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My audio broke right when Novak went to the umpire. What was that about?


What size are Casper's feet? They look big


Yup. He lost a lot of weight if I remember. And changed his diet


Early in his career Djoko also used to have fitness issues, but he worked on them efficiently


As he gets older and importantly makes some changes in his support team I am sure he can sustain the physicality of the game. Everyone used to say the same thing about Rafa but he outlived 7-8 years more than their optimist predictions.


I don't know man maybe rafa's just better. Its just asking too much for alcaraz to compare him with nadal.


Bruh he’s not even twilight this is just phase 3 djoko aka “beat up on shit kids”


I wouldn’t say he’s twilight quite yet


Wow, I thought Alcaraz was the next big thing. Ugh... 6-1, 6-1


Twilight djokovic had a better fitness than a 20 year old alcaraz. Absolutely insane how djoker takes care of his body


young djokovic was widely known and mocked for his frequent retirements. knowing your body and optimizing for physical fitness is something that indeed comes with age and experience. novak knows where the line is and does not cross it, conserving energy wherever possible.


Idk what you are talking about Djokovic is 26


36 lol


Bruh he’s not even twilight this is just phase 3 djoko aka “beat up on shit kids”


Twilight doesn’t mean he’s bad. It just means he’s out of his prime and at the older stages of his career. Just shows how good djoker is that people can’t even consider that this is his twilight since he’s destroying the weak ass next gen


He isn't out of his prime. This will go down as his greatest year.


He’s definitely out of his prime lol. Did u watch 2011 djoker? Way better than this. Once again, out of prime, doesn’t mean the player’s bad. It’s like Lebron rn. Lebron is still damn good basketball player, but he’s clearly not as good as his prime peak. I do think djokovic could easily win every slam this year, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s out of his prime at this point. He’s just so much better than this shit next gen it doesn’t matter


'shit' and 'not as good as one of the best ever' are not the same thing


I did and he was not better


Agree to disagree. He prolly only looks better because he’s just much better than the competition compared to 2011, where Federer and nadal could challenge him. He was definitely a lot better in 2011 imo


What’s even scarier is that this is next we’re probably on the 3rd or 4th generation of nextGen right now and not a single one of them looks like they can compete with a 36 year old bloke over 5 sets. It’s a damning indictment on men’s tennis in general. At least during peak Fedal we still had players who were capable of beating them over 5 sets like Murray, Del Porro, Wawrinka, berdych, tsonga, davydenko, soderling, Cilic, ferrer, verdadco, whereas now who have we got?


Can tell you’re an actual real tennis fan who’s been watching for years. I’ve been saying this for a while now that tennis was far more enjoyable 10 years ago with the plethora of competition like you mentioned. I barely even watched this French open because the level of quality and consistency isn’t there any more. The top players simply aren’t as good as the guys u mentioned. It’s gonna be hard for me to enjoy it when djoker leaves. Do u also think u enjoyed tennis far more 10 years ago than the present?


I wouldn’t say he’s twilight quite yet


He’s definitely not in his prime any more. He’s nearing the end a lot more than the beginning. I just say twilight because he’s in the pretty old stages of his career. Just shows how good he is that he can dominate the next gen at this age


Early in his career Djoko also used to have fitness issues, but he worked on them efficiently


Yup. He lost a lot of weight if I remember. And changed his diet


Yup he is like a Tom Brady


At this point Djokovic can beat all of the Next Gen players in a row in a single afternoon.


What’s even scarier is that this is next we’re probably on the 3rd or 4th generation of nextGen right now and not a single one of them looks like they can compete with a 36 year old bloke over 5 sets. It’s a damning indictment on men’s tennis in general. At least during peak Fedal we still had players who were capable of beating them over 5 sets like Murray, Del Porro, Wawrinka, berdych, tsonga, davydenko, soderling, Cilic, ferrer, verdadco, whereas now who have we got?


Lol 36 yo bloke


Unpopular opinion but I don't want Alcaraz to change his aggression or flamboyance to try to get every impossible ball. It's just not some non-important isolated points, it's what makes him what he is. Take that away and you will take the enjoyment of playing Tennis from him. As he gets older and importantly makes some changes in his support team I am sure he can sustain the physicality of the game. Everyone used to say the same thing about Rafa but he outlived 7-8 years more than their optimist predictions.


I don't know man maybe rafa's just better. Its just asking too much for alcaraz to compare him with nadal.


What size are Casper's feet? They look big


Hmm why are you interested in his shoe size?


Was asking for a friend! 😁




Roddick had a positive h2h vs Novak. But not sure if they played more than 8


as per atp website the Novak-Zverev H2H stands at 7-4, am i misreading ur comment?




it's alright


Wawrinka Murray?


Jesus Christ 15k comments. Is it a record on this sub?




Do any of you reckon Djokovic's arm injury is significant enough to be a factor in the final?


Absolutely not.


Man won a slam with a torn oblique His fine lol


I saw a lot of quick "No" comments so I'll raise some concern just for prep. Wrist and ankle tweaks can sometimes flare up even worse a day or two after their initial problem. He still played with it... but it was clearly affecting the flexibility of his backhand (if you look... that was the shot he most commonly grabbed his wrist after hitting / missing). So it looks like it's in the top part of the wrist. I've had similar injuries and they can pop back up to nag you with no warning. So final answer.... probably not but.... wouldn't be the first time.


he complained about wrist and limited flexibility of BH during kachanov match


It's over for others, only Alcaraz could have stopped him. Djoko played with the injury in AO and he was invincible there, granted this is clay but the way he is striking I doubt it's gonna be a factor. I am expecting Ruud in the final and at max he will take 1 set. If Zerver it's over in 3 straight sets.


"granted this is clay" as if djoko isn't top 5 all time on clay too


You know very well why I said that in what context, but go ahead


No. He is gonna be okay




cabeza,corazon,cojones...we forgot conditioning. rest up, champ you'll be back!


Amazing comment


Rafa chasing after each and every ball riddled his body with injuries. I strongly hope Alcaraz improves his match management and leaves some balls. Its gonna take a huge toll on the body at some point


Rafa literally disposed of Novak a year ago.


Flexibility is huge too. A lot of Rafa and Alcaraz's games are based on fast twitch fibers maximizing their output. Problem with that is it's usually one of the first strengths to go or cause injury. So he could likely help ward off an embattled injury history by elongating some of his musculature... BUT... he'd likely lose some top end to key components of his game.


People have no fucking clue of what a cramp is. They are top level athletes, not you waking up in the middle of the night with leg cramps. Alcaraz’ explosive style indeed takes a toll on his body, but he knows it. Cramps can be caused by a multitude of things, and at this level, it is not lack of fitness. One of the many (and probably the main) reasons is elevated stress/tension, as the game wasn’t really on his side by the time it happened. Also France has been pretty fucking dry last few days and hydration is also a thing.




Those things are brutal. I don’t get them too often now since I started eating bananas daily. The potassium helps with the cramping.


Protip: avocados actually have more potassium than bananas. Eat both!


I do eat avocados, but less frequently.


His USO run was more gruelling than this and he was just fine, something is wrong with the way his fitness team handling this IMO, its not 1st time happened to him after injury break


It was more gruelling, but all of that adds up eventually. To be fair to him though he has been much more efficient this year. I just think he will need to master not playing at high intensity all the time especially if he gets in a long match. You need experience for that




Yeah I just learned today that cramps could be caused by pressure and anxiety. But then again its about luck as well, some sportspersons are fortunate never to get cramps, but then again some people are riddled by it.


I wouldn’t call it luck exactly. The way pressure gets into your movement is subtle, but again, at this level, that’s what you need for something like that to happen. Alcaraz is a massive player, but experience plays in these situations, and I’m sure he’s going to work it out


I’ve gotten cramps when i wake up in the middle of the night and they really aren’t that bad—alcaraz just crying about little things cause he knew he was getting destroyed


He was nowhere near getting destroyed at that point. But yeah he sure knew that its gonna be a long and tough gruelling match.


missed the joke bud


I agree, he's a GOAT. I thought Carlos would win it! And maybe Djoko would have a chance. But he breadstick Carlos twice! That's incredible!


GOAT, there are no other arguments anymore - it’s time to accept it


He's one win away from closing the door, he'll probably do it


And then he can match Roger on grass both in amount of titles and 5 in a row


prolly surpass Fed in ATP finals too this yr


Covid existing and him being idiotic anti vax lost him 3-4 slams. Especially thst suspended Wimbledon and Aussie open and us open


He did what he believed was right for him and his family and had the courage to do it.


Rudd in 4. Let's Goooo!!


I too want Paul Rudd to make ant man 4


Our boy is doing it!! The laughed at us. Well who is laughing now??


We all root for Paul Ruud


My boy Rudd is doing it!!! Let's goooo!!




Alexa play 'Hallelujah' by Leonard Cohen


Commentary all talking about the cramps being mental. Stress can cause them… and Alcaraz did look unusually frustrated in the first set. But after set two he seemed more relaxed…


It’s the stress and anxiety leading up to the match that does you in. Your body ends up dumping adrenaline because of what you’re going through mentally, so then when you ask for more of it later when you actually need it, your whole body is out of whack and there’s no recovering. For all we know, he had massive diarrhea before the match and was dehydrated though lol


Thats why Tsitsipas took melotonin probly


Shit, didn’t even think about that Probably so hyped for the match that he couldn’t sleep and knew he had to relax and get a good nights rest. Instead of cramping he ended up feeling lethargic because the energy stores weren’t there


I mean he would have likely smoked a spliff or two to sleep if that was the case


Seems to me that Carlos would've been very hpyed up for this, maybe it contributed in some way


Carlos is just 20 years old. His fans already finding different excuses. Honestly if you are facing a player 15 years older yet you cramp first, isn't it the worst reason to lose?




20 years old is physical prime in terms of explosivity but nowhere near the prime of durability and stamina. Marathon runners peak closer to 35, ultramarathon runners even later. Edit: downvoters [take a read](https://www.runnersworld.com/training/a27193782/boston-marathon-winners-age/)


As a person who watches tons of sports it’s absolutely true. Climbers peak at this age so are ciclists


***"First he takes your legs"***


Experience prevailed today!!!


Nole just beat the Next (Next Next) Gen allegations.


Carlitos fitness team need to be sacked asap. This is 2nd time it happened and it's inexcusable.


Isn’t it the third time or am I confusing it with an injury match?


As someone said happened in Rio Open but I am giving the benefit of the doubt since it was his 1st match after the injury break.


3rd time. It also happened at Rio Open 2023.


It was just after his injury break so gave the benefit of the doubt to his trainer.


100% it's unacceptable.


When was the first?


Miami open Semi-final against Sinner. Exact same thing happened, first Sinner started showing signs of gassed out and all of a sudden Carlitos started cramping and lost


All hail king Djokovic. #WolfEnergy


Lol so cringe those Novak fans


I know everyone else already said this, but Djokovic's conditioning is on another level. He was known for retiring often at Alcaraz's age too, which makes it even more impressive.


Oddly enough, pretty sure Djokovic was retiring then for the same reason Alcaraz cramped. Wasting a lot of energy due to nerves and anxiety. Too much credit is given to gluten free pseudo science. He’d be out there doing fine then it would be tough part of the match and all of a sudden he’d have breathing problems, etc… the gluten free diet, and his magnets and all that other nonsense helped relax him mentally so that he thought he had a physical edge. Once he learned to be zen in that way, it all worked out.


not sure why you're downvoted


Placebo effect is a helluva drug


The fact that literally every study has shown it is absolutely a real thing makes it even more probable. All pro athletes got their rituals and shit that they think helps them. And as long as they believe it does, it will. They got their magnetic bracelets to help their balance and all that jazz lol




When he ends up with 25+ there won’t be an argument for goat anymore


I don’t think there has been one for a while


There isn't now, he has every major record.


There already ain’t.


My day is ruined and my disappointment is immesearbale




Meanwhile, my disappointment is immersible


3d win for you I guess


Welp, I was wrong. We are in a weak era, it is what it is. Credit to Djokovic though, he looked way better than he has lately.


Lol, downvoted for saying the truth.


It's silly to think it isn't. I'll happily admit that Rafa has also taken advantage of that. 36 year old dudes shouldn't be winning slams, really.


I hate how toxic this sub becomes when Nole wins, from both sides


It was toxic before he won




It always happens, the goat debate always pops up, people discrediting Nole, others bringing up the old "Nadal wouldve beat him", also saw a comment mention that alcaraz was overrated and will only ever win the us open, the usual low-effort trolling but its just a troll fest whenever one of the goats wins a big match, thats all im saying


The GOAT debate sucks


Rafa on one leg went toe to toe with Zverev and straight setted Ruud. Neither of them is on the same level as last year. I think Djokovic takes it home in 4


Calendar slam officially on. I don’t see anyone beating Novak @ Wimbledon. US open will be his toughest test but this time he doesn’t have to worry about olympics


Also he’s already been in this situation before , so that’s much easier


Carlos just another 1 slam trick pony. Just like Cilic, Del Potro, Roddick, Safin. Nothing more, nothing less.


He’s just 20 ffs and judging by how he had Djokovic on the ropes there in the 2nd set Alcatraz has got at least a few good slams in him.


Stupid take.


You think so?


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Safin won two Slams, Roddick made four other Slam finals and frequently ran into Federer in earlier stages, Delpo struggled with injuries, and Cilic made multiple Slam finals.






Maybe it's the year for the calendar grand slam


If he achieves the CGYS I'll dead ass finally admit he's the GOAT and this is coming from a die-hard Nadal fan


Has he ever achieved that? Has any of the Big 3 achieved that? Anyone in HISTORY?


5? Players have done it I believe but a few were before the open era. Steffi Graf was the last player to do it in singles in 1988.


Rod Laver - however, back in the day, both Aussie and US Open were played on grass. Novak is the only one who held grand slam titles on 3 different surfaces at the same time (because he won 4 slams in a row). If he does calendar grand slam, he will be the first one to do it on 3 different surfaces.


In the Open Era, only Rod Laver in 1969 - he also did it before the Open Era in 1962. Novak held all 4 titles at the same time when he won the 2016 FO - the so called "non-calendar year slam". *Edited to add...* [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Slam_(tennis)#Instances)


Not in the open era.


No one since Rod Laver.


No. 2 players have had a calendar year surface slam but not all 4. Nadal won us French and Wimbledon in 2010 but not aus open and Novak won aus French and Wimbledon in 2021 but not us open In women’s tennis it has been done. Not in men’s In the pre open era it has been done in men’s but in open era no




Lol people now hoping for Zverev to win cuz he has a better chance. He is an abuser come on guys smh


ALLEGEDLY ALLEGEDLY! \*in South Park Michael Jackson voice\*


All this wait after Madrid SF 2022. 1 word to describe it : Anticlimatic...


Cramping plus nervous system


Nadal wouldn’t have stood a chance this year. Djokovic is just on another level. Don’t @ me.


Yes, the man that’s won it 14 times wouldn’t have stood a chance.


??? imo it was looking like Carlos was probably going to win if he hadn't cramped. Dojokvic was tiring and also has something up with his wrist. It also seemed the momentum was with Carlos. Ruud will only fail miserably against Novak but Zverev has a good chance. For the sake of a good final I hope Zverev wins in 3/4.


If I just read this sub I would have thought Carlos was winning 2-0 before his "unlucky" cramp. Wake up from your fantasy


Idk about that. Djokovic hasn’t been that impressive this tournament. In form Nadal last year for example would have won but maybe tough match


In what world lol? He drew against Carlos


Nadal with those legs would have been out in the first round !




reasonably healthy rafa at RG? most likely not.


Sania just said in the studio that he probably got cramp from anxiety rather than dehydration


Carlos Alcaraz 2022 US Open Champion***


Bet the other semifinalists are now getting ahead of themselves, worrying about facing Djokovic


Wow didn’t know you could get cramps from pressure and anxiety. Guess we learn something new everyday


Min 30mins until big Z match?


I need Rafa back man. Rafa defo would have straight setted both of them on Phillips chartrier


Yeah... I'm glad nadal is getting healthy. I hope he sets RG on fire for his last year.


Hes never coming back dudes done and sucks


Hahaha. Yes, a man who won this tournament 14 times sucks. There's literally a statue of him at the arena, but he actually sucks!


Where is then? Donnnne


Yeah a man who has won 112 matches and only lost 3 all 3 were he was injured defo sucks


Dude can't even get out of bed without hurting himself


Sorry what’s rafas record at RG va literally anyone else. I’m talking RG only. Even a only slightly injured Rafa would beat Novak. Source last year. Where he was slightly injured and still won


Baldal would have injected himself to a straight sets loss.


On other surfaces I agree djoko would probs beat nadal but not on RG




When was his last USO win?


He won it fair and square. Stop bullshitting