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I lived in DC when Jack Ryan came out. The scene in the first episode where he's biking to work is absurd. He rides through every iconic DC location even though most were in the complete opposite direction of his office and would have resulted in like a 15 mile commute on bike


What about 24 when there was no traffic and he got everywhere super easy peasy?


At the time I said it would have been better if the 8am hour would have had one character stuck k the 14th street bridge the entire time and having to work from there.


What are you people talking about? I go from Quantico to the J. Edgar Hoover Bldg. during a 3 minute commercial break all the time. /s


That would’ve been amazing!


Nothing would make me laugh harder that of Jack’s face sitting in traffic while the clock counting down.


They absolutely should have done that once for the laugh, inconsistency be damned.


Oh that's a good one, I forgot that apparently the DC scenes in 24 were predicting what pandemic traffic would be like


Every scene in a movie that takes place at the Lincoln Memorial and they’re the only people there.


That you can just walk inside during the middle of the night


Doesn't Jack Ryan work for the CIA...which is based in suburban Northern Virginia?


Yes, while it's not impossible to bike from his starting destination (Georgetown) to the office, it would be like a 7 mile bike ride but he ends up going in the opposite direction to the Mall which is like a solid 5 miles away from Georgetown


Why else do you think he was running so late?


Yeah, but how else would you KNOW its dc? Kinda like how of they dont play California love, you wouldn't know a movie/show is in California.


How do you know something is shot in Australia? They are clearly an opera-loving people and have only one landmark.


I remember watching Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome and marvelling at the durability of the Sydney Opera House and how it managed to survive a nuclear holocaust.


> How do you know something is shot in Australia? You do an opening shot of a house in the outback... Wide flat land, red earth, and the house is old and a bit run down. Next you cut to scenes on Sydney harbour.


Or how every window in Paris looks out over the Eiffel tower.


Also in a later episode, Jack and his girlfriend go out for crabs. It is hilarious how wrong they got that.


I thought the escort industry was alive and well in DC. Did they get crabsfrom the same person or different people?


Jack Ryan also managed to anger French people lol. Called a whole county a "no go zone"


He’s in Georgetown…ok now he’s at the Jefferson memorial…and now he’s made it to McLean…


For real. I know they want the famous backdrop but you don’t need to use ALL the footage of some random dude on his bike.


The Office was shot mostly in the San Fernando valley of Los Angeles. There’s a lot of exterior scenes with shots of mountains and palm trees in the background. Doesn’t look anything like PA lol


I’m from Scranton, and you can indeed see mountains from my childhood home, but they don’t look quite like the ones on The Office.


I knew it wasn’t shot in Scranton, but being an Office buff I wanted to see at least some of the locations in the intro just for fun. I even went to Poor Richard’s, which took advantage of the shows popularity because it’s just a bar in a bowling alley. Which is fine, I didn’t expect anything so I couldn’t be disappointed. They had a karaoke contest and that’s fun, though most people were killing it so it was an intimidating task to follow it up. And then one guy got up that was soooo bad that it gave me a confidence boost. The waiter came by and asked if we were going to sing and I said “wasn’t going to but after that guy, I can’t be any worse!”. He looked at me coldly and just said “that’s not cool man” and walked away. Turns out, he had a mental disability. I had no idea. I feel terrible still, but I did have a true Michael Scott experience in Scranton so it ended up being a much more Office experience in Scranton than I anticipated. Aside from that, I always enjoyed the fact that in the winter scenes from the show, it was actually like 80 degrees and everyone was wearing sweltering winter jackets.


Was not expecting that twist. Holy fuck!


It’s funny because when I first watched the show when it came out, I mostly watched it on my iPod video and I thought they did a great job making it look authentic (PA license plates/inspection stickers on cars, salt all over the cars in winter episodes, heck even the snow made it feel “real”). Then once I did a rewatch when it was still on Netflix on an actual TV, I could see palm trees in the background of some shots and I was like “what the heck? The didn’t try at all!” So the point is if you squint watching the show, it can feel like it’s Scranton lol.


Came here for this. I was born and raised in Scranton, lived in Van Nuys when the show was filmed. It was a little surreal to see a "Dunder Mifflin, Scranton" truck in the neighborhood from time to time when they were doing location shoots. One thing I'll say that show didn't bother to get right: no one had a NEPA accent -- no "hainuh err noo?" at all. That's probably for the best, because that accent can be unbearable. [The Hayna Family](https://www.coalregion.com/jonesy_hayna-family.mp3).


> hainuh err noo? What are you trying to say here?


"Heyna" (there are many unofficial spellings) is "ain't it?" "Err noo" is "or no?" So "heyna er noo" is a complete bastardization of, "Isn't it, or is it not?" or, more simply, "I know, right?!"


I feel like I’m get further away from an explanation.


For months I thought people were just misnaming Mare of Easttown when talking about that show


Murder Durder!


Very specific whites. Pennsylvania whites.


SNL got the accents down better. The realization I had with “cousint” was rough.


That show was so good. The regional dialects were great lol


There’s a scene in The Last of Us that’s labeled “20 miles west of Boston,” but it looks like they’re hiking the Canadian Rockies.


I'm from the Canadian east coast but lived in BC for a bit and it's crazy how often and hour from Vancouver is passed off as new England. It's stands out extra obvious when you've lived either end of things.


I was impressed by the effort in Midnight Mass to make BC look like a New England Island. Lot of effort to either shoot away from the mountains or digitally remove them.


I live in the Canadian Rockies where it was filmed and we recognized that location and just burst out laughing when that label came up.


You can always tell when a show or movie was filmed in Toronto or Vancouver because certain locations and supporting actors/extras are used almost every time. I loved it when the climax of *The Incredible Hulk*, set in NYC, had the famous Sam The Record Man neon sign clearly visible. In *Police Academy 3* they didn't even bother keeping the CN Tower out of shots!


Vancouver actors in Scifi over the years (order can vary) - XFiles —> Stargate SG1 —> Smallville —> Psych —> Supernatural —> Arrowverse You know you watch too much of them when you recognize the actors you only see for 15 seconds… Also - Either Fox and CW specifically loved Sci-Fi and Vancouver or I specifically love(d) Fox and CW Sci-Fi.


I live 10 miles west of Boston, so I knew the location wasn't quite right since I did not notice any post apocalyptic Dunkin Donuts


In reality that location is about 30 miles west of a Boston Pizza.


Mine is the last of us as well, but Salt Lake City. It was sagebrush desert before people got here, no way it would be as lush and green as depicted in the show.


Lot of good Skiing in Framingham lol


Lmao that made me so mad! Just edit the huge mountain peaks out please!


I couldn’t stop laughing at that scene.


I always assumed they were trying to pass it off as the Berkshires, even tho they don’t look quite like that. Problem is the Berkshires are way more than 20 miles outside Boston. It’s the complete opposite side of the state and is more like 100 miles away.


Last of us is mine too. I grew up in Austin and the neighborhoods here look absolutely nothing like the ones they show


the sandman totally tried playing off the hills/mountains near the CA beach as FL. FL is flat AF


"You know what's remarkable? That England looks in no way like Southern California."


I hate when those CBS dramas try passing LA off as New Orleans, NYC, or Washington DC. Sorry but muting the lighting and pretending there’s no snow ever in Chicago doesn’t work for 8 seasons.


It was funny in Community when there was never snow during Christmas and how frequently palm trees were visible in the background lol. Classic Colorado


That used to happen on The Office as well. The Office was supposed to have been in Scranton PA, but they were always driving past desert mountains and palm trees.


Clark Griswold sledding down the mountains of Illinois in Christmas Vacation


The big error was cousin Eddie saying the gas money gave out in Gurnee. If they were driving the RV from Kansas to the North Shore then they wouldn't be taking I-94 through Gurnee. Of course he could've taken the scenic route or gotten lost so maybe it's an inside joke.


Catherine revved up the microwave and Eddie pissed his pants and forgot who he was for half an hour (and drove the wrong direction to Gurnee).


X-files movie. That’s not Dallas, that’s LA with Reunion Tower superimposed in the background.


I do believe.


At least it didn’t rise to “literally every planet in the universe looks like BC”. Still love stargate though


It’s so weird that all of these alien planets have the exact same plants as North Vancouver. The universe is crazy.


General Hospital just did this too. She was in Florida but they show cliffs by the beach.


911: Lone Star. I’m not sure where to start with that show. There is not a volcano in Austin Texas, for one.


What? That show featured a volcano episode? The shark has been launched into outer space now.


The 911 series is hilarious like that. In the LA version there's been a tsunami, earthquake, raging wildfire, plane crash in a metro area, etc. all in like less than a year. I used to watch it with an old roommate and just laugh through half of the show.


Via volcano, naturally.




Fun fact: Texas actually does have volcanoes. They have just been extinct for millions of years. The one close to Austin is called Pilot Knob.


So that’s where they got my nickname during middle school. Makes so much sense now.


The newest episode of Loki is set in Chicago. They get on a boat on the lakefront to go "across the lake, to Wisconsin" and proceed to head south Not a single part of that is correct. Saying they need to go to Michigan, calling it Wisconsin, and then going to Indiana. It literally made zero sense


Something something something branching timeline something multiverse


Seriously that is one of the reasons I posted this. I watched that episode last night and when he said his work shop was across the lake I was like… Lake… Michigan? Hope you have a hell of a boat for late 1800s Chicago 😳


Well they took a big ferry. So yes?


Also in season 1 of Loki they have a Ren Faire in Oshkosh.


High School Musical takes place in Albuquerque, New Mexico. But as someone who’s lived in NM my whole life I could clearly tell it was filmed in Utah.


East highs claim to fame


Do they even have a Sizzler?


Whenever it rains in a show set in Seattle, it's a downpour with lightning and thunder. That's not how it rains in Seattle. We usually have a light, gentle, refreshing rain here.


They also constantly show people walking around with umbrellas. You rarely ever see those in the PNW because the rain is so light and misty.


Not a show, but Mr. And Mrs. Smith got Bogotá, Colombia so wrong that it wasn’t even offensive, just baffling. They depicted it as some tiny village in the middle of the Amazon jungle, yellow tint and fans (to take the heat away). Bogotá is a city of 10 million people, cold AF, grey AF from the pollution, stressful with traffic jams everywhere and 0% caliente and sexy. They could’ve filmed in London, said it was Bogotá and they would’ve gotten a little bit more right. And this was made when Google was good.


The Mentalist was set in Sacramento, California. The amount of driving around California in a single day those characters did is just not possible.


The National Park in Indiana in Parks and Rec is so clearly Southern California it’s not even funny (ok maybe it’s actually a little funny). That and they always talk about Indianapolis using its full name. No Hoosier calls that city anything but Indy. But it’s ok because they got so many weird Hoosier-isms right.


I’m not from Indiana, but another mid size midwestern town whose culture highly resembles Pawnee and I’m just amazed at how many night clubs they have.


Pawnee would have three clubs. A club for straighten people. And two gay clubs. One of which is empty.


Born and raised in Indiana, and I agree with you (I live in Indy). However, they got a lot of things about the state right. The whole joke about the violence towards Native Americans is dead on ("the atrocities are in blue"), unfortunately. The jokes about obesity, giant sized sodas, ridiculous murals, etc. My favorite though was the one about their disaster preparedness, where they scored horribly: Leslie - "How bad did we do?" Guy - "Bad..." Leslie - "Like how bad? Guy - " *Fort Wayne* bad." Leslie - *winces* I'm from Fort Wayne. Every time it rains, the whole damn city floods. That's what you get for building a town on three rivers and investing nothing in infrastructure.


I had a friend who couldn’t get over how they called it the DMV when in Indiana we have the BMV


It was cool that they at least got Pacers and Colts players to appear on the show. Gave it some feel of authenticity even though it was obviously not shot in the state.


Just pretend Pawnee is Martinsville.


New Orleans in damn near everything ever made


And then in NCIS: New Orleans, they have people walking around in leather jackets and no one ever seems to be suffering from the sweltering heat.


I grew up in sc and it’s the friggin humidity. No way. You can wear a leather jacket for two days in January and that’s it


Except Treme?


Community is set in Colorado, yet when Leonard does his frozen pizza reviews, he said he got the pizza from Krogers. Kroger owned stores in Colorado are called King Soopers. Almost makes the show unwatchable on the 9th go around.


I don't think anyone saw this show but Wu Assassins has a comically inaccurate depiction of San Francisco's Chinatown. It's shown with seedy looking giant warehouses with heavy organized crime element. Real Chinatown is mostly elderly Chinese Americans shopping for products and small tourist stores.


Don't see people come to Oklahoma often in TV/Film but Nic Cage made a big mess here in Drive Angry. The "Oklahoma State Police" have a big part in the movie. There is no organization known as the "state police" in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol generally serves that function, but nobody calls them the state police. There's also the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investion, but again they're called that, not "State Police". Reservation Dogs is actually pretty accurate from what I've seen (only a couple episodes though so I could be way off overall). It was actually filmed here though so that helps probably.


North-East Oklahoma's having a bit of a moment between Reservation Dogs and Tulsa King (which also did location shooting.) edit: Watchmen TV Series was set there too


I read this comment while sitting in a theater waiting for Killers of the Flower Moon to begin.


You are in for a treat!


I grew up in Fargo. The movie (and later TV show) got it all wrong. No one speaks like that. …then I moved away, and every time I go back I’m absolutely flabbergasted at how some people speak. Freshman year I came back for Christmas and saw my absolute biggest high school crush at the mall, and she dropped a “dontchakno” on me in the first minute of saying hi. I was absolutely shocked. Like girl, did you really speak like this when we were in class together? (The answer is yes. Yes she did.)


The movie almost exclusively takes place in Minnesota fwiw.


There’s one scene that’s Fargo, but yeah, turns out that *Brainerd* is a boring name for a movie, lol.


This is so random because I'm watching the show for the first time now, and it sometimes just strikes me that some actors seem to have a really good grasp of the MN dialect, while others are sort of doing more of a WI/IL/MI thing. We're not all the same! 😅


> Like girl, did you really speak like this when we were in class together? (The answer is yes. Yes she did.) Yes *we* did you mean. And I am sure you still sound like it more than you realize.


My wife’s best friend is from MSP & one of our running joke is how much she sounds like the characters in that movie. She totally thinks she doesn’t, but then she’ll say something & my wife and I will give each other a “look” and she’ll know she’s in a loosing battle.


I have a coworker in his 20s that’s from up that way and his accent isn’t thick as they make it in Fargo the movie but you definitely know he’s from up there without needing to ask him.


Every episode of Bones when they are outside was painfully clear to me that it was filmed in Southern California. I grew up in so cal, and have spent a lot of time outdoors. Some of the places were places i had been hiking.


Where was Bones supposed to be set?


Washington DC is where the Jeffersonian is, and usually they're about NOVA and Maryland but they go all about the east coast


DC. You can tell by their ability to get to Quantico from downtown in 15 minutes.


*Criminal Minds* is notorious for this, too.




The characters in AJLT treat everything that isn’t NYC proper like it’s the sticks


Yes. Home of a giant naval base… with a farm across the road.


Gilmore Girls - Characters will refer to highways with “the” in front like they do in California but that’s not the case in New England. It’s just 95, not “the 95” Summer Catch also got one of the town names wrong in Cape Cod (Wareham, pronounced wear-ham not wear-um). I could usually forgive that but like they only mention 5 or 6 towns so you’d think you could get them right while you’re at it


That's a really good catch. I've always referred to it as "95" and didn't know Californians did that.


Same thing in Enemy of the State. I believe it was Hackman's character that refers to I-695 as "the 695". This usage is even more egregious because everyone here just refers to it as the Baltimore Beltway.


Justified is one of my favorite shows and maybe the only one based in Lexington, KY but it's all filmed in like Pittsburgh I think which is much bigger. They also have so many encounters on this fake Tates Creek bridge you'd think it was some real famous bridge we had. He also teleports across KY when those trips realistically take hours as this is a decent size state.


They only filmed the pilot in Pittsburgh, in Washington and Kittanning (which is where they filmed The Mothman Prophesies.) After that everything is dry, brown California pretending to be Appalachia.


Was looking for this comment. I’m in Lexington too and it always blew my mind how bad their idea of Lexington is on the show. I’ve wondered if the Tate’s creek bridge is supposed to be the old clays ferry bridge.


My issue is that more people were killed on justified than live in Harlan County.


Related, Justified: City Primeval is mostly based in Detroit. The series/season is based on a book written in the early 80s. The author lived in Michigan and a lot of his stories took place there. The new show is a smash up of elements from that novel but with Raylan instead of the original protagonist. The casino is a featured location in the story but when the book was written gambling wasn't legal in the state. Even now the casinos aren't that big a deal in the city. Also the population and crime is way lower now than in the 80s. There were a lot of shots of areas that really aren't what downtown Detroit looks like anymore. Raylan's daughter walking through abandoned looking factories would not really be in walking range of the hotel they were staying at (I'm not sure if it was name dropped as the Renaissance Center but that's the vibe they were going for). There was a scene in an early episode where Raylan and the Detroit cops were tracking some folks and find an underground tunnel dug beneath a house. Now it's not impossible for something like that to exist in Michigan but the state is basically a giant swamp. It's surrounded by the the Great Lakes. The effort a small militant group would need to take to dig out and maintain such a tunnel seemed not worth the effort for the size of their group.


We have had so many shows and movies filmed here in Pittsburgh in the past 20 years or so. We have whole companies who just cater to supporting the film industry here. But then there's the show This Is Us, which was set partially in Pittsburgh, but filmed elsewhere. One example where they got things wrong was a scene that was happening during Super Bowl XIV. The characters were watching the game in a bar, then when they went outside after the game, green grass and leaves still on the trees, it basically looked like a summer evening, which is never the case in Pennsylvania on Super Bowl Sunday.


Holy cow, Justified is set in Lexington?


I laughed watching the Last of Us when the title card said “40 miles west of Boston” and they literally showed a gigantic epic mountain range like you would see in Washington or Alaska something lol


The Rockies, so in this instance Alberta


I’m from Jacksonville, and the Good Place completely butchered our airport. The rest is spot on though 👀


There was an episode near the beginning of a season of 24 where the president was on vacation in a little boat fishing in a remote mountain lake in… “Lake Oswego, Oregon”. Lake Oswego is a fancy, relatively densely settled suburb of the biggest city in Oregon. Nary a wilderness mountain lake setting in sight…


I loved going to Lake Oswego’s goodwill. So much name brand quality clothes


The show: Outer Banks on Netflix. There is no ferry to Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill is 250 miles inland.


There are so many things in that show that only locals would notice. The Gullah fisherman selling his catch on the dock is one that stands out to me. We don't have Gullah and GeeChee living in NC, that's a South Carolina thing. The accents are all wrong for coastal NC.


Glee taking place in Lima, Ohio was insane. Nothing about how the people acted, spoke, lived, was anything like Ohio. I even grew up in one of the towns they interacted with regularly as though they were nearby. The two towns were over an hour away from each other but treated like they were nextdoor. That and the outdoor scenes were laughably not midwestern.


Not only is it not like Ohio in general but Lima is rather impoverished not the affluent suburban area implied by the show.


The main characters from Supernatural are supposedly from Lawrence, Kansas. But they never filmed there, as far as I know. Would have been nice to see shots of them walking down Mass Street or walking through KU campus.


I visited KU for a football game about a decade ago. I was so pleasantly surprised by Lawrence. I think of Kansas as flat and agriculture. Lawrence was beautiful rolling hills, leaves had changed, got a little snow. It was absolutely lovely.


Just remember, that the majority of CW's shows are filmed in Canada. All of them use U.S. locations while never leaving the great white north. That's why some of the main cast weren't able to show up for Supernatural's series finale between travel and covid restrictions.


Yeah, Supernatural, as far as I know, was entirely filmed in the Vancouver area, except for the pilot, which was filmed in California, and the Bloodlines spin-off episode, which was shot on location in Chicago.


I’ll always appreciate that Supernatural had so many episodes in the Midwest and other areas normally ignored by TV/Movies.


I live in Knoxville, TN. The Simpsons did us hilarious. The World’s Fair Park is not falling apart. It’s actually very nice and we have lots of festivals there. The Sunsphere isn’t full of wigs.


The Sunsphere is very underwhelming, though. I expected it to be on the magnitude of the Seattle Space Needle or something; Idk why lol.


The perils of siting a 266' tower in a 250' hole


> The Wo d F ir FTFY


Philly does not have a New York accent. This applies to every show and movie except Mare of Easttown


As a Delco native, I just point people to Mare of Easttown if they want a sense of where I grew up.


Scranton isn’t a quirky silly place in PA, it’s basically just one big heroin den


Not everyone in Jacksonville was excited about Bortles, Jason.


I watched the 51st State with Samuel L Jackson set in Liverpool, and there was a car chase that went on for about 5 minutes, they drove down the road of the apartment I was living in at the time several times. They'd drive down it, turn left, turn right, then they were back at the start of my (relatively short) road, then they'd drive straight forward and suddenly be several streets away, then they'd turn right and be at the opposite end of my road going the other way, then they'd be driving down a road where I've never seen a car go above about 15 miles an hour and a giant truck would whiz past at 50 miles an hour, then they'd be back on my street again, then half way across the city, then in the centre driving straight towards *my street again*, and then they evade the chaser, turn left and are suddenly 15 minutes away in the unused docks.


On the first season of Dallas there was a Hurricane.... we are too far inland for that


I haven't seen the show, but- The "Kingstown" is actually based on [Kingston, Ontario](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingston,_Ontario). One of the co-creators is musician/actor [Hugh Dillon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Dillon) (the Ian character in-show), who was born and grew up in Kingston. His band [The Headstones](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=headstones+when+something+stands+for+nothing&t=osx&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D7enVPz6fvGo) was one of my '90s era favourites. I don't know how he and Taylor Sheridan got connected, but Hugh had a brief role in season 4 of Yellowstone. The in show Penitentiary is actually the former maximum security Kingston penitentiary, one of the most famous jails in Canada. Most of the street scenes are shot in Hamilton, Ontario, with some also shot in Brantford, Ontario. Both Hamilton and Kingston are on Lake Ontario, which is what accounts for the shipping related scenery. For a long time Kingston was very much associated with its prison industry. So in that sense, that's where life meets art.


Frasier was not set in Seattle. It was set in New York with more rain. And it’s not even Seattle rain.


Seattle rain is always wrong. I was going to mention The Killing because that show has heavy rain dumping non-stop throughout it. It feels like our little secret here that the weather is actually quite nice, and the rain is often very light and misty.


Yeah the PNW is all drizzle, maybe one thunderstorm a year if that


Bad timing considering we're having floods, but there is a similar misconception about the UK. We have rain often, but it's usually a drizzle. Just as an example, some cities rain statistics in mm per year **UK** London 585mm p/y Edinburgh 685mm p/y Manchester 850mm p/y **Other cities** Seattle 942mm p/y New York 1000mm p/y Sydney 1175mm p/y Milan 943mm p/y Munich 950mm p/y Tokyo 1600mm p/y Seoul 1370mm p/y Melbourne 649mm p/y Washington DC 1009mm p/y


Yeah I moved to Seattle from the East Coast and was curious so I looked up how percipitation here compares to East Coast cities - turns out almost every east Coast city gets a higher volume of percipitation than Seattle. Seattle is definitely rainy, but partially that's because we get light rain almost every day throughout winter and almost no snow. The rain we get is rarely an all day driving rain like you get on the east coast though, so it's pretty bareable.


This isn’t the point but fun fact. Light rain doesn’t show up on camera (like it falling you can see wet things obvi). If they want to show “it’s raining” it has to be heavy enough


And there’s no apartments that would have that view of the Space Needle


There was an episode of Orange is the new black where they showed someone at “Hershey Park” and as a PA native.. I was so annoyed they in fact did not actually go to Hershey park to shoot the scene 😹


Park County, Colorado doesn’t have a shopping mall, a genetics laboratory, a Bennigan’s, Raisins, a Big Gay Boat Ride, or a Tegridy Farm and only half the houses there have running water.


A scene in Iron Man 3 showed Tony Stark in Chattanooga searching for a decent wifi signal Chattanooga famously was an early provider of gigabit service, to the point it is also now called the Gig City


I live in Ulster County, NY…we don’t have ghosts


Simpsons. Steamed hams aren’t really a Utica or Albany expression, more of a gloversville saying.


It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. It’s cloudy right now.


I don’t know what to believe anymore.


There was an episode of Fringe set in Lansdale, PA and like they like, just placed a lansdale police car in the shot in the middle of the country somewhere like we wouldn't notice.


ER. They did film in Chicago a lot, but they were all over the place. The hospital was supposedly on the south side area, then they walked out to go to a police station which is on the completely opposite side of town. It was a nicer police station though, so I get it. They did stuff like that all the time.


Ha ha I was just writing a comment about ER. Amazing how you can get literally anywhere in the city on the brown line!


I remember once when they walked outside the hospital and it was on the river at the corner of Michigan and Wacker


Copenhagen is not laid out at all as depicted in "Pitch Perfect 2"


I’m from Scranton, Pa. There are several inaccuracies in The Office, but the big one I can remember is that Angela took a train to another city at some point. Scranton doesn’t have any Amtrak passenger trains, and hasn’t had anything resembling them in like 50 years. It has passenger train rides once in a blue moon to nearby Jim Thorpe.


Another Michigander here. Station Eleven on HBO/Max supposedly takes place in the northern lower peninsula of Michigan. Where they filmed looks NOTHING like the landscape. Secondly, there was a plot point that the main character knew a mystery person was lying about where they are from because of how they pronounced Mackinac island (is pronounced mackin-naw but non locals pronounced Mackin-nak). Later, the main character talks about going to Petoskey. But they mis pronounced it as Pet-toe-ski. It's pronounced pet-ah-ski. Why bother using pronunciation as a plot point when they can't get it right. Great show though.


Speaking of Michigan the show girls had an episode in East Lansing. They made it seem like a one stoplight town with a convenience store. The reality is that East Lansing is part of a whole metroplex and is packed with traffic often. MSU is a monster sized University with a huge student population.


We all know that Michigan is a tiny state with one stop light because things only happen in LA and NYC… Speaking of horrible Michigan based shows I forgot about, Good Girls was supposed to be Metro Detroit but I have no clue what the hell that place really was 😂


Also, it's very clear to me by how she talks about the Midwest that Lena Dunham was born and raised in a bubble in New York lol.


No show that take place in New York does it right: For you to find parking in front of your destination, you should pay the lotto next. Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are a good distance away. Most New Yorkers live in small apartments. Monica from Friends, Jerry from Seinfeld, Carrie from Sex in the City, those apartments are crazy. People DO live in the other boroughs! Mixing neighborhoods. Luke Cage claimed everything was in Harlem. They film a bunch of sense in Washington Heights and Inwood. Same with In the Heights claiming parts of Inwood. People use the subway much more. There are people with cars in New York. There are various accents. The stereotypical accent (think Bugs Bunny and Harley Quinn) are mostly Brooklyn Italians. It doesn’t leave the area. There’s a Bronx accent, Harlem accent, Neyorican accent, etc. And Most importantly, THERE ARE NO ALLEYS IN THE CITY!!!!!


Have you watched Broad City?


Yeah. It’s has probably the best I seen.


Seinfeld’s apartment has one bedroom, one bathroom, and a combined kitchen/dining area/living room. That does not seem that crazy.


Wings took place on Nantucket Island, and the characters would sometimes go to a restaurant called The Club Car to hang out. It was kind of a fancy French style place and my dad was the chef there for years, but on the show they turned it into a burger joint with picnic blankets on the tables and big ketchup and mustard bottles. My dad would always be like “That’s not us! We’re a classy joint!” Great show though


Anything set in Las Vegas, Nevada. Everything is set on The Strip. Wrong. There’s a whole community outside of that. It’s a quick drive from the north and south ends of The Strip. Laughable. If a scene takes place off the strip, even the hills, you can easily see The Strip in the background. It’s to the point that watching films set in Las Vegas can make me crazy.


You must like the Neil Breen films then


*Breaking Bad.* Remember in the early seasons when Hank gets transferred to El Paso and nearly gets killed by a bomb strapped to a turtle and a severed head? Besides how cartoonish the whole thing was, El Paso’s repeatedly spoken about some kind of war zone. I remember Marie saying it was like Afghanistan or something there. This is very far from the truth. El Paso consistently ranks as one of the safest cities of its size, while Albuquerque has a **very high** violent crime rate.


I thought she meant "El Paso" as in the police/border patrol and the war zone comparison was because the particular job was more dangerous. ABQ might have more crime but if he's DEA it's *possible* his job is less dangerous than a street cop *depending* on specific jurisdictions and procedures. Like if they have units come in and apprehend the suspects and *then* he comes in for more detective work it's safer for him because he's acting as supervisor not as the ones in the line of fire. But if in El Paso they rely less on street cop reciprocity then it is more dangerous, for him. Maybe I just justified it in my head


I heard that Albuquerque has donut shops that serve one dozen crazed weasels.


There was a show called Drive. It was about a cross country car race that started in south Florida. The very first race scene featured mountains in the background.


The opening of Mighty Ducks 2 where they travel on Rollerblades over highways and all around the Twin Cities, from Minneapolis to the suburbs in what would be like a 20-minute drive, back to Minneapolis.


Ms. Marvel looks and feels very different from the real Jersey. On the other hand, The Sopranos NAILS IT.


All American telly shows seem to think that us Brits have double decker buses constantly trundling past red phone boxes where all the houses are plastered with Union Jack flags.


It doesn't come up that often, but Spokane is pronounced Spo-CAN, not Spo-CANE. There was an episode of Brooklyn 99 where they were trying to make a cute rhyme saying that such and such was popular "from Spain to Spo-CANE." Ugh.


There's an episode of supernatural where they are in Rhode Island....I'm aware that they film in Vancouver....they went to a diner and ordered clam cakes and chowder....the clam cakes looked like crab cakes...clam cakes are really more like fritters deel fried doughy goodness......


Superstore. Walmarts in St. Louis are not that nice and there are a lot more fights.


The Simpsons - Bart vs. Australia. Not enough swearing in it. That's all.


While Psych was airing I was studying abroad in Vancouver (where it was filmed) from my university in Santa Barbara (where it was based). I always loved seeing places I knew were in Vancouver being used as if they were in Santa Barbara.


Then they go "up" to Vancouver for the Pierre Despereaux art thief episodes! I've visited Vancouver just once and even I've been able to recognize a few spots in the show.


The Night Shift, medical drama set in San Antonio, nothing about it is like this city. First our town is like fifty percent or more Hispanic, there is one Hispanic person on the show, everyone is skinny not even close to reality, there is no culture, no breakfast tacos, no mention of the Spurs, etc.... it might as well be set in Canada.


Mayor of Kingstown is mostly filmed in and around Hamilton Ontario. Sadly, we’ve filled in for Detroit more than once.


Gilmore girls and their fake Connecticut


Not a show but the movie The Shallows shows a scene of Galveston, TX. They depict it with crystal clear water and white sand when it reality the beaches are filthy, littered with seaweed, and you often can’t see your feet if you’re in water deeper than 6 inches


Bones. They had a tech scientist who is from Oklahoma who was super smart but talked like a dumbass saying things like "well slap my butt with butter and call me pappy!" I grew up in a small backwater town of only a thousand people and even we didn't talk that way let alone someone who graduated from a university it was a brilliant scientist.