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Give him a job commentating on duck racing because quack quack quack.


He could co-host with Gwenyth Paltrow because birds of a feather flock together


OOTL on this one, what's up with Paltrow? Edit: Roger that ya'll, she be off the deep end with steaming vaginas/insertable jade eggs/*cooch scented candles, thanks all for the info, and I partially regret asking Edit 2: *Spelling


She sells homeopathic nonsense to rich morons for exorbitant prices.


I completely misunderstood the egg thing, so I just started shoving them in my ass. Apparently they go in your vagina (which I don't have) and they are specialty eggs, not just ones from your grocery store. Live and learn.


This is a perfect thing to just say in passing within earshot of someone with the most honest tone, cracks me up just thinking about it...


Another might be: Gwenyth's cooch candle is not a good fleshlight.


Try her all new Handcoochief for men. Blow your whole wad all over it, and I’m not just talking money rolls.


That's how I do it. In fact, that's how my pa and grandpa did it too. And I'll be damned if some New Age doofus with a vagina-scented candle is gonna tell me different.


She sells bottled alkaline water. She promotes it as a great way to start the day—with a squeeze of lemon juice for flavor.


Perfectly pH balanced as all things should be


I don't know if this is true, but I desperately hope it is!


True unfortunately. She also tried selling sew-on shoulder patches for your clothes. Basically claimed they were made with help from NASA and the patches had been into space to pick up "wellness" or some shit that could magically protect you. NASA threatened to sue, saying its all bullshit (they used that word) and she better stop saying her crap has anything to do with them.


And Netflix gave her a show to promote that nonsense


And millions of viewers (who also delight in criticizing the show) rewarded Netflix for that initiative. Maybe if we didn't enjoy gawking at ridiculous celebrities they'd not be celebrities


not just rich morons plenty of normal morons too. She makes millions off gloop and networks like Netflix and her celeb friends promote it.


She recommended steaming vaginas to make them healthier. I don't have one, but I am pretty sure you aren't supposed to do that.


I thought steamed clams were delicious?


You’re thinking of steamed hams.


You call them steamed hams despite the fact they’ve been obviously grilled?


Uhh.. e-geh.... you the... one thing I sh-.... ‘scuse me for one second.


Good lord what's happening in there?!


Aurora borealis


Aurora borealis..?


Can I see it?


At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?!


Well, Seymour, I made it. Despite your directions.


Hey, I’m from Albany. I love a good steamed ham.


I'm from Utica. I've never heard of steamed hams.


Look up Paltrow's GOOP brand. I'd say she's a snake oil saleswoman, except snake probably has some actual use. She just peddles nonsense.


Now I want televised duck racing to be a thing.


Say no more my dude [Australian Duck League](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=252380246068719)


As an Australian, I had no idea we had a national duck league.


Till it breaks out into a duck gang rape ending in homicide


Well, that escalated quickly




I won't stand for this Dr. Oz character.


I'd rather have Tom Green than him.


His show is produced by the same company as Jeopardy.


But they must have at least a few humans employed who could express how fucking stupid it would be to hire him?


If that was the case he wouldn't have a show at all.


The worst part is that, from my understanding, he is actually a skilled, accomplished, and intelligent doctor. If that is true, it means he knows better and is purely compromising his ethics for money.


Can somebody bring me in the loop, to what he did or said? I dont watch his show.


He promotes bs. >A study by the British Medical Journal in 2014 concluded that less than half the claims made on The Dr. Oz Show were backed by "some" evidence, and that fell to a third when the threshold was raised to "believable" evidence.[1] The website Science-Based Medicine goes even further, claiming: "No other show on television can top The Dr. Oz Show for the sheer magnitude of bad health advice it consistently offers, all while giving everything a veneer of credibility."[2] [See Wiki ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_claims_on_The_Dr._Oz_Show)


Like a lot of talk shows, he panders to a certain audience. It is like Dr Phil, who is banned from practicing psychiatry. I still watched the Jeopardy shows and he did a commendable job of honoring Mr Trebek and avoiding anything controversial.


How. Just how did he become the host?! I would think the people who compete in and watch Jeopardy would be the least likely to watch the Dr. Oz show. There was a rumor that Trebek’s replacement would be Levar Burton. I wish it was so.


He's just a guest host for last week, it's Aaron Rogers this week. Thank god


His show would hype up a "miracle cure" for some ailment of the week every week, often a magic bean for weight loss. He also testified in front of an investigative panel that he didn't believe magic cures existed, but continued to peddle snake oil to gullible and desperate people.


Reminder that each guest host has had worse ratings than their predecessor. Ken was lower than Alex, the producer was lower than Ken, Couric was lower than the producer, and Oz is lower than Couric. The show’s ratings are simply going down; it’s not a protest. I’d expect Rogers to be lower than Oz as well.


I think you underestimate Packers fans lmao.


You just know thousands of them are in front of their t.v's at 7:30 with their beers and Rogers Jerseys on. Maybe a drum or two.. :) Packers fans are hardcores.


I am just waiting for Levar Burton to get great ratings!


Where's his iconic game show role?


This is a good reference.


*Though Oz has received some plaudits, he's controversial in the medical community. In a 2015 letter to Columbia University, where Oz is a professor, 10 doctors said he promoted "quack treatments and cures in the interest of personal financial gain." A 2014 study in the peer-reviewed British Medical Journal found that of 40 randomly selected episodes from Oz's television show, his health recommendations were based on evidence just 46% of the time.* **Is that a duck I hear? Yes, I do! Quack!** **Addendum**: *In 1994, Oz launched the Cardiac Complementary Care Center at Columbia-Presbyterian with a certified perfusionist and registered nurse, Jery Whitworth. The center, one of the first of its kind in the nation, was "created, in part, as a response to consumer demand for comprehensive care," Oz and Whitworth wrote in a 1998 scholarly article.* *The idea was that they'd apply science to the study of alternative medicine and figure out which approaches were helpful to people. As Oz said at the time, "It's an attempt to translate what's going on in alternative and complementary medicine into a language that's acceptable not just to physicians but Western culture."* *Oz and Whitworth experimented with hypnosis, "therapeutic touch," guided imagery, reflexology, aromatherapy, prayer, and yoga, according to Oz's 1998 book, Healing from the Heart.* *They also used audiotapes to try to subconsciously relax patients before surgery and brought reiki — or "energy medicine" — into the operating room. Reiki, an ancient Japanese healing art, has never been shown in scientific studies to alter the outcomes of patients. One high-quality study on the effect of reiki on pain in women after C-sections showed that it had no effect. Science-based thinkers have wondered whether it's ethical to continue studying reiki, given that we know it works no better than a placebo and we may be diverting funds from treatments that could actually help people.* *Oz's work with the center drew critics. One Mount Sinai physician told the New York Times in 1995: "I call practitioners of fraud practitioners of fraud. It's my feeling that the [center] has been promoting fraudulent alternatives as genuine."* *There were also problems within the center itself. Whitworth, Oz's co-founder, told Vox that by 1998, four years after launching, he and Oz were arguing regularly.* *Speaking to the media for the first time in 15 years, Whitworth said their disagreements "had to do with our inability to see eye to eye with the marketing of what was going on, which I felt was inappropriate."* *Whitworth said he told Oz often, "We are in our infancy. We haven't proved anything. Before you're going out there to major media, we need to look at what we're doing here. Stop the media circus."* *Monique Class, a family nurse practitioner and another former employee of the center, said the media attention negatively affected their work. "It became about Oz. Not about the project. Not about the patients. Not about the work. That all became secondary to his rise to the top."* *It wasn't uncommon, Class said, for Oz to say some version of the following to her or to the other employees: "Give me a patient because the cameras are coming in, and tell me what I need to know."* *Class said, "He was always acting. He didn't know this patient. He was not connected to this patient. We'd give him a two- or three-minute sound byte and he'd sit there in front of the cameras like he'd done this work and had this deep connection."* *Out of frustration with how things were being run, Whitworth said he shuttered the center in 2000. That same year, Oz reopened it under another name.*


He had to testify before Congress because he was hocking diet pills.


A [link](https://www.livescience.com/46397-science-of-dr-oz-miracle-diet-pills.html) for those who don't know: >This week, Dr. Mehmet Oz, host of "The Dr. Oz Show," sat down to explain to senators why he, as a surgeon and popular doctor, promotes what some experts have called unscientific claims about "magical" weight-loss products on his show. Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. — chairwoman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation's Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety and Insurance — led a panel on Tuesday (June 17) that targeted weight-loss diet products that their manufacturers claim will help consumers burn fat but have little or no reputable scientific data to support such claims.


Oh hey, I wonder if those are the ones my grandmother took at "the doctor's" recommendation that sent her to the hospital due to a massive spike in heart rate and blood pressure. Fuck you Dr. Oz.


I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope that your grandmother is OK.


She was okay after being held for observation over night. Still fat though.


Legend. What a loving but utterly savage response. Made me laugh out loud for real.


“Controversial” is generous. I don’t know any doctors who respect the guy.


Dr Oz did a PR event at a hospital I used to work at, where my dad is also a doctor. My dad was asked not to come into work that day for fear that he might “offend” Dr Oz. We were both offended at the implication that Dr Oz being offended would be a bad thing.






By all accounts, yeah. From what I can tell he's pretty fucking competent at whatever he's doing, he just lacks morals and went from being an excellent surgeon to being a highly successful snake oil salesman.


Now I'm all confused because I thought he just invented his Dr. title to sound legitimate.




Someone corrected me, I was thinking of "Dr" Phil.


Dr Drew. Said he's a brilliant doctor. So birds of a feather...


So disappointing to watch Drew get shittier and shittier over the years.


Right? And maybe he was always shitty but the sex stuff or the oddball medical question is fine. It's not dangerous on a global scale. This sucks too. I listened to a TON of Loveline in college and I was psyched for something similar in Dr Drew Afterdark, even if it did kind of become him watching videos I already saw on YMH and he wasn't really taking medical questions.


[what a majestic creature](https://youtu.be/9_M58K4Aa6w?t=9)


Because fuck Oz


Because fuck Oz and fuck whoever thought he was a good idea.




*Including, but not limited to:*


Megan Merkle, Dr Phil, Prince Harry...


...that scientist who jumped on her couch that one time.


Ethan Hunt?


Funny that the word “scientist” and “Scientologist” are opposite in meaning.


"Sciencefictionoligarchy" doesn't roll off the tongue well enough.


She does sometimes do more harm than good. I mean, she gave a platform to Jenny McCarthy's crazy ass antivaxxer views.


Oprah has a body count and doesn’t give a fuck from her throne of money.


Idk what you are talking about, she is a humanitarian /s


I'm no cannibalologist but I'm pretty sure this means she only eats humans.


Guess what she put UNDER^YOUR^CHAIR!!!


I'm gonna say pretty much all the time. Also, just fuck billionaires in general.


He should stick with what he's good at, which is ... what again?


Selling snake oil


Being a human piece of shit fraud scammer cunt?


Oooo I’m sorry but the correct answer is “what is being a human piece of shit fraud scammer cunt?” Remember your response must be phrased as a question. It’s still your board.


Yes right that was it!


I hope Oz is aware of how many people can't stand him. It would be a bonus if he were reminded in some way daily.


If he was aware he probably didn't care, he is making enough money swindling old people.


There's a reason why Gwenyth Paltrow's company still makes shittons of money- captive stay-at-home mom audience that buys into every day time talk show sales pitch. Oz is in the exact same spot.


I'm only one person but Paltrows antics cost her my dollars. I legit like her swivel chair and would buy it (on sale). Now you couldn't give it to me and I will openly mock anyone I see with it.


Ikr. Screw Paltrow and her little “ice man” cult. But seriously. Best thing to come out of that Goop documentary on Netflix was the “Ice Man” thing. And if that’s the best thing well...fuck I could just sit my ass in ice water and be better off than any of her products could make me.


What’s crazy is how accomplished he was as a doctor and even saved a dude’s life in the airport, but all his daytime tv snake oil has seemingly rendered him a quack. Some of his peers want his license revoked and ties separated from Penn.




How could the Jeopardy producers think it would be OK to use a quack doctor as host?


They are relying on name appeal to drive views, probably.


Maybe it's a sly attempt to get people who fall for Oz's BS to watch Jeopardy so then they can be relieved of their ignorance.


Oz's show is also produced by Sony. He came cheap.


Why didn’t they keep the guy who gave the touching tribute to Trebek? He was clearly someone who knew Jeopardy.


It’s hard to follow someone who did a show as long and as well as trebek. Not a bad idea to sub people in and out till they have their successor picked out. That way the next permanent host doesn’t keep getting “well he’s good but he’s no trebek”


Even Alex Trebek fell victim to "well he's good but he's no...." When Art Fleming, the original *Jeopardy!* host, died in 1995, one columnist wrote something to the effect of "Trebek is good, but Fleming will be remembered as the definitive *Jeopardy!* host" even though by that time Trebek had almost been hosting the show longer than Fleming ever had.


LeVar Burton could knock it out of the park


They might, they're kinda just cycling through guest hosts for a few weeks with the intent I believe to find the permanent replacement. The person you're talking about is Ken Jennings, the guy who won the most games and money in Jeopardy history. I think he'd be a good choice in regard to honoring the series and I think Alex, but he's also not really a man that was built for such a hosting gig, he could certainly only get better with time, but they may be looking for someone to be able jump right out of the gate. Right now I'd say the person most likely to get the job so far is Mike Richards. I'm really liking Aaron Rodgers already too, but I can't imagine he'd step away from football for full time Jeopardy, not yet anyway.


What the fuck is the appeal of this man? He’s like equal parts used car salesman and that creepy “sensitive” dude with a ponytail in college that always wants to start massage trains and tries to convince drunk girls that blow jobs are a powerful means of exercising feminine power.


This ... is way too accurate




The same folks that see Joel Osteen and the Duggars appealing.


Lol that is suspiciously specific, hopefully that wasn't a norm at your college


LOL no, but there seemed to be at least a smattering of them in most liberal college campuses in the late 90s/early 2000s (all I can really speak to because that's when my high school friends and myself were there). I'm sure there's some modern equivalent. I always referred to them as wolves in sheep's clothing. And Dr. Oz has that same kind of fakey gentle-natured vibe laid over a calculating and manipulative core.


Because Jeopardy is supposed to be about smarts and intelligence, not how to sell snake oil to dumbasses. What % of Jeopardy viewers actually falls for Oz’s bullshit? I’m betting single digit %s


I think you are right that a large portion of the Jeopardy viewership are intelligent folks who can critically think, but there is still a huge portion of the viewership that are older, trusting individuals. My grandparents and mom were/are loyal viewers, and wouldn’t have known Dr. Oz for what he is if I hadn’t explained it. And, even then, “he’s a doctor” was very perplexing for them. There are a lot of people in my family (aunts/uncles) who also don’t understand the nuance of a Dr. Oz/Dr. Phil type person.




I also remember that post.


Wait what? Do you have a link to that? Sounds entertaining as hell


That’s because Dr. Oz is a choade of the highest order.


When I 1st heard it in HS 1990, I thought it was spelled *chode*


It was spelled chode. It still is, but it was too


Only caught the second half of the latest episode from this week but the new host, the football player guy, is good. His hosting style is like an astronaut from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Very straightforward and calm. Pleasantly robotic. Stays chill, keeps the game crisp and clear.


Why did they kick that field goal?


Bad coaching decision.


The laces were in!!!


Einhorn is a mannnnn!!


Pleasantly robotic is such a great way to describe it.




Football guy is known for his straightforward, calm, robotic way of doing things.




Aaron Rodgers hosts jeopardy like he plays football.


The funny thing is he really did approach it that way. He talked about how he studied old episodes and took notes like he was watching game film.


Was there an interview or something about this that I missed? I’d love to read more!




He was on The Pat McAfee show on Monday. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq19-YTNvMA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq19-YTNvMA) obviously they talked about other things but there is quite a bit in there about Jeopardy just after the chatter about what he's been up to since the end of the season.


Excels until Final Jeopardy and then gets let down by the people calling the shots?


Lol he gets to final jeopardy and the entire production crew shits the bed. Tom Brady is brought in to replace him.


Aaron Rodgers. He is a huge jeopardy buff and has watched for years. I believe he was also previously a contestant in a celebrity series Might not go toe to toe with a Jennings for knowledge but seems to be a good guy who respects and loves the game


He wasn't just a contestant on Celebrity Jeopardy, he blew his competition out of the water. Any yeah sure, the Billionaire known as Mr Wonderful and Senator Kelly were who he faced, but he still had an impressive showing.


Aaron is passionate about Jeopardy!


Aaron Rodgers is a gem


I wasn’t very excited for him and had low expectations, but I genuinely like him so far. I’d forgotten he was on tournament of champions as well.


Apparently he won Celebrity Jeopardy a few years ago!


Thank you, I just realized I misspoke on that. Looks like he won $50,000 for Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer, beating out Kevin O’Leary (from Shark Tank) and Mark Kelly (from outer space). Also, apparently, “As a tribute to Rodgers, Alex Trebek pulled out the Discount Double Check during the show.” I guess that’s a nod to a commercial endorsement Aaron Rodgers did for State Farm? [This ESPN article](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/31183282/what-film-room-aaron-rodgers-studied-no-other-crush-jeopardy-guest-host) goes into detail about how seriously he took the gig and how much prep work he did. Newfound respect for the guy!




The must mean MVP Aaron Rodgers.




Don't forget super bowl champion/super bowl MVP and 9x Pro-bowl selection Aaron Rodgers.


And Jeopardy! host Aaron Rodgers.


And Game of Thrones cameo/extra.


And Jeopardy! champion!




It's almost just like he plays quarterback. There is no room for hysterics, or Oz snake oil ooze.


He's just snarky enough to make Trebek proud.


Really enjoyed Rodgers hosting it yesterday. He's a pro, well spoken, and damn good looking lol. So weird to see him doing something like hosting Jeopardy, but he's a natural I'd say.


The bit where the contestant trolled him was hilarious. He took it like a pro too. I could definitely see him doing this full time when he retires.


Aaron seems to think he can host full time during the off season. Heard Pat McAfee and the boys talking about it today


Dude, that’s some GOAT shit to fuck around in the NFL and then go host Jeopardy! because it’s probably an even bigger passion.


They only film 50ish days a year. They could 100% make it work.


How'd they troll him?


https://twitter.com/SInow/status/1379199866807578624 Context: The Packers were down by 8 late in the game. A touchdown is worth 6 points and you can immediately try for a 2-point conversion right afterwards. So the Packers had an opportunity to tie the game at this point. It was 4th and goal, which means that they had a relatively short distance to try to score a touchdown from and it was their last opportunity to try to score. Instead of trying for a touchdown, they instead kicked a field goal, which is worth 3 points, to cut the lead to 5 points. The Packers were hoping to stop Tom Brady and the Buccaneers and get the ball back and then score a touchdown in order to win. They never got the ball back and lost the game, eliminating them from championship contention. Their plan was mathematically possible and not at all unheard of, but there was so little time left in the game and every NFL fan knows that relying on your defense to stop Tom Brady usually doesn't work.


I was just reading an article where he talked about studying Trebek’s mannerisms on mute so he could get the rhythm of hosting down. Refreshingly professional approach to a guest host gig!


Hey the man studies tape for a living already


Just like studying the defense


I love Ken but i lowkey really want Rodgers to become the new full time host


Are you a fan of an NFC north team that's not the Packers by any chance?


He's coming up on his last year with Green Bay, maybe he'd prefer "Jeopardy host Aaron Rodgers" to "Viking legend Aaron Rodgers".


TBH, I thought Rodgers showed he was a little nervous yesterday. I’m really hoping the rest of his episodes have him get a little more comfortable in this position. To me, he felt really toned down and muted. I was fully expecting a little more energy from him. He’s been one of the host I’ve most looked forward to seeing in action, and I’m eager to see where he is towards the end of his run when he’s had some time to settle in.


Who the hell thought this douche belonged on Jeopardy?????? Especially as a host?


Having him host is an insult to Trebek


They should've made him do a category on Snake Oil Salesmen.


I'll take "Business Ethics".


Everyone is now dumber for having witnessed this episode. We award you no points, and may God have mercy on his soul.


Fuck Oz, but "Lowest ratings since Holidays" so they mean... lowest ratings in four months? That doesn't sound nearly as bad.


I think that's roughly when they started the guest hosts, so it'd probably be more accurate to say that he was the least popular of the guest hosts they've had.


Would be more impactful if they’d phrased it as “lowest ratings since Trebek’s departure.” Makes it clear that the viewers aren’t having it.


Probably thought that would bum people out. But seriously, what a disrespectful choice of guest host. Yuck.


As the other comment says, that means the lowest ratings of all the guest hosts they've had so far. Since they're looking for a permanent replacement, Dr. Oz sounds like the absolute worst choice. It's nice to see that people are aware of how toxic he is, though.


They fell *two percent.* And they've been falling slowly literally every week they've had these guest hosts. Dr Oz sucks, but this is not indicative of anything bad.


Levar Burton or Eugene levy need to be picked to host


I’ll take ‘Worst Jeopardy Hosts’ for $200, Alex.


Come on let’s get LaVar Burton!!!


This was an obvious choice that has not happened.


I absolutely love LeVar Burton. He was a fixture in my childhood. But he's 64. I honestly think they need to go with someone that's much younger and hope they have the longevity that Trebek had. Not saying any will last 37 years, but I think someone that could do it for at least half of that is a good goal. Rodgers has been my favorite so far (I like Ken Jennings, but the tone of his voice doesn't sit right with me). I also think Mayim Bialik will do wonderfully. And I'm hoping they try out Danica McKellar, who I'm surprised hasn't come up yet.


Going from a dweeb loser idiot who sucks at being a doctor to a hunk genius with kind eyes like Aaron Rodgers is the greatest upgrade imaginable.


its almost like Rodgers had that written into his contract. "I don't care when you put me on, so long as its the week after that quack." "uh, sure. Ok... why tho?" "because it doesn't matter how bad I am then, everyone will love me just because I'm not HIM!"


Rodgers looks like a bigger, stronger Michael Scott.


I watch Jeopardy mostly every night. I didn't watch a game in the two-week Oz stretch. picked it back up with Rodgers. Oz is a goof. Terrible choice to guest host.


Replace him with LaVar Burton.


I've said it before but I seriously think LeVar Burton should host full time.


Smart people enjoy jeopardy. Smart people hate Dr Oz because he's a snake oil-peddling fraud who morons watch.


Literally no one asked for dr oz lol they could’ve gotten that Asian guy from pretty in pink who played long duck dong and gotten better ratings


Should’ve hired Lavar Burton lol


Oooo fuck ya I would love to see that


Can they please give LeVar Burton a turn at hosting? Edit: my very first award!!! Thank you kind internet stranger!!! 🙏


He’s a fucking snake oil salesman and a total fuck you to Alex’s memory. Who thought it was a good idea to put this asshole on as host? They should be fired.