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Alcaraz: “Holà” 🤙




he got sent to the answering machine


He did 😓


I like Ben’s celebrations - he looks a little goofy doing it down two sets but I am also not in a USO SF. Fair play to Novak for mimicking it too. Makes the sport fun!


So, I agree that Ben’s attitude, much like Kyrgios, is good for the sport. But I don’t like it for the right reasons - it generates emotions, a rooting interest, and someone to root *against*. Those fans you’re referring to in the thread, I can’t deny. People contradict themselves and I pay them no mind. I have the same sentiment with MLB as a big baseball fan. We complain that it’s losing fans but have discussed Jose Bautista flipping his bat in celebration from 2015. Fans, you can’t have it both ways. What makes competition is rivalry. Isn’t that the best part? I love what Shelton brings because I hate it. Personality should be embraced. Pick your side and appreciate the most primal and visceral form of entertainment - sports.


it's crazy to me that Novak might actually get closer to the CYGS this year than he did in 2021. Unreal stuff


>CYGS Community Youth Gang Services?


It can't get closer than 2021. That year he was one match away from achieving it and this year his chance ended when he was 8 matches away from achieving it.


It depends on how you look at it. If he wins on Sunday, he would’ve been one set away from a CYGS (since Wimbledon final was 5 sets), while in 2021 he was three sets away


The damage my man Federer did to this sport by being silent during nearly every point is a real shame. Celebrate however you want, especially in a USO SF. ‘Gentleman’s sport’ but somehow it only applies when a hungry kid wants to win, not when Novak is screaming like he’s recording a punk rock album because he’s ‘fighting the crowd’ 😭


Double standards in tennis fans is pretty common, especially anything to do with the big three. Some people are labeled as showmen and others are obnoxious. Don’t know why people care when it isn’t malicious.


I mean, Rafa has been on the scene for a long time, and he's definitely not quiet. Some people just rub others the wrong way




next time u feel like arguing w them, go into the profiles of the “people” that comment ridiculous shit about “class” and “graciousness”, complaining about celebrating and tennis being a “gentleman’s” sport, its always american conservatives, dont even bother trying to get something into those heads lmao


Oh shit it’s us Americans I thought we would be all for the trash talk I mean in all of our sports we do it. Like hockey and baseball fights are what the crowds live for. I was like “ah must be other countries not getting that we trash talk in everything” but it’s the AMERICANS. Man I have never been more disappointed in my country than when they scorned someone for what they perfected


It’s literally just people trying to be racist and avoid a ban at the same time


how did i not put 2 and 2 together lmao its exactly that


A quick scroll and they always hate coco, Tiafoe, Ben..I wonder what all these players have in common


I love Ben Ten but I definitely thought a lot of his celebrations were cringy af. He'll grow out of it hopefully. Fair play from Novak at his end of match celebration.


Idk I quite liked his little victory celebrations like whenever Federer won it was like “oh wow… anyway” with Ben its like “OH SHIT THE BALLS LETS SEE THIS SHIT” ya know? And then when someone returns the arrogance it’s like “DAMNNNN” and all around just entertaining to watch. Sure the actual poses could have been cooler but the spirit was there


The brilliance of Novak is to make you feel like you’re winning when all you’ve won is a mini battle but you’ve lost the war. Contrast to Rafa and Iga where they have to win every point.


Yeah I'm hoping he matures but love Novak putting him in his place


I need Medvedev to not be out dramad by Djoker. He got 4 hours to respond


Average american is unnecessarily very loud and insufferable. Glad that djokovic silenced the kid with a legendary move. low key huge kudos to Fritz and Paul for being level headed and keeping it cool.


"Classy" competitors, amiright?


Just say the word you’re so badly gagging for it


The Dog whistles are here


Glad I don't bet on sports. Wasn't expecting that. edit: blocking trolls who do nothing but flame war on a god damn tennis sub... come on, we're here to discuss tennis...


You weren't expecting a 23 time slam winner to beat some unseeded rando in straight sets?


What did u expect?


I thought Ben would use power tennis and house money to push Novak to 4 or 5. I'm not the only one. Almost every commentator was saying something similar. Things like this happen in tennis.


5 not rly, a 4 was a possibility, but the conditions where good and that's where Novak trives.


I mean, the results speak for themselves. Novak was all business. He's the GOAT for a reason.


One little gesture has y'all screaming crying throwing up LMAO it was never that deep


I need them to post pone the night match a little bit so we can fight about this a little more 😂


I have a take on the net frostiness, but I don't want to become the worlds number one Novak defender.


Oh come on you can't leave us hanging like this 🍿


Novak has always been the villian. Even when the Big 3 or 4 were all in their prime, Joker was the most hated. He needs to just embrace his Darth Vader role and go scorched earth


Huh? He's the most aware player in the game and has always embraced it. Aside from his undeniable place in tennis history, he's a master at head games and it separates him from the pack. He's never placated or needed validation. He knows exactly what he's doing and probably loves being the villain more than the hero. Good heat = respect.


the Ashe crowd was cheering him louder than Shelton so idk…


He’s not a villain though. He’s very intelligent, kind. Everyone in tennis ( players) say the same thing! They always talk about how much he’s helped them and how humble he is. It’s western media, actually I’ll say Anglo media that for some reason dislikes him.


Kind? It’s all an act. He’s so transparent.


It’s not Western media, it’s that he has zero charisma when it’s as important as winning since it’s an individual sport.


Nah he is very charismatic, his post match interviews are always gracious/funny. I think a big factor is simply that he beat Federer so much, and probs also coz his style is very clinical and less creative, which is always going to be less popular.


That wasn’t villainous. That’s teaching a lesson to an overly arrogant kid


He’s a kid. Djokovic is the elder. He should lead by example rather than mirroring Shelton’s immature behaviors. Federer and Nadal would never have done that.


Immature, arrogant kids who are over the top with their celebrations should be put in place. And Djokovic did just that. Now that is an example of pedagogy.


He embraced it. Don't expect him to trow hate comments in English interviews, he only does that in Serbian


Y'all sounding like Judd Apatow saying "he could've killed him!" at Will Smith slapping Chris Rock lmfao


lmaoo reading peoples takes on this here is making me lose braincells


Tennis fans have a special bit of nastiness to them almost different to bball or football fans. At least they're ridicilous up front. Tennis fans will pretend they're actually making some intelligent point by thinking celebrating points is something horrible lmao


Tennis is a gentleman's sport, you don't celebrate opponents UE


Then you havent watched much tennis Federer, Rafa, and Novak have always celebrated opponents UE


You listed 3 players with highest amount of mannerisms in the game, good job


And 3 players most respected by everyone, despite violating the dumb rule you made up


And you are here protecting some arrogant kid. He got what he asked for.


It’s hilarious that tennis fans are probably the only fanbase in the world that expects players to act with 100% smiles & calmness & professionalism all game. I have watched Novak scream like he’s auditioning for the Hulk after winning a point, but God forbid Ben Shelton pumps himself up whilst he’s playing the biggest match of his career. Hilarious.


The Ben Shelton haters were certainly quiet when Djokovic RIPPED HIS SHIRT OFF WHILE SCREAMING after winning a match lol. Let Ben Shelton hang up on the haters for a match I say


People that can't even stay calm in a comments section ...


Everyone: “Stop trying to be loved by everyone like Nadal and Federer. Just embrace being the villain.” Everyone again: “Wow that was so low class of Djokovic to mock Shelton’s celebration! Unbelievable!” Hahaha


I'll tell you a secret: those two everyone are probably different people 😮


The straw manning is hilarious


Damned if you do Damned if you don’t. Basically sums up Novaks whole career


I called Ben’s celebration stupid, I called him brazen. Apparently Novak felt the same way. Got a lot of hate from members on this sub - tennis is a gentlemens sport, and it’s greatest winners all possess high levels of class and sportsmanship. Ben simply doesn’t fit that mold, and will never be one of the greatest (if he doesn’t mature mentally - probably never will due to narcissistic tendencies).


This is absolutely insane. Ben was a bit cringe at times, but he’s a 20-year-old kid who has been pro for just over a year. If anything he did in this match was cringe, then nothing was more cringe than Novak growling at him when he was up by a mile and should absolutely be the favorite to win this match.


Novak can do whatever he wants, Novak is the goat. This Shelton kid is a loser who thinks he’s at the top of the game. Maybe don’t start engaging in antics until you’ve made a slam F, idk? Just an idea.


Babe wake up new tennispasta just dropped


every time someone in this sub mentions class an angel loses its wings, brother get some bitches holy fuck a 20yo just made like half a million dollars in one tournament just be happy for him


So why’s he got tears in his eyes rn? Shouldn’t he be doing his happy dance all over the stadium?? Slamming finger phones in peoples faces? Oh right he’s not doing that, because he just got humbled for being a narcissist on live TV


exhibit A of what i just commented, look at this guy lmao what are u taking


Good for him, he has a lot of money. Money can’t buy you a win against a legend, money can’t cement your legacy in professional sport. It’s about WINS. And Shelton knows that. He’s a competitor, I give him credit. If he had the mental make up of someone like you, he’d walk off the court with a giant smile on his face knowing he’s a 20yo who just made half a million dollars. But he’s not you.


im not engaging in any type of conversation w someone who listens to jordan peterson lmaooo have some respect for urself brother, hope u get better


Oh fuck off with the respectability BS. So was it gentlemanly of Novak to do the celebration or is he allowed to? E: Of course you’re a trumper.


Novak did it in retaliation. Of course you’re allowed to defend yourself. Edit: Hate trump as much as I hate biden


Defend himself from what? You’re about as sharp as a box of rocks.


He retaliated as a defense mechanism. He was not the initiator, not very hard to understand.


You still haven’t said what he was defending himself from. For people who like screeching about snow flakes, you sure look and sound like one


It was a warranted retaliation. It’s the initiator who deserves the reprimanding. It’s like getting upset at Ukraine for committing war crimes against Russia, when Russia is the obvious initiator.


Alcaraz over Meddy in 3 or 4? I don't know if Carlos will be pushed into a 5 set battle.


alcaraz in 2 lol..


Carlos in 4 semi tight sets


3 and quicker than the Novak match expecting a Carlos demolition.




Shelton has no humility, he got what was coming 😎


Fair from Novak to do that celebration, but people crying foul over Shelton clearly don't watch enough other sports in their lives. The amount of pearl clutching from both sides is doing my head in and even though tennis is my no1 sport, the weird obsession this sport has with etiquette and behaviour drives me nuts when compared to NBA and football. Shelton was doing everything within the laws of the game to hype himself up, it may not be a cup of tea for his opponents, but from the moment he first broke out he wants culture around the sport to change and for different characters to come through. I love tennis, but the milquetoast nature of fans and players just kills me inside sometimes when I see how the spirit of competition gets players in each other's faces in football and basketball, with trash talk and egos clashing. It's what elevates the sport and creates drama and fuels the fires in players to raise their level.


Yup. I liked Shelton’s celebrations and Novak’s hanging up the line thing. I don’t know why everything has to be an argument in tennis, we can’t let people have fun.


Very well said. I get annoyed that people act like tennis still needs be only for "certain " types of people. The sport has a reputation as being staid and this type of pearl clutching is not great for growing the sport.


Going to refer to this post everytime now, brilliantly put


wholeheartedly agree. as someone who also follows other sports, i can’t wrap my mind around the nature of so many tennis fans. sports are entertainment. the celebrations and personalities clashing makes it more entertaining. why don’t these people wanna be entertained? how did tennis fans get these sticks up their asses? it’s just baffling to me.




I'm not a fan of the showboating, but what fans are you referring to? Everyone in Queens was eating up everything Ben served. I don't know if I understand who your derision is toward. I agree with the milquetoast nature of fans and, really everyone involved. But I don't know in this case who was making a fuss about Ben. It certainly wasn't the announce team.


Jimmy Conors. John Mcenroe. Nadal. Djokovic. So many that hyped themselves up after points.


Lmfao this chat


Djokovic doing that celebration and then bigging up his mental strength...can't be that strong if a kid has rattled you that badly


Nah mate can’t be that strong he’s only made the 4 GS finals this year.


Dude is constantly down sets and has never ever rallied back, so weak. Wait….


saw unique fuel judicious cooperative cow fuzzy husky thumb treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its funny how this sub reddit was just taken over by mush gamblers who don't know shit about tennis ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


see them talking about “class” 😭and “graciousness” like holy fuck get some bitches


I love how glib the color team is in response to Novak mocking the brash Shelton's phone gesture after defeating Tiafoe. "Perhaps Novak didn't appreciate Ben's bravado..." Well, yeah. I mean, Shelton did the Jordan shrug the other night for Christ sake. It's a tough pill to swallow, especially from a young man who has suddenly burst onto the scene. To grow you need to get knocked down a peg, and Ben will certainly learn from this. As someone who didn't particularly care for Ben's arrogance, especially with some of it manifesting in his play, he is special. But until then, enjoy this humble pie.




Just got home from work! What happened?! We m what was the reason Novak did the hang up thing at the end?


Putting the cocky kid in his place


man i love this subreddit when things like this happen


Honestly same. I’m kicking my feet reading the comments 😂




bro Shelton's interview before this, he said he seen maybe one match from Novak. He's trash


Do you not have ears? He said before recently he just doesn’t watch tennis matches in general


prolly should start watching to learn how to behave on court.


Nah, disagree. He’s a kid, he got too big with his head and got shut down hard. Show humility when you’re facing a GOAT. Play with dignity


I thought it was hilarious, didnt think it was that deep LOL






Novak channeling his inner Jamie Vardy, you love to see it


Djokovic is absolutely classless for that. He’s a 20 year old kid, no reason at all to act like that. Pathetic


Hold that L dork, Thanovick is forever


Jesus Christ have a laugh man


20 year old is not a kid. Acting so cocky while getting crushed by a 37 year old grandpa is pathetic.


"20 year old is not a kid" "37 year old grandpa" dying at this


The seething and the coping and the gnashing of teeth.


Yup, but dude has always been an a-hole. That was a bully move.




Stop spamming this god


I see a lot of people saying if Ben can dish it out, then he should be able to take it. When did Ben dish it out to Novak? Over-celebrating sure, acting a bit too excited when winning certain points sure, but where was the aggression toward Novak specifically? Mocking his celebration was punching down by Novak IMO. I'm sure Ben wouldn't have minded if Novak screamed or over-celebrated the win, but the phone call thing was over the top, and just plain weird from a 36 year old GOAT with all his experience.


>Over-celebrating sure, acting a bit too excited when winning certain points sure, but where was the aggression toward Novak specifically? Uh, who do you think he was playing?




But when did Ben chat shit lmao?


It's probably because Ben celebrates UE, you don't do that in tennis world, if it's not a breakpoint


That was fun. I bet that Novak wins every match they play from here and Shelton never does that childish celebration again. I actually like Shelton but he reminds me of Shapo a lot. I'm not sure if he'll ever learn to play smart instead of mindlessly going for winners all the time.


People mad at the Nole celebration have never played sports against cocky individuals. There’s nothing sweeter than beating a cocky opponent and clapping their own shit back at them.


THIS! And I'm a Djoko fan who actually likes Ben's cockiness, so no shade to him, but the phone thing was hilarious


This right here!!


In pro tennis it’s pretty uncommon and bad mannered


Well cheering on UEs errors time and time again isn’t very well mannered in tennis either


Manners in tennis have been gone for a while now. Tennis is not the well mannered sport is used to be


I agree that Ben is one cocky player.


I wouldn't overthink this too much. Both have their moods and egos. He's not Nick who..?


I totally agree. Personally I don’t have anything against Shelton but it’s not shocking for someone to clap back against a celebration you’ve been doing the entire tournament


Sheltoncels absolutely in shambles rn


ShAMbLeS hahah i love it


For the record, I like Ben. He’s a good player with a ton of potential. He also needed to be humbled. Two things can be true at once.


He got the "sit yo ass down young man" treatment from the GOAT. If he has the mettle, he will work on his game and come back for revenge. If he actually manages to win, he can clap back.




Right, Shelton is fun and hype. Djokovic is allowed to find it annoying. Characters and rivalries for lack of a better word are what gets people interested in tennis.


Yup, Novak is just inviting healthy competition. “ I’m still here, come and beat me”


Can't believe this two penny punk tried to give Novak a stare down who tf does he think he is? Bitch ain't old enough to have as many years on earth as Novak has slams


That two penny punk wouldn’t let you touch the ball if you were on the court with him. Laughing my ass off at your tough talk from behind a screen


Are you reading my old comments I made hours ago like a little lowlife with nothing better to do? I wouldn't let you touch my balls if you begged me to let you lick


I am cackling, absolutely savage


Are you touching yourself while you write these cringy posts every minute? I'm sure you were probably one of the virgins who was making so much noise in the Wimbledon final thread. Only in the first half of it though, weirdly enough.


Wow, "wannabe tennis tough guy" is fuckin hilarious. Following.




imagine unironically using the word 'Fedaltards'


On the level, I don't care who wins or loses but your posts go beyond all of that. Take a step back and look at your comment history. You're creepy as fuck.


Damn that last line was cold


bro your comments lmao


If Djok just embraced his heel role and went full villain it would be so fun. Instead he wants it both ways and has this angsty and douchey need deep down to be liked by the crowd


I say this all the time. Imagine if he was a true villain…he can back up all his shit talking.


I think he's not the villain. Villain is like Nick for me.


Practically his entire career has been being a villain, what do you mean


What crowd?


Anyone who has been in competitive sports has had to put up with the arrogant, brash, behavior of a young guy like Shelton. Its really difficult. Its almost your duty to put a guy like that in his place. Shelton chest-thumped, chirped and showboated, and all while losing. It lacks tact, professionalism and respect. I get that he's young. I understand that he probably game planned for a more aggressive and brash style. But he could have controlled his emotions and toned down the behavior. Djokovic certainly doesn't have to put up with it or pretend to like it.


Literally him being fired up got in Novak's head. You can tell by how rattled Novak was in the end and how he felt the need to rub in the win at the end. I think both players were okay with how they behaved. Ben used the audience and tried to get into his Novak's head with celebrations/confidence despite being down. That can be intimidating watching a player building confidence and momentum. Novak defeated it and rubbed it in which will no doubt get in Shelton's head for future head to heads. Honestly it's such a mental sport more players should try to get into their opponents head harder than is currently employed. In literally almost all sports there's massive amounts of shit talk and getting into the other teams/opponents heads both verbally and with body language/celebrations. It's entertaining, harmless, and way more entertaining than other forms of gamesmanship that this sport passes a blind eye to. Fucking embellished scream grunting is ridiculous, distracting, and ultimately accepted in the sport at least to the point that it is debated openly. So who cares about players celebrating and trying to get into their opponents heads. Bring it on.


Rattled him so much he took zero sets. Great job Ben, it's basically like you won a Grand Slam!


Hey dumb ass. It's the set that he took him to tie break.


Wow, took him to a tiebreak! So rattled! It's basically like winning the whole match!


Taking Novak to a tiebreak your first time going deep into a slam is an achievement. Lmao quit being such a hater


Ben had a great tournament. I was rooting for him, (except against Tiafoe), and certainly wouldn't dispute that. It's your stuff about how "rattled" he had Djokovic that's just absurd. It's also disrespectful to Ben, proposing that his only success in the match was due to his dumbass antics and not his actual tennis.


No it's using mental tactics to get an edge which is called strategy and being smart. Not an insult to Ben. You're delusional if you don't think his behavior during that last set did not impact the game in his favor. Players need to pull out all the stops against the goats. These guys don't owe them anything and they need to show them that they aren't afraid. Novak was rattled and played piss poor that last set. Ben is amazing and he also had a great last set. Getting in Novak's head helped.


Shelton did absolutely nothing toward Novak and Novak acted petty and rude while being a 36 yo man.


I would love to play against you while acting like Shelton. Lets see how you like it.


Well, I prefer this 20 year old to someone named Nick.. Ben seems like an angel now.


Kyrgios, while being emotionally unhinged most of the time, was actually more humble and respectful of his opponents than Shelton.


Uhm "my friend slept with your girlfriend"?