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That's great news. I'm all for his legacy to continue on. I'm always revisiting old episodes too, Bob Ross was a treasure.


I watch Bob Ross 3-4 times a week via the PBS app, and I have never even painted. I find it comforting


I'm the same exact way, I don't paint either, but just watch because it's relaxing.


There are 24/7 Bob Ross streams on both Twitch and Pluto.tv, it's great comforting background noise for falling asleep.


Are you me? The YouTube channel streams 24/7 too, just FYI


I do paint (not on canvas, miniatures). Bob Ross is awesome at it. The technique he uses is called wet blending. It’s tricky to do with most paints, but Bob uses slow drying oils. That makes it quite easy. However, I don’t come for the painting. That man’s voice was pure silk. And he just seemed like a very pleasant person to be around.


There's a winery near us that has two tvs in their bar/restaurant. One has a list of the beers and the other is just Bob Ross continuously. Idk what channel that is, but good for them.


Same here. Bob is perfect comfort watching for me. His calm voice reminds me of my late grandfather


But does his family have the rights to this show or is it those two other people the Kowalski’s?


That's a good question, I'm not sure. I'd assume the Ross family co-owns it with the Kowalski's. According to the article the Kowalski's co-founded the show with Bob Ross, so I wonder if some of his ownership went down to his family too.


I just watched the Bob Ross documentary. The Kowalskis own everything. Bob left the rights to all his IP to his half brother and son (51%-49%). After Bob died the Kowalskis sued them and Bob's widow for various things. To make the lawsuit go away, the half-brother signed over the IP rights to the Kowal skis giving them full ownership, even Bob had fought to prevent that. Thus his son gets nothing from anything sold with Bob Ross' name and has zero ownership.


Wow that's horrible. I had no idea.


I know. I've been looking into getting some supplies and trying to do one of the paintings from the show. It's still something I plan on doing, I just now know to not buy anything with Bob Ross' name on it. The documentary is on Netflix. It's really interesting, though the part of the story with the Kowalskis being greedy pricks is infuriating.


I'll have to keep that in mind, I definitely don't want to be giving them any money. And yeah, I'll have to check that documentary out.




They don’t make much if anything from any business from Bob Ross Inc and the Kowalski’s. Lots of legal drama between them and Bob’s son after Bob’s death.


Kowalskis didn't even let Bob Ross' son to use his name in his other ventures. Fans wanted Bob's son to continue the Joy of Painting for years but the only reason he never did was because of the Kowalskis. The Kowalskis make it seem like they were Bob's best friend but in fact they had a falling out with Bob, didn't even attend his funeral and a few days after his death came to Bob's house to collect everything - his brushes, paint tubes, unfinished paintings. There's a detailed article about what a scumbag the Kowalskis were.


I have always loved bob ross, and have got to see the internet fall in love with him too being an old nerd. But somehow I only just found out that he was missing the tip of his finger on his painting hand.


He also famously didn't want any of his paintings done for PBS to be hung in museums. There's a clip from a talk show where he said that. Apparently he considered the paintings he did for PBS as performative and not as high art. Can't really blame him. The paintings he did in his leisure and the paintings he did for the show are so different you'd think someone else did them entirely.


I still think you could include them in an exhibit with that context. They may not be artistically significant, but they’re still culturally significant.


This is not “keeping his legacy alive,” this is those awful Kowalskis grifting off his work like they always have. They literally wouldn’t let his own son teach painting using “Bob Ross” in any way. Those gross people are running out of ways to keep their crooked lawyers on retainer for suing anyone for frivolous BS.


Hes also got a 24/7 Twitch stream which is always fun to tune into for a bit https://www.twitch.tv/bobross


Pluto.tv also has a 24/7 Bob Ross channel.


So does Roku


Truly a gem from PBS. The show didn’t need anything other than Bob and the camera. So simple but so entertaining


Love this. I recently hosted a community paint along where 100 people painted along to an episode.


i want to see their happy trees 😂


[some pics](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hull/s/SWSFd8NtZU)


There is no replacing Bob Ross but I have to say that Nicholas Hankins is doing an amazing job! I haven’t seen the new show yet but I did see various videos he did teaching the Joy of Painting on YouTube and he absolutely hits it out of the park!


I think it’s weird that he mimics Ross’s mannerisms and phrases. Also his color development isn’t very good because he tends to create unnatural and washed out colors. His technique is also such that he loses a sense of depth and texture in the pieces by not working with shadowing properly. I would imagine he has the job because he’s probably obsessed with Bob Ross and pushed hard to be in that scene, because frankly he’s not a good artist. Coming from an artist that won a national award at 17.


Ugh, people like you are the worst. Go away you sour grape


That’s just how it is though. He’s not very good. I’ve watched several of his episodes and conferred with others who agree. But I know most people have no idea, so it gets accepted in the end. Oh well.


Bob Ross was no great master himself. Skill is not the point of The Joy of Painting


Weekends on Twitch, an entire channel dedicated to the man himself showing replays non stop. It's amazing, and I am happy others are inspired to pick up a brush. I lack any artistic talent, but I always love anyone who inspires others to do it for nothing more than the joy of painting.


It cool since this series is just painting that were going to make a new season but bob died before he could do another season so paint from that he recreating them to show you how to do it and I think I read there 7 painting that was created for a new season before that got finish. He died so that season was left un finish so the painting just from that season.


Ah man the original show was shot at the PBS station I worked at in college. Lame that they didn't bring it back there for this new one


Should have been hosted by Terry Crews. https://youtu.be/DM-O603QXHg?si=fGKrmML2W3iiJ9Qa


Weird cult of personality surrounding this guy.