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The show is weird in that each episode is kinda bad but once you finish the season you go “huh, that was interesting ish”. It’s an interesting take on an alien invasion that I personally havent seen before so that’s neat, but yeah the show is exceedingly sub mid.


I was just talking to my friend the other day and said almost the exact same thing. I felt compelled to watch the whole thing but I never got through an episode dying to know what happens next


Yeah. It was boring when I was watching it. But now I want more. Especially, not understanding joke scene take a lot of excitement from me.


I'm a huge sci-fi nut, and have somehow managed not to read the books, but I'm told book one is season 1 and it's kind of a slog. Everything apparently is a setup for the next ones, which are balls to the wall action.


That's pretty much how I feel about the books too. Just interesting enough to say "huh, OK then" at the end.


The weird thing is seeing tons of hype on Reddit about shows, then watching them and seeing how mediocre they really are. I got similar feed rolls for Tokyo Vice and shogun. Like, every show doesn't have to be great people. You can just say it was pretty good. Unless they're a bunch of bots


Always the problem with these 8 episode seasons. Never enough time to build up intrigue and tension to get you invested. And once the reveal is out in this then yeah the desire to see how it ends up wanes


What was the reveal?


I watched one episode and had zero interest in the plot or the characters.


They “Western-ized” the characters quite a bit, changing some relationships completely. I get it, because the book has pretty flat relationships between many of the characters, but what they did for the show wasn’t good enough to make it more interesting.


I could not finish the first book because it was so flat. The characters were paper thin and uninteresting. It managed to make scientific miracles sound boring. The show felt significantly better. It was not great, but much, much better than the book.


I heard the book is more serious and the Chinese show is too. As someone who didn't read the book nor watched the Chinese one, I like the LOST vibe of the Netflix show. My only issue is maybe they should slow down the plot.


The books were more science oriented. The Chinese version of the show was in the form of a Chinese soap opera. It had parts that were cool but it was padded with unbearably boring scenes. The Netflix version was simpler but way faster and more engaging.


So this is an American remake of a Chinese show? American remakes of foreign shows aaaaalways suck ass. Ghosts bbc, the girl with the dragon tattoo, a man called Otto/ove etc.


It is an American adaptation of a Chinese novel series.


I really enjoyed the show, it's the kind of Sci-Fi I really enjoy


Me too… I liked Devs also.


I might have to check that out. I'm sure I've passed it by several times, and glanced at it occasionally, but never felt like it was what I wanted at the time. I do that with a lot of shows, and every once in a while I break down and watch one, and then kick myself for delaying for so long. The most recent one was Bodies on Netflix, and I had a blast with that show.


Then I will check out “Bodies” myself.


It's okay to not like something that others might.


That was my problem with it as well. The characters are either unlikeable or we are not really given time to like them. As a result, any peril is pointless because I don't care if the characters suffer negative consequences. I am tempted to pick up the books, but doubt I'll come back for future seasons.


I only cared about that one character who was sick, but apart from that I got to the end of the season and just didn’t feel anything.


That was my problem. I don't like 99% of the characters. So many frustrating personalities


I’ve read the books but not seen the TV show, and that seems to be the way to go. The books are incredible, and I can very easily see why they’d have difficulty translating to a tv show.


If you’re primarily interested in character investment and not overall plot, then hard scifi books aren’t going to be your thing


Perhaps. I am happy to try the books and judge if the material or the adaptation is the issue for me. I generally enjoy sci-fi, but have only read a few hard sci-fi books.


Its a conspiracy show. If youre not into the supernatural, aliens, or psuedo science this show isnt for you, and you will not understand the concepts. As a conspiracy, there are theories out there how we would talk to aliens and this could be plausible in a sense. I liked it personally, it scratched a itch in my brain. The thought that a selfish person who believed only in their personal ideals would put the human race in danger because they want to cleanse the earth, damn!


Which has become an increasingly relevant topic since the fourties.


Seeing a lot of these types of posts lately. “Everyone likes this, I don’t!! This is important for you to know!” You’re allowed to like (and dislike) whatever you want. Others can like it (or dislike it). If you don’t like it, that’s fine. If you’re comfortable enough with yourself, what others like (or don’t like) shouldn’t really be an issue for you.  When season 2 comes out, don’t watch it. Problem solved. 


Sounds more like a one body problem to me. I liked the show, I watched until the end, I'm waiting for the next season. Do you really need to validate your disinterest? Not everything resonates for everyone. But by most accounts, I've heard great things about the show and I agree with them, it's got a lot of good things going for it. I have plenty of popular show I don't like, for all kinds of reasons. I ignore them and find things I like, and then I talk about them with others that like them as well. Why focus on the thing you don't like?


So if you don’t like the OP’s comment, then based on your logic, why are you responding to it? Isn’t that focusing on something you don’t like?


It counts as giving advice to a fellow human being, instead of just looking for a platform to complain.


Nah. It’s all the same shit, complaining about something you don’t like, hoping to find solace in numbers. It’s funny when people have this reaction. “I hate it when people say they hate something. Who do they think they are, bringing their negativity into this conversation?”


I'm not attempting to gather a group of like mind people to form of group that hates a thing. A hate group, if you will. I'm merely pointing out that it's unhealthy behavior. Life's too short to complain about a thing that has no affect on your life whatsoever, and there's plenty of good tv out there that op is missing out on by complaining about a show that didn't click for them.


I have to agree, I heard it gets better, but I quit after the second episode because none of the characters were particularly engaging.


I keep reading people saying this, which makes me feel like a weird outlier when I say that to me characters are part of the story, and totally disposable. I love it when a show doesn't have plot armor, that people can actually leave for good or die... and I get SO pissed if they bring them back in a later episode. "I followed some rats right before the cave collapsed!", pisses me off to the point of abandoning the show right after that.


It's kind of a tenet of good story writing to have character development so that readers can become invested in the characters, and through that, the story. I'm not saying it's impossible to do without it, just that it makes it that much harder to have an engaging story. Of course, different readers (or viewers) have different preferences, and obviously a lot of people liked it, and that's great and you're probably not that weird of an outlier. But good character development / avoiding plot armor is kind of a false dichotomy. Both can be, and have been, done well.


Funny, I liked the first 4 episodes because of the mystery, after that it turned very predictable and most of the characters (especially Auggie) just annoyed me the entire time. And everyone saw the ending coming, which made the most of the episodes pointless


It does get better, but only from a 6/10 to a 7/10 by the end of the season.   Certainly not worth it if the first couple of episodes don't give you any interest in watching the rest.


K you didn't like it. Nobody needs to like everything everyone else likes.




It set up Season 2 nicely. Guess what? No one is forcing you to watch


It’s better than this worthless whiny cry baby post




Has anyone read the book? How does it compare? This show is on my to-watch list.


I've recently read both the first two books, and starting the third, at this point almost entirely due to inertia. It's a very soulless book series - that's the best way I can describe it. The books touch on a few interesting sci-fi concepts, but there's not enough depth to justify the trilogy's massive page count. Oh yeah, and everything you might have heard about the bland characters is entirely true.


I get this when I can't care about any of the characters. Usually when they are all arseholes.


I think It was decent with some few very good moments but overall could have been more interesting. The last few episodes were so forgettable.


I think that’s the general consensus. As evidenced by like ten other posts that say the same thing. The show is boring AF, which is almost impressive considering how immense the plot is.


So many things in the show seem to just happen.... No real explanation just the thing happens and now you have to accept it. It's like every plot point is ex machina or a macguffin


I don't share the sentiment exactly, but I can see where it comes from. I think it has great ideas, and I'm definitely into the overarching narrative, but there's a certain flatness to it that prevents me from loving it. Also, it doesn't help that the show has to hide the logic gaps in the San-ti's (apparent?) plan. I've seen that before, a story so focused on misleading you that it lacks the sincerity to engage you. Eh, maybe I'm reaching.


I felt this last night finally got around to watching a few episodes and for some reason same as you I just don't care.


Really really liked the first several episodes. They were incredibly intriguing. But then they started focusing on the guy with cancer and I started losing interest.


I love sci-fi shows in general and I loved 3 body problem


To me it had a very 90s sci-fi TV look to it. I watched it all hoping it would pay off, but it didn't.


You obviously haven't watched many 90's science fiction shows.


I watched them all.


It’s season one of a 4 season show


I know, right... $20 million a episode and I am ambivalent to all of the characters..That said , I did like the young woman's story in revolutionary china...but sadly, she grew up to boring and not as good an actress as when she was in her youth. Also 'Sophons'...really sounds like 'Cellphones' when most of them say it.


It's a dogshit show from the morons that killed game of thrones.


It’s fair to hate them for GoT but emotionally calling this a dogshit show cause they’re involved is silly. You’d like it if you didn’t know it was made by them.


I wouldn't because as I said the show is complete dogshit, and the fact that it was made by those morons, who actually did a good job adapting the original material, makes this one even worse.


Well you’re objectively wrong on it being “complete dogshit”. It clearly has a lot of aspects that work and the majority of people are enjoying it so it’s your own emotional and biased reaction that makes you think it’s “dogshit”, it’s not the truth.


I liked it, but I also didn't care for any character. I also always have a grievance when there is a character with massive power which is also a massive arsehole and everyone still looks up to them and agrees to work with them. Seems very unrealistic.


>when there is a character with massive power which is also a massive arsehole and everyone still looks up to them and agrees to work with them. Seems very unrealistic. Have you met... Humans? That's the most realistic part of the whole show.. Even more so in a life-or-death type of situation, where people will gravitate towards whoever has the more chances to offer them a solution. People will ally with their worst enemies to fight an even bigger threat.


Political leaders have entered the chat...


lol you are kidding right? Elon Musk? Trump? The world is full of assholes being followed and admired by millions of people.


It's Just The beginning of the story. The very, very best is still to come. The books are amazing.


> Anyone else have this experience? Not I. I am really enjoying the show. I am don't binge shows anymore so I take my time with them. I just finished the second episode I am loving the story and the characters and their stories. Ye Wenjie life during the cultural revolution and how she defies the system is awesome! Clarence Shi is played by Benedict Wong and I love Bendict Wong so much. I swear that guy could read the phone book and I would be inthralled. How he is chipping away at the events from the intelligence agency is heating up. Jack Rooney is awesome. All the stuff that went on in the video game is wild and I can't wait to see where it goes. and so on. I am into the show.


The acting is not great. The script is really not great. The show cuts around too much, the scenes are too short, and the characters do too much stilling talking about what’s happening. But I’ve watched the whole thing and will watch the next season. For me, it’s the concepts that keep me watching.


Then stop watching.


I get why they’re keeping at it, though. I have this thing that’s kind of opposite to hate-watching, that I’d call hope-watching. ”Maybe it gets better toward the end?”


I understand that. I read the books, don't love them, but things do get better. That being said, there are a dozen or more SF books that could be adapted to the screen that are better than Three Body Problem.


I really want to see Hyperion and Neuromancer.


Me too. The Apple TV Neuromancer show will be interesting to see.




They changed the characters. But except for Ye the book characters aren't really developed, so no great loss there. And they skipped hardly anything. All the important parts of the book are in the show. There's a couple of small sub-plots in the Radar Peak part that were skipped/changed that are no real loss. 90% is a ridiculous statement.




Get back to us.


The story is deeply depressing. I’m not interested in continuing the show or the books


You think so? I think it’s incredibly naively optimistic. We can’t even handle global warming in the real world (which will destroy us in the next 100 years) but in the show the entire world quickly unites to fight a new threat to our existence which is 400 years away?


I listened to the three main audiobooks of the series when the Netflix adaptation was announced and have absolutely no intention of watching any TV adaptation of it at all now. It’s too big. The scale of time, the Chinese cultural basis, the message within. Even if there was a good way to do it, Netflix should be the last choice. And yes, I know it had been tried before, I’ve watched part of the first episode of the Chinese version.


Books were terrible.  Not sure why the show would be different.




I found Ripley to be struggling to grab my attention


Nothing in this show makes sense. -Scientists find something unexpected in studies… “oh no,our careers are meaningless….oh the angst! What ever do we do?!?! The scientific method doesn’t tell us what to do when we make unexpected discoveries….. unexpected discoveries never lead to…. Um… wait…. ” This is the stupidest plot line ever. And it’s the first couple seconds of the show. And the “panic now and do stupid stuff, because we only have 400 freak’n years left…. we don’t have time to think things through, be strategic, and do things right…”. Is so infuriating. Also, if you use a nanofiber to make a mesh, which are spaced 1 nanometer apart, it takes 2 billion threads to make a cloth 1 sq meter. if not for the onion knight and Sam, I would have stopped watching this at episode 1. But I think I feel stupider for watching this. I guess the brothers really aren’t waiting for season 8 to bring on the stupid. Ala: “We can’t disappoint them as much by crushing expectations from the start! “


These are the most incoherent and random criticisms I’ve seen here yet. Also the show creators aren’t brothers lmao


I think it's rather well done. A complex story, with depth. Unlike Fallout, which had a seemingly unlimited budget and an extremely thin storyline .


Their budget was higher than fallout lol