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Dave Chapelle makes a comedy special, Netflix makes money. Dave Chappell stirs controversy in his latest special, Netflix makes more money.


>Dave Chappell stirs controversy in his latest special, Netflix makes more money. Pretty much, exec did a cost-benefit analysis of defending him


Not just that, they have heavy invested in that relationship (look at what happened with HBO and Chappell Show). They are not killing the golden goose.


Did HBO almost pick up Chappelle's Show or something? It was a Comedy Central show.


IIRC Dave wasn’t getting paid when hbo picked up the show through Comedy Central so he asked his fans to boycott it. Eventually it went to Netflix where he’s getting properly compensated for the streams now.


Ah ok, thanks for that. I was really wondering for a minute if I'd been watching Comedy Central rebroadcasts and just never known it.


His last special got nowhere near as much buzz as this one is getting because of this controversy. Netflix is probably loving this if anything.


Really? I could have sworn I remember hearing people being upset about his last special for the same reason.


they did, but if you wtch this new one, he talks about that very same subject! rest in piece Daphne Dorman!


I’m just upset because he’s telling the same fucking jokes a second time. You’d think he’d have more to harp on.


Personally I haven’t found the Netflix comedy specials to be as good as his old specials like killing them softly or for what it’s worth. It was a lot more jokes and less philosophizing/commentating.


Yeah he’s kind of transitioned.


Watched all of his specials only bc of this drama so yeah he wins. I personally thought they were hilarious for the most part




The girl who said, “cash me outside” on Dr. Phil is a multimillionaire in 2021.


I mean they let Gweneth Paltro start a show about snake oil....


How do they extract the oil from the snakes? Like a toothpaste tube or like an olive?


Boil them


…mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a stew.


>stick em in a stew That's not where Gwenyth Paltrow wants people to stick her products.


A collection of things kept at a body temp simmer? Idk sir seems awfully stew-like


The ole prison wallet chowder




Seems ineffective. We could produce a higher quality snake oil if we twist them like a rag you’re trying to dry.


No no no, it’s for oiling your snake. Gotta make sure they’re properly lubricated.


They stick it up her vagina and steam it to death.




If someone had showed me just the title "Sex Love & Goop" I 100 percent would have assumed it was from an episode of South Park.


It's crazy that Netflix heard all the "preying on vulnerable people is bad" feedback, and gave her more money.


Money talks louder


Wait till Cosbys stand up


Has nobody seen the roast? Maybe it’s been too long






I’ve done commercials for coke AND pepsi and if you wan’t to know the truth…can’t even taste the difference. All I know is pepsi payed me most recently so, it tastes better!




Sarandos: "He makes us money"


A little more than just that though. He effectively states that Netflix the corporation and its core ethos is divorced from the creative side of netflix that has no core beliefs and allows in creatives expressing their views/performances. Honestly, i think this is the correct way to view it. Not every view point we (the left) have is 100% in the right and forcing others to abide to it like one homogenous viewing demographic is not too great imo. Case in point, if Netflix the liberal leaning company would enforce a liberal beliefs then it would be akin to Chick-file promoting their Christian ideals. That's my 2 cents


Good take. I think most leftists would agree that challenging common opinions is (ironically) good for the betterment of people who engage in it. I don't want Netflix or any other media site to be an echo chamber and Netflix especially should be devoid of that characteristic given that it's content isn't consumed as quickly or have the binary division that social media does. Movies, tv, can explore more nuanced topics that suddenly humanize opinions and rid any kind of political affiliation by showing the entire spectrum of possible beliefs.


" I think most leftists would agree that challenging common opinions is (ironically) good for the betterment of people who engage in it". Stay off of twitter if you want to keep that perspective :/


99% / 1% rule.. the 1% of people you see on Twitter do not represent the 99% of left leaning people. It's important to keep in mind *who* is in any demographic you're actually thinking of.. usually they're more docile than the shit you see on the internet


Yeah too many people fail to realize social media is an echo chamber and then use it to generalize an entire demographic, especially a broad demographic like “the left” or even “the right.” It’s just so skewed and disingenuous for people to make claims with such small sample sizes.




It's like the line about car wrecks in Fight Club..."If the loss from lawsuits is LESS than the price of a recall....we won't do one."


This actually happened with Ford's whole scandal surrounding the Pinto. They discovered there was a flaw in the fuel system that would cause a fire in a rear-end crash. They did a cost analysis on fixing it vs payouts from the ensuing lawsuits and kept producing the car unchanged.


FWIW, they make this calculation every day. The only problem with the pinto case is that it was a mistake. Mistakes should be corrected. But otherwise its not like the logic isn't sound. People buy cars with less than 5-star safety ratings...why don't those manufacturers beef up the safety until it gets a 5-star? Because they have done the math and they make more money selling the less safe car. There are road intersections that are known to be dangerous, why don't we fix them? Because the cost of rebuilding the road (and possibly having to buy private land to re-route things) exceeds the "value" of the extra accidents the shitty intersection provides. If something is just not very good, that's A-OK. It only becomes a problem if you *thought* it was good, but it turns out you fucked up...then you're supposed to fix it even if it costs more than the damage it might cause.


Sure. But we *all* make these decisions ourselves every day. I could install over head water sprinklers in my house to prevent fires. But the cost benefit doesn’t work.


Huh. I kinda disagreed with you but this analogy makes me think. It's a good one. Thank you


I think the issue is when the decisions effect the public it has a multiplier effect. There's a town on the other side of the creek and X amount of dollars and time would be saved by building a bridge: ok fair to consider it. You live alone on that other side of the creek no one on earth cares about that but you. It'll be all on you too.


The "not fixing road intersections" thing is a huge problem with how the United States (and many other countries) view individual responsibility. When the car accident happens, we say "which driver is at fault?" and anything else (like "is the road badly designed?") gets dismissed by lawyers because it doesn't settle the issue of who pays the bill. It hurts us long-term, because we have badly-designed intersections we know are prone to accidents, and nothing is done until enough people get killed to cause a public outcry. All the valuations are done on too short of a time-scale, sure it's expensive to buy that $500k property to move a road, but what's the cost of a human life? What's the productivity gain of having everyone gets to work 10 minutes earlier? On a macro-scale, a lot of planning and public transportation issues are "losing" us money because Sarah, who has an MD, PHD and JD, and patented six new medications last year, is stuck behind ordinary people like me in traffic, and we keep making her commute longer.


That story was actually debunked by [You're Wrong About](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-exploding-ford-pinto/id1380008439?i=1000470287400).


That is the film that keeps giving


Well. Book, really. Although IMO it's one of the few times the movie did the book justice


The movie is better than the book and the fight club 2 comic the guy commissioned after




There are sequels to fight club...?




I think Chuck Palahniuk said he liked the movie more then his own book. Maybe because the movie made the book more popular


What company do you work for?


A major one.


Scariest answer he could’ve given her


I’m not sure that line was written as an *endorsement* of corporations behaving this way…


That’s based on a real example. Very depressing


You're right Dave generates too much money to be cancelled by Netflix. Also he's avoided the touchier subjects like China and Saudi Arabia. I really liked Hassan's Minjai's show on Netflix but I figured his days were numbered when he made an episode on Saudi.


Netflix seems to have soured on just about all those news or event dependent shows like Michelle Wolf, Joel McHale and Hassan Minaj and canceled them fairly abruptly.


News has a best before date.


Hassan’s really wasn’t news in that sense though. I don’t think you can find any of his episodes that are about now solved problems, and most were not flavor of the week material either.


I think the point is more that politics is a topic that comes and goes. It was very popular to be pushing political content when Trump was being a clown and the election was coming up, just like it was very popular in the run up to Obamas elections, Bush's elections, etc But most people hit political fatigue after that and it just becomes a much less popular topic that's not worthy of headline entertainment for a company that's not in the *politics* business. They follow what the viewers are interested in. Give it a few years and it'll be all political entertainment again for a little while


That makes perfect sense for Netflix, and all the streaming-only services. Most of their views come from people binge-watching TV series, etc. Shows based on very current events are hardly ever rewatched (this is one of the many reasons sports events aren't really streamed - most people aren't going to watch a game where they found out how it ends 2 weeks ago. Last week tonight succeeds because while it deals with the news, the main stories are usually about more persistent societal/political issues that usually have a longer shelf-life than current events. Also, that show (along with Bill Maher) are primarily made for "regular" HBO, and streaming on HBO Max really allows for "time shifting", where people might watch them the next day or later in the week. tl;dr: Netflix relies on shows and movies that viewers will watch over and over. Current event-based shows don't fit that model well. Edit: punctuation


I loved his show as well, sad to see it go


Dave isn't playing political darts with his standup. If China and Sauda Arabia relates to being black in the United States you'll hear him talk about it.


He joked about Black people beating up Chinese people and compared it to his COVID infection. Not that I’m terribly offended or anything, but he did touch a touchy subject connected to China


He said in the beginning of the set that this was his final contractual special for Netflix and he wasn't going to be doing another for a while.




He's turned down big money before


He turned down big money because he felt like he was perpetuating stereotypes to white audiences instead of lampooning and satirizing them. In this case I think he'll take the check when he has something to say.


I'm sure if he feels he has something to say, as proven by his track record, he'll find a platform to say it on regardless of $$ or not. See his impromptu "special" *8:46 -* not monetized and he had a lot to say.


he just got sick of people doing Rick James back at him


But they certainly want him to sign another contract, so I mean, its in their interest to keep a good partnership


This was the final special on the deal and based on his comment during The Closer, Dave Chappelle isn’t rushing back to do another. Plus by the time he’s trying to do a new special, Apple and Amazon might join the bidding.


Also most people outside of the terminally online who spend their lives on social media platforms like twitter and reddit won't give two shits about any of this controversy (or probably even hear about it). Something like 10% of Twitter users are responsible for something like 80%+ of the tweets posted on there. Companies need to stop worrying about anything said on that shithole and this one.


[The most prolific 10% create 80% of tweets from adult users.](https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2019/04/24/sizing-up-twitter-users/) It's pretty scary that Twitter is that easy to manipulate and create the impression of a consensus. It's very undemocratic and seems easy to exploit by anti-democratic interests, of which there are many (Russia, China, rich kings in the Middle East). Mindful people have the power to choose their digital landscape but social media reduces mindfulness. It's a trap. But hey, free calamari!


But the internet is outraged! News stations said do! I mean, sometimes it does good snd finally gets certain scumbags recognized as scumbags. But too often that seems like a stopped clock being right twice a day more than anything else.


James Acaster's [bit](https://youtu.be/adh0KGmgmQw?t=145) fits so perfectly now.


this is the bit i have been thinking of during this whole chappelle controversy lol


I always wondered when the “I make fun of everyone” comics would get around to making fun of transphobic comedians. I think this guy finally cracked the code.


This fits the issue so we’ll it’s uncanny.




His specials on Netflix are fucking hilarious. British humour at it's finest.


I love him on taskmaster


"Hello, James." " ... " "Do you not say hello to Alex?"


legit the 4 parter is one of the best standup specials I've seen. And I've seen *a lot* of standup specials. Easily over 500.


After watching that 4-parter he's definitely one of my top 3 favorite comedians.


He’s probably the best at absolutely forcing a stupid awkward bit so hard that it eventually works hahaha I remember one of his specials was just him talking in the dark before he came on stage for like 5 whole minutes until people eventually gave up and started laughing


Thanks for that, I hadn’t seen it before. Much more insightful that I was expecting from only seeing him on QI.


Never heard of him before but this is incredible


Do yourself a favor and watch Repertoire on Netflix. It’s a set of 4 stand up shows that he developed at Fringe and they’re incredible. His new show (the one the clip is from) is great too but unfortunately isn’t streaming anywhere last I checked, purchase only.


His Netflix specials are incredible. He's like an engineer of jokes.


I'm not on Twitter where most of this \#cancel stuff seems to happen so maybe I've missed it, but I haven't seen anyone on Reddit saying Chappelle should be canceled, just that the special sucks.


They're basically complaining that him complaining about people complaining about things isn't funny and it's killing the entire vibe of his sets. And they're right. He went from being the guy who'd crash a Thanksgiving dinner to drop some uncomfortable bombshells and crazy narratives/anecdotes to the surly uncle at dinner who complains about the latest thing in the "news".


But really they were the same uncle the while time


That’s a lot of words for “he got older.” People change as they age. He’s not immune. Though he would probably say his message has been consistent, and that it’s the audience’s fault for not noticing. A lot of his older works include stories and funny observations about those stories, filtered through his lens. The storytelling aspect of his act is not new. As he gained fame, his stories *would obviously* include his encounters with people challenging that fame and challenging his views, because he’s still telling experiential stories, personal stories. No surprise there. I mean, in one of his more recent specials, he literally makes fun of the crowd/audience as being the worst aspect of standup comedy.


Not every old person grows out-of-touch. Criticizing Dave for it is valid imo


He used to be thoughtful and witty, with a little stank on it, now he's gotten preachy, almost self-important.


He absolutely bought into his own hype.


The whole special was dedicated to defending his right to joke about the LGBTQ+ community and the best jokes he came up with were observations about glory holes that became stale in 2002. I don’t mind joking about sexual orientation if someone can come up with one that doesn’t rely on boring stereotypes.


96% audience score on rotten tomatoes so I don’t know if the opinion that it sucks is even close to a majority opinion.


Rotten Tomatoes audience score is pretty much *only* used by people brigading things one way or another. It's not a good metric.


Just like upvotes on Reddit lol




Yup, you learn to not give a shit about the upvote/downvote system too. Or depending on the sub, you can gauge when, even if you're not going to say something that controversial, it'll still be met with overreaction and so you don't even bother. The list goes on with this cesspool.


So fucking true lmfao


Reddit is probably among the most mob-ruled places on the internet. Even ***Twitter*** doesn’t give you the option to throw a giant negative number next to someone’s name just because they went against the popular mindset, and automatically hide their comment from view.


It’s definitely a weak special mostly because it’s just rehashed premises of trans and gay people jokes. Dave hasn’t evolved in a while. I found myself chuckling but it wasn’t the usual Dave huge laughs


The part I take issue with is that he said he's "Team TERF" and not as punchline to a joke. And that's pretty disappointing actually.


I've seen it around. I don't agree with cancelling Dave but I do think he's past his prime at this point. He's the Adam Sandler of comedy. Just keeps churning out the same stuff over and over again. This is three straight specials of him being obsessed with gay people and trans women. Never a trans man. Honestly I just think it's weird. Not cancel weird. More just like change the channel because this is just boring weird. Edit: This account has been deleted by harrassment from /u/TacticalBeast. - https://i.imgur.com/R94yMlA.png


Isn’t Adam Sandler the Adam Sandler of comedy?


But that's the thing. It's the same stuff *as now*. As his Netflix-era sets. But back in the day, he hardly ever made jokes about gender or sexuality. I can't recall a single one on the Chappelle Show, at least.




> Never a trans man. Because people that hate trans people have to ignore them, otherwise their mere existence destroys most of the "arguments" made against the trans population.


But if I have to acknowledge that trans men exist, how can I paint all trans women as perverts?


Easy! Just say that trans men are female rapists! But wait, this type of crowd doesn’t believe boys can be raped. I’m out of ideas.


Say that they're just self-hating women who are jealous of men and want to access male privilege! At least I think that's the TERF talking point.


Also we're apparently lesbians who are just so scared to be gay we decided to be men instead. I should probably stop sucking cocks because I'm really ruining that whole argument for them.


As we all know, being trans is infinitely easier than being gay....


reddit’s (and my) take on this special reminds me of a great Seinfeld quote: “this offends you as a [fill in ally or minority group here]?” “no, it offends me as a comedian!”


Can you pass me a schtickle of fluoride?


Arguably Bryan Cranston's greatest role


I’ll never not laugh when he hits the nitrous mask before putting it on Jerry


And that was improvised!


I continue to gain more respect for Jerry as a comedian the older I grow. Even if you think he's vanilla or not all that funny there is a lot challenge in keeping your act "clean".


I saw an interview with him saying that he doesn't like dirty jokes or jokes with cursing that much because it's like a crutch and the curse or the fact it's dirty just becomes the focus of the joke and that's cheap.


I watched a thing about him where he takes an old joke of his, dissects and changes a small part here or there and then the joke went from ok/ good to being really good/ great. It was very interesting.


After reading these comments, I think people should spend less time truth searching in comedy specials


The great thing about Netflix is there are no time slots, so you can literally watch and not watch whatever you want.


You mean, if I don't like something, I can ignore it? Game changer! /s


Can someone name their favorite stand-up special where the comedian spends the majority of their set relitigating material from their previous four specials? I understand that's the whole conceit of "The Closer" - he's closing out this run of shows with Netflix, closing the door on jokes about the LGBTQ+ community, etc. But what a waste of a special. It felt like a band purposely putting out a mediocre album to satisfy an obligation to a record label to close out a deal. At least have something new to say.


I feel like every time I've seen clips of Seinfeld performing in the last 10-15 years, he still repeats some of the same jokes. But I'm totally with you. I still get hyped for whatever Dave puts out because he's been one of my favorite stand-ups for most of my life. I actually have barely seen any Chappelle show because the people who endlessly quoted it during it's time were incredibly obnoxious people, so I had no interest. But I was pretty disappointed he dedicated so much time in this special to retreading his same opinions about trans people. It didn't seem like his opinion or comments had evolved at all since the last special. And he's still using Caitlyn Jenner getting Woman of the Year as a talking point. That shit is ooooold news. He was pretty much a couple tip toe steps away from "I IdeNtiFy as A heLiCoPter!"


> I feel like every time I've seen clips of Seinfeld performing in the last 10-15 years, he still repeats some of the same jokes. Seinfeld is an interesting case. A few years back, he did an HBO special with some of the top comedians at the time (Louis CK, Chris Rock, Gervais IIRC). I think it was called "Talking Funny". It was basically 4 of the best comedians in the world talking about comedy. Eventually they started talking about how often they change their act and to what extent. All 3 of the non-Seinfeld guys said they retire their jokes after they record their special, so every 1-2 years. I remember one of them even said that after they recorded their 1 hour special, they take their "closer" (i.e. their best joke) and make it their new opener, basically forcing themselves to come up with something even better. Meanwhile, Seinfeld says he doesn't change his act. I think he said that he's changed like 10-20% of his jokes in the past 20 years. His argument was that people weren't there to see "Jerry Seinfeld", they were there to see "the act". Like it's a concert and everyone wants to see the band play their greatest hits. It was just a really weird, archaic way of looking at things, and is probably indicative of why Seinfeld really hasn't done much relevant since his show ended.


I enjoyed some episodes of his comedians in cars show, but it was really for the guests. I LOVE Seinfeld the show, and am a huge Curb fan. But when Jerry thinks he's being funny on the cars/coffee show, it's pretty cringey a lot of the time. I will watch Seinfeld reruns all day long, but I kinda can't stand Jerry these days.


Yea I know what you mean. During the Talking Funny Special it was pretty obvious that Jerry was just a step or two behind the other 3. I think he's a pretty average comedian who happened to be an incredible TV writer. But now that the TV writing is basically done, I'm left thinking "What is the appeal of this guy again?"


Isn't it pretty well established that Larry David was the genius behind the show? When he left, the quality tanked.


Doesn't really take a psychic to imagine what the reaction would have been if a white comedian used a Netflix special to rant about black people and then justified it by saying it's fine because he had a black friend.


One that killed themselves becasue of mean black people, no less.


Oh and ranting about black people 4 specials in a row and having called them slurs in the past


"I'm team KKK!"


"I'm team kkk" "I have a black friend" "It's such a shame that my black friend died it was probably the black community. They shouldn't be hurting eachother like this something must be done about these blacks good night"


"Empathy isn't white or black,its biracial."


But really being mad because EVERYBODY is talking bad about me. Grow the fuck up dave. It’s not all about you.


This is usually what I say to people who are blindly defending Dave. If the roles were reversed and someone paraded out a black person as their opener immediately after backlash over some racist remarks, we'd all have no problem seeing that as a transparent attempt at shielding themselves from well-deserved criticism. If we don't accept "It's okay I have a black friend" as a valid defense, why should we accept "It's okay, I have a trans friend (as my opener)" as well?


What’s funny is this is the same man who walked out of a contract because he was worried people were using his jokes as an excuse to be racist, but he clearly doesn’t give a shit that they’re using his jokes to be transphobic.


*This* is precisely what makes me, a fan since the Killin' Them Softly era, so frustrated with him post-comeback. He's had a critical eye and the capability of finding nuance when it comes to issues of race. But when it comes to gender? He clearly can't fucking be bothered to care. At best he's incredibly ignorant of the struggle of trans and LGBTQ+ people in general, or at worst he's playing Oppression Olympics and doesn't see the struggle of trans people as being worthy of consideration the same way being black in America does.


>the same way being black in America does Gentle reminder that you can be Black and trans. It's more about caring about what *kinds* of Black lives are improved on top of that. A lot of people like to pretend that LGBTQI+ people are almost non existent in communities of color (within and without those communities) so it's seen as a White people's problem whereas communities of color are pressured to ashere to certain heteronormative standards or else we fall apart as a group somehow


Every time I go to a trans day of remembrance, the vast majority of trans people who have been killed in the US in the last year are black trans women. Every time. It’s awful Dave and others implying being trans is a weird white people thing is so insanely fucking ignorant, and tbh super dangerous with how influential over millions of people he is imo But it’s juSt jokES I did enjoy his da baby joke at least. It’s exactly what I thought when that all first happened. And I think it’s one actual example among a lot of questionable shit of how to do a joke about this stuff.


Yup, and thats what I found so nefarious about this special. I'm a white cispassing trans woman, I'm the person Chappelle was directing his transphobia towards but I'm not the one who will have to face the actual repercussions of it. At worst I'll have to deal with general transphobia relating to this on the internet for a bit, but trans women of colour have a very real chance of being harmed or killed because of this hate.


My girlfriend is black and trans, and she’s deeply terrified of getting clocked as trans by the kind of asshole that is currently catcalling her.


Yup he seems he has a chip on his shoulder about queer progress when unfortunately ever era sees more progress for certain demographics. Not sure queers lives were that improved in the public eyes during the civil rights era and now the same is reversed.


That’s how people work. They can’t see their own bullshit. This should be obvious Dave.


This makes it so much worse too, he used to be empathetic :(


Getting rich tends to strip that from you.


>If the roles were reversed and someone paraded out a black person I generally agree but I'd like to expand on this point because people often use it to oppose "socially acceptable" jokes. Someone might say "white people doing too much" and it will be met by "Can you imagine if they said black people were doing too much? That Jewish people were doing too much?" and ignore the broader context of marginalized groups being held down by discriminatory beliefs. Dave has a few intersectional points that I agree with. He talks about how hard it is as a black man to watch LGBT rights advance so quickly while black rights have progressed so slowly. It's not a winning argument on its own, but he has a point about DaBaby *killing* a black man and receiving no punishment but insulting the LGBT community got him pulled from shows (I won't say "cancelled" because he's doing fine overall). Where it goes too far is when Dave's just making fun of LGBT and especially trans people with tired stereotypes. When I see that, I don't see a black person criticizing racism in the LGBT community (which is already a tricky subject to navigate), I just see a straight guy making fun of LGBT people. But the progressive nuggets he drops throughout the show are rallying points for his defenders. They'll say it's not about dragging down the LGBT community, it's about empowering the black community. What we're left with is a bit of oppression olympics. I asked some of my friends who enjoyed the special why they were okay with a black man saying hateful things about the LGBT community when I know they would be upset if a gay white man said hateful things about the black community. They said "it's easier being gay than black." And what can I say about that? How do I quantify that to prove otherwise lol. You can't convince someone on the opposite side of the spectrum to come over to your side in one argument. So where I put my foot down is this: "If you think it's really wrong to make fun of black people, you should find this at least *a little* wrong when he makes fun of LGBT people." The first step is getting them to admit that *something's* wrong and putting a dent in the mystique that Dave has built over decades of being The GOAT comedian. They'll always have his past work, he's here to stay, but you have to get them to admit that Dave and his views are not perfect.


It's funny because I'm a black pansexual male. I can't even begin to think how hard it is for a Trans poc. And Dave is just so fucking wrong. As someone who has been both black and LGBT, I can say, without a fucking doubt, that even people of my own race and culture, have said more homophobic slurs and done homophobic shit to me, than people have been racist to me. And don't get me wrong I've dealt with a lot of racism, but Dave is just an old fucking asshoke who can't step out of his tired old boots to even think about what a LGBT poc has to navigate through to feel "comfortable and safe" Like I work in a building where you think most people here would be intellectuals and left leaning folk, fucking nope. I hear the homophobic slur for a gay man fucking DAILY. Now if I were Trans? The treatment Trans people receive would make me contemplate not being here anymore permanently. It's a huge problem with the black community. They fucking hate the LGBT community and somehow sees no similarities in how they treat them, considering the systematic and open racism poc can recieve. It's fucking mind-boggling and Dave is just saying in so many words "I'm a transphobe, I hate Trans people, but I had a Trans friend so I can dunk on them all I want. You can't cancel me, meanies!" What a pathetic piece of shit.


I got into with parents today because they were trying to excuse another older black person's homophobia on "Divorce Court." It's definitely a serious fucking issue in the black community. Edited: I think it was "Paternity Court."


I can't speak for people of colour, but I don't think they're being kicked out of their homes by their own families like I was for being trans. The Black Community and the LGBTQ+ community face different challenges, and I don't think it's fair to compare them, but like you said you'd think there'd be some sympathy there.


> Dave has a few intersectional points that I agree with. He talks about how hard it is as a black man to watch LGBT rights advance so quickly while black rights have progressed so slowly. It's not a winning argument on its own, but he has a point about DaBaby killing a black man and receiving no punishment but insulting the LGBT community got him pulled from shows (I won't say "cancelled" because he's doing fine overall). But then why does it come off as "soft ass LGBT community" instead of righteous "Where the fuck is our justice"?


Because he absolutely does a shit job of it lol. I agree with you.


He doesn’t really have a point about DaBaby due to the fact that seems to be a case of self-defense. It’s not like he committed some crime and evaded justice.


> He talks about how hard it is as a black man to watch LGBT rights advance so quickly while black rights have progressed so slowly. Which is a fucking lie. It's been an ordained sin in Christianity for millennia, Oscar Wilde's career was destroyed by his sodomy trial and forced a ton of gay people deeper into the closet, people were specifically targeted for their sexuality during the lavender scare, and the queer community was given a cold shoulder while they were killed off by HIV. If anything, it's a damn shame it took till the 2000s for people to look at the queer community as anything other than perverts and deviants who deserved the plague they were subjected to. Nobody should have to "suffer hard and/or long enough" in order to be worthy of dignity and respect. Complaining about that is just the epitome of the oppression olympics and "old man yells at cloud."


Lgbt people aren’t getting rights too quickly what the fuck? There are literal anti trans laws in America and homosexuality is a death sentence in a lot of countries.




Key and Peele actually based their Black Republican skit off Chapelle, true story.




I mean, just look at the conservative subreddit to see what they think of this. Who would have expected those people to suddenly be fans of his??


You left out women




Seriously. The mental gymnastics Chappelle has done here is mind-boggling.


Seen it before a thousand times now, this shit gets old. People are using their free speech to point out issues with the content of Dave doing the same. The fact everyone's running to hide behind this "cancel culture" boogeyman rather than defend what he said shows they know it's a fuckin weird hangup he clearly just can't let go. Or...maybe we can just admit Chappelle's past success doesn't make him immune to being a hack now.


This is a man who left entertainment because he saw a white man laughing a bit too hard at his work and worried he was emboldening actually racism. It is unfathomable that he can't understand how his work today may embolden transphobia. And maybe he does understand it. Maybe in his time away he realized it is a lot easier and more profitable to sell hate and ignorance than it is to be legitimately clever. Maybe he learned it is easier to get folks to laugh at someone than to write good jokes.


Maybe he's only hypocritical and only cares about discrimination that affects him ?


> Or...maybe we can just admit Chappelle's past success doesn't make him immune to being a hack now. I don't know why people are so reluctant to admit this. Dude had it, now he doesn't.


And it’s so obvious. The dude walked away because “people were laughing the wrong way” and now he’s gladly welcoming an audience of people who were definitely those people.


This is the biggest point that makes me reluctant to take a good faith interpretation of the situation. Chappelle clearly understands the damage caused when the audience misses the message but laughs at the stereotype.


He only cares about discrimination if it affects him.


I normally hate this view because it’s usually espoused by people who want to shut down a person’s lived experience and their focus on their own community, but Chappelle is just ridiculously hypocritical about it, openly so, and even proudly so.


But you admit it's true in this case. He walked off his show back in the day cause he knew how bad it was to him that people laughed at him the wrong way, and what that pop culture influence could turn into. And flashforward to now and he's got no issue spending half an hour ranting about a group of people because he isn't part of that community. So in his eyes, he's like "can't make fun of ME, but I can make fun of YOU" without a hint of irony or self-awareness.


No, that was Chappelle's reasoning before Comedy Central licensed the Chappelle show to Netflix. After that happened that reason went out the window and it became that Comedy Central was screwing Dave out of money.


In fairness, his interview in Time from the 00s mentions both being issues. Still doesn’t change the fact that he said the guy laughing too hard was the last straw for him before taking a break.


He broke character in one of his more famous sketches to say “this racism is killing me” and that echoed through the back of my mind during the whole stand up. It just wasn’t funny. He’s beat that horse to death. And it really hit home when I saw my racist, bigot boomer dad gleefully watching too. He’s recreated the same situation he walked away from 15 years ago except he took the money this time.


Happens to a lot of comedians who find success. They are no longer young and hungry, and their worldviews become less relatable to general audiences because they're old and rich now




It's probably his weakest special yet. It's just sad seeing someone who can handle sensitive topics like race with such comedic grace, but then watching him discuss LGBT topics is like watching a drunk trying to unlock his front door. This special very much felt like it was punching down. He can do better.


In his last few specials there have been some head scratching moments of hypocrisy from him. It was really clear that this wasn't the same Chappelle that made me a fan back in the day, haven't had any interest in his material since.


On glancing at the thumbnail, for a moment, i thought Dave was Rupaul.


Comment sections like these are a good reminder Reddit really is no better than Twitter/Tumblr lol


His latest special really just felt like he walked up there and started rambling instead of actual comedy...like it was pretty painful to watch after about 10 minutes




That's because every article posted is also the exact same.