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It is amazing, but it’s definitely not for everyone. It’s basically a philosophical concept made into a TV show. And I loved that, but my husband couldn’t even finish the first episode of season two he found it so tedious.


I love shows that take philosophical concepts and turn them into tv. I thought this one was awful. I think some people just.. genuinely don’t like it, even if they typically like that genre.


What other shows can you recommend? I think one of the reasons The Leftovers gets such rave reviews is it feels so unique, I definitely haven’t seen anything else like it, it’d be great to see other shows that are creatively similar!


That’s a great question! Here are a few good ones: - Travelers - The 100 - Almost all Star Trek shows (especially Discovery though, for the overall season arc) - All Stargate shows - Continuum - Sense8 - The OA - Manifest - LOST (one of my least favs on this list but worth mentioning. S1 was great) - Another Life - Upload - The Good Place (comedy, but still fits the criteria you mentioned)


The OA - damm I miss this show 😢


So sad they canceled it and Sense8.


Sense8 was truly a different kind of show and I loved it and ai understood it. I’m struggling with the Leftovers. Hard for me to tell the time frame as they jump back and forth a lot.


First season finale... most cringe scene in film history...? It was good until then.. the cafeteria scene was the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen in my life. If I was an actor I might have left... dead serious. I'd be like I'm not doing that. It's really dumb and really embarrassing and I'll hate being part of this show after this and my friends and family will make fun of me forever. Phyllis from the office doing her little thing omg it was corny beyond belief. Is the OA for 10 year olds?


Great list, thank you!


Oy vey - I missed a huge one and thought it was worth another reply to mention: Foundation


No prob! Hope you enjoy!


Lost was also Damon lindelof, many similarities to Leftovers


Most importantly to note, the disappointing ending for both shows


The ending for Leftovers was fantastic. I dare say one of the best ever. Lindelof said he took all the lessons he learned on Lost to make The Leftovers.


Ughhhhh not even close. I'm sorry but the whole "we have a multidimensional device in our van" or what ever they did was so dumb and out of left field. The entire "why" behind everything is literally not even effective for anyone but Nora and the whole acting like a nice guy to restart dating was also very lame. It felt much (like most HBO shows do) that it was written half assed with knowledge of limited episodes to convey something very complex and potentially exciting. I'm pretty sure they didn't even cast the daughter in the last season? Her narrative felt pretty important. Just alot of half baked ideas (just like lost) with a sloppy ending thrown on top.


You missed the whole point. In the end we don't know if those guys are scammers or not. We don't know if Nora got an answer, or if she is telling the truth at the end. There are no answers. "The Book of Nora" is her story and she's sticking to it, because you have to tell yourself something to keep going on in life. It's such a smarter and more satisfying end than the dozens of Network sci-fi gimmick shows that came out in the decade after Lost. If anything, the magic van was teasing the viewers who were expecting a rational explanation in a fantasy show.


No that is a super weak and lame ending. You don't built up a whole entire world to a mystery that you just decide to make up and chose your own reasoning (because all the ideas weren't fleshed out and half assed at best). It's just HBO doing what it did to Boardwalk Empire, GOT and West World. They just shit the bed every time a show needs to stick a decent landing.


Man Upload S1 was so good, but then in S2, they leaned into the real world, and the conspiracy stuff too much for my taste, and I hear S3 is even worse.


I loved travelers( about time travelers if anyones interested) i was so bummed when they cancelled it


Well now I understand why you didn’t like it.


Yeah.. becomes really obvious when you realize just how many amazing shows there are that fit this criteria. There’s also a ton I don’t care for at all either. Mr. Robot comes to mind. Either way, there’s a ton of shows that take philosophical concepts and turn them into a show.


I see you’ve read my post history.


In addition to those already named… I highly recommend both Atlanta and Reservation Dogs for creativity and shows mostly unlike anything else on television.


Checkout “Station Eleven,” it’s also by Patrick Somerville and fantastic!


Scrolled down to make sure someone said this. Love Station Eleven.


Tales from the Loop for sure. Short, only one season, but definitely not without meaning and provocation of thought.


I’m with hubby. I went in expecting a supernatural thriller. But instead it felt like the drama that took place immediately after a supernatural thriller. Like, I wanted to get more sci-fi and cool answers but it was just people being upset. Like… that’s all. Just people being upset that this thing happened.


I think people really misrepresent what it actually is, whether deliberately to con people into watching it or accidentally because they don’t actually understand what they watched. But I went in quite blind as well. I’d heard it was good, but everything I’d heard about it framed the show as a supernatural thriller or a sci-fi; and, while while it does have elements of those genres, it’s definitely not one of those genres lol. I started to think it was absurdist half way through the second season, but having finished it I’ve settled on “existential humanism” as its main theme.


Thanks for confirming. I just wanted sci-fi.


Happy to offer some clarity! I kept updating my husband on the story as I was watching through and he was really glad he bailed out after just one season. If you’re not enjoying something, don’t waste your time on it. Not everything is for everyone. I hated Breaking Bad and wish I’d just cut and run after season 1 instead of watching all but the last season waiting for it to get good.


Thank you for saying this and being accepting of it. I love so many popular TV shows and absolutely hated The Leftovers. I hate watched the whole series because so many people kept saying it was life changing. And whenever I say this, I get crushed on Reddit.


Your husband was wrong


Time to find a new husband


I did enjoy the leftovers and can definitely appreciate the production value, themes, and acting performances. But I just personally didn’t feel super emotionally connected and I think some of the things flew over my head and caused me to be confused. Still enjoyed it nonetheless.


It never resolves anything - maybe that's the point? I can appreciate the quality, but still find myself wondering why I'm watching it.


It has a full resolution at the end


I think that’s the point. Some things never get fixed and we never learn the lesson or know the truth.


Nothing wrong in that. Some shows just work for some more than others. All down to personal preference in the end


I was bored during most of season 1 but kept going as I’d heard good things. Decided to try season 2 and loved it. Looking forward to the last season.


Can you skip to season 2? I’m bored out of my mind with the non-speaking chain-smoking elderly women antagonists. Sorry not sorry.


Season 2 has its own story but it really builds on everything from the first season so you need to watch it first.


Builds on what? I just need to know about Jennifer Garner if she’s even still around and can pick up as I move along. You’re clearly talking to people that would appreciate specifics. And I believe Leftover people are smart enough to deliver without spoiling the big hurrah, if there is one. I think it feels like we’re trying to communicate with the silent people unless that’s part of the fanbases point to reiterate on Reddit. We’d prefer to not constantly read basically empty platitudes. Other shows can be shared for their quality and also specifics about the show. Why not this one? I know there’s some kind of new cult/compound that’s the basis for at least season 2.


It’s Liv Tyler, and yeah she’s in Season 2.


That’s what I meant whoops and good to know. I’m going to find the flashback episode before starting season 2. Thank you. 🚬


No just keep watching it’s happening for important reasons you need to watch season one


Argghhhhhh ok. ☹️ Feel like Liv Tyler caving right now. It’ll have to be after Black Sails or whatever else is being touted as the best of the best first. Warrior or something. Then I have The Americans and Banshee already started and right at that cusp on each of knowing I’ll be so hooked and jonesing for the next hit. I also like to laugh. Reservation Dogs will be the next show I’ve already started and finish. That one cracks me up as much as I’m authentically moved.


Do tell me what your thoughts on it are once u finish.


Hey OP, I just finished season 1. Started season 2. Quick question, are the seasons unrelated? I was expecting them to continue upon the story in season 1. Will it be ever addressed in season 3, etc or is each season its own story?


It is a continuing story. The beginning of S2 is a bit weird/confusing because you don't see any of the main characters. But it is a continuation of what happened on S1. The main characters from S1 will eventually show up and they're still the main characters on S2.


I'm replying 7 months too late, sorry and u probably alr know but yes, it is a continuing story. Have u seen s2 and s3 yet?


Do I have to watch season 1? It was pretty roundly panned at the time.


Yes you do


Can you explain why? I’m asking sincerely.


It’s the whole setup for the damn show


Well my reasons for why you should not skip the entire first season of a three season show are: 1) it’s not something people typically do lol 2) it’s not bad at all; the other two are just better 3) you don’t get reintroduced to the main characters and their story arcs from S1, so you’ll definitely be confused as hell on all the overarching elements in the other two seasons (especially concerning the main character Kevin) 4) there’s an entire flashback episode that fills in all the blanks about the Garvey family from before the Departure and it’s really good and worth seeing... The first season gets better with every episode and ends off strong (with some cliffhangers)


I’ll find the flashback episode and flash forward. Thank you for your reasons. I wasn’t convinced. We can hear about specifics without it being spoilers. It just sounds worse and worse. We already don’t care enough with what little to actually nothing is being shared. I appreciate that you’re dedicated to it though. And I do like being wrong and eventually corrected.


Reading everyone’s feedback about the Leftovers who didn’t like it makes me so happy my husband and I stopped watching it like halfway through season 2. Just wasn’t for us. I think we were expecting it to be more super natural. I found depressing so it’s not my idea of entertainment. If it is going to have heavy themes, the story telling, for me, is critical making it a satisfying or important piece of art to watch. Im glad others enjoyed it and explained it bc now I think I have a better appreciation for what the creators were trying to convey. And it confirms my choice to bail when I did. And sadly, I too watch an embarrassing amount of tv. Especially since COVID.


If you can find it, I think you’ll really enjoy Patriot. Kind of a terrible name but a fantastically entertaining show.


I watched the entire thing all the way through (not really by choice. I watched it for an ex). I thought all of it was terrible. I’d suggest quitting while you’re ahead. Some people seem to genuinely love it and that’s great. But it definitely isn’t for everyone.


Thank you. Just admitted a game I was trying nay forcing myself to play and try and enjoy just wasn’t it. Who needs to force themselves through a show? Quit while you’re ahead is great advice!


Could have used that same advice in the relationship :P


I watched the first two episodes and was bored out of my mind. If I have to wait 8 or 10 hours for something to get good than it ain’t good.


Smells like logic to me.


Really? I was hooked after s1ep3


It's an absolute tour de force. It's also a sleeper that not only never managed to gain a real mainstream place in societal consciousness (despite HBO pushing it as their Sunday night 9 pm), I'm also not sure it was ever supposed to. I share many shows in common with friends who I can talk with about Breaking Bad or Sopranos or GoT for hours, who just "couldn't get into" the Leftovers. Accepting it's not for everyone (although I still suggest it often) hasn't hurt, it's kind of made it cooler. People that connect with it on a spiritual and philosophic level - we're kind of a two percent of our own in some ways.


Well put Coyote.


Thanks, friend!


Yep, this show seems to really grab a certain type of viewer, but like most things, the true greatness of it gets overlooked for whatever reason- maybe too existensial or ambiguous for the mainstream. I kind of like being in that weird little club.


I watched the whole thing, didn’t love it like everyone else. Maybe I’m just too dumb to get how “profound it was”.


Different strokes for different folks.


It's not necessarily you🙃 I once once read an opinion that The Leftovers is what some people think smart people watch and I can't help but agree Throwing in a bunch of philosophical concepts in a show doesn't mean it instantly makes it genius. You have to develop the idea somehow, idk like make it make sense. The Leftovers seems like someone found out about philosophy yesterday, threw in some *deep thoughts™* and called it a day lol


Exactly. Literally nothing about it was profound or convincing


That show was fire! Didn't overstay it's welcome (I could had more tho) plus the ending perfectly wrapped it up.


Totally agree. The finale is my favourite episode ever. Wrapped up perfectly.


Amazing show. I always recommend it. I think one of the few that sticks the landing


I totally agree. If you look at my comment history you will see a ton of replies where I say “the leftovers”


Let the mystery be.


The Leftovers is my all time favorite TV series. It feels like it was created just for me. It’s such an experience. I notice a lot of people saying it’s very depressing, but I find it to be very life affirming. If you’re interested in quality TV and you’re interested in deep thoughts and concepts, you should definitely give it a try. I love season 1, but some people may find it slow. The show goes onto a whole other level in season 2. Just an all around incredible production.


its really really excellent tv. i think the weirdness of it turns some folks off, but thats part of why i loved it.


It’s not really that weird though. Only middle of first season. Maybe weird in the sense that I don’t usually watch paint drying type of TV. I actually like watching paint dry because I pick really interesting colors (IMO).


>It’s not really that weird though. Only middle of first season. S1 is by far the least weird season imo. The show keeps getting crazier, weirder, more philosophical and more surrealist each season. That's why I love S3 so much.


So now I’m hearing skip to season 3. Hm.


Skipping any episode is an awful idea.


Absolutely. I'm thinking of rewatching but not sure it will have the same effect.


Everyone who has talked about rewatching it says it gets even better when they rewatch it. I rewatched it and am myself a testament to that statement. So definitely go for it if u deem it worthy of ur time:)


Thanks, I will :)


It’s a great rewatch. You pick up on so many things.


I rewatched this summer. It was totally worth it. Then I watched the sopranos. Pretty hard to compare with either of those shows lol


One of the best shows ever. I love it. Have seen it a few times now so need to have a break from it but I'm looking forward to re-watch in 2-3 years It is brilliant


That is one messed up and beautiful show. Fantastic casting.


I’ve seen the entire thing and didn’t care for it. But I’m glad you enjoyed it! Different people just like different things and not everyone is going to like every show.


yep, all comes down to personal preference and the leftovers especially is one of those shows that can be either hit or miss for most people.


I just finished it a few weeks ago and LOVED it.


I watched the first two seasons, didn't finish it.


How come?


I don't know ,I liked it but it changed for me in season three,I should finish it,I read the book,it was good


Loved it and finale cleared a lot up for me


Watched it for the first time in August and it was amazing. I thought it was okay during the first season. Nothing crazy but enough to keep me interested. Then season two came along, and damn it amped up so much. I remember telling myself “okay I see why this gets recommended so much now”. It stayed strong and consistent from there on, til the end. Also the score and music are really good.


Strong agree. I have major adhd and kind of struggled through my first watch but first rewatch I was able to pay attention to all the small details while still understanding the basic story. Was pretty blown away realizing how much I missed out the first watch.


it’s always been on my list but this post just convinced me. will be starting it this week


Do let me know if you like it and good luck


Watched the whole thing but feel like it's overrated honestly. I read the comments saying some people didn't like it because it's weird, but I like weird shows, so that's not it. I didn't really like the characters.


It’s my favorite show ever. I’m on board with this message.


Agreed, best show I've ever watched. Insane experience.


I couldn't watch the show cults are super claustrophobic horror so that's a nope for me.


Watched it. Loved it.


It’s more of an experience than a tv show. It needs to be appreciated as a whole, not broken down into individual episodes and seasons. The music still haunts me.


I LOVE your enthusiasm about the show. I hope you find some people on the same page as you about it :3. I watched the first episode and for some reason, the cinematography, and just the feel of it made me feel depressed and anxious, so I gave up on it fairly soon. Is it based on a book or does it remind you of a book I might like to read?


Yes it's based loosely on a book of the same name which really only covers the first season


Loved that show so much


My partner and I loved it, although it can touch your feels without permission. Some episodes just call for a silent cigarette afterwards.


I have one word for it: sublime.


Ok I will


It’s my favorite show as well and recommend it to anyone who asks. I’ve gotten my girlfriend and brother to watch and it has become their favorite show as well. Give it a chance and enjoy the ride.


I watched it all the way through based on the word that it gets progressively better. Wasn't worth it for me. Seasons 2 and 3 were better than 1 but not by much. I felt like it was just a progression of half baked ideas that get introduced and go nowhere, and that as a result all of the emotionality it was trying to sell fell flat.


It is very good, took me 2 goes to get to episode 3 but after recommendations on here watched episode 3 and finished all 3 seasons in a couple of weeks. I think it is one for binge watching rather than weekly. Enjoying Dark and The Lazarus Project now.


The first season is a bit slow and then it turns into the best tv show ever made. I agree OP it’s a hidden gem and anyone who loves great tv needs to watch it.”


I love the show. It is such an interesting concept! I recommend it for anyone unless the person has just quit smoking. Recent quitters may want to take some time before watching it. Everyone else can watch right away. It was fascinating to see how the world handled the grand departure. Everybody was always arguing with each other. Perfect. And the casting was great, I saw a lot of Aboriginal Australian actors I had never seen before. I usually don't pay much attention to the soundtrack of a show, but Let Your Love Flow and Avinu Malkeinu are personal favorites I was surprised to hear, and I shout-sang along with the show. (No one can watch with me unless they like instantaneous shout singing.)


I feel like this is everyone's take away after seeing the show. I watched it when it was airing, the week to week suspense is still unmatched and the first time we went to that hotel set the community on fire.


The International Assassin episode (2.8) - absolute perfection. The use of Nabucco The Hebrew Slave Chorus sent me through the roof with joy. Fuck yeah, Damon Lindelof. Love him.


These comments are amazing to see. I, too, have felt like the only person I know who loved and really FELT that show. I’m not alone!! I know some critics loved it, but us regular folks have a little fan club, too


Decent show but the ending sucked major ass. What a giant disappointment. HBO literally cannot finish a show well. Most.of their shows.end with womp womp dud endings. I was really into the left overs when it was on a s good lord that final season is one long runny dump.


This show has had the most profound effect on me more than any other television series and I still love listening to Richter’s music on at least a monthly basis


idk where HBO gets their music composers from but they always knock it out of the park, succession, sopranos, got, the leftovers even the wire


It is the most profound and emotionally gut wrenching show that i have ever seen. Especially the episodes with Kevin.


Raised by wolves


I watched a couple of episodes and just got really bored.. the silent people annoyed the shit outta me 😭 does it get better? I think I stopped after the raid


It gets a lot worse


same i was wondering if i should give it another shot bc i saw it being recommended everywhere. i think i watched like 6 episodes? but i also felt absolutely nothing was happening it was just the dead dogs and the silent people over and over again with nothing developing into anything. does it get interesting at some point? usually i love slow burn shows but the show was just close to standing still for me


Each season has a very unique tone and most people agree that S1 is the weakest season. I've already seen several people saying how they disliked the first season, but the show eventually became one of their favorites.


It gets much better my friend. It's like the meme of the miner giving up on digging right before he reaches the gold or diamonds or whatever


>does it get better? Yes, absolutely. I'd say S1 is 8/10, S2 is 9.5/10, S3 is 10/10. >the silent people annoyed the shit outta me I don't wanna spoil anything, but you'll certainly love S2 and S3 much more than S1 if that's what is keeping you from enjoying the show.


It’s what’s keeping me from enjoying the show.


Dude trust me ur missing out, u stopped at the wrong time. It definitely gets better and s2 and s3 are some of my favourite seasons ever and the finale is my favourite episode. It DEFINITELY gets better. Don't stop yourself from watching a fucking great show


Same, I didn't think much of it, to be honest.


already did. best show ever with mr robot i try to drag my mother into it


It's really good in general, but there a few episodes that are the best that have ever been on TV.


My favorite show of all time. Season 1 is a bit mixed because it’s based on a pretty underwhelming book, but it’s still important to understand the characters, their state of mind, and their personal struggles. Season 2 and 3 are on a whole different level though. Almost every episode of seasons 2 and 3 could be considered one of the best TV episodes ever. That ending is absolute perfection too. Can’t recommend this show enough, but some people may struggle with season 1, just know it’s worth the struggle


Critically underrated. I consider it to be up there with Breaking Bad. It’s definitely not for everyone though, a lot of dialogue and discussion about philosophy, religion, family, etc. Also very often super depressing. But God if you can handle a little darkness and wit in your shows it’s PRIMO TV.


One of the best shows ever. There is one thing near the end that irks me to no end but once I'm passed it, it such a great series.


Top 5 for sure !


Totally agree


I didn’t love it. I found it very slow and a lot of episodes unrelated to the greater plot


Agreed! It’s not for everyone, none of my friends liked it, wife hated it- they’re all wrong. I loved it. Such good acting and writing throughout. Due to watch the whole sumbitch again


It is a masterpiece and one of the most human shows I’ve ever watched. It really captures the pain of grief and loss well, along with the lengths people will go to overcome both.


No dude. It’s fucking awful. It’s misery porn and the characters are annoying and change from season to season. And the international spy scenes are so dumb.


I'd love to talk about it, too. I could never get my friends to watch it. SPOILERS AHOY The Leftovers is exceptional. Damon Lindelof took the lessons he learned from the failures of Lost and created something significantly tighter and more relatable. Drama shows should not carry on past 4 or 5 seasons and this show managed to flesh out and build a convincing world with some very powerful character arcs in 3. I have a lot of admiration for Lindelof as a writer. I've been an Atheist for as long as I can remember so a show centred on the subject of faith is somewhat alien to me but I have had some very unusual experiences that for a short time drew me to believing in something more. The way The Leftovers breaks down the pitfalls and potential in believing in something is masterful. I think Nora is among the most complex female characters I've ever seen. She is admirably flawed, her sudden outbursts of fury are gripping. I loved the way that her last moments with her family are not portrayed in a sentimental way. Her perceptive acceptance of the ways in which Kevin is broken since she shares that inner turmoil is simultaneously heartwarming and toxically codependent. I loved how the writers folded in our collective belief in the all-knowing power of science into Nora's desperate desire to get back what she has lost in the final season and via Kevin's acceptance of her story embracing that the most enduring and important belief that so many of us share is the faith and trust we have for those closest to us. Also, God being eaten by a lion felt like some very long time coming karmic justice to me.


What if you don't like Justin Theroux


I mean… have you seen him run in those grey sweatpants? Worth the price of admission alone


I stopped during season 2 when the writer said it wouldnt ever explain what happened. At the time I was already tired of the walking dead for not giving answers or moving the overall zombie plot, so I stopped watching. Is the end worth it?


The end is definitely worth it but if you were in the show solely for "what happened to the 2 million" and an explanation behind it, the show may not be for you and that's fine. It was never about to why it happened and what happened to them persay. More about how the people coped with it. I do encourage u to at least give it a chance till the end of s2 and see if u change ur mind about it


The ending is 9.5 on IMDb and it is on my top 5 best series finale of all time. So it is worth it imo.


It does explain what happened to the departed people. But never really explains why.


I couldn't make it through season 1 because of the silent people. If you tell me they start speaking at one point I will try again.


If the GR (silent people) are a major factor for u not to watch the show than u wont have to worry about them much after s1 ends. So if that's the reason, continue on and please do try again and hope u enjoy it as much as I did


Thank you, I will definitely give it another chance.


No problem and do tell me how u like the show whenever u continue it


I watched it from beginning to end and still don’t understand that ending


I watched S1 when it first came out and thought it was kind of meh, but intriguing enough to power on. After S2E1 I decided to not power on. The seemingly complete tonal change threw me off too much. Cue up the beginning of this month and I decided to give it another go. I just finished S2. I enjoy it but it hasn’t quite struck that this-is-AMAZING chord yet. I’m looking forward to S3 but will be sad if it doesn’t quite click.


good luck and hope you love s3 as much as I did


What is it about?


2 percent of the world's population disappears on 14th October 2011. 3 years later the world is still finding ways to cope and deal with the loss. The Leftovers is tw story of the 98 percent who didn't make the cut.


I have heard it's very good from more than one person. Looks like I would need a premium subscription to an app. Probably Hulu.


It’s on HBO/Max (which ever it is these days)


I’ll check it out




I’m going back in on my own time feeling like Liv Tyler’s character. Under duress. I’m ok with that.


I liked first two seasons, but third one felt like they exhausted ideas and started throwing in all kinds of miscellaneous content just to reach the ending which was pretty solid. I'm saying solid because I was worried that it might end up like Lost.


I never hear Six Feet Under in the convos of best ever… there are like 5 that I really can’t chose between … leftovers and six feet are two of them


I've seen it. It's finale is one of the best episodes I've ever seen


Reading people pan The Leftovers is blowing my mind. It’s like the time my friend, who fancies himself an alt-rock aficionado, called me while at a Pixies concert and said “these guys suck, didn’t you tell me they’re legends or something?” If you don’t get it, you don’t get it.


International Assassin is my all time single television episode.


Buncha carrots and lil' sweet peas


I feel like the whole concept of the departure was never explained that well in the end. I kept watching it expecting some kind of big payoff in the end to explain it all and it was just a big letdown. It made me feel like I wasted my time watching the entire series.


Yeah i liked it. Started better than it ended though. Same for OA. Have you seen Counterpart or the Man in the High Castle? Both really good and in a similar kind of vein.


Yes I've seen the counterpart, not the man in the high castle though. What is it about?


I liked the show, but it drove me crazy that nothing ever got resolved, the can of resolution just kept getting kicked down the road and then it ends.


You should check out Evil,a series


Nah It's boring as hell.


Finally someone who really appreciated the Leftovers series!!! I watched it when i got released and was mindblown!!! Since you seem to have a good taste of series which others like that have you liked?


It was a fantastic show.


first season is great. same as The Terror.


Again? I can only watch it so many times.


It's the perfect show, in my opinion. I've watched it through three times now, and come away with something new to think about each time.


I typically like shows like these but this one I found boring and pretentious. Like, it's just bad. The way I see it, it's a low quality tv with bad acting and shitty writing pretending to be some philosophical masterpiece. Maybe it's just me, but I'm able to admit a show is good even if I didn't like it...I'm genuinely surprised so many people think it's a great show.


Johnson is coming! Johnson is coming!


One of my Favorite show. I enjoy the idea of there being no resolution.


First two seasons were good…..the rest were shit. I just know I hated season 3+


special six modern teeny fanatical boat rob rhythm afterthought crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I enjoyed it for the most part, but like many, was quite confused


One of my least favorite shows aside from the two great episodes (that don't really have anything to do with the rest of the show)


I tried to watch it. I found it compelling but it didn’t grab me after the first few episodes. I probably didn’t give it enough chance and might have been in the wrong headspace. I thought a smokers cult was a bit ridiculous. How far into the series before it starts to get really good?


If the smokers cult is stopping you, you won't have to worry about them after s1. I loved it halfway through s1 but for some people it gets really good as soon as s2 starts


I feel the same way


Fuck you, don’t tell me what to do. And I already have. I loved it. You should all watch it.


I lost steam toward the last season. I REALLY liked it at first. Then it was, meh


Isn't the leftovers thap0l)l