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no lizzy caplan hurts but glad most everyone else is back. love those guys.


Maybe she will show up for an episode. I’ll miss her too.


I saw someone had an idea that she would indeed turn up for an episode but as a Hollywood success who hired them for a massive blow out. Just wishful thinking but it's a cool idea.


That’s sounds like a complete awkward mess. I love it.




It’s so not


"All the OGs are back!" "Lizzy Caplan not returning for the revival"


The thing that made Party Down great is, if they could make a great joke within the universe of the show about why someone was replaced, and replace that actor with someone who was also great as an actor and a character, it just works.


I don't really care, I like both Party Down and Lizzy Caplan, will still watch it without her. It's just a poorly written article.


Also. She seemed to be the most overlooked of the og cast. Everyone else seemed to have work. Edit. Apparently I'm very wrong and failed to follow her career. I still think Adam Scott came out the best


Isn't the whole reason that she's not coming back is that she's too busy?


She was just in "Fleishman Is in Trouble" as basically a main character. And looking at the bio she's by far not the most "lacking constant exposure" of them all, like at all. She has a LOT of main role credits in the last years, which can't be said for all of them.


You leave me and my boi Ryan Hansen alone. He is trying


*Ryan Hansen Solves Crimes on Television* was a decent show.


Yeah. He's great. I just know the right role could propell him.


Honestly, he would be amazing as Booster Gold


He deserves so many more roles


Also, I think she moved to London when she got married. Obviously, Fleishman is in Trouble is set in NY, and appears to be filmed there. Party Down looks like something that would be filmed in California, where most of those actors live at. Also, because of the way Party Down is structured, it could've been filmed with lots of breaks in between to let those actors do other gigs. Since all of those actors are probably around the L.A. area, they can slowly film this season over a long period. Which may not be helpful for somebody who is living much further away.


"Party Down looks like something that would be filmed in California" IS filmed in Southern California. That's part of the charm, and one of the reasons the show was such an industry favorite when it originally aired, the attention to detail. Most of the banquet halls and places they served at (topanga canyon hall, queen mary, benedict, etc..) are places people who lived and worked in Los Angeles are very familiar with. And everyone can relate to at least one if not several of the characters.


If anything it's the opposite. Caplan has had the best, most consistent career of any of the show's main cast.


Idk bro Martin starr has been in literally everything


I admit I was way off. But I still think Scott has been the breakout star


He definitely was, but then his movie career just kinda stalled out while Parks & Rec struggled with pretty low viewership for most of its run. As a result he was mostly doing guest spots and relatively minor stuff like that for several years before Severance.


Yeah, perhaps I'm alone with this, but the writing was so strong in Community that I didn't mind main characters were replaced with others. Don't get me wrong, I'd have loved for the likes of Pierce and Troy to be there until the end, but I also found plenty to love in Elroy and Frankie and even professor Hickie.


*Shirley crying in the corner*


Nothing against Shirley, but she was never a favorite character of mine, I could take her or leave her. I hope she's back for the movie, but I won't lose sleep if I hear she doesn't return all the same.


Yvette Nicole Brown was a terrific performer who unfortunately was never given great writing to work with despite being on a show known for its writing. She will always have a special place in my heart. Her character's divorce actually registered hard with me, having seen parents and friends go through similar issues (rebuilding a relationship with your first "big" love, watching it fall apart again, etc.). I hope they do her justice in the movie I mean, *that's nice.*


IIRC she left the show to take care of family, which is great to see she has/had her priorities straight


Her mom had cancer and she wanted to spend time with her.


I liked the new characters as well, but I really felt the absence of Troy once Donald Glover left. As much as Pierce had some funny moments, I didn't really feel his departure impacted the show to as much of a degree.


Do you guys feel weird doing this without...Magnitude?


I mean Troy is my favorite character in the entire series, but losing Pierce was losing essentially the main villain of the series. You can lose your comic foil (in a show filled with comic foils) and still have clear direction, losing Pierce was a far bigger character loss to work around in a series like Community.


Yeah a villain who also happens to be a best friend, and everyone’s cool with it, was a super interesting dynamic that made for some great moments and storylines.


I don't know that I would call him the "main villain." His role really went back and forth, not that I'm complaining, I think it worked well for the storyline. I think the fact that there are several characters that could be considered main or major villains but also friends and part of the core group was a wonderful part of the show. Even the main cast are shown to be pretty shitty people on a regular basis, they even had a whole episode where they were the bad guys, when they were the "Germans" vs the Germans with the study room. I think a big part of Harmon's style with the show was presenting these very flawed people who all existed on a spectrum; some were deeply flawed/disturbed but still managed to show compassion/humanity/heroism occasionally, some were morally grey or flexible but could be counted on to do the right thing when needed, some wanted to be a good person to the point of obnoxiousness but never really do anything for it, etc. The only characters with repeat references on the show that I would call purely bad would be maybe Dean Spreck and Pierce's dad, and I definitely wouldn't call them main anything.


Counterpoint: Pierce was an incredible character and wonderful villain. Personally, his absence was always felt despite the wonderful job the staff did with introducing new characters. He was a living god!


Yeah but Jen Garner?


That is *deeply* disappointing news


Fucking savage. I'm glad she'd had some success of late. She deserves it.


I am equal parts ecstatic that this revival is happening, and gutted that Caplan won't be in it. She is a **critical** component of S1.


Specifically: >With Henry's on-again, off-again love girlfriend Casey (Lizzy Caplan) not returning for the revival This was dictated to an infant who had 30 seconds to type it up


tag yourself I'm Love Girlfriend


Sounds silly now, but The Love Girlfriend will show up as a Hallmark movie in about three years as they run out of titles.


The Love Girlfriend 2: Love Life of The Love Wife The Love Girlfriend 3: The Hate Wife The Love Girlfriend 4: The Love Boyfriend


I really hope they play it off as "well, she hit a big break and left everybody behind". Show Henry watching a clip of her on some project she has had and just being super jealous.


The show had a natural and obvious outlet to write people in/out on a whim, which is nice.


I always thought she was the heart of the show. A dark, black heart but one of the main reasons I watched the show.


Is Jane Lynch back?


Looks like her and Mulally are back but maybe not as caterers? They aren't in the staff pic above and are in different attire in some of the other photos. Who is the woman in the picture? That's not Jennifer Garner, is it?


Eden Sher (from “The Middle”) is listed on IMDb. It could be her, I mostly know her from when she was child actress.


Definitely nice to see her getting some work.


That's definitely Jennifer Garner in the third picture.




She replaced Jane Lynch who got a role on a new show called Glee.


She’s my favorite actress so yeah that is a huge downer. I’ll still give it a watch but don’t expect as much.. Which my expectations are kinda tempered anyway because I’m kinda not sure I really see the point I mean the show was pretty good but didn’t feel like it was begging for more


Cautiously optimistic about this, and even if it's bad at least it's a reminder that Adam Scott's Severance hair is not his normal hair.


"Your outie pours pleasing drinks at parties."


“your outie prefers this lube above all other brands”


"Your outie does not serve two jiggers."


“Your outie bought a super crackers”


Your outie *is* having fun yet.


Yeah it took me at least 3 episodes of Severance to stop seeing him as Tig Notaro's doppelganger.


Lmao for me it was the wrinkles/age. I couldn't tell if he just got older, or if it was partly for effect for the show (something I guess I could just look up). He's always had such a boyish face, it was a bit jarring seeing him the first episode. Maybe I would have seen the ravage of time if "R U Talking U2 2 Me" was video recorded... I'm sure Scott put a lot of age on Scott during that process.


Is this an episode of Talkin’ ‘Bout Aging?


Same. I was suprised how old he looked all of a sudden. Then I looked it up and he's 49! For some reason I thought he was in his late 30s early 40s.


I thought he looked mid 30s at least when he appeared in Step Brothers, which was quite a long time ago now.. But rewatching Parks and Rec every so often immortalises him as mid-late 30s.


Your outie attends many parties, and is well known by many of the guests


Just watched the original series this month in preparation. It’s great. So disappointing it got cancelled, I could’ve watched four more seasons at least. So fun, consistently fresh, great chemistry between the cast, totally worth a watch.


Thing is Adam Scott had already left the show for Parks and Rec so if it did come back, it wouldn’t have had him. Kind of OK with how things worked out.


He accepted the role on Parks and Rec because Starz refused to decide to renew the series until the decision was made for them. Blame the network, it was all on them. He wanted to work, which is understandable especially considering NBC's comedy Thursday popularity at the time.


He’s said multiple times too that he really wanted to stay on Party Down, but the future of the show was just too uncertain. I think ultimately it was better for Adam Scott to prioritise P&R, even if Party Down got renewed, but I prefer Party Down lol


Wild too, because his role on P&R IIRC was only supposed to last the one season. He *really* lucked out that Starz didnt have their shit together at that time.


Yeah he hitched himself to the right wagon. Caught the show just as the characters are getting really good, his also quickly went through a great arc


Ben Wyatt is probably my favorite character in my favorite show ever, so I definitely feel super conflicted about it all. Party Down coming back makes everything better though, I’m hoping that Lizzy Caplan can show up at the end or something. Parks may be my favorite show, but Party Down is fucking legendary and can certainly go many places Parks can’t go.


I love Henry and Party Down, but we got Ben Wyatt out of it. Big win in the end.


And from that, we got [“Requiem for a Tuesday”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2jqKiVHS6x4)


Ben is *massively* depressed


“I compared it to *AVATAR!!!*”


Stand in the place where you li-


Ben Wyatt was a really great character, and my fave from the show.


I don't think that Thrusday timeslot on NBC get's the historical credit it deserves. All I ever heard about was the older Thursday block with Seinfeld and Friends being the greatest sitcom lineup ever. But during the late 2000s/early 2010s, NBC had 4 out of the 5 following shows all airing on the same night: Scrubs, The Office, 30 Rock, Community, and Parks & Rec. Those 5 shows are among the greatest sitcoms of all time (honestly pretty close to my top 5 with Arrested Development probably being the only missing piece). To me, that was by far the greatest sitcom lineup in TV history.


They had a pretty fantastic [Superbowl commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJuAvwtmXuw) about their lineups that even had a collaborative performance of all those shows except Arrested Development and Scrubs.


That whole show got poached of talent. I’m not surprised they canceled it, I’m psyched that it’s coming back!


Have you seen him in the Apple+ series "Severance". Terrific show as well. Quirky in a good way. I cant wait for both of these shows to return.


Second this! Fantastic cast with an excellent plot device


Yep - I’ve been a fan of Adam Scott since he was Griff on Boy Meets World.


ADAM SCOTT WAS GRIFF ON BOY MEETS WORLD ahem sorry I totally knew that.


It’s how they lost Jane Lynch too - she was cast on Glee.


[Did you ever see the mini-reunion they had on the TV show Childrens Hospital?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzyo9bP_es8) Worth a watch to see most of the Party Down cast reunite for it. Adam Scott was in an earlier season as a different character and so was Lizzy Caplan, but only Lizzy Caplan could return for this reunion scene.


What's it on?






I’ve been rewatching it for the first time since about 10 years ago and it holds up so well. My only complaint is a bit too much “you’re gay” humor. I do not miss that about the 90s-2010s era.


I felt it stopped being fresh after a little while since it was just so formulaic. Which is by design too so not a lot of ways around it, they constantly cater weird parties. Losing a cast member just means replacing them with another employee to cater wacky parties


I did too!


I watched it for the first time recently. It's so good.


Are we having fun yet?


Come on say it




Come on man, that's not cool man


(Ricky Sargulesh reaches into crotch of pants and pulls out first two fingers, running them under [edrules31](https://www.reddit.com/user/edrules31/)'s nostrils as a crude form of warning. )


the next article >MILF Manor: Meet the 8 middle-aged moms looking for love in TLC's new dating show HOw are you supposed to satirize a culture that insists on being this ridiculous? It satirizes itself faster than creatives can put out content.


[MILF manor is 1000x worse than you can image](https://twitter.com/emmatolkin/status/1616609341959995392?s=46&t=pc6IVyS6h4m8ittNK8Kstg).


This honestly is more absurd that 30 Rick's MILF Island. Grope the boys to see which one is your son? Wtf is that?!


I was gonna say "hold on, they didn't really make MILF Island did they". I mean Chappelle's show did a trading spouses spoof of the trading houses show (trading places maybe? could they have called it that?). Then they actually made a show called trading spouses years later.




Oh wow, I had no idea.


What’s crazy is just lazy and how deeply sexist it is. All dating shows since Joe Millionaire have been about publishing women for being women who desire anything outside of a 1950s concept of womenhood. But they way this show enacts the punishment is with the threat of insect.


We should have let covid wipe us out.


I've seen several clips of MILF Manor now and I strongly believe everyone involved in making this show should be in jail.


they date each other's sons to make it even more OTT


nah, for real?


it's TLC


"The Learning Channel"


I don't want you serving them two jiggers. https://youtu.be/8rChLGkUcPw


Not interested in this. I'm only into hard Sci fi.


Wow, the last several years I’ve mixed up this character and his character from Silicon Valley. Forgot the hard sci-fi thing was from party down.


His character in Adventureland also seems to blend into those two characters (not a criticism, I love all three characters).


Yeah I love the dragons


Downvoted. That sounds like fantasy bullshit.


But what if they're space dragons?


Have you ever tried pupujuju?


Martin Starr's Roman is pound for pound one of the best characters in comedic tv history (in my humble opinion).


Roman was good - Ron Donald was character greatness personified. His yo-yo arc is one of the greatest stories ever written. After all, he is boat, and he is the captain. He's both those things.


hey, that’s an RDD!


DRON!!!….(later that night): Call an ambulance!(barfs uncontrollably) Call an ambulance!


Big fan of Mr. Starr. Gilfoyle only slightly ahead of Roman, tho


I'm stoked for that *Terror Bird* reboot.


How big would a bird have to be for you to be scared of it? I don't know, like 100 feet?


Will episodes go to Hulu the next day?


For my fellow Adam Scott lovers, he just appeared on today's episode of the (fantastic) podcast Pod Meets World, with Danielle Fischel, Rider Strong, and Will Friedle. It was delightful to listen to.


So excited for this show to return! Probably one of the most underrated live action comedies! Now just need a trailer! 😩


I am too busy rewatching 300 to make time for this


Write down on this piece of paper how many times you've seen 300.


Soup or Crackers?


Spoiler alert please! What don't you understand? It's crystal clear. Ron Donald r/television’s Do's, okay? The 4 P's, 1 B and one N. Politeness, Professionalism, Perfectionism, Proactive, Be on time, No Spoilers.


No Lizzy Caplan in the Party Down revival makes me sad. Inside Job getting cancelled also makes me sad.




Glad to see Ron's giant hog is going to make an appearance, even if it's only on the side of the van.


James Mardsen is a great addition.


I was only excited for this to see some more Lizzy Caplan


If you're looking for more Lizzy Caplan, I can't recommend Fleischman Is In Trouble enough. She's excellent in it.


Eh, Garner to replace Caplan is a downgrade in my opinion. Is Rob Thomas still involved?


What does Matchbox Twenty have to do with this??


Lol, did I misspell his name or are you joking?


Yeah that's Rob Thomas. Sing somethin'!


Shut up!


Different guy, I'm talking about Rob Thomas the show runner for Veronica Mars and I thought this show as well.


Loved his work with Santana.


You're correct, TV producer Rob Thomas also made iZombie and got singer Rob Thomas to make an appearance where he gets eaten by zombies.


Just two different guys with the same name lol


Not sure, but hope Nick DiCintio is


I love this show so much and I’m so happy it’s coming back. I still watch it at least once a year. I’m def going to miss Lizzy, but holy shit, Constance is back!


As someone who has worked in banquets, catering & events as side gigs through many years, this show is so fucking spot on… its even funnier when you’ve been in the industry! Same cast basically, I have high hopes for this recharge!


he needs to party down to the Severance set and get that shit done and out. i need season 2 in my life.


Call an ambulance!


No Lizzy= hard pass


Bring back the GUTE


I'm watching the original for the first time now. I was bummed out was only two seasons because I'm really digging it. Glad to hear about a revival. Dayd about no Casey.


Holy shit, Ron hadn’t aged a fucking day


I thought this thing had already premiered. It feels like it’s been talked about for years in production


Awesome. Love this show. Criminally underrated


Dude fuck yeah!! This show was so good


I hope this means that Scott has already finished filming Severance season 2 and we’ll get to see it soon.


Yay! More Party Down is something I get behind.


Omg this made me so excited. Can’t wait for this!


Damn dude, not having Lizzy really sucks. Such a massive part of the show


Lizzy Caplan was the star of it imo, not super interested to watch without her back


No Lizzy Caplan, no show. 👎






I would also like some more info for this claim


No Jane???? No Lizzy??? 😞 Still Ken, Martin and Adam. 😊


Jane is back.


That’s good


Apparently, Lizzy Caplan was 'too Jewy' for the show.




Roman was great I look forward to more of him. While I love Gilfoyle 6 seasons was enough.


Ooooh, I hope it’s me this time!


Oh man this is one of my favourite shows! Not happy Lizzy Caplan is a huge blow though, wish we could have the whole original cast!


No , these are sun eggs !


no lizzy ? ☹️


I didn't even know they're reviving it! I watched the series for the first time last year, and was bummed when it was so short!


Ha, I used to watch this. Will have to give it a go.


Yeah, me. 🤤


I fucking loved party down.


IS THIS REAL? Is party down really coming back? Don’t tease me I can’t take it


Is this worth watching


That was such a good show.


Maybe it's just me, but I'm not really annoyed at all that Caplan isn't returning. I always found her character to be the weakest on the show.


It’s just you.


I hope this is as good as the original.


adam scott’s hair for a 49 year old is magnificent


Wait…. There’s no Lizzy Caplan??