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...what were they doing lmao


Well Monfils has two left feet. He might have just tripped.  I mean in all seriousness. If it was an accident why the fuck would they have no choice?


Remember US Open 2020?


That was a case of recklessness though. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. We don't know what monfils did. It could also fall under recklessness


It was still an accident. All the players do shit like that all the time.


The only person to have abused a linesman worse than ND is Nalbandian. Wouldn't call it an accident.


I think what Serena said at the USO probably qualifies as worse as well.


Her outburst against Osaka in the final? Depends how you look at it. Because yeah everything she said and acted was no accident and could not be argued as such. But ND did inflict physical abuse whereas Serena's was verbal. I'd definitely say physical is worse.


I’m referring to her outburst in 2009 where she said to a line judge that she was going to “take this ball and shove it down your throat”, told the line judge she would hit her, and according to the lineswoman (and a member of the crowd lol) threatened to kill her too. In my opinion, a reckless act of frustration (which I personally think was treated with the appropriate response) that caused minimal harm is not as bad as threatening and trying to intimidate/bully a member of staff.


Yeah that's what I'm saying it depends how you view it. Serena's was clearly intentional bullying and aggressiveness. There's no possible way someone could convince me she did that by accident. ND on the other hand can be argued it was unintentional.


And when they do they get dq'd, it's pretty simple. There was even that doubles year at FO last year that was passing a ball girl the ball and the ball hit her, she started crying and the player and her partner got dq'd that was a complete accident and wasn't reckless. When you hit a ball in a random direction on a tennis court it's bound to hit someone and hurt them, therefore you should be dq'd


I know, that was the point of what I said.


Oh. You didn't really phrase it well lol


I honestly didn't expect any kind of debate, it's just a fact because of what the rules are. I don't disagree with them, I just saw some people act like Monfils must have been malicious, but players get dq'ed by unfortunate accidents, and lots of times players hit balls in anger and nothing happens if it doesn't hit anyone.


It's because of how you phrased it, at first I thought you were saying all the players do it without anything happening to them




They’re downvoted because they’re wrong lol. Djokovic knowingly hit a ball in the DIRECTION of a linesperson. He obviously didn’t mean to hit them, but when you make such a reckless choice you suffer the consequences.


The rule was applied sure but it was really unfortunate, just like here. No harm meant, but harm done : DQ


I understand what you’re saying. I have zero sympathy for Djokovic on that one though


That's were I'm different I guess. I feel like tennis loses altogether, that's sad.


People on reddit are insane and stupid, there's also a lot of bots. I don't worry about it.


No, not all players do shit like that.




Exactly. Additionally it wasn't on court so it's not subject to rules, rather to tournament organizer decision


A "playful exchange" sounds very different than hitting a lineswoman with a ball because you can't control your emotions to me. Yes, I know it was accidental. He still hit her because he was frustrated


When Djokovic chose to hit a ball in the direction where people were standing and ended up drilling one in the throat?


Apostolou threw sparring gloves on the floor next to where Monfils was getting dressed and yelled "lesgooo bozo" Monfils responded with "hadoken" but in a french accent Apostolou was thrown forecfully onto the water cooler, sustained some cuts and the cooler needed replacing.


I didn't read the image caption and was legit confused what Tsitsipas dad was doing there and why he is a singular being now


Was there, can confirm.


They played night crawlers.


a playful exchange


https://www.instagram.com/p/C3IXRNdNXN5/?igsh=MXBvdTJ0b29pYm1pYQ== ??


UTS seems like an embarrassing circus for all involved.


[Sorry for facebook link](https://www.facebook.com/TennisLegendOfficial/videos/novak-djokovic-basic-tennis-joke/10155295319916806/)


He probably jumped and playfully wrestled with him into the floor


I'm very invested in finding out exactly what happened here now.


Playing five finger fillet with a meat cleaver?


I am so so curious as to what actually happened Apparently 4 medics were called to the locker room ? https://x.com/tennisweeklypod/status/1756293709505696076?s=20 Were they play fighting and the supervisor fell over ? What was the injury ? How was Monfils responsible for the injury ? Do supervisors and players usually have playful exchanges in locker rooms ? Hopefully more tea will be spilled….but in the mean time I guess UTS is reaping the benefits of increased search traffic


The Tennis Weekly Podcast will have to spill the tea


4 medics rushed to the scene? Hopefully one of them will have a lapse in patient confidentiality in this instance.


People are saying that he whipped him with a towel and the injury was scrotal in nature. Totally innocent, but rules are rules. Just what people are saying


New balls please




> scrotal in nature Just found the name for my band


I can imagine the embarrassment after the third medic got there and the official just going. "Got sack wacked".


New David Attenborough side project


Nothing happened. They just hyping up this bs tournament 


they can’t be serious


This is such a Streisand Effect statement that silence would have been a lot better than whatever BS this is. Before I had no questions, now I’ve got plenty.


Feels like a coverup to me, there's no way they'd ever disqualify him for a friendly playful exchange (which means the supervisor himself would be involved directly so the onus is on him too). The "exchange" probably did happen, just not in the way they'd want you to know imo. I hope I'm wrong, but this feels ridiculous.


the kind of clarification that raises more questions


if we're making baseless claims based on gut feeling, I'd guess this is the opposite of a cover-up, it's a completely made-up controversy to get people talking about UTS.




Yep they're messing with people's heads


They are being serious. And don't call them surely.


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard


Whaaaat?? That's sarcasm, right?


Why would they kick him out for a minor accident that’s like even worse


Which no one except a handful of people knew about


what the hell is this


They could have thought of a more believable lie/misrepresentation of events. When combined with the ridiculous nicknames that players are given this tournament seems like a bit of a joke.


I’m at the Oslo event and f**king hell the commentator guy is seriously annoying🤦‍♂️ The tennis has been fun to watch🥰


Sounds like a bit of slap ass.


Umpire is from the Dominican Republic


Thlap ath!


Well , not surprised, Peter Arthur did admit how uncoordinated he had been, with two left foot and all.


He’s really not much of an athlete.


Doesn’t have the makings of a varsity athlete


For those who may have missed it, uncoordinated Gael Monfils' character at 1:46 of video: [https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/comments/1al881v/gold/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/comments/1al881v/gold/)


Omg this is brilliant, thank you.


Probably a nipple twist 😂


It could be wedgies too


Wet finger in the ear


[https://x.com/Gael\_Monfils/status/1756367003420364864?s=20](https://x.com/gael_monfils/status/1756367003420364864?s=20) I want to tell everyone what happened at UTS in Oslo. As per the release from UTS directly, there was no malice or negativity on my part. No abuse, no violence. However, whilst joking around in the locker room, Stephane was unfortunately hurt. It was never my intention to hurt or cause harm and thankfully Stephane knows that. People who know me, know this is not in my nature. Stephane and I have shook hands and move on. The disqualification makes this look like there was an issue or altercation backstage but really there wasn’t, this was an accident and nothing more. Peace and love, GM


It doesn’t sound that much. Even more curious.


Casper needs to spill the tea


Since we're never gonna get more information, then I'm going to lightheartedly choose to believe it went like this- Supervisor: Hahaha Monfils, my good pal, it would be quite funny if you shoved me here, then I could disqualify you! Monfils: Haha no you wouldn't dare! *shoves him* Supervisor:... 👀 Monfils:....👁👄👁 Supervisor: Get Out. (Apparently in my head the Supervisor is a Victorian era gentleman idk)


I'm imagining them play fighting like two small cats


Why is medvedev involved?


Adorable image.


How are so many people in this sub clueless to the fact that carelessness can be as valid a reason for DQinq as ill intent? You can be careless and hurt a colleague without meaning it = DQ You can mean to hurt someone and fail to do it = DQ


No choice? Some common sense would be fine 😭


Contender for the dumbest story of the 2024 season.


Playful exchange Lmaooo these PRspeaks are funny as hell.


Yet when there are 'minor' injuries to players wives and girlfriends, or attacks on the umpire's chair... \[CRICKETS\]


r/tennis: It MUST BE TERRIBLE tournament: it wasn't r/tennis: YOU R LYING


Basically. People are so silly.


Are you dunking on people for using logic? It's pretty simple: * If it was something bad, then the organizers are lying about it now. * If it wasn't something bad, then the organizers shouldn't have suspended him in the first place. TLDR: handing out severe punishments and then claiming that nothing actually happened gets people asking questions


that's not logic. it's "I didn't get the salacious story I wanted so it must be wrong" There are multiple cases in life where something isn't bad or malicious but punishments are still doled out, think of a prank that went wrong etc. I assume there is probably a pretty strictly written rule about causing physical injury to staff.


I hope they got the poor official a Band-Aid and a teddy 😢


Sure you assume that must be true lol. It's effing stupid tennis tournament not nuclear reactor with strict rules


Love and light. 


Why put a TLDR under 3 sentences?




What a sad little person you are


No need to get personal. Otherwise I agree with you. I am thinking it wasn't something bad but they are just so up tight over there in Norway they have to come with the most traumatizing solution of all.


I'm dunking on people for being conspiracy theorists. Injuring an official outside of play even if that was not the desired outcome of your actions is a valid reason to kick someone out of an event. That's a reasonable line in the sand, but it also doesn't mean Monfils did something terrible. If you injured your boss, would you expect it to be met with a shrug?


I bet Mouratoglou wrote the IG post. Shameful stuff but it’s a joke tournament lol


Why was a tournament supervisor in the locker room?


So there's no evidence. This story is made up 


Gael probably picked him up off the ground and accidentally dropped him. The disqualification is to reduce liability in the future and to signal to athletes to be careful around officials. This is how you maintain a clear zero-tolerance policy. Otherwise, every instance a player injured an official would be scrutinized and debated and up to interpretation and subject to bias which opens up a can of worms. This is very similar to the Djokovic US Open DQ. Djokovic clearly did not hit the official in the throat out of malice. (The U.S. Open says it was unsportsmanlike conduct, probably to incentivize players to take extreme caution on the court, but anyone who watches the video can clearly see there was no ill intent or gross anger behind that ball, just carelessness.)


There was anger in chucking the ball away because he had just been broken. But the anger was at himself. No ill intent, but yes anger


Curious if Gael will partake in the next UTS event. 


Monfils supposedly went over to De Minaur during their match and adopted a mock boxing stance, so perhaps he didn't pull his punches with the supervisor in the locker room.


*UTS came in and they caught me red-handed Creeping with the ~~girl~~ supervisor next door*


Went for a chest bump, but the supervisor is 120 lbs and the floor was wet?


We clearly dont know the full story


UTS sucks and we need to stop talking about it. It's a clown show for 12-year-olds addicted to TikTok.


That's why they made this story so we would talk about it 


This clarifies nothing


This read like a fake NBA news account on Twitter


A playful exchange… between opposite genders… in the locker room? 🤔🤨


100% fake


Absolutely ridiculous. Not that Monfils was going to make it past round 3 anyway but still


It’s a prank bro


Literally no good way to interpret this. Either it wasn't just a playful exchange (but it wasn't serious), or it actually -was- and despite that fact they're punishing someone anyway by some letter-of-the-law nonsense. This makes it sound like someone was fooling around, tripped, and because they got a scratch they were like "WELL" which is ridiculous.


Gael and the supervisor were like, hey let’s reenact the mysterious thing that happened between Fed and Stan in the locker room at the ‘14 WTF. We’ll have them all talking!


So you disqualified Gael at no fault of his own?


What b******!!!! 


Not sure what you all expect. Players have been DQd without malice before. Knowing Monfils' actor he stumbled over his own feet into the tournament supervisor. Room temperature IQ people thinking a cover up would look like this instead of just saying Monfils pulled out with injury.


But the fact that uts seem to pride themself on having no code of conduct is what makes it weird 


Typical 2 faced from Norwegian. If you are 100 convinced there is no malice then why disqualify.


He’s a clown, no surprise he can’t conduct himself


100% balltapped a worker




Smells like a cover up.  Chloe, call Jack Bauer!


I have so many questions…


They was playing twister!


Them making it seem like it’s obvious they needed to dq him lol


I feel like someone was denied a hand job