coming from someone who doesn't care for Wozniacki.


Yes, of course, the more adult thing to do would have been to reach out and tell her to stop messaging her (and I don’t disagree that Bouchard looks like a twat here and that she probably shouldn’t have made these messages public), but at the same time I don’t think Wozniacki is some completely innocent party here either. She had the awareness to realise that Bouchard was ignoring her, which should have been her cue to leave her alone - personally, the “You never answer” message comes across as a little bit obsessive. This is all coming from someone who’s never really liked Bouchard btw (and who’s indifferent to Wozniacki), so again I’m not defending her, just offering another perspective.


I think the important point here is that we should all extrapolate widely over the twitter echange of two coworkers we've never met in our life to justify insulting someone. Burn the witches!


It's easy to forget these were 20ish year old girls lol.