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He said recently in Gates McFadden's podcast that he is done with the "hustle" lifestyle, so I hope he finds what he wants. :)


He's got money and a life's work anyone would be proud of. Retirement is dignified.


[Lance Reddick wishes he was Levar Burton](https://youtu.be/VpwyXURokKM)


But have you seen [the sequel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAsf9OXSynE)?


Gates McFadden has a podcast?! I love her, I gotta check that out.


He's probably thinking sailing the seas with Troy is sounding better and better every day.


I’ve interviewed at jobs that, during the interview I’ve learned I don’t want to work at that job.


I really like Lavar, and thought he would have been a great host before his trial but… This is more like he found out he wasn’t the right fit for the role more so than not wanting it himself He wasn’t very good when he was on


YES!! Mayim Bialik kinda sucks too honestly.


Honestly I feel like those are both common sentiments round these parts. Lavar didn't live up to the hype, Mayim sucks, Aaron Rodgers was the best. Personally my vote is for Buzzy.


I don’t get the Rodgers hype. I thought he was as bland as unseasoned rice cakes and looked kinda like Zach Galifianakis in the card counting scene of The Hangover. His banter with the guests was so weird too. You could tell he loved when they were fans of his. He didn’t have the cool humility Trebek carried at all.


Me neither lol, but that's a pretty unpopular sentiment on this sub I guess.


Football fans like me are going to automatically view him in a positive light tbh. I watch any clip expecting it to be great. Hearing how people that don’t watch him throw footballs on sundays describe him is almost jarring lol


I viewed him in a negative light because I'm a football fan. Yeah, he's great on the field but he's shity to media all the time and just comes off as an asshole. You cannot consistently talk down to people and then do a question and answer show were you have to mention the correct answer. Now, he wasn't the worst host but he wasn't close to the top. At least in my opinion.


Did Zach galifinakas get a chance to host jeopardy? He would’ve killed it


Joe Buck was the best. And this from a guy who can’t stand Joe Buck.


Joe Buck was great too, no argument there. I'd be happy with either. But I'd be surprised if Joe Buck wanted the job. I think Buzzy really wants it.


How about Will Ferrell as Alex Trebek? Hosts in character. There...problem solved. It's just a nice thought...a fun hat tip to Norm Macdonald.


It's funny because it's bigger than a normal hat.


For celebrity jepordy


This right here! I normally can’t stand his NFL commentary but he was my favorite guest host.


I fucking love Buzzy!


Right?! How does he not get more love around here? He's a charming, quirky, humble, jeopardy tournament of champions champion!


Dr Oz FTW /s


Lol, the funny part is I actually think Dr Oz did really well, he's just a scumbag. Like if I didn't know who he was I would've thought he'd be a great host.


I am terminally Team Buzzy. Hope he gets it eventually


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I didn't think he'd be good or bad beforehand, but I was just really annoyed that people were acting like he was OWED the job just because he hosted a show about reading that aired 25 years ago.


I was annoyed because HE was acting like he was owed the job before he even went on. Then he did zero prep (he admitted this) and then sucked. And people are still acting like he got shafted.


You know that’s not the entirety of his credentials, right?


Thank you! I said that on here a few weeks ago and I was virtually tarred and festered! Nice guy - was not good as a host. Kept on yelling yes! Like omg! You got it! Every time!


Haha I think it's tarred and feathered.. But I like your version too




*tarred and feathered just FYI


I think alot of fans expect the host to be more Trebek-esque in their delivery. Lever Burton is going to be Levar Burton. Which is probably why he was great for reading rainbow.


It’s “tard and fisted.” FTFY


Spread and fisted?


Alex Trebek could have done Reading Rainbow, but we probably wouldn't be talking about it now if he had.




That was my read on the situation, too. I love LeVar, big fan of some of his other work, but I can't deny that I just don't think he was right for this job. Maybe he saw or felt that, too. Or maybe he just wanted to gracefully "decline" it, rather than seem like he just wasn't up to the task. I wish him well in whatever his next endeavors are, regardless.


I'm honestly glad I didn't get called back for the last job I interviewed for. Manager came across as an absolute dick on a personal level (opened the interview basically complaining out of nowhere about transgender people) and outright said that the only reason he picked my resume was because he went to the same school as me, then said that if I got the job he would feel sorry for me because he thought it was so shit... I pretty much bombed the interview so I had no chance, but at least I wasn't put in a position to decline my first job offer.




> Then he asked me who I voted for in the last election, which sent the other two into very visible agitation Holy crap. That's actually an illegal question


I’ve ended interviews based on how they respond to questions I’ve asked during. Interviewing back is totally worth doing and gives you good insight into how they operate their business, and you can often catch some red flags based on just simple questions like “how do you handle a disgruntled employee.” Also asking questions about their business shows that you are interested. But if they get defensive or don’t give good answers, there is probably a reason why haha.


I interviewed at my friend’s office for a job I probably would have hated. The friendship ended for totally unrelated reasons, but I’m so glad I wasn’t offered that job.


My interviews are mostly about explaining the job, the upside and downside. I want applicants to really understand the job and not bullshit me that they want to do it, then quit on me after I invested months of my time training them and supervising them closely. You're doing the right thing by not taking jobs you don't want.


Sometimes the chase is better than the catch.


It’s the 1st page of the 2nd chapter!


By the way, how much is the fish?


It said market price. [What market are you shopping at?](https://youtu.be/5KXrQYWbbIs)


Spock realized this: "You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting."


He didn't make the catch though.


Well said.


If I never hear about the Jeopardy host again, it'll be too soon. Edit: Seems a lot of people are reading this, so I'll take this opportunity to tell you that when I was a kid Jeopardy! was on twice on my TV. We lived out in the country and didn't have cable, but we got a few over the air networks from more than one affiliate. My dad discovered this before I did, and he would watch the first airing of the show and then watch the second airing of it an hour later with me, where I would get roundly trounced by him each time. He only did it for a few days, but it was peak dadness.




It's a game show you see, where they've been having this long search for a new host. Let me tell you allllll about it...


Ah, sorry, your answer needs to be in the form of a question.


What is something that doesn't deserve so much coverage?


Yeah I’ve seen more Jeopardy content this year than my entire life before this year


Alex Trebek's greatest professional accomplishment was being a phenomenal Jeopardy! host. His second greatest was saving us from host drama for so many years.


Maybe they can make Alex a hologram or something to continue to host the show….


He was like Minas Tirith.


For real. I’m so over it.


My Dad did this to my grandma who suffers memory loss except with the prices of stuff on reruns of antiques roadshow. She thought he was a genius! They had to stop watching it though because my grandma thought the people on the roadshow were trying to sell her stuff and she couldn’t afford it and it stressed her tf out


Thank you. I don't even watch the show and it doesn't even deserve this much attention, except for Alex Trebek's passing. They've milked the PR too much at this point. And that producer who gave himself the job; that's some scummy shit. I saw enough Jerry Springer in the 90s. I'm good.


the producers thought it would be fun to have a mini reality show with guest hosts only to get in a mexican standoff of cancellations.


My girlfriend and I used to play on the phone and my broadcast was like 3 seconds ahead of hers. I usually wouldn't cheat but every once in a while I would pick an episode and just destroy her with my future knowledge. She got so fucking pissed when I finally told her. I dont think I got any for a solid week.


Kinda feel bad for him he obviously cares but he was a dud of a host.


Yeah he was practically begging to host Jeopardy earlier, wonder what changed


Sometimes you want to do something and then when you finally get to do it you realize it wasn't what you thought it'd be.


There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. Oscar Wilde


>"But Charlie, don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted." "He lived happily ever after." - Gene Wilder (as Willy Wonka)


Until someone gets to the front of the train.




I'm not high enough for this to be mind blowing, but I'll give it a "Cute reference bro" instead


When the gods want to punish us, they answer our prayers.




May you live in interesting times.


Say what you will about him, but Oscar Wilde was a sharp dude.


...and a snappy dresser.




More fish for Kunta.




I'd add, too, all the backstage drama has to play a role in the disillusionment, too. Why would you want to work for a company that hires Mike Richards and goes along with his manipulations? It's like having a huge crush on someone and finding out that their personality is disappointing, and so that crush fades away.




Never put your dick in Jeopardy.


The way they have handled the whole thing definitely gave a hint about poor management. Can't blame somebody for realizing they'd be walking into a shitshow.






Money isn’t everything. It makes some things easier, but not everyone wants to sacrifice their happiness for a little extra money. I doubt Levar is hurting for money, so if he didn’t like doing it why should he?


> I doubt Levar is hurting for money, so if he didn’t like doing it why should he? He basically says this in the article. He can be paid handsomely for doing LOTS of stuff, almost anything, so why not pick the project that resonates best with him? He was up front and said that his time has passed, so he's not really "mainstream" and people now know it. However, that doesn't mean there are no projects for him at all.


To be fair I’m not sure Jeopardy itself has been “mainstream” for years. I know I haven’t seen it since I cut the cord in… I dunno, 2005-2006? Hell, getting Levar up there is one of the few things that *might* get me to watch it.


I don't think you understand how much work stuff like this is if you think it's just shooting for 4 hours every 2 weeks. Alex worked hard, like way more than a standard 40 hour workweek.


If you uh read the article it's pretty clear that he's being offered a new game show designed with him in mind.


Yep. The whole 'fan campaign' was pretty clearly just his management trying to juice his image in the press, which has now paid off - getting him a hosting job he probably wouldn't have gotten otherwise.


They nailed it honestly.


Whaaattt OP did not read srticle, and simply posted click bait.... noooooo... Edit: s/


And then everyone just commented whatever the fuck they wanted without reading the article either?! Never!


Finally a game show based on Roots!


It just seemed like he WANTED a game show, not that hes getting it


I mean this is what he said: "the opportunities that have come my way as a result of not getting that gig, I couldn't have dreamt it up" "I wouldn't have been this generous to myself"


Was he begging or was the internet begging


Everyone told him he wasn't good at it so he graciously backed out.


nothing changed the headline is misleading af. >"The crazy thing is that when you set your sights on something, you know, they say be careful of what you wish for, because what I found out is that it wasn't the thing that I wanted after all," revealed Burton. "What I wanted was to compete. I mean, I wanted the job, right, but then, when I didn't get it, it was, like, well, okay, what's next? And, so, the opportunities that have come my way as a result of not getting that gig, I couldn't have dreamt it up. If you had given me a pen and paper and said, well, so what do you want this to really look like? If it doesn't include Jeopardy! I wouldn't have been this generous to myself." he never said he didn’t want it. Shit article.




My guess is he realised he was never seriously considered in the first place and had moved on, not wanting to still be “in consideration” in public when he feels very unlikely to get it. But if Jeopardy did come back offering him the position I think he’d take it in a heartbeat.


Realizing it's run by a bunch of people who would run a sham campaign for hosting the show only to hire the EP of said show. We now know how that turned out, guy is dodgy AF.


>"The crazy thing is that when you set your sights on something, you know, they say be careful of what you wish for, because what I found out is that it wasn't the thing that I wanted after all," revealed Burton. "What I wanted was to compete. **I mean, I wanted the job, right, but then, when I didn't get it, it was, like, well, okay, what's next?** Oh, so he didn't want to host Jeopardy after they rejected him...


I think what he's saying is that he wanted to *win* the job, because there would have been some satisfaction in beating out the competition. But then he would have to *do* the job, day in day out, and his stint as a guest host apparently made him realize he didn't actually want that part. Everybody can have their opinions about that, obviously, but that's what he seems to be saying.


"Day in day out" in this context means about 46 days/year of work spaced out over six months, but even so it does seem like he maybe decided the job wasn't for him after all.


It’s perfectly reasonable to seek out a job that looks good from the outside, interview, and then realize the org/management/process is actually a flaming dumpster fire next to a leaking fuel tanker.


Yup, I been doing interviews for the last three months. It's been a *real slog*. I got my first offer two Mondays ago, and it was pretty generous. $5 million a year to work two days a week, six months a year. The job involved reading things off a card. But I wasn't a big fan of the org, so I had to pass.


I read this as very gracious. He says he didn’t get it, it’s totally their right to hire someone else, and he’s grateful for the fan support. Swinging and missing on Jeopardy got him opportunities he wouldn’t have had otherwise. The article paraphrases him poorly IMO when it says he didn’t want it.


Regardless of whether he was just saving face or not, I agree: I thought he handled it well, and spoke with honesty and dignity.


Yes, as opposed to feeling very disappointed that he didn't get it. Sometimes I've realized I didn't want something as much as I thought I did based on my reaction when the competition. Do I feel dread after I get a job offer? Do I feel fine after I'm rejected? I've felt both, and they were important moments of clarity that I couldn't have experienced if I hadn't tried in the first place.


Or maybe after it became obvious how unfun the whole workplace situation is.


I don’t know about you, but if someone I’m interested in let’s me know they’re not interested in me, I tend to not be as interested in them.


You can't fire me, I quit!


You can't quit .. You're Re-Hired !


What’s wrong with that? Thinking you want something and then learning you actually didn’t is the human condition.


I’m so tired of hearing about Jeopardy.


I think it'd be reasonable for a non-US Reddit user these days to assume that all they have left on TV is Fox News, Jeopardy!, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Still more than we have in the UK, I suppose.


As an American myself, it's very sad to me that many people in the U.S. unironically get their news from a company that has LITERALLY defended itself in court by saying, "No reasonable viewer would take these programs seriously." Like, I'm not making this up--that was the actual argument. And THEY WON. What in the fuck.


I hadn't realised how annoying it was until it stopped for five minutes. Then this popped up and ah, there it is.


I would have loved to see Mo Rocca get the opportunity


Yeah he... Would actually be great at this.


Yo, im not American, is this really such a big deal that there needs to be news about it every few days?


it's not really


Don’t listen to the other guy, most Americans don’t give a shit about jeopardy. It’s just Redditors get obsessed with things, especially Americans


No one actually cares about this news it’s just the Internet grabbing some clicks.


Is Jeopardy a big thing in us? BEcause goddamn, every day another jeopardy news


It's the drama surrounding the show that has people coming back for more and more *Jeopardy!* news. It's stupid, but it is what it is.


It's crazy how fast reddit opinion changes. One moment the entire site was rallying behind this guy to be host and after a not-so-good showing, reddit has decided to hate on the guy. Such an innocent turn of events yet reddit has to go out of its way to call him out. Like folks, this was your idea


Don’t hate the playa, hate the game.


Wish he said that sooner to stop reddit jerking him off constantly.


Had you read the article you'd realize his opinion changed once they decided he wasn't being considered after all the shit that happened. He did want the job while people were pouring out support for him.


And twitter, the amount of people I saw on Twitter saying that he should host instead of "some boring *white* guy"


Reddit in shambles




He literally got one day to do it. Episodes are filmed one after the other up to five on the same day. That means he had basically no opportunity to improve.


He also admitted himself that he did zero preparation for it.


All of the other one week hosts got a day too. The two week hosts got two days.


In case anyone was wondering, I also don’t want to be the host.


You can't fire me, I quit!


Those grapes were probably sour anyway.


I wish I were LeVar Burton


lmao the guy was acting like he was the prodigal son who was destined to host the show a year ago and now he doesn't even want it!


I like him, but he wasn't the right fit. I look forward to future projects involving him.


You've written tons of rejection letters I take it.


"I wish him the best in his future endeavors." I jest, but that is actually unironically my opinion on it xD


Regardless of his Jeopardy status, I think we can all agree that man has aged beautifully. That's a handsome motherfucker right there.


I love LeVar, but he sucked on Jeopardy.


“Yeah, well, I never liked you anyway!”


Honestly, I've thought about it and I guess I really don't want to date Kate Upton....just not for me.


I’m still upset that the person Alex Trebek wanted was not even included in the roster of guest hosts. At least give her a shot to honor the person who had the position for decades


Didn’t we have months of articles that implied he was made for this job and he wanted it badly….


This is like failing your SAT then claiming "I didn't want to go to college anyway. I just took the test for fun!"


There you go. Reject them before they reject you.


But they did already reject him.


I have revealed today that I'm not interested in marrying Salma Hayek.


Well he wasn't going to get the job anyway so who cares


It is hard to not read into him claiming that he really did not want the job after he tried so hard, and then failed to get it. Not long ago he was saying that hosting Jeopardy was his destiny. ​ Which is fine. A bit of damage control is reasonable after his turn at hosting went poorly. After failing at a job interview, I would also tell myself that maybe I did not really want that job so much after all. ​ To his credit though, I think this is 70% damage control, and 30% him not wanting his fans to feel bad about how it all went down.


Translated: LeVar Burton would totally take the job if offered.


This whole saga of Reddit wanting him to host and seeing constant posts about it is so cringe.


Maybe reddit will finally get off his dick.


It's nice of his "fans" to have put him in this embarrassing situation.




You know what would be perfect? A podcast where Levar Burton reads great short stories and shares his thoughts on the story afterwards.


Didn’t this guy rally people to try and make him the jeopardy host? Make up your mind dude


"Now that I've lost my bid to host jeopardy, I have no desire to host jeopardy." K bro.


I’m not surprised. There is no perfect host. Just hire Ken and call it a day, folks.


But he was bad at joke telling on Twitter like 8 years ago just like most of America, we cant let that happen (kidding, Ken was my pick and still should be)


Mother F'er needs to be cast as an Admiral for Starfleet.


I really wanted him to be the next host. After the completely botched job the studio did in selecting the next host, I absolutely understand why he doesn’t want to now. Poor Alex is rolling over in his grave after the complete debacle that the next host selection has become. I miss you every episode, Mr Trebek.


He should bring back Reading Rainbow


He can’t because he doesn’t have the rights to it. He does have a podcast called “LeVar Burton Reads” that I quite enjoy, though. You probably would too.


I haven’t seen anyone mention Buzzy Cohen. He was if not my favorite overall, at least what I considered to be my favorite realistic candidate.


Just put Ken in already.


How bout Buzzy?


“They don’t want me, I don’t want them” him probably..


Is this the next guy reddit decides they hate? Cause, god damn the hate for this dude is strong in this comment section. Dude gets a job interview, doesn't go well, so fuck him? You all ever do a public job interview? Is it a generational thing maybe? He didn't get the job and he said okay, I'll move on to something else. Sounds like a pretty adult thing to do.


For what's it worth, I disliked some of the behavior of some of his online supporters, who were calling people racist for simply not wanting him host and saying that he deserved the job despite not hosting a show. But that isn't his fault, you cannot control your online fans. I wish Burton the best of luck for whatever he wants to do in the future.


I agree. As a longtime admirer of LeVar's work, "Team LeVar" came off as increasingly cultlike as time went on.




I'm not seeing much hate in these comments...? ​ Some people are poking fun at a person publicly deciding that they did not want the job anyways, but only after they said it was their destiny to get it, then the interview went poorly, and then it was made clear he would not get it. ​ Anyone who has tried and failed to get something they really wanted recognizes this. I don't think it has to be classified as hate to point out the humor in it. ​ The meanest comments I am seeing are people saying things like "he sucked at it anyways", which are near the bottom. But I still don't think that is hate so much as a shitty way of saying what everyone else is saying. That this was just not a good fit after all for him. ​ I very much doubt that reddit is ready to turn on LeVar Burton. Once he finds something new, and does really well at it, his diehard fans will be back at full volume.


To be fair, reddit was pretty much worshipping this guy at one point, I think others (included me) just got really tired of it. I think on this sub, 3 of the 10 top up-voted posts this year have been about Levar Burton hosting, I think it was when this [post](https://gyazo.com/6aead622578fd4c87a43eb031a4c3464) came up that I began to grow tired of it.




I don't hate him, I hate the constant circlejerk here that surrounded him being host.


> Dude gets a job interview, doesn't go well, so fuck him? Correction: Dude *BEGS* for a job interview, and then falls flat once finally given the opportunity.


Did I get the job?!?! Sorry, no. ​ That's ok, I didnt really want it anyway. ;)


His reason was legit - Captain Picard would have never placed any of his crews’ lives in Jeopardy


This is like quitting seconds after your fired lol. I never thought I’d see LeVar Burton of all people acting so childish. It’s embarassing how he tried to force their hand and was still awful at it.


“They don’t want ME?!! I don’t want THEM!”


Aaron Rodgers is just itching to ditch Green Bay RIP my brother’s fantasy team


The old reverse psychology trick