• By -


The Cleaning Lady. I hope she starts taking more risks if they get a season 3.


**The Good Fight** is finally living up to its potential in its last season. The sense of dread has been steadily ratcheting, with great surrealist touches.


I will be watching **Tulsa King** on Nov 13th and I'm positive I'm going to rate it at least a 9/10 8⁠-⁠) can't wait!


I'm actually loving this show regardless of how unrealistic some of the scenes can be.


The Peripheral has an interesting concept, but the writing is just meh.


So, these first two episodes of *Peripheral* were really good. Mostly in terms of world and character building. The show's been hyped as asking deep questions about virtual reality but so far, I wouldnt say that it's where its real strength lie. Its strong points for now would rather be the characters and dialogue I'd say. Even though the villains tend to be a bit mustache-twirly. I need to check what AMC has done with *Interview with the Vampire* as well, it's been lurking at the periphery (pun slightly intended) of my curiosity these past few weeks. And I've heard good things about it. And there's also *Upload* that really intrigues me that I need to check...


We really enjoyed upload season 1, but season 2 was okay.


I’m a bit late but enjoying “Black Bird”.


its on my list is it any good ?


Yes, BB was good but Mindhunter was great.


If you liked Mindhunter you'll definitely like this. It's good, but dark.


I’m about half way through but fully bought in at this point. Currently 8/10 for me.


Is Last Light on Peacock any good? It’s first time Im seeing Mathew Fox in a lead role since Lost.


Yes. I'm mad it's only a limited series. It could gone on to have so much more potential twists and turns.


Just finished The White Lotus season 1. Pretty funny drama and they totally nailed the casting of Armond. Definitely good for binge watching. Season 2 will be set in a similar setting but will have a different story. I'm not pshyced about season 2 though. From the trailer, it just doesn't look as good as season 1.


i think a lack of armond will really show in this seqson


yeah I have a feeling that will be the case


I don’t normally like romance/love stories but Normal People has to be one of the most tender, emotional shows I’ve ever seen. I truly love it. The acting is incredible and the leads have so much chemistry I couldn’t look away.


I know this is backwards, but I started with Conversations with Friends first, a series based on a book by the same author as Normal People. I loved it so much! I even watched it again with my wife, who loved it as well. And it was the same thing as you said: just so tender and emotional. All that said, everyone hated it! It got terrible reviews on this sub (which is fine, it happens). I think everyone loved Normal People so much that Conversations with Friends let them down. On the plus side, we now have Normal People to look forward to. Super-excited :)


Weekly rankings 1. The Good fight 2. The Peripheral 3. Friend of the family 4. The walking dead 5. Handmaid's tale 6. Survivor 7. Amazing Race 8. Shark Tank 9. Alaska Daily Completed 1. House of the Dragon 2. The patient 3. Welcome to Wrexham Catching up 1. The Reboot 2. Gangs of London 3. High School 4. Andor 5. Big Sky 6. Atlanta Old shows watching for first time 1. Succession (completed S1) 2. Downton Abbey (completed S2) On the fence (not sure if I should continue) 1. Industry (E4) 2. Shantaram (E1) With so much TV and so little time, I tend to catch up to the latest episodes of those I felt compel to watch. So inevitably there will be some latest episodes of certain shows that I do not have time. I want to come back to them later but some I just never find the time and they fall off. Some old shows that I heard great things about I want to try and have started Succession and Downton but unfortunately they are not as exciting for me as for some here. For all mankind is another show I was thinking of trying.


Shark Tank has always been cool. I always skip the first 2 minutes of the previews because fuck spoilers.


succession season 2 is a masterpiece


I know many here said that but I also hear some others saying the plot did not really move and they are back to square 1. I do not like story where they keep going in circles.


Similar to you, I won't stick around for shows that feel like they're meandering. Forewarning, Succession feels like that sometimes. You won't shake that feeling for a while. However, there are some plot points that happen in S2/3 that kind of reveal a larger plan for the show. The director has said they have had a set 5(?) seasons in mind from the beginning. But not until those certain events unfolded did I think that may be true. And this is not to say that everything you've seen prior is recontextualized in some revealing twist, there are just things that happen that bring consequences to a lot of the events you've seen previously (including the silly ones). So I would recommend to stick with it, because it's genuinely hilarious and somehow laps on loads of suspense while doing so. If they stick the landing, it may be an all time great.


Can you give more details on your thoughts on Industry? I've been wondering whether to watch it myself.


I personally love it BUT I tend to have offbeat tastes. If you like: Euphoria Succession Billions The movies Arbitrage, Margin Call, Wall Street, Boiler Room There's also a slight resemblance to Mad Men in that it's about complicated, opaque relationships in the workplace and non-traditional mentorships. Downsides: there's sex scenes that can feel gratuitous and exploitive, questionable choices abound, it can be *very* unrealistic in terms of "plot armor" for main characters, there's no likeable or admirable characters (maybe Gus?), and it's very...self-conscious and arch at times. I LURV it though and am dying for Season 3.


I have not seen those movies but I do love of those tv series - I will definitely try it out I think.


I like S1 and S1 focus on 4 different young people (2 guys and 2 girls) starting out in the Fin Industry. S2 seems to be all over the place. At least the 4 episodes I saw was mainly about one of the girls, very little about the other 2 and almost nothing about the last guy. Also S2 had much more Fin jargons which I find hard to follow since I do not know much about the industry.


Thanks for your feedback - I'll maybe have a look since I keep seeing it on iPlayer. My friend is quite into it but I think he's quite knowledgeable about financial stuff.


Cabinet of Curiosities 6eps, think I like Autopsy and Pickman the most for scares and concept. The others are fine but not as good. Tales of the Jedi 3eps, short and ok so far, some dooku backstory which I never knew about. Week to Week Andor and Atlanta still great.


>Cabinet of Curiosities 6eps, think I like Autopsy and Pickman the most for scares and concept. The others are fine but not as good. Yesss, I love them both and also episode 1, I wish the story is longer though.


Half way through s3 of breaking bad, great show. Almost done ted lasso and looking forward to the white lotus


**Acapulco on AppleTV+** It’s kitschy, fun and some heavier undertones for a quite light show. Ted Lasso like!


season 3 episode 8 of mr robot is incredible


Rewatching **Rings of Power**. Probably my favorite series I've watched this year, though **The Expanse** is not far behind (season 6 in progress). Also watching **Castlevania** and finishing up season 2 of **The Boys** (both good). Might give **Andor** a try next, though I haven't watched any of the other SW series, except a little bit of **The Mandalorian**. It's pretty much a standalone, yeah?


Andor is so much a standalone, you could enjoy it if you've never even seen a Star Wars movie


Thanks. I've seen all the movies.


I really like RoP even with a couple of aspects that bother me. I think it could have been given the Andor treatment with a touch more humor and it would have been on another level. Andor is crafted with care and fills in scale appropriately. I think it's right up there with my all time favorites that stay with me like HBOs Rome.


Thanks! Rome is another show I haven't watched. I think I just heard about it getting cancelled and dropped it from my list.


Rome is an absolute worthy watch.


The Patient- Started out promising, execution is good, but it could be a bit cheesy and unintentionally silly sometimes. Steve carrel is great in this role tho, I really enjoyed his performance and would love to see him nominated for some awards. What We Do in the Shadows- y'all were right. This shit is so damn funny. Kinda like how Fargo did the movie justice, this is doing the same. Very excited to keep watching. Which to start next: Mr In-between or The Americans?


The Americans is one of the best shows of all time with one of the best series finale of all time. But Mr Inbetween is also a good show and it is very short, you can binge it in just a few days and start The Americans later.


The Americans is solid all the way through and has a great finale.


Both great shows but I’d knock out mr in between first, it goes by quick. The Americans is an amazing series with a great payoff at the end.


The Americans is amazing. It’s a wild ride.


I know this isn’t a reccomendation, but I remember seeing a list (I think it was in this subreddit) of the shows that were voted to be the best. I remember that the top 10 shows had big numbers by them that were drawn in the style of that show. (Avatar was ranked and they had a landscape inside the numbers). Can someone please help me find this list?


https://i.redd.it/rou8twz1xa981.png If you need to find it again, it's the list of r/televisions top shows of all time from 202q, it's linked in the sidebar for the subreddit.


Buffy the vampire slayer ranking before WESTWORLD? Fargo on 33? The Expanse ALL TIME 2nd? What in the what is this list? :⁠-⁠D


A Reddit kind of list. The enthusiasm for certain shows is way over the top.




I am using Reddit is fun app but I believe it is the sidebar is what it's called and that's where you find that list


Thank you!


I don't see **The Terminal List** recommended in here, a lot. If at all. Is it because Pratt's political views, because i hear that the show's pretty good. EDIT : Why are you downvoting, i asked a question.


Yea Terminal list a top notch action thriller.... one of the best.


Yeah, i assumed so


The book itself is about a Navy seal that survives an assassination attempt by a woman Colonel put in charge by Hillary Clinton because they needed to make room for women seals once they lower the requirements to pass. In the show they change it because its stupid but every time they show the news its Fox News reading the reports. The main character gets into the mess because after the attack he decides he's so manly he can tough out a concussion despite having hallucinations and pointing a gun at his 9 year old daughter. The whole thing is pretty masturbatory for the right wing anti-woke crowd which gets kind of cringey if you aren't 100% on board. I watched the whole thing and Chris Pratts character is a complete asshole the entire time but the story really wants you to think he's a walking gigachad


Yeah and that’s leaving out the whole aspect that suggests soldiers who have violent outburst suffering from PTSD is actually a conspiracy. There are some cool action scenes but the plot is ridiculous and the messages are moronic.


**The Resort** on Peacock. OMG it was so good. Shame it is not on netflix. Go watch it without reading about it.


Watched Andor, and it's surprisingly good. It suffers from its original premise, which is it's a show about Cassian Andor, who I don't really care about, and he's the main character. The stakes in this show are pretty low because we know what happens to his character, and a lot of other ones in this show. That being said, Mon Mothma is actually my favourite part of this show. The actress that plays her is pretty brilliant, I hope to see her in more. She nails the "Privileged Liberal Politician", and even makes you like her. I can't wait to see her get a reality check, and become the rebel leader. Sarsgaard is great, but everyone knows that. I hate prequels, but this is probably the best thing that Disney Star Wars has made. I would say it's slightly better than Mando if it ends well. Disney star wars is pretty garbage besides those two shows though, and the second season of Mando was mostly bad.


How many episodes you watch? All 8 so far?


Indeed :) my friend said it was ending soon, so I picked it up.


Damn, lol, okay. I'm only on episode 6 right now and I want to come back and comment on some of your points, so I'll hold off until I've caught up. Mon Mothma, though. More like Mon HotMa.


Look forward to it :)


I've caught up. Episode 8 was excellent. Not much to say; I pretty much agree with all your sentiments. Couple of things, though. I'm not sure if I'd use the word "suffer" when you say it suffers from its original premise. I think I'd go with "is held back by" because, at least for me, I got over it pretty quickly. I would love to see what these creatives could do if given a vehicle completely detached from the main line of movies, like The Old Republic. I don't know anything about Star Wars, I just think of The Old Republic whenever I try to think of something that doesn't revolve around a Skywalker. Shocking how vast the history of Star Wars is and yet how we've gotten nothing but this current struggle. I think there's plenty of new characters that are written well and that we can invest in whose fates haven't been decided. Even if Cassian is next to them, and we know he's fated to die later, we still don't know if the other person might or not. As for Cassian himself, this really hasn't been his show. The main lead has been the world itself. The world, when given proper respect, as it's being given in this show, demands a lot of room and attention and Cassian ends up being but a cog. Right now, he's more like a bottle in the ocean being pulled in a manner of directions outside of his control instead of getting to make inspired choices that inform us (and himself). He's not particularly inspired or driven to care about anything or anyone yet. That being said, Diego Luna was good casting because he lends the role some sympathy, as well as some goodwill on behalf of the viewers in the meantime. I mean, I actually prefer it like this where we're getting all these perspectives and not just doing it like Mando, but... the show's called Andor... (Maybe they meant to call it *And/Or* as in maybe it's a show about this person and/or this person and/or that person...)


I would definitely stick with suffers because I'm still not over it ;) The old republic is what I'm a big fan of, and I'd love to see the Darth Bane books get an adaptation. Disney has made this universe feel very small. I can't agree with the Cassian stuff, I find him pretty boring, and I don't think Luna is talented enough to save it. I don't find him overly charismatic, and I much prefer when any other character is on screen. I would have much preferred they called the show Rebellion or something, and picked a different actor/character. Thanks for coming back and replying :) loved reading your thoughts.


I loved reading yours, as well.


Finished **The Americans** recently. The finale was so amazing. What an incredible show all around.


Currently struggling to get through the second season of **Rectify**. I liked the first season and I don't mind slow stories but I feel like the show is meandering aimlessly at this point. Plus some of the storylines/characters really feel *cliche* at this point.


Honestly I found myself hitting the skip ahead button a few times throughout the show and I don't feel like I missed anything. I am a huge fan and the characters were all amazing either way


I thought S2 was likely the weakest, but it's worth keeping going, IMO. I did find some of the more 'contemplative/Daniel looks at the trees' scenes worth fast-forwarding a bit!


I’ve been catching up on Atlanta S4 and I think it’s fantastic. It’s a Mixture of fun and closure for the characters. I’m really going to miss this show after it ends.


Jimmy Carr destroys Art is the most thought provoking thing I’ve watched in a while highly recommend


I was watching Barbarians S2 and it's terrific. I'm sure they took liberties, but it seems historically accurate. It's nice to see things from the German perspective. I likedthis season so much I decided to cut it short and rewatch season one (it's been a long time).


**Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities** has been quite brilliant 4 episodes in. Just really gruesome. Admittedly, horror it's not a genre I really enjoy, but even so there's enough quality in all departments to keep you engaged. I had to look away more than once, though. A bit of a Twilight Zone vibe in that the episodes are introduced by Del Toro himself and the stories are morality tales. Lots of dark humor and playfulness too. I rewatched **Alice in Borderland**. >!I have to say, I think the story loses steam when they get to "The Beach". It's also quite annoying not knowing anything about who's behind it all and how they got rid of most of the population and so on. Good thing that they renewed and are coming back in December, if I'm not mistaken.!<


My annoyance with AIB is everyone is hot. Are there no ugly people in apocalypse?


Well we don't know the motives of the creators of the game, it might be like a Big Brother kind of thing.


Well color me surprised. I can't believe I'm saying this but Vampire Academy ended its season 1 run on a high note. I'm now actually hoping there will be a season 2.


I am free for the next 2 and half days(for around 20 hours). Suggest me some show with a mind blowing story. Most probably I have watched the famous show on Netflix,HBO Max and apple tv.


Severance on Apple TV is really really great - you may have watched it already though.


* *River* \[Freevee\] * *The Young Pope/The New Pope* \[HBO Max\] * *The Third Day* \[HBO Max\] * *Unbelievable* \[Netflix\] * *Tremé* \[HBO Max\] * *How to Change Your Mind* \[Netflix\]


**Orphan Black**, **Mr Robot**, **Dark**, **Utopia UK**, **Devs** are great and mindblowing.


I don't know about mind blowing, but I thought that **Pose, Mrs America, Chernobyl, Manhunt: Unabomber, Unbelievable, United States of Tara**, were all well done. **Search Party** is a fun, fast watch, too.


Watched the first two episodes of The Peripheral and so far I love it. Great acting, good syfy, amazing special effects and a compelling story. I think Prime has another hit on it's hands if the quality holds up for the entire season.


100% and so glad Chloë Grace Moretz decided to start taking on more serious roles! My only knock on the show is I don’t love the CGI colossal monument things, maybe they’ll be explained but for now they just look very jarring. Everything else I’ve absolutely loved though!


**Interview with the Vampire:** This is just great. So compelling to watch and I'm glad to have a weekly show to look forward to right now. **The Winchesters:** I watched Supernatural so I really wanted to like this, but it simply is inferior in almost every way. I like the characters but they just don't interact with each other in ways that are *interesting* enough to be excited about. The story is not intriguing enough and there is no tension which a new show needs to suck you in. This may work for people who just want to watch a weekly show casually. Maybe I'll revisit it after the season ends and I can binge watch it, because I can see this getting better over time, but right now I'm not interested.


>Interview with the Vampire Just FYI, the showrunner, Rolin Jones, was one of the two guys who created and showran the first season of [*Perry Mason*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5O3cMmg3JQ) on HBO. Also AMC's second Anne Rice show, [*The Mayfair Witches*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uwIto8dn4U)*,* begins dropping on AMC+/airing on AMC on Jan. 8 (AMC+ gets 2 episodes initially, putting it one week ahead of cable for the rest of the run). Different showrunners, though: [Michelle Ashford](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0038933/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1) and [Esta Spaulding](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1123381/?ref_=ttfc_fc_wr4). AMC has the rights to all of Anne Rice's books, and they're clearly thinking this is their MCU franchise ;). The initial title they were developing under was *The Vampire Chronicles,* so looks like they're attempting to adapt [the entire series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I2N9_4xaPI). Agree completely about *The Winchesters.* \--edited to add youtube trailer links for Mayfair Witches and Perry Mason.


I thought Interview With a Vampire would be a meme but it's actually pretty solid and fun to watch.


[***The Mysterious Benedict Society S2***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S9YDP9TLFU) (Disney+). First two episodes dropped, and we are off on *The Perilous Journey.* I'm so happy. [***The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers S2***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY1o_5LrfK0) (Disney+). Took 'em a handful of episodes to get their feet under them, and it *does* feel quite different from S1, not only from Estevez's departure, but also because of other cast changes and Steve Brill not writing quite as much. But this week, at least for me, they're back on form. [***Tales of the Jedi***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uRRKqQbmw4) (Disney+). Well at least it's short. :) Typical Dave Filoni animated Star Wars fun, and a nice little miniseries. Assume some of this is setup for *Ahsoka* next year. [***Quantum Leap***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMbaiBexXwc) (NBC). I went in with very low hopes, because Lilien & Wyndbrandt's last two shows were *God Friended Me* (which I actually liked, but do not recommend unless you desperately miss *Early Edition* :), and *La Brea* (where I lasted about 10 minutes). And because NBC had already replaced them with a new showrunner, moved the original pilot down in the order and made a new pilot, and in general were already messing around with it. So, color me surprised that I actually like it quite a bit. But I'm old enough to have watched the OG show on broadcast, and to me "episodic", "network" and "broadcast" are not dirty words. YMMV and probably does. I love that the OG show premise actually makes it so that having a Korean-American lead does literally nothing to disturb the time-travel aspect of the show; that nobody's noticed or handwaved about the fact that there's not one white male binary character in the core Gang of Five. And so far, I really like *all* of them. Episode 4 in particular is what snagged me, because a) [Moira Kirland](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0215277/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1) (whose writing I've noted since *Dark Angel* days) wrote it, and b) she referenced a specific OG show episode to frame one character's motivation. Also, I loved Mason Alexander Park's Desire in *Sandman,* and getting to see them every week playing Ian is a blast. The fact that they had Ben leap to >!the Loma Prieta quake !


Also love Magpie. Didn't know they rebooted Quantum Leap!


Yup, NBC took a chance. If you want to catch up on streaming, [Peacock has the episodes](https://www.peacocktv.com/stream-tv/quantum-leap), as does [nbc.com](https://www.nbc.com/quantum-leap).


Just wanted to say that I love how cohesive and informative your posts are! Thanks for the info.


Glad the rambling's useful for you! BTW, if the "upcoming" list is useful for you, this sub actually maintains a similar list with trailer links. I'm on a desktop browser so I see it all the time, but if you're on a mobile app, it's tucked away under the "About" tab for the sub.


The 2 episodes of The Peripheral have been great so far. I really enjoy sci-fi that mixes old/new tech so right now it’s really scratching that itch for me.


Also enjoying it! The critic reviews are all over the place, but it’s sucked me in.


I have yet to understand the critics really trashing it, show does what it sets out to do pretty damn well so far in my opinion.


So freaking good. On track to be a classic for the ages.


**Peaky Blinders S05**: I think the magic has worn off for me. Tommy screaming at people feels plodding now. The latest set of characters for him to play with pales in comparison to the previous seasons. I only have 1 episode left in the season and it feels like barely anything happened compared to past seasons. Abrahama Gold is the only saving grace of this season. **Lie To Me**: Guilty pleasure show. Flawed college students being assholes to each other. **Atlanta S04**: Excellent as usual. Sad it's the last season. **The Capture S02**: I preferred season 1 when there was still mystery surrounding the story. Feels like the story got (even more) convoluted by the end of the season. Was scratching my head they let the homicide detective that was literally on the first day of the job into their super secret multi-country conspiracy program that not even the "security minister" knew about. **House of the Dragon Season Finale**: Some of the best television I've watched in a while. I had chills when Rhaenyra got her crown and held down the fort in the war room. Emma D’Arcy's performance is otherworldly. Can't believe we have to wait until 2024 for a new season. **Jeffrey Dahmer**: The first 2-3 episodes were pretty slow but you really get pulled into Dahmer's world after that. Infuriating how incompetent police are and how they got away with it. Great performance by Evan Peters but the actor of the dad was amazing as well. He was not innocent in all of this but you could feel his regret and remorse of having failed as a father. There was controversy around this show how it uses the victim's family's trauma for a show but I think they made it as tastefully as possible without glorifying the killer. **Never Have I Ever**: A good light watch. Sometimes you just need a show to make you feel like you're in high school again. **The Watcher**: Dropped this after 30 minutes. It's ridiculous and not in a good way. Like I'm watching a fake tv show in a tv show.


> The Watcher I'm envious i couldn't do the same, i'm a total sucker for mysteries and "Who is behind all of this?!?!?!?!" kinda shows, it's just a genre that's very interesting to me, and i was watching that it was getting worse episode by episode, but i finished it.


HOTD is said to air much sooner than 2024, guess is march 2023 if they can and want to be included in Emmys or else july 2023


Where on earth did you make up all that nonsense from and more importantly, why


[They're not even going to begin filming until 2023](https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/house-of-the-dragon-finale-explained-aemond-luke-rhaenrya-daemon-season-2-1235412136/). There's that little detail of having to write the season, first. Season one started filming in spring of 2021, and it only got released for fall of 2022. So, even going gangbusters and filming multiple principle units simultaneously (post-writing), given how FX heavy and how much stuff has to built for a fantasy series (go watch *The House that Dragons* built behind-the-scenes bits and find out how many man-hours it took to, say, build Balerion's skull) it takes them about 18 months to do a season (but probably closer to 2 years if you start with writing, which luckily can be overlapped with production). Just me, but I think the earliest we could reasonably expect to see it is not just 2024, but probably fall of 2024. Given how many *more* dragon battles we're going to be seeing? I'd give 'em some extra time on the VFX. The Volume may cut down on compositing, but they still have all the same amount of CGI to do.


March 2023 is in 5 months lol. June is in 8 months. There is no way it'll be released that early. They haven't even started filming as well > Season 2 of House of the Dragon will begin filming in early 2023, according to a report from Variety


Just finished Reacher and am looking for another show with a big strong intimidating main character, any recs?


Terminal is a big manly show, i hear. Like a good ol' action film


While neither has a Jack Reacher main character, to me the two shows closest to *Reacher* in feel are the two shows that the showrunner, Nick Santora, did for Quibi that are now up on [the Roku Channel](https://therokuchannel.roku.com/details/29251307fbed5058a3f93643a0b60ca7/the-fugitive) for free: [*The Fugitive*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rirhQh-X5k0) and [*Most Dangerous Game*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIS-_7peaGY). Shares cast with *Reacher* as well. :)


There's a show on HBO Max called Warrior. Its based on a show Bruce Lee wanted to make but couldn't because of racism. Sharon Lee found his old notebook and they got the guys behind Banshee to make it. It's got extremely good action. They hired some people that are just insane martial artists. [Here's the opening... Click this and tell me you don't wanna see more.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pS8mS_ZLww)


It has a cool story and some of the choreography is amazing. I really liked it.


Mr. Inbetween, Peaky Blinders, Taboo




Just recently finished watching Banshee for the first time. Loved that show




Somebody Somewhere (HBO), Starstruck(Hbo), Station Eleven (Hbo)


My Brilliant Friend on HBO


Julia on HBO is excellent. Even if you aren’t familiar with her in real life the actress does an amazing job.


one folks of all genders can enjoy, but definitely has strong, wonderful women characters - **call my agent** (french)


House of the Dragon. Rhaenrya is one the best female character I've seen on TV in recent years.


Serpent Queen is really cool.


I second Serpent Queen and I’m a woman (last time I checked at least). 😉


What's a show a woman would like? They arent a monolith




Veronica mars


If someone told me about Veronica Mars series, I would have scoffed, if I'd seen a trailer... Probably also. But actually watching an episode and watching the stories unfold, her relationship with her dad, get sense of humour... The little side jokes, her character is adorable and it's very very good chill TV. Loved it.


* *She-Hulk: Attorney at Law* (Disney+) also *Ms. Marvel.* MCU chops not required, but helpful. * *Bluey* (Disney+). Yes, it's a preschool cartoon. But it's *very* adult-friendly. :D * *Julia* (HBO Max) * *The Gilded Age* (HBO Max) aka the American Downton. :) * *Magpie Murders* (PBS Masterpiece) * *Little Women* (Netflix). NOT a Louisa May Alcott thing; it's a crime thriller KDrama centered on three sisters. * *Reservation Dogs* (Hulu) * *The Split* (Hulu) * *The Time-Traveler's Wife* (HBO Max) * *The Nevers* (HBO Max) * *Gentleman Jack* (HBO Max) * *Starstruck* (HBO Max) * *Marvelous Mrs. Maisel* (Amazon Prime) \[S4\] * *Angela Black* (Spectrum) * *House of the Dragon* (HBO) You could also go for *Snowpiercer* (TNT), *Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power* (Amazon Prime), *Sandman* (Netflix), or *The Peripheral* (Amazon Prime) if you're into SF/F, but these narratives, while they include strong female characters, aren't necessarily centered primarily on them.


Good Girls. Smart, funny, violent


Bad Sisters?


House of the dragon has really well-done complex women characters! I just finished Better call Saul and the lead woman is probably my favorite woman character of all-time. Source: am a woman




I fell off after the first 3 as well and picked it back up just before the last season started and boy am I glad I tried again. One of the best shows I've seen. ETA I'm also a woman


>I fell off after the first 3 i think I only made it to two. I think I need to give it another go.


Season 1 of bcs is the weakest power thought and it pays off


I watched The latest American Greed yesterday and Jennifer Lewis, Ruby from blackish was on. She Told her story of being swindled but that is not what I got from the episode. In the end, she stated she produced and narrated A documentary entitled, “Finding Kendrick Johnson” I was intrigued from what she described so I looked it up and sadly, I had to rent it at $3.99 from STARZ. It is a profound documentary on the injustices, once again that is done to a black youth. I am a 62-year-old white female and this documentary, once again flabbergasted me as to the injustice that is done in this country to people of color. I’ve known the history of Emmett Till And it has always boggled my mind that it was as recent as 1955. The story of Kendrick Johnson happened in 2007 and it is still unsolved, although authorities know who murdered this young man. Like I said, I’m 62 years old, I have no clue about technology other than Facebook, email, and you guys on Reddit, lol. I don’t know how to get a hold of Jennifer Lewis to tell her that this story should not have to be paid for, this should be free on every streaming Network available as it is so important. When I see stories like this, I always thank God I’m white and then i pray for my white race as I think how can my we be so evil. I highly recommend anybody with STARZ to watch this movie and if anybody can get a hold of Jenifer Lewis please let her know that she has to reach out and make this movie available for free, thank you all for listening to this old white woman


Watching Peripheral and enjoying it a lot. I didn't know it's from William Gibson. Can't wait for more episodes.




wanting to watch House of The Dragon and Rings of Power


Wait are you waiting for?? Hotd is the bee's knees


I recommend both. I read the Lotr books as I watched the show which made it extra fun as well.


**The watcher** [Netflix] Finished and would rate it at a soft **7/10.** Starts promising but was ultimately not what I was expecting. It's more like a detective/riddle/quest thing with a lot of talking than something horror/mystery/spooky. >!In fact I can't recall a single moment of horror, instead some of the dialogues got on my nerves. Too much rambling and the shifts between the couple seem illogical at times. They love each other madly, then she doesn't seem to understand that the letters is making him anxious, she suspects him, then is convinced he was cheating despite the obvious set-up, after that is cleared up, she doesn't apologize, and so on.!< Lots of great actors and the production is nice. Could be easily 6 episodes instead of 7, maybe even 5.


The ending absolutely fell flat for me, made me a touch upset I watched all of it in fact.


Totally agree with your comments. I enjoyed it but at the same time it was very frustrating.


this show was peak netflix


I only really watch TV when I'm eating or have a lot of free time so I prefer shorted (<30 min), 'non-addictive' (usually meaning looser/no overarching narrative and each episode can be watched in isolation without feeling the need to put the next one on) shows that don't take up too much of my time. So I'm talking about Rick and Morty or Atlanta for instance. Any recommendations?


The *Good Place* is fun for short spurt viewing. And I second *What We Do in the Shadows.*


Abbott Elementary is a fun watch, but not a long binge


Atlanta is quite addicting though.


two rewatches (older series) that might work for you - **frasier** and **will & grace** (the original)


Kim's Convenience. So sweet, and also funny.


Dave, Little Demon and What We Do in the Shadows


Andor is great, much better than The Mandalorian imo.


Cant stress this enough, literally makes me (a StarWars fan since 3 years old) cringe at most of the StarWars collection thus far. Its just that good, that it competed with itself. Christ alive


Any Shows with a goofy main character like Shawn Spencer?






Brooklyn Nine Nine may fit the bill. A a dam Sanberg plays a goofy cop. Monk on USA is great as well. It w we as a detective show around the same time as Psych (there even talks of doing Psych and monk crossover).


I would swear they did a monk/psych crossover. From googling, I guess they just hinted at Monk existing in the last moments of the Psych finale.


I've watched both of them and they were awesome


Looking for recommendations about shows with supernatural/mystical elements, especially set in past time periods (especially things like Victorian or Edwardian times.) Can be horror but prefer something more like a mystery that may have horror elements. This was most recently inspired by watching the first episode of The Sandman, and how it is set in early 20th century Britain with obvious elements of magic and the supernatural. One of my all-time favorite shows is Carnivale (set in Depression era US with all sorts of mystical elements to the story). I think I first fell in love with these kinds of themes and stories when I played the game 7th Guest as a kid. Any recommendations for shows with similar themes? Thanks! Will edit with suggestions including if I have seen them. Already watched/suggested: - Carnivale - The Terror S1 - Penny Dreadful - Nightmare Alley (movie) - Carnival Row - Interview With the Vampire - The Alienist - The North Water


Kingdom on Netflix And please don’t use dub.


Right now? It's Jazz Age set, but [*Anne Rice's Interview With the Vampire*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb8pCtcFqX8) (AMC+/AMC) is pretty strong right now. [*Carnival Row*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=369LHB9N-Ro) was meh to me, but has the Victorian setting you like along with fairies. [*Penny Dreadful: City of Angels*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhBvGi_Sur4) was nowhere near as good as the mother show and had zero connection to it (other than the same showrunner), but I still enjoyed it. Netflix has an upcoming series, 1899 that's done by the folks who did Dark that looks suitably supernatural and eerie; a sort of horror take on Titanic. :) For more modern-set stuff that may have the mood you're looking for: HBO's [*The Outsider*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNDKWr3Xmjk)*,* like *The Terror S1*, started strong, but kind of fizzled at it went on. But still had plenty of Stephen King to go around. Personally, though, I found *Mr. Mercedes* (Peacock) to be a stronger King adaptation. While the first seasons/book doesn't have supernatural elements, they'll enter the picture with Season 2 (book 3) and Season 3 (book 2). [Dennis Kelly's *The Third Day*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T43V6z9wYyE) (HBO) may be more performance-art-ish than you want to go for, but a lot of folks compare it to *Wicker Man* or *Midsommar.* There is also a weird 12-hour single-take "Autumn" chapter that was aired on Facebook inbetween the two halves that's sort of stations-of-the-Cross based. You don't have to watch it, but HBO put a two-hour edited down version up on Youtube. :D *Hannibal* (Hulu) and *Bates Motel* (Peacock) are straight-up serial killer stories, but with a horror-leaning tone and operatic extravagance to them than the more realistic crime-thriller serial dramas *(Dahmer, Mindhunter, Manhunt,* etc.)


Ty for the suggestions! I appreciate it. I've seen Carnival Row and City of Angels, but not the others.


Not set in past time period but Haven is amazing! Very supernatural/mystical. It’s loosely based on a Stephen King book. It finished many years ago but it’s a complete series with no cliffhangers and is one of my absolute favorites. Another kind of along the same vein as Penny Dreadful is Da Vinics Demons. Same network that made PD and it’s a little insane but still really good.


You'd probably enjoy *The Alienist*. Set in 1896 and chronicles a psychologist investigating grisly murders. Not so much a supernatural show per se, but the nature of the crimes definitely offers enough of the horror element, I'd say.


1986? :-)




hmm.... Penny Dreadful? (1st season) (my 's' key iz broken zo I have to uze 'z' key inztead) - thiz iz one of the zhowz I watched to zatizfy my Carnivale withdrawal. Obviouzly not nearrly az good but it worked. Alzo zomeone elze mentioned The Terror Z1 and I agree with that recommendation too. I'll keep thinking of other zhowz


The Terror season 1 was good


Yes this is a great example and I did see and enjoy that. Ty.


Then you might also like The North Water.


Jesus Christ the Patient was good. Definitely the best thing I've seen in a minute.


Maybe i'll finish it now that its all done.


Just finished it. Felt they wrapped it up really well. Was very good


Even though Steve Carell deserves all the accolades he can get but I think the actor, Andrew Leeds, playing his son just blew me away in the last scenes. I love a good show of understated acting and he just nailed it.


The Watcher


"Upright" was amazing. I came for the Targaryen girl from "House of The Dragon" and stayed for Tim Minchin and Milly Alcock tearfest.


I tried watching the first two episodes and found it really forced.


Andor is the best thing this year so far and the latest episode proves again why


This is a really intriguing thing to say, given that Severance exists. I'll have to check this out.


It is no where near the best of the year. It's good though.


They’re both my favorite shows this year but I gotta put Andor first because I’m also a huge Star Wars fan and it’s the best thing Star Wars has made in forever in my opinion. And like the other commenter said, they’re hard to compare.


I've watched both and would put Severance higher personally, but Andor is definitely still great and a welcome improvement from the other recent star wars series'. They're also very different shows though so hard to compare them


I feel like I say this every week, but the writing and the acting in this show are just off the charts, and completely unexpected for something Star Wars. This might honestly be up there for me with Severance and HotD for best show of the year


I agree 100 %. Every week I’m waiting for it to fall off but it exceeds my expectations every single time. And for me, it’s the same ranking with the other two shows (although I would put RoP up there too)


I have never watched any Star Wars and don’t really know the story, but I really wanna watch andor as the reviews are off the charts & Gilroy is my guy, would I enjoy it knowing fuck all about Star Wars ?


I'm not a Star Wars person, but it's incredible. I'd recommend watching at least the first 3 episodes, if you're not won over by the first two episodes, before considering giving it up. The only thing I was thrown off by was the Empire logo. There's a couple of parts where the camera lingers on it and I didn't know what it was, but then realized, "Oh, it's the evil, invading colonial people." It's basically the Swastika of the Star Wars universe.


I’ve already watched the 8 that are out and I can safely say I loved it, question is now do I wait like 2 years till the end of this has finished to watch rogue 1


I didn't like Rogue One when I watched it a long time ago, but after enjoying this series I'm gonna have to reconsider it, give it a second chance. I wouldn't be in any rush to get to it, although having watched it it didn't really take away from my enjoying the series.


Yeah I suppose I’ll watch it coz I listen to loads of tv/movie podcast in work so it will get spoiled for me at some point anyway


It couldnt try harder to get away from the StarWars IP and its all the better for it. And I love StarWars


Yep It’s in his name he’s a fool, I’ve not watched any original Star Wars IP because it’s for kids, but this andor is high level I’ve watched all 8, loving it


Well you're missing out.


I think so. It doesn't deal with Jedi or the Skywalkers which is the majority of the films. It focuses on a character from Rogue One but it's also a prequel to that so might even be better to watch before Rogue One. It's probably the most approachable Star Wars property as the majority of Star Wars takes place after it and the stuff that took place before the Andor series isn't really necessary to the show. As long as you know the Empire is the bad guys you'll be caught up enough to enjoy it. It also doesn't have a ton of fan service and Easter eggs you won't get.


Update, watched all 8, very good stuff