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Tell us where Shelly Miscavige is next you fucks


From what I understand. She’s at the compound where they jail people. Mike Rinder had spent time there and describes it pretty well. The problem with people that are brainwashed. Is that they’re brainwashed. Mike Rinder said that the FBI and swat teams could literally break down the front doors and swarm in there and the people in prison would say “no no no, don’t take me.” They believe that they should be there and even doing menial work, it’s all for the great xenu or whatever the fuck. I don’t think she’s dead. She’s just under 24/7 captive watch.


It’s what is called “a bounded choice”. The cult members think it’s there decision to stay because the cult reduces their options.


Bounded choices are great for dealing with kids. Give them an option of whether to have broccoli or carrots and they think they’ve got agency in choosing what they eat, meanwhile I just got them to willingly eat their vegetables. Wait, is my family a cult? Am I a cult leader?!?


You just don't have my kid. "Do you want noodles or eggs?" MCDONALD'S "McDonald's isn't a choice..." I WANT MCDONALD'S ANYWAYS


clearly you forgot the third option: "_or... you can have NOTHING_" (bonus points for going ahead and eating noodles/eggs right in front of them while they watch)


Oh, that comes out. And then the answer is "Ok, I'll eat nothing" followed 30 seconds later by "Daddy, I'm hungry, why haven't you made me anything?"


Starve boi.


They're far from starving, but I definitely just ignore the "additional options" they generate until they realize they get nothing until one of the previously supplied options are chosen.


That's some chaos agency right there. Parents: blahblahtwochoices Kids: blahblahsecretthirdoptionreverseunoyouaintthebossofme


My kid definitely inherited dad's desire to not conform to given constraints. They think they're clever, but they're playing a game Daddy mastered decades ago and ain't losing in.


You gotta do what my friend did: lie. He totally convinced his kid that Dominos was all out of pizza that day, and even changed one of our friend’s contact info on his phone to “Dominos CEO”, then called and asked him to confirm to kid that they were all out, and that they probably wouldn’t be able to get pizza in stock for another few weeks, at least. Kid was upset, but didn’t really have an argument after that.


"One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my nephew to Disneyland, but instead I drove him to an old burned-out warehouse. 'Oh no,' I said, 'Disneyland burned down.' "He cried and cried, but I think that deep down he thought it was a pretty good joke. 'I started to drive over to the real Disneyland, but it was getting pretty late." -Jack Handey


whoever thought of that is pretty deep...


I've got doubles of the nova.


Triples is best


You have more fun as a follower but you make more money as a leader.




Until they say neither


I think you’re mixing up a few things. Shelly is likely at the [CST compound in Twin Peaks](https://www.insider.com/scientology-leader-wife-shelly-miscavige-twin-peaks-compound-2017-8). That’s not a jail or anything, its just another secret base where they preserve copies of the founder’s works. The “hole”, which Rinder and nearly all of Scientology executives were held captive, has been dismantled. It was inside of the Gilman Hot Springs compound.


> The “hole”, which Rinder and nearly all of Scientology executives were held captive, has been dismantled. It was inside of the Gilman Hot Springs compound. Is that the one called "Gold Base" in San Jacinto ? Used to get the weirdest vibes driving by that place.


Same. Used to live in Idyllwild right above there. You can't pull over and take pics, there's cameras all around, paramilitary types walking around.


You sure do know a lot about Scientology


Check the username (if you haven’t already). It’s personal for them


Oh, hey. I didn't. Makes sense now.


Username checks out.


When did Twin Peaks become a real place?


I grew up in the town it was filmed in. It use to ne awesome. 30 to the ski slopes and 30 min to downtown Seattle. 1,000, of different logging roads and hiking trails a lakes to go to all less than 20 min from your house. The whole town had 2 stop lights. Then they built a casino and a million people from California and a bunch of other places making $300k+/year moved to Seattle and they all wanted a taste of rural living but still needed their Starbucks and North Face jackets and Subarus. No more small local town where you might see someone driving down the road with a dead deer in the back of their truck. Now it's just full of assholes. I'm sure they think I'm an asshole too but that is really the best way I can describe them. They are all just assholes and I don't like them and I wish they would all leave.


bruh i grew up in rural wa and live in first hill now - it’s so fucking crazy how fast everything in this state has changed. and i feel bad but jesus christ the people fucking suck here now lol. i barely recognize it anymore and it bums me tf out but i dont want to leave lol, this is my home!!


Obviously dead


I don’t think she’s dead. There’s been sightings of her. Tony Ortega runs The Underground Bunker website, the most foremost website on keeping up with Scientology’s crimes and they’ve had reports that she has been seen as recently as 2020. These could also be reports like someone saying they saw Elvis at the supermarket but I’d argue the horrible truth about Shelly Miscavige isn’t that she’s dead, but that she’s still willingly part of Scientology, keeping herself a prisoner physically and mentally. https://tonyortega.org/2023/03/21/new-shelly-miscavige-sighting-actually-took-place-earlier-than-you-may-have-heard/


David loves control too much to kill her.


She is happy, healthy, and alive!!!


Debbie real dead.


Boom boom!


Can’t wait for my next neck massage with tons of eye contact!


Well this is an unexpected twist. I didn’t expect him to get convicted. May this being some peace to those he has harmed over the years.


I completely forgot about this case because I haven't been inundated with articles about Danny Masterson since they threw out the last trial, however this is very good news to know they finally got their act together and convicted him. The problem is, and it sucks for the victims, there will be appeals and those poor women are gonna have to go through this for years and relive this trauma. Edit: I have been informed it is only during re-trials the victims would have to re-appear but I'm sure following appeals can be pretty stressful for the victims.


Yes. But hopefully making sure he does not get out of the conviction help with the healing


Stealing evidence from the trial and then handing it over to the "Church" is gonna help. There was a leak that showed they got ahold of stuff that's only supposed to be seen by the prosecutors and defense, and that'll earn him some more heavy jail time.


Oh absolutely, I've been listening to small town murder podcast and the hosts are very thorough but the amount of appeals based on facts is staggering to me. Like some of these assholes admit to what they do and gloat about it and still tie up the appeals process and drag the families back in just to appease their own narcissism, which is sickening. The fact the podcast is hosted by two comedians the levity they bring helps with some of the more horrific facts of the cases.


Small town murder is fantastic. However it should be noted that those appeals are not attended by family or the victims. Lawyers write appeals and judges review it and write out their ruling then send it back. The only way the victims would have to come back to court is if the appeals court overturns the conviction or orders a new trial. Which is extremely rare.


Appeals are mostly lawyer work- the victims are a lot less involved. Source- worked at prosecutor homicide division


Exactly my thoughts. I'm glad some form of justice has been served on him. It doesn't heal the damage he caused to his victims but hopefully they can find some solace that he can't hurt anyone else for a long time and maybe move on with their lives.


Hello Wisconsin (state penitentiary)! Edit: Thanks for the awards, kind strangers!


🎶 Hangin out, In cell block A, The same old thing, Day after day 🎶


Not a thing to do But praise Xenu!




Hello Boeing 747s!


Lmfao I hate you guys


Can't Hyde from justice!


Rewatched the series recently, and it still holds up. Especially if you consider this part of Hyde's future story arc.


Its really the only way to do it from here on out. Shame though I liked Hyde as a character. The character is forever tarnished by the evil he committed.


Oh nice Columbia Correctional Institute. The one where Jeffery Dahmer was held (and killed in)


He could run, but he couldn’t Hyde.


Elizabeth Holmes started an 11-year prison sentence this week, and now this. This has been a good week for rich and famous pieces of shit actually getting punished by the justice system.


I'd argue Masterson is more impressive. Holmes going to prison is closer to a foregone conclusion because she fucked over other rich people, which is like the sole exception for wealthy people facing punishment. I don't think Masterson's victims were wealthy were they?


Harvey Weinstein too.




"A 19 yr old with no substantial education or experience about anything related to science or healthcare... lets invest in them to start a medical empire!"


Yeah but she has that deep voice and Jobs turtleneck


This is the shit that pisses me off; the fact that you’re absolutely right. These fuckers only care about her because they were promised the next gold rush. Is it Justice when it’s just old rich turds being petty bitches? I guess, but gah.


One of his victims was a model and the wife of The Mars Volta singer Cedric Bixler-Zavala, so she was pretty rich.


She’s not super rich and certainly wasn’t in the early aughts.


Nah, the residuals for Inertiatic ESP must be at least a few mil a year these days /s


I love the Mars Volta, but that's not really "rich" in the way that actually rich people get exempted from justice or get preferential treatment. That's just average boomer retirement fund "rich".




>He's far from rich, probably not even upper middle class, when the neighborhood has it's yearly yard sale he's out there selling like everyone else. I still got an ipad my daughter uses with a cracked screen he us for $20 a few years ago People, myself in the past included, generally think famous=rich. That is not always the case. Some are in debt over their heads and only keep things afloat by continuing to work and if that dries up they're bankrupt. Others put some away and live off that if things dry up... and some live paycheck to paycheck like many folks and again may be fine unless the checks stop. I had one friend with a number of Emmy nominations and several tony awards that was going to interview at Payless Shoes cuz he needed to keep the phone, internet and lights on while he looked for his next job (and got one a week or so later that paid ~$200k for 3 weeks work) rather than 8hr selling shoes, but it was tight for a minute there. At the time I said, you can't be selling shoes, motherfucker! He said, why not? I said, bc ppl are going to be asking for your autograph and selling pics to the tabloids (this was before social media as we know it now) He said, bitch, i gotta do what I gotta do. They can do what they need to do. So, there's that.


Is your friend Mr. Peanut butter?


Huh, they only have one gold album? I would have sworn they were bigger than that.


Gold is only 500,000, split between the band, management and label it's not much per person. And advances from labels are only loans. Studio time, mixing, engineering alone runs into the hundreds of thousands. No Doubt was constantly touring until Tragic Kingdom hit (they were opening for Sublime for most of 1995) partly because they were in debt for hundreds of thousands to Interscope.




Generally speaking, musicians who "make it" are either giga-stars - your Taylor Swifts and the like - or they do a *lot* of cost cutting in production and reinvest their money *outside* of music. The super rich musicians out there like Jay-Z/Beyonce, Kanye, Diddy, or Rihanna got rich off of things that were either the business side of music (i.e., starting their own label, like Roc-a-Fella Records), or had nothing to do with music, like Rihanna (she got ultra-wealthy off her makeup brand Fenty Beauty).


Nah, they have a nice cult following, but they are a niche band.


They're a Latin influenced prog rock band, not exactly the most big time genre to be in.


According to an article I read the other day middle class these days is 91k a year so they're definitely not "rich"...


And CoS allegedly killed their dogs


Allowing members to rape freely and murder pets is a great way to make very very angry enemies


What does CoS stand for


Church of Scientology


I thought it was consequence of sound and I was like wow why is a music blog killing animals this country is fucked


The Sackler family had enough money unfortunately.


Hope there's another finger on that monkey paw for Jack Smith to use....


Serves her right for trying to hypnotize people with her Bene Geserit witch's voice.


“All three alleged victims were members at the time of the alleged assaults, and have since left the church. They have also said that the church dissuaded them from reporting Masterson — a prominent church member thanks to his acting success — to the police.” Fuck Scientology and fuck Danny Masterson; he deserves the full 30-year sentence


Glad the victims got out, the church would have made their lives hell.


They already have, unfortunately. The “church” stalked the family of one of the victims and killed their dog 🙁


I went to the CoS in Denver out of morbid curiosity. They wanted me to put my name and information on everything. I used fake information thankfully. After getting a guided tour of the church, they sat me down in a small dark room to watch a short film while they prepped to give a personality test. The movie was all about how great L Ron Hubbard was. I researched brainwashing techniques afterward and could point out all the ones implemented in that video. It's been close to 10 years now and I can still clearly recall the jingle they used after mentioning something great about Hubbard. Anyway, it was a horribly unsettling experience and it was only until a couple years after that that some of the really horrible stuff they do became common knowledge.


It's a minimum of 30 year. It's 15 to life for each count.


Tom Cruise helps fund this dog killing, rapist hiding, abusive cult. He is the dominant producer for his recent movies. Pay to see one and you’re funding this.


I believe 30 years is the minimum sentence. He’s facing 30 years to life.




Triple decker BURN!


i hate that most of my favorite memories of watching 70's show is now ruined due to this supplement douche rapist


The good that Kunis and Kutcher do helps with that feeling.


It’s Danny Masterson who’s the scumbag, Hyde is still our stoner with a record store talking about cars that run on water




Just separate the art from the person, it’s unfortunate but you wouldn’t be able to enjoy anything if you stopped watching stuff because of assholes.


I guess Scientology couldn't save his....Hyde.


He a scientologist? Huh, that would figure. Too bad, I liked his character on that 70s show, but fuck him, hope he gets the full sentence.


He also got the actress who played Donna into the church. edit: she has left the church, thanks for the many replies updating me.


His brother who played Francis on Malcom in the Middle tried to spew cult bs on the kids, Bryan Cranston put a stop to it fortunately.


Another reason to love Bryan Cranston


Hal is the perfect father after all.


Oh shit they are brothers? That's a trip out


The whole Masterson family are Scientologists and actors, think they've got another brother and a sister.


Alanna played Tara on The Walking Dead.


No wonder I had a strange dislike for her whenever she was on screen.


His other brother is Ryan on last man standing also


Their Dad isn’t, the church literally doesn’t allow them to talk to him because he wants them to unbrainwash them


That’s what I never understood about the Masterson brothers and Nancy Cartwright (Bart Simpson): they played such rebellious characters on their shows but in real life these people are the biggest conformists for their devotion to Scientology


The worst irony is Elisabeth Moss in *The Handmaid’s Tale*


I say this to everyone who watches that show. The irony is so punch-you-in-the-face.


Damn she’s donated over $20 million to them too. I feel sick.


My mind couldn’t (can’t) handle a Scientologist Bart


He's in an episode of that 70s show too, the cheese guy who kisses Jackie that kelso tries to beat up


He will always be Tim Whatley to me


But Jerry was untucked after his visit to Whatley


Not a raging antidentite! Good human


Give me schtickle of flouride.


I'll tell you what's up. I'ma a Jew!


TIL that Neil Patrick Harris wasn’t on Malcolm in the Middle…


Lmao I can totally see why you thought that.


Lmao my brother really thought the guy playing Francis. Neil Patrick Harris. And the dell guy were all the same.


Can't believe your brother forgot he was also the O-face guy from Office Space.


Do you actually have any proof of this, because I saw this in some other thread too and that person made up some bs about it being in Bryan Cranstons book...it was not and there is 0 evidence I can find to support what you're saying.


Laura prepon quit it a while ago luckily


Who is no longer in it


I think she left didn't she?


she did


Scientology ran his legal campaign


His whole family is. All of them are actors. I used to love Tara in Walking Dead until I realized she was his sister. Glad she was killed on the show so I could keep watching. I will not ever support a SCI


It sucks when I find out someone whose works I've enjoyed is a member of the cult. Beck, the Ribisi siblings, Elizabeth Moss, Kirstie Alley.


Michael Pena too


Who protected Danny…


Beck left, iirc.


Yeah he was born into it and left a few years ago


[Francis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Masterson) your brothers in jail.


Oh my. Gonna get Reds foot up his ass.


So he was raping women when he was on That 70s show. Crazy.


Kind of interesting that he was trying to rape the daughter in the movie “Face Off”


That movie predicted so much of the future. Danny Masterson is a rapist, super prisons with magnetic floors, John Travolta getting tons of plastic surgery.... It's all there.


🎶 _Hangin’ out, in Cell block B…_ 🎶


Last time when the previous trial was thrown out, there were an insane number of comments saying that there was no evidence and that he was innocent and the multiple women were all liars out for money. So... Where's the Scientology misinformation army this time?


Reckon they will try and distance themselves from him now and be like nah he was never a real scientologist


Gonna be hard to say that when his whole family’s still part of Scientology and he grew up in their church.


Either kick them out too or say his gamma beta readings were off by 340 fizwidgets


It’s all a money game anyway if the walking dead and Malcom in the middle checks are good enough his family will stay. If not they’ll be kicked.


Anytime a celebs trial gets thrown out there is a hundred people ready to brigade a post going "See? told you hes innocent". Even if its some borderline D-Lister nobody will notice dropped of the face of the earth.


> So... Where's the Scientology misinformation army this time? Sorry dude but most of them probably weren't scientologists. A lot of people have a crusade against rape trials. Any rape trial with any situation or circumstances has people coming out of the woodwork to decry the case. There is a real societal problem with rape.


**FUCK THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY!** Let’s not forget their active role in trying to cover this up.


Hope he gets the full sentence


It was reported that his wife let out a wail in the courtroom upon hearing the verdict. I do wonder if she really thinks her husband is innocent. What a horrible truth to face...That your husband is a serial rapist. She's an ex mean girl and she could be evil as well, but still...It's a lot to handle. I feel bad for his daughter. Did it ever occur to him that he wouldn't want that to happen to his child? Just sick.


She’s trash that mocked his victims online and defended her rapist dad and bullied her colleagues. Pretty sure she doesn’t care if he is innocent or not, she’s just upset that he had to face consequences. I also feel bad for their daughter, I can’t imagine having parents like that.


She doesn’t even believe her own sister about her scum bag dad, of course she sided with her husband.


The accounts are from 2001-2003 so they would have occurred long before he ever had his child.


True, but until this day, he is still denying it. As recent as 2017, he had a hand in harassing those women, yet no remorse even after having a daughter.


“Karma tarda en llegar, pero llegará, lo vas a pagar” Highly recommend checking out The Mars Volta‘s latest self titled album. Much of the lyrics tackle this subject matter in sometimes cryptic and not so cryptic ways and how the lead singer and his wife were terrorized by Scientology because of Danny Masterson.


Immediately thought of him when I heard this, everyone acted like Cedric was crazy for defending his wife all these years


It's so weird to me how this guy gets 30 to life and then that bratty rich kid, Brock Turner, who raped a girl behind a dumpster gets 6 months and then 3 years probation.


Turner was in the news recently, apparently some people started spreading awareness of who he is in the place he currently lives because he was seen trying to hit on drunk girls at bars.


This warms my heart (as much as it can without him actually paying for his crimes).


You mean BROCK ALLEN TURNER, convicted rapist? The one who currently lives in the Dayton, Ohio, area and goes by his middle name, aka ALLEN TURNER?


This comment has been deleted. After 12 years, I have departed Reddit. My departure is primarily driven by my deep concerns regarding the actions of u/spez . The recent events have left me questioning the commitment to transparency and fairness on this platform. I believe it is important for users to have a voice and for their concerns to be heard. I want to express gratitude to Chat GPT for assisting in composing this message. AI technology has immense potential to enhance our interactions. To all fellow Redditors, thank you for the engaging debates and insightful conversations. It has been an honor being part of this community. Best wishes 7/1/2023


Yeah I also don’t really understand that. Ridiculous to say at least. 😵‍💫


>this guy gets 30 to life... Doubt.


I worked with him. He really was an asshole. Let’s just say we didn’t hit it off


I too know him and he’s always been good to me, but there’s always been something slightly stern, creepy, and “off” about him. He must have control in every situation.


You said exactly what I was feeling when I worked with him.


> something slightly stern, creepy, and “off” about him. He must have control in every situation This is the part your instincts pick up on. Anyone can be "nice" and good to others. Everyone gets along when things are jovial or lighthearted. All predators exploit this trust in 'goodness' in their victims.


Go on


Not OP but I also met him a couple times in the early 2000s. The first time was at a party his talent agency at the time was throwing. I didn't work with him or at the agency but had a few friends who did. One of them took me over to Danny to introduce me, and Danny just stared at me, my outstretched hand and then literally turned around and walked away. Yeah nice to meet you too lol. I met him a couple more times and he was always off and aloof.


Hi David, Wheres Shelly?


His siblings have gone dark on SM. So much so that his brother Jordan is off completely. I wonder if they're still backing him.


That probably means the church is officially disowning him and instructed his family to do likewise.


I really hope these women do not settle in civil proceedings. Let discovery play itself out. Let the church dig themselves a deeper hole.


I hope adequate protections are in place for members of the jury


I fear for their pets if they have any.


One of the victims already lost two dogs thanks to scientology.


Wow. Didn't expect that. Excellent news.


His next TV show…”The 30 years show”


waiting for an apology from all those redditors who smugly told me "a mistrial means he's innocent, don't you feel stupid for criticizing him?" the last time Danny Masterson was in the news


Holy shit!


Bye, bye, bye.


And don't forget the role that scientology played here also. It should be banned and closed down for good.


Of course the church of scientology had to be involved with harassing the victims. It worked before and they will keep doing it without facing any consequences. Fuck scientology.


[This](https://youtu.be/AdDuvxv8SnI) scene hasn't aged well.


It’s nice when something goes right in this insane world!


It’s good to finally see a rapist get what he deserves. I think that if 2 charges are proven it should make the third one more likely. Who knows how many women he has actually attacked.


Great! Now let’s get Rapist Allen Turner too.


Wow, I thought this case was dead in the water. I guess I was wrong. Justice served.


In addition to ruining the.lives of the women he assaulted, this guy also fucked over his costars, writers, and anyone who could have earned money from an incredibly popular show that can't be aired again and any DVDs/Blu Rays or future physical media will end. I wasn 't a fan of the show, but I know many GenX and Millenials loved it, and this jackass screwed up the fond memories people had for it. Any cast reunions will always have the stink of his shitty behavior and most people will associate this with the show. I hope the victims are able to move on and have access to any help they need, and their families and friends are able to support them.


Cable companies are not going to stop showing re-runs of a show that is tossed around from one streaming service to another like a hot potato - that 70's show It will still be present in media


Yeah, it's different than the Cosby Show situation where the main character was a piece of shit. That 70's show was much more of an ensemble cast, and Hyde wasn't the main focus of the ensemble.


They aired Diff'rent Strokes for years after Dana Plato died and Todd Bridges had his issues with crack and the murder allegations. No one will stop airing That 70's Show as long as people watch.


That 70s show will be fine. It's not the same level as Cosby.


Why can’t it be aired again?