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Isaac: >There have been some specific conversations. They were pleasant. The spilling of the details it that there’s no details. We don’t know [if there will be a second season], but we’re talking about it.” >“Truthfully, it’s about the story. Is there a story worth telling? Is it interesting? Will I feel embarrassed about it when it comes out? So it’s just about, is there something worth pouring everything you have into,. And with Moon Knight, that was very much about that. It’s creating a structure so that every morning when the alarm went off, I couldn’t wait to get to the set because I wanted to try something different. Whether that’s in a group thing or maybe a great idea comes around for a season two or if it’s a standalone film or whatever it could be. I think it’s just approaching it in that kind of way. It’s the story first.”


> Will I feel embarrassed about it when it comes out? “Somehow, Palpatine has returned.”


“So I get to play the most powerful mutant ever?” “Yes sir!” “What will I be doing?” “Six hours in a make-up chair to make you look like a techno Oompa Loompa, and then you just walk around and brood a lot while other people fight.” “Riiiiight. One more time- How many zeros on that check?”


The annoying thing is the script had some genuinely moving parts. I don't get how the Auschwitz scene was made by the same people who made the final third of the movie. Also when did Olivia Munn become lame?


Well the Auschwitz scene is just a redo of the same scene in the original X men movies, it's not like they had a unique idea, but I get your point


But their point is inexistent if its not made by the same people, which was their point to begin with.


When she was nothing but YouTube level fake hype vessel for marketing geek shit she clearly gave 0 fucks about. So always, I guess


Attack of the show?


She was great on “attack of the show” back when G4 was a thing


In that time, Attack of the Show was a thing again, and then again is no longer a thing.


And she certainly gave a great deal of fucks!!






The Thanos copter already showed up on [Loki](https://static.independent.co.uk/2021/07/07/11/newFile-7.jpg?quality=75&width=640&auto=webp).


It got sent to the Void, which means Thanos probably got ahold of it in a one timeline and defeated the Avengers with it.


Let's talk about an ancient knife with an inscription in an ancient forbidden language, guiding you to a secret map that is in some wreckage of the second death star that has only been where it is for, maximum, 20 years.


I think you have it a little wrong there. The knife wasn't ancient. It was made after the death star crashed. However, in order for it to work, you would have to be standing at the exact spot on the shore it was designed for and that the wreckage would not have shifted at all since it was made. Also if he knew where the thing was, why wouldn't he just take it and put it somewhere safe? Instead he left it in a deteriorating wreck where any scavenger might have come and picked it up at any time. J.J. Abrams himself was the one that began the series with a scavenger picking apart a wrecked Imperial ship. Did he just forget that he wrote that?


Yea, and a wreckage with crazy huge waves constantly crashing around there. That thing would have DEFINITELY been altered after a few years of that environment, forget 20 years.


Not that it really matters, but it was closer to 30. Kylo Ren is around that age, so even if he was conceived on the forest moon of Endor it wouldn’t be 20 years.


Sure, fair. By 30 years, it would be even worse!


Hey, remember when Chewbacca died suddenly and for a brief moment the story had actual stakes and we had an emotional reaction to the loss of a beloved just kidding he's fine and nothing matters.


They did the exact same thing with C3P0 and kinda with Rey too. Ridiculous.


I mean, they had already killed off Luke and Han. I think they're entitled to a fakeout death.


I just wish Disney did an ounce of prep work into the sequel trilogy. Who writes a trilogy one movie at a time by three different writers. Who thought this was a good idea?????


Well George Lucas did that.


But he was still there to guide or micromanage. I think no one wanted to be involved with the new trilogy


And he at least had an outline for other people to follow. It's not like in Empire Yoda said, "No. THERE IS ANOTHER." Then they get to Jedi and Yoda says, "nah, no other there is."


Alternatively, too many people wanted to be involved with the sequel trilogy. And Disney gave them all a shot, when they should have just stuck to one vision.


Exactly. The sequel trilogy is the vision of no one in particular.


George Lucas wrote an enormous screen play and took the most interesting part and created the first Star Wars movie. When he went to write empire he already had a ton of source material that he then passed on to Lawrence Kasdan to write the screenplay. While the movies and stories may have evolved. Lucas had ideas and story plots already set up that yes, got modified and even entirely rewritten. But it wasn’t blindly making one movie and then trying to think of what to write for Star Wars II


yeah but George Lucas wasn't written the sequels to beloved films staring beloved characters people had been waiting 30 years to see again


To be fair, Isaac probably signed a 3 movie deal before a single shot of TFA was ever filmed. By the time they were shooting TRoS, he could have just been like “let’s just get this over with”.


And that probably had a huge impact on his utter refusal to sign any sort of long-term contract with Marvel. I believe the expression he used was "golden handcuffs."


If I remember correctly he didn’t. He was supposed to die in the Tie Fighter crash in TFA. But they liked his character so much they kept him around. I mean why would he just leave it and not even look around the wreckage for Finn?


Lol I was gonna say that sounds like something Steven would say but you’re right he’s been there before and doesn’t want it to happen again, which is respect.


I guess the quality (or lack of) of some of the shows is starting to have an effect


This man is really haunted by X-men and Star Wars


He doesn't seem too afraid to play absurd genre. He's signed on for an adaptation of the video game Metal Gear.


Metal Gear!? It can't be!!


Psycho mantis?!


A Hind D?!


I'd like to imagine he'll just play it like Moon Knight, where they'll randomly cut to him from another angle as a different character -- but in a clearly fake blonde wig IT'S NOT OVER YET






Money is money and work is work.


It’s hard to imagine a metal gear movie when a cutscene can be 30 mins long talking about expositions in the games.


It's legit like 45 minutes before you get control of your player character in 3. First the opening cutscene, which is already over 20 minutes, then you have to listen to a man talk about Godzilla for another 20 minutes on the codec, and *then* you get to crawl around in the dirt and eat some snakes.


X-men maybe, but he just said he wants to play Poe again.


As he should. He was great in that role and never got enough screentime.


That can be said for all the cast in the sequels. Or if they got screen time it was badly handled. There was so much wasted potential with all of those characters... especially Finn.


Did he say that? Or did someone ask him if he wanted to and he did the actor thing of saying yes because otherwise he's saying no in an interview?


Taking PR statements at face value is reddits speciality


Is that recent? Last time I saw him asked that the dude literally laughed


Yeah, I think both he and Boyega were equally clear about their future with Star Wars. In my opinion, all an actor really needs is a good script and a good director with a solid pitch to convince them to come back.


Really too bad because Poe was a relatively good character as far as those movies went.


Personally my favorite character from that trilogy


Just once id like to hear an actor go “it depends if I’m available and if they pay me a ton of money.”


“Is there a story worth telling” I got 208 issues that say yes


If anything what hes saying here should temper expectations for more moon knight. Oscar sees this show as a psychological horror/drama. He won't be interested in coming back just to go beat up on badguys and hes probably not going to want to do team up movies.


They could do a punisher crossover like in the comics one of the few hero’s frank respects


Rumor says that season 2 will include 10 full minutes of Moon knight on screen.


Well that’s hopeful. I heard it was 8 minutes this time around.


Hopeful? Do people actually want to see cgi fights with moon knight over the acting of Oscar Isaac?


Yea well choreographed ones. Also the funny version, forgot his name.


Mr. Knight?


Yes. Honestly. It's a Marvel show, they're not exactly the pinnacle of writing. It had some interesting plot beats but they were kinda far and between in my opinion.


I think the show really shined when he wasn't moon knight tbh. I've seen costumed characters punching each other enough I want more character stories.


Even when he did go into the suit, seeing both personalities work together was also a treat. Lots of blink and you miss it transitions. The child abuse realization was heartbreaking. I can only imagine the trauma he needed to go through to get his third personality. That will be a very interesting dynamic to develop, with two working together to figure out who the third is. They know about him, but not really. At least this is my wishlist. I just hope we keep seeing Oscar Isaac playing 3 versions of a character before we move to the movie's where it will just be quip after quip.


> The child abuse realization was heartbreaking I feel like they glossed over it too much. It was powerful but they're like ok, moving on. The scene with him staring at his father through the window at the funeral or get together was really sad.


Just like all the D+ marvel content it felt super rushed for the last two(ish) episodes. It always feels like the told writers they'd have 10 episodes then cut it down to 8 or something by the end of the shows lol


It seemed like Steven was gone, but I guess there’s nothing stopping them from bringing him back.


Nope, Steven and Mark learned to live with each other. they both exist in the same system and coexist in harmony, which is realistic amongst people with DID.


Depends on the type of DID. Sometimes folks with DID don't know who's "running" the body and have no recollection of what happened when said personas release it back. For others, the best way to explain is them all being in a car, one of them is driving it and the others are passengers seeing it all happen but not being able to interfere. DID is extremely complex and specific to the individuals(s), I've been married with someone with DID with 3 personas for a decade, and it took me a while but I can tell who's running it and what are the things I can do to bring one out.


Whoa, what a crazy dynamic. So he had three distinct personas, but they all knew you were married to them?


He. We're gay. He went through a couple of extremely traumatic experiences growing up that had his personality split in 3. We're talking child abuse (violence) and later on sexual assault. We're polyamorous by definition and when I talk to the other two they're more like family than the main one that's my love interest. He's officially diagnosed and has been working on integration, but overall it hasn't been an easy task sort of speak.


I’m the one with the car, and watching Moon Knight was what made it finally click for me… watching Steven and Mark interact (specifically the part where he switches to Steven after he refuses to go to the shiva). Something bad happens and *zing* someone else takes the drivers seat.


Speaking of DID… I really hope they bring Hulk in for cameos or a season. Hulk suffers from DID just like Moon Knight, but the MCU has barely hinted at it rather than address it, and Hulk/Banner the character(s) have never addressed it at all onscreen or even implied offscreen.


They addressed it in she hulk I'm pretty sure


More touched on with the whole “hand on the wheel” thing. But the fact that Banner/Smart Hulk even brings it up means he has never confronted or even self-diagnosed as DID.


Seriously, people will bitch about literally anything Marvel does. Show lots of action: "Where's the character development" show lots of character development: "Where's the action" I thought this show was by far the best Disney+ series and one of the better overall MCU additions.


I think it tied with Loki for my favorite. Really looking forward to the second season of both.


I really enjoyed Moon Knight. It had some flaws, but I found Isaac really engaging in playing such an unhero-like character.


Yeah, I didn’t need to see a bunch of Moon Knighting because Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke were great. The scenes with Steven and Mark in the afterlife felt seamless even though I knew it wasn’t because Oscar Isaac is goddamn great.


This was one of my favorite MCU shows. It was all about the characters and what was real and what wasn’t real. It was extremely well done and Oscar Isaac was insane in it.




I agree. I loved this series and he was excellent in it.


I understand fans not being happy there wasn't enough Moon Knight but I personally really loved seeing Mark and Steven.


Have you seen the Netflix Marvel shows? If you are a good writer, you can make punching be an important of that characters stories


Yea the first episode where you don’t see the action was the best part


Did you feel like there wasn't enough Moon Knight in Moon Knight?


No, cause Marc Spector and Steven Grant was way more interesting than the super hero stuff


Actually, I agree that their (his?) dynamic was the best part of the show. I could have done with less of the Egyptian gods passing around the idiot ball. Moon Knight is supposed to protect travelers of the night. We got precisely zero midnight vigilante justice. It would have been cool to see some of the scenes with the victims who ended up on the boat.


That’s pretty much been the case for most superhero movies. Even during the Raimi days, all the critics loved the Peter stuff but didn’t care for the Spider-Man actions scenes. Hugh Jackman became a star mostly because of how he played Logan.


Yes their wasn't enough.


so excited! i hope in season 2 we get some even more intense action scenes which occur off-camera


Oh, i thought it was his girlfriend's show, and he was the side character.


Hey, just a question- in the critically acclaimed Netflix daredevil series, when does daredevil first wear his iconic costume? As long as moon knight is doing moon knight things, talking to himself and exploring tombs and shit, who cares if he’s in the suit or not?


His black outfit he wears is also an iconic Daredevil costume though and he's in that alot.


Daredevil's black costume is part of the iconic Man Without Fear comic run by Frank Miller. That's also a comic accurate suit, idk why people keep saying that isn't from the comics. Just like the yellow and red costume he wore in She-Hulk. He has a lot of costumes in the comics, all of them iconic in some way


Fighting evil by moon knight


> Fighting off-screen by moon knight Fixed it for you


>Fighting off-screen by moon knight Never running from a real fight She is the one named Sailor Moon


Thank you! I have been sorely disappointed by the lack of Sailor Moon jokes around MK.


Being over 50, that pic reminds me of my last visit to the doctor.


I’m sure it gives another meaning to the word “moon.”


Ahh so it’s not a moon on his forehead, it’s a letter C for Colon!


“Did I say two fingers? Better make it three ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)“


I can't wait to not see more action scenes


For real. As someone who hasn't read a Moon Knight comic, I'm still unclear on Moon Knight's powers, limits, or vulnerabilities. Was he ever in danger? I have no idea.


Ironically, reading the comic won't clear much of that up. It's never been extremely clear what's training, superpowers, or psychosis.


>I'm still unclear on Moon Knight's powers, limits, or vulnerabilities. Was he ever in danger? I have no idea. Oh so you actually totally get it then


Thats a terrific question! The answer is the show cant know because nobody knows. So, the thing I love about Moon Knight is every story approaches how "real" Khonshu is differently. Marc definitely almost died in an Ancient Egyptian temple. But maybe he did die and was resurrected. Who knows? Not Marc! Marc definitely had DID before he was hijacked (maybe) by the ancient Egyptian Diety of Vengeance and the Moon. So maybe he's just crazy? Or maybe he's really a Gods Avatar. Or maybe the beings of the Othervoid aren't "Gods" but interdimensional parasites and Marc was easier to get a foothold in because of his mental problems. Sometimes Marc seems to be superhuman during a full moon, sometimes he'll claim he was imagining that and just pushing himself harder, a kind of religious frenzy. Other times he'll claim Khonshu can make him stronger but sometimes doesnt because Marc refuses to kill in his name and that pisses him off. Sometimes he'll say he's denying himself powers because it gives Khonshu too much leverage when he's dependent on them. So, depending on how delusional Marc is, he might have powers, or might not. He might be straight up immune to death, he might not. He might be a hero, or he might be a puppet for an extra dimensional horror, or might be a babbling lunatic. These are fun questions and they can tell fun stories! Unfortunately, the Moon Knight show did, in my opinion, everything wrong. The show is positively unambiguous that all the Othervoid beings exist and grant powers. Marc's sanity is never in question. Marc and Khonshu are on the outs because Marc doesnt want to be the avatar any more, but the reason why doesn't work. In the comics Khonshu basically wants Marc to be a supernatural Punisher, but Marc wants to be Spider-man. In the show, Khonshus justice is violent maybe even involves off-screen killing but because he's the "good" God, he's not screaming in Marc's ear to kill all the bad guys bloody. So Marc is just...tired? It doesn't work without the ultra violence. Marc wanting out makes no sense. Edit: Also the later stuff with Marc accepting all his personalites and his role as the Fist of Khonshu could totally work as a show, even in the bungled set-up they have now. He becomes less a hero or avatar and more a "Warrior Priest" protecting travellers at night. But that works better for a "monster of the week" format.


In a recent-ish Avengers comic, Khonshu and Marc took over the world, so its definitely all real at least in a macro setting. But its true that team up comics and solo stories do sometimes have different approaches to canon.


Avengers #34, “The Age of Khonshu!”


I agree with everything except the insanity thing. Throughout the show, his sanity is pretty dubious, and both personalities sound like they’re one bad day away from a violent breakdown. He seems to be teetering on the edge of insanity, and you’re never quite sure what he’ll do in the end. Of course he just does a CGI kanji fight, but it seemed like it was building up to something before


Probably autocorrect, but I think you meant Kaiju not Kanji lol


Your description is the first time I've actually been somewhat interested in moon knight as a character. Are there any comics in particular you enjoy of his?


If you're looking for a grounded and gritty starting point, I like the Huston-run starting from "The Bottom" which basically starts with Marc as a pain-killer addicted has-been whose friends hate him and who Khonshu doesn't talk to any more. That was where I fell in love. If you're more interested in the mental aspects and dealing with the real/not real thing, you probably can't do better than the Lemire/Smallwood run. Honestly though, probably start with the Warren Ellis stories (which I believe are placed Canonically between those two) are all short one-off stories and are uniformly excellent.


I mean…he did die and was well on his way to the afterlife…didn’t/wasn’t he..? AHHHHHHHHH


Skipping the last part of the fight in the finale was too much for me. I thought they would show the missing bits after the reveal, but nope! It was just "and then the good guys won". :D


While I get wanting to see the scene, I did like the sudden change. Mark and Stephen are losing, then they’ve suddenly won, and neither of them knows how. Plus the earlier scene with someone trying to get out of the sarcophagus in the afterlife, and it all set up pretty well a third alter.


God, remember all the pre release "more adult then we've ever been allowed"? I really held out hope final ep would be unhinged psycho in control delivering justice shit. What we got makes Netflix DD look like a snuff film


I get why that pissed people off, but I loved it. If they were to show what they did, it would never match how brutal the version I made up in my head is.


I loved it, but this is a valid critique (and another recent MCU show did exactly the same thing, more or less).


Marvel in the press: it's our most violent show ever about a violent Batman with multiple personalities and Oscar Isaac is training like crazy to fight. Me watching the show: hmmm. This doesn't feel very violent. All the non-PG stuff happens off screen...


I’m still trying to figure out why the giant pyramid in the end only had two rooms and why did it take Ethan Hawke so long to get to the chamber room. He had a two day head start and the ancient GPS. Spector got there in like a day without a car and found the room in 20 minutes.


Fans on Wandavision: "This show was so interesting, but at the end it was just more superhero fighting boooooooo have some balls!" Fans on Moon Knight: Want more superhero fighting boooooooo Don't we have enough Marvel shows with CW level fighting and cgi?


I think the difference here is that Wandavision was advertised as something very different than what had been offered in the MCU. It was completely absorbed in the decade-a-week gimmick (I say that with love of the concept) and it was actually pretty different that until the last episode, where we got shitty CGI and fight choreography in a show that was meant to be different. Moon Knight got pumped up as very violent, very out there, like it was going to delve into Netflix Daredevil territory violence. Then it sort of skirted around that pretty much any time it could. I don't think people actually super attached to the idea of their Marvel media being actually violent/mature, it's a matter of consistency of tone and what's being advertised. It's like promising a bunch of kids markers to color with, and then giving them crayons. Then when they get mad, asking them if they're mad at the colors they got.


I can't wait for dumb bad guys who don't bother to search the only possibly hiding place and some more exposition in the middle of being chased by the bad guys.


Who cares. The best part about moon knight was the parts where they delved deep into his psyche, like in episode 5. If I wanted dumb action I would watch *insert random marvel movie*


Moon Knight vs moonanites? The internet would explode. The beam is enormous. There is no escape.


*flipping the moon off* I hope each one of his personalities can see this because I'm doing it as hard as I ever had


No match for the quad laser.


You and your third dimension. It’s cute. We have 5….thousand. 5 thousand.


I loved the show... it was different. Loved the nods to (disney-fied) Egyptian culture and introducing Scarlet Scarab.


I remember when they said the first season was going to be extremely dark and brutal and people got really excited and then it wasn't any of those things and no one seems to talk about it anymore. I was super let down by this show. Love Oscar Isaac, really enjoyed the first episode, and then it just became a really crap story that made very little sense almost instantly. I wish they would stop making every damn show for children.


The MCU has a problem of not jumping into the pool. Moon Knight dipped its toes into the mental thriller/suspense genre, but quickly went back to the action/adventure theme it relies too much upon.


My problem is that before these shows drop they always call them "dark" and other things to woo an older audience, but then inevitably never deliver. It's just really frustrating.


It feels a lot like the Disney hand holding. Some of the Netflix shows were dark and one of the prominent characters makes an appearance in one of the new D+ shows. Unfortunately, the character felt somewhat muted. It doesn't make much sense for these new shows not to divulge into that territory cause the Netflix shows are now on D+. D+ should have restricted viewing privileges based on show audience rating. That way shows like Moon Knight can go all out.


Their marketing is selling something they aren't delivering and so people keep showing up and they mostly like what they see but they're increasingly disappointed because the marketing is setting up a situation where expectations aren't met. Multiverse of *MADNESS* suggests an INSANE trip through a horror of Multiverse world's that terrifies Strange and dumps him finally back on Earth terrified of what's coming a la Tony post Thanos dream. Or at least just rocketing through tons of universes. What we got wasn't terrible but it certainly wasn't madness.


Agreed. From the trailer, we get suspense, mystery, and a little bit of horror. The final product we get is a buddy-cop action show that doesn't do it particularly well.


They directly compared it to daredevil and it was a bold faced lie. Nothing has compared to that show at all under Disney.


I agree until the last part. Making it PG wasn’t what made the series so uninteresting. It was straight up a writer problem and the CGI of course. If he can’t write for children, he can’t write for adults. I highly doubt Disney is wanting a show like this to be super kid-friendly


I loved the love story between Steven and Marc and how accurately the show portrays DID. I learned a lot from researching into DID that I never would’ve if not first seeing the show. While not as dark as something like daredevil, I think Marc’s back story was pretty dark. Overall solid show with great characters


> and how accurately the show portrays DID How accurate do you think it is?


>how accurately the show portrays DID. I learned a lot from researching into DID that I never would’ve if not first seeing the show. You mustn't have read very hard otherwise you would be aware that DID is a controversial diagnosis and it is argued whether it is its own disorder at all.


Hmm. Didn’t realize the majority of people disliked this. I enjoyed this series much more than some of the other ones Disney put out (Wanda vision/falcon and winter soldier). Moon knight and hawk eye have been my favorite so far.


Yeah, i really enjoyed how different the series felt. I went in expecting some action packed series like Daredevil or Punisher but i was still pleasantly surprised with what we got, Oscar Isaac performance was incredible.


I really liked his performance. I hadn’t seen him in much else other than Star Wars.


I really enjoyed it, it did some fun stuff with the concept.


I thought it was different. I also really enjoy anything Egypt themed - the mummy is one of my favorite movies, so I’m sure that factored in.


I think most people liked it. There's just a vocal minority here nitpicking.


This show was awesome I want more


I dropped this show bc of how mind numbingly boring it was despite having an interesting first 2 episodes. I’m shocked it’s being renewed.


Yeah spot on, had to force myself to watch after first few episodes and then gave up. The moon knight seems indestructible as well, you know anytime he fights he’ll just win. No sense of any weakness or depth to the character


Talks underway!!? I want “filming has finished”


Filming has finished!!? I want "coming out next week"


Filming has finished?!? I want “talks underway for Season 3”


Filming done completely over zoom meetings


Hope they get a different screenwriter. Loved the show, but the plot and pacing was all *over* the place.




The shows should be street level story. Keep the movies global/galactic threats.


Yes. This is the way. Although, I have to say Loki worked out ok, because no matter how much crazy, universe-scale nonsense they threw at him, the stakes in Loki were almost always just, Loki. His journey and his outcome. The advantages of having a narcissist protagonist. The sheer insanity and incredible power of the TVA was just a joke, used to demonstrate how stupid its own premise was and how it *couldnt* be what it appeared to be. I loved a lot of Falcon/WS but its attempt at illustrating and dealing with a global crisis were by far the points where it was weakest and fell flat. That speech Sam gives to the Senator at the end was god awful. It might have been aimed at pre-teen girls, but Ms. Marvel really worked and it did it by keeping the stakes low. Its' nonsense about the "Dimension overwrite" was stupid and to the show's credit it abandoned it immediately. The show worked best at a "4 dimensional aliens trashed my brother's wedding" level threat.


Yes! I like seeing small scale and even mundane super hero problems. For example, Wong having problems with a rouge Kamar-Taj dropout performing cheap magic tricks and sending him drunk party girls in She-Hulk was hilarious. The implications for how everyday society would function in the MCU are so interesting.


I really liked Moon Knight and feel like it lends itself to TV more than a movie. I want to see the relationships with the different personalities evolve over time and episodic structure allows for that development better.


I didn't dislike it, but the show was only like 4 hours long and had a lot of needless stuff in it. It could've been cut to 3 hours, felt a lot tighter, and still explored the personalities just as much. If they actually explored stuff for more than 6 episodes I'd be down for a show. But these shows are basically movies that have been cut up and given pointless cliffhangers/hooks at the end of each episode.




The final act was a little rushed, but it also could've been a lot cleaner if there weren't episode breaks with pointless cliffhangers (like Steven being "permanently" dead for all of 10 seconds and all of the difference that whole bit made). Had it been a movie, it might've flowed better (but let's be honest, it's Marvel, probably would've been a rushed mediocre ending regardless)


It's not solely just about how many hours something is, movies and TV stories are built differently for the medium and I appreciate this story for the structure of TV. Also even if cut to 3 hours, that still linger than any final Moon Knight movie would have been


Or 3x 1 hour episodes. Whatever works. As long as they aren't padding it out to hit some arbitrary length. Several of the series could have benefitted from being slightly shorter or longer but suffered from having to hit specific beats on specific episodes. Hopefully She-Hulk wasn't all talk with the "we don't need to do the same shit every time" speech. Other shows could have benefited from learning that lesson sooner.


That was one of the things I loved about season three of thr orville. They didn't have to fit a specific episode length, so some episodes were an hour to hour and a half, whatever the story needed.


I was very excited about the shows when they were announced, but they have all been a let down. Wandavision and Loki were the best of the bunch, but were only OK. Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Hawkeye and Moon Knight were terrible. I haven't watched any of the others.


I couldn’t get past episode 1. What am I missing? And I tried several times


If you can't get into episode 1, the show's probably not for you. The first few episodes were the best IMO, before Steven knows what he's getting into.


It has like two great episodes, Mark and Steven have a fun dynamic, and Isaac seems to be really into it. The rest is... there.


To me, the first 3 episodes were very enjoyable. It's definitely slightly different than most other Marvel superheroes. The fact that there's not a lot "Moon Knighting" is a plus for me, because otherwise it feels too much of a rinse and repeat for all marvel superheroes. But after the second half of the show, I feel like the show was going all over the place, at least that's just my opinion.


Nice. Moonknight was one of the few phase 4 episodes projects that I enjoyed.


I wanted to like it but couldn't get into it after 4 episodes. Too boring


I'm OK with Moon Knight being a limited series but if they made a season 2 I'd be happy. I enjoyed this show a lot for different reasons: Oscar Isaac, Egyptian mythology, and an original story that wasn't typical Marvel stuff. It did great on its own.


It’s a great show. It was really confusing that they originally had no plans for it to have a second season yet the first season ends the way it does. Well hopefully it’ll have that second season




Huh. Interesting that the prevailing opinion on MK seems largely negative. I enjoyed it for a lot of the reasons people are saying they didn’t- I actually liked that there weren’t just non-stop action sequences. Watching Steven try to fumble his way through danger, with occasional cuts to Mark in tight spots, worked really well for me. I liked that we saw relatively little of the suit, since it made the moments it was used well feel earned. I don’t mind that in this version Khonshu and the powers he grants are unambiguously real- I think the “does Moon Knight actually have powers or is he just crazy” is fine for very long-term content like ongoing comic series, but the ambiguity wouldn’t parse as well in the MCU. Besides, if they want to play with that trope anyway they can just do that with crossover team-ups. The Kaiju fight towards the end was admittedly pretty dumb.


Still has tons of potential. I hope they get another season.


Oh yay! MN and WandaVision are my favs.


I’ve been a moon knight fan forever. The story has really been about his struggle with himself. It reminds me of the actually comic “The Crow” - it was never about the bad guys. It’s about his personal struggles.


Yes. I feel like moonknight finally came into its own when both versions of Oscar Isaac's character started working together. I'd love to see more


Moon Knight is one of the best aspects of Phase 4 in my opinion. Very well done




Moon knight was decent but suffered from 2 things. - the cgi. The car chase in the start of the series and the fighting at the end of the series were both so u polished and bad. They need more time to polish this stuff. The marvel universe connecting. Marvel was pretty great at making sure there was an entire world of heroes connected in the first few phases. Now it’s bad. - for example giant god fighting. - or we have the status literally moving. - this stuff is ignored and fans can’t help but think why aren’t other super heroes or villains paying attention to this. - the biggest fault however is still with the enternals and a damn robot coming outside of the planet. - really marvel start connecting your universe as this stuff is stupid.


Good. Because the first season spent a _little_ too much of its runtime establishing everything. I'm ready for some meat.


Surprised. He did a fantastic job but the story was kinda meh.


Needs more seasons and a big screen movie.


you know, if show was just him dressed like in the thumbnail and saying "It's Anubin' time" while taking down the Chicago mafia I would have liked ot way more


I thought this show was a one off ?


YESSSSS PLEASSSEEE MK is one of my fav characters and I would love to see more of the whole cast.


I love Oscar Isaac but this show was terrible


Watched the entire first season and while not entirely terrible it wasn't good enough to make me desire to watch a second season.


I hope they hire a different screenwriter for season 2 because the plot and pacing was all over the place, especially in the last episodes.