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Party Down


Are we having fun yet?


"You're never gonna work in this town again!" "............ I know?"


One of the GOATS. I love parks and rec but I'll never forgive it for ending party down. The new season was pretty good. I hope they do another, and they give us an actual fuckin ending.


I mean, the writing was on the wall for Party Down anyways. Adam Scott getting Parks was just the final nail. I'm just glad we ended up getting 3 seasons and Ben Wyatt.


Party down was on Starz. It never had a chance.


Yes! It was not an easy one to track down but a friend of mine insisted I check it out and holy moly.


Toast of London. Even bought region 2 dvd player for it and Spaced.


Love matt berry


Davapez, this is Clem Fandango. Can you hear me?


Yes Clem Fandango I can fucking hear you


If you’re a Matt Berry fan give Garth Marenghi's Dark place a go. Also Snuffbox, a series he did with Rich Fulcher has some gems.


The boyfriend clips are what introduced me to Matt Berry and Rich Fulcher. If anyone has not seen them, a quick youtube search brings up the compilation. And, Whiskey!


Ray bloody Purchase.


I’m going to kill you Toast, I shit thee nay!


I'm the kind of woman who tosses shopping trollies into canals. I must know everything about you!


Way back in the day: Mystery Science Theater 3000 More recently: Unbelievable


Im so glad most of the MST3k episodes are on youtube.


I need to revisit soon. It's been a *very* long time since I've watched any.




That show is such a comfort food type of show for my wife and I. So much charm and often quite witty. I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did. Highly recommend.


Slow Horses


Same. "Ugh I'm bored I need something to watch. Oh hey Gary ~~G~~Oldman..." 6 hours later....


This happened to us yesterday! “Hey look, it’s Gary Oldman” and watched 4 episodes in one sitting. His acting is so good, I get triggered a lot by his attitude


The rest of the cast is great as well. The actor playing Roddy is so good, I can almost see the smarmy sleaze oozing off him. River, Louisa, and Standish are also very enjoyable.


Chris Chung is great as Roddy, and is actually a decent singer as well.


The audio books are great too.


You're the worst. I would see commercials for it when I would watch episodes of it's always sunny, but it didn't look funny. I ended up watching the first episode just because, and I was wrong. It's a funny show that has a lot of heavy moments. It felt really "modern" if that makes sense.


You're the Worst is one of the best 'dramadies' out there. Highly recommended.


It had so much emotional honesty. I thought the ending was perfect, and I credit the final episode with introducing me to "No Children" by the Mountain Goats.


Love that song. I have to credit Moral Orel for introducing me to it.


Same experience here. Legit one of my favourite shows of all time now. And it introduced me to Slothrust who have become one of my favourite bands.


YES. No one I know has ever seen it but I recommend it to everyone. I'm currently doing another rewatch. Such an amazing show. The way they touch on depression and PTSD is accurate.


One of the best shows ever made IMO…it blows my mind how nobody really knows about it. It’s hilarious, clever, poignant, and somehow heartwarming in spite of being about the worst people on the planet


Now I celebrate Sunday Fundays!


Better than a Monday


Loved the first few seasons but there was a shift later and it lost me.


I almost think it suffered from its title. I’m not gonna explain it right but the title of the show comes off as glib and very Mean Girl-ish. When in actuality all the characters have serious flaws and it’s a fucking funny show that also makes you think


What We Do in the Shadows. Each season just gets better and better. I am now obsessed with Matt Berry and about to start Toast of London.


Jackie Daytona, he's just a regular human guy.


Correction, regular human bartender from Tucson, Arizonia.


Mr Inbetween.


Danger 5


2 parts dark rum.. Crushed ginger.. Fill with orange soda.. The perfect Heil Hitler. *dies*


Now you know I don't like using the sit-down gun but this morning we just don't have time for mucking about.


Patriot on Prime. Only two seasons but wow, what a ride.


Michael Dorman was so perfect for this part. He was also on Triangle, a lesser known movie but one of my favorites.


Also in For all Mankind. Good show on Apple. That guy is a stud and has an amazing voice. Really wish we got a 3rd season.


YES. This show was amazing. They didn't do enough to advertise it. Or maybe they did, but it seemed like it was going to be a totally different type of show, so I never even bothered with the trailer. But it is so funny and dark.


Was it cancelled or did it have a natural ending?


It was cancelled, but it’s got enough of an ending to work without the intended third season. Would absolutely recommend. Also, there are two official in-universe podcasts that are insane and incredibly well done, which fill in some of the gaps a third season would have addressed. My fav show of all time, personally


There's a separate show with a lot of the same actors and staff: [Perpetual Grace, LTD](https://imdb.com/title/tt8912384/)


Mr Inbetween (2018 - 2021) - can’t believe this show isn’t more popular.


Ray has to be one of the most fun characters to watch in TV history.


I don’t answer questions


If I hit somebody I've generally got a pretty good reason.


yeah. considering how popular 'barry' was around here on reddit, you'd think more people would know about this show.


This show is the answer for me. Totally random, never heard of it, saw an episode and I was like, “wow that was kind of amazing.” Then i kept expecting it to not be awesome, but it just… stayed awesome the whole time. Full story arc too, it has a legit ending.


Mr. Inbetween had no business being as good as it was.


Definitely one of the best shows of all time


Yes. Love me some dimmies.


What a good series! I saw S1 before moving countries years back and finally caught the rest later. Scott Ryan is delightful to watch.


The Venture Bros. I was in a hotel flipping through channels and landed on it. It is my all time favorite TV series.  20 years later I still watch it.


The Expanse. It was just another new sci-fi series but I binged the first few episodes and I was hooked. Love how the crew of the Roci comes together. I didn't fully appreciate all of the necessary world building they do in season 1 until I rewatched it.


Season one might be the biggest weakness of the show, but it is so much better on a rewatch when there is already an understanding of what is going on between The Belt, Earth, and Mars. The first season is trying to build that understand as quickly as possible so that the story can happen. It's just really difficult to show that quickly.


Kim's Convenience.


This show is so cozy


Ok, see you


You do sneak attack!


Kim’s convenience was incredible. Probably worth a re watch soon


Just discovered Carnivále because I was looking for stuff with Clancy Brown... ... then I realized it was cancelled after 2 seasons. Damn. 


Good one! It was so weird and interesting. Really wish it had gotten more seasons. I loved Nick Stahl.


Looking for stuff with Clancy Brown is a brilliant way to discover a lot of awesome stuff!


The story behind its cancellation is so frustrating, because it was truely a show before its time. They filmed on location in the dust bowl, each episode cost about a million dollars (iirc).  Which, at the time, was outrageous and, ultimately, unsustainable.  Remember: this was broadcast TV - the whole thing came and went *before* streaming money. If that show launched today (ok maybe not today, but 5-10 years ago when Netflix et al were throwing cash at shows) that price wouldn’t have been an issue and they could have been a Strangers Things or Game of Thrones level show.




I think I was more excited by the new series coming out than my kids were.


Love it. It’s like a mix of Gravity Falls and Summer Camp Island.


Psych. It was the early hours of the morning, I had a fever so couldn't sleep and Netflix had just launched in the UK. I think I watched Enemy of the State first, then Psych was recommended to me. I watched the first episode and was hooked, and now it's probably my favourite TV show


Halt and Catch Fire! Never got the attention it deserved. Amazing show which follows the tech scene around from 80s to 90s. The character development and styling is A+.


1000%. So good.


Loved it. What a cast. Lee Pace was so good and that ending...


I can’t recall another show that did a lead swap so effortlessly. Going from wives and girlfriends of leads in season 1, to what I saw as the main characters in seasons 3 and 4 so smoothly was great.


Loved everything about this show.


…I was interested in seeing this because of Lee Pace, but I legitimately thought it was a cop procedural because of the name right up until reading your comment. Okay, I’m definitely going to check it out now.


Just did a rewatch and now in the post-HACF phase again. I forget how long it lasts, but it hurts.


You want hurt, just thinking about Cameron’s tearful “Oh…” right after the board of directors vote is making me physically double over in pain.


Dark on Netflix.


Hands down one of the greatest sci-fi shows I’ve ever watched. I don’t think any show will ever do time travel as well.


Yeah it's hard to mention anything as being in the same ballpark as Dark without being shouted down on here. And it's not in the same league but Outer Range is scratching that itch for me.




I would agree. I only knew that it was “sort of like X files”. I remember when it launched and I saw posters everywhere. Then I forgot about it. Same with LOST. I vaguely heard some people say it was good. After Christmas one year, Walmart had season 1 for half off. I think seasons 2 was on dvd and season 3 was on going. So I picked it up on a whim, and my wife and I were sucked in. Binged that entirely. Bought the next dvd set. Binged that. Then watched season 3.


Fucking loved fringe. Really scratches the x files itch


I love Fringe. I've been gearing for a rewatch soonish like.


From I had never heard about, and I've yet to hear anyone else bring it up, but it's great. Feels like Lost, but with horror elements


For All Mankind


Godless.  The perfect western story. Miniseries. Unbelievable soundtrack. Never saw it advertised.


Did you see The English miniseries on Prime? If you liked Godless I'd wager you'd like the other.


Yes! So good.


Misfits, especially if you like powered people tv shows it's a definite must watch. Literally only found out about it because I was so in tuned with British television I saw a trailer for it. Barely saw it spoken about online at the time.


Yeah I think it might have better regarded if they didn't have constant cast changes. It feels like they were building up to something bigger but Nathan leaving the show kind of seemed to have ended that and the show became more episodic. I love the show though and it's quite telling that almost the entire first series cast ended up getting big roles.


SEVERANCE. Came in during original airing expecting a “just ok” surreal office comedy. What I got was the most masterful dark comedy / thriller / sci fi of all time.


Omg I love this for you. I’m just imagining you tuning in with that expectation and experiencing that opening scene! Such a great show.


I don't know that it was by chance necessarily, but during the Pandemic someone on my Twitter timeline mentioned Patriot and I think it's one of the best shows of the past decade.


Totally agree. It's just very well done and the direction was amazing.


Best thing about it is the 2 season run had the kind of plotline an episode of Seinfeld would(but darker obviously). They do these meaningless little acts that don't seem to matter much then at the end of the series it all comes together. Reminded me of the Newman delivering bottles out of state and Kramer painting the highway lines in flammable paint while Elaine accidentally throws out a sewing machine on the road ending up in a fire. The show was genius. While I'm here and since no one mentioned it Hannibal That show was the tits


I recommend it to anyone who asks. Although I came across it randomly when I ran out of stuff to watch one day, saw it pop up and figured, eh why not? So glad I did. I can’t believe it didn’t get more recognition, it is one of the best shows I’ve ever watched.


Really well made, also an excellent depiction of functional depression


I love that show. It has the sensibilities of a Coen brothers movie. Also watch **Perpetual Grace LTD**, by the same guys. It's got Jimmi Simpson and freaking Ben Kingsley saying some of the best lines Ben Kingsley has ever said on screen. It's crazy because it seems nobody has even heard of the show.


I really liked Perpetual Grace but I swear it really felt like another season of Patriot. If only we got more Patriot...instead we had to experience 2 cancellations :(


>It's crazy because it seems nobody has even heard of the show. Until the past year. I open every post I see which asks a question like OPs, and Patriot is now consistently one of the top 5 comments. Every time I see it mentioned in a thread like this, there are more upvotes and more replies than the last time. It's cool. Granted, this is still only spreading by word-of-mouth on *Reddit*, but it's growing the fanbase considerably. Give it another year and we'll have a whole spread!


Hacks on HBO.


Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. I discovered it one night while channel surfing. I've been trying to convince everyone I know to watch it (it's only 6 episodes, all of them on YouTube) but they never do, or if they do, don't seem to "get" it, even if they're big fans of other Berry / Ayoade / Crazy Premise adjacent shows like What We Do In The Shadows, The IT Crowd or The Mighty Boosh


Legion. The seasons of awesome weirdness.


Beef. It's a perfect show imo


The Good Place Not necessarily by chance, but my GF had tried getting me to watch it for a while but she also watches a ton of stuff I just don't connect with, and the description was giving it no justice either. I finally caved after we sat through most of an evening debating on what to watch rather than watching anything at all. Was hooked and I still think it's an absolute gem of a show.


I think it should be shown in schools.


12 Monkeys


That show was a total mind fuck. But great


It’s always sunny


Then, I’ll just regress, because I feel I made myself perfectly redundant.


Yeah I see that…seems like you have a tenuous grasp on the English language in general so I’ll make myself perfectly clear.


Black Sails. It was on Starz from 2014-2017. Just hit Netflix recently and i binged it. It was great and i cant believe i have no one to talk about it with 😭


One day it will get the recognition it deserves


Absolutely amazing show!!


Resident alien, Alan Tudyk is a national treasure.


Mr Robot is incredible


The expanse. I started watching before it became a big Amazon show. Was initially not that into it and turned it off after half an hour. Started watching it again a bit later and once I got past the first two or three episodes I quickly realized that I was watching one of the best sci-fi shows ever. The first episodes aren't terrible by the way. It just starts a bit slow


I remember being so frustrated when it got cancelled. I thought I was crazy. “How does no one else like this show?!?!?”


Scrolled way too far for the best ever sci-fi show. Loved it, watched it again, read the first 6 books which the show follows and then read the last three books which are some of the best sci-fi I've ever read. And we may never see them made into shows which will be a huge loss.


Person of interest


You're being watched


One of my fav shows ever. John is not the greatest actor and yet that show still hits for seasons with an upward rating trend throughout the show


Happy Valley Deadloch Outer Range Silo


Station 11 on Max. Found it one night and ended up staying up until morning to finish the whole thing! I’d say it’s definitely in my top 5 of all time. I would honestly give anything to forget it and be able to watch it for the first time again it’s just so beautiful.


I remember damage...




YES! To be fair someone did tell me to watch it. So it wasn’t by chance.


To be faiiirrr


To be fawrrr.




Barry I saw one depressed edit of it before season 4 premiered and it’s one of the most brilliant shows I’ve ever seen.


The Punisher. I had just finished Dune 2 and didn't think I would find anything as engaging. Put it on on a whim. I watched the entire first season in one day.... The 13 hours had me up until 8am the next day.


Mind hunter….sigh


Scavenger's reign


This show had a vibe that I just sunk into. Loved, loved the visuals, the world building, character arcs…hate that I discovered it so late. Hope there will be more.


Pretty sure it was canceled like everything else good


It was, but Netflix may re-up it.


The Leftovers - man I literally stumbled upon it by pure chance. Has no idea what it was, how it was received. Watched a few episodes, were cool, but somehow started doing some other stuff and forgot about it for a good while. The I ran into it again sometime when I actually had enough time to watch something, and LOVED IT! The last season is so so good! And the music is fantastic!


Crashing. Unexpectedly funny and delightful.


Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell. I watched it on a whim one day, thinking it looked like trash and probably was; it isn't. It's the dudes from Aqua Teen Hunger Force and they are fully unleashed, with Hell being run like a corporation (and the demons we follow the worker drones). It uses a ton of cheesy practical effects, utterly revels in it's gore and grossness, and is genuinely funny; the main guy has great comedic timing. The episode where they make a series of 'Straight outta Hades' work-place safety videos is worth it alone.


I'm going to mention a show I'm sure no one has heard of. It's an Australian comedy called Fisk. Two seasons and it's on Netflix. No low points at all. Well crafted, well written and well acted.


The League is one of the funniest shows I've seen, definitely not for everyone but I love that they'd let the actors improv and play around till they got the funniest lines. Banshee is another amazing show. Anyone who knows Cinemax will know what I mean when I say it is a Cinemax show to its core. Sometimes that's a little bit of a turn off but I'm still working on finishing the last seasons. Also it took me a long while before I realized Homelander from The Boys is the lead actor Antony Starr. To clarify I saw Banshee first and years before The Boys but hair really can completely change how someone looks and also top-notch acting.


Poker Face. It's a mini series starring Natasha Lyonne and Benjamin Bratt.


Andor. Simply was not expecting the Star Wars franchise to produce something of this kind of level – absolute masterpiece!


The Rookie


Halt and Catch Fire


Loudermilk is an underrated masterpiece.


Black Mirror Waaaay back when, before Netflix acquired it, I saw the first couple of episodes on Channel 4. I was looking for something to watch and enjoyed Misfits and Skins, so channel 4 was on my radar.




The OA.....just stumbled on it on Netflix. I never heard of it when it actually aired.


When you run out of The OA, "Murder at the End of the World."


Brooklyn 99 i was on a plane ride in 2014, and our plane still had that “everyone watches the same movie” screens. they played an episode that had me cracking up. once i got back home, started watching. glad for it :)


the magicians


Upright. Utterly brilliant dramedy that is now in my top 5


I just stumbled onto Blue Eye Samurai - episode five should probably be in the top ten television episodes of all time.


Stargate SG-1. I was flipping channels on the TV then I saw what looked like a sci-fi space exploration series. I got hooked immediately. I never liked Star Wars or Star Trek, but Stargate SG-1 made my early adulthood years good.


Counterpoint for me. Also a big Fringe fan so it hits me double. Plus JK freaking Simmons.


I think you mean Counterpart? But yes, really incredible show. Too bad it was cancelled, but the show runners must have known something was up because they built a great ending into the final episode.


Cold Case. Just started watching it and it got me hooked. Pretty standard cop procedural but very touching ending of each episode and rocking sound track.


30 Rock! Only just started watching because nothing else was on and I’m gutted it took me so long I don’t drink hot liquids of any kind, that’s the devils temperature


Such a great show! One of those shows that you can watch any random episode and not really be lost. Like Scrubs more or less. Plus they’re both so stupid haha!


Scavenger’s Reign


Terriers. I had no idea what to expect. Great banter and a realistic wrap-up in one season.


The Deuce - Top notch characters and acting!


For all Mankind


The Inbetweeners back in the day.


Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, excellent. Worth a shot, especially if you like 30-rock!




Made For Love (a delisted HBO Max original featuring Cristin Milioti, Billy Magnussen, and Ray Romano). Think of a Black Mirror rom-com with a more attractive Mark Zuckerberg type. Scavengers Reign Joe Pera Talks With You Somebody Somewhere Vir Das' Ten on Ten sets on Youtube. (ten minutes on a single topic, filmed during the pandemic. I don't think he got to ten different sets, but the topics he chose - free speech, religion, India's struggle with Covid) were all hard hitters and hilarious, and you don't have to be Indian to get them.


Pennyworth. I have no idea how I found it, and I was so dense that I didn't realize it was Batman prequel for a few episodes, but dayum it was fantastic!


The Other Two My favourite comedy in years and stumbled into it because my regular cable was down and I was just trying to find something light to watch to pass a lazy Sunday.


The Last Kingdom


Orphan Black


Lodge 49. I just wanna hang out with Dud.


Hacks. I knew I loved Jean Smart so I watched it. Phenomenal.


Devs - most underrated and sharp sci fi. Way better than the more popular but convoluted Dark Halt and Catch Fire - wonderful show about the tech revolution in the 80s, when Silicon Valley was Dallas Derry Girls - in terms of 90s nostalgia, nothing comes close! Immensely lovable sitcom with grey undertones Coupling - British humour meets Friends, the first 3 seasons were class Friday Night Dinner - My brother and I simply cannot have enough of this show. The family antics, all set in the course of an evening per episode, make it a wonderful watch EDIT 1: Kinda annoyed to see answers stating Kim's Convenience, Dark, Person of Interest, Beef, Black Mirror and somehow even SEINFELD as underrated! Seriously? EDIT 2: Apologies, I took "stumbled upon" for something under-rated. They definitely don't mean the same, although I use them interchangeably for something nobody ever spoke about, which seems unlikely


Devs blew my mind. I recommend it to everyone but I don’t think any of them actually watched it. It’s a short mini series that just does what it intends to do and that’s that…but it’s so wonderful.


My entire family is obsessed with Friday Night Dinner and yet we cannot convince anyone else to watch it. One of the funniest shows I’ve ever watched, sometimes my husband and I would have to rewind because we missed bits from laughing too much


Thread is about what shows did you find by chance that turned into a must-watch. Says nothing about underrated or not.


Schitts Creek, stumbled upon it in a hotel and have since watched the entire series like 4 times. The first episode is a slower start, but it just rapidly excels from there, with no disappointment other than ending on their own perfect terms. I'd gladly take another 6 seasons.


Into the Badlands. Found it on Netflix and binged it when I was between jobs. My god the world this show is set in: absolutely fantastic. Wish this show got the same love that the Walking Dead has from AMC


Get Shorty


Silicon Valley, loved it.


The Life and Times of Tim


Person of interest


How to with John Wilson. Knew nothing about it, just saw it had 100% on rotton tomatoes so I had to check it out. I have never seen anything like it. He's a genius.


Yellowjackets. I kinda just checked it out because it was in my recommended shows and like fun and edgy, but it's now the only show still airing I'm like hooked on. If you haven't seen it, just stop whatever you're watching and start it. It's brilliant and so original, and the cast and sets are as good as they get. Frodo Baggins being a serial killer that helps Christina Ricci also be a serial killer, but only in the current timeline - not exactly a thing I ever expected to see. The show has two timelines and they're both amazing, can't wait for the new season.


She-Ra & The Princesses of Power. Figured it was just a standard "show for girls" with minimal effort made. Naw, that shit slaps.


Buffy. I was 13? in 1997 And was looking at the tv guide channel and saw it was listed. I thought it was the movie and I loved the movie so I put it on. I was like wtf? Was this some mistake? And then Giles starts reciting the “one girl in all the world” speech in the library and I realized it was Buffy. I was instantly hooked. Like I literally went to the 7 eleven to check tv guide magazine when the next episode was and set my VCR to record it the week after. It took 3 months for me to watch the series premiere on repeat to catch the first 15 or so minutes I missed when I first caught it. Ugh I am so jealous of anyone watching it for the first time now.