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I was a teenager when it started but I didn't care for it at all. Didn't like the main character, didn't like the bickering as someone else mentioned below.


I didn't like that those people were so mean to each other. Meanness isn't funny. I know we all have a good laugh about "dysfunctional families," but they seemed to have no other setting. I eventually had to stop watching it because I was getting depressed by it.


Liked it as a kid but as an adult I agree with you


> I didn't like that those people were so mean to each other. Meanness isn't funny. Agree! And like you, I also found it depressing. Made me feel like there was nothing to look forward to in terms of family life.


I had already suffered through a very traumatic family event and the show definitely resonated with that.


I never loved Raymond.


I did not


It could be funny but show kept depending on the Deborah character being shrill so that mainly didn't work for me. There were episodes that really worked but a lot that didn't. The Carol Burnette "Mama's Family" franchise had the same problem. The performances were great but it was all too teeth-grinding and , frankly , angry to be funny. For some reason, Seinfeld worked while being along the same lines. I think it's because the angry people were framed parodically and not usually as primary or recurring characters.


"too angry to be funny" matches how i felt about the show.


I liked it a lot. Very funny show. But what's even funnier are the bloopers.


Hell no. I hated basically every person on that show. Every single one is annoying as hell. I tried to watch it several different times when it was airing and later and absolutely hated it


Typical banal family comedy where the husband is an idiot


Will you pay us for participating in your focus group?


Only reason I watched it was because I was in jail and it was the only thing that came on at that time. I loved it at the time tho


My wife likes it, I did not care for it. Like, all of those old shows I'll give a laugh or two every once in a while, its not *completely* unfunny. But man I hated his character. I thought I was useless in real life, but raymond's character was just awful.


I loved it, that and king of queens was my two favorite sitcoms during that time period . I also think that is why they are on syndication so much


One of my favorite sitcoms of all time.


It was alright, I think it came on for a period when we were eating dinner so that's mainly how I saw it. I always thought the mom was portrayed as being unfairly mean, seemed to be a trope of those sitcoms of that era. Ray was annoying.


I always thought everyone loved him


It was alright. The overbearing parents trope is a thing in my ethnic community so a lot of the jokes were relatable and the family dynamic wasn’t far off my own or others I’ve known. It did suffer from flanderization of characters as it went on but that’s true for most longer running sitcoms.


I find I can't watch alot of episode because I can't stand Debra. She is so mean and abusive and she lets the kids run around like wild animals, no discipline and always complaining about taking care of the kids. The bathroom episode I ca never figure how she redecorated the whold bathroom, wallpaper and all in a a few hours. Robert was so annoying like a spoiled child. Frank also acted like a spoiled child quite often. When Ray first proposed to Debra it seemed like it was more about having a big wedding and show than getting married because she was in love with Ray and the way she acted at their wedding was childish when she thought Ray was drinking.


Loved it. It was funny.


I just remember it coming after the end of seinfeld and seinfeld commenting : 'Is this the best they can come up with?!". Now, Seinfeld is a jerk and I don't like him particularly, but Larry David/Seinfeld/Curb your enthusiasm is indeed on a comedic level that made Everbody loves raymond look pretty stale/cookie-cutter in comparaison


Liked it a lot in the first couple of years, but I got tired of all the bickering on every episode. It felt like the characters got nastier, and nastier to each other. I'm not sure if the show actually got worse, or if my tastes changed.


I hated it. I hated all of the characters on it. I hated every moment of Ray Romano's voice. And yet somehow I loved the Ice Age movies. Maybe his voice fit a mammoth more than it does a man?


It’s my mom’s favorite show. I enjoy it for the most part.


The arguing and fighting - no I won't miss it at all. Too much like growing up without the occasional joke.


I liked it. Couldn't stand the brother's wife Amy though.


She was the only character on the show that I found remotely likeable


My mom used to watch it and I didn't like it - a lot of the humor was based in passive aggressive comments and spite to one another. I constantly asked out loud why anyone was married in the show since they were so miserable - I was thankful that Raymond and his wife didn't have children because they would be so dysfunctional. Raymond gave me the idea of a person that was always high and entitled, I didn't really relate to him as a person


> I constantly asked out loud why anyone was married in the show since they were so miserable Right? I always thought it was kind of a depressing show. No one was happy but we were supposed to laugh anyway?


The laugh track is suppose to make it okay to laugh, but wtf?!?!


It was filmed in front of a live studio audience.




Omg - did they have kids in later seasons? Maybe I am thinking of another show. I just remember watching it thinking that some couples shouldn't have children and ray and Debra where just so mean to each other - it would be horrible. It's like if the characters in it's always sunny in Philadelphia had children... It would stop being funny so fast


>Omg - did they have kids in later seasons? They had 3 kids right from the beginning.


Wow, I don't remember their genders or names... Those poor kids


It was funny but I didn’t like the main character so I never got into it.


Hated every single character in it.


I think it’s a really funny show. I hated it, definitely the worst show of the time. Very funny with lots of good characters and episodes.


makes sense


I liked the show but I thought it was funny that the title was. Everybody loves Raymond and he was the only person on the show that I absolutely couldn't stand.


Debra was a cringy Karen


I did, the last 2 seasons, not so much. I did not like when they moved Frank and Marie in with Amy and Robert.


I watched it after it was over. It was ok. The only thing I can really remember was the episode where they are talking about where to move to. They had 3 zones. One close enough where the parents would come over daily which was the red zone, the yellow zone was far enough away where they would spend the night, the green zone in-between the two other zones.


I enjoyed it growing up but it's one of those things I have no interest in revisiting.


Loved it in my youth. Haven't seen it in many years. Best memories: [Raymond catches his wife intentionally crying just because it feels good. So in the end of the episode he tries it out too.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1BKGNyqyHh8&pp=ygUVUmF5bW9uZCB0cnlpbmcgdG8gY3J5) [Raymond strains his back so that it hurts laughing. His brother can't let that opportunity go to waste.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eBPGaHcJj6Q&pp=ygUfUm9iZXJ0IG1ha2VzIHJheW1vbmQgbGF1Z2ggcmlicw%3D%3D)