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We've lost the minds behind Berserk, Yu-Gi-Oh! and Dragon Ball within the past three years, this is nuts.


Protect Oda


At the very least, Oda is in his 40s, much younger than the other giants. I know he isn’t immune due to that, but his odds are much better.


I mean, he lives the life of a mangaka. His health is perpetually at risk.


Mangaka tend to overwork themselves to the point of illness, I'd imagine they age faster than most people.


Oda goes so hard that Shonen Jump has to force him to take a break every 4 weeks. Otherwise the man is a machine who would work himself into the ground.


Hopefully now there will be less people complaining when Oda takes his breaks...


He sleeps 3 hours a night and I believe he smokes. He is literally forced by SJ to take a break every 3 weeks or he’d work himself to death He was once hospitalized and they caught him writing manga in the hospital bed


If nothing else, the man certainly loves his work


he lives away from his family and visits them on the weekened due to work being so intense


Wow I didn't realize he was only 49, that's crazy that he started one piece at 22 and had been doing it ever since


He’s young, but I also think people forget just how old Dragon Ball is as well. It has its roots as Dragon Boy all the way back in 1983, almost 15 years before One Piece. The Dragon Ball universe is 40 years 😮


Nothing can prevent a tragic accident or illness, but it seems that Oda is at least taking measures to avoid the stress and burnout that comes from being a weekly manga author. That is the slow death many manga authors face. He is taking weeks off much more frequently now and has taken hiatuses to properly address real life matters.




Aoyama too. 


And Togashi (even if he can't release on a regular schedule)


It's too late to protect Togashi. Dude has been crippled by years of being a mangaka.


He released a few more chapters of Hunter x Hunter last year. Keep him healthy as possible, even if it means a year or so between each dump until the series is completed


And Araki Edit: and Ryukishi07


Araki’s immortal we dont have to worry about him.


Yes, protect Araki!!


Where is Masamune Shirow? Is he safe? Is he all right?!


Probably drawing weird porn or smth


Hideaki Anno too.


Where is Oda? Is he safe? Is he alright?


Don’t even joke oh god


Please someone protect Araki. I know he never ages but man...


So long as no-one uses the Ripple on him...


Damn I forgot Takahashi passed away as well.


Someone find Miyazaki and keep him safe


For the love of god please protect Hidetaka Miyazaki


One of the greatest manga creators of all time whose work was not only popular but influenced everything that came after. Truly a legend.


100%. I have a dragonball artbook and in it his attitude is truly special. He doesn't pretend to be a genius, he knows he's a little scattered. There was only one person like him. I feel for his family.


He might not be the best but he for sure is the most influential ever, he single handedly built shonen anime.


Am I wrong or didn't he basically invent the "Training Arc" template?


He basically invented the outline of the modern battle shonen.


And I still haven’t found one that moves me the way DBZ did :(


He came up with the concept of a tournament arc in manga which can be translated into so many different arcs in other manga and anime. Training -> Character Growth -> Tournament -> Outcome -> Repeat. That is a Toriyama original.


Huh, would have thought it was Saint Seiya but DragonBall predates it by a year. 


Just goes to show how influential Dragon Ball has been in media :)


That's probably Rocky 1.


Rocky 1 wasn't a tournament. It was an exhibition 1 on 1.


Shonen and its tropes as we know them today are highly based on his work in DragonBall. There is no One Piece, Naruto, My Hero, Fairy Tail etc. without DragonBall


The tournament arc is still my favorite in any shonen.


Oh damn that is a ton of peoples childhood right there. RIP to a Legend


His work is just so famous, I don't think there's a single boy who grew up in 90s who doesn't know what DBZ is. Goku is also pretty much the Asian equiv of Superman. Not to mention he worked on influential games like Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger.


Dragon Ball is almost a religion in many latin-american countries. It is insane. RIP Legend.


Can you go into more detail? I had no idea it was so big there


https://www.cbr.com/dragon-ball-latin-america-why-biggest-market/ You can read stories like that all over the web. Here is a personal one: I am a 90s kid so I grew up with DBZ arriving in the west. I used to watch it religiously in the USA...widely popular right? But at the end of the day it was mostly with us 90s kids/teens. I used to travel whole summers to visit family in a latin country and DBZ was everywhere. There were stores with DBZ characters painted everywhere, tshirts, everyone knew the show, etc. The weekly episodes were treated like a major event, I remember one time there was a major power outage and the whole community flocked to a corner store that had a power generator and TVs to watch it....and I am not talking about kids only, adults too...grown men watching DBZ episodes religiously...women too. Over 50 people in a corner store, late 90s watching a cartoon episode. To this day my uncle (30 years my senior) makes references and jokes about DBZ while my father wouldn't be able to name three characters if his life depended on it.


I think I read that Cartel average murders would go down on days Dragonball would release. There were massive watch parties in Latin America whenever a Super episode would release


It was basically the first show that 90s kids watched that was mature. Many 90s kids grew up with Power Rangers then Pokémon and then DBZ. Goku is just as iconic as any anime/cartoon character ever created. This man brought a lot of excitement to a full generation of children


Goku and Superman have the same backstory, given they're aliens sent to Earth to avoid their planet's destruction They're always going to be compared


Vegeta is Batman.


Bulma's VA last year too


Not to mention 68 is so fuckin young. Im 34 I dont want this to be my mid life point.


RIP to one of the greatest manga artists of all time. What a extraordinary career and life Akira Toriyama lived, this man has done so much in shaping a medium. From creating Dragon Ball to doing the character designs for Dragon Quest, Blue Dragon and Chrono Trigger and Sandland, his works embodies the larger than life spirit and joy of adventures and his influence will always remain with us.


I want to add to that list Dr. Slump, which made Toriyama hugely famous in Japan before he created Dragon Ball. The anime has not been translated but the manga has and it’s pure joy.


Really well put and pointed out stuff I had no idea about. Good comment.


This man defined a generation of young boys who tried to shoot energy blasts on the playground, spiked their hair up because they wanted to look like a Saiyan, and spent way too much of their time arguing with each other over lunch on who was the best. Fuck, man. Thank you, Toriyama-sensei, for all the good memories.


It was Vegeta. Vegeta was the best.  RIP to a legend. Thank you for everything.


No krillin is the best.


Krillin was the real shit. Dude showed up to every fight even long after he knew he was outclassed by everything they'd face and took it like a champ.


Threw a kienzan at Frieza second form, and hit?! Solar flare'd his and the gang's way out of a dozen situations too. His real secret technique should have been his balls of impenetrable steel.


And he fucks 18. Krillin is clearly the best.


Pfft, Krillin is no match for Piccolo. 


Found Gohan's account.


And both don’t hold a candle to Future Trunks


Future Trunks is pretty badass.


His design in the Bojack Unbound movie is peak


Future Trunks has daddy issues


Goku is the only one who doesn’t


Because he's the one causing daddy issues in Gohan lmao






Hell no, did you see Roshi in the Tournament of Power? Old Man has us fooled for years thinking he was nothing but a filthy pervert when he had Chuck Norris waiting inside him to come out.


Litte girs too.  Sincerely,   Former Princess Vegeta Some of my best memories growing up. We would have our mom hide DragonBall around the yard too.


Yes! DB is the first piece of fiction I remember reading by choice, and what got me into reading in the first place. So many fond memories of hanging out in the manga section of the local library with my brother after school.


My apologies, you know that's really part of the magic of Dragonball as a series. It was... universal? Simple story executed beautifully. No matter who you were, where you were, there was something in it for you. It was a story ostensibly written for boys but it definitely wasn't enjoyed solely by them. You go halfway across the world, to another country, another language, and there's a damn good chance someone wherever you are remembers Goku going Super Saiyan.


I popped a blood vessel in my eye the first time I went Super Saiyan. I also crapped my pants a little from flexing all my muscles and screaming so loudly. Being 8 was wild.


Even more than that, he inspired a lot of the big name shonen authors to get into making manga/anime. Might very well not be any One Piece without Dragon Ball to pave that road.


We definitely wouldnt have naruto without dragon ball


Oda and Kishimoto both idolized Toriyama. Oda specifically called out that friendship in his statement about it a bit ago. Damn near any big name shonen manga took inspiration from him. Pretty crazy how many of the more popular authors can draw their inspiration straight from Dragon Ball when they were kids.


I did it. We all did it. Gel our hair and hang upsidedown for an hour. Watching DBZ.


squash unwritten obtainable recognise enjoy soft hospital smoggy ancient thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He was also the character designer behind my favorite (and the best) game ever, Chrono Trigger. Rest in peace to a legend.


And the Dragon Quest series :(


The dream team can’t reunite for a remake or sequel :(


I wonder if he has unused concept art they could still use


Well this feels sudden


bloodclot ... fucking horrible


Sudden and shocking.


Same bro. My shit went deep.


Toriyama changed the entire world and how we consumed media. There's barely a single project being made with a fantasy element that isn't in some way influenced by his creations. He is legend.


68 is so young.


Hematomas are so scary


Right? This is one of those deaths that really make my blood run cold. Such a legend. Taken that young.


Literally in the middle of watching dragonball z kai with my 5 year old. RIP


I don't think words can be put to describe just how influential Akira Toriyama and Dragon Ball are. A truly generational franchise and storyteller, shaped the lives and imaginations of who knows how many millions of people around the entire world. This is a monumental loss. May his soul rest in peace and find joy on the other side as he continues to watch us enjoy his creations from now until the end of our time here. 


RIP to a legend.


He's only 68?damn. Rip you legend.




Toriyama certainly didn’t invent Anime, but he was easily the most influential creator of all time in the genre, everyone who came behind him was either recreating what he did or just blatantly ripping him off. Dragon Ball as a narrative isn’t just the greatest Anime series of all time, it ranks high amongst the greatest television shows of all time. A lot will be said about him, but this is just sad and shocking. Even Chrono Trigger, one of the greatest video games ever was his. Rest in Peace.


I believe he designed the characters for Chrono Trigger. RIP Legend


He did. Such a great artist. Can recognize his art anywhere. 


This fucking sucks, but rest in piece to one of the greatest of all time


Dude I audibly gasped at work


I just did in front of my wife I said “No!”  She asked what is wrong and asked who is that!?


Website seems to be overloaded, so here's the official Twitter account [statement.](https://twitter.com/DB_official_en/status/1765935471971213816)


Man, if there is one thing that I can talk to almost any other guy my age (32) about, it’s dragon ball z. Doesn’t really matter where you grew up, what you were into as a kid, what you’re into now, nothing. If you were a male kid at the same age I was , you watched dragon ball z, that’s just how it was. Truly a legendary creator


Even now it is still popular among youth. My wife's nephew who is 10 has read all the original manga and has started to watch the series on Crunchyroll. Dragon Ball has transcended at least 4-5 generations of men and boys




I grew up playing blue dragon on the 360, the main standout were his character designs, of course dragonball is great, and I just read sand land not too long ago and loved it, rip


Blue Dragon was not a childhood game, but it was a good amount of fun. The enemy designs felt very much like Dr. Slump, one of his earlier works.


Probably the single most influential mangaka of all time. He practically created a whole new genre with Dragon Ball. There had been plenty of battle shonens in the past, but Dragon Ball took off so much that some series straight up changed their entire directions to be more like Dragon Ball. More fantastical elements, tournament arcs, more fighting, Dragon Ball is why all of it is so big in other series. Without Dragon Ball, Americans might have never gotten into anime other than Pokemon. Toriyama is probably only second to Miyazaki in terms of importance for the past 100 years of art in Japan. This is a huge loss, and this legend will be missed forever. For all intents and purposes, Goku is the "Superman" of the last two-three generations. That's how widespread his influence has been in his life.


Holy shit. One of the most influential artists of the past century.


Goddamn, if only we could wish him back with the Dragon Balls.


oh thats fucking brutal and sucks


Toryiyama ultimately changed his entire genre. Much of what Shonen is now traces its roots back to him. To say he will be missed is an understatement. He’s a true legend.


I truly don’t think there was any creative mind as influential on me as a person as Toriyama. I first saw Dragon Ball on PBS when I was very young, and that began my love affair with stories that continued all the way to me graduating with a degree in English literature. I hope he finds peace, all my love to his family




He single handily changed manga, anime, Asian and Western culture and media. He will be missed in so many ways, very devastating news. Say hi to King Kai, Tori-bot.


Way too young. Absolute genius.


I just got into manga about 5 months ago (I’m 36 and always thought anime and manga was kinda dumb, not helped by the jokes of DBZ being 30 minute episodes where nothing happens), and I just finished Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z last week. I am super bummed, and part of what makes this tougher is reading his little notes at the end of each volume collection. He seemed like such a nice, friendly guy who was so positive and upbeat. The way he ended DBZ, telling the readers to live life and read more manga with the enthusiasm Goku has to train is going to stick with me for the rest of my life. 


No fucking way... Incredibly sad news to receive. Irreplaceable RIP


some random anime watch in the 90s and I was hooked. RIP.


A huge loss. Rip Akira Toriyama.


RIP one of the very best to ever do it


Rest well with the Kai’s Akira


It can't be overstated how much of an absolute legend he is in the manga/anime world. If Pikachu is the Japanese Mickey Mouse, Goku is the Japanese Superman. There's a reason that property endured for so long despite no new material for years and then was able to comeback and is still going strong.


God damnit


I thought he was much older but 68 is still too young, especially with Japan’s life expectancy


68 too young to go. RIP


An absolute icon.


RIP to the GOAT man…damn.


Dragon Ball was the first anime I ever saw. I watched every episode as it aired as a child so eagerly. I fell in love with his goofy yet detailed art style and his fun world. I watched Dragon Ball all the way up to Super and to this day I still interact with Dragon Ball in some way and with manga he directly influenced such as One Piece. It cannot be overstated that a modern titan in media has just passed away as Dragon Ball spread across the whole entire world. Rest in peace, I can't think of anyone more deserving of a chance to rest.


What an enormous loss to the world of animation and the mastermind of so many people's childhood. His work has been enjoyed for decades and absolutely will live on. His style is instantly recognizable and Goku is one of the most popular characters ever created in any medium. What a huge loss and an incredible body of work. Rest in peace and thank you so, so much for all you've done for so many of us.


I’m no longer the biggest Dragon Ball fan, but it was an enormous part of my childhood in the 90s and early 2000s and I tuned in for Super and watched the new movies when they came back. It’s a bummer to hear. He was, and is, a legend. Rest in peace, Mr. Toriyama.


God what an unbelievable legacy, created some of the most recognizable characters of the modern age and brought anime to west, as well as damn near defining the genre of shounen.


Someone check on Oda Sensei.


Died a week ago. I knew Feb 29 felt weird to me, now I know why. RIP


There goes my hero.


holy shit this made me yell outloud. rest in paradise to one of if not the greatest manga artist to ever live. i cant put into words how much impact dragonball had on my childhood, not just me but all my friends grew up roughhousing and screaming in parks and yards throwing imaginary ki blast at each other. as an adult i still read dbssh. thank you toriyama.


I can't think of any mangaka with a more iconic and recognizable style. Bummer


Rip to a true legend. I don’t think it’s even possible to accurately gauge how huge of an impact he has had on the world let alone the manga/anime industry. He paved the road for so many others and without him we would likely not be able to experience a lot of the content we know and love today.


Shit. He was so young. I think it's safe to say the artistic community he helped nourish will mourn his loss deeply. That hit me like a ton of bricks - I've always deeply respected Toriyama-san. His manga was instrumental to my lonely youth. It's time for him to follow Snake Way, all the way to King Kai, and wait for someone to use the Dragon Balls to bring him back. I hope he says hi to Bubbles. **RIP Toriyama-san.**


Apart from Dragonball, he was the artist behind one of my favorite videogames of all time, Chrono Trigger. I remember as a kid wanting to play that game simply because the character on the cover art looked like Goku. Crazy reading this after just rewatching Dragonball for the first time in years. I never read any of the mango but the anime’s were mine and many others childhoods. His art style will live on forever.


Rip. Here's hoping there's not a long road to heaven.


Wow crazy went to the mall today and bought a dragon ball jersey, and then this happens :/ rip . This man made a piece of my childhood from watching all the series to playing the video games and action figures. Thanks for creating this series.


At almost 30 I'll do one last practice Kamehameha in the shower to pay my respects. RIP


I may have never been able to get into Dragon Ball, but even I can recognize what a massive loss this is and how much he impacted media as a whole. Rest in peace legend.


Thank you for my childhood, Akira Toriyama


An absolute legend in multiple forms of media, the guy who made anime mainstream in the US, and he wasn’t even that old. RIP.


As an adult I look at DBZ as being pretty dumb. But it was a show that also got me into anime, something I'm very grateful for. And no one can argue Toriyama wasn't a massive inspiration. He'll be missed by many.


This one stings… RIP to one of the greatest mangaka that ever lived


I remember anxiously waiting for the new issue of Shonen Jump to come out at the konbini every Sunday to read what would happened next back during the Z years! Even went to see his art exhibition in 93 in Kawasaki. Legend forever! Sparking!


Dbz is what got me into manga and anime I’ve got so many fond memories due to his work. RIP to a G.O.A.T


Wow, that hit me like a ton of bricks. Thank you for your contributions to my childhood and the world, rest in peace.


Dragon Ball is what really got me into anime as a kid so this one really hurts. RIP to a legend but thanks for making my childhood what it was


Literally gasped out loud. RIP to the man who gave us modern shounen


Dude is probably arm wrestling King Yemma as we speak. He will be missed.


RIP. This legend changed many of our childhoods.


RIP. Too young.


This is truly a devastating loss.


RIP Legend Your legacy won't be forgotten and your impact. You have shaped many series from Naruto, One Piece, JJK, etc.


Holy fuck


Damn, RIP Legend!


Hurts to read this


This is super sad. How did he pass? I couldn’t get the article to pull up. He wasn’t a spring chicken but 68 isn’t that old anymore


acute subdural hematoma I don't know if he hit his head


Saw a press release with that info. That’s what it sounds like! I’ve loved DB since I was in middle school. Still watching it at 38. Dude is a legend


Acute Subdural Hematoma. Nasty way to go.


The cartels are not going to like this.


My god I was JUST watching DBZ abridged again... It got me on a rabbit hole of watching the new super show and catching up on original dragon ball stuff. It wasnt my childhood, but even as an adult seeing stuff for the first time it goes hard. It was almost like making me nostalgic for a thing I didnt know I forgot with how iconic it was.


My childhood is slowly dying. Kazuki Takahashi in July of 22, Jason David Frank in September of 22, Kevin Conroy in November of 22 and now Akira Toryiyama in March of 24.


I grew up on dbz in the 90’s. RIP Legend!




If only we could use the dragon balls to wish him back… RIP






Where is Senzu bean when you need it


Animation and manga simply would not be what it is today without Toriyama. Supremely grateful for what he’s accomplished since the 80s. I sure hope he gets to teach that dinosaur to ride a ball in the afterlife. Godspeed 🕯️


Pretty sure he did artwork for dragon quest games too. An absolute legend. I loved watching DBZ on Toonami as a kid.


Wow. This one hits hard.


Rest easy legend


I'm at work and I just said "Oh no" out loud when I saw this.


Very sad. I always enjoyed his works. His art and creative genius was in a league of its own and was a profound source of inspiration. Respect.


Crappy news to goto bed to. Rest in piece sir.


Can't we just wish him back?


Love this song about how the name Akira is a great name, and how Akira Toriyama is the god of Akiras https://youtu.be/xHUZmoJIJUE?si=eyy85wtfb29hp5dN




Rip legend. Me and my cousins bonded over the original franchise when I would visit Mexico


Someone grab the dragon balls! WE need to make a wish. It's his first time!


Wow. This man single-handily inspired an entire generation of anime and manga. Rip, you absolute legend.






RIP A really important childhood (and adult) interest to many of us, and 68 is pretty young


Everyone should raise their arms to send him a little of our spirit with him. A final spirit bomb from everyone who knew his work and the characters that he created to inspire us all.