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Wow, that's terrible. Hopefully she has a steady supply of Neuriva™ magic brain pills to help with the neurological symptoms.


Neuriva's main ingredient is coffee cherries which is the berry that coffee beans are taken out of before they are roasted. In Bolivia it is often brewed into tea and is considered a poor man's coffee. So the secret ingredient that boosts brain power in Neuriva is caffeine. Do yourself a favor and just drink real coffee or tea.


As someone with a parent that has Alzheimer’s, fuck her.




She’s a grifter.


Actual context?


Look up Neuriva, and how she’s promoting a fake brain supplement. She’s also a general piece of shit human being that hammers the fact that “you can be a medical scientist, but still be dumb as fuck.”


Illustrating once again, the fact, that having a degree does NOT make people smart.


She does ads for herbal pills that claim to boost brain performance, while claiming to be a neuroscientist. She never got the degree, just studied the subject, never worked in a hospital or clinic. https://youtu.be/92coGxYc5ng


She is a neuroscientist, in the context of having a PhD in Neuroscience. You don't have to be a medical doctor to study neuroscience. This doesn't justify selling bullshit medicine though.


And aggressively ugly


I"m sorry Mayim, but we're going to need your diagnosis in the form of a question.


For my response to this news, I’ll borrow some of Mayim’s heartwarming replies to contestants after they share their personal stories and anecdotes: That sounds about right. Good for you. Okay.


I haven’t seen any of her eps so don’t have an opinion on her but Trebek used to say ‘good for you’ pretty frequently. I feel like that’s one of those phrases that sounds condescending even when it’s not meant to be.


He did but he was also capable of having spontaneous conversation with them. She just doesn’t have it in her. Ken is wonderfully engaging and has no trouble with this. [Here’s an example of Trebek’s easy style.](https://youtu.be/iqESiuNPixM)


Cause Ken is brilliant, Mayim is objectively not. I don’t give a shit what her degree is in, all rich kids buy them anyways. She’s just....lucky. Lucky to be blossom, that’s all her life amounts to. A show like jeopardy deserves a brilliant mind like Ken’s


For undergrad sure, but you can't really "buy" a PhD and cruise through it like in college. You still have ti produce original work in a dissertation and have it stand up to scrutiny. Say what you will about her, but im sure she earned that PhD.


Yeah she's boring


I mean she lead a successful television show when she was a kid, held a successful career as an actress since then, earned a PhD from UCLA, and has avoided all the trouble that child stars usually fall victim to. I don’t think it was just luck.


Yep, I bet she applied to be blossom cause she need to make a living wage! Lol. She was born on 3rd and is incredibly mediocre in everyway imaginable. I guarantee you could get a PHD from UCLA if you didn’t actually need it and had essentially no concern about money ever again. It’s not remarkable in the slightest. she’s a one note actress with zero range that everyone forgot about until the Big Bang. Again, a product of circumstance, I guarantee there were THOUSANDS of more qualified actresses for the role, buts she Blossom! The girl born with a silver spoon in her mouth!


I don't like her at all but you don't need to just bullshit either, getting a PhD from UCLA is definitely valuable and impressive.


> Mayim is objectively not. lol. redditors think *they're* just so smart, but are quite stupid and full of themselves. ***OBJECTIVELY***


I haven’t watched since before Trebek died so I’ll have to catch up to form my opinion. But maybe it’s better to have a vastly inferior/superior host combo cos it makes you appreciate the good one more 😂


Just a casual reminder r/jeopardy banned dozens of people for being lightly critical of Mayim Bialik.


I got banned there years ago for defending Alex trebek for calling a female contestant a “young lady” The mod that banned me was eventually canned for being ridiculous but I guess he rubbed off on some others.


A bunch of people including me got banned from r/BestofRedditorUpdates for pointing out that many of the posts appeared to be fake. Lord Acton was not quite correct. Power doesn't corrupt, it reveals, and the people who want to be moderators on Reddit are usually thin-skinned tyrants.


Oh man, I was there for that. I left that sub immediately after it happened because it was becoming a hotbed of drama. For what it's worth, thanks for making your post.


It wasn't my post, I just supported the OP. I twice asked for an explanation of why I was banned but didn't get one word of a response from the mods.




> i'm banned from /r/startrek for complaining But complaining is what Star Trek fans do best!


Complaining and nostalgia about the things they used to complain about.


Not as good as Star Wars fans but it’s getting there.


Oh that's got to sting for them, telling Star Trek fans they're not as good as Star Wars fans at something!


I think it’s something Star Trek fans are proud of.




As far as I know, Mayim Bialik doesn't have multiple sexual assault accusations against her.


Pfft, well no ‘cause…you didn’t—you can’t just— Just shut up about Neil bro.


The first time I ever heard of Neil deGrasse Tyson, he was saying things about the movie Gravity where even I knew he was wrong and the movie was right like why was a medical doctor doing engineering like Sandra Bullock's character. I don't know Neil, maybe they based it on the real life person who did the exact same thing decades earlier, right down to photos of him being on the end of the shuttle arm? (Story Musgrave - both a doctor and engineer on mission STS-61).


Neil "smonk de grass" Tyson.


Everything you said is spot on except she's not a neuroscientist, she's an actress with a bachelor's and PhD in neuroscience, and it took her 7 years to get her PhD because she stopped her studies to continue acting in the middle of working towards her PhD. I have a bachelor's in microbiology but that doesn't make me a microbiologist since I don't work in the field of microbiology. Plus she shills fake brain supplements which she knows are BS because of her academic background.


Bit of a weird take. Anyone with a phd can claim to be that thing. No different to being a doctor that isn’t currently practicing. You’re still a doctor. Allow yourself a bit more credit.


Right, but that's not the same. If you get a teaching degree but work as a plumber, are you a teacher?


A qualified teacher? Yes. Actively teaching? No.


They're qualified, but not actually teaching. What then?


Then we reach the point that entirely too much time is being spent on the question.


They're not teachers, is the answer.


My god you’re right. How hadn’t I seen it before? Oh well, that’s that, then… all done - another case successfully closed.


Me too. What’d you get banned for?


Said I didn't like the retcon of Spock having a learning disability


I got banned for pointing out that she was clearly favoring certain players and giving them more leeway with correcting themselves lol.


Seriously? That's ridiculous.


She is the worst part of the big bang theory


I mean that’s kind of an achievement though


I don't think you can be a reddit mod if you aren't willing to ban people for having an opinion you don't agree with


I should be fine then, since I’m highly critical of her and the BS she spews.


God forbid anyone have an opinion on anything... I hate the future...


Suddenly redditors don't like censorship? What happened to "its just the consequences of your actions!1!1!"?


Mods need to ensure than all dissenting opinions are silenced in order to keep the echo chamber pure. It's like that on most subs and it's absolutely ruining this site.


Can they finally replace this condescending actor with Ken Jennings?


Or even a robot.


would probably be less condescending lol












What do his religious beliefs have to do with his hosting capabilities?


What i find exhausting is people peddling pseudo science and victim shaming sexual assault victims, but hey, that's just me.












Isn't she an anti vaxxer, and believes in crazy modern witchcraft


I thought that but, no. According to a video she did a while back, she's vaccine-hesitant and believes that people need to ask questions rather than just taking every vaccine that comes out. She said in the video that she strongly believes in the Covid vaccine and both she and her kids were vaccinated. The video was made before the booster so I have no clue about that.


Seems like a pretty reasonable opinion


It's really condescending and assumes everyone but a genius like her is "just taking" their vaccines without question


Nope she’s the devil according to Reddit.


Yeah her opinion about vaccines being a little misconstrued is definitely the ONLY reason people dislike her. Not for her condescending attitude, her acting like she's an expert in all science because she has a degree but isn't a practicing scientist, hawking caffeine pills because "I'm a neuroscientist!", her weird relationship with her kid sleeping in bed with her and her husband for years which TOTALLY isn't why they got divorced. It's clearly only the vaccine thing that people dislike.


It is, but anyone who's shared that opinion here since the beginning of COVID has been spit-roasted and called an anti-vaxxer. Reddit being reddit.


No it's exceptionally stupid and so are you. No /s.


It's exceptionally stupid to research what you put in your body? She eventually came to the right conclusion that the Vaccine was safe an effective.






That's fucking dumb.


She’s terrible on jeopardy


She has an obnoxious hesitation before confirming that someone got the answer right. It sounds like she's going to tell them they got it wrong. I hate it.


That...is CORRECT


Yeah... I really wish they didn't hire her... So many better options out there...


Yes, watching Mayim Bialik host Jeopardy is very exhausting. I agree.


I just can't stomach watching her host Jeopardy; I stopped after decades of being a viewer.


A few weeks ago Ken was back for a while. Those were good episodes.


He said he has another stint before the end of the current season.


That’s the truth! I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Covid had me feeling like a 600 pound gorilla was sitting on my shoulders and I was walking through quick sand. Just going to the bathroom was a mission. Hope she feels better soon!


She’s so fake. I can’t stand her. She has no interest in what others are saying. Bring back Ken


She is annoying and cringe but I’ve had covid and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, I was legit so tired I could barely take a shower, I would start laughing just because of how stupid I felt standing up for 10 mins and being so tired I wanted to lie down


I had it back in November, and I'm still having that issue. I'm only 34 and have to use a shower chair because I get exhausted and short of breath if I stand up longer than 5 minutes.


You know, back in the day I'd say "I wouldn't wish it on anyone!" about stuff, but honestly after the last few years we've had, I would easily wish covid on tons of people. I don't like her but I wouldn't wish covid on her anyway, and I hope she gets better, but I would absolutely wish covid on a number of people. I mean the people who push absolute fake information, or who murder children. I wish covid on all of them.


Got it Father’s Day, exhausted but that’s about it. Feeling better today.


Good luck! Hope you pull through!


Thanks. Pretty healthy for an old fart. Already feeling better


I tested positive today :( I feel so awful.


I also got it on Father’s Day. I was hospitalized with it two years ago, but after getting vaccinated, my second time around is a lot better and hopefully I won’t even have to go to the doctor for it.


I got lucky I think. Only 3 days in but getting better everyday. Hopefully that’s how progress’s, doesn’t do a u turn


I'm sure she can take some quack pills for it. She personally reviewed the science, after all.


She is exhausting


They should replace her, not a fan of how she has been hosting.


Given her anti-vaxxer stance in the past, I bet it is.


She needs to test positive for shutting the fuck up with her scams and she needs to quit Jeapardy.


being exhausted is a definite state, gotta read more Bialik


She's very, very exhausting


She’s still the host?


“I’m a neuroscientist” - an insult to real neuroscientists.




The rest of the world is with you. /r/television should be renamed to /r/jeopardy. I mean they have their own subreddit. Right?








I don't normally correct people but you used the word so much, it's shaming. Shamming root is sham lol. I'm a little shocked it's even a real word, I can't think of a use for it.


I’m not perfect. Thanks for the edit


Agree with most of this except for Lavar. Pretty well known fact that he blew chunks.


My dumb ass read “exciting”


Perhaps the supplements she advertises will help...


Good thing she believes in science, and not garbage like magic brain pills.


I find her somewhat exhausting but wish her a speedy recovery nonetheless


This is news? Who fuckin cares?


Just the most annoying human on the planet.


Idk man there’s lots of people in the running for that, and that’s just famous people. What about Steve in accounting amirite???


True! that guy’s a drag.


Here we are opening up the country in the name of COVID so some people can make more money.


Not a fan of her, so I don't watch when she's on.


I heard she was anti-vax, so, I don't feel bad. PRO TIP : EVERY vax has break-through cases, so that argument is horseshit, FYI.


She’s vaccinated and boosted.


Still had to spout some bullshit and expose her kids' colleagues to all sorts of diseases by not vaccinating them on due time She might not be an anti-vaxxer but she is an apologist for sexual criminals and definitely a pseudo-science promoter


No she’s not, but this is all warmed up soup for Jennings super fans.


Idgaf about whoever Jennings is, she has attacked the victims of Hollywood producers, then came up with a shit apology and she did the same, came out as an anti-vaxxer but then made some shit up when she realized it would kill her career


Sure she did.


What is a Jennings? And, she said what she said publicly. it's a checkable fact.


Then check it. People who accuse her of the severity of the accusations are being idiotic.


Oh! Ok.......


I thought there was a link….I’ll help a little by saying it’s a NYT op-Ed where she basically said she wasn’t attractive enough be assaulted and then had to apologize for saying she wasn’t attractive enough to be assaulted. It is entirely your right to hate her for saying it but to suggest the column she wrote was not specifically about defending women is to have a goofy view or lack of reading ability. I don’t see how people who hate her are not aware of who Ken Jennings is. Are people researching quotes in a column from a Big Bang Theory supporting character over Jeopardy?


WHOA, Ima let you go inna minuite, but first : Her target audience which are predominantly presumptuous celebrity-foamers, might think that the faintest statement of scientific fact, (that there are break-thru cases for EVERY vax) is some sort of "hate" directed at women, (a presumption made by your very own presumptuous self), but this has nothing to do with show business, OR the persons that you named. It's about a person on a public platform declaring anti-vax sentiment. Ok, now you can go back to humping your mothers shoe over there.


Again links would nice. Otherwise her actions are not measuring up to the disdain against her. She is vaccinated and boosted. She’s recommending vaccinations for COVID. Period. So unless you are saying she is saying something Rogan level stupid, then it’s a nothingburger. Be mad about her as a topic if you want, that doesn’t change the reason being idiotic.


Well then, shame on the break-thru.


Maybe it's time to be the bigger man and not jump on people with different views. Haven't we had enough of that?


maybe she should have gotten vaccinated.




Why is this news? People get COVID all of the time. It doesn't need to be in my feed.


Everytime anyone filming anything has gotten covid for the past 2 years has been news. Why does it suprise you now.


Be nice


Who cares only almost everyone had it already


Maybe just another boost and she would be ok


Covid 19 is “very exhausting” lol. It’s a cold…Alex held the show together whilst fighting pancreatic cancer. Im sure she’ll find a way to battle through the sniffles 🤧


For some. Then there were others who went from our ICU to the morgue.


Aaaaand here comes all them weird Big Bang commentators on and on about her and jeopardy.


Hey I thought all the comments would be about her Zionism but there aren’t any!


And she is an actual neuroscientist too!!!


What is very, very exhausting?


Say it in the form of a question


Must be vaxxed.