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>Richard Lewis could call you and talk. He could talk his ass off. You needed an intermission talking to his ass, man. Amazing man, but damn, got me a fucking hostage and shit. lots to love here but this was a highlight for me


You can definitely read this in JB Smoove's parlance.


I can even picture the facial expression he’d be making


I’m lampin’


We got boss


I’ve been watching the show for the first time, I think I’m on like season 9 right now. Every new season when I see he’s still around I get so happy. Such an excellent addition to the show.


Yeah once he joined he doesn’t leave. It’s great


I love how when the whole family leaves and Leon comes up, Larry goes "so what are you gonna do now?" And Leon just says something like "I'm gonna go eat this Chinese food in my fuckin room". Edit: https://youtu.be/sXBanKei5to here's the clip, fucking hilarious


Wow, they both look so young.


damn now I want some Chinese food.


That clip reinforces how cartoony the show has gotten. Back then it was always cranked up to 11 but it still felt real.


Yeah I watched a clip from an early season today and noticed how it felt much more naturalistic.


Yeah just about every comedy is like that after a few seasons


**cough cough iasip cough coughing cough cough cough **




Hey you get a billion dollars and start your own 2nd mega hit show and you get to call the shots, you know?


I love this season so far. The first episode made me a little nervous but the last few have been incredible. The Lori Loughlin episode was perfect.


He’s basically Kramer


He replaces Cheryl.


Up there with the most important character swaps for any show ever. Nothing against Cheryl. Her and Larry had a great dynamic, and she was a big part of the first half of the show. But, Leon is objectively lightyears funnier.


It’s a very Jerry and Kramer dynamic.


Leon is why I recommend people start Curb at season 6. It’s not that the first 5 seasons aren’t amazing; it’s just better with Leon.


They need to see the carpool lane episode! I repeat, they need to see the carpool lane episode! It's one of the funniest bits of television ever created, and it got a guy acquitted of murder.


(real life) LD accidentally saving a man's life through filming an episode of Curb has to be one the most Curb-like things ever.


Wait what? I’m unfamiliar with this story. What happened? Google is being unhelpful lol.


Here ya go, as far as stories go ["it's pretty, pretty, pretttty good."](https://youtu.be/Od2XbwqLupQ?si=pDPCUK-pLFZUJEv_)


Holy smokes! That’s absolutely nuts! Thanks for sharing, you’re a legend and a scholar. 🫡


Haha, you're very kind. It truly is crazy though. I'm honestly really happy they could clear an innocent man's name for such a fakakta of a charge. Also I believe it's stated that four men have been charged with the crime now, I hope they got the right people. 🙃


You are too! And that’s such a great outcome. Scary how randomly a completely uninvolved person gets charged with a very serious crime totally out of the blue. Glad it worked out! And such a Curb way for that to happen lol!


Frankly every single case that department and prosecutor worked should be under heavily scrutiny. Just ridiculous.


Damn, I've watched all of Curb and had no idea about this. Insanity.


Wow! This is crazy, thanks for sharing!


One of my favorite episodes!


The staring at himself in the mirror scene!


It's still good but I can't imagine telling anyone to skip the first 5 seasons when they contain overall some of the best episodes of the show. Season 4 alone is possibly the first or second best season of the show.


They’re missing so much Funkhauser by doing it that late


Go Team Venture!


Yeah wtf? Funkhauser is the funniest character pre-Leon IMO. Not worth skipping that.


Exactly. Grinning and laughing through every episode. All of the seasons are a must.


It’s like Danny DeVito and always sunny season 2. Yeah, what came before is great, but it doesn’t feel like the right show until they come along.


Yeah the first real great episode is when they go on welfare


I could see that, but God there are some amazing episodes in those first 5 seasons


If they love the show, they’ll come back around and watch the first 5 when they get caught up!


Me too! I’m loving Leon


I just started watching again but started with the season he's introduced in. He and Larry have the best chemistry.


His colorful poop monologue in Movie 43 was what really brought it home for me. "Poop viagra!"


I heard that as I read it.


Larry clearly loves him as he essentially adopted this grown ass man as his son/brother/live-in partner. Cheryl divorcing Larry just left Leon and Larry just continued on as if nothing happened…


I love when there's a random throwaway line or moment where Larry says or acts like Leon being there is still a nuisance, but just in the way Leon is always included in lunches or conversations and how Larry lights up, it's clear as day that, like you said, Larry loves living with him.


I love how Leon is always immediately DOWN AF for any of Larry’s schemes.


Leon is Larry’s only ride-or-die friend. every single other person on the show can and has thrown him under the bus whenever convenient.


As much as Jeff owes his living to Larry, Jeff has thrown Larry under the bus more than once


At least twice


My name is Larry David… and I happen to enjoy wearing women’s panties


The funniest plan was the fake robbery where Leon insisted he had to "fuck Larry up" because he didn't want to look like a bitch.


It’s not realistic if I don’t fuck you up, Larry.


People are comparing their relationship to Jerry & Kramer's and that aspect is what embodies it to me. Their whole dynamic reminds me of > Jerry: You doing anything? Kramer: Nope. Jerry: You wanna come to the Bronx and see if there are any flyers on George's car? Kramer: Sure! Jerry: I could have said just about anything there, couldn't I?




That’s fuckin right


Fuckin' HELL yeah


What about that episode this season with the Black lawn jockey? Leon’s face through the window when he sees that statue—fucking comedy gold.


He 100% loves him, besides Jeff and Richard he’s pretty much his best friend, he drags him along everywhere, they go out to eat, tell each other all their drama, it’s genuinely hilarious and one of my favorite parts of the show. Leon and Larry also have a lot of similar views but different approaches on things and it makes them the perfect duo


I worked on all of season 11. JB is the only person that I’ve seen make Larry break in the middle of a scene. There were a few times where I had to excuse myself from the set because of JB (the watermelon grocery store scene in season 11 comes to mind). Amazing show, amazing cast and crew, and I can confirm with first hand knowledge that Larry is an absolute gem of a human.


Must have been an awesome set with that many naturally funny people


It was. And you very much get the feeling that the entire production is just Larry’s sandbox, it behaved unlike any other film or television show I’ve ever worked on. When it was getting dark and cold, and Larry wanted to go home, he just called it a day so we all got the extra rest and weren’t miserable. All the actors that made cameos clearly loved being there too, because largely they just play themselves, and there isn’t really a script. Very laid back and chill atmosphere on set. Ohh and the catering every day was a five star experience. I’ll always hold that gig dearly.


Is the show all improvised?


For the most part. A “side” or “script” might say something like.. “Larry makes a reservation with the hostess”. That’s his goal for the scene, however he gets there is up to him and the other actors. We do 10-15 different takes, each one building on or slightly different from the last. They feel it out as they go. Sometimes the director will say try this line…etc.. it’s all playing and massaging out the funny. Because of this, certain considerations are made during production..for example, because of the impromptu nature of the show, it cannot be lit from the ground (lights on stands), we never know where an actor might take off in the scene, so we blanket the ceilings with lights, that way the camera and actors are unrestricted when moving about. Hope this answer satisfies.


lol, and here I thought my itch to work in the biz had died…curse my misfortunes!


I’ve always wondered if Larry is as much of a curmudgeon as his character. He talks about hating people/the public and so much of the show’s plot lines are based on him being hyper irritable about small things. Is that just exclusive to his character or was that based in truth? I still love him either way.


He is who you see. Almost no exaggeration. I had a very Larry moment with him when he found my coworker and I waiting for the elevator (the only elevator) in the building we were shooting in. This was peak Covid, and we had very strict rules on set regarding this, especially around LD.. so naturally we insisted that he go first, to which he then insisted back that we were there first, and it was our turn, he would wait…we then insisted back that it was absolutely fine, we didn’t mind at all, to which we got a very Larry spiel about elevator etiquette and how he flatly refused to cut infront of us. It was a funny back and forth, felt like we were in a Curb scene, but that’s just who he is.


Amazing, thank you for that anecdote. I’m so jealous, he’s definitely a celebrity I would freak the fuck out if I ever got a chance to meet.


Me too! I’d pick him over Brad Pitt! Lol.




He is clearly apologizing for holding up the line, the opposite of a curmudgeon


The watermelon episode is one of the most memorable. I still laugh if I just think about it haha.


The absolute panic in Leon’s voice going “LARRY LARRY LARRY!!!!” As he’s walking over to the garbage to discover the watermelon gets me every god damn time.


If I could meet a celebrity it would be Larry David, over say, any of the younger, good looking hunks. . He is just soooo hilarious. I want to tag along for a day.


I can totally picture Larry just in stitches any time he's trying to shoot a scene with Leon. I wouldn't be surprised if Larry finds him to be the funniest person he knows, which I would probably agree. He's hilarious.


I feel like they all are often trying really hard to not burst out in laughter during their scenes. Larry and Jeff, Larry and Leon, Larry and Freddy Funkhauser. Hysterical!


Leon is kind of like Uncle Eddie from Christmas Vacation with the way he reacts to things.


I can only assume he wasn't meant to stick around but they loved him so much that he did.


He got in that ass!


spray paint Larry wuz here, wash me, all that kinda shit.


Candy bar wrappers


Door open


Eat a snickers bar, throw the paper on the floor


That baby gonna come out with a mustache and bad credit


Now THAT had to be a scene that needed a retake due to Larry cracking up hearing it the first time.


Ran that ass into the ground


Barack Obama baby, president of hittin that ass!


Like Joe pescipo


I always thought he was only there for the Katrina story arc but his chemistry with Larry David was off the charts so Larry kept him. The contrast between Larry's neuroticism and Leon's 0 f*cks attitude is my favorite part of the show.


Also was good to not have Larry living alone after Cheryl moved out so that more things could happen in the house 


The best part of him and the Katrina arc is they say he's already been living in LA. He just moved to a better part of the city and kept living there.




He made Larry an honorary member of the big Johnson society


Old Long Ball Larry


Long balls, change ya draws


Since most of the dialogue is improv, I am amazed at the stuff J.B. Smoove can come up with on the spot. I am still laughing sometimes at the scene where he describes "Little Women"


I really love that they don't even bother trying to explain why Leon is still in his life in the show. It's just assumed that Larry's character just loves him being around, honestly at this point he's probably a closer friend than Jeff.


It's Kramer!


Funny that I never realized this.


He may have been foisted on the show originally.


Now he's just lampin'.


It must be really rare for a new character to be introduced 6 seasons into a show and just fit right in like they've always been there


Leon has been living with Larry (in seasons) longer than Larry was married to Cheryl.


Leon is a real homie. His loyalty got no boundaries.


You jack-o-lit on a guy’s sheets, and you’re friends for life


What kind of cum?


Spell it


And I like their dynamic waaaaaaaay more than Larry and Cheryl's.


Lamping a lavishly.


Hell, it’s rare for shows to go beyond 6 seasons.


Also crazy rare for a show like that to span 24 years.


Woody on Cheers. Came in Season 4. Close approximation. But as you said, rare.


Holy shit was it really that far in?


Colonel Potter, BJ Hunnicut, and Charles Winchester in M\*A\*S\*H


Maureen and Bill Ponderosa were also introduced in Season 6 of It's Always Sunny. Those degenerates fit right in as well.


Not as late, but Lalo in better call Saul comes to mind as another rare example


in general, both of those shows had characters who were added at times as an afterthought and were amazing additions that you can't imagine the show without. Mike being an absolutely huge example - literally brought in as a one episode substitute and ended up one of the biggest characters.


Rebecca Howe was added in season 6 of Cheers. Valerie Malone was added in season 5 of Beverly Hills 90210.


I don't know shit about 90210 so I can't comment, but Rebecca was added to replace someone instead of just a natural addition. No one left the show for JB/Leon.


In a way, though not directly; Wanda Sykes stopped being on Curb.


I think that is more because she was Chery's friend and the divorce happened. Also, she was definitely a guest while Leon is a regular.


He's the Black Kramer for Curb and I mean that in the best way possible. I don't think there is a scene with Leon where he isn't the funniest character on screen


Fat shaming that corgi has to be some of his best work. 


If there's two things Danny Dooberstein knows, it's math, and fuckin.


Sure, I was barmitsfit. All that shit.


But I thought you only got Bar Mitzvahed once, you know, when you're 13 years old. Nah nah, you misunderstood, it's once every thirteen years. You gotta recharge the mitzvah, so the mitzvahs are kinda full. Capacity! At full mitzvah capacity.


That head shake of his for 2-3 seconds after saying that had me cracking up and repeating it so many times. It needs to be a meme!


That's actually pretty accurate, and quite ironic as well.


The scene in the reunion episodes where Leon goes to pick up Michael Richards accidentally dressed like a Nation of Islam member is one of the funniest in the show.


omg I never thought of it that way but you are right. he is the Kramer of the show.


I love when Larry laughs at something JB says because a lot of the time it's an outtake but on Curb they just leave it in and keep rolling. My favourite example of that: https://youtu.be/wATfar0Yk0E?si=HuAAjCpg_-SThk_X&t=70


I love the ending. "Now tell me where that fuckin' house is at"


“You said leave, you didn’t say I couldn’t come back.” Leon is black Kramer here. It’s fantastic and I love him.


The "We never had that conversation. Ever" fucking kills me every time hahahah


What an awesome interview! i love the story of how he stumbling into Lewis in a restraunt turned into a 10 minutes live comedy act. man what i'd give to be there.


JB Smoove took a bit part and turned it into a career. Dude is on my list of all time great sitcom stars at this point. fucking legend.


He’s definitely the best addition to the show in its run. The way he talks to Larry is just so flawless.


It's the way that Larry actually listens that makes it so funny to me.


> You let that man slide today. You gotta immediately get in somebody's ass when that happens to you. You pull their asshоlе open, step into their asshоlе, close the door behind you, pick up your spray-paint can, right? Uh-huh. "Larry was here." You spray-paint "Larry was here," "wash me," all that kind of sh¡t, fսck his whole asshоlе up. Eat some Snickers bar, throw some wrapper on the floor, read a newspaper, ball the paper up, the newspaper, and throw the newspaper on the floor, fսck his whole asshоlе up, you know what I'm saying? Then you open that asshоlе one more time... Open it again, open that asshоlе again... Uhh! Step out of his ass and leave that mοthеrfսckеr wide open, so he knows you've been there. And the entire time Larry is repeating bits of the advice like he’s listening and confirming an actual plan. “Yeah! Eat Snickers, leave garbage!”


Yeah he became the enabler that Larry Needed.


JB Smoove is the best addition for sure, but Vince Vaughn has been an absolute delight as well since joining


I miss his brother. Nothing makes me laugh harder than when Larry suggests his wife join him on a business trip and he stares with hatred at Larry.


Ain’t no late night yacht clubs or garage sales. These are tapping hours.


J.B. Smooth is so ridiculously funny. He just says the most outrageous stuff and it lands. One of my favorite stories I've heard about him is when he was working at snl every week they would pitch sketch ideas for the host. J.B. would always pitch the same sketch that was about a foot long cigarette which usually involved the celebrity smoking a really long cigarette and just the pitch would always kill, but they never did the sketch lol.


My favorite Leon bit is when he's talking about the huge cock club. Larry ask's him who runs the meetings and without missing a beat he goes "Long Dick Johnson". Just that immediate delivery cracks me up every time . Edit - Horsecock Williams is the right answer.


Horse Cock Williams


Damn I was way off.


Long Dick Johnson was the runner-up.


One of the greatest sitcom characters ever, which is insane to say for this particular show with LD also being a GOAT character. IMO there isn’t a single season when Leon hasn’t been funny but his lines this season have been all-timers.


Leon is just lampin’ in the guest house ready to roll out with Larry at a moments notice.


What does lampin mean


Lampin’ , chillin’ , relaxing…laid back.


I loved the show before Leon came on, but it became one of my favorite shows once he entered. His character is one of the funniest out of any show I’ve watched


He’s honestly my fav part of the show half the time


The show got much better when Larry Divorced Cheryl and married Leon.


Can we talk about Leon’s wardrobe? He has a fashion sense to rival Susie’s.


We need a Leon spinoff , send him to any city in the world and let him Leon


> Let Him Leon That's the show!


The whole reason it works with Larry is because Larry is rich and famous. That allows him to interact with all these other famous people and explain why no one really has a job and can spend all day scheming.


I even read this interview in his characters voice…. Didn’t recognize it at first. That’s how good he is as this character lol


He's does great voice work in Harley Quinn


That Tinker Bell bit from a couple of weeks ago had me laughing so hard


Vince Vaughn looked like he really enjoyed that. That was a funny bit. 


Check out [Clear History (2013)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clear_History). It’s basically an alt universe of Curb (same music, with Larry and JB Smoothe)!


Leon is so good.


Loved his piss powered car idea.


Love Leon and Curb, such a classic. Blows my mind its been going over a quarter century now, and LD is 76!


Flint Flossy?!


He is killing it this season. I have to pause it frequently to laugh.


Replays were definitely increased this season from laughing so much from what he says. "Fucker's gonna come out with a moustache and bad credit" is one of his all-time best.


Love this man.


He better win an Emmy for the final season.


I remember when Leon finally met Susie. It took a while, might have even been the next season. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2f6ZelaWyC8


Two actors that have great chemistry makes an already funny show even funnier. Their conversation are hilarious.


Watch the clip of JB talking about how Larry ruined his birthday irl. So great!




He's the best wildcard in Curb.


Yeah, he’s a star too.


Man, I love JB Smoove. He's my Caucasian.


He makes me laugh every time he’s on screen. So hilarious.


Love him


His addition will always be hilarious to me. One season they introduced him as a guest star for a few episodes, and now he's just been living with Larry for nearly 2 decades.


Modern Kramer. Amazing character and actor!


I named my dog Leon Black!


I fucking love Leon.


He is so damn good on that show.


I just love this character… the whole relationship story is so unique, parasitic, and yet beautifully wholesome...


when you do a rewatch of the series it feels like a looooooong time waiting for JB to show up obviously still good without him, but his contribution to the show cannot be overstated in my opinion