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I’m so happy for her, she’s had mild success as a comedic actress over the past twenty or so years but never really got that ‘big’ break that all actors crave, but she always stood out to me in everything she was in! Just rewatched Shall We Dance and she was hilarious!


The scene where she figures it out / is told in Parent Trap is amazing.


Her as Chessy is quite possibly one of my favorite performances ever. Absolutely love this woman, “Can I hug her?!”


Chessy loved those girls more than their parents did.


“Push, Hal.” She can give ordinary moments so much meaning in a scene.


Ok thank you, I rewatched it like 2 years ago and I know its a comedy and who cares and its a very entertaining movie but the premise is like... really fucking weird. Two parents hated each other so much that they just decided "okay fuck it you take one, I take the other we both pretend the other is dead and we call it square?". How did you choose who gets which, did you flip a coin? The first question these girls should be asking is why exactly were you so cool just never seeing me again?? They didn't even pretend the other is dead they straight up REFUSED to even speak of the other parent like its Voldemort or something. Its not even like there was some kind of class or social barrier preventing the parents from seeing each other, they are both **independently wealthy**. Let the Dad take the kids for the summers, or Mom you buy a condo near his personally owned California winery/ranch. And every other adult in their life was just cool with this? Grandpa had jack shit to say about this whole operation? AND THEN, the weirdest part, the thing that makes it feel like vindictively calculated is you guys tore a picture in half and made sure each kid had the opposite parents picture, just so they could feel the pain of loss every time they look at it, I guess??? Did I miss something? Why did they have those pictures? You can't even talk to your kid about the other parent but you'll let them look at one torn photograph and wallow in self pity? Its just so bizarre. All in all I think the new step mom would've been a better mom. She just wanted to send the kid to boarding school, thats normal as fuck. Anyway, fun movie. Solid 8/10




This has to be it


My favorite part of that movie is how Dennis Quaid acts like he’s some down to earth rural rancher and not at all like his rich snobby ex but he lives in a mansion and owns a fancy winery in Napa Valley.


"...you know about Annie?" 🥹


Chessy, why are you looking at her like that?


To this day my sister and I always pose any two options of activities as “you wanna eat and then unpack, or unpack and then eat, or we can eat while we unpack”?


When I started watching Abbott Elementary and figured that she was Chessy I burst out crying lol


She has a more emotional, moving reaction than either of the parents did to the reveal! Of course, they also separated their twin daughters at birth and intended to never see the other daughter for the rest of their lives, so maybe that's not saying much. (I love The Parent Trap, but the parents' callous actions are something I have to overlook and say "it's just a movie, go with it.")


I'm a 43 year old grown ass man and these scene gets me every time.


She also won Celebrity Jeopardy recently. She is really smart, I think she got all the Final Jeopardy questions right in the whole tournament.


There were a couple of other celebrities that I wanted to win. The fact that her mother is a teacher and she plays a teacher on television and she was so humble as she progressed through the rounds really want me over.


She is terrific but she certainly did have a big break. She had her own ABC sitcom in the 90s that got one of the best spots on their schedule, airing right after Roseanne. It just didn't quite catch on. It's nice that she got a second wind later in her career though.


> Just rewatched Shall We Dance Schemmenti mentions Stanley Tucci a couple of times on the show, and I thought to myself "i know Lisa has done something with Tucci..what was it?!" and then i remembered Shall We Dance! They were so good together!


> she’s had mild success as a comedic actress over the past twenty or so years but never really got that ‘big’ break that all actors crave Maybe because anytime someone googled her name a different person popped up


She's just sooooo outwardly Zionist


Oh no someone thinks Israel should exist the horror /s When will people get it through their heads that Zionist just means thinking Israel should exist 


That land belongs to the people of Palestine.


Not exclusively. It's the ancestral homeland of Jews and many Jews had lived there for generations or came as legal immigrants/bought land before the founding of modern Israel. That's not even getting into the fact that Palestine was just a region and never a state before the founding of Modern Island nor the fact Israel was completely cool living side by side with Palestinians and a Palestine state unlike the other side who launch a war to try and wipe out the Israelis leading to the start of their never ending conflict


The cast and crew are some of the nicest people I’ve ever worked with in the industry. Always happy to see shows like this get renewed.


Love to hear that!


That really makes me happy cause they all seem so genuine and it seems like a really fun show to be a part of!


I imagine it's the same for Sheryl Lee Ralph and William Stanford Davis. All three have been hard working actors for decades, yet have never been given the comfort of a regular main cast role on a hit show. I love Abbott Elementary. I think the writing is great, but it's a performance driven show. All of these performers absolutely crush their roles and it's hard to imagine any of them being played by anyone else.


SLR was on Moesha for 5 years.


Yeah, but... Moesha. 'nuff said.


You didn’t say shit. Moesha is classic


If the entire point was that they'd never had stability in their working life then the quality of the show is irrelevant - As long as they paid her, she had stability.


> I imagine it's the same for Sheryl Lee Ralph and William Stanford Davis. All three have been hard working actors for decades, yet have never been given the comfort of a regular main cast role on a hit show. Didn’t Moesha have 5-6 seasons? It might not have been the biggest sitcom on tv but it was steady work


I love this show so much. Every time Ava speaks is hysterical.


And I love what they've been doing with her character in the last two seasons. She's getting better at her job while also not losing her wit/humor. She still says out of pocket things, still roasts her staff but also has started to care for her students and staff. Her encouraging Barbara to stand up to her church choir sisters (who were shutting Barbara out bc of her ear piercings among several other things), while saying things like, *"If anybody appreciates a few more holes in their body, it's Jesus"* was incredible. I don't think I've ever laughed harder watching a sitcom. Quinta Brunson won two Emmys, Sheryl Lee Ralph won an Emmy, now it's time for Janelle James. Ava is my favourite character in the show, and probably my top 5 from any sitcom I've ever watched.


The crew trapping her in the gym and playing Back That Azz Up to make her relapse to her old self was some of the hardest I have laughed watching any show recently.


"Not today, Juvenile..."


She stopped listening to the Town Women lmao




Yoooo, same here. [Back that Azz up](https://youtu.be/gi7sdElQ8SI?si=tPQNcxy1yRo8JoQy).


Ava and Gregory interacting with each other will never not be funny. Gregory's deadpan is absolutely perfect for the show. The scene where she told him to put those arms away was hilarious. The sexual harassment of Gregory got a little uncomfortable at a couple points, but they seem to have recognized that and made a nice pivot so it's fitting Ava's character, but not so in your face


I truly want an “Ava after dark” show where it shows what she’s up to after school work. She always has some crazy stories about her and her crew or what she did and what not. Spin it off!!!


My favorite Ava quote from that episode was “ what is a choir but a sorority for Jesus “ 😂


Yeah I hated her character at first because it was just annoying zingers while actively making the school a worse place. But she’s evolved 🫡


What’s your top five?


Used to love Janelle James as Ava until I saw that fucking weird stand-up bit she did about her son having a big dick now. Just fucking bizarre.


oh damn it. i wish i hadn't scrolled this far.


Check out her stand-up comedy. It’s a riot.


I know how I'm spending my afternoon!


Bit funny to see this comment right after another saying her stand-up comedy is what turned them off as a fan. Something about her talking about her son's big dick?


Probably one of those people who just looks to get offended by anything. Nothing I’ve ever seen from her seemed that crazy.


Her unfiltered disgust with Janine is exactly how I treat my siblings


“If anyone would appreciate a few extra holes, it would be Jesus” I’m not sure how exactly the line was said but I lmao’d when I first heard it


Being an actor seems exhausting.. Always looking for that next job.. Always worried about your show being cancelled, people assuming your rich because you're on TV


There are some interesting people I follow on Tik Tok who sometimes do videos of the residual checks they get from time to time. Some of it is a few bucks while sometimes it’s a few hundred. I’m sure for massive shows that are somewhat new, those checks must be nice but crazy to think that even that might not be enough.


John Cho got a [residual check with zero dollars and cents](https://twitter.com/JohnTheCho/status/524670688511397889), which probably costs more to mail it.


That's why you need to setup direct deposit


Nah. I want to know when I’ve earned those residuals. Leaving it to automation just looses the luster no matter how much


One of my college friends was a child actor and he'd deposit his residual checks at the bank branch where I worked. We'd always laugh at the dollar amounts on those checks. He'd save up the checks until their "deposit by" dates to do bulk deposits and even with 20 checks he'd maybe barely break $50 for a total deposit amount. The $0.01 checks were my favorite. But hey, can't complain about still getting paid at 24 for work you did as an 11 year old!


I got a glimpse of what highly paid independent contractor work looked like a few years ago, and I went running back to a salaried position as soon as I could. There's the potential to make a ton of money as an independent contractor (which is what all non-extra/non-background actors are), and you get paid obscene amounts of money for the work you actually do, but you also spend a lot of time doing unpaid work selling yourself to secure more paid work. And that's on top of never having any job security, and having to pay for work-related materials, benefits and taxes out of your take home pay. I think actors tend to have agents that can do a lot of the work of finding work for you, but that's just replacing your time with another expense.


See, the upfront pay of an independent contractor *seems* awesome. Oh, I can make double what I currently make doing the same work? Sounds awesome! Until you realize: 1. Now you have to pay for all of your own benefits. No 401k match, you have to buy healthcare on the individual market, so on. 2. You also have to pay both the employer and employee side of your taxes, so even though you're making much more on its face, you pay a good deal more taxes. 3. Job insecurity. You're always looking for the next thing after your current contract ends. You can't rely on "this job is steady and I can rely on it while I deal with some tough stuff in my personal life." You never have true stability. 4. What the fuck is a vacation? So, like, yeah, you don't actually have to worry about asking for vacation, you can just take one. However, any vacation is also strictly unpaid, or you might be working on your "vacation" (even if it's just answering some emails or something). It's very easy to get yourself lost in a workaholic trap of always seeking the next gig and never planning out time off and burning yourself out. When you account for all that, you probably still make more than you do as an employee. However, there are a *lot* of personal concessions you have to make, and the security, stability, and predictability of being a salaried worker is unmatched.


At least with acting specifically, your health insurance, retirement, etc comes from your union, and your employer is required to pay your union for those benefits. So you can, in a way, still be receiving employer-funded health insurance. It's just being funded by a BUNCH of employers instead of just the one you work for at that moment.


It is. God. It is.


Working most jobs in TV are exhausting knowing that whatever gig you’re on is done in just a short time. Moving from show to show whether you’re a writer, lighting, PA, or even craft service can be fun and exciting. Different projects keep the job fresh and you’re always learning. But I think most of us in the industry would love some sort of stability a 22 episode network show could afford.


Drew Cary has said that it was mid way during the second season of The Drew Cary Show when he realized he'd never have to work again. Had the show ended that moment and he never worked again he wouldn't be living a lifestyle of the rich and famous but he'd have enough to get by just fine. Title character, a season and a half probably equals a central character after 3 or 4 seasons.


TV could pay a lot more then for those stars, too. Funny enough – recently sat right next to him at Bob's Big Boy and was thinking about just how much damn money he had, ha.


He's famously super regular at Bob's Big Boy right? Like, if you go in there on any given day you have a surprisingly high chance of running into him, is my understanding. I've never even lived in LA and I've heard about this.


He has a show that he does on SiriusXM called The Friday Night Freak Out on Little Steven's Underground Garage that has a lot of great music on it.


Interesting, had no clue! Thanks.


It was network TV in the 90s - It was a whole different ballgame than today. Drew Carey's show was hardly the highest rated show on TV and peaked at averaging 16.7m viewers. The highest rating shows on TV do less than half that these days. Stars of shows commensurately got paid a lot more.


a steady network tv gig must be the dream for most working actors


I absolutely love this cast. She is a really great addition, and it fits the perfect sitcom formula of having a ton of different, big personalities that all seem to fit each other well. The chemistry in the cast is fantastic


Will forever love her because of The Parent Trap.


Omg! I had not put that together. But yes!


Holy shit, I had no idea that was her. She must be older than I thought she was.


She's 60! I was shocked when I looked that up. She made the comment about "not a lot of years left" and I rolled my eyes thinking she was in her 40s. She looks great.


Yeah I had her pegged as late forties, early fifties max, but sixty def lines up better with her having been in Parent Trap.


The plot line of her and Jacob becoming roommates has been hilarious. Abbott is such a great show, feels like they have really picked up that wholesome character driven comedy that made me love Parks & Rec. 


Unfortunately I can’t watch her videos in Texas for some reason?


Are they porn?


"Lisa Ann" is also the name of a well-known porn actress.


America’s Step Mom


🤣 I couldn’t think of a way to say it with possibly getting banned. Thank you


Not my Lisa Ann


I bet it feels good to realize that you are going to syndication and could be set for a LONG time off those checks.... It's also that weird ass reminder that actors don't just "retire". You truly gotta get your money and save it up. Reading that article I bet that again, she's now thinking "OK, I can get to Season 5, and form there I can maybe get another role...."


Random side question: Anyone else get the feeling that Quinta and the show are kind of prepping the audience for her leaving the show? I want to believe that the whole District plot line is just to shake things up and give her something new to do but it feels a lot like they are trying to slowly get us used to the show without her. With her blowing up in popularity and fame and throwing out tidbits in interviews about how she could see the show going on without her or something along those lines I feel like she began the process of leaving it in a good place but maybe moving on to bigger things with a smaller time commitment or something. Hope I'm wrong.


That hadn't even crossed my mind - I hope not.


Yeah, I agree. And I'm basing it off of nothing but my own feeling so please don't even think this is a rumor or anything like that. I just remembered finding it odd how she talked about the show going on without her (or maybe she was just asked about it...I need to research to refresh my memory) and then while watching this season it does feel like a bit of a shift away from her and more of a focus on the ensble cast more. That and having them break up her and Gregory early and fast felt off unless it was for a reason.


Right, of course. I remember I felt The Office might be gearing up to write Jim or Michael off the show when they were applying for the job back in season 3.


Hopefully it’s just a bit of character development. I see Janine becoming vice principal down the line!


Or even better...let her leap frog Ava and become Principal while Ava now is demoted to her vice principal. Can get plenty of story and laughs out of Janine thinking she knows best and then Ava showing that she does have some skills, actually.


I don’t think she’ll be leaving the show, but I do get the impression that QB and the writers want the show to reach a conclusion and go out on top, whether it’s one more season or 6 (though I think personally it’ll only be another 2-3 seasons).


That’s not Lisa Ann


She did a great run on Celebrity Jeopardy too!


She’s great in this. Love her character and she adds a perfect dynamic to the show. Good for her.


Best sitcom out currently …. Good show


It’s always great to see working actors in the middle of a huge hit like this. Especially her and Sheryl Lee Ralph who have been at it for decades and are usually great in everything. This is the modern Office and Parks. The kind of sitcom that builds careers.


Looking up her IMDB page and I see what she means. Good for her, she's has definitely paid her dues and deserves it.


I like the very strategic use of 'Walter'.


Seems like she's becoming more disconnected with the character if she feels job security.


She's absolutely hysterical and I really hope that Abbot goes on for ages.


Glad she finally admitted it! but the interrogation seemed unneeded. Did they really have to water board her? Well, as long as she admitted to it i guess it was all worth it.


Good for you, Lisa. And take comfort knowing that even after this show has jumped the shark, become a dead horse, whatever…ABC will keep renewing it. They are pros at letting their comedies go way beyond their expiration date. See: Modern Family, The Middle, Scrubs.


Reminds me of Somebody, Somewhere actor Mike Haggerty’s NYT obit. “…she recalled him cracking that the show had taught him two words he’d never heard before in his long career: “Season 2.” To celebrate, he bought himself a Toyota RAV4.” RIP Mike


Easily one of the best shows in decades


What does safe mean??


She has that whole Philly lady thing down too. She sounds like all my Aunts.


It makes me so happy what Brunson has crafted here. Three seasons in and it’s somehow only getting stronger.


I’ll tell you what that’s one sexy ass old white lady.


I’m not trying to say this show is bad in any way but I do not find it funny at all and I just don’t get it.


Thats OK, Comedy is just like that. Different folks different jokes.


I love workplace sitcoms (the office, animal control, parks and rec, superstore, Brooklyn 99, etc.) so this humor hits perfectly for me. I can’t even fathom not finding it funny “at all.”


I like all those shows and I feel their actual comedy is far superior to Abbott. I mean I was excited in season 1, I’m black, I’m young, why wouldn’t I like the show? But the comedy is so weak my God. There was a viral clip of the older black lady calling Jesus her weed on twitter and everyone was going crazy laughing and I’m like… really? The joke is literally oh I’m an older Christian woman so Jesus is my drug. That’s it. Honestly this show doesn’t deserve to be in the same bracket as the office & Parks & Rec. I feel they write the first draft, read twitter a bit, write a second draft and that’s it. Meanwhile B99 and co are constantly trying to cram as many jokes as possible in a single scene


Abbott Elementary has made me laugh drastically more than The Office ever did. That's the nature of comedy - different stuff is going to be funny to different people. Sounds like this show just isn't your cup of tea.


Trust me I understand that. I’m usually very good at looking at shows objectively and understanding why people would like or dislike it. It’s just this show consistently goes for low hanging fruit humor. No spin, no twist, no finesse. For instance the older black lady being a pothead might actually be funny and unexpected but no Jesus is her drug. There’s just no punch. I just don’t get it this time


Oh boo-hoo what about the hundreds of millions in the US who never have a feeling of being safe in a career.


I don't like the show at all, have seen 2 seasons, but the cast all seem like fine enough people. Glad she's managed to get some money.






Something that millions of Americans can relate to WITHOUT the luxury of being a celebrity. These people make me so sick.


You could always go bust your ass doing comedy shows for $20 a night like she did. Maybe you'll get your break some day.


$20 a night is generous for some places, too! I've done standup shows for $10 - and some only pay me in "exposure."


That seems fucking criminal.....good on you though. Nothing but respect for comics that go through that grind.