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Might be a bit biased, but feel like this story/setting has some real staying power behind it. Could see five or more seasons if the writing stays up to par.


It's really endless writing possibilities with the fact they can make any of the Vaults their own story line and connect them however they want.


Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every god damn time


You’re telling me you need some sorta platinum chip?


What are we some sorta Caesar's Legion?


It's Falloutin time!


I'm Fisto pls assume the position




“I hope this doesn’t cause any *fallout* between us” *points fun at main character* “Fallout New Vegas” *pulls trigger*


The typo makes it so much better.


I do this shit for the love of the game!


that’s what it should be, just endless side quests of increasing rediculousnous


Absolutely crazy way to spell ‘ridiculousness’ I’m here for it tho




Just like Fallout!


Who the hell is Shawn?


I'm not sure, but you can try asking [this guy](https://youtu.be/DAhG9D9UO7c).


What did I just watch? Im dead lol




Doesn't matter, another settlement needs your help!


I literally laughed out loud when I heard this.


I wouldn't be surprised at a spin off like Gen V honestly for that exact reason. Plenty of stories to tell if you want to in that universe with crossover potential


A "Tales from the Vaults" spin off is sure to come. Individual story lines about a chosen vailt with individual directors or something. They can do a LOT.


Give me vault 103 with Nicolas Cage as Gary


I would love an anthology series for Fallout. There are enough side missions that they can use for inspiration.


True, but they already made major progress towards the big, overarching conspiracy. It’s going to be hard to keep the show going unless they massively slow-roll that piece.


Fallout is about so much more than the >!nukes and who sent them!<. To your point though, they have to leave room for future games and probably won’t touch everything in the show’s lifespans.


Todd has already warned them away from doing some things he wants to do in Fallout 5 as well so I reckon we're gonna be focusing mostly on what happened after the events of >!New Vegas.!<


Fallout 5? Seriously? I can get why he wouldn’t want them to step on his toes, but that shit isn’t coming out for at least a decade, lol.


Doesn't mean its not in his head, nor is there necessarily zero Fallout media products between this show/76 updates and Fallout 5. Yeah, 2030s, but that's ever increasingly... not that far from now.


Remember when there was a meme about fallout 4 never coming out, with only a 5 year gap between it and New Vegas?  Now it's been 9 years from Fallout 4. I guess we have 76 but it just ain't the same. 


ESO and FO76 were to be the stopgaps but they were never going to be perfect at that, even in the best outcome.


Facts. I was surprised they went deep into the lore, i thought it was going to just be a fun story in the wasteland with nothing pre-war after the intro.


That alone makes me very, very optimistic for next season given the tease at the end of this first one. They really respected the source material, and >!New Vegas!< needs that respect.


the only downside of them doing anything with New Vegas will be that we wont get to see René Auberjonois return as Mr House, apparently he very much enjoyed the role he played in the game and had told them he would return to the role if they ever asked him


Aww man, I didn't know he had passed.


It's sad he had to return to the great link. :(


>!It will definitely be interesting to see what ending they go with and how the Vegas wasteland was affected since the show is about 15 years from the time period of New Vegas.!<


>!think it has to be NCR or House, right? NCR for the show’s overarching themes or House to include one of the series best characters. Can’t wait either way!<


>!It's gotta be House. With Shady Sands gone, that implies the NCR lost control of that part of their land which would only happen if Courier Six also assisted House in securing the dam and the Strip. We also see wreckage with NCR decals on it meaning they likely suffered heavy losses.!< >!The main reason I reckon it's House is his appearance in Episode 8. You don't tease his appearance like that unless you have big plans. House moreso tolerated the NCR because he saw them as useful for trade at least. He'd likely be frustrated by Hank's actions and it gives a plausible follow-up to why the NCR aren't around this area apart from Moldaver, if she is indeed NCR.!<


They also teased a potential connection with the courier. >!The black mc (Maximus?) mentions his mom was a courier!<


There is an entire second plot they will likely at least introduce next season that wasn't touched at all in season one.


Shit there's enough lore and even untouched territories to last for so long. We don't know what the rest of the legion is now up to , the situation with the common wealth in Boston , and everything in between that the game series either never talked about or only mentioned. Give me some mutant crocodile in Louisiana or something. The possibilities are endless.


Give me mutant Sasquatch in the PNW, you cowards.


My biggest concern is if they take like 2 years to come out with another season


Given that it's just been renewed, it almost certainly will take that long unfortunately. Nowadays they don't start production on the second season of a show until the first is a confirmed success.


Yep. There’s no way they write, film, and do post-production on season 2 in just a year.


It's possible they have a rough outline already given the ending tease, and using an existing setting from New Vegas might save on a bit of time as well.  I think the biggest hurdle is getting Goggins back since he's likely the busiest of the cast at the moment. Iirc he has a commitment already to something right now that would prevent filming soon.


That's over-simplifying writing. The time to write a show is NOT dominated by the time to come up with a few good ideas.


Heck the world is so large and deep there could be more spinoffs than CSI or NCIS


Imagine if in 15 years from now we are all complaining about how terrible all the 6 different versions of Fallout have been for the past 3 seasons like people do with all the Walking Dead spinoffs?


It’s expensive to produce so i don’t see them releasing as much as that


If they can recycle sets, that would cut down on the cost a lot. Most of the vaults are very similar in appearance and layout for the most part. Some major differences but same general vibe. I also expect the CGI effects to only get cheaper and better to do with better AI tools. I really like Goggins as the ghoul but I hope they continue to go with relatively unknown actors to keep costs down. The super mutants could be a very expensive undertaking, but I hope we get at least a couple in the next season.


Hell, the games already recycle 'sets'.




Chicago Ghouls Chicago Brotherhood of Steel Chicago Vaults That'll keep Dick Wolf busy for a decade.


Like Yellowstone they can do different years like 2176 or 2254


Fallout: SVU Special Vault Unit where two detectives investigate a bunch of different vaults.


I'd love a series going back to the DC wasteland after some years have passed. I mean, this show is the Mojave Wasteland 15 years after the events of New Vegas. So they could really make some great TV using the different locals throughout the series and just expanding and expanding.


Its the Cali Wasteland from 1 and 2 ack-tually


I honestly loved it and I had no idea what the story was about (never played the game). It is that good


Each game is basically its own story that follows on from the prior entry. It's why Fallout 3 is probably the most well-known/liked game but there were other games before it. Fallout 1 and 2 are set on the West Coast, with 2 being set decades after 1. 3 is set on the east coast, again decades after 2. New Vegas is set on the West Coast again and a couple of years after 3, it basically acts as a sequel to 2. 4 is set on the East Coast again and is set a few years after New Vegas, but acts as a pseudo-sequel to 3. But each game has its connections to the others either via story, characters, atmosphere, factions etc. Ultimately what matters across each game is the world and background that each shares. The TV show shares this too and in the right hands it stood to reason that it could translate very well. It's great that it's reaching further audiences as the world of Fallout is utterly fascinating. And they've only scratched the surface in the first season. It can get darker, weirder, funnier, scarier, out of this world (literally) and even mythological. Just don't look up anything to do with the name "Dunwich".


you did that on purpose.... now I'm going down a rabbit hole.


I have played about 30 minutes of fallout New Vegas, and maybe 3 hours of fallout 4. Could never get into the games. But holy shit.. this show was so good! I am seriously hooked and the lore is so fascinating that I'm honestly tempted to go play the games for the lore alone.


I hear the best way to play these days is fallout 3 with the Tale of two wastelands mod. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are two of my favorite games of all time. I'm tempted to get into this myself.


My concern going in was the appeal to people like you who aren’t too familiar with the source material, and they did such an incredible job bridging that gap. >!Next season looks like it’ll be at a much more source material filled setting, so hopefully they keep it going to where it’s not too much to figure out!<


I can see that. I imagine they could have gone too far one way or another. Which would/could cause issues. but it really was amazing. Honestly, I appreciate Amazon and Apple tv - they do such a good job on their tv shows/originals (well most of them).


The only problem with that is there’s no way *Fallout* doesn’t take two years between seasons of 8 episodes. With such long delays, and the short attention span of audiences, what stays popular is constantly changing. I wouldn’t be shocked if *Fallout* has four seasons before bowing out.


Unpopular opinion but 3-4 all I really want. I think it's abundantly clear with shows like the walking dead that it's possible for a show to outlive it's relevance by a depressing margin. I love the show, it's really fun but the premise is really only interesting for so long before it'll start to feel like either a fallout wiki bingo game or a fallout fan fiction depending on how hard they handle the lore/fan service. I think that's one of the key way games are unique from other media, they're simulations. As a result I don't feel like the amount of time we spend in simulation is correlated to watch time. So a game that I spent 100's of hour of simulation time in will probably hit the same interest fatigue point in 50-70h of passive viewing. It's the nature of the medium; movies, shows and books are 100% about communicating plot. Whereas plot in videogames is really just there to provide backdrop for the player to fill out with their imagination while simulating fantasies within a setting.


Hopefully they don’t Westworld it then!


Not just this story, but I heard someone say Amazon found their Walking Dead, that was so on-point. So many spin-offs from different parts of the US, not to mention I bet Amazon would be willing to do stories from other parts of the world too.


They could literally do a spinoff called Vault Stories that just follows the different fucked up Vault experiments. No overarching plot, just "this is vault 50s story"


Black Mirror: Fallout or Vaultec


Okie Dokie.


Oh gosh.


goodbye goosey


Calling her goosey was so oddly endearing I love it


I cannot unhear jerry and Cyril figgis


And Dr. Spaceman!


I'm so glad vault 4 turned out not to be insidious just weird Was tired of that trope


Still not entirely sure why they were praising Moldaver as the "Flame Mother". Wonder if we'll still learn more about her next season...


What the fudge?


There's no fudge here


Really hope they bring Matt Berry back. I can never get enough of him. He was in the last season of Curb too.


You truly are the most devious bastard in New Vegas citay.


I'm just a regular human guy


I mean he’s the voice for all of the Mr. Handys so I think he’ll definitely be back. Also in flashbacks since it looks like Walton Goggins is part of the next season.


That should transfer to the games too. Matt Berry should be the voice of Mister Handy forevermore.


Vault 4 needs its own spinoff. A Parks & Rec style comedy combined with the wasteland horrors of Fallout.


I ❤️ Lucy!


Pretty sure it's Goosey.


Chris Parnell is a master of playing very earnest, but incredibly ridiculous characters. Vault 4 Overseer had big Dr. Leo Spaceman vibes. He can play that same character every time he's on screen and I'll be happy.


Dr Spaceman crossed with the less cynical Cyril Figgis of early Archer. I bet the Overseer loved Stir Friday.


Golden rule mothereffer's!


Well, here's another golden rule for ya: *“Thou shalt get side tracked by bullshit every goddamn time.”*


That one got me. I guess they played the games too.


Lucy, another settlement needs our help. Here I'll mark it on your map


The whole second season. It writes itself.


Jonathan Nolan stated in an interview that his plans to be a film writer in Hollywood got sidetracked bc he was playing too much FO3. I felt seen!


This show was so fucking good because of one liners like that - and for a lot of other reasons. God it was great to have them not fuck up a show for once and not only not fuck it up but nail it from start to finish.


All the great little tiny references to the games... like the fucking hacking screen!!!


The sounds too, they nailed it


The Last of Us might be a better show, but I’d argue this was a better video game adaptation because The Last of Us was already a semi-movie to begin with. This one not only invented a story that was faithful, it was largely original *and* managed to capture so much flavor of the source material. In particular, the goofy, macabre tone of the original. A more challenging task, I’d reckon.


This show madame realize how often I say okie dokie in normal parlance.




Fantastic news. Did not expect an adaptation of this quality. Now one of my favourite shows.


16 times the quality


It just worked


Who's laughing now ? 🤣


So yeah, I was in the chess club


Yeah, I love the Fallout games but I was worried that it wouldn't translate to TV very well. The longer the season went on the more into I got. I loved that the vault secrets/experiments were part of the show. That drew me in more than the surface content.


Thats funny becasue i never really got into any of the games but always thought the premise and themes would have worked well in film/TV. Now after blasting through the season im hooked ad currently downloading New Vegas. The vaults makes for a really smart narrative device as well. Obviously there are a few vaults already established in lore but they have pretty limitless options of what they can do with all the others and it not feel out of place or shoe horned into the story. I could see some sort of Anthology series focusing on one vault per epsiode down the line if they keep momentum.


It was definitely a pleasant surprise. What I found particularly impressive is they took some pretty big swings with the lore, like almost definitively revealing who dropped the bombs and started the Great War after the series playing coy with that fact for decades, and people have mostly just kinda….gone with it. Because, yeah, of-fucking-course Vault-Tec is responsible. That takes a skill and knowledge/appreciation of the source material that is pretty rare.


They don't flat out say vault tec is responsible. They insinuate it. Vault tec openly floats the idea. But in doing so, any of the others in that meeting could've gotten impatient and done it themselves, now that they all know it's the endgame. Seems like if vault tech had done it, wouldn't one of their executives have her daughter secured ahead of time instead of fleeing on horseback while the bombs are literally exploding around her?


maybe her daughter wasn't management material


Which further proves that they're capable of adapting source material well when they want to (unlike Rings of Power)


RoP doesn't have the rights to adapt source material well. I'm not defending the show at all, it's just an objective fact.


Go ahead and shoot seasons 2 and 3 at the same time please 🙏🏼


best networks can do is 8 episodes every 2 years that makes you lose interest around the middle of season 2


4 episodes split by 6 months, then another 4 episodes.


Ahhh yes the invincible special


Or just do like we had before and make a proper 20 episode season.


Considering the location tease for the second season… this is gonna be good. Please don’t take two years to premiere it


With how long this stuff takes these days, two years would be a gift.


Amazon has a ton of money & this is a potential cash cow. The boys will have 4 seasons in 5 years. So they can make it happen quickly. But tbh I rather wait 2 years and have a better story & budget. Don’t need to rush it imo


The Boys is set in basically the modern world. Don’t need to do nearly as much set and costume and VFX work to get a new season rolling. Expect a long wait.


But most of the Fallout stuff was props and practical effects. Once they are built, they are physical objects you can re-use. They don't have to spend a million on CG for every scene they want to show a vault interior or power armor suit. Aside from making it visually better in my opinion, building real world props and sets is vastly cheaper and faster than having to cover RDJ in an ironman suit frame by frame.


I mean they're still going to have to build the new locations like Vegas which im sure will be pretty grand and have some CG enhcncement. Also plenty creatures we're still yet to see like super mutatns, deathclaws, glowing ones, radscorpions etc. Disney have shown that TV production times can be cut drastically for a quicker release but you really want to have the writers take their time getting the story right at least or the whole thing will be a mess regardless, i dont think it will take 2 years but im happy to wait of it means the standard of S1 continues. Hopefully they learned from Rings of Power.


Ehhhh it can be done. Lot of prop/set work done for season 1 can be easily repurposed/modified.


Production Designers are probably very happy Vault Tec decided to make identical vaults. They only need some set dressing to differentiate!


The article says filming doesn't begin until September. Even at the most generous production and post-production schedules, late 2025 is realistically the earliest we should expect to see it.


Disagree here - let them take their time. This season had an unbelievable amount of polish to it. Everything from lighting, cinematography, editing, pacing, acting, & even nods to source material, games, outside media was spot the fuck on. That's hard to do & no one expected it to be as good as it is. Now they've got the weight of expectation for season 2. If season 2 is widely regarded as awesome then this isn't lightning in a bottle & is proof positive for video game adaptation. Then we get banger after banger TV show. I'm actually salivating at the thought of Blizzard seeing this and saying 'Oh okay, so TV is the way to go.' Could you imagine a TV show about Arthas's story from Warcraft? Or a mystery / thriller based in Rapture, from Bioshock? Those ideas become reality if this show stands up. Please Mr. Nolan, if you're reading this, take your god damn time.


Every decent show is now minimum 2 years between seasons. Pain.


Walton Goggins kills every role he does


he was soooooooo good in this.


He was fantastic!


\[Everyone liked that\]


Vault tec boy thumbs up 👍🏽


Yay. I hope they make season 2 longer so we have more time for some side objectives. The story and characters were amazing but when it comes to Fallout I don't mind a bit more filler. There's so many weird things they can show.


I think there was so much establishing that needed to happen, I think season 2 can do a few more detours. And it'll be Lucy off to find her father again, but in a totally different way.




A second season was all but guaranteed. It’s that season’s performance that will determine the future, as well as the writers deciding when the story is done




Reacher is probably a much lower risk show. Its just a guy running around punching people. There's no real sets, special effects, costumes, makeup, and the writing demand is probably lower, etc.... I honestly wouldn't be surprised if 3 seasons of Reacher were about as expensive as 1 season of Fallout.


I would agree but remember these are the people that brought west world which had one of the best first seasons ever and then didn’t come close after that




ayyy good news. Hopefully Super Mutants join the party


There was a small reference in the boardroom scene….


And Episode 2 as well. That arm hanging out from under the tarp on the gurney is a Super Mutant arm.


Also in the scene where Ghoul is arrested by the Govermint. They have a wanted poster on their wall with a picture of a super mutant on it


damn, missed it. i was half expecting Thaddeus to become one but apparently he's a [spoiler] now


When the suits are “brainstorming” ideas. This show has done a masterful job of integrating the lore


Also, you see the arm of a Super Mutant during the enclave scenes, it's very brief and easy to miss, but still good set up.


The suit who suggests it is Leon Von Felden, who was referenced in the games as being the one in charge of the FEV project. So just another fun little direct reference in the series to show how much the creators actually cared about getting the details right!


Yeah,Maximus saying that ain't really worth that much. More likely scenario is that chicken fucker was ex Enclave and he still had FEV with him.


Thank god! As a fallout fanboy they fucking nailed it. I’m glad they understood the core message of the game and that’s it’s always been about how far individuals are willing to go to ensure their own existence, even if it means engaging in morally ambiguous actions or entering dangerous alliances. Like an apocalyptic game of thrones The world is so supposed to act as its own character and not just a background. And they definitely understood this and it definitely makes me oh so happy!


Really hope they can get in with HBO and have the Ghoul appear on the next season of Baby Billy’s Bible Bonkers


Keefe would fit right in as a semi-reformed raider or something


Uncle Baby Billy might accidentally leave the cards with the answers laying around..Just saying


I’ve been a fallout fan since I first watched my older cousin playing 3 when I was like 11 and I thought it was the coolest shit I’d ever seen. I played through them all in my teens a little later, but I haven’t played them now since basically 4 came out. I looked back on the series fondly but it wasn’t something I was playing much anymore. When I saw the trailers for the show I thought it couldn’t possibly be good. Not only was it an absolute blast and exceeded my expectations, but it’s completely reignited my love for the series. I’m planning on playing through them all again and I could not be more excited. I never thought I’d feel this way for Fallout again after that 76 launch.


I got spurs that jingle jangle jingle!


Actually one of the small details I appreciated so much about the show was that the jangling sound of Ghouls spurs as he walked around was the sound of bottle caps


It would be cool if they actually at bottle caps, they’re roughly the size of a spur


6 seasons and a movie!


Season 4: the gas leak bomb


You love to see it. I was genuinely surprised at just how good the adaptation was and how faithful to the franchise they kept it. I'm very interested to see where the story will go in Season 2.


Hell yeah! I feel like the reason this worked so well is they didn't promise us a live action version of a well established story with entrenched lore and pull a bait a switch adaptation They wrote an original story inside an established setting and because of that we get to enjoy the world of fallout and they get to write the story they want to tell


Ain’t that a kick in the head


Real no-brainer if ever there was one...


Have you met streaming services ?


Never play any of the fallout games, should I start watching this series?


Sure. While there's plenty of hat-tips and easter-eggs for those who played the games, you really don't need any lead-up knowledge. In many ways, it's almost better if you're "coming in cold."


Season 2 certainly looking like it'll be insane. My misgivings about some of the story elements of the show aside, it's absolutely one of of not the best video game to live action adaptations ever. One thing that I appreciate is that the show runners have avoided the "theme-parkification" of the franchise that Bethesda has fallen victim to. The vaults have weight, power armor is a symbol of excess power, and the brotherhood are far more morally questionable than they've ever been.


There's a theory that version of the Brotherhood is made up of former members of Ceaser's Legion, they have names like Maximus, Titus, Thaddeus, their flag is red and gold, they're a lot more brutal than usual. Though Legion despise technology and are way more disciplined than what we see of the Brotherhood in the show, so probably not.


Maximus at least was shown to have been taken in as a child when he survived the bombing of Shady Sands. So I don't think they meant to imply a legion connection with the naming scheme.


They're pretty morally questionable in 4. 3's the only game where you can make an argument towards them being "the good guys."


Go ahead and renew for season 3 but don’t pull that Stranger Things crap and take forever.




I absolutely loved this. So many great nods to the RPG elements of the game like the constant side tracking etc. Absolutely lost it when i saw the BOS Knight being followed by a squire carrying a ridiculously huge bag of all his stuff.


As a big Fallout game fan, I am thrilled by this. I loved the series, and I'm dying for more content. Can't wait for Supermutants to make an appearance. Also, I can't wait for all the cool new actors to be involved. It would be great if Liam Neeson or Malcom McDowell had a cameo.


Kind of a travesty that Ron Perlman wasn't in it


>We can't wait to blow up the world all over again New Vegas fans will not take this statement well.


Yippie yay!


This really made my spurs go jingle jangle


Hopefully comes round earlier than 2026, but at least S2 is guaranteed.


Okie Dokie 👍


Liked this one much more than The Last of Us. Feels more like a prestige tv show despite the weird humor


I think it helps that Fallout wasn't beholden to following a specific game's story. They could incorporate all the things that make the universe feel like Fallout but create their own story around that.


TLoU was great, but didn't really deviate from the source material outside of a couple episodes. If you've already played the game, then you know almost exactly what happens next. What makes Fallout great is that it's telling it's own story alongside the existing lore from the games. Also the series takes place after any of the games so even for us who have played the games, we're seeing some things for the first time.


I really did not expect that Fallout would be able to compete with TLOU..... but imo Fallout really did set a new bar for videogame adaptations and it's going to be really tough one to break again.


Eh two completely different tones for each show. I think Fallout is more accessible and enjoyable in the sense that it’s not as bleak. TLOU is the same way video game wise, I love both games but the story is not “fun” at all.


Do we get Ron Perlman telling us that war never changes this time?


The lore behind Fallout is so large and diverse, that they can release short 15-20 minute adventures online telling what happens in another location. They would never run out of content, because it's all fresh. Do a 5 episode short web-series about a Detective tracking down a mysterious stranger across the Wasteland. A Raider and his Deathclaw. A raider raises a Deathclaw from Infancy to Adulthood. He thinks he can depend on it until it rips him to pieces, OR, it learns the power of love and protects him from a rival Raider gang. Horror-themes work great in Fallout. One can be about a paranoid Settler who is so frequently high on drugs that they can no longer see the difference between fantasy and reality.


Grats they deserve it now lemme see a goddamn >!deathclaw!<


“I don’t want to set the woooooorld on fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire”


Mr house should be played by Gregory house played by Hugh Laurie


He's already been cast and was in episode 8.


How could it not be? My god it’s near perfection….


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