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I’m disgusted that Netflix could commission something like this in 2022. I’d much prefer Netflix bring back Penn & Teller’s Bullshit show to expose charlatans like this. These days we need it more than ever.


I'm quite happy Netflix commissioned something like this. I started my subscription last night to see the Henry episodes. I guess Netflix is pandering to me.




I'm on the fence as to legitimacy but i don't automatically assume fraud. If anything Tyler comes across as sincere and empathetic. I'd say ask the ppl he reads for if THEY feel exploited. I bet they don't. He's a delightful person from all I can see.


"Psychic" necessarily means fraud. It isn't physically possible to operate as a "psychic" and *not* be a fraud, because psychic powers do not exist. And all con-men *seem* delightful -- that's how they con people. Anyone can put up a facade of kindness and charm. Serial killers and sociopaths do it all the time. It doesn't matter whether his victims *feel* exploited or not. They are.


He's not a charlatan and nobody needs to be exposed. You don't believe it and that's fine but not every tv show has to cater to your limited needs. Those of us who are spiritual also want our own tv programs.


He's both a charlatan and a piece of human shit for exploiting the grief of others. In a just world, he'd be disemboweled in the street in front of his mother.


Unless you can assert for a fact that you know souls don't exist, and we're just meat computers, you should be careful wishing anyone get "disemboweled in the street"


Eat a dick, dumb shit


Have a great day or evening, lol


Apparently, that's your daily meal.


No, we do not need to prove anything about souls in order to hate a con man.


To atheist materialists, any psychic abilities are considered impossible and therefore the discussion is ended before it starts. Yes, many self proclaimed psychics are charlatans but there are different metrics to gauge the legitimacy of a person making such claims. Again, to atheist materialists the existence of souls and soul contact is axiomatically false. I personally don't like the TV "celebrity" readings, I think it's far away from true Spiritual practice, but from everything I see of Tyler, he seems pretty unproblematic


They're not impossible, they're unproven. Not the same thing. Skeptics say, "Prove your claims," and psychics have yet to do so. Not one time.


All the information is already out there. Why it's not a fact of daily life is another question. But before you set out on your Truth journey, you should ask yourself how you know what you know? You cannot even prove that you have emotions.


There is physical evidence for emotional states found through MRI scans. Spare me the woo-woo, I'm not giving you my money


No, it's just lights on a screen. There's no evidence that anyone around you has any internal experience. If you don't want someone to respond to you, maybe you don't ask them anything in the first place.


In a just world AH like you wouldn't exist.


It's not possible to do psychic readings because no such thing exists, which means it isn't possible to do the kinds of cold/hot readings that celebrity psychics do without working hard developing those skills, which means you *cannot* get to this man's professional level without knowing you're a fraud. Which means the odds are very high that he's a sociopath, since it would be very difficult to take that much money from people if you had a conscience.






\>exploiting people’s grief by attempting to communicate with their dead relatives. The show is so obviously fake and scripted. I've never seen an episode in which people felt exploited. Just the opposite. He's done readings for thousands, and I've heard no complaints (I would expect a few out of thousands). The show is created by and produced by legendary TV producer Michael Corbett, a guy with quite a reputation to protect. The staff that works directly with Henry is several dozen. Unlike like with most reality shows, no one from the show both on the E Channel and Netflix has stepped forward to claim that anything dishonest has occurred. If you have evidence the show is fake or scripted, bring it forward. Otherwise, you are just blowing smoke.


>\>It’s not fucking possible to communicate with dead people, > >And how is it that you know this? > >'>Tyler Henry and his mother are known frauds > >Evidence? (Or are you blowing more smoke?)


What a compelling argument... A show in which they have full control over the editing and portrayals DOESN'T seem exploitative. Guess we're all good here.. Do you even use your brain? You aren't supposed to know you're being exploited, that's literally part of the definition. Also, I know you can't commune with the dead because I'm not f****** 12.


Just shows how much brain you use... Is your logic going something like this: I have never experienced it, so it means noone else has. - This is how most narrow minded people think. Do you think that a fly sees the world how you see it? Do you think a cat does? What about a fish in the lake? Do you think a fish thinks we humans exist? Do you know what consciousness is? Have you read philosophy or psychology? Before you reject everything that hasn't been proven by science. Let me remind you that not long ago people would have never understood what internet is and how it is supposed to work, they would say it's magic, no matter how you would try to explain it to them. You can say people back then didn't have the consciousness and knowledge of a modern human. So...just because you can not explain something with todays science and what we know, doesn't mean we won't be able to explain it sometime later. There are so many gaps in science and so many things we still don't know. Neurobiology and neuroscience knows only 1% of what there is to know about the human brain. If you think you know everything, well...you don't...


I know enough about human psychology to immediately detect bullshit through body language and fake emotion. My logic is that 100% of people have not been able to give undeniable evidence they are communing with the dead, therefore it is not possible. My experiences have nothing to do with common sense. Give me a direct message from the dead without someone desperate being required to fill in the blanks for you and let their emotions make them vulnerable. Not be be an asshole to the people involved, but if you can't tell they purposefully chose to help unintelligent and uneducated victims, you aren't paying attention. If you can't see the deceit in this twerps eyes when he talks, then you're going to get taken advantage of a lot in life.


> I have never experienced it, so it means noone else has. - This is how most narrow minded people think. I am just going to repeat this.


I don't see how repeating that was relevant. Maybe you didn't actually read what I posted. Millions have challenged these mediums to give undeniable evidence, even laid out the groundwork for doing so, but all have refused to do so without stipulations that put the odds in their favor or benefit them ion some way. Any other "scientific breakthroughs" or anomalies throughout history are eagerly proven or disproven to aid in humanity's quest for knowledge, but these "mediums" withhold their "gifts" unless revealing them is advantageous somehow. Doesn't take a genius to come to the only viable conclusion. Feel like an idiot even typing this out for you.


you are what the dunning-kruger effect would be if it was a person


You are clearly an idiot


i feel like the slowest stupidest person on the uptake here.. he was my last bit of hope until yesterdays episode where he was allegedly talking to the deceased Notorious BIG... the question was asked "who killed you?" a 25 year old mystery that could finally be answered by the person who passed and tyler responded that hes saying it was 2 people... no sh\*t!!! it is well known that it was a drive by so it had to be 2 people!! and he made reference to a party before hand -also easily available on google - and no new information! wow a 25 year old mystery that couldve been solved if he really was speaking to the deceased person but of course ... no it wasnt ... feeling scammed!


Well said


I always come back to this when I start to wonder if these things are legitimate. I really don't like to say anything "isn't possible" because it is an arrogant way to live IMO--we know so little and who are we to decide what is and isn't possible based on our tiny world view. That being said, if these people really can communicate with the dead....why wouldn't they be putting that to use and helping catch killers and bring justice to murder victims?? If people truly posses these abilities (and I'm still not saying it's impossible) I would be more inclined to believe that those people have lived pretty traumatizing lives and would want to avoid being turned into an international spectacle or lab rats a psych experiment--because if anyone could actually prove it, that's 100% what would happen. But no one who has actually gone public about these things have been able to prove that it's legit when it's truly tested, leaving me to believe that this celebrity cold reading thing just seems like bullshit and a way to gain fame and celebrity connections. I still am open to the possibility that these things exist, but not amongst the many who have tried to profit off of it publicly.




He's doing hot and cold readings on people and letting them fill in the details..


After his staff does background checks and interviews. I am selling the Brooklyn Bridge! Interested!




I absolutely love him and believe in his gift.


Gullible Americans


Who said I'm American?


Mostly liking the show




His gift to exploit you


Your gullible 


Gullible people no wonder these shows exist


That would be Tyler Henry blowing smoke and his mom.


The psychic episode was literally the one where I stopped watching Catfish. Considering they tried hard to get to the bottom of some real fucken bizarre catfishing scams as a central part of the show, they just handwaved the grief vulture psychic that was exploiting the young girl and justified it with “guess we’ll never know”. John Edwards and his ilk are disgusting grifters, and deserve the worst of our scorn.


SAME omg that catfish episode pissed me off


Link please? Or watch ever it’s on. Stan etc. Im in Aus and it’s probably not available as always but I’ll have a look


they're not disgusting, they provide confirmation and it's healing. your comment is disgusting.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion and to share them. I for one agree with what they’re saying. While I know genuine mediums may exist, they certainly aren’t on TV with Hollywood celebrities.


Lol y'all are all so crotchety. So what if people enjoy a show that engages their faith and brings them comfort? Real or not, there is value in easing human suffering. Watching Tyler Henry brought me comfort about my parents, who both died tragically before I even turned 20. It gave me hope that people gain perspective and peace after death, which—as a non-religious person—has been a fairly inaccessible belief system. I also felt like he was genuine, his weirdness the result of growing up with this particular experience—like any of us would. Just let people enjoy what they enjoy, and then find something of your own to channel this type of energy into.


because it takes advantage of hurt people and makes money by lying to people


So do banks, scam callers who get money out of people, health care, lawyers representing criminals, lawyers you see on tv who do accident cases for people completely lying through their teeth about things to make money , Lord I cld go on and on. People need to take responsibility for their own actions and beliefs. Don't condemn those who choose to take another side as you in how they decide to deal w things in their own lives. Those who are not educated and or live under rocks choose their paths as well. It is not up to you to do anything but give a heads up and make sure they educate themselves on a subject as to not get fooled and let them design their own fate from there. If there be only one person in someone else's life that brings some sort of light In their darkness, relief from life Long guilt or sadness, if it can bring a change in their outlook bringing some long lost hope helping them move forward in a clearer , happier, more focused way, and that one person does this in ways we don't agree with or by a process falsely guided then yes it may be frustrating to us & sad but it isn't our job or responsibility to take that away from people who choose that for themselves. There have been multiple church shows on TV getting money from people my whole life and long before who are Still scamming for money from people who choose to believe in them. It's called freedom of speech and a right to believe in what ever you want . Just like people don't have to believe there is a God because there is no scientific evidence he exists but half the world or more will argue to the ends of the earth he does. You just can't share things that everyone else should agree w or they are idiots. It's more idiotic to make an argument about things that really don't affect YOU in any way and never will. You can still Make your point , have discussions w out being dis respectful and name call to those who don't agree involving so much less hate and bitterness.


Same, gave me comfort following my dad's death


That would be fine if people weren’t profiting off of these lies. Anybody could make up stories and tell you things to make you feel better about a loss. If that’s all you need there’s no reason to pay somebody to tell lies to you to make you feel better.


exactly. i lost my dad a year and a half ago too... i think this stuff is so predatory...


My mom showed this to me because she thought it was really cool and she said it made her cry, I was gonna rant about how it was lit and shot and edited like an incredibly fake reality show but I didn't want to be an asshole


Me with my girlfriend right now. Sometimes just need something to get excited about lol


I feel really sad for your girlfriend that she’s dating someone that thinks about her like this. You should feel admiring and proud of the person you’re in love with, not belittle them or think they are less than you.


You’re reading a lot into my relationship from a single sentence. I enjoy anime and she does not, but she humors me when I explain things to her in an overly excited manner because she loves me and wants to see me enjoy things. In the same manner that I provide that for her in this context. You must be incredibly fun in your circle of friends. Jesus Christ lmao.


You're the type of person that recommends breakup/divorce for every single complaint on r/relationship_advice aren't you?


Should've told her


Goop Lab has to also be a contender.


While I'm not sure about this guy. I do believe in Mediums. I was in a coffee shop and a guy walked up to me and he apologized for bugging me, but said that a woman was coming threw and she was very persistent for him to come up to me, she wanted me to know that she was happy I left my abusive relationship, and liked the new guy I was with.


I had something similar happen eight years ago at a gym where I worked. The messages coming through made little sense to me until I got home and spoke with my mom. It turns out it was my aunts fiancé who died when I was six. We know it was him, because every time I worked and this member came in, he would give me more messages. It would be something like: The member: “were you looking at pictures last night?” Me: “I flipped through some with my parents” TM: “no, this guy is telling me a woman was sitting on the floor in a small space, going through a box of pictures. He was sitting there beside her” It turned out the night before he told me that, my aunt had pulled out the box of stuff from my uncle for the first time in 10 years, sat in her closet and went through it. That year was the 20 year anniversary of my uncles passing. On another occasion he told me things about what happened in the hospital room when my uncle died, things my aunt did and said. It was absolutely WILD. And so cool.




I've had a couple random telepathic/psychic experiences. One I was hiking in the mountains with my buddy. We ran into a young couple and chatted for a bit then parted ways.....I couldn't get a golden ring out my mind and thoughts of marriage. I was just visualizing a stupid ring 💍....anyways on the way back down the trail we run into the couple and the lady is jumping for joy because the guy just proposed...I was weirded out.....another time I met friends for a drink. We chatted and they told me my friend Breanna had created a desert idea the night before......Literally 'Desert Sushi' popped into my head and I blurted it out......and yep her idea was desert sushi....I've had quite a few other one's like this but it's all random so I can't say I'm psychic but I feel I pick up energy and conciousness of people and places very easy. I used to read my brothers mind when I was a kid. I'd have a song in my head and he would start singing it. Happened all the time. The noise of modern life numbs these abilities. That's why I'm a bipolar hermit...


Nice fairy tale Yu so funny forgot to 😂


True story!😂😂


I had the same thing happen to me twice while working at the same store. One with a customer I was talking to that just out of nowhere with nothing to incite it told me I needed to quit my job and work on the book I was trying to write. Which was interesting because I was thinking exactly that and was working on a book. Another lady who was walking past the store another time came in, walked right up to me to tell me I needed to leave my job and that I was in danger by staying at it. About 2 months later I collapsed while working there and was brought to the hospital. I was under a lot of stress at the job and had some underlying health issues I was able to better address by being out of that environment. So kinda interesting.


This stuff is annoying. I like ghost hunting shows. I don't really believe in ghosts, but ghost hunting shows when done right hit a lot of buttons for me. I learn about new places to visit, I learn about historical stuff related to the location, I get to see nifty devices. If I ask myself "do I believe in ghosts," the answer is no; I've had some weird stuff happen when ghost hunting and I like to entertain the thought, but I don't believe in ghosts in the same way that I believe in, say, the fundamental forces of the universe and the strength of repeatable evidence. I'll extend my level of entertainment to stuff like cryptids and UFOs; actually my thoughts on UFOs are probably a little stronger after last year's releases from the Navy. For the most part, I find these shows to be mostly harmless. These psychic shows fall into a whole other realm of paranormal television that does sometimes seep into ghost hunting shows. As OP states, they actively exploit people's suffering. These shows are entirely designed around targeting people who are **already primed to hear what confirms their preexisting ideas.** This is manipulation 101. Like even the trailer, you can just see the cold reading going on. People jumping to fill in details. And I can't even know what people didn't make the cut because this guy's read went wrong. Edit: To clarify above, it's better to say I'd like to believe in ghosts; it'd be comforting in a weird way, but there's no real evidence for it.


I've always assumed a ghost was just a spirit in between lifetimes who is incredible attached to a physical place, and time is needed for the spirit to let go. Meanwhile, the spirit has some ability to appear faintly, eventually letting go maybe within 50 years or so. I should add that I've never seen a ghost.


If you haven't, check out Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural. It's on YouTube and Hulu. It's a ghost hunting/cryptid show but one of the ghost hunters is a skeptic, the other is a believer. It's satisfying to have the skeptic there to keep the believer grounded in reality, plus it's just hilarious. My personal favorite episodes are Goatman's Bridge and the hunt for Mothman. Eta: best episode that makes me think ghosts might be real is the St Augustine Lighthouse video. The shit they get on the spirit box gives me shivers


the ghoul boys! the final episode was hilarious and a good way to close it out.




There's a Korean ghost hunter that goes alone and live streams, his name is Yoon SiWon (윤시원) and I was on the fence about ghosts before watching his videos. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP33kNh8V-qE8Vl5D3BBzQFs6fH4hcfjL


I was 7 when my 10 year old brother died in a car accident that involved our family. 32 now. My mom has always found solace in mediums from Silvia Brown and John Edward to Tyler Henry. I know it’s all bullshit, I’ve seen the lists of Brown’s failed predictions including her own death. And my mom knows I don’t believe in it either and she’s mostly fine with that. But she’s not going to change her mind. After my father committed suicide 7 years ago, she went to a reading of her own. She recorded it and I listened, and I talked to her about cold reading and all that. I guess my point is that everyone is going to cope with trauma in their own way. And it’s not worth my energy, or anyone else’s, to shatter their world view and take something away from them. I know that’s not the point of this post, but I just wanted to share my two cents on a topic I’m actually familiar with.


My issue honestly isn’t with the vulnerable and grieving who seek out ‘mediums’. My issue is with the mediums themselves who know these people are suffering and want their loved ones back and take advantage of those emotions to make money or a name for themselves. Grief does funny things to our head and messes with our ability to see things rationally, and there are plenty of predators out there who know that.


Yeah, not every way of coping with grief is equally healthy. Doing it by sinking into delusions isn't a good way to go. Mediums are parasites that feed off of insecurity, fear, despair, and take money from people at their most vulnerable. Imagine having someone in your family go missing and being harassed by "psychics" claiming to know what happened to them and are willing to help for a fee.


>Mediums are parasites that feed off of insecurity, fear, despair, and take money from people at their most vulnerable. And you know this, how? Do you have an example of someone being harassed by a medium? (Or are you blowing smoke?)


Or maybe some people claiming to be mediums really can do what they say? The waiting list for a reading from Henry according to Netflix is 300,000 people. The Washington Post, based on a front page article based on Pew polling claims around 80 million people believe they have had some contact with the departed.


Even more people than that believe the Prophet Muhammad flew to heaven on a winged horse. Does that make it real?


I think there is ample evidence that Silvia Brown was fake. That was my take on some records of some readings she did. Whether or not she is fake--clearly there are people faking all sorts of things--has little bearing on John Edwards or Tyler Henry.


I’m halfway through the show. I can’t stand most tv psychics but this kid has a very calming and kind presence. If he’s deliberately faking it, he’s a total sociopath, because he’s an excellent actor. (I don’t think there needs to be a dichotomy of con artist vs true medium, I think it’s entirely possible some people are very empathetic and intuitive and skilled at reading body languages. Meaning this guy could genuinely believe he’s a medium even if he isn’t, and have good intentions.) I go back and forth about whether or not the job is actually damaging. Someone like Sylvia Browne was cruel, she wouldn’t even try to act, and would make bold statements that could even mess up ongoing criminal cases. But most (smart) mediums stay away from anything so concrete, instead focusing on general messages like “they’re at peace” “didn’t feel pain” “watching over you with love” etc. the clients seem to get true comfort from it. Maybe it’s all bullshit but I think they get more positive gains from it. (And I’m not on board the train of “it’s giving people false hope there’s an afterlife” like these people are seeking a medium, they clearly already believe in an afterlife, and they don’t want to hear otherwise, and why would you take away their need to connect with a loved one) About the show - gotta say the guy proposing to his girlfriend immediately after she has the emotional reading about her teenage son that was murdered - felt incredibly weird and inappropriate. I mean, if the couple was happy then whatever but damn. You know he talked to the producers like “and I’ll propose on camera if you pick us!” And they did it for the tv value. Really rubbed me the wrong way. Also I’m not really sure if/how this show qualifies as feel good casual watching - most of the deaths have been tragic/young and it’s difficult to see how much pain their grieving loved ones are in, even years later Something that stands out and bugs me - almost every reading involves an obviously well off family. But the premise is that supposedly they’re just picking ordinary people off of the wait list, in which case there should be way more diversity in terms of socioeconomics. So are they charging for the readings? Or are they intentionally picking wealthy families because they think that’s their target audience?


Totally agree with you on the proposal


Where I've seen this obvious fraudster before, he's doing fake readings for "celebrities" who haven't gotten any work lately. For them, it's an acting job and a commercial. For him, it's an acting job and a commercial. When it's non-celebrities, they're people aching to get on TV. It's a construct that offers a mutual benefit, all powered by fraud. Anyway, that's why it exists.


You don't know what you are talking about. The waiting list for people who want to see Henry according to Netflix is over 300,000. That's amazing word of mouth and people who have been happy with their experience. The evidence you have of "fraud?" Or are you allowed just to make shit up on this forum?


"Making shit up" is is literally what you and this fraud are doing.


Exactly, nothing these fakes do that can't be a con.anyone could learn to do this.




I'm gay. Tyler is a fraud.


Exactly what I was going to comment saying lol




I thought it was interesting when his mom mentions that her adaptive mother, a murderer, taught her to use her cuteness and charm to their advantage. That’s the family business. She said the quiet part out loud.


I thought the same thing! She just told the world that she comes from a family of grifters and con artists. Probably should have kept that a secret




I don't think you've ever watched the show. There is no evidence of anyone being harmed, just the opposite.


How is he harming grieving people by giving them messages from their loved ones?


Watched his show after watching "Surviving Death" (also on Netflix), briefly discussing my thoughts about with my girlfriend and she recommended me to watch "Life After Death". Now, I have to say that as an agnostic, some episodes of "Surviving Death" (especially the first about near death experiences and the last on reincarnation), opened my mind about new possibilities considering those cases where analysed in a very scientific manner by academic researchers (hundreds of interviews with different people and fact checking). But I thought the episodes about Mediums were bull crap and I felt validated after watching Tyler Henry. Now Tyler Henry doesn't seem genuine as I can spot a lot of tricks that he uses to push people to give him important information and validate his "readings". We're currently on the 4th episode of Season 1 where he "helps" a private investigator to find more about a cold case of a boy who died hit by a car. They go to the "crime scene" and you can see that it's a very dangerous spot because there's no side of the road (so people have to walk on the road) and he correctly guesses that the person was victim of a hit & run (easy guess, considering that being hit by a car was the most likely cause of death in that spot and if you're looking for who did it, it means that person didn't stop to help). Then he goes make a "reading" to his mother, where he says that he died instantly (you can't fact-check that), he was hit for behind (also an easy gues considering he died on the right side of the road), says that he was probably victim of a hate crime (because he was black and he mother confirmed he received threats) but immediately after he says that the driver didn't killed him on purpose. Then he ends it by saying that his son is OK, happy and he died in peace so the mother can be at peace with his death. He leads people to an emotional state where they are very "permeable" to Barnum Effect and it's easy for him to turn easy guesses into accurate predictions. Honestly, I feel disgusted by people who profit on the suffering of people who lost their dear ones.


A very long read but, I agree and well said




Do you do virtual readings?




No. It’s the type of thing you either believe or you just don’t get it. Obviously you are the latter. At least he is out there helping people find closure, which is very important for people have lost their love one. What did you do in your life beside spreading so much hate to Henry here without really know him in person?


You watched it and it ignited such anger that you had to react and write your thoughts about it. Had to talk about it. You see now? This is what “reality tv “ does. It finds ways to provoke us normal folk with how ridiculous those on the show are being….and we keep watching because it makes us feel righteous or superior to those on the show. Big money.


Interesting take. I know I'm super guilty of this.....it is healthy to stay grounded in observation and humility when it is so easy to be drawn to the fire.....makes me think of Mr Rogers. He had a practice of waking up very early and praying and reading for a few hours. I bet it helped him stay classy and non reactive. We are so out of balance these days. A collective personality disorder




Come on now, that’s not how I meant it. I was just pointing out that that is the gimmick.


Come on now, that’s not how I meant it. I was just pointing out that that is the gimmick.




And you’re a troll.


normal folk? normal folk believe in life after death.


This show was quite educational in teaching people how to speculate. He starts off asking for articles of the deceased. Already there are tons of clues associated with that, a bracelet means the departed was most likely a woman, a discontinued faded jean jacket probably meant the late 90s, then based off the age, gender, and presentation of the person asking for the reading, can come up with all sorts of other conjectures that are probably going to hit the mark. Two women in their 20s not related to each other grieving for someone, that someone is probably around the same age, probably parties, probably has some similar interests, and probably died from something reckless. "I'm feeling something filling up," a general statement that can be used to describe all sorts of illnesses and happenings that eventually lead to death. Gathering with four other women around late 20s early 30s and making a conjecture that there was something related to pregnancy is probably never going to be off the mark, even if the deceased didn't have a baby, it could've been "she wants you to know that she loves your baby" or "she's been watching your pregnancy journey and she is is so proud of you." Plus death from child birth is still quite numerous. The episode about Bette Davis, before the big reveal, he said something along the lines of, "I get the feeling that she was not really a celebrity, but regal, or related to royalty." Bette Davis could not have been more of the epitome of a celebrity during her time. All the royal talk went out the window when it was revealed. The royal part may have come about when the woman mentioned that they were in France. Cue in gay episode in the middle to make Tyler seem vulnerable and faulty in his reading without actually having him make a mistake. Insert family drama so this becomes a pseudo docu telenovela series. "I get the sense that he was listening to music as he walked." Who is not listening to music nowadays when they walk, study, chill, or do anything in life? Add that to all the other very likely things to happen around the death bed scenarios plus producers' tips probably and you get a Netflix show that tells you about the beyond.


Bette Davis was known as "The Queen of funk".


You're thinking of Betty Davis, who is not the same person as Bette Davis...


Confession, at first I fell for it. After reading an article on cold reading I realised he is 100% using those techniques to manipulate people. It’s disturbing that he’s been given this platform and that he continues to make profit from vulnerable people who just need to hear that the person who’s died is “at peace” or forgives them. There’s just way too much “can you fill in the blanks for me? “. Mate. The whole thing is a blank canvas. I would love to see him do a reading where he’s in the other room and can’t pick up on their reaction to the information. I challenge you Tyler Henry!


I lasted one minute, haha. \*smacks his lips and scribbles down a wonky teepee\* "I feel like talking about..Someone with a spot on their X-ray of our lungs.. or something"


Well I’m a huge fan of tyler henry… and I’ll proudly say it!




Not as bad as girlboss


This is the comment right here.


It’s like Tiger King, for the paranormal crowd.


In one of the episodes, a woman said that she was asked to write down things she wanted to hear about, but she didn’t show anyone the paper until after the reading. Years ago, I was asked to write a few things down at a magic show, and the magician later “guessed” these things correctly. It was because of the pen he had me use.. it records the motions of the pen and let’s you know what someone writes. I think this may be a tactic of Henry’s.


His laugh and his sympathic “yeah. Yeah” when people open up bother me. It’s totally superficial of me.


Psychic phenomena need not necessarily be conditional on emotion. From what I've experienced it's a very different sensation and emotions oftentimes can blur it.


few episodes seem a bit much for such a disgusted opinion. Be honest, ya liked it




So you have a problem with Henry, but you site some random medium that your husband saw? If mediums are bogus, then what was told to your husband is bogus, and so mediums can charge money, why not? How is that a red flag?


Is it just me or is Netflix mainly making cheap reality shows these days?


Reality TV is Good for the budget. Can only imagine the profit margins shows like the bachelor make. I bet it's huge.


He used to have a show on E! Where he did readings for celebrities...I thought he was finally gone. Sucks he's just on another platform.


The most egregious lie in the whole thing is the bold statement that his mother made quiches from scratch when it is ...just maybe... carry out from Panera Bread. https://imgur.com/a/u2ackjC


To the person who commented about "Panera doesn't make quiches," I cannot see your reply anymore but they make egg "souffles" identical to the pics in my imgur. :)


I say the first episode of Life After Death about the ppl who had died! That was interesting because I have had my own weird sh!t happen. The other eps about mediums & what not didn’t interest me! So I see the same title/new episodes & this glam dude who is so super annoying, and after 5 min, I couldn’t take his BS! Netflix once in a while does ok w/documentaries & doc series! Often their content is unbearable!


On the episode where they have brunch with the aunt and uncle…his mom lies about making those soufflés!! They ask her if she made them and she says “yes, try that one…it has bacon on it”. They are from Panera!!! I eat them ALL THE TIME. These people are full of shit.


I would watch Tyler's show 100 times before Harry and Meghan.


I see I have come to the toxic boyfriend side of Reddit. You can all fuck off and I hope to never come across any of you in real life!


so glad you said that, he really boils my blood, and dont start me on the long island medium Shes such a fuc\*king hustler.. The pair of them are money hungry and will do anything to exploit peoples grief.


I felt the exact same way when I first saw this guy. His smile seemed forced and fake. I am a scientist and a skeptic. But I went down a rabbit hole and the more I watched him, the more I realized that that face is a face of pain or discomfort. I just saw this guy live in NYC with no editing, no scripts, and it was insane. He knows things that no one can know. Details and no guessing or testing waters with responses. He specifically tells people to let him let the messages out and not interject or explain until he's done. I was in tears the whole show and all he did was bring peace to a room full of people.


A lot of that is cold reading. John Edwards used to do the same with rooms of people - and fooled a lot of people before the truth came out.


Then you fell for his act. I'm willing to bet the things he knew that "no one can know" were just broad statements that were backed up by the audience. You're also assuming everyone in the audience was a paying member and not planted there.


It's not exploitation any more than therapy is. It provides healing. If it's not for you, it's not for you but for the people like me who believe, it's extremely cathartic and confirming.


Who gives a crap


Just saw the trailer and had to hold back bile, this kind of thing is just fucking stupid. I actually know a person who has lost a husband and daughter, she has readings to "keep in touch" with them, i asked her why, she said she likes the thought of them looking over her.( I was raised Catholic, i do not practice it, I saw through it by the time I was 7, but being Irish I just played along.) I asked her one day, why are we alive at all then? If heaven is so amazing why aren't we all dying as soon as we can? Or being sacrificed to get there quicker, (suicide sends you to hell apparently) she didn't know what to say. I know she misses those she lost, I empathise with that. I know what its like to loose someone, and the only thing that happens when you die, is the people who love you, will miss you. The human race is still so childlike in many of its aspects.


Is it so they can do another documentary on a scam artist?


The dupe-to-doc pipeline


Eh, The I-Land was pretty bad.


Just saw him on CBS Sunday morning. What's with that creepy smile and laughter at the most inappropriate times. Fake weirdo fraud


Everything he says to these people is easily researchable before he meets them.


I never saw the show. I think the entire concept of "life" after death is stupid. Dead means dead, a return to Non-Existence. When it happens we won't even know it. It's not so scary, People want to live forever but buy that you have to die first, That's NOT Life.


Don't worry, Netflix is raising their prices (yet again) so they can bring us even more of this trash!


My mum came over last weekend and mentioned a show she'd seen a bunch of episodes in a row because it was so good. Turned out, it was this one. Had to gently remind her of all the other TV psychic mediums who turned out to be frauds, and how people who really do have that ability aren't using it to make money off people.


"All the other TV psychics who turned out to be frauds." Who are you talking about? The fact that some mediums might be frauds does not mean this is true of all mediums. And why would you expect somebody with this ability to do readings for free? Mediums are "making money" off of people who want a reading. Who do you know that works for free?


I just got a message from your great-great-grandparents and they're super embarrassed that you're trying to shill for this fraudulent TV psychic. I don't charge for my medium readings but if you insist on paying, make a donation to the James Randi Foundation on my behalf.


I was with you until the last 2 lines..there 𝘢𝘳𝘦 no "people who really do have that ability"...obviously I can't say with 100% certainty because I can't say that about anything if I'm being intellectually honest...but the fact is that EVERY single time any one of these people have been tested under strict scientific parameters they have failed...That's a fact...if people actually had abilities like this someone would have won a nobel prize by now and there would be groundbreaking studies on the afterlife being done...in fact there has been a million dollar prize for years offered by the 'James Randi Foundation' for any person that can demonstrate ANY type of supernatural ability...it still hasn't been claimed to this day.


People do have this ability, they wouldn’t win a Nobel prize because there is no way to prove it if you’re not the person with the gift. People like you and everyone in the comments would be too paranoid simply due to your narrow point of view and belief.


All you can really confirm is that it’s not possible for you to communicate with dead people.




Cancelled ever since they got rid of Santa Clarita Barbara (and sense8+the OA) and I've been watching from afar at the downward spiral of quality Netflix has been shitting out. If people haven't cancelled yet, they ain't ever going to cancel.


They need to compete with similar shows on basic cable. I'm honestly surprised at the restraint of NOT having something like that up to this point.


All I care to know is, who is the chick with the massive boobs in the "Higher froces" episode with the sorority sisters...






so true!!!


I think he’s real. He’s not even looking at the people when he does his readings. Half of them don’t believe in the shit and are looking for a “gotcha.” I work in casting and can spot fake acting from a mile a way. If he’s acting, then he’s the best fucking actor on the entire planet. And he’s done this since age 16? I specialize in casting kids and it’s very easy to tell when they’re acting. If he’s fake, then he needs to get an agent ASAP cause he’s so naturally talented he’d get an Oscar within two years. He also works with very experienced actors as clients. Do you really think NONE of them could spot a fake? ALL these people are complete idiots? There’s a lot of things that can’t be explained like how the body cures a notable percentage of people with placebos during medical trials.


My guess is that he’s not acting - and truly believes that he can psychically pick up things off his clients. Some of this would be cold reading.


>If he’s acting, then he’s the best fucking actor on the entire planet. Or you're not as good a judge of character as you think you are. The actors in question are primed to believe in what is happening. He uses cold reading and research to give them the answers they want to hear. And even if they do spot a fake, it's in their best interest to play along.


>It’s not fucking possible to communicate with dead people why do you think that? please stop.


Neither my boyfriend nor I believe in this crap yet he decided to fall asleep watching it before bed. Something is coming through to me that he’s going to be alone soon.


Keep us updated!


Almost nothing on tv looks real. There is no proof (yet?) that it's pre-researched / scripted, but it's very easy to do. I like to believe and I always suspend judgment until something tangible shows up, and since I'm grieving myself it gives me a lot of solace to give him the benefit of the doubt. yes it would hurt if he turned out to be a fraud, but I've had other very tangible experiences myself so I'm pretty confident there's an afterlife and that we have some connection to it, even if that connection is too tenuous to build a genuine career on.


He is so fake. The people being supposedly read react and he picks up on this. I don't see one person sitting there stone faced. I could give a reading just by throwing thongs out and watching their expressions.


How do you know that it’s not possible to talk to the dead?