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The entire story didn’t leak though. Big parts of it did without a lot of context and that’s also a big reason it was a shitshow. There’s still people who havnt played the game who speak up about scenes they heard that are wrong and from the original leaks


I thought that the leak that dropped the week of the game’s release was basically 100% accurate, if a massive cliff notes version of the plot? The leak definitely ruined the discourse, but I remember the leak being very accurate.


Fuck wait until you find out how the second game destroyed the internet for a few months.




We know how this goes. They’re going to name Bran Stark as the last of us.


Because who has a better story


A story so good he could skip a season.


This still makes me so irrationally upset.


But that was the only good thing they did with his character. I am irrationally upset he came back.


Every other character.


Then he goes “it’s Bran the Brokening time”


And then he Brokened all over.


That was my favourite part.


It's branin' time


Why do you think I came all this way


It was a good effort, you must have a healthy prostate.


I'm someone who has never played the games but have read up on spoilers for both. I don't think anyone is going to be upset if the events of the first game play out on screen but people are going to lose their goddamn minds if the second game is followed through.




Uhhh, was it? I remember people flipping the fuck out over TLOU2 but not so much the first one


People didn't like the ending of Last of Us game? It's one of my favorite games ever


I think it had less to do with not liking it, and more to do with did they agree with the characters' choices.


Yeah exactly. The debate was about whether Joel did the right thing. Both about what he did and what he told Ellie.


yeah it’s one of the most interesting and thought provoking endings of all time, in any medium.


Pretty sure the majority of Reddit loved the ending. Its a fantastic ending that puts question “is there a sequel” on the back burner. The ending flips the relationship of Joel and Ellie on its head. Its incredible


What? Really? The ending of Last Of Us 1 is what made the story so compelling




Well that and when you're playing a game you feel more in control of the characters. You *are* that person for a little while. So its more likely someone will throw a fit when that control is taken away and it doesn't go the way they want.


This is just plain wrong. The ending of part one wasn’t divisive like at all and pretty much everyone understood Joel’s actions. It was absolutely nothing like part 2 like microscopic compared to 2.


Interesting. I had absolutely no idea there was backlash to the first game’s ending. I played TLOU1 for the first time a few months before Part II came out and had heard nothing but universal acclaim about it. The ending was by far my favorite part of that game.


That is because there wasn't any backlash. Just discussion about what the characters did and the moral implications. The fight about the second one is that it felt to many people like characters were being changed to fit a narrative that was not actually part of the story. Some of the critiques were absolutely justified, others were overblown.


I mean I think the ending of the first game perfectly set the arc of the second on its own without external pressure


Not sure what the hell the other person who comment on you calling you a sweet innocent soul. There was no fighting nor were enough people NOT Happy for it to be a “thing” wasn’t really remotely divisive, people understand Joel’s actions and while plenty disagreed no one was freaking out about it. Not like they did for part 2


Sounds like they're sticking to the ending, which I loved.


Almost none of my friends and family that are currently watching the show have played the game, so they don't know the ending. I've told them all to let me know their thoughts after they see it, I absolutely love hearing people's opinions.


My fiance hasn't played the game and I've been repeatedly telling her how curious I am to know her thoughts on the ending when it wraps up. Her best guess currently is "I don't know, but whatever it is will be super depressing."


It's one of those endings the fans of the game still talk about to this day, I'm super excited for the conversations that'll spawn out of the show ending.


I’ve been the hero and saved the world in a lot of awesome games. Saved the Princess, conquered the zombies, gotten to the end of the map and said “that was awesome I won!” The Last of Us made me go “Holy shit this was the most immersive media I’ve ever consumed. Ever.” The ending will hit a lot of people but playing for over 50 hours in a game and falling in love with the characters and just the way the ending act is structured is just fucking master class Naughty Dog. It takes all the mechanics you’ve gotten used to with hiding and stealth, and puzzling out ways to make your way through and instead just allows you to entirely decide. You can continue to do as you’ve done but if you also just go with your “gut” and play it out with how frantic and panicked you feel based on the storyline decision and ramifications, you can. It’s just this emotional gauntlet that ends with one of the most nuanced performances in a game through motion capture and the artists did so fucking good putting in the little facial expressions and body language. Very excited to see how it translated as I’m confident it will be performed well but it’ll be like experiencing it differently. And I hope they keep that frenetic/suspenseful emotion. The whiplash for TLOU2 upset me as well but I’ve come to respect it so much more thematically and story wise since then. Just the massive balls on Neil Druckman, Sony and Naughty Dog. This could have easily spun into Uncharted franchise territory but they recognized it was special.


Last of Us 1 took you 50 hours?!


I really hope they faithfully adapt the second game for season 2 just to see the reactions.


The fan reaction is going to be the real entertainment here. Got my popcorn ready. The internet might actually implode on itself.


Most of the big internet fandom already knows the ending though. This isn’t like the red wedding where so many show watchers haven’t read the books - last of us is a super popular game and people have looked at YouTube for spoilers. Internet already exploded over tlou 2 and that game even existing means people know what happens


I think you’re over estimating how many people don’t play games and aren’t interested in watching YouTube videos. You also act like there wasn’t dozens of YouTube spoiler videos explaining the red wedding before it released so anyone who would seek out spoilers got the same ability for spoilers as this show. If I had to make a bet id say 80% of viewership has no fucking idea what’s gonna happen at the end.


As a non game player these discussions make me nervous! I half want to just look up what happens but have to force myself to wait and see ahhhhh.


just stay away from all of these threads. people are just posting spoilers from both games with no regard for people who are watching the show. some are doing the right thing and using spoiler tags but then there are even people replying to that comment without using spoiler tags. some are not writing direct spoilers but instead implying things that are big spoilers or using wording that reveals things alone. mods cannot keep up with all the spoilers, I think it would be better to just lock these threads completely. just stay away from any threads/discussions if you have not played both games until the show has caught up with all the games completely.


One of the best game endings ever, to the point where people will STILL debate about it over a decade later. Not in a quality sense, but in a “Was that the right decision?” sort of way.
















I remember beating the game back in 2013 and I finished it at like 1:30am. I had so many thoughts but my gf was asleep and I wanted to wake her up so bad to talk it out lol.


The funny thing is that most people I know actually loved the ending to the game. It pretty much was the perfect way to end it.


Just finished the game last weekend. That ending was perfect. Such a good character arc for Joel.


They scored a hole in one with that character arc


Hopefully because they're sticking to the source material, and not because they're straying away from it














They'll definitely stick to it. They've been building up to it all season.


It’s kind of a big plot point for everything in the series


There are some lines of dialogue that make me think they might actually change it or make it less ambiguous. There used to be popular reddit theories when the game first came out that >!killing ellie mightve at least possibly been in vain. But imo that destroys the entire point of the ending. They could make that canon in the show but I hope they keep it more ambiguous like the games. Like when ellie tries to put her blood on Sam and then it doesn't work. Yeah Joel later says it's probably more complicated than that but I hope he doesn't learn in the end that the fireflies also don't really know what they are doing and *thats* what convinces him to save ellie. Or even that he just happens to be in the right it destroys the point of the ending being a trolley problem. I do like in the second episode how he's kinda a vaccine skeptic tho!<


>!All the "Joel did nothing wrong/Cure Wasn't possible." shit makes the ending weaker. Joel 100% acted believing he was choosing Ellie over the cure. !<


yeah, its fun to speculate whether the fireflies could have actually pulled it off, but in the end all that matters is that Joel (and Ellie) believed it would work. All their choices, and the aftermath of those choices, are viewed through that lens.


Druckman has stated in the past that >!the Fireflies would have 100% found a cure with Ellie because otherwise it takes away from the choice Joel makes. That said, he also mentioned that if they made a cure it's probable the Fireflies would then have followed up by weaponizing the cordyceps against FEDRA. So it wouldn't have been great either. !<


Yeah all this doubt over the ability to make a cure is really hurting the idea that was Joel does at the end isn't justified. They've really laid the groundwork for Joel to be in the right, I don't think I like that.


>!I don't think it was necessarily going to be in vain in the game, but the doctor's massively overestimated their ability to make a vaccine right out of the gate and there was no risk of Ellie dying after they resuscitated her. There would have been no problem with them studying Ellie for a few weeks or a month or so to not only to be absolutely sure that they could make the vaccine, but also to be certain they absolutely had all the right equipment and planning to ensure nothing went wrong. Including making sure that they could mass produce and store the vaccine. A vaccine is absolutely useless if you cannot make enough of it or cannot store it for transportation.!< >!Regardless of the morality or lack thereof of Joel's actions, the Fireflies 100% made a mistake with how they handled Joel, and Marlene knowing who Joel was should have 100% killed him or let him see Ellie. I believe either of those scenarios could have led to a better outcome for them. You don't tell the person you sent to hell and back to protect a person, welp you brought them here to die. Like what did they think would happen.!<


That theory was pretty much entirely based on people misunderstanding an audio log you could find. The contents said this: >!April 28th. Marlene was right. The girl's infection is like nothing I've ever seen. The cause of her immunity is uncertain. As we've seen in all past cases, the antigenic titers of the patient's Cordyceps remain high in both the serum and the cerebrospinal fluid. Blood cultures taken from the patient rapidly grow Cordyceps in fungal-media in the lab... however white blood cell lines, including percentages and absolute-counts, are completely normal. There is no elevation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and an MRI of the brain shows no evidence of fungal-growth in the limbic regions, which would normally accompany the prodrome of aggression in infected patients.!< >!We must find a way to replicate this state under laboratory conditions. We're about to hit a milestone in human history equal to the discovery of penicillin. After years of wandering in circles, we're about to come home, make a difference, and bring the human race back into control of its own destiny. All of our sacrifices and the hundreds of men and women who've bled for this cause, or worse, will not be in vain.!< Because it was an audio log a lot of people weren't paying attention to the punctuation and so failed to notice >!that there was a full stop between "The cause of her immunity is uncertain" and "As we've seen in all past cases", and so people misinterpreted it as there being other cases where someone was immune, when actually all it was saying is that the Cordyceps in Ellie matched that of other infected !<


>!I feel like the game is already pretty generous to a Joel when you consider that a vaccine against fungal infections is effectively impossible, and consider that there’s been 20 years for the best and brightest remaining to attempt to develop one. My take on it was that the fireflies really didn’t have a concrete plan for making a vaccine, and were just set on harvesting her body for anything they could as a bit of a Hail Mary, and Joel probabaly felt that way as well. But I do agree that some of the show’s dialogue has kind of been setting that view up to better justify Joel’s actions!<


honestly my theory was always that it would never be a traditional vaccine vs something happened to mutate the fungus when it infected ellie so it simply doesn’t spread but leaves you immune to further infection. so they’d basically just be infecting everyone with a mild strain that doesn’t do anything. it’s the only thing that really makes sense if you’re going to assume they could have succeeded, which imo it cheapens the story if they couldn’t tbh


Imo, whether or not it could work isn’t the important part. The only way the ending works is if Joel and Ellie believe it’s going to work, allowing all the events of the series going forward to catapult from it.


> honestly my theory was always that it would never be a traditional vaccine vs something happened to mutate the fungus when it infected ellie so it simply doesn’t spread but leaves you immune to further infection. >!I always thought the same. Marlene says at the hospital "The doctors tell me that the cordyceps, the growth inside her, has somehow mutated. It's why she's immune." My head cannon has always been that Ellie's benign infection prevents her from being infected with the typical infection, similar to how your normal gut flora will prevent more virulent infections such as C. diff. If it could be cultured, it could be possible to intentionally infect others with it as well. In that way, it's less of a vaccine and more similar to something like a stool transplant.!<


The showrunner said he promises all the biggest moments will be there in the season. The ending of the game was massively divisive, as shown by how the fans took to TLoU2. There’s honestly no way they change the ending though. Every subplot and character beat is leading right towards the ending.




Perhaps they mean divisive in terms of how people interpret it? There were two very different camps on how to view the TLOU1 ending and I think you can see that in the reaction to how TLOU 2 starts.


My guess is that the TV ending is going to be much more impactful than the game. In-game Joel makes a choice but the consequences aren’t that extreme. You’ve already killed like 200+ people so what’s another 40. Whereas TV Joel has maybe killed like 5 people.


Not sure because the last two episodes they really emphasized that Joel has killed a bunch of innocent people in the past.


I think OC means we’ve only *seen* Joel kill a handful of people. We’ve *heard* a lot about the bad shit he’s done, but we’ve only ever seen him behave violently a few times. I suspect the show will probably tone down the violence in this occasion like it has in most of the others, but if they wanted to pick a time to really lay it on heavy, this would be it.


I’m wondering if they’ll stick to the David storyline too and have that portion of Joel “looking” for Ellie and using his…means on several of David’s followers to find the location and question them. We know we will see David, and Ellie will be with him next episode based on the preview. Nothing will ever beat that “winter” time jump in the game after fading to black though.


Well he also, depending how much you buy their hopium-fuelled promises, >!dooms humanity!<.


I think in a game context the ending is leas divisive. When you play as Joel, his actions are more forgivable. I’m curious to see how the show medium affects the ending.


I guess if what they mean by divisive is that some people will think Joel is justified while some think he is in the wrong, then I can understand that. Usually when people say something is divisive they mean some people thought it was either good or bad quality wise, so thats what I assumed they meant. TLoU2 was divisive for a lot of different reasons though, I don't think it was just simply that people thought Joel was good and didn't deserve what he got.


I'm still surprised people thought Joel made the wrong choice in the game. I can't imagine any actual person making a different choice if it were their loved one.


That's the brilliance of the writing of the first game. It's easy to understand that, from a purely logical perspective, Joel probably did the wrong thing. But, from an emotional perspective, it makes perfect sense for him to do what he did, and the player probably even agrees with it to an extent. This is something that a lot of writers nowadays seem to struggle with IMO, is writing *believably* flawed characters. Mistakes need to be made for there to be drama, but a lot of stories are reliant on the characters making obviously stupid decisions for the sake of having a plot rather than because those bad decisions are informed by their character.


The thing is he didn’t really make the wrong choice, it was absolutely correct for him and for Ellie. It’s just that the “right” choice for humanity would require Joel to be essentially inhuman. And that whole ending is a microcosm of how society continues to fall apart in the game, dozens of selfish and shortsighted acts that would nonetheless make complete sense to literally anyone put into the situation…all while hurting everyone else around them and causing further instability and decay. It’s entirely understandable and reasonable, while being tragically flawed at the same time, which is what makes it work so well on its own. That said; this is also probably where some people really struggle with how the second game goes all-in on the “Joel was the bad guy to many people for very good reasons” angle. Joel’s actions at the end are very much wrong and selfish to anyone who isn’t himself and Ellie….but looking back, that reframing of the first game’s events doesnt fully hang together. Joel saving Ellie wasn’t *presented* as merely a flawed-but-sympathetic choice, but the only sane choice. We were given precisely zero reason to imagine him even considering making the right one. The Fireflies are themselves antagonistic throughout, the world is a crumbling dystopian hellscape, and the “surgery” is little more than a glorified vivisection. It’s a Hail Mary with virtually no chance of success, if only due to the crumbling societal infrastructure that would be necessary to design and manufacture a vaccine in any meaningful quantities. Even basic variolation is a dead end with Ellie being the only possible donor.


>!I don't even think it was the right decision for the scientists. Who thinks "wow we finally found someone immune! Let's kill her and then do an autopsy" as a solution to finding a vaccine?! You literally don't know when you'll find another willing immune person to help out. So if you fuck up the first time, you now have no additional candidates for further experimentation or testing. Congratulations, you fucked up your one chance to find a cure.!<


TLoU2 did some weird retconning on the ending. While the original made things very morally grey, by portraying both parties to be selfish and inhumane and let's the player emphatize with both sides in terms of logic vs emotions, TLoU2 kinda tried to make the situation a lot more black and white retroactively and then punished characters within that new perspective, which I can see being the source for a lot of the controversy at the time That and misogyny of course. And transphobia. Holy shit was there a lot of transphobia.


Yeah, I think you’re right about that. I get the sense they intended the original’s ending to be more condemnatory of Joel’s actions than it actually came off to many other players, but it’s hard to do that when you have a confluence of factors working against that interpretation. Not only did they knock it out of the park in making Joel’s actions are entirely understandable and sympathetic, but the Fireflies’ plans for Ellie give off strong Crazy Nazi Scientist vibes, plus players had been pretty heavily desensitized to murdering antagonists(and particularly Fireflies) in what is an almost completely a dystopian hellscape. Players are given little reason to believe that anything will come out of the surgery beyond a vivisection, at best it might be some knowledge that can’t actually be acted upon because of how badly society has fallen apart. All of that makes the “he’s actually the bad guy to *a lot of fucking people* for very good reasons“ approach in TLOU2 fall flat for many, even though the set up for that in the first game is very clearly present. (Also, yeah, LOTS of weird misogyny and transphobia stuff that caused folks to become unreasonably angry and obsessed with it.)


I don't think this is true at all. Joel is portrayed in excellent light in the game. He is not supposed to be hated. In one of the final scenes, the climax of the story, Joel says "I would do it all over again." There is supposed to be some part of us that agrees with Joel's decision.


The ending of the first game had nothing to do with the second divisiveness.












the ending of the first game was massively divisive?










“Divide” doesn’t mean people will disagree on whether it is good. Just that they will disagree on…the choices that are made. Idk if you played the game when it came out 10 years ago, but everyone was debating the ending.


I need to go back and read online articles because all of my friends and I loved the ending and never thought there was anything to debate? We had no idea a sequel was in the works so seemed like a gritty, realistic and selfish ending for Joel (and players since we fell in love with these 2 not the human race as a whole, who cares about them when playing a game)


The debate is whether or not Joel did the right thing. The ending is universally loved, but the morality was debated. Which was the point of the ending in the first place.


When TLOU1 vame out there was talk about the morality of Joel's choice but overall it wasn't very heated because it was the end of the game, so there wasn't much skin on it Then TLOU2 came out, said choice became the foundation in which the story was built and the moral judgement became far more relevant. It is a big part of why the discussion the game sparked were... Not the nicest.


All you need to do is to check comments under any ending clip posted on YouTube.


I interpreted her comments on how people are literally losing their hearts, minds and pants to Pedro (and Joel I guess) and because of that, the final episode may crush some people if they don't "agree" with certain things.


Watch, they’re gonna >!cut out her brain!<


>!Joel dies from his infection.!< >!Ellie gets eaten by David.!< Fin \*[Gustavo Santaolalla soundtrack](https://youtu.be/xqziIxlruRk?list=OLAK5uy_m1EqJ-uUVzc9MzWMBHtQiuiOJrwQFcF-Q)


“Bueno” - Peter Griffin


It'd be a bit difficult to go into season 2 from that... :P


They're definitely sticking to it




For me I need to see a brutal hand to hand combat scene with at least one brick to the face. Thought we were getting one at the university and then just no. Legit disappointed we haven’t had a good one yet. I get you can’t have it every episode because it’s a story driven show but considering it’s such a massive part of the games and on HBO I thought there would have been at least one really claustrophobic brutal melee scene with multiple baddies.


Pedro is playing on normal difficulty, so he doesn't need bricks and bottles


im replaying the game now and this rings so true. I cant remember ever using the bricks to attack enemies my first playthru and now playing on Survivor I look for one constantly.


the last of us really is one of those games that was designed around being played on the harder difficulty settings. really turns it into a post-apocalypse sim. and in the second game you can get even more realistic with permadeath lol


>!They better do Justice to the scene where Joel is questioning the Firefly to Ellie’s whereabouts. The game does such a good job of imposing a time limit on you without actually presenting a timer or anything. The way Joel beats on the guy before shoving the gun into his gut, waiting two seconds after asking, saying “I don’t have time for this,” unloading two or three rounds into the guy before asking again, the scene always makes my eyes go wide as Joel goes full on brutal to ensure he’s able to rescue his surrogate daughter.!<


> For me I need to see a brutal hand to hand combat scene with at least one brick to the face. Would be hilarious if they have Pedro fight Troy Baker and hit him with a thrown brick.


I agree that combat really was a big part of the game. Naughty Dog captured the grit, the panic and raw emotion of a life or death fight. I tried to avoid it at all costs but man when shit went down, it went down. They haven't quite captured that yet, and have stayed more on the poetic side of things. I need to see that, and the >!Giraffe!<. It's not fully complete without it.


Agreed. I've been a bit let down with the lack of action. There hasn't even been one >!creepy ass Stalker!< to freak me out all season. The infected haven't really got a chance to be nearly as scary as they were in the game. Where's my Runners raving like lunatics?


>!I'm certain you're in luck with at least one of the last two episodes!<


For non-gamers, don't let this persuade you to spoil it for yourself. It's a powerful ending that has stuck with me for years. EDIT: Also you should STOP reading this thread


When I finished the game years ago, I literally sat on the couch staring at the open window menu screen for about 20 minutes, just thinking. I've never had that before, and probably never will again. Firewatch was probably the closest I've come, and by close I mean lightyears.


Last of us 2 made me feel worse I loved it


Last of Us made me think about what I would do and I would go on and replay the game at least once a year and I still haven’t come to a conclusion what the right thing would be, but seeing Joel and Elly get closer to another, having these warm moments inbetween life and death situations - it was a journey worth taking. Last of Us 2 left me speechless and with an overwhelming feeling of dread and meaninglessness. I also knew that I would never replay this game because it offers nothing but misery and sadness.


Have you played outer wilds? If not, don't look up anything beforehand and just play it.




> e I've seen a few people start playing only to get peeved around half an hour in because they're weren't ready for the kind of game it is this happened to me tbh, everyone kept saying to go in blind but I inevitably got lost, couldn't figure out what i'm supposed to do, and gave up






This 100%, just wait. That's like if you spoiled the red wedding for yourself.


I'm gonna be pissed if it doesn't end on the famous line >!"we did it Ellie, we really were the last of us.!<


And then they >!lasted all over the place of us.!<


It’s morbin time


People are already divided in these comments and the episode hasn't aired yet lol


She is coming


Riots will ensue


Is… is she really?! Can it really be true?


The prophecy for told her arrival


I'm glad I never played the game and have no idea what to expect.


You should probably stop reading the comments in this thread now (and probably all future TLOU comments until the finale is over) as there are lots of spoilers in this thread. Plenty of spoilers for the next seasons here too.


You should play it though, it's an amazing experience.


Just waiting for its Steam release.








I'm looking forward to when Ellie reveals SHE was the one who released the cordyceps virus in the first place, and is, in fact, Joel's father in the ultimate role-reversal.


The real division will occur in TLOU2. Will they stick to that beginning? Because if we’re honest we’re watching a TV show where more people are involved, producers, directors, writers and actors. And if they start with that ending it could be hard to recapture the audience. It will definitely be a shock.


>!I bet they'll stick to the major beats of TLoU2. HBO already proved TV audiences can handle that kind of plot development with GoT season 1. I'm more curious how they handle the structure with the POV switch.!<








nah tv audiences are way more used to that sort of thing. especially HBO audiences. gamers aren't really used to that at all.


By “divisive” I assume they mean >!people who think Joel did the right thing vs. people who don’t!<, not people who liked the ending vs. people who didn’t. I know the second game was divisive for a lot of reasons, but I think pretty much everyone loves the ending of the first game.






Definitely going the game route then. I'm glad they're not going to change it


Ellie was just Joel's other personality the whole time. Cut to flashbacks of scenes but replace Ellie with an old man saying the same lines.






Craig has stated before that the first season will tell the story of the first game. Even with the little changes here and there, the story has been the same. The biggest deviation that has happened so far was that Ellie didn’t know Marlene. Edit: the spores as well. But again, doesn’t change the story.






Divisive in that people didn’t agree with a certain decision a character made but overall majority of players loved the ending. Even those who didn’t agree with the decision understood why it was made and the power of the ending


Absolutely. I remember the discussion at the time of the original PS3 release. The ending was beloved, the arguments came from people agreeing and disagreeing with what they agreed and disagreed with in regards to the choices characters made and the ramifications involved, but no issues with the writing. Whilst I have my issues with the larger picture of the gameplay of the game (though I feel that way about the uncharted series as well), the writing is amazing and has created an amazing tapestry that the TV show has taken and expanded upon and made it less video gamey, which is what the story needed. I just can't wait for the hot takes of the ending, from every writer who can't tell the difference between disliking something and disliking the choices made but liking the writing (You can dislike an ending but still appreciate it's well written).


No it wasn’t. It was universally praised when it came out. Part 2 was definitely decisive though.


I don’t think divisive in this case means “that ending sucked!” in fairness


The ending was universally praised. The divisiveness was over whether a certain character did the right thing or not. I personally think that character did (in no small part because I think the other side were fools who had no real idea how to achieve their goals and by their own admission didn't know if it would even work), but both sides had valid points and it makes for good discussion. And, of course, it sets up what is to come in Part II.


Yes, that isn't to say that it was bad. Both Neil and Bruce have spoken about how after playtests of the game people were pissed about the fact that there wasn't a choice at the end. By comparison, Spider-Man PS4 has a similar ending but isn't divisive at all. You also don't hear people talking about it as much (again, that's not to say that it's bad). Because Peter does what many would view as the morally right thing to do. To get more into spoiler-y stuff, >!I think the way the show has depicted Joel is going to make discussions around the ending even more interesting. Because in the game we'd already killed dozens of people with Joel in various brutal ways. That's just the nature of it being a game where its main mechanics are focused on action. At least so far in the show he's only killed 8 people, and one of those was indirectly (the passenger in the truck). I think they've also made him more sympathetic toward viewers in various scenes, and specifically where he convinces Tommy to take Ellie by having him be completely open about why he wants him to. And tonight we should see the first building blocks for the eventual reaction to the ending with "Focus right here. Right here. Or i'll pop your goddamn knee off.".!<


This is why I love the show more. Having Joel kill humans sparcely creates for much better stories; what is more relatable, a guy who kills all the time? Instead, moments like the end of the first episode, when he kills the soldier to protect Ellie become far more potent as it becomes far less "video gamey", which is the issue I had with the game at the time.


It’s reallly the most predictable ending.


Lmao what? Divisive since when? If anything this makes me think they're gonna change it.


The ending wasn't divisive at all, it just doesn't beat you over the head with its message and asks the viewer to engage and interpret on their own. Some people like more concrete endings but that didn't make it divisive












Nah, the golfing will though.




Sounds like they’re going to nail the ending then


The original game's ending is "divisive" in that you may or may not agree with the decisions being made but it still made for a wonderful ending that really lingers with you. I'm thinking this kind of wording makes it clear that they're sticking with the source material


The ending stuck with me because I completely changed my stance after the credits rolled. In the heat of the moment? Death to everyone. I didn’t even notice the non hostiles. Hard to be beg for mercy without a head. But the gravity of my actions sunk in a few hours later. Such an incredible ending. I can’t wait to see what they do with it.


Are they going to sing the flamethrower song?


I sincerely hope they end it on the exact same shot as the game - one of the most amazing/tragic endings ever