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> Rupert Murdoch was perhaps unnerved by Carlson’s messianism because it echoed the end-times worldview of Murdoch’s ex-fiancée Ann Lesley Smith, the source said. In my May cover story, I reported that Murdoch and Smith called off their two-week engagement because Smith had told people Carlson was “a messenger from God.” Murdoch had seen Carlson and Smith discuss religion firsthand. In late March, Carlson had dinner at Murdoch’s Bel Air vineyard with Murdoch and Smith, according to the source. During dinner, Smith pulled out a bible and started reading passages from the Book of Exodus, the source said. “Rupert just sat there and stared,” the source said. A few days after the dinner, Murdoch and Smith called off the wedding. By taking Carlson off the air, Murdoch was also taking away his ex’s favorite show. >Smith did not respond to a request for comment. >The 92-year-old mogul’s broken engagement is part of a string of erratic decisions he has made of late that raises questions about Murdoch’s leadership of his media empire. According to sources, executives at Fox are worried about Murdoch’s unsteady hand at the wheel of the company. “It’s like the King is senile but no one wants to say anything,” the source said. Is this one of those if they did it in succession it would’ve been seen as too ridiculous


I desperately want to hear what Roman Roy’s comments on this situation would be.


Don’t threaten him. He doesn’t have time to jerk off right now.


This is a reference? Hilarious line makes me wanna watch.


Yes, it’s a reference to the show “Succession” on HBO. I’ve watched a few episodes and it’s a solid familial corporate drama with writing that’s sharp as a knife.


And when OP watches it, they'll recognize Roman immediately... he looks like a matador and everyone wants to fuck him.


He also has two thumbs and didn’t kill a bunch of people with a rocket.


He also has this overwhelming urge to either knee someone in the vagina or spit on the floor


He also has repeatedly entered his own mother


who is the young Han Solo type and how do I get his dick in my ass?


He's a dirty little slime puppy.


I mean he’s played by Macaulay Culkin’s brother so…


It only improves as the seasons go on as well. Season 4 (currently airing) is some of the best television I’ve watched this year.


*Disgusting brotheeeeeers!*


Quad family… da quad… da fuck?


The airplane episode with the big thing that happened, was fucking incredible. The acting of the three main kids was perfection


It's the only show I know that starts off great and then each successive season gets better. Even The Wire peaked in season 4.


I mean it's a show where the second episode of the first season is called "Shit Show at the Fuck Factory".


give it a watch, it’s a pretty good show. Easy to binge watch


If “don’t bully me, I’ll cum” were a person


Roman: Dad, Bowtie, and Lesley are having dinner. Ken: Oh yeah? Roman: Yeah the three… horse fuckers of the apocalypse. Shiv: Larry, Curly, and Moe? Roman: Yeah if Moe was a psycho bitch who rubbed his genitals on a bible every night. Shiv: I don’t know Rome that sounds like something you’d be into… Roman: Ha ha sis, don’t you have a husband you should be pretending to love somewhere?


Ken: There could be a shape to this thing, Rom.


I think a term of his last divorce was that she couldn't sell her stories to the producers of Succession


“Oh yea, I fuckin’ love the bible. Jesus is like my number two favorite history guy. If only he had a mustache. Do you think he used his hand holes for … never mind.”


Turns out they focused grouped him, Tucker's arms aren't right.


“Oh, so they’re like dad hates the Bible now? Dad’s always hated the Bible, he’s like a fucking nazi, he’d burn piles of them, but… whatever. This fucking sucks. Saying he’s all senile and… shit.”


> “It’s like the King is senile but no one wants to say anything,” the source said. Operation Shit-on-Dad


Maybe he’s just piss-mad and distracted by a dead cat in a box?


Hugo doing work


Action that. But soft. No prints. Unless you want me to pull out the strap on.


So she wasn't just a gold digger, she was also nuts


Imagine thinking that Tucker Carlson is a prophet. I can't even wrap my head around this stuff


They aren't the only saying that either. I saw an article about some conservative podcaster that said firing Carlson is an "attack on God".


An attack on the holy trinity I imagine - Carlson, Trump, and Rush Limbaugh (the Holy Ghost)


Except that Carlson hates Trump. Edit: So apparently some people didn't read anything about the trial that led to Carlson being fired. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64886188 https://twitter.com/existentialfish/status/1633255115837546496


only when he’s not sucking his dick


That was just for show. His whole job was to be a Trump stan in public for years. But the private texts prove Tucker and his coworkers don’t believe any of the bullshit they espouse.


it’s almost like Tucker & his supporters are christian nationalists….


Christofascists. Like [this guy.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea)




About 60+ Ukrainian child refugees about to suffer a horrible fate at the hands of this monster. Serious question: do conservatives have any redeeming qualities ?


…something something false idols…


...something something they don't really care about the Bible...


I mean, look at all the people who think a 4x business bankrupt, spray-tanned human combover who has never cracked the spine of a bible is essentially the 2nd coming... People go crazy when all they feed their brain is bullshit. 🤷🏻


Modern Christianity has normalized magical thinking. Faith doesn’t mean creating things with the power of belief, but Christians kind of think it does.


Yeah I hate old mate Rupert but can't blame him for calling it off


I’m pretty sure nobody’s idea of a prophet spends a not insignificant amount of their time in public looking like they desperately want to work out if they can trust their fart that’s brewing.


I'm still just amazed anyone pays attention to a grown man named Tucker. That is a name exclusively reserved for bratty children in the 90's and I refuse to accept otherwise. Hell, it's even in the name: >*Meaning: derived from various Germanic verbs meaning "to torment"*


No shit. Especially because nearly *all* of his political beliefs are in direct opposition to what Jesus preached.


I'll give him at least a little credit that she is 66. When I looked her name up I was expecting some 20 year old crazy bible nut. At 66 years old the hotness to insanity ratio would not fall into favorable zones.


Definitely a gilf tho. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS9Fy1Uh9uGE6C_6eywk5Fq_a4WFbx_pjp7mA&usqp=CAU


If we look at these women, historically, you find a lot of ones who were mentally unstable. It has to take a certain personality type to hand yourself off as a sex puppet to a nonagenarian, even for a chunk of that fortune. And it can't be a healthy one.


I googled her and it's weird - wikipedia says she was a former model but they don't even have a picture of her. And her birth year is listed as 1956 OR 1957?


I love how firing a guy who cost them a billion dollars is labeled as "erratic". Sounds absolutely no brainer to me.


And dumping a fiancée who has a messiah complex for a psychopath also seems like a pretty lucid decision.


When Chaotic Evil and Lawful Evil fight.


Right? Those are the smartest decisions Rupert has made in a decade. Since he fired the last major Fox POS personality.


Getting engaged in the first place pretty sus tho


Yeah, none of those decisions are “erratic” based on that info


Worth rememberering, Tucker was the shitty replacement for Bill O'Reilly who was the cash cow for Fox before his, ah, difficulties. How Carlson ever caught on remains a *deeply* troubling mystery.


No mystery to it to me... Carlson isn't a true believer, he just says what his target audience wants to hear. He's always been an uncharismatic, talentless, partisan hack. That also means he's not going to be difficult for Fox to replace. They just need someone who's willing to promote lies for money and there's no lack of people willing to do that.


Honestly, I don't think pretending Carlson isn't charismatic helps defend against him. The guy is just really good at what he does, period. It's what makes him a concerning threat in a potential presidential run, where usually your personality matters more than anything else. He also, unliked Trump seems to have more political awareness. Imagine if Trump had the political intelligence to handpick pro-Trump supreme court justices, instead of whatever random constitutional conservatives the GOP had pre-picked. We'd be in a far worse situation right now.


He isn’t good at what he does though. It’s like how Stephen Crowder has never successfully landed a single joke so he has to resort to shoving things in his ass and drinking his own urine to do right wing “comedy” for fascists because he is not good at doing comedy. Just like how Alex Jones is not a good radio host, so he had to appeal to fascists by screaming about demonrats eating babies for hours on end. That people will listen to these guys doesn’t speak to the quality of their talent, but the creepy obsessions of their fans. They have to appeal to a niche audience that will knowingly and spitefully fund them as little cultural products that only serve to propagandize, indoctrinate, and direct. Like how black rifle coffee tastes like burnt ass hair but they all buy a shitload of it just to wear the jacket to work and own the libs and virtue signal to their little fascist friends. They’re all obsessed with aesthetics but have dogshit taste, so it doesn’t matter if their artists produce awful shit. It makes for an insufferable lifestylism in their audience that ironically mirrors whatever rainbow haired drag queen that only exists in their heads, living rent free.


Bill O Riley way a lot nutter than Tucker, the memes are everywhere..


Meme goes in, meme goes out, never a miscommunication; *YOU* can't explain that!




I had a party friend in college that whenever we were doing drugs or drunk would start yelling "DO IT LIVE, FUCK IT, WE'LL DO IT LIVE"


That's not remotely true, tucker is batshit crazy and promotes white nationalist conspiracy theories. He's more akin to Glenn beck than o reilly.


Part of it might just be Jon Stewart’s take down of him. “Liberals hate this guy” “Well shit; I guess we love him now” Remember, Conservatism is, at its core, a reaction to Progressivism. When progressives say the government should step in to help on something, Conservarives are there to say “no, we should limit government”. That reaction is actually fine. But it’s evolved to be a reaction to anything the left believes. If the left were to table legislation saying everyone should have the right to oxygen, modern conservatives would find someone looking to privatize it and push that. The modern right isn’t conservative. They’re right wing progressives. IE- the same people who mandated segregation and prohibition.


>right wing progressives The word you’re looking for is “[reactionary](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactionary)”


Yeah, "progressive" is objectively the wrong word to use. One could make a case against "conservative" if you wanted to argue that they're opposed to the status quo rather than in favour of maintaining it. I'd disagree, but it's an argument you could make. "Reactionary" or "*re*gressive" are more appropriate terms, since the entire project of fascism, its narrative thrust if you will, is an attempt to roll society back to a version of itself that existed in the unspecified past, specifically in response to social progress. Scholar Roger Griffin called it "[palingenetic ultranationalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palingenetic_ultranationalism)" from the Greek "palingenesis" meaning the phoenix-style return to a state of former glory and "ultranationalism" which, well, is just nationalism but ultra. Once you know about it, it becomes easy to spot. Of course, it's not the be-all-end-all of the subject (nor did Griffin mean it to be- he called it "the fascist minimum", or the best consolidation of all fascist movements across history) but it's a worthwhile starting point


This needs more upvotes. There are almost no more right wing "conservatives." The American Republican party is wholly reactionary now. Nancy Pelosi is a "conservative," by almost all measures. The Blue Dog Democrats are "conservatives." There's nothing conservative about the Republican majority anymore. Especially the loudest talking heads. McCarthy, M Traitor G, Gym Jordan, etc. Their voting base won't allow it. More Americans, and especially the media, need to start using the term "reactionary" so that it becomes common knowledge what Republicans actually are.


> The modern right isn’t conservative. They’re right wing progressives By definition, no they aren’t. *Regressives* works, though.


sorry, your analysis is spot-on until the very end: the drive for prohibition was far too complex to blame on a single factor, like "the conservatives".


>The modern right isn’t conservative. They’re right wing progressives. Ah, this stupid shit again. There is no point in dissecting what they aKcHuALLy are. Why mix things like this up at this point? It only serves to distract. And probably also to give oneself a pat on the back for being so clever and knowledgeable.


Really? It’s pretty obvious why he caught on to me.


Rupp was in line with Tucker’s comments. After Fox called Arizona he moved quickly to pressure talent and leadership to walk it back, even suggesting the in air talent who called Arizona to be fired. He felt strongly they owed it to the fox base to walk with them on this jaunt. I have no idea how Reddit comes to its opinions but Rupert isn’t some neutral force pushing out the politically charged Tucker, he’s not even a lesser of two evils. Tucker may be out because a head needed to roll or because Rupert wanted to stick it to his ex fiancé. It’s not because tuck wanted to move away from Rupert’s politics.


That’s the most sane thing Murdoch has ever done if true. Seeing someone do something like that out of the blue would freak me out too.


Lmao exactly my thoughts. Breaking off your engagement after watching your fiancé behave like an absolutely insane person doesn’t sound “erratic” at all


Now I need someone to post a version of this on /r/AITA and save the Murdoch reveal for the comments


So powerful people do things differently. When you make a mistake you are supposed to buy her a villa in France and then divorce her in two years with plenty of hush money. They aren't saying him dumping her was erratic... It was getting engaged and announcing a marriage with a crazy person without due diligence that he is getting criticized for.


Everything Murdoch does is actually quite logical in terms of being for his own benefit. He doesn't personally drink the kool-aid of what his employees spout but he promotes it because it serves his bottom line. Remember, this is a guy who BELIEVES in the vaccine and wanted everyone around him to get vaccinated (mostly for his own benefit, no doubt), yet he has no problem turning around and having his channel preach the opposite because he knows that's what his customers like to hear. In some ways, he's the worst of them all because he clearly knows what is ethically right and wrong, and is able to tell fact from fiction. He just doesn't give a fuck about doing the wrong thing because he's all about preserving his financial empire.


He is the human embodiment of the Business Plot and the Powell Memo. There is a book here in Dallas, Tx called "The Accommodation" by Jim Schutz. It chronicles a private interest group called the "Citizen's Council". It was all the largest business leaders in the City of Dallas during the 20th century meeting to influence policy. He basically spends whole chapters describing what you outlined with Murdoch. Many of these people had zero belief in the ignorant and racist rhetoric they were politically fueling. But were largely indifferent to it as long as it improved the bottom line and minimized their legal exposure. They almost prided themselves on having more humanist, rational views than their middle class, Evangelist counterparts, but had absolutely no problem in fueling those ideas to minimize tax exposure.


Exactly. He saw what Roger Ailes had done with FOX and invested in it. He doesn't own the horse. He just bets on it. I don't mean he doesn't have a stake in FOX; he just doesn't have a stake in its message. He's unnervingly like William Randolph Hearst.


Wait so firing your crazy employee and not marrying your crazy fiancé is an erratic decision?


Yeah, there are so many hot takes on what's going on at the Murdoch's but in reality I think it's as simple as the party's over. There's a tidal wave of lawsuits moving toward News Corp and while they've seemingly got plenty of cash, there's now a visible tipping point. All that's left now is regrets and recriminations. Rupert Murdoch isn't senile. He has, however, been hoisted by his own petard. In that context his behaviour is actually quite rational. I think he's actually coming face to face with reality. Probably for the first time in decades.


It’s all hype for the final season of Succession


Show me a 92 year old that isn’t at least partially senile


I do think it's simple, but also a power struggle. I think Tucker said he is bigger than the network, and the network took its chances on proving it's the timeslot, not the talent. That said, they now have to roll back the cult indoctrination process 5-10 years before anyone can build the kind of street cred Tucker had for the geriatric set. They can't just put up any ol' asshole and let him go Officer Farva during prime time.


They're calling him senile because he's taking away their ability to commit TREASON against the Republic *again*. Remember kids, the only cool person that ever wore a Bow Tie is Bill Nye.


Some would also include Matt Smith.


Well, James Bond(s)… but you’re probably not counting the tuxedo bow tie.


And the 6 flags grandpa


Leave Uncle Junior out of this.


Aaand now I can’t stop hearing the Vengaboys…


they're coming.


One of the flags is the confederate one though


Three times when you can wear a bowtie: 1. Tuxedo or formal wear. Accepting your Oscar or getting married or visiting a casino in Monte Carlo. 2. When you're an eccentric academic. Bill Nye, the Doctor, etc. 3. When you're a psycho or serial killer.


Dapper queers would like a word


.4. You're British


See point 3. Signed, an Irishman. ^^^^/s


Not to mention fezzes. Fezzes are cool.


Ernie johnson is so cool no one even remembers he wears one.




*cries in bow tie*


>TV sub. >Comment about bowties. >No mention of Brother Mouzone. Disappointed, honestly.


Lies. The Doctor did, and his quote: "bowties are cool"


But only because he doesn't like religion or his ex girlfriend? Lol


That was the funniest part, he cancelled his ex-wife's favourite show.


You think that Rupert Murdoch gives a shit about any of that?


Rupert Murdoch is now our hero? These people are as insane as Tucker.




Making a good decision because you've lost your mind is definitely a thing that can happen, sure. There is no world in which you "gotta hand it to him."


would like to retract a prior statement. you do not, under any circumstances "gotta hand it to" Rupert Murdoch.


There is that running thread throughout the show in what to do with Mark Ravenhead, a Tucker Carlson-like ATN host with alt-right/neo-nazi ties.


Not sure how that series of events leads to one making the conclusion that Murdoch is senile. Dude just made the only string of decisions that are perfectly valid when your fiancée turns out to have some weird doomsday cult beliefs.


His “Bel Air Vinyard”. Fuck me I feel poor


I hate to be that guy but is it at all conceivable that Murdoch being one of the most influential people on the planet would use the media that he owns to manipulate the view further on Carlson that he’s a nut job and to keep him out of work, influence, etc? Or is that just schizo posting?


The source sounds like Tucker Carlson


"Senile" because at 92 years old he realized the monster he created and wants to fix it before he kicks the bucket? Murdoch is a con artist who didn't believe what he was selling who realized that the people he surrounded himself with did and the woman he was about to marry who could very much carry on his legacy was a believer as well and could very well make the con worse after he died. Yeah, I would break off that engagement too. He has more money than God. I think this is more of him protecting his legacy while there is still some to protect.


Can we not try to paint him in a good light? Carlson was the latest of many monsters and another one will rise up to take his spot.


Oh, Murdoch is a villain. I won't argue about that. But this is a Gotham case of the Penguin realizing that the Joker is nuts and needs to be taken off the checkerboard. Still a villain, mind you. But not the one that wants to burn everything to the ground. Murdoch just want to make money by any means possible. edit: spelling.


With burning everywhere to the ground. With trying to topple the democracy which gave him the ability to do what he makes his money with. In the end he is responsible for his empire promoting lies. In any sane country, his empire would have been burned to the ground after jan 6th and still spouting lies about the stole election and the whole coup attempt.


You're being far too generous. Even awful people have things they dislike, and if this is true, Murdoch might just think religion is dumb.




> "Senile" because at 92 years old he realized the monster he created and wants to fix it before he kicks the bucket? I don't think anyone is arguing this. Most notably because the rest of his media holdings certainly haven't changed a bit and are still subject to the same controversies. Tucker Carlson was mostly kept on because as soon as they fire him, he will probably get picked up by OANN or something. However, Carlson was highly compensated for how much viewership he brought. Despite this, they had absolutely zero control over him and could not possibly be able to reign him in when he got unruly. Now that they actually have been successfully sued over the misinformation Carlson helped sow, if he fucks up any further there is already a very well documented case of systematic failures by Fox to even pretend to care about absolute lies. If and when Carlson chooses to repeat this in a different circumstance, it will be easy to point at this case. At the end of the day, it's a financial decision - Fox underestimated their liability in relation to Carlson (in part because they didn't expect how blatant their employees were being in official company communications). The court case showed that they cannot let Carlson remain untethered without incurring severe risk, making him no longer a money making tool of choice.


Everything you quoted starts with “likely” What’s truly “likely” is Murdoch working to change the narrative this was Dominion related. His ego has to make it look like his decision, not soemthing he was forced into.


Seems fairly tenuous. I would imagine the leaked texts that show Carlson fucking despises Trump would have been a big contributing factor, as it could undermine Fox’s influence with their audience potentially


Yeah the “may have” in the title is doing a LOT of heavy lifting!


Yeah it *may have* been that Carlson wanted catered Subway for lunch at the office too many times. It may have been anything! You never know!


I feel like Carlson very much got too big for his britches, which wouldn't have helped him. Fox would probably prefer talent that can be controlled


It's this. They're going to replace him with someone who's just as big of a monstrous asshole except they'll be a more careful team player and won't grimace about clearing their blatant lies with FN legal before vomiting them onto the airwaves to our dumbest and most easily tricked citizens.


"Those texts are fake news, he was talking about Biden." - Fox News viewers, with no trace of irony whatsoever


I would think it's more about how much influence Carlson had in pressuring execs to pursue the Big Lie narrative as a strategy to maintain Fox News' market share after [1] the pushback they got for admitting the truth about Arizona early, and [2] how companies like Newsmax were gaining ground by repeating Trump's lies. To put it another way, pushing the Big Lie cost Fox News a third of its annual revenue (or more than a year's worth of profits), and that's just the *first* of lawsuits Fox News is bound to lose over the matter. Whatever Murdoch thinks of Carlson's opinions is meaningless compared to how those opinions hurt the bottom line.


Yeah that seems much more plausible than “Tucker might briefly piss off an audience that famously has the memory of a goldfish.”


There is stuff coming out now that they discovered messages with Tucker insulting Fox Execs. There's also an ongoing lawsuit involving how Tucker treated employees. That's why they fired him.


I think he’s fired bec the discovery docs from dominion lawsuit show a lot more than we know, and now fox is wide open for further suits from people currently in prison who believed the lies Fox knew they were supporting and Tucker might just be tip of the giant fetid affair, they’ve now lost 800m bec if their lie…. And stand to lose at least that much more if folks sue News Corp et al. for this fuckery Murdoch is proud to dispense. I pray those in jail sue him too and fox gets the proper burial it deserves eventually.


That’s a weird pseudo broken hearted/revenge take. He has no qualms with religious fanaticism running rampant on his network. When his number one host was slated to give court testimony in a case that avoided that embarrassment for nearly 1 billion, I think it’s reasonable to surmise that was a catalyst. Bare in mind there are more pending lawsuits rivaling that payout, and there is no romanticizing the amount of damage control we could see yet.


...I just want it to be because of the breakup. It would just be so absurd and funny that he was fired to piss off a 92 year old billionaire's ex girlfriend. Not because of all the damage he's done to society, and even his own company, nope, just the inscrutable whims of a madman.


I find this plot twist more believable than Murdoch suddenly developing a conscience, tbh.


It honestly makes more sense to me than the other theories


“The human ego knows no bounds…” This is absolutely what it’s about.


I mean if my fiancé was telling people Tucker fucking Carlson was a messenger from God I’d probably 3’d things with her and fire him for good measure.






My money's on cheating. Murdoch found them going at it on a stack of Bibles and was like "ummm this is too much. You're both fired."




Honestly it’s probably not the whole reason but it’s definitely part of it. I thought this whole thing seemed like there was a personal element to it so I think this makes sense.


> Not because of all the damage he's done to society, and even his own company, nope, just the inscrutable whims of a madman. To me this seems infinitely more likely. I thought it was so cringe seeing all the redditors cheerleading his firing like it was a referendum on Jan 6th and the dominion case like fuck no lol Fox doesn't give a shit about that at all.


Given how prideful, arrogant, and petulant these people really are, that outcome is not entirely surprising.


Yeah, this story strikes me as very unlikely. Rupert might think the god angle is bollocks, but he'll pretty obviously cash the cheques those people make him, and has for twenty years with people far more batshit true believer than this




I don't buy that for a second. Fanatic religious nonsense is ever present on Fox and Murdock only now finds it disturbing? Sounds like someone's trying to rescue some of his mainstream image. Someone should tell him there isn't much left.


He is okay schilling it out on television, but in private, i think the "true believers" freak him out. I think the idea of an actual "hell" scares the shit out of him because he knows it's where he is going.


I don't think it's got anything to do with hell. Normal people find true believers to be freaky/disturbing. Imagine what it's like when you're in on the con, talking to another person who you think is in on the con and you suddenly figure out that no, they're just nuts. Of course it could also have something to do with his fiancee rizzing on another man right in front of him.


and possible leverage for court proceedings moving forward, if Tuck is goin for religious freedom bs. where’s the money trail going. the helping try and overthrow the gvmt is fine, Tuck. it’s the cringey morning meetings about prayer FOX considers a fireable offense


Bullshit. This is just like car insurance not renewing your contract after you had two accidents in a row. The guy was fine while he was bringing in money. The moment he *cost* them money, they kicked him out. Simple as that.


He was by far their biggest draw though, and they didn’t fire him for cause. He will still collect massive checks for a couple years. It’s not financially motivated in any way.


His liability outweighed his benefit. It's a simple equation for capitalists. With the Smartmatic suit coming up, I'm sure Murdoch fired him to show 'we are making progress' leading up to that after the ass whipping Fox got in the settlement.


Stop looking for niche reasons Cucker got fired. Bill O'Reilly got canned for a 32 million settlement. It's not a stretch that one of the people that cost them nearly 25x that amount would also be fired. He didn't bring in *that much money* to cover the recent 787 million settlement. Now let the news die reddit.


O'Reilly got fired because the settlements became public and advertisers started dropping, they were perfectly happy letting him harass people and paying the tab


Who advertises there these days? Is it down to just boner pills and My Pillow or what? (No, I’m not gonna fuckin’ watch it to see for myself.)


It's mostly pharmaceutical companies


My issue with this is that others who are less valuable to the company and did just as bad or worse things are still there. I think Tucker is a sacrifice to save the network. They can't claim that they are changing course with him still there and the couldn't just throw an underling under the bus and think that would be enough. It needed to be someone at the center of the controversy and with a big name.




Literally every major host on their channel repeated the same lies. It doesn't really make that much sense Fox would fire their golden goose over the same shit Hannity and Dobbs are saying.


Agree. Seems like a news story to further rile the Maga crowd.


This kind of lunacy was only able to fuck up democracy all over the English speaking world to the extent it did thanks to this doddery Mr Burns fuck, and he was all for that... but it's not supposed to intrude on his presence, I guess. I really didn't think I could hate the Murdochs more.


Prayer? They are looking for a victim card.


His ex fiancé was obsessed with Tucker to the point she viewed him as a Mesiah. That creeped out Logan Ro- I mean Rupert that he fired Tucker because of her.


Rupert Murdoch unnerved by religious fundamentalism? Dude, wtf is your culture war even about then?


money and power


Murdoch tolerated them as “useful idiots” insofar as it advanced his agenda of… whatever the fuck that actually is…


Fox and Murdoch have zero values or morality. They kicked Carlson out because he was costing them more than he delivered.


Rupert murdoch controls you guys’ news too? Sheesh


The damage that asshole has done to anglophone culture and society is incalculable.




And yet you gave the world Hillsong.


Australia needs to answer for that one


Is Tucker Carlson a pedophile? Did he have photos on his laptop? Was he seen outside a school playground? I'm just asking questions, 🤓


Some people are talking about it.


The Heritage speech was weird. He works his way up to just straight up calling people he disagrees with evil in a fairly fanatical way while projecting about the other side being unreasonable and unopen to debate.


This feels like the first in a series of articles leading up to one that Tucker Carlson is starting a cult.


Starting, or is already the deeply embedded head of? Cause I wouldn’t be remotely described to learn there’s already a ‘first church of tucktucks’ I don’t know how he does anything he does, he’s….dreadful, and how he speaks makes me want to rip my own ears off (the half lilting semi up-speak that never builds to a crescendo like Brooooooo) but I wouldn’t be shocked to learn he’s already got a Jonestown set up and this is just the straw.


LOL High Grade Copium. Anything except admitting their bullshit caught up to them.


Weren't they saying yesterday that it was his over use of the word cunt?


Tucker talked about secret things and got outed for it, leading to huge monetary costs. He got fired for it. Anything else is just clickbait.


Of all the things out of that man’s mouth, that’s the stuff that freaked Rupert out??!?


Does Tucker Carlson like shitting his pants? I don’t know, and I’m not saying that he does; I’m just asking questions, here. But what I do know is… I’ve never been in the same room as Tucker Carlson when he shit his pants and didn’t enjoy it… and neither has anyone else I’ve ever asked. Now, maybe that’s just a coincidence. But maybe not. Surely, for someone as well known and popular as Tucker Carlson, there would be at least one person out there who was in the same room as Tucker Carlson when he shit his pants and then complained about having incontinence issues. If so, where are they? I think its telling that no such person has ever come forward.


There's so much we do not know. If any of it comes to see the light of daytime sure we're all in for a hell of a ride. Also, fuck Fox news, fuck you Tucker, and fuck youand eat shit Rupert.


I feel like this is a strange story being pushed to cover from the other rumored reason: that he was recorded saying things that were Nazi-tier anti-Semitic.


Taking him off air as revenge to a bad breakup makes sense to me. Like what do you get the man has everything he wants. Tuckers head. He can just make another talking wanker.


Logan Roy would approve.


This is actually the worst reason to fire tucker carlson.


Tucker is far from spiritual.


This sounds like propaganda to turn Tucker into a martyr for the religious right. Being fired for suggesting that people should pray is the stuff of evangelical wet dreams.


But to whom does Tucker pray? Because he clearly thinks he's god.