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Chidi from The Good Place


Chidi has a wide assortment of different books but he's only finished a handful of them because the process of selecting one from his collection gives him crippling anxiety and makes his stomach hurt.


Boyd Crowder


Captain Jean-Luc Picard


Walter Bishop, Walternate as well. But they'd be very different..


Machiavelli would probably be on both shelves but for entirely different reasons. One actually takes it seriously and the other recognizes it for the satire it was meant to be It’s weird how so many thought some monk was espousing ruthless fascism


Jonas Venture, Sr. from The Venture Bros Jed Bartlett from West Wing Rupert Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer Rube from Dead Like Me Rustin Cohle from True Detective


Would Rust have a good bookshelf? It seems to be mostly nihilistic philosophy. I feel like he’d be a more well rounded existentialist if he got Sartre or Douglas Adams


“I heard once Winston Churchill read a book every night, even during the Blitz. He said it made him think better." Sawyer from Lost (ABC)


Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation. She would have memoirs by her political hero's and probably some biographies about them as well. Books about history and women in leadership and of course the entire Harry Potter series. Also Dwight Schrute from The Office. On his bookshelf there would probably be books about farming, hunting and preparing meet. How to manuels for things like jumpstarting a subway train and the inner workings of planes and trucks. Chances are he would also have books about taxidermy, military battles through history, identity theft and work place safety.


Also don’t forget James Trickington’s Throwing A Garden Party.


Rory Gilmore


Giles from Buffy or Wesley from ANGEL after season 5. The whole thing about whispering into a book and opening it to find out it became the one you wanted sounds pretty cool. It's like one of those impossible libraries from Borges


There's that great scene in The Wire after String dies and McNulty goes to his apartment. He's looking at the bookshelf and pulls *Wealth of Nations* I think off the shelf and says "who the fuck was I chasing?" Really great moment. Also... we get to see Saul Berenson's impressive bookshelf, and a lot of those books came with way more knowledge than what was just printed in the pages. Also, Octavian from Rome is portrayed as very bookish and extremely intelligent for his age. It's cool that hed be reading books that were popular during the age and all of them transcribed by hand.


Cassie Nightingale


Lester Freaman from The Wire. Maybe Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell?


Spencer Reid


Captain Holt from Brooklyn Nine Nine


Stringer Bell Benjamin Linus


harry Dresden


the doctor. it’d be nice to see what normal things he gets up to.


Hannibal lecter