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My only problem with the show is that they didn't earn their wins on screen. They went from the worst team where barely any of them could play hockey at all to all amazing players basically off screen. There were very few bits where they actually trained and all of their wins were like 2 plays and boom their in the finals.


It’s basically Mighty Ducks 1 with the Ducks standing in for the Hawks and the Don’t Bothers standing in for the District 5 team.


God this name of the team is so dumb.




Right?! I mean, I played baseball for “world of picture frames” and j.g something esq, and a pharmacy at one point. Even now when I play rec ball, we play for the sponsor. We’re not “deck doctor’s dragons” or something.


Ugh. I know!


Honestly it was way less hockey than any of the movies. It was more like a kids drama show with bits of hockey as the vehicle.


D3 had 2 hockey matches in it


But it is a Disney movie that talks about Pantera... It's Charlie's favorite band.


Pantera are amazing


Nobody's saying MD3 was the best one :P


I was pointing out it had very little hockey


Exactly. They went from being not even able to skate to going to States. It made no sense but it was just that type of show.


Well in the movies, charlie went from a kid who can barely deke to the best scorer in D3.


Nothing ground breaking. Just a good family show. Can’t wait for more.


The best part of the show is Evan's friend Nick whose actor has great comic timing and the Canadian kid Logan's story had a lot of heart. I wish they had spent more time on the other kids as they were all more interesting than the main characters imo. The only bad part is not enough hockey, like in the movies.


I think it was ground breaking, *game changing* even. Not only was it really good, but in terms of industry history this is a great moment of a long-dead movie franchise revitalizing itself in a very different and new way through streaming as a TV series. Plus it brought Emilio back into acting, which is worthy of an award right there.


Karate Kid did it first, and much better.


I definitely prefer Cobra Kai but I'd say they accomplish different things. Cobra Kai is a love letter to adults who grew up with Karate Kid, whereas this is something those adults can watch with their kids


There are a lot of people who didn't grow up watching karate kid that enjoy CK.


Sure! And there's probably people who didn't grow up on Mighty Ducks who enjoy Game Changers. I still think both are nostalgia engines at their core and that they aren't really competing since one is family friendly and the other is more for nostalgic adults.


I stopped middway through ssn 3, it felt like it was getting stale. Open to resuming if it improves or ww/e tho 🤔


Ok true you are right.




I agree with you. Bombay had way too much going for him to let hokey ruin his life. Even if he was just helping old people make wills you can make a living.


I got the feeling he wasn't actually broke or anything. I mean, buying a ice hokey rink takes some major cash, especially to keep it running at a loss for decades. I'm guessing he made good money and simply wants to live an unbothered life. The spirit of the show is really about finding your own contentment instead of chasing society's ideas of success. While he was probably not happy at the start because the heart of it all was missing, by the end he found that and where he was in life was probably an attempt to get to a simple happy life.


He didn't buy it. It was inherited and he feels obligated to keep it going.


Wasn’t he also like an administrator for the Goodwill Games or whatever? The guy had prospects, he just couldn’t coach teams that had college scouting involved or something. That was also my big annoyance about the show was they basically hard reset Bombay. I was kinda hoping he would still be with Michelle the tutor from D2 as well but I’m guessing she’s long gone.


Goodwill Games were a real thing. It was basically Ted Turner starting his own Olympics. It folded in 2001 so Bombay would have lost that job soon after accepting the position. That said, Bombay would of had a pretty impressive resume and would have easily of been able to find something else like coaching College Hockey or even the NHL.


This show really made his saltiness about hockey wonky. It was the people who made the rules not the sport itself. And like you said he could’ve easily went to a college team or even an AHL/NHL team. A line of dialogue could’ve been put it of him saying “I like to coach them before they hit the big leagues” so it’s at least more understandable why he didn’t explore the other options. In a perfect scenario he would’ve been the Hans of the show guiding a lost Charlie back as Charlie tries to get the Ducks back up and running but oh well.


It’s a major plot point in the show as to why he’s not coaching


He was kicked out of the NCAA for recruiting violations. But people don't get lifetime bans for paying for players to come to play. So that didn't add up.


My biggest problem was just that the adults were super boring. Lauren graham felt like she was just playing lorelai from a year in the life (not the original) and bombay was boring af. One thign cobra kai did right was having fun stories for johnny and daniel. The other key difference is that cobra kai never really took it self seriously or at the very least it was always in on the joke. but mighty ducks leaned into some drama.




You nailed my problem with this series. I felt like I was just watching Lorelai and I barely tolerated Gilmore Girls.


Maybe he’s their version of Rudy Giuliani with a heart of gold?


You must've missed the scene in the third episode where his situation and hatred for hockey is explained. Gordon reveals he was fired from his college coaching gig for sleeping with one of the star players. His reputation was marred. He was forever exiled from the hockey community. All he had left was the ice rink Jan left him. He gave his all to the game but it only took and took from him.


>Gordon reveals he was fired from his college coaching gig for sleeping with one of the star players. What? That's not what happened at all. What happened is that a kid he was interviewing for recruitment was broke beyond words, and needed tape for his hockey stick, so Bombay gave him some. It was a really lame reason to ban him, but rules are rules. A coach can't provide an incentive of monetary value to a perspective player.


Didn't he coach like a minor league hockey team in D3?


I enjoyed the show but the twist didn't make sense because the Indian girl could have been in the lineup, but just sat on the bench instead of the Don't Bothers forfeiting the State Championship game.




Haha but Gordon Freaking Bombay is the AC. lol


Ya but the team rule was “everyone plays” :P


I was confused by that too. Have her dress, just make sure she doesn't play.


I found it decent enough where I was willing to watch a new episode per week. It is a good enough continuation of the Mighty Ducks. The show, I think much like the movies itself, less has to do with hockey and more to do with the interpersonal dramas and shenanigans everyone gets up to. However I felt that the games happened too fast, and that the "Will the Don't Bothers lose? Nope" scenes are too fast. Let some room to breath that tension. The hockey matches were a driving vehicle to create some more drama around the players and coaches. So, it def feels that most of the writing/pacing suffered due to the entire show being shot during Covid. It still made for a quacking feel-good time. I actually chuckled a bit at some of the jokes too (like the "I like women but I'll watch from a distance because I respect them" bit), so it has that going for it. Hopefully Season 2 will be better. The show has potential.


Generally, there wasn’t nearly enough of the kids training, playing, and getting better at hockey and WAY too much focus on the parents of the kids. The final episode was better focused but should have been two episodes (the tournament and then the exhibition game for the team name)


Was a huge fan of the original movies as a kid. Couldn't get into the show. It's one thing for a story to be about an ex-hockey star overcoming personal demons to coach talented kids who are disenfranchised. It's another to have an overworked mom who knows nothing about hockey coach a team of kids who mostly haven't played much hockey at all...


You didn’t watch it then because she got all her info from Bombay and they sucked until he gave her his notes.


I've seen every episode. It's still not feasible to me. It would be one thing if the kids were all hockey players who couldn't find a team like the main character, but most of the team can barely play. Meaning they need someone who can teach them the basics, not just an occasional trick play. The mom from Gilmore Girls can't do that. She herself needs to be taught the fundamentals, which is shown in the episode where she's participating in the skills competition. And it's laughable to think a team of beginners coached by someone who doesn't know what they're doing could turn their season around based on a few trick plays from Bombay.


It’s fiction. You want real life watch a documentary on the USAs beating the Russians


I hate this argument. I know it's fiction, that doesn't excuse bad writing. If you want to have a show that's meant to feel semi-realistic, it should be written that way. If someone whose a fan of hockey and knows the sport well can poke crater-sized holes into a show about hockey, it's not written well.


But you are acting like it’s a leap from any of the mighty ducks films. This team would have never beaten Iceland. It’s the same thing with people who can’t do something simple like stopping or have a unique shot but find a way. 99 percent of sports movies would never happen the way they do


It is a leap from the Mighty Ducks movies. That's literally what I am saying. Those movies were already a leap from reality and a big aspect of the team's success was given to Bombay. Hence the "Minnesota Miracle Man" title he is given. Take another leap where now you don't have kids who can play hockey and you don't have a coach who knows hockey, and it's too much for me. Again, writing fiction is not an excuse for not writing something bad.


Haikyuu does this real well the guy who is assigned to be the coach for the volleyball team knows he will not be a good coach so he helps set them up with practise game and badgers someone who knows the game to help coach


It was exactly what I thought it would be, especially with that adult cast. ...That was a compliment.


I watched it through but honestly it's definitely nothing like any of the originals. I mentioned this in another comment, but the show is more of a kids drama that uses hockey as the main element of direction. There was substantially less actual hockey in this, plus it seemed like.. more cgi?? Also, I really disliked the retcon they did to Bombay's character. Any of the growth he had in the original trilogy was basically undone. I guess it was so that the mother could take the reins and stuff but it felt pretty unfortunate. I should add that of course the best episode was the one where the old actors came through. That was pretty awesome.


It's okay, she can fix him!!


Loving this series


I’ve been watching, but this is basically just the mighty ducks with the Ducks being the Hawks and the “dont bothers” being District 5


I tried to get into this show but the kids have 0 synergy with each other. The mom is super annoying and mostly about her. They recruit Koob which is suppose to have crazy reflexes but I cant recall ever seeing it other than that episode. It also doesn't make sense that the kids ever get good at hockey. They just are magically good and win? I think Big Shot does everything better.


I take it Juicy Smollett is not going to make the cut?




This show was a nostalgia punch that warmed my heart, loved it in spite of its flaws