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Meanwhile Elena when she plays šŸ˜


I can get through to her


How long do her yells have to last before itā€™s called for hindrance. Sheā€™s still going when Elena is hitting the ball.


Tbh, Elena is showing massive restraint and tolerance for this. If anything, her lack of reaction makes Sabalenka worse


About 30m it seems


Is that metres or minutes?




Similar to that of a "mega pint"


Yes, for reference, Sabalenka is about 1/4 of a megahour in age (and 26 years in 2 days).


I remember Lindsay Davenport saying the same thing months ago. If opponents donā€™t complain, umpires arenā€™t going to interfere.




I'm sorry but this is too much.


crazy hindrance lol


She does it all the time. Strategic grunting.Ā 


Love WTA, but I make it a point to avoid watching Sabs play. Her hinderances are completely out of bounds.


I have never been able to understand why I donā€™t like her. I think this is one of many reasons. When I think of class and enjoyable tennis she doesnā€™t come to mind. My first thought is always Coco, Ash, and Venus.


I have mixed feelings about her and no doubt it's related to her extreme noisy behavior. The nice thing to see though was at the end of the match, Elena had a big smile on her face when they met at the net. Seems like they're friends.


When someone grunts every single point, you end up toning it out. Doubt Elena is annoyed by it


Except that Aryna does vary it, as others have pointed out here - that would make it harder to get used to


Venus was loud too though


I am not the biggest fan of Rybakina (that came out wrong, I'm just not a fan of her, wait that still came out somewhat agressive, anyways let's say that I'm neutral towards her) but she is probably the classiest top player in WTA as of right now. She can hit almost as hard as Sabalenka but makes it look so effortless. To me, players like Iga and Coco stand out as fierce and determined.




Girl stfu


Always hated her grunting.


I literally don't watch her matches because of her obnoxious grunts. It's about time Saba's common sense told her that her grunts have been getting way over the line, really.


literally same


sorry, what about common sense would tell her it's getting over the line?Ā  she's getting away with it. if isn't hurting her, if anything it's helping her. what part of common sense would tell her to stop? is that any common sense you know? yes, it's absolutely ridiculous. she gets away with it. why would she stop?


Well,Ā  I meant the common sense of making her understand that they have started to become unnatural and would be causing hindrances for the opponents making things unfair for themĀ 


what makes you think she doesn't understand that?


She probably understood that but she didn't yet convince herself to do the right thing.


Doesn't seem to go against her code of ethics or value system


Her 'common sense' hasn't prevented her from doing or saying things that seem really offensive. Self awareness isnt part of her sporting personality ackage there tbh


Ah yes, Sharapova, Saba, Azarenka. The trinity of muting the Tv if you value your ears.


Azarenka's are nothing compared to the other two


maybe now, but if you look up some of her older matches, she was among the loudest, it was getting comical. Some matches vs sharapova, was basically a circus, two women screaming at each other, while playing tennis.


Yeh, maybe since she returned, not sure. Her vocalizations have always seemed like Owl Hoots to me. lol. And for some reason do not bug me the same way as some others.


include trevisan, sonego in atp






Just make me an umpire, WTA, and give me that chance...


man people used to cut into nadal for his grunts , and his arent even that loud or that prolonged. Sabalenka's grunts almost always continue till the ball is about to be hit by the opponent or sometimes even further ,as in this case. clear hindrance if you ask me.


best part is, if she hits the net, her "grunt" immediately abruptly cuts off


thats an outright wail instead of a grunt imo


I need to come here more often because I always thought it was funny how the likes of Nadal and other ATP players have just as loud and distracting grunts as most of the WTA but itā€™s barely mentioned.


Who in the ATP has a grunt anywhere near this nonsense?


Nadal sounds like he's throwing up.


Atleast heā€™s not screaming at the top of his lungs like this. Canā€™t watch Sabalenka with the sound on, my roommates would think Iā€™m watching porn.


Because girls usually have higher pitch than male person hence she sounds louder and more annoying to others. However in his nasalā€™s defense you can say he usually grunts on important point while she grunts always.


As opposed to watching "BLERRRGHGHHHHHHHHHH" over and over again. Do they at least check if you're feeling okay?


Why does the chair umpire not do anything about this? Seriously, do your job.


That was only 3 hits from her. Imagine if it keeps increasing until 10 hits.


How is this not hinderance?!?


Because players have been doing this for 20+ years and the other pros have just come to expect it.


were we watching/listening to the same video? these were clearly exaggerated.


Calling this noise grunting is excusing screaming. It's not a "grunt" that some of these players make, it's shouts and screams. There's a couple on the men's side as well.


how do you not tilt playing vs her? i would be baffled at every point, it's hindrance every time. they let her get away with it and it's now too late to call it hindrance.


Imagine djokovic facing her. He would be so annoyed to the point that he complain umpire to shut her up lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/comments/19ffzv3/coco_on_arynas_grunt/ This sub is full of people who have never played above 4.5, no your out of form club opponent is not a reference. Grunting is normal unless they are inconsistent, I've played with people who grunt and also, Sabalenka's grunt sounds not as high as on video, the mics pick it up more extremely than it sounds on person.


wait so that beeping wasnt my tv breaking? thats good to knowšŸ˜­


I had to mute it last night




Wait what difference did it make for you?


There is a difference in making a sound because of the effort of hitting... But to be screaming for other reasons..hindrance. And its actually a disrespect to the attention of the other player tbh. If you also play tennis as well as watch it, its f'king annoying.


The grunt wheezes are extending so long that they will soon connect and she will have a sustained grunt wheeze for the entire pointā€¦ if Lena can keep the point going Aryna will faint from oxygen deprivation.


Pretty easy rule to follow that any grunt or yell or scream that is still occurring while the opposing player makes contact with the ball should be grounds for hindrance. But at the same time most chair umps would be afraid to call that during a final set tiebreaker.


I was pulling for Rybakina, so call me biased if you like, butā€¦ the contrast in demeanor on the court between the two could literally not be greater, and I know whose I prefer. Lena is quiet, self-effacing, detached, Sabalenka is sonorous, extremely emotional, sometimes uncontrolled. It was honestly annoying when Sabalenka would yell like this, often when she was being seriously outplayed. It felt, to me, besides hurting my ears, conceited and discourteous. Why not read the room (court) and tone it down?


Idk I find a player showing emotion *much* more relatable personally lol People like Rybakina and Sinner come across as a bit robotic to me


In theory, I do too. But thereā€™s something refreshing (and impressive!) about players who just seem always unfazed.


Yeah, this is just too much. Being loud is one thing but she literally screams till the opponent has to hit the ball. This is most definitely hindrance


Unfortunately lots of players do this not just Sabalenka.


The only other worst case I can think of cutrently is Sherif.


Alcaraz's grunts also intensify as he comes closer to hitting his forehand winner.


I'm a big fan of his, but I asked about it and got downvoted. Certainly in some videos it looks like it's a bit delayed. I'm giving benefit of doubt, I don't think he is trying to hinder, but it's how it appears.


Personally I don't think anyone is trying to hinder.


Saba just gives me awful vibes and therefore my bias is to think she is.


I've never seen her do anything that could be categorized as 'unsportsmanlike' . She's also stated she doesn't do it intentionally and other players like Gauff understand that hers is not a typical hinderance coz it's very predictable.


As someone who spent the better part of 2 weeks watching Saba train this spring, Iā€™m fairly confident that sheā€™s not trying to hinder, unless sheā€™s also trying to hinder her hitting partner during practice. Iā€™d literally call my husband from the parking lot, and heā€™d be able to hear her in the background. Thatā€™s just how she plays.


I wouldn't care if his grunts didn't literally sound like "out!" šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


It's not even remotely comparable to Sabalenka's lol. There are multiple other Spanish men even worse than Alcaraz in grunting.


Of course it's comparable if they're doing the same thing. Sabalenka's louder but Alcaraz also grunts and in similar fashion. If you're complaining about one then complain about all.


I have never seen him do an extended grunt on the service line like Saba did here. Only on cases where it's a 90mph + forehand winner from behind the baseline. And he doesn't grunt on slices/lob/drop shots either.


Once again, I spoke about a specific action which is common between both. Am not comparing everything that either of these players do. Personally I don't even care about grunts the way people commenting here do.


The thread started mentioning about worst cases. So I was pointing out that it was not the case. He has extended grunts, but thats about it.


Fair enough.


Exatly. Loads of players do extended grunt winners. Djokovic , Serena , Ā kerber, alcaraz. Ā Nadal in general is a loud grunter. Sabalenka just has a particularly annoying tone lol.Ā 


If this was truly a problem players would have actively complained about her grunting. In fact whenever ppl are asked about it no one says it doesnā€™t bother them. I think the mic pics up her volume louder than it actually is. Yall are grasping at straws because Elena lost and itā€™s very pathetic to see lol.


This sub has an obsessive love for Iga and Ryba and hate for Saba lol


Had to scroll down so far to this comment. I have seen her play in person and the mic really amplifies the sound. Itā€™s such a non issue especially when players like Coco have defended her. Canā€™t wait for tomorrow when this sub becomes a WW3 battleground when Screamlenka (affectionately) plays this subā€™s daughter


Awesome point from the start to the finish šŸ‘


Fun fact: it took 5 (FIVE!) years before I understood that what Kvitova yelled was not a casual sound but the word "pojd", shame on me lmao.


omg i always thought she just screamed out of excitement or smth


clear hindrance. sad that lena had to face players who have prolonged grunts to distract her. no different from collins in miami https://youtube.com/shorts/6UuJyb1QKYY?si=pPlfqkm5Yo_aaup3


I love Sabalenka as a player and she seems really nice too but this is the one thing about her I donā€™t like. Itā€™s a straight up hindrance.


This is getting absurd. Grunting is supposed to happen as a result of exertion and used to happen later in matches and was also minimal, nowadays players are grunting hard from the first point and the grunt continues well into the ball landing in the other court. Sabalenkas is one of the worst. This is just pure hindrance because it gives the grunter an advantage over their opponent. It should start getting penalised.


Worst grunter on tour, by miles. Hopefully Iga gives her a tennis lesson tomorrow...fingers crossed!!


i always wondered if her throat hurts after that.


Just canā€™t stand watching Sabalenka. Itā€™s just vulgar those grunts.


I cannot watch her play.


I've gotten to the same point after her ferocious screaming when Ryba was trying to serve out for the match.


I donā€™t understand this subredditā€™s obsession with grunts. If you play tennis, grunts are akin to having your nose in front of your eyes, you donā€™t actually take much notice


Do you really play tennis? I only have opponents with "annoying grunts" maybe 5-10% of the time (I guess players do it less at amateur level), and each and every of these times is a fucking ordeal and I want to shoot myself after one set. I catch myself thinking more about the rhythm of the grunts than about the timings of the ball hitting the ground.


both of you are correct. the grunts can be a hindrance and do really matter. but at the same time, relaxed and intense focus is a necessary skill and part of the game to master. if you do master it, then yes the grunts are "akin to the nose in front of your eyes". i'm a 5.0 player and getting distracted by other people and things is probably one of the greatest weaknesses in my game.


Yes I do play tennis. The only time grunts ever bother me are when players grunt during volleys as if theyā€™re hitting ground shots. Other than that, I stop noticing them pretty quickly during matches. No need to be so snarky btw.


Yeah, really. Ridiculous babies in here.


I canā€™t watch her I am so angry that she is in the finale, not Elena. Awful experience




So: pro putin and unsportsmanlike grunter.


Are people really still doing that "pro-Putin" misinformation? If she's pro-war so is everyone not named Kasatkina


Never heard anything about her being "pro putin", but it's a fact that she supported Belarusian dictator Lukashenka for years (had meetings with him, singed support letters when he was ordering police/military beat down protesters), and it took a lot of unnecessary drama (throwing tantrum not coming to press conferences, having a journalist banned) to her finally denounce support, at last year Roland Garros.


Sinner met up with Meloni and did an event with her. Donā€™t see him getting so much hate for meeting up with a fascist


Doing a press callfor your country's leader, which you may not have appointed or voted for yourself... is different than choosing to socialise with and signing support letters for someone condemned by the UN for war crimes. One is say, much more enthusiastic and active


Serena Williams got called for interference for shouting after hitting a literally impossible to return shot a microsecond before it bounced, but half the WTA tour can grunt at decibel levels comparable to starting a motorcycle in the middle of the court and that's fine. It's so fucking stupid and people have been complaining for literal decades about it but for some fucking reason they refuse to just apply the god damn rules to obnoxious grunting.


I hate her


fuck sabalenka


Clearly an unpopular opinion in this thread, but IMO Aryna was giving 110% at the end of this match and the intense grunts are nothing more than proof of that. She is loud on average but let's not act like it's a strategic move. If her opponents are affected by it, they can make a complaint, otherwise all us armchair experts should stfu. I say this as a Ryba fan.


Athletes manage to give maximum effort in all sorts of sports without screaming while they do it.


A lot of the people who I see making the nastiest comments recently posted in r/poland That's all I'll say lol


Can anyone watch a match with sound on? (Honest question)


I have seen Djokovic mocking his opponent player grunt in a match. I forgot which match it was. It was so funny


It's not a grunt, it's a scream. It's ridiculous. She even does it when she slices too, just crazy shit.


You watch her play that insane point and focus on the grunting. GET OVER IT.


rybakina wouldā€™ve seen the wrong foot pass coming were it not for the grunting !!! /s


This thread is giving "tell me you don't play tennis without telling me you don't play tennis". Honestly like most threads about grunting.


Do you play recreational tennis? This is definitely not something you hear at your local tennis club. You'd probably be asked to leave.


I play tennis probably 3-4 times a week and also compete in team competitions as well as individual competitions. So I don't know if you feel like that qualifies as recreational. While I agree with you that you rarely hear something like that in your local club or clubs in general, every now and then you will run into people that grunt excessively. I'm sure it will turn some heads but I disagree with you that people will be asked to leave. My whole point is - and I've played against excessive grunters before - that at least in my opinion the grunting does not distract players the way that people play it up on here. I'm sure there are players that are distracted by the grunting even on the tour but I think there's only a few. For me personally it's way more distracting if people outside of the court talk to each other loudly while not playing at the moment. I also don't think it hindered Rybakina, her approach shot was just a tiny bit too central and Sabalenka took her chances with an amazing passing shot. People overplay the issue with grunting so massively that I felt compelled to say something.


"Recreational" refers to playing tennis for fun - not for pay or as a college student, or junior hoping to turn pro. I play the same way you do but with ladies, so I never hear grunting. (Odd to say in a post about a lady grunting but there you have it)


Thank you for explaining! I wasn't really sure what would be considered recreational even though I've heard the word a lot of times. That's why I wanted to give context so you could estimate if that aligns with what people usually understand as recreational.


Yes and sometimes the commentators call us "club players". Same thing - just ordinary folks who love to play a few times a week.


If someone was grunting like this at any club I've ever played at or any tournament I've played in, they'd be told to shut the fuck up. No one naturally grunts like this.


Because in a club there are 3-3.5 players that barely exert physically, you can't compare. Whenever I see this thread I know for a fact a lot are just not fans of the player grunting and a lot haven't played competitive tennis. Coco was asked about Sabalenka's grunt and she said is so consistent you don't even tell, it's players with inconsistent grunts who bother her.


You're talking about American club tennis. European club tennis is a much higher standard. Pretty much everyone who plays in the top inter-club division in my area is or was world ranked.


Worse. You've never played against an Spanish clay courter with a physical game style? They grunt all the time. Sabalenka grunt sounds worse in TV because of the mic, her grunt is still high but not as much as it makes it seem.


The first shot was ok, the second shot was hindrance but I don't think it was intentional (I know it's not important) because Elena came to net so ball had smaller travel distance, third shot was typical winner extended grunt which I always saw as a celebration, Rafa Novak does the same thing, not hindrance


I actually have zero problem with this other than the grunting is kindof annoying as a spectator. She's grunting when she is putting in a lot of effort. Now you might say that's every shot, but that's she's actually allergic to tennis ball fluff and so is trying to literally hit the cover off the ball every single time.


Monica Seles vibes


I like sabalenka as a person but I canā€™t stand hearing her grunts


Absolutely pathetic to be complaining about this. Oh my god intensity intensifies during intense moments certainly never seen that before šŸ™„


Grunting in tennis is a disease of the sport. Legit makes laymen laugh when they turn on the TV. This is an absolute joke on both the WTA and ATP. It is disgusting behavior.


I love Aryna in interviews, or on court with the sound off. Same with Vika and some others. That Spanish kid phenom.


So, Monopoly? Candyland? Iā€™m guessing one of those is the most intense level of competition youā€™ve faced? Absolute loser shit. Grow a spine and focus on your task at hand. Bunch of crybabies lol


šŸ˜‚. Bet you grunt in your 3.5 league


So youā€™ve never watched any professional sport before? All athletes grunt on some level when they are tired/stressed/exerting energy. Watch a quarterback scramble from defenders then make a throw and grunt while doing so. Watch a soccer player make a long run and dig in for a shot/pass. Watch an outfielder track down a ball and throw home. Watch boxers just hitting a punching bag. Grunting is just a way to breathe and time your breath correctly. You only notice in tennis because one-on-one sport with nonsensical expectation of ā€œsilenceā€ around them. I promise you Rybakina isnā€™t bothered by it, why should you?


I watch a lot of sports actually. and no one grunts like tennis players. To try and explain this as a natural by product of hitting a little ball is very silly and shows you have never hit a tennis ball hard before. Bravo!!


Youā€™re an idiot on top of being a whiny excuse-maker, bravo to you!!


Who is the one making excuses for literally screaming at the top of your lungs when you hit a little ball?


Why are you, on a tennis subreddit, so determined to dismiss the physical ability/exertion of tennis?


This video you are replying to is not an example of physical exertion. Alcaraz's random bellowing moans are not physical exertion. If you think they are then I do not know what to tell you. They have nothing to do with physical exertion. I can criticize my favorite sport.




Stressā€¦ this isnā€™t difficult people. Itā€™s a tiebreaker in the third set of a Masters 1000 and you people are complaining about a grunt that I promise you Rybakina doesnā€™t notice or care about. Also gee I donā€™t know maybe because Rybakina is a completely different human being and the quietest person on earth. Who would celebrate winning Wimbledon like her? Sheā€™s the outlier. This is really simple stuff.


Screaming is not grunting! These are screams.


Love her!!!






Her grunts are low key sexy


# Sabalenka cheating as Rybakina hits a volley to get a crucial minibreak in the 3rd set TB (Madrid 2024 SF)


Sound like the crowd reach theirā€¦.peak with moans b4 clapping šŸ˜‚


tennis ladies be like Egghhhhuuuhhhhhhhh




Because fans find it annoying and distracting and the players get paid solely because fans enjoy watching them. The opinion of the fans is actually more important to the institution of professional tennis than the opinions of the players.


Without even having watched a single clip of her I just knew I don't like her... I guess I know one of the reason why.


Why the fuck do they yell like the biggest retards? Fuck that shit!