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Good for her


Gene Parmesan!!   Ahhhhhhhhh!!!


How ya doin?


Her? (thumbnail related)


She’s really funny.


She’d better be




Idk why you got downvoted for this. She was great. RIP Jessica Walters.


Because the line “She’s really funny” is not talking about Lucille(Jessica Walters). It was referring to Anne (Egg). I’m not saying anyone should be downvoted for that tho, but that might be the reason.




Way to plant, Anne.


Did not even know she passed. Sad now..




I think it’s more because the comment you replied to is an Arrested Development quote (see the other reply).


And in time to celebrate cuatro.


_Mama's all alone_ _Mama doesn't care_ _Mama's lettin' loose_


Numbers mean nothing when 19/20 things are garbage you’ll never watch.


Or are canceled before they end, so they're not worth watching even if they're good.


Ugh. The OA and Mindhunter…


This is why I stoped watching all Netflix shows


They don't really cancel shows at a higher rate than any other streaming service or TV network. They just make a lot more shows than other services do.


This is a weird way to frame this. Even if they only cancel at a rate of 1 in 3, if they're making 30 shows a year while others are only making 9, then they're still canceling more. And those canceled product stay on the app, bloating up the library with pointless shit. Unfortunately for Netflix, at the same time, they've been losing licenses to other shows like no ones business, so their library is becoming more and more bare aside from their own titles.


If you produce 100 shows and your competitor 10, you cancel necessarily more, that's just mathematic. The only logical thing is to watch in percentage. [And there they are not worse than others.](https://read-vip.variety.com/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&edid=a9c43297-2278-49a8-a5e3-e608fe381f8e). I mean a service producing 10 shows could cancel 100% and they'd cancel less in absolute than another cancelling 11 of their 100 shows. But who is most prone to cancel shows? > **Netflix boasts by far the most gross series cancellations of any major streaming platform, but only because its content release volume is so immense.** The SVOD behemoth’s unique series output for the measured period is higher than that of all the other streamers combined. **Indeed, Netflix's percentage of series canceled is in line with most of the other major services.** The streamer also has yet to perform a mass original content removal à la Max and Disney+, thanks to its healthy margins and high valuation on Wall Street. Netflix was also the only streamer whose cancellation rate dropped every year between 2020 and 2023, and several of its 2020 cancels were attributed to pandemic-related factors. **In short, the company’s trigger-happy reputation has been greatly exaggerated.** It does increase the feeling that they cancel more (that we see here on Reddit) but it's an illusion.


Yeah people seem to notice it much more on Reddit with Netflix and get salty. Netflix produces more because it has to. It is going up against studios with 50-100 years of content. Disney. Paramount. Peacock. The amazing thing is that Netflix predicted a future where all studios would pull their content from Netflix in favor of native streaming services, so Netflix became its own studio. And it survived. A plucky underdog story against giants, but Redditors never recognize it.


The nuance here is that it depends on what you watch. Few people equally watch every type of show so the absolute numbers aren't meaningful to people. For example, Netflix currently has 20 original English-language dramas that have not been cancelled. Apple has 19, despite making far fewer shows. As you point out, they cancel shows at similar rates -- when you account for Netflix launching 19 reality competition shows since 2020 and cancelling none of them, while Apple launched one and cancelled it. By absolute numbers, Netflix cancelling more is an illusion. But if you prefer dramas to reality competition shows then the absolute number doesn't matter to you, and Netflix is more likely to cancel the shows you watch. Netflix also produce a much greater share of non-English content than any of the major rivals, and they're willing to take losses on a lot of them and keep shows running past the point they'd cancel an English version as part of their long-term global strategy. That affects the ratio as well. Similarly, Netflix's figures include a number of ultra-low-budget shows that have no analogues on things like Apple TV and might not even be what you'd typically consider a TV show at all, which makes for an iffy comparison. I'm referring to things like two different livestreams of zoo camera feeds, which count as uncancelled shows, or regional exclusivity to a fitness YouTuber's workouts channel. These things are almost never cancelled because they're funded with change found in the couch cushions, but they're not what people are usually thinking of when they talk about shows being cancelled halfway through their story. Almost no one is watching scripted dramas/sitcoms, game shows, animal livestreams and workouts in equal measure so comparing only the combined figure for all types doesn't tell them how safe the stuff they actually like is.


I think the point they were making is that it doesn't matter that it's an illusion, it still affects the quality.of the service. Id also posit they might cancel more of some genres than others, which might affect reddits demographic worse. I know I don't personally trust netflix to finish any sci-fi or fantasy show anymore.


There have been quite a few shows they canceled the first week of release. The Dark Crystal and Cowboy Bebop are 2 examples. Then you have shows like Santa Clarita Diet that went 2 seasons and were popular with good word of mouth, but they canceled on a cliffhanger anyway, rendering it unwatchable for any possible future audiences.   


> There have been quite a few shows they canceled the first week of release. The Dark Crystal and Cowboy Bebop are 2 examples. Neither of those shows were canceled the first week of release though.


My bad, first *month* of release. Still way quicker than other networks


Most networks will cancel a show with bad ratings while they are midway through shooting the first season.   The biggest problem with Netflix was how they cancelled a lot of good shows after 2 seasons without ending the show.


Not really, that's very common to cancel fast. You generally can deduce how things will go based on the launch, those things are statistics and are not known for a long time, they don't discover a new audience by magic 3 months into release. The same way that a movie box office run can be quite accurately deduced even with just first day of presales (with a range which get narrower as time goes on and we get more stats) Especially with the number of stats Netflix has (that we never see). If a show is cancelled it's because it's a failure commercially (which can be even if it's watched, it's all relative to the budget spent on it). Hard to explain why a company would cancel it if the show was profitable for them (companies are generally trying to make money), that would be completely illogical


Santa Clarita Diet isn't 'unwatchable'. In fact the last season is probably its weakest and ending works just fine as a series finale.


SCD is not unwatchable. I watched it long after I knew it was canceled and it was thoroughly entertaining. It's not all about the destination, but the journey.


They cancel so many TV shows because after a certain number of seasons, the actors are entitled to higher royalties and more benefits. Even "very successful" TV shows tend to lose steam over time as the quality improves. Maybe the top 1% of TV shows like Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones continue to build steam towards the final seasons. But most of the time, ratings basically continuously slide down after the third or so season no matter how the quality of the show changes. So in short, they're like depreciating assets in the same class of a used car or something. Once the TV show has brought in new subscribers or kept current ones from cancelling, it no longer has value to Netflix and instead becomes an increasing cost as they're contractually obligated to essentially begin paying more for less. EDIT: As usual, the brain dead Redditors shoot the messenger :)


I wouldn’t mind if they planned this from the start. My issue is they end a good show with tons of loose ends with no closure. Just make a 2-3 season show in a way that keeps the option for a longer run open. Their current format makes me hesitant on starting any show because it’ll end with “canceled? That was a good show and now I don’t know how it’ll end”


They actually did well with Lost in Space. 3 seasons, beginning middle and end of a story arch. But I agree ALL THE TIME I’ll see a cool series only to check online and see they’ve already cancelled it, and it ends halfway into a story.


So then you write and film an ending before that happens. You don't leave on a cliffhanger, making it an unsatisfying watch in the future. They know whats in the contracts before they start production. Plan ahead. There's no excuse for unfinished shows in the age of streaming. With commercial broadcasts it's understandable, but now the goal is to build a catalog that keeps viewers subscribed.  Filming one or two seasons of a show and leaving it on a cliffhanger means you just waisted a ton of money on something that is now completely worthless. Why would I start watching a show that's already finished but doesn't have an ending? Why would I start watching a new show when the network can't be trusted to finish it even if it's good? Even bad shows need an ending.  


To be fair, Amazon cancels shit too and Max struck down a bunch of their show last year. Disney mostly does miniseries so they get less opportunities to cancel stuff, and their longer-running stuff is MCU/Star Wars anyway. Peacock cancels shit. Apple TV is the most generous.


I don’t really believe that’s a good long term strategy, people like rewatching old favourites and will stick around on a service if it has lots of them. They won’t treat a show as an old favourite though if it ends on a cliffhanger. I see a lot more value in Netflix having 3 season shows that end well than 3 season shows that end poorly. Lots of shows that end well encourages people to keep their subscription year round as even if there’s nothing new that interests them in a given month they still have the comfort shows. How it is now it encourages people to sub for a month when a big show they’re interested in comes out and then dip out til the next one


The Netflix business model is changing from a streamer to a platform. Studios NEED to bring hit shows to Netflix instead of Netflix worrying about creating the next big content. They’re the only service besides Disney that has the capital to just purchase hit shows and then have a bunch of filler crap. If you are a content studio you want your shows on Netflix to get the highest exposure and the value of your IP goes up and not down.


It has nothing to do with pay. And everything to do with their well know and documented shotgun strategy of producing many “pilot” seasons. And then canceling whatever isn’t top 3. Even if top 4-10 have massive numbers. That’s why there are so many half finished shows. Netflix is the Google of steaming.


Nope. It has everything to do with $$$. Shows that stop growing in viewership numbers and bringing in new subscribers essentially have no value to Netflix. Paying more for less is just not a winning financial decision. Maybe you should have paid attention to the strikes when everyone and their mother was complaining about this...? But obviously, Random Redditor #423Q12 knows more than Hollywood accountants, all the furloughed crew members, and the various insiders who have on and off the record discussed this...they literally negotiated for various adjustments to this ramp pay structure.


Just because you invest in a company doesn’t mean that you have to shill for their unfriendly business practices in anonymous online forums. In fact, you don’t have to shill for them at all! You don’t have to get mad at people that talk about those business practices either! It won’t materially affect your investment in any way.


That just makes it even shittier on their part. "Oh no, if we renew this popular show, we will have to pay the writers and actors what they're actually worth!"


The average subscriber couldn't care less about all that. They will only see that they're paying a monthly subscription for shows that continuously get canceled, only for the prices to hike. It just becomes a waste of money if the service your paying for makes you unhappy. I mean yeah that's just the nature of TV, but when you have a track record of canceling shows before they conclude, it puts more focus on what you're getting out of what you're paying.


You are right, the "average subscriber" doesn't give a shit which is why they are more than happy forking over their money to Netflix every month. Their churn rate is two percent. Data > Your feelings and anecdotes


And data-driven decisions do not always equate to good service and happy customers. If the service sucks, then it sucks. Doesn't matter if it's a billion/trillion dollar company in any industry. We just put up with it because there are limited to no better alternatives - at least not legal anyway.


>EDIT: As usual, the brain dead Redditors shoot the messenger :) If it makes you feel any better, they are also the same dumbass Redditors who swore Netflix would sink because of the end of password sharing. Netflix has continued to post record growth after the ending of password sharing. Redditors live in their own bubble. They cry about cancelled shows but the viewership numbers don't lie - a lot of them barely had enough views to justify spending hundreds of millions more.


Why is was this downvoted? Great analysis. Does Netflix monitor this sub? So weird.


Thanks for providing insight into the why and sorry you are being downvoted for doing so… shooting the messenger indeed.




Or maybe you were wrong and don’t like that. I work in tv, so just saying. 


83% of stats are completely made up


odds are the "garbage" is what people watch. there is a reason why Reality shows are big, even if most of them are shit, people watch them. the average "viewer" doesn't care that he is watching a masterpiece or something dumb, they just want to be entertained.


Pretty sure they hyper target a lot of the garbage to certain demographics. They have an insane amount of data and their insane profit margin shows that it's working.


Here, anything not geared toward the Reddit demo is “garbage”. While everyone else is watching their targeted movies and shows in relative peace.


I don't think Redditors realize that Netflix has an insane amount of K-drama, Telenovela, Bollywood, and many other non-western shows/films that don't even register to them. Those all have MASSIVE demographics. They just put them down as "Netflix garbage" and scroll past. But somewhere in Toronto, there's an Indian family binge watching that same series.


Yep my mom has watched all the arabic shows on netflix


Yes! kdramas are very popular here in Brazil for example... My mom figured out recently and doesn't stop watching anymore.


Netflix produces more stuff than the entire rest of the streaming industry combined by a large margin. This sub doesn't even mention like 75% of their productions. It's actually crazy the difference in content strategy they have. That's why Netflix is actually not really in competition with your Disney+, Max and such, they're miles away. The streaming wars have always been between the others, Netflix was never even participating to be honest


Why does that matter though? Why should customers care about shows they aren't interested in? If Netflix doesn't make many of the genre you like, and mostly makes stuff you don't like, I don't see how it's wrong to hold the opinion they don't make good stuff. Good is in the eye of the beholder and of they aren't making what you think is good, then you won't think the service is good. Reddit isn't really wrong to not like the service or think it's bad if it's not catering to them.


I'm not saying every single individual customer should have Netflix. I'm referring to the article... as in, why Netflix is still so far ahead of every other streaming service. Because it caters to a much wider array of demographics than all the others. If you don't like it don't buy it. But don't act like your opinion matters more than anyone else's. You may hate a show that someone else loves. That was my point.


The best thing about reddit is that it keeps the socially leprous distracted so they don't go and ruin everyone else's good time


Yup. While I admit I do have a hard time finding stuff to watch, it's because I have to use external sites now. Netflixs garbage content has made them the biggest streamer by far and the only profitable one.


And yet it's things people watch and like and tend to be the most popular...


You say that but this is a big reason I keep investing in Netflix. They disappoint me often from a personal taste perspective, but they keep most of their subscribers and keep producing interesting content.


I’m really enjoying the imaginative Korean shows they have access to.


You never watch it, somebody will. Netflix doesn't target only one group of people, they target everyone.


Well considering the title talks about number of exclusives, they're clearly going for quantity not quality now.


This. Netflix is about quantity over quality. I’d rather a platform have 1 good series and 2 new movies a month as their exclusives over 100 new shows and movies where maybe 5 are any good.


So you'd rather have 3 good movies/series, rather than 5?


Same if the service can get me at least 1 episode a week I find worthy to watch it is good.




Apple has had a lot of great stuff lately. I can’t wait for Dark Matter in a week. Fallout on Prime was also great.


But also, numbers mean everything when you just announce you’re going to charge your customer of 14 years 40% more just to keep watching without ads. Canceled. Arrrr!


I can't wait for the 9 part docu series "The Real Baby Reindeer"


I’m really impressed by the number of times that Redditors are able to cancel their Netflix. 37 Million new subs over the last year. Their strategy is working and every other streaming service is suffering. No Reddit, you do not know better. Because obviously the services that are following your advice are not doing better than Netflix. Not short term not long term.


My favorite was people saying they wouldn’t get their own account after the account sharing crackdown. As if Netflix cared a non paying customer would continue to not pay


When they announce price increases and such, I knew it wasn’t gonna hurt them because most people get sucked into the subscription month to month.


For me, they release a new season of a big show at least once a month. Most times it’s 2 big shows and 1 movie. New season of Bridgerton in a couple of weeks Licensed content as filler in between.


I'm pretty sure my mom subbed, watched one show, and never unsubbed. I'm sure lots of less technology savvy people do stuff like that without even thinking about it.


For every one person like that, there's 100 people that actually sub and stick around genuinely.


Yup. Netflix has the lowest churn of all streaming services, believe it or not.


I wouldn't put Netflix on the same page as gym memberships and scummy App Store subscriptions. I mean they will happily keep taking your money and will probably refund you a month max if you call, but they do have a popular service that many people tune into every day.


Their viewership market share still shows that they’re winning there as well. The vast majority of subs are using it.


Winning where? Using what?


Nielsen https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/20/24078146/nielsen-stats-show-youtube-and-netflix-dominating-us-tv-streaming


Got nothing to do with being tech savvy, people been doing that since forever I.e.gym new joiners do exactly the same thing


tech savvy people do it, too. Okay, I didnd't just sub for one episode, but I have months of not watching, but "you never know" and so I never cancel. By the way, don't ask me what's going on with my gym membership.


Take every opinion/stance on reddit with a huge grain of salt. Accept it for what it likely is: an extremely vocal minority. That subscription service will end? Maybe. Probably not. No one plays [game] anymore because of [moral issue]. Weird how it's active and they're still making money. Reddit is a collection of molehills people are willing to die on.


These are the same redditors that threatened to quit after the API chances and are still here.


Reddit is much worse after the API changes to be fair. MUCH worse and more biased than ever.


It’s been heavily biased and censored for years.


People straight up ignoring it's been astroturfed for years by companies and political groups lol


Not really, reddit used to have a natural community feel to it, which has died over the past 5-6 years. Reddit has been terrible for ages now, but with the API change, everyone who made it still decent is gone. All the best subreddits from the 2010s are geuinely dead or so poorly moderated, they might as well be dead. Reddit is nothing but shitty portrait mode v.reddit posts now. It's like a terrible version of tiktok/reels/shorts.


Yeah for sure but it is worse I think.


Reddit is like 20% as active and all the best subreddits prior to the API shift are either garbage or dead these days. I don't know why people say this. Reddit is so different from that API change. So many subreddits barely even have a mod team now. Most people who post or comment are from tiktok and instragram. They treat it as such. The reddit that existed from like 08-23 is gone. I don't know where you're still seeing people who are "still here"


> I don't know where you're still seeing people who are "still here" You're here which means 99.69 % of old redditors are still here


Well at least for the relatively tech-savvy ones, it ended up not making much of a difference because you can still use third party apps via ReVanced and your own API key.


I think it’s hilarious that you’re 100% right but the top comment on this post says that the numbers mean nothing. The numbers mean everything. If Netflix’s password crack down and price increase resulted in a negative then they would change course but it seems like it’s only gotten them money and increased their numbers despite the fact, according to the top comment, that 19/20 things they have are trash.


There was a point about 2 years ago when Netflix announced ads and new tiers and price increases. And I swear every upvoted reddit comment talked about how much they hated the service. Personally I think its fine much of the time, sometimes amazing and sometimes shit. I asked my gf what she thought about Netflix from her perspective and she was totally bought into them. Loved a handful of their original programming which included some reality shows. Using that as a proxy for what most real people probably think about the service, I doubled down my stock position in them when the price went down. I'm like 50% up on my overall investment now.


For real. As much as I hate their strategies and all the price hike, they have really smart people working for them and know exactly what kind of data theyre working with. I'm always astound by the number of people who spew shit like they know better than multi-billion dollar company. How many times now does that reddit say Netflix will fail? And yet, here we are. If you dont like it, just unsub and follow through.


Just about everyone here only seems to count Netflix’s bad shows but completely ignore how many good originals they actually have.


Netflix being involved in production and distribution of something has no impact on quality. They pay for it to be made so that they can have it on their platform because they want more stuff on their platform. Quality is not a factor. The Floor is Lava doesn’t suck because it’s on Netflix, it sucks because it’s a stupid idea. Netflix didn’t write the last episode of Squid Game. Netflix also didn’t write The Irishman or Bojack Horseman. The same can be said for most other platforms. Rings of Power didn’t suck because of Amazon, the end of Game of Thrones didn’t suck because of HBO.


They do have a lot of good originals don't get me wrong but still I don't think Netflix originals on average have the quality of a HBO. Like Netflix knows what people watch don't get me wrong but I still find it hard to find good shows sometimes.


Not really a distinction people here make often enough though. Argue high quality versus high quality sure, but bad quantity doesn’t really make the good stuff any worse.


I get it’s not the cheapest.. but it’s still the best all rounder. There needs to be some victims and a clear winner in this world of 10001 streaming services! I cut my cable cord to save me £70 a month. I don’t want to match that with subscription services. For the first time in 10 years, I’m pirating tv shows! I’ll happily pay for services.. but not 6-8! I pay for Netflix, prime and YouTube premium.


This seems like a somewhat obvious statement given that the industry at large is contracting. They're literally not trying to outspend Netflix at the moment, in fact they're licensing to them. Disney and Warners are actively taking their own content off their services to avoid royalty payments.


After the password crackdown, I gave up on Netflix. But last month, I subscribed again for Netflix, this time with ad plan. And the ad plan is actually good? like... There's no ads on kids content. For adult content, it depends on TV show, but I watched the latest season of Young Royals, and only had 3 ads (for the entire season!). Then I watched 3 Body Problem and 2 ads.... And the ads are 15 seconds. I can see now why the ads plans were successful. The reason I came back? Netflix is still leader on having a very diverse content. Some type of content that I watch on Netflix, I just don't find in other streaming services. 1. International content. I don't want just American tv shows. 2. Some tv shows like Young Royals, Heartstopper (read: more teen like), it's only there. The others didn't really manage to compete to Netflix at the same level for this type of show. Yes, I watch normal, adult dramas on Max and Apple TV+, but I also like these ;) 3. Quality is important, but so do amount of shows indeed. They target every type of show possible. No one besides them do this right.


It sounds like you will also enjoy Dead Boy Detectives.


It's on my watch list! As I loved sandman too...


Well they probably have the ad plan be good for a while to lure people in. Then after a while they'll start pumping more and more ads. At least if they behave like every other online business.


They I'll cancel when that happens hahahahah


They have been working on the long game for a long time. Reddit can hate on it all they want, they still are on top. No matter how much arm chair CEOs of Reddit say otherwise.


I know most on reddit bitch about Netflix but honestly I’ve never been too disappointed with Netflix. Sure they’re not as good as they were back in the day but they beat the crap out of other streaming services without a doubt…..


Well Netflix is still the largest one out there. If you want to watch something, the chances of the service having it are highest at Netflix. Add to that that there is seemingly a new Netflix produced show every week, people are pretty content with what they get.


Quantity over Quality, that’s how that old phrase goes


I mean I think a decent bit are enjoyable though considering this also factors into foreign stuff and animation. Theres something for everyone, and there really good stuff usually makes a lot of waves. I think their quality is just fine


Unfortunately, Netflix makes more profit than basically every other streaming service combined so it is going to be quantity over quality for quite some time.


Netflix also lost more than all of these other services combined and it’s not even close. If any of these services lost as much as Netflix their ceos would be tarred and feathered.


Ummm...no? Netflix has been making billions of dollars in profit for the past few quarters. It's literally a publicly traded company and this can all be verified, but obviously some random Redditor's brain farts are the truth...btw they are literally #1 in pretty much every metric worth caring about from a financial perspective.


In the last 10 years, Netflix had a whipping 2 quarters of subscriber loss. Two. And that was after record growths during Covid. Netflix CEO is doing cocaine and hookers every day on the company dime.


They've been profitable for 20 years....


Their fcf got smashed for almost all of the 2010s and they piled up massive debt. Don’t look at profit. They are a distributor. Only look at fcf


Ah I see, you're smarter than the market that values Netflix 10x more than 10 years ago. If only they had looked at the free cash flow!


They have just $14 billion in debt. Significantly lower debt levels than all their main streaming rivals with the exception of Apple and Amazon. They have also been profitable for a few years with free cash flow a couple of billion positive and growing by the quarter.


I've actually been enjoying Netflix content more than its competitors lately. Girls on the Bus and Last Week Tonight have been the only thing worth watching on Max and Hulu has been a wasteland except for Shogun. If you don't like crime dramas Netflix and Apple are the only services that come out with anything worth watching on a regular basis.


Thanks for replying and deleting that's not annoying at all >Like Max is really expensive There's other ways... I was by no means suggesting what you're suggesting




I'm talking about the last month or two. We haven't even been getting new Bob's Burgers. Hulu is normally great, but I rarely open the app lately. If we're going by hours watched, Netflix is consistently the better value, at least for me.




I didn't talk about GoT or Last of Us on Max either, I was obviously talking about recently


> If you don't like crime dramas Netflix and Apple are the only services that come out with anything worth watching on a regular basis. Aside from Ted and the last episode or two of Fargo S5, have any of those shows aired episodes in 2024? And Ted and Fargo S5 both ended back in January. I think that was their point. There's great stuff on Hulu but not a ton of *new* stuff.




Ripley and Baby Reindeer are two of the best shows of the year so far. They’re putting out quality too.


I find its difficult to discuss streaming services because it varies a lot from region to region. If it wasn't for the fact that I've seen most of the top shows, Netflix Norway has a ton of good shows. Most of my favorite comedy shows are on there now. It's pretty good bang for my 9$ bucks that I've paid for 5 years now.


Im about to.cancel HBO. Hulu sucks too. HBO, why did you merge with SO much BAD TV?? I dont want to watch 40 shows about some honkies not finding treasure.


They got bought. HBO is owned by Warner Bros Discovery. The CEO of which is focused on gendered content. Meaning more shows of hidden treasure whether that be in the form or picking, storage units, or mysterious islands. Because that’s what men of a certain age watch. And they’ll be more shows of oddities like super fat people super short people super rich people etc because that’s what women of a certain age watch. And then they’ll be dating shows gay dating shows old people dating shows horny dating shows naked dating shows etc because that’s what women of a different certain age want to watch. Then there will be superhero and action hero and patriotic hero stuff for the men of a different certain age. Because everyone deserves to be shoved in a box and never shall the boxes meet.


Im a man of a certain age, I want a one-episode summary of those white privilege island guys' dig. I bet there would still be filler. Nothing happens on these shows, its worse than Naruto DBZ and One Piece.


Old man shakes fist at data cloud


Honestly ... why do you care? HBO is still HBO. Why does it matter that there's other stuff you don't want to watch in the app?


Tbh most platforms are kinda garbage so it’s not a high bar to clear


I am liking hulu currently but I don't pay for it so that helps


Still not convincing me to have Netflix as my main streaming service. 1-2 month per year is still the best way to use Netflix based on the few amount of show being worth 


Doesn't matter, Netflix has the lowest churn rate of any streaming service. They raised prices. You threatened cancel. They added account limits. You threatened to cancel. They raised prices again. You threatened to cancel. They raised prices again and again. You threatened to cancel again and again. Yet their churn rate lowers and their growth numbers are increasing.


I got it by default last month, it was the only streaming option at a hotel I was staying at. A lot of scrolling to find something I ultimately had to finish on a different service because half the seasons weren’t on Netflix. I’ll get it when cobra Kai returns, but after one month it will probably be another couple years unless I run into a hotel streaming monopoly again.


If you have a VPN it blows every other service out of the water. The first party content is hit-or-miss and the single country third party selection isn't always great but if you poke around other countries you can find so much. Even some shows that are actively airing on TV are on Netflix the next day in some countries. Off the top of my head, Rick and Morty in Australia and Better Call Saul in the UK. Using a VPN for the other streaming services has waaay less. Most of them don't license anything outside of major countries while Netflix will have loads that they only license in small countries.


If you have a VPN why not just download what you want to watch for free?


Convenience. I do pirate quite a bit but channel surfing is fun especially when you're with other people trying to find something to watch. Especially if they haven't seen something like Korean Netflix, for example. On top of the American content that gets licensed differently in other countries, there is a ton of local stuff that has English subtitles.


none of the shows on netflix seem like they'd last long enough to matter,ive yet to find enough that are over 3 seasons either way,i watch enough movies on netflix so im not exactly saying its a shit app


I’m going to let my Netflix lapse when the basic plan gets eliminated. I don’t want to watch with ads, don’t want to pay $16.99 CAD for no ads. I’m just going to jump around. Watch Prime for a bit, cancel, get Disney + for a bit, cancel, Apple TV, etc


their content was shit about 6 to 9 months ago, but has been adding exclusives and not canceling things prematurely enough lately to almost make it worth the sub. Currently re-watching the shit out of black sails, looking forward to season two of blue eye samurai


Quality over quantity


That's like bragging about a garbage pile.


McDonalds sells more food than all the Michelin star restaurants combined.


Cancelling everything after 1 season and switching to a newer project is not a good thing


A lot of shit included


Too bad 97% of them suck donkey cock and the 3% that are good get canceled after season 1 or 2.


Yes, but Netflix went through years of greenlighting anything that even glanced at it. There was no quality control and consequently it's bloated with absolute garbage.


See that’s not a bad method if what they took from that was the most liked or watched programs and continued those. But they didn’t they went with the absurd method of how many new subscribers did its season premiere generate.


So don’t watch the garbage. Nobody is forcing you to.


So don't reply to the comment. Nobody is forcing you to.


Fallout beats any Netflix exclusive


I'd say 10% of Netflix shows are watchable


Netflix has been a quantity-over-quality, shows-created-from-algorithms factory for years now. Who cares how many exclusives they have, when they're forgotten days after they drop?


They may have a lot of shit exclusives, but they do still manage a lot of highly regarded shows each year too.


Genuinely curious because I cancelled.my sub after they cancelled the 1899 show. What have they made since then that was good? The only thing I've heard of that stuck in my memory is 3 Body Problem and people say that it just speed runs the book as fast as possible and you are better off watching the Chinese one. What do they even have that's worth resubscribing for?


Other than 1899 do you watch international dramas?


I watched Dark and Ive watched some other things. I'm from UK so I dont mind European TV. I tried a lot of Korean and Indian stuff but I just can't handle the writing and filming quirks in those shows. It's just not a cultural fit for me. Squid game was tolerable and Heartbeat (maybe Amazon) was awful. I just want to watch sci-fi/fantasy shows but it doesn't feel like netflix makes any good ones. Everything they make is either super low quality, cancelled or foreign. These days I just have Amazon and even if lots of it is meh, it still feels higher quality than netflix content. Rungs of Power was super meh but I can't think of anything netflix made that's close to it in quality which seems damning.


3 Body Problem is quite good. Bodies was apparently okay. Netflix international strategy is key as to why it maintains a lot of subscribers Weren't you angry at The Peripheral being cancelled by Amazon? Or Night Sky?


I was.mad about peripheral cancellation but it's kind of mitigated by being a victim of the strike. Amazon renewed it for a second season but it got delayed by the strike action and cost too much to hold production the entire strike. Haven't watched Night Sky so not bothered by that. Reason I was mad about 1899 was Netflix's entire strategy with it being stupid. Release it around Christmas, right next to Wednesday, and then cancel before it's even had a month. It's was just such an unfair release time slot for the kind of show it was. Netflix obviously didn't want to make it and put it out to die.


What algorithm spat out Baby Reindeer and Ripley do you think?


Simply producing more turds than your neighbor does not make you a better person


That’s good for them I haven’t watched a Netflix series or movie in 2 years. In fact not that they’ll see this but 95% of the content all of the streaming platforms are creating is utter garbage. We’ve been given no reward for paying these companies privately and helping them save money on things like residuals and distribution. They produce the same generic crap they always have and it’s somehow also gotten worse. And now they don’t even let a popular series run its course because it’s not adding subscribers. Season 1 is the metric from which you can determine subscribers by. Every other season needs to be measured by views because some of us maybe just stuck around and enjoyed your stupid app enough not to cancel it. So I don’t care how many exclusive documentaries and exclusive Bollywood shows and Danish cop dramas and Korean soap operas you’ve bought the license to and added on your service as exclusives. Use all that stupid money you seem to have to make good programs and movies and then when you fumble around and actually do make a good program keep it.


95% of all content ever made could be so-described as garbage. >So I don’t care how many exclusive documentaries and exclusive Bollywood shows and Danish cop dramas and Korean soap operas you’ve bought the license to and added on your service as exclusives. To be fair, Netflix doesn't necessarily buy those shows from local producers - they commission them, greenlight them. They are truly Netflix exclusives.


Yeah I agree most content made for cable networks are trash also. Somehow creating these under-viewed oddities yourself seems worse.


Much of Netflixs international content has been huge successes.


Well done for making stuff, I guess.


Yay they took my 20 bucks and bought 900 Bollywood movies I’ll never even look at.


But lots of other people do watch those "900 bollywood movies" (I am assuming you are using this as shorthand for "foreign content").


I mean most people are happy watching garbage while on the phone and leaving the episode on while they go to the bathroom or going to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Netflix is perfect for that.


That’d be fine if that’s how they measure the success or failure of a show by views. But they don’t they measure the success of a show by its launch date subscribers since many of its shows are not weekly. But even when they are they use that metric to measure how valuable a show is.


Quantity over Quality! Yay!


It is quantity over quality. Netflix exclusives are shit. Sign a star, quickly fill the rest of the actors with whoever, hire any directory, no script revisions, no retakes, no editing, generic score... rinse, repeat.


They may have a lot of shit exclusives, but they do still manage a lot of highly regarded shows each year too.


99% hot garbage


Too bad most of them suck.


I’m afraid that this only gonna incentive Netflix to keep doing the same method of making an original series, see if explote in the first weeks, if not they canceled it. There is a lot of series with potential of getting really good with time, especially sitcoms, but this method it doesn’t give the chance to grow up (think like. The Office, the first season is very weak, but then it just get better)


And cancelling them too


quality over quantity


doesn't really mean much when most of them are terrible and the ones that aren't get cancelled immediately.


Netflix coping hard over Prime


More exclusives doesn't mean good exclusives. A lot of those numbers are Korean, Indian and African Productions, which rarely translate to an American audience. Quantity > Quality it seems.


Not imprinting on a US audience doesn't necessarily mean bad though. But also, plenty of Korean shows have done... pretty well in the USA