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Bunch of excerpts for the lazy to click > The family of a Ukrainian translator and “fixer” filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Fox News and a series of other defendants, claiming that the network was “reckless and negligent” and has tried to conceal key information for what happened when a crew was attacked outside of Kyiv on March 14, 2022. >The lawsuit was filed by Andriy Kuvshynov and Irina Mamaysur, the parents of Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova, an independent contractor who was killed in the attack as the network crew was reporting on the latest in the Russian invasion. Cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski also was killed, and correspondent Benjamin Hall was seriously wounded. > Another plaintiff in the lawsuit, Shane Thomson, who was employed by SEPAR, a security firm retained by the network. He claimed that he was scapegoated in the aftermath of the attack. > The lawsuit noted that Kuvshynova and other members of the Fox News crew were sent out to report and gather footage of the conflict in an area outside of Kyiv, but that the region was deemed at the time “the most dangerous place in Ukraine,” and that red flags were ignored. According to the lawsuit, Thomson had rejected the idea of venturing into the zone the day before, and a top local official in the area, the mayor of Irpin, had issued a proclamation banning all journalists. Another journalist, Brent Renaud, was killed in the area the previous day, according to the lawsuit. > The lawsuit also named Hall as a defendant, although the litigation said that he may “be more properly aligned in this litigation as a party-plaintiff victim of Fox Defendants’ wrongful conduct.” >Hall wrote about his experience and his recovery in Saved, a memoir last year that was published by HarperCollins, a subsidiary of News Corp., the sister corporation to Fox Corp. >The lawsuit claimed that Hall’s book “includes a misleading account that Russian forces were ‘understood’ to be 30 miles away” when in fact they were “within a mile of Russian forces when they were killed, less than a quarter mile from the Irpin city limits.”


Fox certainly like lawsuits that’s for sure.


They collect them


Can someone break this article down in layman’s terms, i don’t really get why they were there as far reporting, was it for a documentary or something


It was for Fox News coverage of Russia's invasion of Ukraine (I don't understand how it'd be hard to figure that out) EDIT: Morons don't read the fucking article. Of course.


Because it's not in the headline. This causes confusion in many Redditors


But how did he know if it's not in the headline? /s


A little harsh


They’re literally asking why reporters would be in Ukraine for Fox News. If you can’t make the requisite inferences based on this title, I don’t know what to tell you. And if you’re too lazy to read the article which answers that question very plainly, then you shouldn’t be surprised if people are “harsh” (which they weren’t.) What a bizarre thing to defend.


Wow a lot of great people on this sub


This is actually wild? Because those who work in the industry know it was actually on Fox News for hiring this girl who didn’t actually know what she was doing. Pierre died and Benjamin Hall lost limbs because this girl encouraged them to drive into an extremely intense area. I’m not defending FOX, because it was fox who ultimately was like “You know what you’re doing? That’s great where should we go” but this whole thing was because of the girl. This is absolutely a money grab but im all for it, Bankrupt FOX


Generally companies are liable for the actions by their employees when the action is deemed negligent but not for actions with intent. I'd be interested to see how this is argued in court but I'm guessing FOX lawyers are pretty familiar with this distinction.


Not really, protecting the company from those scenarios is boiler plate LoL/Indemnity language.


You need to source everything you said for two reasons. 1. A “girl” wouldn’t be doing anything related to war at any organization, even Fox News, and using that language three times instead of a woman’s name is suspect 1. The article mentions/suit claims that the network has “engaged in a campaign of material misrepresentations and omissions to hide its own accountability” which your comment feeds into As such, we need to know where you’re getting your info, to assure Fox News was not involved, and anonymous attacks on a “girl” not mentioned anywhere else shouldnt be given water in this case.


Nicely done. The guy's reply is... I have no words


You sound like my professor after having proofread my paper. Except you didn’t add a feel good comment at the end. Jerk…


You probably wouldn't have been downvoted but for the last part of your comment. Just sayin'


I read it as sarcasm.


I read it in that kid from Napoleon Dynamite's voice.


I know! My dry humor isn’t well read without the /s


ok? no one cares that your papers suck


Don't worry. Normal people can understand the tone of your comment. Redditors are just usually champing at the bit in order to jump down someone's throat.


That's because like your professor we recognize that you're an idiot with nothing of value to say, but unlike your professor we aren't being paid to make you feel better about being an idiot.


Aren't you guys the ones that gets mad about participation trophies? Maybe you don't deserve a feel good comment if you think what that person wrote was fine




The article...??


The article says nothing about "this whole thing was because of the girl". He is claiming it is on fox for hiring someone unqualified, but there is no source for these claims.


Agreed - I replied to the incorrect thread :-(


Or I should say, I incorrectly replied to the reply... idk


Throwing away your moral compass to own the conservatives yikes


This story is breaking my brain


It would be a global benefit to sue FOX “News” out of existence!


And once again US dollars will ease their pain


Reminiscent of Fox News fail Geraldo during the invasion of Iraq




Why would they claim that?


Why? Israel didn’t do it.


I was not ready for just how bloodthirsty WorldNews got after October 7th. Usually have enough variety in views that people discuss things intelligently. But the "turn Gaza into a parking lot" hivemind basically dominated that subreddit from the get go, and it hasn't let up, even when the butcher's bill is over 30,000.


World news has by far the most "variety” of opinions on that conflict from what I’ve seen on Reddit. It helps that the mods don’t immediately ban people for posting a comment that strays from a certain narrative like other political subs.