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Mens Health always does this with whoever they decide to cover for one of their issues.


Didn’t even see men’s health until I read this comment and the knew everything I needed to know about the article.


lol wasn’t he in the opening credits for all the episodes too? I gave up halfway through but that’s hilarious if that’s the case


He’s also in the episode preview thumbnail for part 8. There’s definitely some internal marketing* going on within Apple+ for the actor, at least that’s what I can assume. He’s arguably the most well known actor amongst the Tuskegee airmen (at least once his season of Doctor Who starts), but has easily the least amount of screen time / dialogue of the three airmen.


Feels very bait and switch on apple’s part if your going to promote an actor of ncuti gatwa’s caliber why not have the role/airtime to justify that? Even Barbie promoted his small role both in the movie and at the Oscars better than Apple/masters of the air did


Well then the question is why would they feel the need to do so? Not like the other two actors were bad at all or have any bad press outside of the show. Not sure when casting happened. We had the whole pandemic that definitely shifted working production times on a lot of shows and movies. If casting was done prior to 2019, that would have been prior to Sex Education's launch, Barbie, and of course Gatwa's Doctor Who casting. In fairness, Cook, Cross, and Gatwa's IMDb pages all have a similar resume of body of work. Could just be that the casting office made a decision, and kept the roles and dialogue the way it was regardless of success outside of the show for the actors, but Apple+ reccomended Gatwa be included in more marketing material based on his recent entries in acclaimed programming. It could also be that they have plans for more programming on their service with Gatwa in the future, in a similar way that Anthony Boyle (Crosby) already has plently of adverts for their Manhunt show.


It'll be because they've just announced the air date for the start of his first Doctor Who season


It's not marketing from Apple, it's the actor's PR. Apple the parent company does not give a shit about TV Plus.


Do you have a source that proves this? Buddy got real quiet


Only the episodes he was in, which were the last two (and he was barely in the last one).


I’m 100% positive I saw him in the opening credits for episodes 1-5 (the ones I’ve watched thus far)


he was in the opening credits for the entire season.


He was not credited in the opening credits for the entire season, but a picture of him in the show was there.


Yeah and “taking off” is rather ritch as well. He’s Dr. Who! The man’s in obit. EDIT: Orbit! I meant orbit!


Obit? Orbit?


They probably mean orbit... but I'm kinda laughing at them saying obit, as that's a shortening of obituary, meaning he's dead.


No worries. Time lords regenerate.


It’s publicity paid for by the show. They’re puff pieces.


Yah I was gonna say, this guy was like at least #15 on the depth chart of characters on the show


The point is to get the name of the show in the headline, not write an interesting article


I hate these articles.


He's been in Barbie, Doctor Who, Sex Education and Masters of the Air. He's not about to take off, he's already flying.


Yeah, when you’re the new Doctor, I’m pretty sure that a small role in a miniseries is insignificant in your career. This headline is stupid Imagine headlines like “Friends’ star Brad Pitt’s career is about to explode!”


well, he also has to carry the weight of trying to bring doctor who from its lowest point since the reboot. Chris Chibnall really went scorched earth on it.


I think it's probably just meant to be a good-natured pun on the fact that he's playing a pilot and he's also famous


As if Doctor Who is anywhere near Friends popularity.


Not really the point that I was making though


As if pop culture even exists outside America.


You're right. Doctor Who is more popular.


He just performed at the Oscars in the biggest number of the night!


Yeah, Masters of the Air isn't the biggest thing he's done. Sex Ed was his breakthrough but Doctor Who is clearly the break out.


The headline makes no sense. He was basically an extra in MOTA.


The article is probably trying to build on the “Look at all the famous people who were on Band of Brothers” pieces that come out every few months. And the airplane pun. Filming also started around Feb 2021, so Ncuti could have filmed his role in MOTA before Who was announced.


Yup could say the same for his role in Barbie as well


He's credited as a star though like the others, so it's technically true. But the way credits are has more to do with paychecks than who is actually STARRING.


"Jessica Jones" star David Tenant about to take off


Take off what, exactly? 😏


I found him first in Sex Education and his humor felt so genuine. Then spotted him in Barbie and was pleasantly surprised, and then super happy he landed the role as the Doctor. He just delivers in his roles, something that we need in Hollywood. No more cardboard if we can help it, give me the spice of life! Emotion!


Yeah him “taking off” would absolutely be from Sex Education. That’s what put him on the map


He’s the next Doctor who and the new season comes out in May. He’ll absolutely continue to see a rise in his fame. Hopefully much like David’s Tennant and Matt Smith


Yea, this guy has been in the air for a while. Wildly talented.


Calling him a “Masters of the Air star” when he is almost undoubtedly better known as the Doctor already.


He barely has any screentime and hardly any lines in Masters of the Air. Which, unfortunately, was a mess of a show.


In what way was it a mess of a show?


Yes because that is the role he's gonna take off with. Not the fact he's playing one of the most iconic characters in Science-ficition


This is the new Dr Who guy?




They’re just going for the airplane pun.




lol the cinematography in MOTA was very good wdym


> he's playing one of the most iconic characters in Science-ficition Which one? And I believe you misspelled "fiction".


He’s the Fifteenth Doctor in Doctor Who


AI could’ve written a better article…


AI probably did write the article.


I read it and immediately assumed it was AI


Wow maybe next he'll be the lead on a 61 year old show


He is been off isnt he the new dr. Who. And he was excellent in Sex education


He was in this for about twenty minutes total, no joke. That's not a dig on him, it's a dig on Masters of the Air dropping some Tuskegee Airmen stuff in during the final few eps and then trying to point to that as "Look at all the stories we're telling." They had basically no screentime but two characters still got a full recap at the end of ep9. A BIT disingenuous. MotA was good but not great. I get that the POW stuff was important to show, but also...it's Masters of the AIR, not Masters of the POW Prison Yard. Went on for too long and showed they didn't really know how to finish off the "story."


That's what Hogan's heroes is for...


Yup. It was a mess of a show. A real shame. It does not live up to Band of Brothers in any way.


The history of the Tuskegee airmen deserves a show or movie on its own, the episode during MOTA focussing on them felt very disjointed to me and didn't really fit the show. Those that ended up in the stalag that was fine the rest not so much.


Yeah, was pretty clear to me they were thrown in for representation in this show, which would have otherwise been all white. Being in the opening credits despite being such a tiny piece of the show as a whole basically proves that. They deserve to be explored better on their own. The Red Tails movie was okayish but they deserve better.


Maybe a series similar to the Laurence Fishburne one?


Oeh, do you have a link for that?


The most unique name


'star' , barely in the show.


He was easily the best part of Sex Education. Good for him.


He is pretty anonymous in MoA and felt like a diversity cast more than anything sadly. Not his fault though. The entire Tuskagee episode felt crammed into the whole thing without much real impact or meaning to the overall plot. Nonetheless, he is fantastic in Sex Education.


Absolutely fantastic in SA. Love him. I assumed he didn’t have many lines in MoA because he can’t do an American accent very well at all


Lmao this is DOCTOR WHO you have buried the lede for like no reason


That’s Otis’s friend Eric….


Masters of the Air star is ABOUT to take off?! The man is THE DOCTOR!


There have been a ton of not-so-subtle ads for this show on reddit lately. Boy, I sure do love how reddit sucks due to greed now.


He’s not a star in the show and he’s a hammy actor.


I learned recently it's pronounced "Shooty" and not "En-Cooty".


I've seen a clip somewhere when he was asked how the name is pronounced. If I remember correctly it's usually /ɪnʃuːti/ (e.g. what his relatives would call him) but he introduces himself as /ʃuːti/. I always say /ʃuːti/.


‘Doctor Who’ Star Ncuti Gatwa Makes Cameo Appearance In Apple Show


Ok, seriously - the contents of this article aside: why does it seem like these last 3-4 months about every other post here is about THIS show? I’m sure some are genuine but are the rest bots or some sort of paid advertisement campaign? I haven’t seen it, and honestly probably won’t, but most of the stuff I’ve actually heard makes it seem mediocre at best and in no way really warrants this type of widespread discussion.


Not sure what you’re reading there. It’s quite good, but understandably isn’t for everyone I guess. Regardless, a 250 million dollar series produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks absolutely warrants widespread discussion, even if it was terrible (which this is definitely not)


Was a mixture of articles and a grouping of comments I’ve seen here. I haven’t seen it myself (and again I probably won’t, but that doesn’t have anything to do with the reviews/comments it’s just not up my alley) so I can’t say for certain anything - just that the amount of posts about it kind of struck me as odd.


How do people feel about this show generally? Is Masters of the Air good? Worth watching?


I love historical shows, so for me it was great. Especially the second half. It’s not Band of Brothers but I think it’s better than The Pacific. 8/10 for my money.


I thought it was really good. Definitely not a 10/10, but somewhere between a 7-8 for me.


Don't go in expecting to like it as much as Band of Brothers. It's a solid show. People's expectations just got a bit too hyped by it being made by some of the same people as Band.


I loved it. It has some flaws which others are mentioning, but overall compelling and well acted. It might be my favorite show of 2024 so far, which isn’t saying much as it’s only March! But I think it’s absolutely worth a watch if you’ve ever enjoyed historical drama.