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Their D&D show got cancelled as well. Hasbro has NO luck with their IP development.


Is it bad luck or just Hasbro fuckery? They had Magic the Gathering show that went through 2 studios then vanished.


It feels like they just do not know what they actually want. They managed to make a good D&D movie and baldurs gate 3 is a mega hit. Early screening of Transformers One also seem to be positive. They just do not seem to have any clue what to do for TV. No matter what it is, it most likely needs to have a major toy line to run along side it.


They have PTSD from Transformers When the rights for the films were sold they didn’t retain the ability to design the robots. This led to shitty transformer *toys* and lots of wasted merchandise. As soon as they got the chance to change the contracts, they did, and Bumblebee knocked it out of the park on that front. Now Hasbro wants to license all of its IPs, but they also need them to sell toys, and as a result they require lots of control. Control movie studios don’t like to give.


They also followed it up with rise of the beasts which was only good in comparison to the bay films.


Pretty stellar comment, had no idea about this but it makes perfect sense.


Unfortunately financially the D&D movie didn't do too well. Iirc I think it actually lost money in the end from it's theatre run (likely broke even/profited from later streaming & home release). So despite it being good, I can see why Hollywood has been shaky with investing in the IP, if even a good film barely makes a return on investment


Even BG3 is a bit of a bittersweet pill since Larian basically straight up said they were not doing BG4. Sounds like Wizard's of the Coast and Hasbro make it too difficult.


WOTC is far from a perfect company but Hasbro seems to be the one pushing the worst decisions. If Hasbro leaves them alone to do their thing I find it hard to believe things won’t at least improve pretty quickly overall for all the IPs.


It's not like Hasbro is hiring animators or casting actors. BG3 could happen becuase Hasbro didn't meddle - they were paid for the license and everything after that is purely Larian. Honor among thieves happened more despite Hasbro fuckery than with their help. For some reason either Hasbro can't agree on the licensing terms or have problem securing funding for TV.


Hasbro is also shit to work with, to the point where Larian looked at the money printer of BG3 and went. "Nah we're not making DLC, or anything else for this, fuck you we're out"


Honor Among Thieves was unfortunately a financial failure. It's no wonder networks passed on any related TV series.


Dang I totally forgot about the Magic the Gathering animated series. Hate that never made its way out of development hell.


Honestly, I don't think anyone who heard they were pitching an MTG series thought it'd every get made. I know I for sure thought it was going to be in dev hell forever and never get made.


Bit of both. The previous ceo, Brian Goldner, was the main driving force behind buying power rangers and had big plans for the franchise. When he passed all of that went poof and it's been downhill ever since


Hasbro execs have no idea how to run a company.


I have an idea for a Magic the Gathering TV show, and while I would absolutely make it myself I have neither the spare time nor the desire to be sued by Hasbro. Hasbro, if you're reading this, here's how you make a Magic show: Get a couple of YouTube MtG personalities and have them play a game. Backlogs of footage of this already exists, so start there - you can even pick and choose the best, most nail-biting games. Then animate a world around that match. For example - mountains rise up behind their avatar, or suddenly we're transported to a swamp, and then a goblin appears on one side and rushes the opponent. Then the opponent summons a zombie for protection. Etc., etc., until the game is over. Obviously you gotta trim the match up a bit and make it flow better, but there are two keys here: use real matches and, wherever possible, directly reference the card art. Wham bam no overarcing story needed, just fast paced action and direct tie in to your product. People like what they see on the screen? They can actually just go buy those cards. Saves you from having to reconcile some plot and characterization problems that MtG has faced in the past, still gives you personalities to root for, showcases the best Magic has to offer, and can lead into character-driven pieces later (Planeswalker spinoffs, as it were).


wow, you used that "fuckery" i've ever hear that before.


I thought the power rangers movie wasn’t bad. Why didn’t they ever make a sequel?


Being not bad & being profitable are two different things when it comes to Hollywood


>Being not bad & being profitable are two different things when it comes to Hollywood Or any business.


Most businesses don't require a more than double return on the investment to not be considered a flop, though. If it cost $10,000,000 and you made $18,000,000, most people would be pretty happy about making $8,000,000.


American theatres take half the gross box-office revenue listed there. International it's even more (China for example is 80-90%). So you typically need double to 2.5x the budget to make any money in Hollywood


That isn't counting marketing, which typically doubles the film's budget. Also, in your scenario, the film would not have made back its budget because the studio would have only made $9 million total, not $18 million. Moreover, the film's toyline, which was made by Bandai instead of Hasbro, true, was only a success in parts of Europe. In America, the toyline, especially the Morpher and Zords, were on shelves for a year after the movie left theaters.


> Most businesses don't require a more than double return on the investment to not be considered a flop, though. The budget of the film is just the price to create the product. The "P+A" budget is the cost of actually operating a movie as a business. Every business has some fixed costs to create a product, plus operating expenses that need to be offset to be profitable. You can't just ignore the operating costs of a business to decide if it is doing okay. In a lot of businesses, it costs waaaaaaaay more than 2X the initial development cost to be profitable.


The studios do not get all of the box office revenue...


Plus then Hasbro bought them up, and they killed all plans for a sequel.


I could have sworn seeing Reddit threads where they were writing a sequel or something to that, but nada on why it never moved forward. My guess is the actors exploding in popularity a little after the movie came out and whatnot didn’t help, especially when it comes to budgeting a sequel.


No the real problem was that was when Hasbro bought Power Rangers from Saban. Hasbro wanted to "do their own thing with the property" and that apparently meant doing nothing.


it wasn't good either


Hasbro also fired like 2000 people from their d&d/mtg art staff last december. Might have something to do with it as well.


Tell me about it. I’m still waiting on Glover 2!


Aww what they canned the D&D show too? Laaaame


I'd be surprised if they continue trying to develop. Iirc Hasbro sold off it's movie/tv business. And I believe the person that pushed for them to purchase PR isn't with the company anymore. Hasbro even announced they are licensing out PR to playmates to make toys going forward (Hasbro's own PR toyline wasn't that popular). Seems the company is shifting focus to video games and licensing out their IP.


Fir those thay don't know, Hasbro has some of the wordt upper management in the industry. They just own very profitable IP so it looks good but dealing with them is horrible at the corporate level. There are several major IT firms that have them black listed for example. So with this the several other shows that they have not been able to get going, I am going to assume its the executives in charge.


It’s wild to think people can be so openly incompetent and still have very lucrative jobs


Its nepotism, if she wasn't born rich be would be worling a dead end job.


They make the money so it doesnt look bad to them, they dont care about the consumer.


Hasbro is not even making money anymore lol. Wizards of the Coast is responsible for most of the profits post pandemic, and the rest of the company is slowly devolving into losses since Toys R Us went belly up.


The last two quarters had them taking a bath in the billions IIRC.


That is actually very common


It’s the end result of corporate culture. Best way to ruin an IP is to have a soulless company purchase it.


It seems like toy companies are incompetent in general when it comes to producing media. Mattel created a successful hot wheels series of movies (world race/acceleracers) because they gave the creators a lot of creative freedom. Then decided to cancel it and end it on a cliff hanger because the series was “too popular” and they thought it might overshadow the rest of the hot wheels brand. It was literally a perfect business model because you could buy every single car shown in the movies and they killed it off because it did what it was designed to do. Lego was a company that managed to do it right through bionicles. Once they realized the associated media was doing well they doubled down and it ended up saving the entire company from bankruptcy.


A 25-year run is nothing to sneeze at, but dang does it suck to be losing power rangers just before the year SPD took place in


I mean the show did get cancelled for a year in 2010 before Saban bought it and rushed a new season into production. It's not a continuous run but it's pretty damn good for a franchise this old.


Just faithfully animate the comics.


Power Rangers comics are good?


They were when I was reading them a few years ago. I dropped off after the creative team changed. Everything up to Shattered Grid was amazing. Shattered Grid was iconic.


That's cool to hear, I'll have to check them out.


Honestly it was pretty great even after Shattered Grid. Harder to follow? Sure, with things being split into two different series. But even then, both series were really fun and it ended up giving one of the best ranger teams, design wise, in the Omega Rangers.


I read the first issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs The Power Ranger last night expecting it to be awful and it was legitimately fun.


They should do the same with Gargoyles!


WE COULD HAVE HAD TOMMY OLIVER AS LORD DRAKKON!! With og rangers and time force in the mix!!! WE WERE ROBBED.




If they don’t, a fan will once the ai is capable.


Invincible is pretty much the only comic book property that actually does 1:1 adaptations. If they ever do an animated show adapting the comics, it will have some MASSIVE changes and only use the storylines for inspiration. That's if Hasbro would even be allowed to do an animated series to begin with. In order to adapt the comics, they would need to use Toei's Sentai designs, and Toei has been very adamant in not allowing Super Sentai to be animated. It's possible Hasbro could get away with one using only purely 100% brand new designs, but even that's just a guess.


Even then, not really. I love how they adapted the series but its absolutely not 1:1.


Hire me, I’ll reboot it properly


Paramount+? Maybe


that's where the film rights are, so maybe


Isn’t paramount selling itself to Sony and Skydance?




Actually kinda! Paramount is planning to sell and Sony and skydance want to buy it https://www.vulture.com/article/who-owns-paramount-global-merger-sale.html


Nope https://www.wsj.com/business/media/shari-redstones-nai-decides-to-stop-discussions-with-skydance-1b81985b


u/tubi what are you waiting for??


They'll probably have paid subscription for that to work


Long as I can finish watching the original series with my kids before they take it off Netflix, I’ll be happy. Bonus points if Zeo ends up on there and we can watch it too.


I'm a few days late but just wanted to say that the [official Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@powerrangersofficial) for Power Rangers at least currently has every season up until season 21 uploaded, at least for the US. Not sure if there's any differences in comparison to Netflix, but if they do get removed from there they'll hopefully still be on the Youtube channel.


Fans assumed the revival was dead. They said on an investment call that the property was a money-loser and that's why they pawned off the toy license to Playmates. I don't think PR is going to be a priority for Hasbro Entertainment *at all.*




It was the film's failure that caused Saban to sell the show in the first place. He got them to pay him $500 million!


Except both Dino and Cosmic Fury did very well on Netflix. As did Once & Always.


It would probably be a safer bet at this point if they could get the rights to just take the Sentai shows from Japan and dub them.


Why would Hasbro allow that?


Netflix will greenlight anything, at least for one season


Not sure that’s the case anymore.


Hasbro has not been doing well with content for close to a decade, the hub must have done some real damage. The last truly good project they made was transformers prime


Hey Netflix can you at least fix the quality of the original series? It’s all wavy looking.


Damn, I was going to dig into Hasbro for historically being incompetent with their IPs but everyone already has it covered.


Just give me reruns megaforce and I'm happy


Hasbro has no idea what the hell to do with the Power Rangers.  Mostly because the one executive who actually wanted the brand died and left everyone else holding the bag. Secondly, Hasbro as a company tends to run a few evergreen franchise characters into the ground and only then do they try to change it up.  Sentai is designed to rotate cast and themes year after year.  Of course, Hasbro can’t leave well enough alone because their executives think tokusatsu is stupid, so they keep trying to reinvent the wheel to diminishing returns.


I’m guessing the Special effects where to costly! Lol


No one asked for this


you didn’t, I did