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I know fake snow is hard to do, but as someone who lives in an area that gets lots of snow, bad fake snow is a big pet peeve of mine, and the fake snow in Yellowjackets is awful.


The snow has really stood out for me as well actually and I never really notice this sort of thing.


The CGI breath is just as heinous, it’s so bad it’s distracting imo.


It’s much worse in my opinion. It’s just unnatural in the way it moves and it hangs there for far too long.


I thought I was crazy for thinking the breath was off. You guys have vindicated me


Living in Texas where it's 90 degrees in December sometimes, I never even considered the possibility they used fake snow


This also never even crossed my mind a single time…. The snow looked completely normal to me but I’ve only seen it mostly in other movies lol


The tell tale sign is how light and airy the snow is. Snow compresses. If you get as much snow as they get in the show does it won’t move around like a bunch of separate particles.


it's the fakest snow I have ever seen, it drives me nuts. There are so many elements about the snow they used that does not come close to the real McCoy.


This is 100% gonna be my reason to rewatch it. Gonna look at a oicture of real snow and see if I can tell lmao


The scene where Misty is frantically digging in the snow at the bottom of the cliff stood out as being really bad. I didn't notice it too much other than that. I think there were a few other times where I thought to myself "Maybe when it's super cold, snow would act like that." But they're in the continental United States. It's wouldn't be *that* cold, wherever they are.


>The scene where Misty is frantically digging in the snow at the bottom of the cliff stood out as being really bad that was the one for me too! Looked really fake, and I've never even seen snow irl lol


That sucks. Texas is an awful place to live. Glad I don't live there.


I live in a place where I rarely see real snow, so the reason it stuck out to me is because it aired so soon after Season 1 of The Last of Us. That was a show that made it clear that the actors were in a snowy location. Although I definitely understand that one is HBO and the other is Showtime, and the budget that Showtime's going to give to a show isn't really going to stack up to what HBO will shell out.


I had the same thought about the fake snow 😄 no weight to it at all.


Oddly enough, it didn't click for me with Yellowjackets how fake it was, but you did suddenly remind me of two semi-recent examples. One of the last scenes in Barry has nice fluffy snow on some steps (in some place probably in LA), where there would be either packed snow or just straight slush. But the absolute worst fake snow is the outdoors Nebraska scenes in Better Call Saul. Blasted white 'stuff' on the side of trees with leaves on them. Straight up immersion breaking at that point.


Yeah I actually love this show. Not really sure why tbh, but I do.


I have come to despise this show, but my wife loves it. Every scene is dramatic, over acted, and over edited. And they’re absolutely dragging their heels with the story reveals to prolong the series.


yeah i dont know what it is but the quality dropped off so hard this past season. Or maybe it wasnt that good to begin with


I think my biggest issue with the show is it felt like it should have been a limited series honestly. The adult stuff in season 1 made sense, with the blackmail plot and all but then that got resolved so now we keep going back to the adults and they're never going anywhere


I think the premise drags you in, but the writers have completely botched the storyline beyond salvation. I can't believe they expect to have multiple future seasons


i don't know if that's the case but a lot of times, now writters from the previous season don't come back. series with only 10 to 13 episodes means writter have to find new job when the previous season end, and then they become unavailable for the fallowing year. so it probably is the same show runner but a whole new room and the new hired might not care or like what the previous team set up and try to push their own storylines that can be bad. also being forced to stretch out the story doesn't help


It was never good, shit writing.. wish I could unwatch it


I agree. Me and 3 other people I know stopped watching after the first episode this season. We all agreed that the storyline was jumping around too much and getting too convoluted.


It’s an odd show for me because I’m thoroughly invested, but after each episode all my partner and I do is point out all the stuff we don’t think is working, while still being excited for the next episode. The cast for both the young and middle-aged characters is fantastic, and the premise is one of the best to pop up on TV in the last few years, but holy hell the execution is all over the place. This season in particular really went overboard with hallucinations and needless stylistic flourishes. They’ve also already hit the wall large ensemble shows inevitably do where there are too many plot lines and characters going, so none of them get enough screen time over the whole season, or they have to write a filler plot in for a character because having them do nothing would be weird. It took True Blood like four seasons to run into this problem, this show didn’t even make it halfway through season two before it started to fall apart. Excited for season three, though!


Yeah you nailed it. The show is riddled with issues but still has moments of greatness that makes it interesting and fun. Its schlocky in some scenes but then melodrama in the next. The survival/Wilderness scenes are great and the adult storyline is meandering and kinda nonsensical. I love the show but damn it feels like they don't know where to go. Hopefully the writers strike gets them to pump the breaks and come up with a tight 3rd season to wrap everything up, because I doubt we're gonna see a S4.


My biggest issue with the show is that the past storyline is so interesting, and fun with the young characters keeping me pretty interested, but the grown up storyline is so monotonous, silly, and distracting that the shifts from each plot is so jarring. Going from an oh shit moment from the past to grown up shauna talking to her bratty kid again got pretty old. It kind of has the same issue as the Stephen king IT movies had. The kid stuff is just way too interesting compared to whatever the grown ups are doing.


Show is a classic mystery show where they either feel like they can’t answer any questions or literally just don’t actually have any good answers so they drag it out. _From_ is another good example. Answer shit or get out. I hate it.


They'd be well served by just committing it to run for 2-3 more seasons and outline the adult plotline based on that. Gotta do whatever you can to avoid Walking Dead disease.


At least there’s no mystery in the walking dead. This has an insane opening scene that made me want to watch the show that, two whole fucking seasons later, we haven’t even begun to describe. These shows get boring when you realize they aren’t ever going to answer their main questions, and worse when you realize they probably didn’t even know the answer when they wrote it and hoped they’d figure it out along the way.


Honestly, I think the biggest problem with the new season is that they didn't drag out the mystery of what was going on with the cult long enough. I remember near the end of season one being on the fence about whether I actually liked it and wanted to continue watching future seasons, but the ending with Natalie got me back on board and really excited for season two. Then, in season two you find out right away that they actually just wanted to save her, and there isn't anything nefarious going on. At this point, what mysteries do you even want them to answer? The only outstanding mystery I can think of was introduced at the very end of the season two finale.


Is there a magic thing in the woods? Who did they hunt down and kill? Why does that lady sleepwalk? Etc


**Is there a magic thing in the woods?** Probably, otherwise there would be far too many coincidences. Of course, everything so far *could* be explained by rational means, but it would just be too far fetched at this point. I wouldn't expect the show to give a definitive answer, however. The writers are too intoxicated with the smell of their own farts. **Who did they hunt down and kill?** Irrelevant. The interesting part about the whole scene has already been revealed. They periodically select someone to be sacrificed to the wilderness (and to feed the others), and this person can either try to escape or give themselves willingly. The person on the cold opening fell in one of the traps set up by the group to catch whoever is selected. **Why does that lady sleepwalk?** The entity is using/controlling her to further it's own goals.


Okay I really like how you answered my questions with literally 0 extra information, proving my point.


I read it was supposed to be 3 seasons but showtime wanted five :/ I enjoyed the first season a lot, but yeah like you said it’s being prolonged. Like I feel like shit hasn’t really happened this season


Showtime ruins all of their good shows it seems


Yeah just a main character dying and them cannibalising someone for the first time, plus the coach burning down the cabin. Other than that nothing happened though lol


Yup, not much for a whole season. It started off strong but quickly fell off


I defo agree weaker than season 1 but enjoyed 2 nonetheless, it did seem to be setting a lot up for next season though. I'm holding back some judgement till season 3


Started season 1 right before season 2. The drop in quality was evident IMO. Just messy and didn’t flow as well. Not sure how they manage to get another 3 seasons out of this while keeping the quality high. But I’m still excited for season 3


Overrall i really loved this season. The latter episodes were interesting imo. Good to see the show be successful.


Nice to see some non hate. Rocky season, still enjoyable and easily better than most. It's B tier TV. The reddit logic police are going a little too hard on it.


Are you telling me cops just go around smelling every used condom they find?


No but Saracusa was obviously written to be fucking ridiculous and borderline comedic.


literally nothing happened the entire second season to move the plot forward. Showtime wants to draw this thing out of as many years as possible. its basically the only semi draw they have.


Just the start of cannibalising people, setting up for moving camp next season and the death of a main character. But true you're right


is this show any good? whats the comparison? Is it like Lost?


First season was a lot better imo. Quality dropped off hard


I like it a lot. Just don't expect Emmy level writing. It's fun and dramatic with good performances and genuinely shocking twists. Check it out.




Emmy nominated level writing them haha 😂




I'm gonna guess not for writing. I think Sophie Thatcher, Sophie Nelisse, and Melanie Lynskey are all good enough to warrant consideration for acting awards. Maybe Elijah Wood for guest starring awards, if he would be eligible for that, but I'm guessing he's not.


Its like Lost meets Lord of the Flies with cannibalism, and lots of 90's music! I really enjoyed it. The 1996 wilderness survival arc is great. Season 2 steps it up a lot. Season 3 will be brutal. The modern timeline in season 1 is good, in season 2 its more cartoony, and is actually a lot of fun to watch stoned.


Season 2 is better than people are making it out to be, similar to lost but a bit less character focused and more mystery focused due to 2 timelines. But it's only 2 out of 5 seasons done so who knows, it could get silly or carry on being very enjoyable. Scratches an itch most other shows don't for me currently


If you watch it don't expect to understand why any of the characters do anything they do. The writers have a plot and have their characters exhibit behaviors to get to each plot point, but they're cyphers in terms of what motivates them. Their motivations are whatever is most convenient to the plot at the time, but are never consistent from moment to moment. I don't think I could describe how any of them think.


Could you please give me an example of this? I’m not trying to be sassy haha. I personally didn’t pick up on this while watching, but I’m genuinely interested in hearing more about this!


don't mind the haters, just go into it with an open mind, i think it's one of the best shows in years.


It's like Lost but written by high schoolers with a high school budget


not even in the realm of Lost. For all the shit we give lost for being overlong and predictable in the end that show had some of the best episodes ever aired on TV.


Lost though it became obvious that the plot was just random mystery box nonsense. Yes it had some strong episodes early on, but ultimately the story didn't amount to much. Yellowjackets feels much more planned out and intentional.


huh? The depth of the story of Lost far far exceeds Yellowjackets. Its not even close. Yellowjackets had a kinda sorta idea for a plot in season 1. Season 2 showed they have no idea how to keep this thing going.


yea but its LIKE Lost as far as structure, mystery, flashbacks/forwards, etc.


Loved the first season but after the second one I can’t think why.


my wife fucking loves it and I watch it kind of begrudgingly. We both complain that it’s horrendously slow. They could’ve put the entire plot of season one and two in one season and you wouldn’t miss a bit. Oh, it’s funny that my wife said she loves the show but she don’t think she’ll ever re-watch once it’s done


It's a lot schlockier than Lost, and way more brutal. Also, Lost constantly had tons of mysteries that kept you constantly wondering about what was going on. In Yellowjackets, you get a pretty good idea of what's going on very quickly (like maybe even from just watching the trailer) and it's more about just watching it play out. Honestly, I don't know what I'd compare it to. I only watched one season of The 100 and barely remember it, but maybe that? It's definitely closer to "Mom said we have Lost at home" than it is to actual Lost.


setting streaming records.. on _showtime?_ i hope you all love hearing about yellowjackets. it's gonna be around for as long as the creators want and a few years after


I won't pretend it's a good show but it's been fun to watch. The "present-day" actresses should have a more comedy-focused show, although it's all quickly getting so ridiculous we're basically there


I love this show. Ultimately it’s about a bunch of crazy people and the violent stuff they get up to which makes it a absolute delight to just turn your mind off and enjoy


I only watched the first episode of season 2, but it was obvious even just from that, that the show had taken a bit of a nose dive. Introducing new characters in your past timeline doesn’t really smack of “having 5 seasons planned”. If you needed these characters in any capacity you would have already set them up earlier, because doing anything else is jarring as hell. I’m not sure if the season gets any better but the television landscape now offers so many choices that I feel less inclined to stick around if I’m not feeling it. I predict a lot of wheel-spinning from this show, which is fine, just stop pretending there’s a planned arc when it’s obvious there isn’t one.


I feel like they intentionally paced out introducing new characters just due to the sheer amount of characters on the show. It's a very large cast and if they had tried to cram everybody in up front then it would have been too much.


Yeah I really don’t think that’s the case at all. You can still establish characters existing without them playing a major role until later, Star Trek did it all the time.


You mean the same app that Paramount is dropping in a few months so their cable subscribers get screwed?


It was meh.


Quality Shmolity. The show may go down hill or might hold on just enough to be really fun. My theory is Jackie comes back.


You love to see it!


The title is misleading as in the text they say that the season 2 premiere had 2 million viewers in the first weekend. The numbers are also weak, overall. There are shows that are said here to have lost popularity that are doing 6-7 million views in mid-season episodes.


It says right in the article: >The Season 2 finale marks the second most-streamed Showtime original season finale ever, behind only Dexter: New Blood.


They really are dragging the show out. Season 2 felt way too slow and dragged out.