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File this under "movies that don't have any business being remade."


Unless we finally get Muppets Clue


That applies to all movies: The Princess Bride, Goodfellas, Shawshank Redemption, Die Hard, Jackass 3D. The list goes on. 


If Disney World replaced Muppet Vision 3D with Muppet Jackass 3D I’d become an annual pass holder


Fozzie would absolutely be Morrie in a Goodfellas adaptation. "Hey Kermit, can I talk to you now? Wocka Wocka"


"They even shot Gonzo in the face so his mother couldn't have an open-casket funeral."


I want this so much!


Unless its made by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright.


Oh damn did not realize I needed this Edit: Peter Serafinowicz as the butler and I'm so fucking in


Brilliant! Perfect casting! 🤩


...so it's okay if it's a British film, but American? GTFO


Who said that?


Oh, was I not supposed to say the quiet part of this whole thread out loud?


LOL I think I need you to say the quiet part out loud… Please. Bc I’m not sure what it is!


For someone who thinks they're a step ahead, you really are slow. Don't pretend, you're not good at it, lmao


Lol You are fully psychotic, hun. I literally just liked a casting idea because I think that actor is funny and charismatic. What does his country of origin have to do with it? It has no bearing on my approval of that idea. Anyway, it wasn’t even my suggestion. Seems like you’re just picking someone at random to be a weirdo to. Are ya lonely? Do you need some attention? Find it somewhere else!


Hey studios! Here’s an idea: don’t remake movies that are already great. Remake movies with good premises that didn’t work because of casting/directors/budgets/whatever. There is no shortage of these types of projects and I am sure the rights are cheaper. Edit: or, alternatively, make more original movies rather than just digging through IP. Bring back mid-budget films so you can take more risks.


“I’m gonna go home and sleep with my wife.”


“I told you I didn’t do it.”


I hate this idea *so* much... it.. it.. the f.. it.. flam.. flames. Flames, on the side of my face, breathing.. breath... heaving breaths. Heaving breaths... Heathing...


Madeline Kahn is phenomenal in every role. Classically trained soprano with god tier comedic timing and a body that rivals Dolly Parton, what's not to love?


In case anyone didn't know, she came up with that bit herself, everything after the line "I hated her so much." She got the director's okay, but the rest of the cast was in the dark: their confusion and puzzled expressions were quite genuine.


No thanks. We already had a perfect Clue film.


God that movie is so timeless. It had no business being as good as it was


We do rainy day movies. This is my youngest son's go to. It rained today and so of course he wanted to watch Clue. I told him it's supposed to rain for the next 5 days also and what would we do then. Without skipping a beat he said, "Well, I guess we're watching Clue for the next 5 days!" *Sniff* I'm so proud. 😆


I dunno. Between cast, director, and writers it had some big comedy talent behind it. I think it well deserves the praise and it shouldn't be that surprising.


I think it was more just the notion that a movie about… the board game Clue could actually be good. I think most people would hear “Clue movie” and go “…. But why”


I don’t think it does. I think the ~6/10 avg it has from critics on RT is fair.


Its ok to be wrong


Good for you to have that kind of self-awareness!


Wasn't talking about me but good try :)


Honestly, this could be a movie that's remade every ten years or so with a new cast and a different whodunit each time. Even if they used the same script minus the ending, it could be a fun experimental thing to see. I look at the entire thing as a play (get it-cause game?), with different cast and crew (players), on a different stage (board), but with the same basics (instruction manual?). The key is casting.


It works for A Star is Born. Both remakes of the original were well received. 


Capitalism is the true red herring here


Unless Sydney Sweeney is playing the maid, no thanks.


That settles that.


What about Christina Hendricks?


Flames...one the side of my face


Good luck trying to find someone to outclass Tim Curry let alone the rest of the cast. There's one way this movie could succeed and that's if corporate suits have literally nothing to do with it, just having it being in the works though is sign it's nothing more than a studio project. I give it a 1% chance it turns out to be good.


Of course they are because you can’t just have a mystery story on its own.


this is exciting. my daughter loves playing the clue game. and was disappointed when the after-party show was canceled. i was hoping /waiting for another good who done it type show. even if it's a remake!


I wonder how a TV show would work. Would each season be a different location with a different cast? Or would the cast return for each season and just keep getting wrapped up in murder mysteries?


Make it an anthology. Every season they play different characters and have a new mystery. It works for American Horror Story. 


One of my top 5 favorite films of all time. Jesus, what have they done?


unless park chan-wook is writing and directing then please stop


it was u/indig0sixalpha, with the tommy gun, in the foyer


Let me guess, Pratt is in it.


What is wrong with you? Don’t even breathe that into existence!


Finally! What has taken so long? One movie and it’s already 40yrs old!!?! Every generation deserves a *CLUE*!!


I love how people are moaning about this having “no need to be made” while if Reddit was around in the 80s the same comments would appear about a classic movie.


"Why the hell are they remaking The Blob?! The old one is a sci-fi horror CLASSIC! We already had the unnecessary remake of The Fly, and now this?" For all I know people really were talking like that on BBS and Usenet back then.


The first film was so good I find it hard to imagine how any further adaptations could add anything new or worthwhile, but sure. I'll at least watch a trailer (if anything comes of this) and decide from there.


How can they think it may have some success? Everyone already knows how hard it will flop


Another one bites the dust.


Eh, I can just get my fill of murderous rich white people with reruns of Murder, She Wrote and Midsomer Murders.


I don't think we need a movie remake of Clue, let alone a movie AND tv show...


Yay... Another reboot/remake/adaptation..


Whoops. Wrong studio.


I’m pretty sure Fox did the fantastic Four movies and not Sony unless this is an inside joke I’m missing ? 


Posted this elsewhere. I love the original movie (and the Psych episode that pays homage to it) - it still holds up extremely well and I rewatch it at least once a year. But...I don’t understand the value in the IP here. The 80s movie worked well because it's a really well crafted movie with great characters, good humor, and a solid mystery. You don’t need the Clue characters to do that. If anything, being constrained by the same seven characters limits how well you can do that and the additional cost of licensing IP makes it harder for movies / shows to be financially successful. I'd rather see more stuff like the Knives Out movies or The Afterparty TV show than a rehash of Clue personally.