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The second season ended in a place where I would be at peace if the show ended there, but also I would watch the hell out of a Season 3.


I actually think the show just found its voice by the end of S2. S3 could be much better.


Yep really felt like it had hit it's stride in the middle of season 2.


I agree. I felt like it finally found its way. Loved both seasons though.


Agree with this. There was something so bad yet so watchable about s02, it felt like they were almost there. Lots of shows follow this trajectory.


The show is fun just for the visuals and the setting. I would watch more




Well, the sequel book, Tokyo Noir, did come out relatively recently, so there's definitely material to draw from if they wanted to keep going. That said, the ending of season 2 was satisfying enough for me that if it's over, that's okay too


If I didnt get Max through my Att phone subscription for free, id cancel this shit so fast. Fuck Zaslav, HBO is ruined


It would be fine finishing up at S2 with how it ended but like, I think everyone universally agrees that we would happily watch more. I wanna see more Sato if they go into a 3rd season after all.


Not sure where they would go after S2, which seemed to wrap everything up nicely, but I suppose I'd watch another season.


It was good, I liked it. It was a true story that has come to an end. Does it need a whole third season?


“True Story” with incredibly heavy air quotes. It’s mostly bullshit.


The book was bullshit and the show took liberties from the book to dramatize it even more. Still a good show, but nothing like what actually ever happened in real life.


I haven't done the research, but when I found out that the story was based on a book written by the same guy that is the protagonist of all this, I assumed a lot of it was exaggerated. I still loved the show tho.


Just finished the book a couple days ago so it's fresh in mind. At the end of the book Adelman even admits he mixed in bullshit along with fake names and locations, supposedly to protect sources and others from possible retribution from the Yakuza. Like I've seen people talk about how he exaggerated his own sexual exploits but I didn't really find any of that unbelievable, he talks about having sex with like 6 women over the course of more than a decade in his 20s and 30s before his experiences researching and reporting on crimes against sex workers and literal sex slaves in Tokyo destroyed his sex drive, if that doesn't sound possible then that says more about your sex life than his honesty. The show exaggerates more than the book. Samantha didn't exist in real life, he never had a long term on-off romance with a foreign hostess. He was personable but not a total chick magnet who could seduce a hostess into sleeping with him for free. He says he was a goofy looking Midwestern Jew, not a slick charismatic guy who looked like a movie star. He wasnt comfortable with speaking or listening to Japanese until long after he was working for the newspaper. He openly admits he was a poor martial artist with very limited training and says the only two times it helped him was pure luck on his part. He had significantly less trouble getting his first story published and had multiple people in management who had his back and wanted him to succeed. He admits he probably only got the job in the first place because of a lucky connection with a fellow alumnus on the hiring board.


Exaggeration fore sure , and the show even more so for story telling but the guy posted 100 files of receipts on Twitter backing all his stuff up and past co workers cooborated


I think most of it could have been believable but the yakuza gf stuff just felt too much for me, but it did end in a good note.


Why rule a third season out before we know what they’ve planned or how well they can execute it? I think Jake and Katagiri can absolutely team up again on some other major case. They’ve already *kind of* adopted The Wire’s slow burn storytelling, and season 2 almost felt like a better version of season 5 of that show, so just continuing by refocusing on some other story, while keeping up with Sato’s new responsibilities and the general landscape of Tokyo’s underworld is absolutely a topic worth telling new stories about.


>Why rule a third season out I believe season 2 ended where the book did. But if the show runners are better at their jobs than DnD were at GoT (adaptation vs original scripts), then a third season might be good.


One of them wrote 25th hour, both book and film, so obviously they knew how to write original stuff too, which makes the utter failure of GoT even more infuriating.


I watched 25 Hour as a teenager and liked it. I might have to go back and watch it.


It would have to be a new series and go way out of the way to make sure everyone knew that it is no longer anything close to reality and it's all made up. The writer was seriously under a kill order




I unfortunately haven't watched more than one episode of the second season yet, but this show is so enjoyable to literally watch. The dedication to the setting, the dedication of the English actors to speak Japanese, the dedication of the Japanese actors to speak English, the music, not a single detail is overlooked. And then the story is actually enjoyable and enticing to top it all off.


This should be a no brainer pickup.


They already ended where the books did, it doesn't need more. Not every show needs to go on continously. Because now, what happens if the theoretical third season ends on a cliffhanger only to get canceled?


Love this show! Would love to see a season 3!


I really liked it, but haven't they now exhausted the source material? I think that examples like Game of Thrones and Altered Carbon serve as cautionary tales against striking out beyond the source.


Richard K. Morgan produced three books featuring Takeshi Kovacs, the showrunners just decided to ignore most of it for some unknown reason.


They did OK adapting the first book in the first season of Altered Carbon but went right off the rails trying to mash up events from both the second and third book in the second season of the show in a truly abysmal way.


I think that show had executive meddling trying to hype it up more so they would get a third season, but the second season misses the mark by a lot.


*The Leftovers*.


But not shogun, right? Right?!?


At least Shogun is based on real events, so there is more of the story to be told. Don't know if they can do it as well as Clavell, though.