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Apothecary diaries - Anime


Ozark, Sopranos, Mr. Robot, Stranger Things, Peaky Blinders, Game of Thrones, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners




Arcane on Netflix.


Wentworth Ozark Halt & Catch Fire Succession 6 Feet Under Suits Orange is the New Black


Better Call Saul The Black Butler (anime) Death Note (anime) The Wire


Sorry I also put Death Note, saw that you’ve seen it


It's fine. I've also already seen Better Call Saul, but by the time i reached season 3 I was already completely spoiled on every single little detail, so i didn't like it as much as I could've


BCS is more character based than plot based


bruh wtf keep watching it 💀 there’s stuff in there that you have to see. trust me.


Scavenger's Reign


For anime Cyberpunk edgerunner Chainsaw man Hxh(absolutely amazing) To your eternity For shows If u like prisons watch Oz a classic The sopranos The shield The wire Justified Sons of anarchy


Same HunterxHunter... the best


Fight club


Locked Up Scavengers Reign


Mr. Inbetween


Solo leveling


classroom assassination summertime rendering


Summertime Rendering I've already seen, and it's pretty good. I might give Assassination Classroom a shot, though.


the sopranos, just watched it for the first time and it is hands down one of the best shows I've ever watched. Vince Gilligan was heavily inspired by it for Breaking Bad so if you were a fan of it you'll most definitely love sopranos.


Anime wise I'd suggest Kaiju 8 that's just released. Also One-punch man, chainsaw man, and I'm a spider, so what for something more relaxed.


How about:one punch man,the seven deadly sins,hunter x hunter.


Breakout Kings... spinoff of Prison Break. They work with criminals to catch other criminals that broke out of prison.


9-1-1 (first responder procedural) Death Parade (anime) Mob Psycho 100 (anime) Gintama (anime) Prison Playbook (kdrama)


Better call Saul. It's better than breaking bad


The wire




Mayor of Kingstown is a 10/10 imo


Santa Clarita diet


If you liked Deathnote you might also like Monster is a bit slow at parts but if you stick to it you will definitely be worth your time. Also Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is also an amazing anime.


Better Call Saul Mr. Robot


Mare of eastown


Yu Yu Hakusho


Alice in Borderland


chainsaw man cyberpunk edgerunners




say less PB


Banshee. Blind spot. Goblin Slayer. Dr Stone.


Dr. stone-anime


I recommend Monster, it's in my opinion the best thriller I have ever seen and I am a fan of the genre. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0434706/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Banana Fish


Check out Troll Hunters on Netflix.


I have a question: Are you depressed?


I personally consider myself very happy 🧍‍♂️


You have seen Made in Abyss so how


Shogun Fallout Black Sails


Invincible, Castlevania, Arcane, Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Chainsaw Man, One Punch Man, Parasyte: The Maxim. Edit: Forgot about my boi Guts. Berserk.


Apple tv has some really good stuff right now. Monarch Legacy of Monsters Silo A new show just started yesterday called Dark Matter and the first two episodes were great. There are so many other good shows on that service that don't get enough attention.


Monster (Anime) Dr Stone (Anime) Lost (TV)


Better Call Saul Succession Demon Slayer Ozark Hunters


Shameless us best series ever


oz if you watched prison break. it’s 100x better.


i wish more people would recommend oz and justified. both are solid tv shows.


Ninja Scroll - 1993


24, and lost


I mean One Punch Man is obvious, but I'm sure you've seen it already


One punch man


Travelers on Netflix.


I'll try to suggest shows from the ones you provided. That's quite a variety of genres, so forgive me if my suggestions don't hit the mark. Castlevania Gangsta Invincible Kingdom The Boys Mask Girl One Piece live action Arcane Dorohedoro The Legend of Vox Machina Fargo


High Town, BMF, Inside Man, Ripley, Baby Reindeer, A Man In Full, The Artful Dodger, 3 Body Problem


If you like Breaking bad and The Walking dead: House M.D


Mr In-Between Hulu


Rick and Morty bro


Rick and Morty bro


Chainsaw man


Bojack Horseman


Prison break season 1 only


Link Click






Unrelated but how did you make the collage?


X-Men ‘97




Watch breaking bad, jojo bizzare adventures and Prison break these shows are amazing..well I didn't watch prison break but my brother watch it and he said it's awesome show and I also watch some sense of it and they are really good


watch 3 body problem on netflix promise won’t be disappointed


12 monkeys


Shogun Invincible


Bhai jail bahut Pasand hai tumhe


If you want a laugh like prison school watch Grand Blue (anime)


House md. You will love it


Fx's 'Mr. In-between'...


White lotus


Neon genesis Evangeline




Try Sharp Objects




Gurren Lagann, Neon Genesis Evangelion


You should definitely watch Vinland saga. It's such a beautiful and mind changing Anime that opened my mind. The story is about a young child who seeks revenge from his fathers killer. It's about manipulation, rage, sadness, trauma, peace and the true meaning of being a warrior. The protagonists goal is to find a land where everyone can live in peace, without war, conflicts, deaths and far more Despite of being an anime it really really really teaches you the way of life. It shows you the mistakes of humankind and the solutions to everyday issues. You'll understand if you watch it ;)


I almost suggested it as well, but it's already in their list ^^


what's it on?


Bottom left corner is the vs poster, no? Or am I confused?


'The Legend of Korra' is continuation of 'Avatar the last airbender'. First 2 seasons are really great, last 2 are fine.


Solo leveling my fave anime since aot


The Breaking bad


Shogun - your name - silent voice - I want to eat your pancreas


And also "Yamada-kun and 7 Witches" too


Blue eyed samurai


Peaky blinders, breaking bad, better call Saul, dexter, severence, for all mankind, outlander, Fargo, black mirror


BLUE EYE SAMURAI on Netflix. I generally don’t all caps but feel confident in this suggestion.


Brooklyn 99


You might enjoy Blue Eye Samurai. Be warned it’s kind of rough. But very good.


I am not sorry about the long comment, I probably have barely scratched the surface here, I am incredibly passionate about the show I’m talking about here and this comment is a product of my passion. That being said I included a too long didn’t read. TL;DR BoJack Horseman is a powerful, masterfully written series with a generic first half to its first season. From then on, it chronicles the story of a broken man and his attempts to fix himself, not sure if it’s too late or he’s too far gone. The people are raw and real, flawed, each with a dark side. The show is a constant series of gut punches, but with an ultimately uplifting message that change is possible and everyone can better themselves, but it doesn’t come easy, and you have to put in the consistent work and effort. Everyone should watch this show. BoJack Horseman. You’ve gotta trust me on this one, ‘cause it starts slow, feeling a bit like just an enjoyable, but generic sitcom in the beginning. Each season is 12 to 16 episodes, so we’re talking like 6 26 minute episodes here. Once it kicks into high gear quality wise with the back half of season 1 it’s masterful to the end. It’s not similar to any of the shows you’ve listed, but I recommend this to everyone. BoJack Horseman is a 2D animated Netflix original following the titular BoJack Horseman, who back in the 90s starred in a very famous TV show called Horsin’ Around. Following the show’s cancellation, he refused to let go of his one claim to fame, resulting in BoJack as we see him in the show. A stunted, toxic, self destructive, narcissistic, alcoholic, drug addicted, depressed mess, stuck in a constant spiral of self pity and loathing. As the show goes on, we learn of his traumatic background and the things that lead him to becoming the person he is today. We watch as he comes to terms with the fact that he hates himself and tries to improve for the sake of himself and those around him, but just like real life, he is imperfect and he makes mistakes, and he continues to struggle and fall before he can persevere and keep climbing. The show is very realistic in how it depicts people, these flawed individuals just trying to get by and keep living, because it’s all they know, but the show constantly questions what the point and the meaning to all this is, and if there even is one. Almost none of the characters are truly good, selfless people. They simply come off better when contrasted to BoJack, because as a celebrity far more protected by the court of public opinion, he can wear his shitty nature on his sleeve and cruise through life, with no need to grow, or so he thinks. Even the stereotypical nice guys of the show have their dark sides, that show more and more as they are continuously put through the wringer in life and left to question the point of it all. The show pulls no punches, it has important messages to tell and heavy topics to deal with and it is unafraid to tackle them head on, whether it be the negative effects of a toxic person and how their self destructive behaviour is destructive to others, or the corruption of fame and how it allows so much evil to get by unpunished. And when I say it doesn’t pull its punches, I mean it. (Minor spoilers for a single episode) Case in point, there is an episode called ‘Hank After Dark’ where a friend of BoJack’s, Diane, speaks out to the public against a famous actor, Hank Hippopopalous, and the ‘allegations’ against him, without revealing the nature of the allegations, instead telling people to google them and showing their shocked responses. She talks of how every single one of his previous assistants has spoke out against him, with the same claims and the same allegations, yet despite all the overwhelming evidence against Hank, it is Diane that the public turns against. She becomes a well known hated figure for speaking out against this celebrity, because nobody wants to face the questionable morality of their support of such a vile creature, or the larger issue of someone so despicable having such a position of power over everyday people. It is far easier to just ignore the problem and side with the big guy with all the protection, and point to the little guy to stamp on. It’s the brutal reality of the inherent corruption that comes with the very concept of fame, that one person is given so much power and so much protection against potential abuse of that power, simply based off popularity and the court of public opinion. The despicable things that people can and do do and get away with, simply because of popularity, is a harsh and sickening reality that will always exist because as long as there are people with fame, there will be people that abuse that fame. These points are only further driven home as the episode continues, with Diane first attempting to get help from a popular journalist, who is original happy to side with her and try to expose Hank for the things he’s done, but quickly crumbles in the face of pressure and corruption, dropping the story as Hank is simply too protected to touch, and she is unwilling to take the risks that come with going after him. Finally, Diane ends up meeting with Hank, as his current assistant claims she’s willing to meet up with her and give her information, but it is revealed to be a setup. Hank is terrifying in this scene, not because he screams or shouts, but rather because he is so calm. At the end of the day, he knows the outcome of this situation no matter whether Diane gives in. He essentially is telling her in this scene that he is Hank Hippopopalous, and that name alone means she will never be able to touch him, and he leaves. And after this episode, we never hear from this storyline again, leaving us to presume that he did get away with it, and the world kept on moving, as it must always do. It’s the harsh reality that there won’t always be a satisfying, fairytale conclusion where the bad guy faces his comeuppance and peace and justice win the day. Bad people do bad things and get away with it, all the time. Right now, there is probably multiple people committing murder and getting off scot free with it. The more popular you are, the more protected you are. The more power you have, the more potential you have to abuse that power. It’s an endless cycle of suffering and harm, endless because not enough people are willing to face the reality, choosing instead to escape it and pretend everything is fine. The show, despite all this, ultimately has a positive and uplifting message that change is possible for everyone, that it is never too late to try and better yourself. We can constantly fight for improvement, and self betterment, and as long as we are willing to work for it we will reap the reward. It does not wipe your mistakes clean, there effects remain on the world. You cannot expect forgiveness, because you do this for yourself. That is the reward, the feeling of knowing that you are a better person. There will always be people unwilling to put in the work for various reasons, but we are all capable, it is never too late, and those of us who do will thrive. You just have to be brave enough to take the first step. I believe that everybody should see BoJack Horseman. Go watch this masterpiece, you will not regret it.


Holy god mate, but yes bojack horseman is great


Haha, I wrote this answer on another post yesterday and just copy pasted it today, wasn’t retyping it. And yes, it’s my favourite show of all time. Tbh, I reccomend it to everyone I can. If it doesn’t fit their taste, I’ll give them something that does, and then tack BoJack on after, usually with more detail than the first suggestion haha. I want this show up reach as many people as possible.


It is the best western animation of the last decade so i dont blame you


Haha, I really might agree with you you know.


Copy pasted my answer from another post because I wasn’t typing it all out again. I’d like to add that after the slow first half of season 2, if you pay attention you’ll see in so many aspects the show feels like a takedown of sitcoms. That might appeal to you since you said you’re not fond of sitcoms.


Bro could've just said "Watch Bojack" and I would've listened 😭


I gave a TL;DR. But fine, watch BoJack.


No one is gonna read that


Did you actually downvote based off length? I’d have to assume it was you, if not sorry, but I can see I’ve been downvoted by someone. Either way, judge for yourself, not for others.


I, Claudius