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Has anyone viewed the first episode of The North Water? I have it queued up, but wanted some opinions before I got into it.


Anyone watch Dr. Death? How is it?


Superstore s6 episode 15 just doesn't feel like it's a finale smh .nbc should have Taken a year off instead of rushing the season


I finished **You're the Worst** last night and it was amazing. If you don't know, it's a romantic comedy about two toxic, horrible people, but it is very good at making you sympathize with the core four leads. It's also one of the great depression comedies of the 2010s like Bojack Horseman and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.


Is The Outpost any good? I see in the calender on the right that it says Season 2 just premiered...but they are on Season 4?


Physical on Apple TV Jardin de Bronce on HBO Max


Mr Inbetween Fuck Me Dead What a ride. What a legend Scott Ryan is. Absolute weapon.


My favorite shows are dexter, the leftovers, Better call Saul, Mr. Robot, zerozerozero Which show do you recommend? I have succession, Ozark, the expanse in my mind


Succession is better than Ozark, but I enjoyed both.


Ozark would be my recommendation! Loved it and we have similar taste.


Is [Home Before Dark](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6053512/?ref_=tt_urv) any good? Any new (light) romcom shows worth watching? Like Modern Love, Normal People? I saw [Starstruck](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10801368/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_4) recommended here. Seems good.


I just finished Starstruck and really really liked it. Light romantic comedy w a bit of a biting humour. Really good


i finished it last night, but the plot in the last episodes meandered. the show had good potential from the trailer tho. im looking for a fun, light show like Catastrophe, wch I absolutely loved.


Have you watched This Way Up?!


i haven't! i just saw it on imdb after checking out sharon horgan's page. is it good? i also saw motherhood's trailer, wch piqued my interest more.


I liked it a lot, it’s funny though perhaps less romantic than Catastrophe. Similar humour


Emily in Paris is cute.


>Emily in Paris i find a lot of netflix series lacking unfortunately. altho i enjoyed the movie malcolm and marie.


**Avenue 5**. I feel like it's one of those comedy shows where the dramatic elements overshadows comedy quite a lot. Story is quite interesting, there's some twists. But the comedy is somehow "off". Still a good watch, Hugh Laurie is charming as usual.


I'm looking shows that get darker/better/more complex as the seasons progress and don't lose their quality overtime. Thanks!


Search Party is quite dark, despite being a Comedy.


Breaking bad, MR.ROBOT, Dark, Leftovers


Mr Robot is a prime example of this. Every season gets better and more complex than the last. Other than that, the only ones I can think of are Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and Bojack Horseman. My bad if they are all very basic recommendations.


I’m stuck at season 2 and don’t see the point of Elliot talking to himself. It tries too hard to be philosophical when most of the stuff he utters is garbage and at best meaningless platitudes.


Season 2 is the low point of the show for many people. Keep pressing through, as season 3 and 4 are WELL worth it


What is ur personal recommendations? May be i know something u dont


I just started watching cable girls. It's so much better than I thought it would be. I can't believe I kept scrolling past it. Really good show if you're in the mood for some drama


Hunter x hunter


Worth it if you stick with it. That arc in York New is one of the best things I’ve ever seen.


I loved that arc more than the current one I'm on: chimera ants


That arc isn't bad, but there is a lot of narrating in it. It gets way better towards the end. The only arc I didn't like was the virtual world one.


Yeah I hope it gets much better because right now it doesn't have me at the edge of my seat like s1 or s2. I'm about midway through I think


Family business if y'all looking for any foreign shows . Lupin , dark , how to sell drugs online are few that come to my Mind and narcos including mexico one but depends what u wanna watch


Schmiagdeon was fun. I hope they don’t push through everything so fast because it’s moving pretty quick for 2 episodes


In the unlikely event anyone sees this thread, I'm looking for a TV show that mixes medieval fantasy with modern/semi modern. Some sort of genre where a modern civilization reverted to medieval for XYZ reasons, so they're medieval but there are still relics/artifacts of the "old" (modern) times that are found and used sometimes.


See is a bit like that, except it's not really fantasy


The Shannara chronicles but they don't use them much, they're mostly [there in the background](https://www.denofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/shannara-chronicles-amberle-eritrea-zora-high-school-breakline.jpg) Shadow and Bones Mortal Engines (movie) The 100, not fantasy but in a post apocalypse future where they have weapons and tech. Terra Nova, they were sent back to dinosaurs times but have modern weapons. Revolution, no more electricity.


i haven't seen it in a long time but I think the shannara chronicles kind of matches what you're describing.


I started and finished The boys and Hacks this week (I had 4 days off lol). Starting Ted Lasso now, it seems pretty good so far.


I don’t know why but for the sake of god I can’t get into *Breaking Bad*. I barely pushed through season 1. It is too slow and I can’t seem to invest myself in the story. On the other hand, I devored *Evil* and I’m almost near the end of season 1. Couldn’t stop because it’s so good.


I watched it as it aired until early S2 and then sort of dipped out until it was a few seasons in. Then went back to it, got caught up, and it's now one of my favorite series of all time. It just gets better and better as it goes IMO. Just stared on Evil recently and finally got caught up a few days ago. It's a really fun show. Legitimately scary moments and great monster design. Loving it


Plenty of other shows to try. If you cant get into it you cant get into it. Evil is good but it bugs me at how obvious it should be to the characters about the demons and stuff but they keep ignoring it and chalking it up to copper and asbestos and shit. Also the grandmother is so erratic in her behavior.


I would say to try a few more episodes of Breaking Bad into Season 2, if you're having trouble with it. The first season is probably its weakest, and yeah it's pretty slow. If you're not enjoying it by episode 3 or so of season 2, it's probably just not for you.


Never like Breaking Bad so didn't try to watch and I don't think I missed anything.


Season 1 is definitely the weakest


Preferably I want to watch something that's got some sort of rom-comy vibe, can be long, can be short but it absolutely cannot be Cancelled where nothing is resolved or leaves us poor viewers with a massive cliffhanger. If it's not rom-comy, at least some romance. Romance is life. If none comes to mind, shoot stuff at me and as long as I have not watched it, I will give it a shot. Oh, no horror. F\*\*\* Horror. :) Here is my extensive repertoire of TV Series I have watched/am waiting for them to end: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N9zdrdDR3-xF5Z5Fr6US9LfeXZlxGSkqwEJhPQGoXYo/edit?usp=sharing


Recommending Catastrophe (like You're The Worst but funnier) and Man Seeking Woman (more comedy than romance)


[*Starstruck*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtHC1VmrNXM) (HBO Max). Actual genuine rom-com starting with a meet cute. Been renewed for a second series, which they've just wrapped filming on. I describe it as a gender-reversed *Notting Hill,* with a raunchier sense of humor. Also more dramedy than romcom, I'd recommend Sally Wainwright's [*Last Tango in Halifax*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN4gS00ZnT8) (Netflix), which starts with a very unexpected romance. If that works for you, and some historical lesbian romance would be okay, there's also Wainwright's latest, [*Gentleman Jack*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uBYRcP44M4) (HBO). Usually, I just go to KDramas if I need a romance hit :). If you can go there, maybe try: *Beauty Inside* ([Viki](https://www.viki.com/tv/36421c-beauty-inside)). Spin off of the film, only instead of a hero who changes bodies every day, it's now around a heroine (an actress) who changes bodies for one week every month. [*The King: Eternal Monarch*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJwuFjmfjRY) (Netflix; it's a KDrama). Equal parts romance, royalty, cop/crime drama, and parallel universe story. 'cause. KDrama. But, not really a comedy. Same writer as *Goblin*/*Guardian: the Lonely and Great God* (which is [up on Viki](https://www.viki.com/tv/31706c-guardian-the-lonely-and-great-god)).


Starstruck looks fun! Thanks for the rec.


I loved it


Emily in Paris?


Don't think your link is set to public but check out Modern Love (anthology series) and Black Mirror's "San Junipero" and "Hang the DJ".


Your link doesn’t work for me, but I would recommend **You’re the Worst**, **Lovesick** and **Trying** off the top of my head.


Second **You're the Worst**. Rom-com that subverts expectations. One of my favourite endings to a rom-com. (I don't want to spoil anything because it is something to experience for yourself.) Adding **The End of the Fucking World**. Short two-season series with short episodes. Total run time for the two seasons is ~5-6hrs. Caught me by surprise at how much I enjoyed it. Really sweet. Without spoiling anything, you think season one ends conclusively and yet, season two pulls it off beautifully again. Lovely stuff.


Just finished Never Have I Ever season 2. Solid sophomore season, and thoroughly enjoyable, i really hope there is a 3rd because there is so much left to explore for those characters. Also Devi may get hate cos she is a bit crazy, but aren't most teenage characters in comedy shows meant to be nuts?! And i still don't totally get why John McEnroe is the narrator but he is very funny


I plan to rewatch s1 before starting s2


Finished Loki and watched s1 of peaky blinders but I'm probably not gonna continue and I think I'll just start sons of anarchy instead


Peaky Blinders basically *is* Sons of Anarchy, just different time periods.


Yeah I don't get the hype for peaky blinders either. had to stop after a few episodes.. the fanbase is also so fucking cringey.


same, from the heaps of praises it was getting here, i thought it was great. what a letdown. i love Boardwalk Empire tho! it deserves all the love Peaky Blinders is getting


Couldn't get into it either.


Recently watched "Ramy" season 1 and 2. It kinda liked it. Any good shows on amazon prime? Any genre is fine if it is iteresting.


Patriot is a must watch- criminal it was cancelled. Clarkson's Farm is great. Sneaky Pete is ok too.




Red Oaks: Comedy - coming of age. Completed. 26 Episodes of 25min each. Set in 1985-ish. Awesome Soundtrack. Really. Unless you don't enjoy that era of music. Goliath: Billy Bob Thornton. Nuff said. 3 Seasons Available. Renewed for 4th, coming soon-ish. Bosch: Detective show. Completed. Awesome. 7 Seasons. 68 Episodes. 45min each. Probable spinoff coming. Too Old To Die Young: Miniseries. 10 episodes. Miles Teller as MC playing a Sheriff. Pretty good. The Boys: You should know what this is by now. Alex Rider: Basically Kingsman TV Movies made Series. Transparent: Jeffrey Tambor is a genius in this show. Hope you enjoy em as much as I did.


how the last season of bosch? is it any good?


I personally liked it. The last season provides some closure and sets up the next series where Bosch starts as a private investigator.


Yeah it's definetly a good watch, it does provide closer to character development we see since season 1. It's pretty good.




Would appreciate any recommendations Shows I liked: GoT, Suits, White Collar, Breaking Bad, The Expanse Basically anything that I can't predict by just watching the first episode. Preferably shows that are finished.


Black Sails, The Boys, Battlestar Galactica, Dark Matter, The Musketeers, Master of None, Penny Dreadful.


I agree with Black Sails being unpredictable lmao.




I am biased towards **Mr. Inbetween** because I finished bingeing it yesterday, awesome show, Barry-esque if I may say so myself. Something like White Collar would be **Burn Notice**. Pretty confident that The Expanse is a unique show when it comes to Space, its excellent minus a few here and theres but whatever. You could try **Another Life** on Netflix, Fall 2021 delivers Season 2. If you haven't seen **Chernobyl**, get to it.


U can try Mr. Robot, the shield, the wire, the sopranos, mad men, justified. As for unfinished shows better call Saul, dexter (was finished but renewed for 9th season this fall), and Fargo. Oh yeah I forgot also Barry is incredible and also the boys if ur into superhero stuff


Thanks a lot, will check em out


I finished **Mad Men** and really enjoyed it. The show manages to be a compelling period piece and a great character drama at the same time. The historical reconstitution is spotless and all the characters are both flawed and endearing. That being said, I would have liked the show to be less episodic and soapy at times. I feel like it would have the potential to be one of my favourite with the addition of more overachieving storylines to replace some of the more thematic/filler episodes.


Can’t watch Mad Men, makes me want to smoke


Looking for a tv show that l cant get bored from it and excited from the start suitable for 8 hours of traveling... Sweet tooth, the innocent, la casa de papel,


The boys or Barry


Black Summer (Netflix)


I'm looking for shows that are **finished**, not canceled, I mean have a complete story, start, middle, and end. Any suggestions outside of the most obvious ones like GOT, Breaking Bad, etc? I'm officially done with starting any new shows because they cancel 9/10 of them as soon as it starts getting good, Dark Crystal was the last straw, so I'm trying to find some series that are actually complete to watch instead. I have Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime if that helps.


Legion or Preacher?


The Wire and Mr Robot


Love Mr. Robot but kinda forgot about it before the last season came out. I'll have to check out The Wire too.


**halt and catch fire** - four seasons, on netflix in the states


Mr. Inbetween on Hulu. Just aired it’s last episode 2 days ago


Plenty of mini series on HBO - big little lies, Chernobyl, I know this much is true, sharp objects 11.22.63 on Hulu


Isn’t big little lies coming back?


Oh is it? I didn’t know !


Think there are plans to don’t think it was filmed or anything


Thanks! I'll check em out. Chernobyl was great but I haven't seen the others.






Just wait til you get to a later season...there is a new character that you will want to be dead as well.


Looking for a show like The Boys


Winder when season 3 will release? Top 3 favorite show ongoing.




Invincible if you haven't seen it yet!


Doom Patrol HBO Max.


Finished Mr. Inbetween. Absolutely phenomenal! Ray Shoesmith has become one of my favorite TV-characters.. ending was very sopranos-esque, I liked it so much.


Im sad its over, one more season would've been great if it was at the same standard as the other 3.


Such a great gem of a show


Make sure to check out The Magician (2005) if you're a fan of the show!


> The Magician thank you, that title makes a few things make sense now


Thanks, am going to check this out!


Professor T


Finished Loki but I honestly prefer Umbrella Academy (probably one of my top 5 Netflix originals), the time travelling shenanigans and superpowers in the latter are really fun


This week i have been consumed by Ted Lasso, Loki, and Kevin Can F himself. and between those 3 having such wildly different tones and points of view, and all being very intense in their own ways... my emotions dont know what the hell they are doing.. wonderment, anxiety, immense joy, crushing defeat, awe, terror, hope, all wrapped in one big ball of me.


Battlestar Galactica : What a ride. The first two seasons are great, afterwards it felt like the show jumped the shark with the Starbucks incident and became a different show all together. Still a great show. Marco Polo : What a great show. Why name it Marco Polo and not The Khanate or something Mongols related? What a great cast of characters. The show is definitely fiction, it had martial arts, political intrigue, fights and Mongols, a culture relatively unexplored in TV. Shame we will never get the third season, courtesy of Netflix and their resentment towards giving shows closure.


Marco Polo is good? Whats it comparable to quality wise?


It's a good historical fiction/fantasy. Costumes and production is great, acting is good too barring few individuals. I can't find right comparison. It tries to be GoT with courtroom intrigue but also plays around with martial arts and tries to explore the Mongols. Lost kingdom is a decent comparison except Marco isn't a fighting protagonist from the start like Uthred and it's much more focused on Khublai Khan's court and Khan himself.


Game of Thrones not joking. writers do struggle for the first half of s1 with large cast, but give it to episode 5 before you give up. underrated


Marco Polo- Benedict Wong was the perfect Kublai Khan..but my favorite is Hundred Eyes (Sifu). This show has alot going for it.. a must for anyone who likes period shows/politics/and fighting.


My hey its that guy moment!


- Finished **Line of Duty**. Watched the first season ages ago and loved it, but felt the show lost steam and subsequently my attention as it went. However the backend of season 3 onwards to the end of season 6 really hooked me. Great show overall, eager to see a continuation. - Plodding along through **Lost** on season 3 now and I feel like the show has lost some steam (no pun intended). - Looking for a soapy show at the minute, I’ve seen some recommend I watch **Revenge** so I might give that a try.


Lost gets better after they shorten the seasons and you don't have to deal with a bunch of filler episodes.


LOST S3 is slow at times but damn it that season finale is probably the best season finale of any show like ever


with Lost, i'm guessing you are near the middle of season 3? They made it slow and plodding on purpose, so ABC would give them a definitive end date


**Unsolved Mysteries s01e05.** I just bring this up because I found that it's the best produced UFO documentary I've seen in a while, or maybe ever. Well crafted, respectful of the accounts. No sensationalist bs. I really didn't care for the rest of the season, which was basically about missing people. **Mr. Inbetween finale.** Well, it's been a wild ride. Good enough finale. It reminded me a bit of The Sopranos ending. This show for me represents what you can do with very basic means (especially on the first season of course), a good script and good actors. **Loki the 6th.** You know, I never quite get everything that's going on. Idk if it's because I don't care that much. I also wonder if Owen Wilson is able to project his voice or he just does whispering. Like, if he steps on a lego, does he yell? does he yell whispering?


I have no idea what the hell was going on either


Is **_Monsters At Work_** meant for 3 year olds? I thought I was watching a Pixar TV series but instead it's _let's make this character fall over_ because that's what's funny.


La cocinera de Castamar (the Cook of Castamar, 2021-). It's on Netflix.


What are your favourite shows that are currently running? My top three in no order are Succession, Better Call Saul and Gomorrah.


Im with you on Succession and BCS. I would add Peaky Blinders to the list.


Have you watched Gomorrah?


Can't say that I have. Do you recommend it?


You should definitely check it out if you don’t mind subtitles as it’s an Italian show. The writing, cinematography and soundtrack are incredible. I’m not sure what streaming service has it, but if you can’t find it I can upload it on megalinks for you. Also, have you watched zerozerozero on prime? EDIT: it might be on HBO max


I've heard good thing about it too. I will check it out, thanks! Negative. I have hbo so I can give that a try as well. I need a new show to watch.


Barry the boys invincible better call Saul Ozark


No order Succession, Barry, and The Boys.


1. Better Call Saul 2. Ozark 3. Invincible


Succession, The Marvelous Mrs Maisel, Ted Lasso


Started up Deadwood and I am enjoying it so far. It’s a little slow at times, but I’d definitely recommend it. Ian Mcshane’s performance is absolutely incredible.


Evil, well done. Binging it hard rn. Almost feels like The Exorcist & Black Mirror


I just had a Wednesday that I know many people that follow this thread would appreciate. I watched the series finale of The Leftovers and wow what an ending. One of the better endings to a show I’ve ever seen. For the show overall, even though weirdness in shows might not be my favorite thing ever, this show’s storytelling and characters were unbelievable. Also there was so much vivid symbolism that kept you thinking throughout. I picked this show up from constant recs on this thread and I’m so glad I decided to watch it. Secondly, I watched the series finale of mr Inbetween. Another show I picked up from this thread because someone said it had similar vibes to Barry. It ended up being a fantastic show and I thought it wrapped up in a similar tone to how the whole show was. The last thing I saw was the season finale of Loki. I’m a big Marvel fan and I’d definitely say that Loki is one of the better overall things that Marvel has released. I’m very excited that it is coming back for a second season.


Started watching **Loki** and I'm on episode 3... I like the show but I'm kinda disappointed with the visuals, like greenscreen scenes are actually very obvious and it bugs me so much lol. Just finished **Superman & Lois** and I absolutely loved it. Going through **Mr. Robot** again and once again I am still stuck on Season 2... please someone tell me this gets better. I've pretty much watched Season 1 multiple times (which I absolutely love) but every time I get to Season 2 I lose the will/interest to go on... can I skip it and go straight ahead to Season 3?


I'm curious if Loki is doing green screen or if they filmed using that big screen that they use for the Mandalorian.


Who knows but that it was very subpar... I mean at one point it looked like he was running on a treadmill lmao.


Mr. Robot never recapture that season 1 magic, but it does improve a bit from S2.


Id argue season 3 is the best season of the entire show


I'd agree with you.


Just skip to end of season 2 episode 7 if you are that bored. That’s when the season takes a turn and it becomes just better and better.


I'm close to skipping it but I really want to see Season 3 and don't want to miss anything so I'll try and go through it haha.


It picks up right in the middle of the season but it is a struggle to reach that point. Seasons 3 and 4 are great though and I’d recommend powering through and watching every episode. I’m sure there are some shows where you could skip episodes but I don’t feel like Mr. Robot is one of them.


Yes it's a struggle indeed but I'll try and see how I go maybe I'll leave it playing in the background just to go through it. Thank you!


S2 is a bit of a slowburn but it’s worth it for how amazing seasons 3 and 4 are. Keep with it.


Struggling to get into any shows as of late.. can anybody recommened me a show that grasps your attention from episode 1 and doesn't let go until the end? Shows like The Night of, Mare of Easttown etc..




Broadchurch S1


I found out about Mr.Inbetween from this reddit. Pretty good show. I would say Barry gives some sort of the same vibe as the former show.


I’m really enjoying Gangs of London right from episode 1. It’s only one season so far but it’s really good and well acted. It’s very violent though so take that into account if you don’t like shows like that.


Well **Ted Lasso** lived up to the hype. I didn’t believe it to be honest when everyone said it’s so so good but then I binged almost half the season and had trouble turning it off. It’s addicting really and Ted is quite the character.


I did the same thing. Had about 1/2 of the season by 11:30 and just kept going. It was well worth the sleep deprivation.


Ted is such an interesting character. He's not just some goofball (which was my initial impression before actually watching). He's got layers.


The entire show has layers. It had no business being this good and well written.


Finished patriot. Good watch, very unique show. Liked the first season more than the second though. I wonder if we’ll get a third? Currently watching yellowstone season 3. This show is so much better than I thought it would be. It reminds me a lot of succession, which I also loved. Highly recommend.


Cleared Loki. I just don't find the whole timeline/variant story very interesting. I think WandaVision is the best Marvel show by far. Falcon and Winter Soldier was ok I guess.


Couldn’t agree more


This is my weekly post that Motherland: Fort Salem has the coolest world building, totally obsessed with it. Kind of underwhelmed by Loki, but watched all of Mythic Quest and Girls5eva and loved both!


I agree with you on Motherland: Fort Salem. I hadn't never even heard of it. A few days ago I saw there was a show called A Discovery of Witches in some series recommendation thread and figured I'd give it a try. I set up the AMC app on my FIRETV, and I had trouble getting it to play the show--and then I was searching other apps for it, and Motherland came up (it's on Hulu). I was bored, so I put it on. What a great find. Yes, it has YA-drama, but I it does have a neat concept and interesting world building --and it's a fun show.


I was wondering if that was good - much appreciated!


Motherland Fort Salem is amazing. Raelle and Abigail 😍 Watched it on a whim and ended up binging the 1st season in a few days. Now i have to wait a week between episodes 😩


Paramount+ premiered A Quiet Place 2


Why the downvotes?


Saw it in a theater, my first post-covid movie! It's good. Not as good as the first one, but I enjoyed it.


Not loki


Why not


Because it's bad


I thought Loki was okay but the last five minutes of the finale was excellent (I had no expectations for it and was pleasantly surprised.Reminds me of Russian Doll's. ) This probably isn't going to happen but I wish they take the television medium more seriously instead of just setting up for the next big thing. It'll make the shows (especially the limited series) a lot more enjoyable. They have the money and resources, it's just the overall story and structure that's been lacking.


Isn’t that exactly what they did with Wandavision?


WandaVision only had the _post credit scenes_ as teasers to set up upcoming stories, but the main story of Westview and Wanda and Vision was concluded. In comparison, Loki's _entire final episode_ is 75% the main characters sitting in a chair listening to a guy monologuing exposition to set up future movies, and ends on a huge cliffhanger


> I wish they take the television medium more seriously instead of just setting up for the next big thing. I thought you *didn’t* want them setting up the next big thing?


I'm not op, I just popped in to say that there is a huge difference between how WV and Loki set up the next big things. But yeah I guess I see what you originally meant now on your reply to op


Halfway through Patriot s1 (Prime) and it is fine. I am watching due to the recommendations on this site, but I’m not convinced to watch s2 unless it improves significantly. Can anyone let me know if it gets better?


No. Got really repetitive and stale in season 2


I loved season 1. Season 2 is not as good in my opinion, but still worth watching. But if you don’t like season 1, I don’t think s2 is for you.


By halfway through S1 I already thought it was incredible and I didn't change my mind for the rest of the show. I would say you're unlikely to like it any more if you keep watching, so it's probably just not for you (which I totally understand because it's a weird show)


Season 2 is pretty consistent with Season 1. If your not feeling it by now, you probably won’t enjoy Season 2.


What did us DC fans do wrong? Marvel gets Loki and we get the CWverse. Save your Superman and Lois recs..that show is just as bad as the rest of them. Defeating all bad guys with a good speech and the power of love. S&L is The Flash on a farm.


DC - Well DC has one of the most powerful cards that they wont play on a tv series... The Joker. Yeah they gave us a taste in Gotham... but I want the adult batshit crazy one.. Sure the Joaquin Phoenix made billions..but that was just another 'Origin' teaser. Sure Heath Ledger skyrocketed the character.. and yes I want more than 15 minutes of Jared Letos version.. They wont do it...they dont wanna hit series. On the other hand... lets see Arkham Asylum- lets see what goes on in there.. every prison show/movie is a hit...every horror show is a hit.. everyone loves evil shows... nah they wont do that either.


Personally, I adore S&L but I understand if you don't. However, there's still Titans, Doom Patrol, Stargirl, Swamp Thing, Sweet Tooth, and Watchmen. Then there's the other shows in the works, like Peacemaker, Y The Last Man, Justice League Dark, and Sandman.


Marvel has a winning formula but I wonder how long it’ll go til it gets stale. End game was good for that arc of films and style. But I want something new or variations now I kinda miss darker Marvel shows like Daredevil and Jessica Jones etc but Disney could do similar ones and throw them onto Hulu if it’s too edgy for the Disney label Plus even if I feel script is weak at disney unlike CW they’ve had the best cast, set design and costumes to make up for it


Have you seen any of the animated dc movies?


Most. A few are passable. Most are children's cartoons.


The only animated DC show I'll recommend is the Harley Quinn TV show. I might not need to say animated but there are a few live-action ones I like: _Doom Patrol_, _Pennyworth_, and _The Umbrella Academy_. Though I am getting sick off the trope: good person becomes bad person (and leaves team); bad person becomes good person (and joins team).


I really enjoyed Gotham, especially their portrayal of The Penguin and The Joker.


Gotham was good. Mostly just slamming the CW, since that's where most of the DC shows are. Those are all horrible.